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凯莉日记中英剧本第一季凯莉日记中英剧本第一季 It's always the same dream.我总做同一个梦 I'm in the city...我在纽约城 And I belong.我属于这里 Manhattan is mine.曼哈顿是我的 Hey, watch it!看路 But then I always wake up the same old Carrie Bradshaw...可醒来终归还是原来的凯莉?布莱肖 In Castlebury, Connecticut.,在康乃狄克州 凯瑟布莱 They say the ...
凯莉日记中英剧本第一季 It's always the same dream.我总做同一个梦 I'm in the city...我在纽约城 And I belong.我属于这里 Manhattan is mine.曼哈顿是我的 Hey, watch it!看路 But then I always wake up the same old Carrie Bradshaw...可醒来终归还是原来的凯莉?布莱肖 In Castlebury, Connecticut.,在康乃狄克州 凯瑟布莱 They say the key to being a writer,人们说成为作家的关键 给自己定调 is figuring out who you are, finding your voice.,是认清自己 Well, that seemed to be the only thing那个调调似乎是我那天唯一 I had found that day.找到的东西 Where is it? Please, please.,跑哪里去了 快出来 拜托 Dorrit!多莉特 Where's the purse?手提包在哪里 - What purse? - Give me a break, Dorrit.什么手提包 -别装蒜了 多莉特 You know exactly which purse I'm talking about. Mom's purse.你知道我说的是哪个手提包 妈妈的手提包 You can't go through my stuff. Don't.-,你不能翻我的东西 别动 You have pot?你藏了大麻 Your friends smoke pot.你朋友们都抽大麻 - You're 14. - So?你才14岁 -所以呢 So if dad finds out, he's going to kill you.所以要是老爸发现 非杀了你不可 So you better not tell him. 那你最好别告诉他 也是你活该 Well, it'd serve you right if I did.我就算告诉他 You're such a tattletale.,你真爱搬弄是非 I'm sorry I have a life, and you don't.很抱歉 我生活丰富多彩 而你不是 Oh, is that why you're always spying on me 而你不是所以你才总监视我 listening to my phone conversations?e,偷听我的电话吗 - Do not! - Do too!,-我才没有 -你就有 The year? 1984.,那年 1984年 Romance novels were all the rage.爱情小说风靡一时 We had an actor for president,我们的总统曾是名演员 32 and most people could say they were better off now多数人可以说现在 than they were four years ago...,比四年前更幸福 Except us.除了我们 Four years ago, we had our mom,四年前 我们的母亲还在人世 and three months ago, we lost her to cancer.,三个月前 她因癌症去世 Things were definitely not better.,显然我们没有更幸福 Give me back my purse, Dorrit!多利特~把钱包还给我 God, what the hell is going on in here?!天呐 到底发生了什么事 - She bit me! -She's going through my stuff!-她咬我 -她乱翻我的东西 We do not have time for this.没时间争这些了 You both have to be in school in half an hour, all right?你们俩都得在半小时内到校 好吗 Carrie, go on and get dressed.凯莉 快去穿衣服 - I know you took it. - Go.-我知道是你拿的 -快去 You can't be late on your first day. And, dorrit...上学第一天不能迟到 还有你 多莉特 That is... way too much eye makeup. ,你的眼妆太浓了 Carrie...,凯莉 You're the older one. You can't take the bait.你是姐姐 让着点 I have teeth marks on my arm.我的手臂上还有她的牙印 I know that Dorrit can be difficult.我知道多莉特不太随和 But... your mom would want you two to get along.可你妈会希望你们和睦相处 5 Yeah. Yeah, I know.,好 好 我知道 All right? So whatever you two were fighting about,好吗 那不管你们吵什么 it's not worth it.都没必要 She stole mom's purse.她偷了妈妈的手提包 You don't know that.你没法确定 I can't go to school without the purse, dad.我不能不带那个手提包上学 爸 - You're going to school. - I don't have anything to wear.你得去上学 -我没衣服穿 Come on.不是吧 - You've got a whole floor full of clothing. - No.-满地都是你的衣服 -不 Mom used to take me shopping for an outfit.妈妈以前常带我去买衣服 It was--was a thing we did, you know?这是我们的传统 你知道吗 Back-to-school clothes?,开学服装 Okay.好吧 Did you want me to take you?你想让我带你去买吗 那该... No. No, that was, um...不 不是 supposed to be mom.是我妈才对 I see.我懂了 I just... I need the purse.我只是需要那个手提包 I-I need a piece of her.我需要她的遗物 I have an idea.我有办法了 My mother left us on Memorial Day,,我妈是在阵亡将军纪念日过世的[5月30号] and that's what this closet felt like--那也是这个衣帽间给人的感觉 a memorial,一种纪念 a still life of our life without her没有她却依然过着的日子 as if leaving it untouched might somehow bring her back.,仿佛不去触碰 就可 能让她归来 We had been forbidden to enter...爸爸一直不准我们进去 until now.直到现在 Uh, not that dress.冰蓝 She wore it on her last birthday.这是她最后一次生日穿的 You could spill something on it or rip it, you know?别选那条裙子 Really?真给我吗 Yeah. Just... try not to let 'em get broken你可能会把汤泼上去 或者撕破它 in your backpack.,,对 只是...放在背包里的时候 I'll be super careful, I promise.,我会特别小心 我保证 The first day of school was something开学第一天 I usually found exciting,我总是激动万分 变化太多了 But so much had changed for me.可对我来说 Hi! How was your summer?尽量别弄坏了 As I watched everyone passing around the news of the day,暑假过得怎么样 like mono after a homecoming dance,比如返校舞蹈上落单的人 I realized that I was the virus no one wanted to get near--,我意识到我才是大家避之不及的病毒 The freak who had lost her mom...,失去了妈妈的怪人 105 Except for Donna LaDonna and her minions,the Jens.除了多娜?拉当娜和她的小跟班们 简家姐妹 Donna was just twisted enough 多娜心灵扭曲到 to think a connection to tragedy会认为一个悲情人物 would make her that much more compelling,,会让她颇有兴致 and she wouldn't be wrong.她不会错的 还好吧 Carrie, you poor girl. Are you doing okay?,凯莉 你真可怜 Yeah, I'm fine.对 我还好 Okay, well, if you need anything-- 好吧 如果你需要什么 I mean, a shoulder to cry on, fashion tips,借肩膀哭 时尚建议 maybe even a wand of mascara, 甚至是一支睫毛膏 I'm here for you.,随时来找我 I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.我会记住的 谢了 You're such a good person.你真是个好人 Thanks.谢了 And then there were my people--我的伙伴们在那里 My best friends who loved me no matter what.无论发生什么事都爱我的闺蜜们 Bradshaw.,布莱肖 Mouse.慕斯 - I heart you, you know? - I know.-我挺你 知道吗 -知道 I need it.我很需要 - Boob to boob, baby. - Hi, Maggie.-来个"胸"抱 -你好 麦琪 Walt, nice sweater. Is that the one from...沃尔特 毛衣真漂亮 这就是 The one Rob Lowe was wearing in "Interview"?罗伯?劳 美国影星 其美国青年形象深入人罗伯?劳上《访谈》节目穿的那件 心 - Nice. - How you holding up?-帅啊 -你感觉如何 感觉 I'd be a lot better if I didn't feel like everyone要是大家不盯着我看 was staring at me.,会更好 Please. No one is even looking at you.得了吧 根本没人看你 Believe it or not,I think Mags信不信由你 我觉得小麦这么说 actually meant that as a compliment.其实是在夸你 There is way bigger news today.今天有更重大的消息 - I have to agree. New kid. - New guy.-确实如此 新生 -还是男生 A junior like us.,和我们一样是高三的 Does new kid have a name?,他叫什么名字 Even his name is cool.,他的名字都很酷 Sebastian Kydd.塞巴斯蒂安?基德 There he was--the new kid,这就是新来的男生 Sebastian Kydd.,塞巴斯蒂安?基德 He's been kicked out of three boardoag schools--他连续被三所寄宿学校赶出来 Deerfield, Exeter, and I forget where else.迪尔菲尔德 埃克塞特 还有一个我忘了 His parents finally had to give up无奈之下 他父母最终只能 and bring him home.接他回家 , They're totally rich. He drives a Porsche.他家巨有钱 他开的是保时捷 Mags, you do realize I'm standing right here,.你得跟我们好好坦白 and I'm your boyfriend?D小麦 你男朋友我还就站在你身边 别对别人犯花痴 Hey, Bradshaw.,你好 布莱肖 Hey.你好 Heard about your mom. 听说你妈妈去世了 Real bummer.真令人心痛 Thanks.,谢谢 I'll see you around.回头见 I can't get kicked out of another school我可不想这么快 this early in the year.又被学校退学 So you have some explaining to do. 你们俩又吵架了 Why did you hide this from us? We need to know everything.你为什么瞒着我们 快从实招来 I'm not hiding anything, I swear.我发誓什么都没隐瞒 Last summer, he hung out at the swim club.去年暑假 他参加了游泳俱乐部 Why don't I swim?我怎么不去游泳 Because your hair would get wet and your makeup would run.,因为你怕打湿头发 弄花妆容 Where's Walt?沃尔特去哪儿了 I told him I wanted it to be just us girls.我让他别打扰咱们说悄悄话, Were you two fighting again?你们俩又吵架了 Come on. You guys are never gonna break upr.行了 你们俩永远不会分手的 You're foreve注定相偕一生 That's right, and the Mouse and I没错 而慕斯和我也注定 would be a couple forever, too.会相伴甜蜜一生 Why do you have that look on your face?你那是什么表情 Mouse, did you meet someone?慕斯 你遇到心仪的人了吗 Are you breaking up with me?,你要抛弃我吗 At the page program in D.C.是在华盛顿网页程序课上认识的 I've been dying to tell you guys.我超想告诉你们还等什么 So start talking.快说 Seth. Seth Glassman.赛斯 赛斯?格拉斯曼 在普林斯顿上学 He's from Washington, started Princeton.他来自华盛顿 He's a freshman.,是大一新生 I should date an older guy.,我该和成熟男约会 He's amazing. So smart. I mean, we'd stay up in the dorm rooms他棒极了 聪明绝顶 我们在宿舍里熬夜 and we'd just talk about everything.天南海北 无所不聊 And I'd wake up in his arms and just think...早上在他的臂弯中醒来 想着... That you got laid.你们滚床单了 Just because all you think about is losing your virginity,你总是想着献身于人 doesn't mean the Mouse does. 不代表慕斯也会这样, Wait. You lost your virginity to Seth?等等 你把第一次献给赛斯了 It was like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.就像是把热狗挤进锁眼的感觉 It hurt so bad.疼死老娘了 什么时And I just kept thinking, like, when is this going to end?我就一直在想 候能完事啊 And luckily it did, because it was over in two seconds.幸亏结束得很快 因为两秒钟就结束了 It wasn't like that for me at all.,这和我的经历截然不同 Wait. You and Walt had sex?,等等 你和沃尔特也做了 I wasn't supposed to say anything.我不该说这件事的 Walt won't be mad.沃尔特不会生气的 No, he will.不 他会 Just... swear you won't say anything.跟我发誓 你不会泄密 I won't. I swear.,我不会泄密 我发誓 So... I'm the last virgin?看来 就剩我一个处女了 It's no big deal, Carrie. I mean, sex isn't everything..没什么大不了 凯莉 性爱不是一切 So... you don't feel like it changed you?你不觉得性爱改变了你吗 It's weird.,很奇怪 Like, I feel more confident,,我觉得更自信了 like I know stuff,仿佛自己懂得多了 but scared 'cause there's something to lose但同时也因患得患失而感到害怕 Are you in love with him?你爱他吗 We should go on a double date. Is he coming up to visit?我们两对应该一起约会 他回来看你吗 - Yeah, I mean... - While I had spent my summer grieving-会啊 -暑假期间 我沉浸在悲伤之中 and letting go of my childhood, 以及与童年告别 my friends were falling in love and entering adulthood.而我的朋友们却相继坠入爱河 步入成人世界 We should go on a triple date.我们应该三对一起约会 You should ask Sebastian out.把塞巴斯蒂安约出来吧 Ask him to the new beginnings dance.,邀请他参加新生舞会 Maybe he'll hot dog your keyhole.说不定他也会插你的"锁眼 Delightful.--太好玩了 That's just how I'll ask him.,我就这么跟他说吧 If you do, then he'll definitely say "Yes."如果你真这么说 他肯定会答应的 Virgin-- a sexually inexperienced woman,,处女 毫无性的女性 a blank slate unchanged,,宛如一张未经描绘的白纸 by any past intimate connection or experience.,,没有被过去的亲密联系或者经历沾染 The uninitiated.,懵懂无知 这是对我的最佳注解 Yep, that pretty much described me.没错 You stole my hiding place.你占用了我的秘密花园 You hang out here a lot?你经常来这里吗 Yeah. Yeah, it's a pretty good escape.,是啊 这是个躲清净的好地方 You had a lot to get away from.,你有很多事要逃避 If only I could escape my brain.要是能清空思想就好了 Do you ever-- do you ever just sit there,你是否有过过这种经历 and--and the words and thoughts are, like,,坐在这里 思绪万千 那些话语和想法 happening so fast in your mind that you just在脑中急速闪过 以至于 you can't even understand them?你自己都无法理解那是什么 Not really.,没有 I wish I hadn't just said that, then.真希望我没有说刚才那番话 I think it's cool you have so much going on in your head.你脑子里有千头万绪 我觉得挺酷的 You've been through stuff.你经历过不幸 Not many people here can say that.这里能说这话的人不多 Can you?你能吗 Who, me?我吗 Poor little rich kid whose mom left with the tennis instructor?就是个可怜的有钱小孩 妈妈跟网球教练跑了 这下可要罚你了 I'm still a cliche.",我这种人太多了 Your mom left? I'm sorry. I didn't know--,你妈妈离开你了 抱歉 我不知道... Oh, don't worry.,别担心 Our maid Luisa still gets dinner on the table.我家女佣路易莎还是每天把晚餐做好 Nothing's really changed.,一切都没什么变化 Nobody's better off without a mom.没妈妈的日子对谁来说都不好过 I'm sorry, Carrie.,对不起 凯莉 It was hard to believe it was only last year我们一起度过了夏天 we had spent the summer hanging out.,竟然只是去年的事 难以臵信 I can't believe you don't know Atari "Adventure我不敢相信 你不知道雅达利公司的"冒险"游戏 " No way. "Space invaders." That's my game.,没戏 "太空入侵者"才是我的菜 I mean, come on. You get to kill aliens.拜托 你可以去杀外星人 Oh, you're crazy. No, "Adventure" is so cool.你简直疯了 "冒险"特别酷 You have to get this magic chalice,你得把魔法圣杯 然后会有好多龙 that are trying to kill you.,送去金色的城堡 So you're the princess who slays their own dragons?想要干掉你t?所以你是屠杀龙的公主 Well, somebody has to. Might as well be me, righ总得有人杀啊 那就我来吧 I'd slay a dragon for you.我愿为你杀龙 Suddenly everything was different.突然一切都不一样了 所以我做了 I knew he was gonna kiss me, so I did我知道他要吻我 what any scared 15-year-old girl would do.任何一个害怕的15岁女孩会做的事 Aah! Oh, now you're in for it.这下可要罚你了 No! Stop. Stop.不 住手住手 It was a moment I wanted to last forever.我希望这一瞬间能永恒 My first kiss.我的初吻 My, uh, parents are putting in a pool at our house.,我父母要在家建一个泳池 It's almost done.差不多完工了 Oh. Cool.真好 Once he had his own pool,一旦他有了自己的泳池 I knew I would never see him again.我知道我就再也见不到他了 And I was right...,我的预感是对的 until today.直到今天 Do you still swim?你还游泳吗游啊 Yeah. Yeah, I really love it. 我很爱游泳 I never swim.我从不游泳 Really? That's kind of a waste真的吗 那你家后院就有泳池 since you have a pool in your backyard.,,还挺浪费的 - Hey, would you, um- - I should...-你愿不愿... -我应该... - You. - Me?,-你先说 -我说 Yeah.,对 Me. Okay. Um...好吧 我说 Would you, uh...,你愿不愿意... Would--would you...愿不愿意... Check it out.瞧那边 Would you wanna go to...你愿不愿意去.. Would you want... Why was my father here?我父亲怎么在这儿 The last time I had seen him in these halls,上次我在这条走廊中见到他时 I lost the most important person in my life.失去了我人生中最重要的人 You need to come home.,你得回趟家 Your mom's unconscious.,,你妈妈不省人事了 It won't be too much longer.她撑不了多久了 Carrie? Are you okay?,凯莉 你还好吗 Carrie?,,凯莉 Carrie? 凯莉 Give her some air.让她透点气 Is she all right? Kiddo?她还好吗 孩子 Kiddo, can you hear me? Carrie?!,孩子 听见我说话了吗 凯莉 Thanks for keeping an eye on her.谢谢你替我看着她 Of course, Mr. Bradshaw.没事 布莱肖先生 I better head back in.我带你回家, - Oh. I'll call you later. - Okay.Bye..我最好回去了-我之后再打给你 -好的 拜 我朋友在曼哈顿的律所 ,曼哈顿 ,不是吧 不是吧 ,要我做什么呢 需要我打字吗 因为我不太擅长打字 I'm taking you home.我最好回去了 Dad, I'm fine.爸 我没事 - You fainted. - I just got scared when I saw you.-你都昏倒了 -我只是看到你很害怕 You know, the last time you were here...上次你来这儿的时候 Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. I should've--,你想不想...对了 抱歉 我本该... , I should've told you I was coming in to meet我本该告诉你 with your guidance counselor.我是来见你的辅导老师的 Yeah, you should have, and I don't need some shrink你是该先告诉我 还有我不需要找心理治疗师 talking about how screwed up I am.来告诉我我的状况有多糟 That's not what we were talking about. ,我们聊的不是这个 - Then what? - You've been through a lot, 那聊什么了-你最近经历了太多 and we thought maybe it might be a good idea,-我们想让你换个步调 换个环境 if you had a change of pace, a change of scenery.也许是个好主意 , You're shipping me off to a loony bin.你要把我送到疯人院去 Some would call it that... or call me crazy,是有人会这么叫它 for agreeing to this, 或者说我同意这样,是有点疯狂 but what about an internship?但是去做实习生如何 One day a week, for school credit, of course.每周一天 当然是有学分的 Like, work in an office?就像在办公室里上班吗 Where?在哪 My friend's law firm in Manhattan.我朋友在曼哈顿的律所 Manhattan?,,曼哈顿 No way! Aah! No way!不是吧 不是吧 What would I be doing? Do--do I need to type?,要我做什么呢 需要我打字吗 Because I'm not very good at that因为我不太擅长打字 . I just--I can't believe it. I-I can't believe it.,,难以臵信 真不敢相信 Okay, I guess--I guess you really are feeling okay.我想你现在确实感觉好多了很酷 - Now, look, I know this all sounds really cool, right? - Yeah.-我知道这听起来对吗 -是啊 But it's also a lot of responsibility.但也要承担很多责任 New york is an intense place,纽约的氛围很紧张 and you're gonna have to prove to me that you can handle it.你要向我证明 你 应付得来 I will. I promise. I'll be a total professional.,我会的 我保证 我会成为专业人士 Will I need a briefcase?我需要公文包吗 Dorrit.,多莉特 I start my job tomorrow. Can I have the purse back?我明天开始上班 我能要回手提包吗 - I know you have it. - You mean your lame internship?-我知道你拿了 -你是说逊毙了的实习生工作吗 Like I care.关我屁事 Please, can I have mom's purse back?拜托 我能要回妈妈的手提包吗 Maybe you lost it.也许你自己弄丢了 You won't mind if I look around.那你不会介意我四处找找吧 Get away from my stuff.离我的东西远点 You're such a klepto.你简直是个偷窃狂 It's covered in nail polish.,沾上指甲油了 Oh--oh, my god.,天啊 It's ruined.,没法用了 Why did you do that?你为什么要这么做 肯定是瓶子坏了 I didn't mean to. The bottle must have broke.,我不是故意的 You wanted to destroy it.是你想毁了它 No.不是 I wanted something of mom, and you got everything.我只是想要个妈妈的东西 什么都是你的 - No, I didn't. - You got the purse.,-我没有 -你有这个包 Your 16th birthday. The start of high school.,,,十六岁生日 入学都有妈妈陪伴 I got nothing.,而我一无所有 I never thought of myself as the lucky one,,,我从没觉得自己幸运 but I had precious extra years with our mom,但我确实与妈妈共处了更多时光 that Dora would never have. ,而朵拉无法拥有 You're okay, Dorrit.0,,你没事的 多莉特 You're okay.你没事的 Mom loved you妈妈爱你 So much.,,很爱很爱 I don't need your pity.我不需要你同情我 - I'm just trying to-- - You think because you always acted我只是想 -你以为你总是 like such a goody-goody around mom-在妈妈身边当个乖乖女 that you can boss me around? 就能对我发号施令了吗 Well, screw you.去你的吧 You're pissed at me? I should be angry at you.,你竟然还生我的气 该生气的是我吧 You ruined mom's purse.,你毁了妈妈的包 You know what? I'm glad I did.,知道吗 我真高兴我那么做了 Now you can't have it, either.,现在你也不能拥有它了 I realized I had a choice. I could blame Dorrit, or I could let go of my anger我可以责怪多莉特 或者消除自己的怒火 and still find a way to hold on to my mother,我发现自己可以做一个选择 and to the purse.找到一个继续让妈妈陪伴我 Carrie, we leave for the city in five minutes!,凯莉 我们五分钟后出发 You ready?准备好了吗 You bet I was.当然准备好了 Manhattan was a lot like my purse--,曼哈顿和我的包很像 今非昔比 Damaged, and it had seen better days.,伤痕累累 But I wouldn't have traded that purse for this moment for anything.但现在的包我千金不换 Is this it?到了吗 Yep.是的 It's huge.好高的楼啊 - I can pick you up after work. - No.-我可以接你下班 -不要 I'll take the 6:00 train like we talked about.我们谈过的 我到时候搭六点的火车 You said the woman I'm working for can take me there,你说过我的女老板会搭我去车站 so I'm fine.,,我没问题的 All right, but if you change your mind,,好吧 但你如果改了主意 - I can be here in an hour. - And don't forget.我可以在一小时内过来 -别忘了 I'm going straight from the train to the dance我下了火车会直奔舞会 - and home by curfew. - Good.宵禁前回家 -好 How do I look我看起来如何 Like a young woman.意气风发的年轻女士 How did that happen?怎么突然就长大了 You sure you don't want me to walk you in?你确定不要我送你进去吗 , 你刚还说我是年轻女士呢 Dad, young woman, remember? .爸爸 I got this.,我自己能行 It's okay. You can go.,没事的 你走吧 ,I love you, kiddo.爱你 孩子 Dad.爸 Okay.,好吧 I had arrived,我来到了 to the place where so many before me had come,这个无数前辈曾经前来 to live out their dreams.,追寻梦想的地方 I wasn't sure where the city would take me,,我不确定这个城市会带我走向何方 but I couldn't wait to find out.但我已经等不及去发现了 It was the beginning of my Manhattan love story.这是我曼哈顿爱情故事的起点 Ow. Yo, watch it.看着点儿 Blue files are cases that were litigated,蓝色的文件是上过法庭的案子 Green are out of court settlements.绿色的是庭外和解的案子 They must be filed separately, but alphabetically.你要把它们分别按照字母排序 整理 I can do that. Is this a big case? ,没问题 这是大案子吗 They're files from old closed cases.这些都是已结案件的档案 They'll be taken to cold storage.,到时候会放进储存库 This...,这里 is where you'll be working.就是你办公的地方 And you get a half-hour for lunch.你有半小时的午餐时间 And may I suggest you go get yourself 我建议你利用那段时间 a pair of stockings during that time?,买一双新丝袜 Of course. I-I fell, 袜子破了 and they ripped, and where would I-- 我要去哪 Try Century 21.,去"21世纪"吧 - Oh. And one more thing. - Yes?-还有一件事 -什么 No personal phone calls.不准打私人电话 In my years of playing dress-up as a child,21世纪百货公司 I understood that what you wore could help define you.,,我小时候玩过家家懂得 了一个道理衣装打扮能够帮助定位自 己 But in this store, I realized you might even be able,但在这家商场 to change who you are.我发现衣装甚至可以,完全改变自己的身份 , Maybe you could walk in here one person .,走进这里时 你可能是一个来自康乃狄克州的小丫头 a kid from Connecticut, and walk out.. 而走出这里时 Your bag!,,瞧你的包 Oh! What the hell?l. 你这是干嘛 Why'd you do that?你为什么这么做 Um, aren't you trying to steal my purse?你不是想偷我的包吗 No. Though I do wanna get my hands on it,不是啦 虽然我是很想摸摸这个包 but not to stea,但没想偷走它 To shoot it.我想给它拍个照 I don't understand.,我不太明白 For a photo shoot I'm doing for "Interview" Magazine.我在为《访谈》杂志拍一组照片 You work at "Interview" Magazine?你是《访谈》杂志的 Larissa Loughlin, style editor.拉丽莎?洛克林 时尚编辑 Carrie Bradshaw. Mortified.,凯莉?布莱肖 我太失礼了 I'm doing this fashion shoot that's a cross,我正在拍的时尚影集融合了 between "A midsummer night's dream" and "Scarface," 《仲夏夜之梦》和《疤面煞星》的元素 and that purse would be perfect.,这个包太合适了 My purse? In "Interview"? 我的包 上《访谈》杂志吗, That would be so cool.真是太酷了 You like the magazine?,你喜欢这杂志吗 Oh. That--that doesn't even begin to describe it."喜欢"二字可无法形容我对它的感情 And the one with Rob Lowe on the cover--还有罗伯?劳作封面那期 , Oh! He's so hot.他太性感了 I get it. You're obsessed. Just come in.,知道了 你很迷他 快进来 So... Do you work around here?你在这附近工作吗 Um, at Long and Whitney? The law firm?在朗和怀特尼 那家律所 Oh, I slept with a guy from there once.,我和那儿一个男人上过床 Kevin... something or other.,叫凯文 什么的 He was sexy... in a suit-tie kind of way.他很性感 那种西装革履的性感 You're not shagging your boss or anything, are you?你应该没和你老板乱搞什么的吧 - No. - Smart girl.没有 -聪明 Don't crap where you eat, Carrie.,千万别在饭碗里拉屎 凯莉 Doesn't sound very appetizing.-,听起来就很没胃口 You are funny..你真有意思 I can't believe you made that purse.,你居然自己做的这个包 How did you come up with the idea?你是怎么想到的 Necessity-- the mother of invention.,迫不得己 是发明之母 You're quoting Plato? Oh, I love you.,你是在引用柏拉图的话吗 爱死你了 You look amazing.,你真美 You wanna help me with something?,能帮我个忙吗 Miss? Miss?小姐 小姐 Yes. May I look in your bag, please?,是你 我能看看你的袋子吗 Uh, sure.,可以 There's my receipt. One pair of nude panty hose,这是我的收据 一双肉色连裤袜 Sorry. Must have been a false alarm.,抱歉 一定是报警器出问题了 Thank you.,,谢谢 Oh, that whole innocent, young thing you have going...,你那副无辜 纯真的样子 You could come in handy, miss Carrie Bradshaw.,真是太有用了 凯莉?布莱肖小姐 I'm gonna have to keep you around.,我一定要把你留在身边 I collect people, you know.我喜欢收藏各种人 What does that even mean?什么意思 Some people collect art,,有些人收藏艺术品 or like my mother, porcelain frogs.或者像我妈 瓷制青蛙 I collect people.我收藏各种人 I guess we're less creepy.感觉人比青蛙好点 Do you need money or something?你缺钱还是什么 - No. Why? - Because you stole,-不是 怎么了 -因为你偷东西了 . When I was a teenager,我十几岁的时候 I used to steal lipstick from Marks and Sparks.曾从马莎百货里偷过口红 As an adult, I've just upped the ante.现在作为成人 只是加大了赌注 I like the thrill.,我喜欢那种刺激感 I've never stolen anything before.我以前从没偷过东西 You have to come out with me tonight.今晚一定要跟我出来玩儿 We're starting at Indochine.,你我们在印度支那酒店, 你没去过那儿 Oh, let me guess. You've never been there.,我猜猜 I couldn't decide whether to tell her the truth,我不知道是该告诉她实话 or create a life for myself--,还是为自己胡编一种生活 a life I wanted.,我梦想的生活 Uh, there's this guy at my office我办公室有个男的 ,会看起来像个老处女 ,拜 ,拜 她给了我一张名片 还有很多信息 who I've been messing around with,,我一直跟他混在一起 and so I-- he always hangs out there.所以我 他经常去那儿 So screw him. He doesn't own Indochine. ,别管他 印度支那又不是他开的 We do.,我们才是 Meet me there at 7:00. Do not put on those panty hose.,7点去那儿找我 别穿那 双连裤袜 You'll look like an old maid.会看起来像个老处女 Ciao!,拜 , Ciao.拜 She gave me her card and everything.,她给了我一张名片 还有很多信息 Okay, stop for one second and just take a breath, 好 停一下 深呼吸 because when I tell you this, ,我现在要告诉你一件事 you might start hyperventilating. 你可能会喘不过气 Is it good or bad? 好事还是坏事 - Sebastian called here. - For you? -塞巴斯蒂安来过电话 -找你吗 For your number! ,是要你的电话 Shut up. Shut up, shut up. W--不是吧 不是吧 不是吧 为 Apparently, like, his mom knows my mom or something like that. 应该是他妈妈认识我妈妈之类的 Anyway, he had my number, and he called for yours. 然后他知道了我的号码 再找我要你的 Well, what did he say? 他说什么了 He asked if you were gonna be back tonight. 他问我你今晚回不回来 I think he wants to ask you to the dance. ,我觉得他是想约你去跳舞 Aah! Aah! I have to call my house. I hope he got the machine. 我必须打回家 但愿他接通了答录机 I swear, if Dorrit answers the phone我发誓 如果是多莉特接的电话 and says something weird, 还说了什么奇怪的话 快打吧 - I'm going to kill her. - Yeah, okay. Call home. ,-我一定会杀了她 -好 Bye. 拜 Dorrit, will you answer that, please? 多莉特 能接个电话吗 This came for you. 这是给你的 For me? 给我吗 Well, this must be a mistake. 一定是搞错了 So you bought a dress but not stockings. ,所以你没买袜子 买了裙子 It's a gift from my dad. I have a school dance tonight. 是我爸给我的礼物 学校今晚有个舞会 You're wearing that to a school dance? 你准备穿这个参加学校舞会 I would never. 我绝对不会 It looks like something that singer would wear. 这像是歌手穿的 You know the one. 你应该知道 The one who--who takes Jesus' name in vain. 那个 玷污耶稣之名的歌手 Madonna? ,麦当娜吗 就是她 真是大不敬 Yes. Her. So disrespectful. ,对 Anyway, I have to pick up my son from soccer practice. ,对了 我要去接参加足球训练的儿子 My idiot ex-husband just told me. 我那个白痴前夫刚告诉我 Are you gonna be okay getting yourself to the train? 你自己去坐车没问题吧 Just promise me you'll take a cab to the station. ,答应我你一定要搭出租车去车站 Okay. No subway. 好吗 别坐地铁 Yeah, I promise. 好的 我保证 All right. Have fun. 行了 玩得开心 I wondered where this golden chariot would take me--我在想这辆金色战车会把我带向何处 To the new beginnings dance and Sebastian? 去参加开学舞会 找塞巴斯蒂安 or to Larissa and a new world? 还是去找拉丽莎 Where to? 进入一个新世界去哪儿 It was a good question. 这是个好问题 I had kept my promise to take a cab, ,,我遵守约定坐了出租车 but my bitchy boss was right. 但我那讨厌的老板说的没错 This dress didn't belong at a dance. 这条裙子不是穿去舞会的 It belonged here, in the city, and so did I. 它属于这里 这座城市 我也是 There you are. 你来了 And in the dress. 穿着这条裙子 Oh, it looks fabu on you. 你穿上真好看 Thanks. Will I be arrested in it? 谢谢 我会被逮捕吗 Don't worry. I didn't steal it from a store. 别担心 这不是我从商店偷来的 Just our style rack. 是我们时装架上拿的 Carrie, this is everybody. 凯莉 见见大家 Everybody, this is Carrie. 各位 她叫凯莉 That's Dominick. 他是多米尼克 He's an artist who works with found objects and wax. 他是个艺术家 收集自然艺术品和蜂蜡 That's Cathy. She's a fashion designer. 她是凯茜 是个时尚设计师 - That's... - They were artists, -他是 -他们都是艺术家 musicians, writers, 音乐家 作家 distinctly themselves在这成就 为什么 in a city that celebrated them.他们的城市里 It was such a stark contrast to the world I came from, 如此耀眼 与众不同 where conformity is demanded, 这里与我出身的世界形成了鲜明对比 and the Donnas of the world rule.在那里只能服从一致 Mags, you are so tipsy. 小麦 你喝醉了 I think we should get you home. 送你回家吧 Being the police chief's daughter而多娜制定规则即使是警察局长的女儿 doesn't mean you won't get kicked out of school. 也有可能被学校开除 Party pooper你真扫兴 . , I'm just trying to have some fun. 我就是想找点乐子 Hey. Hey, new kid, new kid. 新来的 新来的 We'll be right back. 我们去去就回 Good luck with that. 好运 You're here right on time. 你来得正好 For what? ,,为什么 For me, silly为了我啊. 傻瓜 So what school did you go to? 你念得哪所学校 Uh, Castlebury High. 凯瑟布莱高中 No. I meant college. 不 我是问你大学哪念的 Mm. You don't need to go to college these days. 这年代没必要上大学 This city is all about the young. 这城市是年轻人的天下 I mean, you're dead here by the time you're 25,你要么25岁死在这里 or living in the suburbs, which is worse than dead. 要么住在郊外 那比死还难受 Oh, she should write something for us. 她可以来给我们写东西 Oh, I-I'm not really a writer. 其实我不是作家 My mom used to write, though, in a journal. 我妈妈以前在杂志社工作 - Are you for real? - Still has her innocence. -你说真的 -她还很单纯 Still talks about her mom and her sister. 还时常把妈妈妹妹挂在嘴边 What's her name again? 她叫什么名字来着 Dorrit. She's in a rebellious phase. 多莉特 还在叛逆期 Aren't we all? 难道我们不是吗 I-I should make a quick phone call. I'll be right back. 我去打个电话 马上回来 Come on. 接啊 Come on, dad. Pick up. ,爸爸 快接啊 Please. Come on, come on, come on. 拜托 快接电话 While I was getting no answer from my dad, 就在我得不到爸爸应答的时候 the Mouse was getting an answer she didn't like. 慕斯却得到了她不想听到的回应 Oh, hi. Is Seth there? Room 215. 您好 请问215房间的赛斯在吗 He's still not there? ,还没回来吗 Okay. Uh, thanks. I'll try again later. 好 谢了 我再打过来 Thanks. , 谢谢 I'm--I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't know. 抱歉 我之前不知道 Know we were gay? 你说我们是同志这事吗 Yeah. Can I tell you a secret? 对 我告诉你们个秘密 I-I've never met anyone gay before. 我以前从来没见过同志 Of course you have. ,你肯定见过 No. No one I know is gay. 不 我认识的人都不是 Oh, honey, someone you know is very gay亲爱的 你认识的人里肯定有 , but they're just hiding it. 只不过他们隐藏得很好 Or don't know yet. 或者是自己还没意识到 热衷时尚 Look for the hot guy who loves fashion. 你可以去看看有哪个帅哥 And hates sports. ,而且讨厌运动 Oh, my god. It's almost midnight. 天啊 都快午夜了 - Kiss me again. - It's almost midnight? 再吻我 -都快午夜了 I'm sorry. I'm leaving. 抱歉 我要走了 Oh, it's early. The night's just beginning. ,这么早 夜晚才刚刚开始 No, I-I, um, have a thing at my dad's in the morning. , 不了 我回我爸家早上还有事 - I gotta go. 我得走了 Okay. 好吧 Maybe it was the champagne or the dancing也许是喝了香槟跳了舞 or that I was out of breath, 或者是为了追赶最后一班火车 racing for the last train. ,,跑得气喘吁吁 Or maybe it was the realization that又或许是我意识到 I might have just lost my innocence, my virginity, 我可能刚刚失去了自己的清白与贞操 and not to the guy I had hoped, ,不是献给了我憧憬过的人 而是一座城市 but to a different man-- Manhattan. 曼哈顿 And maybe it wouldn't respect me in the morning也许早上起来 它就不会尊重我 , ,, or even remember me, but... 或者根本不会记得我 但是 I knew after tonight I would never be the same我知道过了今晚我就永远回不到过去了 . Thanks for picking me up, Walt. ,沃尔特 谢谢你来接我 I would never let a lady walk home alone. 我绝不可能让一位女士独自回家 Now I want details. Every last one. 跟我说说细节吧 一个都别错过 Well, I met a girl who works at "Interview" Magazine, 我遇到一个在《访谈》杂志工作的女孩 and she took me to this restaurant, Indochine, 她带我去了一个叫印度支那的餐厅 and people were drinking champagne from the bottle, 人们直接用瓶子喝香槟 and... I was drinking champagne from the bottle, 然后 我也学他们那样喝 and... wow. I never saw anyone pay for anything. ,而且 我根本没看见有谁付钱 We drank a six-pack of peach wine coolers. ,我们 喝的是半打装的桃子酒酷乐 Oh. So the dance wasn't fun? ,,舞会很没劲吗 麦琪喝醉了 The usual. Maggie got wasted, ,老样子 and Donna hooked her claws into the new kid. ,,多娜把魔爪伸向了刚来那小子 Sebastian? ,塞巴斯蒂安 Speak of the devils. 说曹操曹操到 Oh. Uh... careful. Huh? 注意点 Bradshaw? ,布莱肖 Yours truly. ,正是在下 I didn't see you at the dance. 舞会上没看见你 , I wasn't there. 我没去 You two need a ride? 要载你俩一程吗 Looks a little crowded in there. 车里坐不下吧 Look, this isn't what you think. 不是你想的那样 Uh, it's exactly what I think. 恩~确实不是我想的那样 Sebastian, come on. We have to go. 塞巴斯蒂安 来啊 该走了 You should go. I'll see you around. -你走吧 回见 - That's it? - For now. 就这样吗 -暂且这样 All right. 好吧 Maybe my night with Manhattan had changed me. 也许我与曼哈顿的一夜改变了我 Even though I felt vulnerable, it was like the Mouse said. 尽管我有点受伤 但如慕斯所说 好像了解了更I also felt powerful, like I now knew things. 我也感受到了力量 多 Why can't I find the perfect person for me? 我怎么就找不到理想对象呢 You know, like Maggie is for you. 就如麦琪之于你 I'm not sure she is. 我不确定她是不是 Does she know that? 她知道吗 She knows that I wanna wait until I am. ,她知道我想等自己准备好 To have sex? 发生关系吗 - You guys haven't? - No. -你们没有过吗 -没有 I didn't understand. If Maggie wasn't a virgin, 我不明白了 如果麦琪不是处女 and Walt had said "No," who had said "Yes"?沃尔特却否认了 那她是跟谁呢 I must be the only 17-year-old guy17岁拒绝自己女朋友的少年 saying "No" to his girlfriend. ,肯定只有我一个 Did your dad call the cops on you? 你爸爸是因为你报警了吗 ,, What? Why would he do that? 什么 他为什么这么做! Dad, I-I'm--I'm here爸爸 我回来了 I'm here. I'm sorry I'm late. ,我来了 抱歉这么晚 Uh, we ended up walking home. ,我们是走路回来的 It's Dorrit. She's missing. 是多莉特 她失踪了 What? ,什么 Something horrible might have happened to her. 她可能遭遇了不测 She's okay, dad. 她没事的 爸爸 This never would have happened if your mother was here. 如果你妈妈还在 这 一切决不会发生 I will kill her when she gets home. 她回家时我会杀了她 Dorrit. 多莉特 Where have you been? 你去哪里了 Whatever. With friends. ,随便逛逛 和朋友一起 I tried to call. The phone must have been off the hook. 我打过电话 听筒肯定没挂上 Because you took it off. ,因为你接了没放回去 Are you drunk? ,你喝醉了吗 Do you know how worried we've been? 你知道我们有多担心吗 You better start explaining yourself. 你最好给出解释 Or what? You'll ground me? 不然呢 你要禁足我吗 You're not my mom. 你不是我妈妈 I'm done. I'm just done. 我受够了 真的受够了 Do you think I like this? 你以为我喜欢这样吗 Worrying about you? 担心你 And having to be the mature one? 不得不做成熟的姐姐 I would do anything. 我愿意付出一切 I would do anything to have mom back,我愿意付出一切来让妈妈回来 and just to be your sister and not have to worry every day好好当你姐姐 不用天天担心 what might happen to you. I just... 你是不是出事了 我只是... Ugh! I can't take it! ,我受不了了 Kiddo. ,姑娘 I'm--I'm sorry. ,对不起 Don't be. ,没必要 You know... ,要知道 I saw a lot of your mother in you today. 今天我在你身上看到了你妈的影子 , Because I lost it? 因为我发脾气吗 When you were little, 你小时候 and you'd do something awful, 会干坏事 I would just look at your tear-stained face and I'd melt. 我看到你泪迹斑斑的小脸 就心软了 I couldn't punish you. 我没法惩罚你 Your mother was tough. 你妈妈却很强硬 Yeah, I remember. 我记得 When I did cartwheels in the pizza place, she wouldn't let me go to Valerie Weiss' 7th birthday party. 她不让我去瓦莱 丽?韦斯七岁的生日派对, And she had a moon bounce in the backyard. 瓦莱丽家的后院有一个气垫房呢 Well, she wanted you girls to be accountable, 她希望你们敢于担当说 said it would make you good people. 这样才能成为好人 And now that's my job. 现在这是我的任务 I haven't wanted to do it. 我不想这样做 You girls have been through enough as it is. 你们已经遭受了很多痛苦 But also, um... 但是... By taking on your mom's rol我要担起你妈妈的责任 e... that means I would have to admit that, uh... 这就意味着我要承认... That mom's really gone. 妈妈真的不在了 Yeah. 对 But I have to. 但我必须这样 It's what your mother would have wanted, 这也是你妈妈的意愿 no matter how much it hurts. 无论这有多么痛苦 She also would have wanted me to ground you她也会要我把你禁足 for coming in an hour past your curfew. So... no more going out the next two weeks. Okay? 接下来的两周不要出门了 行吗 Okay. 行 Okay. 那好 You don't seem too upset about that. 你看起来并没有不高兴 No. 我没有 - Mouse. - Hi. -慕斯 -早 What's wrong? 怎么了 Are you okay? 你还好吗 I think Seth is breaking up with me. 我觉得赛斯要和我分手了 Why? What happened? 为什么 怎么了 He hasn't called in two days. 他两天没打电话来了 Well, that's nothing, right? 这不算什么 对吧 I called a bunch. 我打了好多次 No, Mouse. How many times? 不是吧 慕斯 多少次 Too many. 太多次 Well, you know, maybe he's just studying? 也许他只是忙于学习 How could he have.. 他怎么可以... had sex with me and treat me like this? 骗走我的贞洁 然后这样对我 Come here. 来抱抱 Oh, I'm sorry. 真遗憾 Love is something we wait for. 我们都在等待爱情 We imagine our first kiss, 我们憧憬初吻 our first sex, our first "I love you." 初夜 初次说"我爱你" But we never imagine our first heartbreak. 但我们从没想过初次心碎 Maybe because it's too painful to even imagine. 也许是因为想到这点太痛苦了 But in a way, 但在某种意义上 the pain of love is what truly changes us. 正是爱之痛 改变了我们 Are you sure, dad? 你确定吗 爸爸 I'm sure, kiddo. ,确定 孩子 You should take this, Carrie. 这件给你穿 凯莉 I think Dorrit should have it. 我觉得应该给多莉特 Mom always loved you in green. 妈妈喜欢你穿绿色 It's the losing of love that makes us who we are--失去爱 造就了现在的我们 The loss of a parent. 失去父母 Of your virginity.. 失去贞洁 . Who you thought you might be... 失去了对自己的定位 Nobody saw you, right? ,没人看见你吧 - 'cause if your dad found out... - He won't. -因为如果你爸爸发现... -他不会的 Of your innocence... 失去纯真 Those losses are perhaps our first steps into adulthood. ,这些失去 也许是成长的第一步 Life gets more complicated. 生活越来越复杂 I thought you didn't swim. 我还以为你不游泳 I don't. ,我是不游 - Is that how it's gonna be? - Yeah. 我们要这样吗 -对 All right. Aah! 那好吧 Oh, my god. Donna's gonna be so pissed. 天啊 多娜肯定会气死 But it's also filled with promise但是生活也充满希望 and the possibility of opening your heart to new beginnings... 以及敞开心胸迎接新起点的可能性 Are these... mom's journals? 这些是 妈妈的日记吗 They're blank ones. She always had a few extras里面没写东西 她总是多备几本 , just in case inspiration struck. 以便文思泉涌时发挥 Can I keep them? ,我能留着吗 Of course. . 当然 Thanks谢谢 . And new dreams in new places. ,新地方 新梦想 The city was no longer a fantasy. It was real, 这座城市不再是幻想 而是真实的 and I knew now I wasn't searching for something or somebody here我知道我并不是在这里寻找某人或者某事 I was searching for me--而是在寻找自我 who I was, who I wanted to be. ,我过去是谁 未来想成为什么人 Finding my voice wasn't gonna be easy. 给自己定调并不容易 But for the first time in a long time, ,但是在很久以来的头一回 I thought it might be fun. 我觉得这可能很有趣
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