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错落有致的虚实-巴塞罗那保障性公寓设计85 sheltered housing units for senior and public facilities by GRND82 2016-04-18 错落有致的虚实,巴塞罗那保障性公寓设计 建筑 Architecture 关键词 Keywords: apartment bareclona eco-building GRND82 Spain 公寓 巴塞罗那 生态建筑 西班牙 1 18 查看相册 View Gallery 非常感谢 GRND82 将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于他们:GRND82...
85 sheltered housing units for senior and public facilities by GRND82 2016-04-18 错落有致的虚实,巴塞罗那保障性公寓设计 建筑 Architecture 关键词 Keywords: apartment bareclona eco-building GRND82 Spain 公寓 巴塞罗那 生态建筑 西班牙 1 18 查看相册 View Gallery 非常感谢 GRND82 将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于他们:GRND82 on gooood Appreciation towards GRND82 for providing the following description: 项目背景 Preexistences 本项目位于巴塞罗城北的一片坡地上,基底与“La Clota”公园的东北边缘相接,其一侧是50年代城郊化运动时建起的大片城市公寓和住宅,另一侧则是90年代奥运会建设的场馆和其他服务设施。梯形的场地在长边方向保持了大致的水平,而在短边方向则有3.5米的高差。建筑主体空间朝向东、南,向前眺望是“La Clota”公园以及其后巴塞罗那壮观的全景。6500平方米的社会福利保障住房将包括85间老年人公寓、4间拥有单独出入口的残障人士住房和28个车位。此外,公寓前还需建设一个占地2000平米的居民活动中心。 The site is located on the east vertex of “La Clota” park, on the north edge of Barcelona. It’s located in a transition area with a considerable slope, inbetween the consolidated tissue of the city and Tibidabo hillside, originally occupied by a few housing blocks built during the migratory movements of the 50’s and consolidated as a facilities area during the beginning of the 90’s for the olympic games. The plot is a 3.500m2 trapezoidal shape with a 3,5 meters gap on the short axis and mainly horitzontal on the long one. It has an excellent south-east orientation and it has some impressive views of Barcelona with “La Clota” park in first term. The project has to solve a program of 6500m2 of social housing with 85 dwellings for elderly people, 4 special dwellings for handicap people (with independent access), and parking space for 28 cars. There are also 2000m2 of public facilities with a civil center. ? 环绕建筑的城市居民公寓和住宅,以及其前方的公园,housing blocks around the building and the “La Clota” to the south ? 位于坡地上的建筑building on the slope 设计策略 Main strategies 项目中超过90%的房间为东南朝向,充足光线照亮了室内空间,也减少了能源的浪费。单层的文化中心占据了场地的主要空间,以保证良好的采光以及和公园的紧密联系。仅有3层高的公寓建筑则沿场地的东侧和北侧边缘排列展开,与周边的住宅建筑在高度上保持协调。半下沉式的停车场和居民活动中心体量消解了场地中3.5米的高差。其屋顶被视作建筑的第五立面,灰白色的屋顶与旁边公园内的网球场地遥相呼应,完全开放的通透立面彰显着其公共属性,为整个社区带来源源不绝的活力。东南朝向的寓所、对流的通风系统,冬暖夏凉的大进深阳台,节水设备的使用和太阳能供水供热系统,建筑师采用了各种直接或间接的设计手段保证室内气候环境的稳定,减少能源的浪费。在经济条件并不宽裕的情况下,建筑师以简单的虚实空间对比,在立面上作出的丰富的变化。露台成为了公寓生活的重要组成部分,联系起居民和居民、建筑、城市的交流。 ? 建筑主体空间朝向东、南方,半下沉的停车场和社区中心消解了3.5米的高差,the building is facing south and east, the topographical gap is solved with the parking space and the civic center volume ? 建筑的每个立面都可以接收到自然光的照射,建筑东北立面上的开窗,the building looks for the best orientation for the dwellings,windows on the north-east façade ? 建筑的西北立面和入口在下午处于阳光中,north east façade and entrance under sunshine in the late afternoon ? 建筑正立面,露台朝向东南与西南,terraces facing southwest and southeast (1) The building looks for the best orientation for the dwellings. Over 90% of the dwellings benefit from South-East orientation. That means a great comfort for the inhabitants and a high degree of energy saving either in illumination or climatization of the dwellings. (2) The housing units bars are concentrated on the north perimeter of the plot so the most of the land it’s available to build the civil center as it keeps the best orientation and views. The building keeps a low profile of 3 stories to integrate into the neighborhood. (3) The topographical gap is solved with the parking space and the civic center volume. It’s roof is understood as a fifth façade of the building. It’s treated with a painted tennis-quick finish similar to the sportive pavement used in the urbanization of the near park. The civic center is completely open on ground floor showing it’s public character to the street. It becomes an activity generator that bring life to all the surroundings. (4) The building has a mix of passive and active system to ensure a good climatic behavior and energy saving strategies, such as good south east orientation for dwellings, cross ventilation, deep terraces that protects users from excessive sunlight radiation in summer but act as energy space collectors on winter, increased insulation on roofs, water management strategies and a central heating and hot water production system with solar contribution (35% of CO2 emission savings) (5) The building makes an exercise of economic containment. White and void are the only materials used for the composition of the facade. Taking advantage of Mediterranean benevolent climatic conditions terraces function as condensers of activity enhancing the sense of community of the users. It is the place where domestic and civic activities occurs and are shown to the city. They are like the central courtyard of the houses of the Algerian Kashba but placed in a vertical plane. The size (2,5×2,5×2,5) of those voids goes beyond the scale of housing units and speaks on a level closer to the scale of the building and the city. Each user takes possession of its own place in a different way. The set of all those different actions and activities are integrated into the building volume due to the inner position of the terrace. The repetition of the void turns the facade into a chess texture. The white background unifies it all as does the snow fallen on the landscape. ? 灰白色的建筑第五立面,屋顶和城市,roof façade and the surrounding city 建筑公寓单元 Typology: Housing unit 相同的45平米公寓单元占据了建筑的大部分空间,走道的尽头则是竖向交通空 间或少量平面经过调整的公寓。柱网结构根据公寓尺寸,采取了7×5.5米的跨 度。柱子后退立面2.5米,避免热量通过结构传递出去。公寓走廊、入口、浴 室、厨房和更衣室位于北侧,而更需要自然光线的起居和卧室空间则位于南侧。 冰箱划分了厨房和起居空间,同时也留出了餐桌的用地。大进深的露台挡去了 夏天直射室内的炎热阳光,同时保证了视线上的畅通。卧室空间与起居成对角 线方向错位布置,仿佛室内空间的室外延伸部分,两个空间相对独立,使用起 来也更加舒适宽敞。 The project is solved majorly with the repetition of a 45m2 unit. The endings of the building are solved either with vertical communications or with a second unit type with its own particular conditions. The structure draws a regular grid of 7×5.5m that fits the size of the unit. The pillars are retreated 2,5m from the facade to avoid thermal loses through the structure. The program is disposed through the climatic recognition of the site: The services areas (corridor(5), maintenance(6), bath(7) ,kitchen(8) and dressing (9)) are located to the north while all the relation areas are located to the south. The plan layout tries to create the longest interior diagonals possible so the space is perceived in its maximal length. The position of the fridge partly conceals the kitchen and allows the placement of a dining table. The strategically position of the terrace (12) allows the bed room (11) to slide respect the living room (10) and becomes an exterior extension of the unit. The setback geometry of the façade generates deep terraces that protect the interior space from the excessive solar radiation without blocking the amazing views that the site has. ? 公寓单元的结构和空间布局,stucture and program of the housing unit ? 公寓内部空间,interior space ? 起居室,living room ? 卧室,bedroom ? 露台,terrace 立面设计 Façade composition 由于是社会福利保障性住宅,本次设计在经济条件方面受到了较多的限制。但 建筑师在立面设计上,仅使用白色的墙面和内凹的小空间交错排布,仍创造了 丰富的层次和变化。 适应地中海气候而生的大露台成为了公寓的重要组成部分,同时从立面上看去, 也是白色实体墙面的镂空部分。相对公寓空间略大的露台成为了室内外空间建 立联系和交流的地方,在这里居民和建筑、和城市发生了对话。每一层的露台 交错布置,不断变化的虚实空间远远看去如同国际象棋棋盘一般错落有致。 The building is designed under a strong economical constrain. Shape is a direct consequence of the application of the main implantation strategies on the site. White and void are the only materials being used for façade composition. Taking advantage of the Mediterranean climate, each unit is provided with a large terrace that organizes the program of the space. This terrace is understood as an empty space, an excavation of the white mass of the building volume. Its size exceeds the scale of the apartment inside and establishes direct dialogue with the rest of the building as well as the city. The units alternate floor to floor, thus forming across the façade a staggered chessboard pattern of white and black that cloaks the building in a distinctive texture. ? 立面上丰富的虚实对比,white and void on the façade 公寓居民 Users 露台空间向城市展示着居住其中的人们的日常,成为了竖向展开的社交空间, 增强了社区的凝聚力。露台空间在其主人的装扮下呈现出不同的面貌,各式各 样的生活片段以此为舞台相继发生。而包容性极强的白色墙面作为背景,将多 彩的露台生活再度统一了起来,层次丰富而有条不紊。 These terraces condense the life inhabiting them. They expose the domestic activities of the users to the city beyond, like the central courtyard of the houses of the Algerian Kashba translated onto the vertical plane. Each user makes the space their own. The collection of actions and activities of the inhabitants remains integrated in the volume of the building through the interior position of the terrace. The architecture is saturated with daily life, and shows itself to the city as such. White covers everything, from the individual curtains to the façade as a whole, unifying the building like the snow on the distant horizon. ? 露台成为居民和城市交流的窗口,terraces connect its inhabitants and the city ? 建筑入口,entrance ? 建筑内的公共活动空间,communal space ? 居民活动中心为社区带来活力,civic center become the generator that bring life to all the surroundings 可持续发展策略 Sustainability Sustainability : Passive Systems Orientation: Building orientates to south. 90% of housing units get optimal solar gains through all the year. Reducing both thermal and lighting needs of the inhabitants Solar Protection : Terraces behaves as big solar diaphragms. In winter, when solar incidence is lower, housing units are naturally heated during morning time because of solar radiation. However, in summer, because of the deep of the terraces, housing units are protected from excessive solar radiation Isolation improvement: Thermal isolation is reinforced on facades, achieving a 30% reduction of heat transmission. Water management: Rain water is collected separately and canalized to general sewage independently so it can be directly used to water the surrounding parks and gardens. All sanitary components have water reduction systems installed Sustainability: Active Systems Heating and hot water production: Building has a centralized solar heating and hot water production unit. This is a good strategy on senior housing blocks, where is not advisable, because of safety issues to have gas powered individual solutions. This system is using solar thermal energy as its primary source, while gas is being used as a reinforcement energy source. This system provides up to 35% save in consumption needs of the building and up to 45% CO2 emission savings. The installation has an internet management system that allows to control its behavior in real-time through a computer anywhere in the world and allows to get instant consumption reads both understanding the building as a whole or individually unit by unit. It also allows to control installation performance and detect possible malfunctions. Counters are centralized floor by floor. However each user has its own thermostat and full control of the installation. Each user pays a fixed fee that includes both eating and hot water consumtion. Sustainability: Economy Contention: The whole building is understood as an economy contention exercice. Strategical position of both facilities and parking take advantage of the natural slope of the plot and it minimizes earth movements. Constructive techniques and materials are both local and very simple: reinforced concrete for the structures, ceramic walls for the facades, white cement plaster as finishing. Polished black stone as pavement. Gypsum boards as interior divisions..etc.. Repetition: The project can be understood as a repetitive aggregation system based on housing unit. This allows cost optimization of interior and exterior elements. Everything is solved from the unit and then repeated 85 times. All doors, windows, baths, kitchens are equals. Sustainability: Sociability There are many strategies implemented into the project to improve inhabitant’s sociability, which is really important when you are working on senior social housing. There is a communal area placed close to the entrance where all users can meet and where those who are responsible of the management of the building plan different activities. The proposal goes a step further and understands that terraces are social condenser machines, where all domestic and social activities are done and shown to the city. Finally there is the public facility building placed at the ground floor. It operates in a bigger scale, affecting all the neighborhood, bringing life and activity to the building, and mixing itself with senior inhabitants. It’s a big social center where different activities are being held such as: kinder garden, kitchen workshops, internet, dancing classes, gymnastics…etc.. 结构技术 Construction techniques Foundation: The project solves the main existing gap of 3,5 meters following natural slope downhill, with a concrete contention wall close to Can Travi street. The foundation of the housing building is solved with a 70cm thick concrete slab. The facilities building is solved with superficial concrete slabs. Structure: The project is solved with a regular grid of concrete columns of 7 x 5,5 meters and concrete slabs. The columns are placed 2,5 meters inside the perimeter of the slabs to avoid thermal problems and to balance the general structure Roof: For the housing units the roof is solved with a standard inverted solution, with light concrete for slopes, double waterproof membrane, 50mm expanded polystyrene thermal isolation and gravel. Solar panels are installed on top. For the facilities building the solution is the same but the gravel is changed by tennisquick, one porous agglomerate used to build the tennis courts so the finish is completely horizontal and optimal to be seen from all the terraces of the buildings. Its understood as the fifth façade. Façade: The façades are done with brick walls and finished with white cement based plaster. Inside there is a mortar waterproofing membrane, 5cm thick rigid thermal insulation and double painted plasterboard as the interior finishing. To avoid thermal losses, sides of the slabs are lined with 3cm of rigid thermal insulation. This also works for the terraces, which are thermal insulated in the whole perimeter of the cube. All windows are done with aluminum anodized in natural color and glasses are double glazing. Solar protection brise-soleils are made with a central aluminum sub-structure and a double aluminum perforated sheet that prevents sun to get into the units. Inside partitions: All inside partitions are solved with double plasterboards walls with dry joints finished with painting. There is acoustical isolation inside all those walls. On the common areas there is a painted MDF as finish that camouflages all housing units door entrances and installations shafts, which are all accessible through the corridor. Pavements: All the Project is solved with polished black 30×30 stone slabs. Wrinkled stone slabs are placed on the terraces to prevent user to slide when it rains. ? 区位图与总平面图,location and site plan ? 一层平面,ground floor ? 二层平面,second floor ? 三层平面,third floor ? 剖面及立面图,sections and elevations ? 轴测图,axonometric drawing ? 公寓单元平面图,housing unit ? 建筑结构图,details Project name: 85 sheltered housing units for senior and public facilities Plot: 3.500 m2 Surface Total: 9.345,48 m2 Housing: 6.444,56 m2 Facilities: 2.022,00 m2 Parking: 878,92 m2 Budget: 7.289.000 ? Cost: 780? /m2 Photo: Adria Goula , Jordi Castellano Architecture : Sergi Serrat, Cristina Garcia, Gines Egea Team:Roberto Gonzalez ? Anne Hinz ? Tine Mahler ? Juan Ortega Drawings: GRND82 English Text: GRND82 Chinese Text: gooood MORE: GRND82 GRND82 on gooood
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