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学科:英语学科:英语 学科,英语 班级,二年,3、4,班 姓名,李红艳 2006学年第 二 学期 学科成绩统计表 二(3) 上学上学平平平平平平平平时期期学期学年补学号姓名期期期总平时1时2时3时4时5时6时7时8总评中终总评总评考终评 肖雨阳1 陈焜旻2 胡时鹏3 张孝亮4 崔世勋5 赵聪宇6 许喆7 袁卓清8 李嘉文9 王舜天10 田家兴11 魏文杰12 唐梓朦13 陆文杰14 叶海15 舒辰16 秦月17 李擎奕18 王纤纤19 郑婧20 程煜21 苏月婷22 陶雨涵23 袁卉24 张宇奇25 沈奕涵26 韩旭27 平...
学科:英语 学科,英语 班级,二年,3、4,班 姓名,李红艳 2006学年第 二 学期 学科成绩统计表 二(3) 上学上学平平平平平平平平时期期学期学年补学号姓名期期期总平时1时2时3时4时5时6时7时8总评中终总评总评考终评 肖雨阳1 陈焜旻2 胡时鹏3 张孝亮4 崔世勋5 赵聪宇6 许喆7 袁卓清8 李嘉文9 王舜天10 田家兴11 魏文杰12 唐梓朦13 陆文杰14 叶海15 舒辰16 秦月17 李擎奕18 王纤纤19 郑婧20 程煜21 苏月婷22 陶雨涵23 袁卉24 张宇奇25 沈奕涵26 韩旭27 平均成绩 优良率 合格率 学科成绩统计表 二(4) 上学上学平平平平平平平平平时期期学期学年补学号姓名期期期总时1时2时3时4时5时6时7时8总评中终总评总评考终评 1成浩宇2王明泓3黄志杰4方元韬5刘京泰6宋淳潇7金康博8赵诗宇9邢铭颉10张家辉11丁文涛12何亦凡13刘若婷14张析菲15姚晨16黄烨17陈丹煦18顾琪帆19张梦婷20李程佟21赵舟亭22张蓉23陈瑜悦24李腾25张雪26张乐乐27袁小晴28 29 30 31 32 33 平均成绩优良率 合格率 教师教学 ,2006学年度第二学期, 制定日期:07/2 姓名 李红艳 学科 英语 年级 二 班级 3、4 1. 经过老师一年的教学与引导,这些天真和稚气的孩子们变的彬彬有礼,聪 明懂事,和老师融洽相处.他们热爱集体,多才多艺.在老师的关爱下,他们 犹如一片充满希望的晨曦,令人深深期待.二年级与的区别是:一年 级以听说为主,而二年级在听说的基础上加上了写,这给老师和学生都班 增加了难度,在教学中要注意词形的展示和增加单词与句子的出现频率,级 便于学生的认识. 情 2. 从班级学习情况来看,二(3)班整体相差不大,平均水平差不多,学生比较况 活跃;二(4)班的纪律相对来说比较好,但有的学生缺少父母的督促因而对分 学习比较散漫,有个别学生的学习习惯相对差些;而二(3)则两极分化比较析 严重.他们中有尖子生,但落后的学生也较多. 1. 每个学生都有进步,学习态度认真,有良好的学习习惯。 2. 考试成绩超区平均水平。 教学3. 学生之间能用英语简单交流。 质量 目标 优等生:继续培养他们学习英语的能力,希望他们能在原有基础上有更大的进 步.争取在期末,让他们口语有更大的进步. 后进生:要有耐心,既要成为他们的老师,又要做他们的知心朋友,与孩子家长 保持联系,做到真正关心孩子的学习,关心孩子的成长. 措施 稳固班中的中等学生的学习情况,使他们能稳定前进,牢固掌握并灵活运用 所学知识。 小班化活动型英语课堂教学模式完成日期 08 课题研究 教学的探索与研究 研究 公开课 开课日期 第7周 周次 内容 周次 内容 单元 Unit 7 Unit 1 3 14 测验 Unit 8 Unit 3 7 16 安排 Unit 1-4 10 Unit 5 12 教学进度表 ,2006学年度第二学期, 学科:英语 年级:二 执教者:李红艳 时间 周次 教学内容 备注 一二 2/26---3/9 Unit1 三四 3/13—3/23 Unit1test Unit 2 五六 3/27—4/6 Unit2 4test unit3 七八 4/10—4/20 Unit3test unit4 九十 4/24—5/11 Unit4test (Mid-term test) 十一3/20—3/24 Unit5 (test) Unit6 二 十三5/15—5/25 Unit6test Unit7 四 十五5/29—6/8 Unit7(test) Unit8 六 十七6/12—6/22 Review Final- test 八 对教材的与理解 教材内容: This book is based on a series of topics universal to all students , developing from the comfortable themes of self , family and home , into the student?s gradually developing and expanding experience. A „building – blocks? approach links content and skills , whereby each aspect, both linguistic and conceptual , is introduced, integrated, revisited and developed within each level and from level to level. 教材目标: The Student?s book makes use of a wide variety of carefully graded activities , including composite picture, stories, songs, rhymes and games , to keep students interested. A Revision unit at the end of the book reinforces and consolidates key language items taught. Two main characters , Sam and May, motivate students to have fun while learning. 总体设想: The materials in this book are intended for flexible use in the classroom; that is , while pair and group work are suggested and encouraged, it is equally feasible to exploit the activities, tasks and exercises as a class. However, it is widely recognized that a varity of practice modes stimulates young learners best , and teachers will wish to vary the way the students interact. 2B Unit 1 Farm animals 【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】 一( 教材地位(UNIT POSITION) 1(从第一、二单元 “动物”的主题来看,本单元教材内容是着重围绕“农 场上的动物”这个课题展开。 2(在一年级,学生已会用口语表达I’ve got„以及I see a „句型,在 此基础上,本单元巩固了这些句型,并通过有关动物词汇的累积和问答 句的使用丰富了句子表述的语意。 3(在本册教材中,学生将继续识认书写大小写字母。 4(本单元学生将学习农场上常见的六种动物:hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig及其相关表述。 5(结合本单元“农场”、“动物”的主题和语境,无论学生是否熟悉农场的 环境,都可以让学生通过听觉和视觉感受农场上最常见的人类驯养的动 物和野生动物,并且用习得的语言简单表达出自己的所见所闻。 二( 学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES) 1(本单元学习Oo 、Nn两个字母,字母的教学可与单词教学相结合,要求 学生不仅能按字母表顺序背诵字母,能正确认读大小写字母之外,还能 正确掌握所学字母大小写的书写。 2(学生应该能够用正确的语音语调表达hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig等动物名称,掌握这些词汇的认读、拼读、简单运用等口语表达;能 够正确书写这些单词。除此之外,可根据学生的学习能力在口语学习中 适当增加所学动物的复数表达。 3(培养学生的视听观察能力,能根据实际情况运用What do you see/hear? I see/hear„进行简单的信息交换,表达个人的见闻。 教学资源(TEACHING RESOUCES) 1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support) , 录音机 , 电脑 , 实物投影机 , 多媒体软件 2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids) , 图片 , 实物 3、学习材料(Materials) , 学生用书 , 配套练习册 四( 课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION) 本单元建议分六课时完成。 PERIOD TITLE CONTENTS st1 period Let’s hen , chick, duck, cow, pig learn nd2 period Let’s sheep learn ---What do you see? Let’s ---I see „ talk rd3 period Let’s ---What do you hear? talk ---I hear „ th4 period Letters Nn(nose) Oo(orange) Let’s --- I hear a „ play th5 period Let’s Story enjoy th6 period Let’s act Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on the ground. First period Let’s learn 一、主要新授内容(new contents) Let’s learn--- hen , chick, duck, cow, pig 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1. 掌握五个单词的语音、语义和拼写 2. 能在口语中正确使用五个单词的复数 3. 能根据实际情况运用I see „和I’ve got „句型进行口语表述 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1(Song and dialogue) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音机 磁带 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Rhyme --- 由教师带领学生边做动作边朗营造英语学习氛围, One, two, 诵 巩固习得的小动物名 three, I am a 称。 bee„ 2 Daily Talk--- 师生问答 复习学过的句型,唤 Have you 起学生记忆,为后继 got „? 学习作铺垫 Yes/No. I have 。 got „ Activity 2(Elicit) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 小纸条 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 I see a 用媒体软件显示1B unit 2 中复习一年级时学过的 bird/butterflet’s talk的页面,教师用有关内容,分组交流 ly/frog/„ What do you see?提问,让学有助于均衡学生间语 生分组每人用I see a „句型言表达的差异,减轻 先说一说各自看到的。 一部分开口的压力。 2 教师说明Now we are on the 即引起学生解决问题 farm. The farm is very big. 的兴趣,又为后面的 What shall we do first? 引引入作铺垫。 起学生考虑身处这样的环境中 首先需要了解什么, 3 hen/chick/du教师出示一张农庄动物分布的用图片标示的地图快 ck/cow/sheep地图,引出动物名称 速引出单词,而且均 /pig„ 以单数形式出现,有 助于学生识记基本单 词的音型义 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1(Repeat) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 chick 由轻到响全体跟着教师边做动作巩固正确的语音 边朗读 2 chick 教师出示单词,要求学生拼读 拼写比较简单的 单词可让学生直 接通过拼读进行 记忆单词拼写 3 chick 让学生用一只手遮住眼睛,边口述通过即时记忆巩 单词拼写边用另一只手书空 固单词拼写,帮助 学生牢固掌握单 词的音、型,提高 课堂教学效率 Activity 2(Rhyme) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 教师出示两头牛在大树下的从词汇的单数过渡到1 cow 图片One cow, two cows, 复数,帮助学生熟悉 black and white. One cow, 本课习得词汇的复数 two cows, under the tree. 表达。 duck 教师出示十只鸭子在草地上的变换简单的儿歌,保2 图片,先通过How 持学生的兴趣。 many „ducks?让学生数一数不 同大小鸭子的数量,然后引出 儿歌One yellow, two yellow, three yellow ducks. Three yellow ducks on the grass. Activity 3(Game) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片单词卡 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 教师依次出示所有图片单词既巩固本课词汇的音1 hen/chick/duc 卡,让学生全体通读一遍,然义,又培养学生的记k/cow/sheep/p后抽去一张,再让学生朗读后忆能力 ig 说出Which word is missing? 2 I see „ 教师出示I see „句型,分别强化词汇在句型中的 在后面放上单、复数图片或单完整使用。 词卡,让学生说出完整的句子。 3 I see „ 让学生看地图用I see „句型新授词汇在习得句型 说出看到的标示 中的替换练习,帮助 学生练习词汇和句子 的整体使用。 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1(listening and speaking ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 练习纸 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 教师准备印有不同数1 I see „ 基本听说练习,培养学生摄 量动物图片的两种练取和反馈信息的的能力。 习纸发给学生,教师说 I see„的句子,让学 生根据看到的图片判 断和自己看到的内容 是否一致 I see „ 让学生通过用I see„2 培养学生基本的连贯表述 的一系列句子述说自语句能力。 己练习纸上看到的动 物寻找另一个和自己 执相同练习纸的同伴 Activity 2(Speaking and drawing) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 练习纸 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose I see „ 1 教师准备各印有五句让学生进一步完成语言的 不同的I see „举行使用实践。 的A\B练习纸发给学 生,拿到A纸的学生首 先朗读自己看到的五 句句子给同桌拿到B 纸的同学,由同桌画出 相应数量的动物,然后 图句相合看是否正确 I see „ 2 B组同学读自己纸上 的句子,A组同学画, 然后比对。 Teaching sel_examination: the students can learn the sentence pattern : Draw … on the paper/ground. Second period Let’s learn Let’s talk 一、主要新授内容(new contents) sheep ---What do you see? ---I see „ 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1(掌握sheep单复数形式 2(能熟练运用What do you see? I see „的简单问答语句进行对视觉信息的 交流 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 (Song and Action) 3(教学辅助 录音机 磁带 4(活动过程 Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 song 2 song are farm animals.并且拿出上 节课学过的图片单词卡,全体 朗读单复数 3。 song 本课新授词汇sheep Activity 2 (Free talk) 1(教学辅助 头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 ---What do you 教师出示轮廓模糊的绵羊图引出语境和语言 see? 片,提问What do you see?选 ---I see „ 择一到两排学生用I see „回 答 2 ---What do you 教师出示清晰的绵羊图片,再让学生熟悉问答的情 see? 问What do you see? 选择个别景和所需语言 ---I see „ 学生回答I see a sheep. 3 ---What do you 教师出示轮廓模糊的三只鸭子理解新句型的语言功 see? 图片,问Can you ask me?选择能 ---I see „ 个别学生用What do you see? 提问 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1 (Song and action ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 电脑 屏幕 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 学唱有关sheep的歌词,并且伴随1 song 习兴趣度 2 sheep 出示white sheep图片,从one 用直观的方式强 white sheep, two white sheep, 化词形记忆 three white sheep„,教授单复数 同形 sheep 出示black sheep图片,让学生分3 巩固记忆 小组用I see a/two/three „ black sheep.说说看到的图片。 Activity 2 ( Conversation ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 ---What do you see? 教师出示Let’s talk在游戏中巩固联系新授句 ---I see „ 的图片,先用纸遮住大型。 部分,只露出右下角的 十只小鸡,全班向一组 的第一个同学提问 What do you see?回答 I see ten chicks. 2 ---What do you see? 教师移动遮纸,露出母练习完整地叙述看到的东 ---I see „ 鸡和小鸡,全班向第二西。 个同学提问What do you see?回答I see a hen and ten chicks. 依次进行,说明看到的 整个画面。 Activity 3 ( Rhyme ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音机 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 What, what , what do 教师带领学生边拍手模仿练习,强化语音语调。 you see? 边朗诵,看到的是动物 I see, I see, I see a 图片 hen. 2 What, what , what do 变换图片,让学生自己强化操练完整的问答句型。 you see? 拍手朗诵 I see, I see, I see„ 3 What, what , what do 把图片变成表示不同从基本的音义练习过渡到 you see? 数量的词汇,让学生拍音型义的整体操练,为句子 I see, I see, I see„ 手朗读 识认和书写作准备。 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1(Looking and speaking) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 ---What do you 教师在教室里的不同地方布置创设模拟真实的情 see? 不同数量的动物图片 景, 让学生运用习得 ---I see „ 的语言交换信息。 2 ---What do you 学生两个人一组轮流互相问答 see?/What colour „? ---I see „ Activity 2( Write and say) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 调查纸 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 ---What do you 教师准备A, B两组数量不同从听说过渡到简单的 see? 的农场动物图片,并附有让学读写,帮助学生提高 ---I see „ 生重点填写关于另一幅图片语言运用能力 动物名称、颜色、数量等词汇 的填空练习。 2 ---What do you 同桌学生分别拿到不同图片后 see? 先涂上各自喜欢的颜色,再互 ---I see „ 相问答 3 ---What do you 学生根据对方的回答完成填空 see? 练习 ---I see „ ---What do you 把各自完成的填空练习交给对 see? 方进行检对,看图文是否一致 ---I see „ Third Period Let’s talk 一( 主要新授内容 ---What do you hear? ---I hear „ 二( 学习目标 1. 了解不同动物的叫声。 2. 能用正确的语音语调认读---What do you hear? ---I hear „句型。 3. 能够在适当的语言环境中正确运用---What do you hear? ---I hear „句 型进行问答。 4. 在一年级学习的基础上,能熟练的运用所学的单词进行句型替换练习和口 语交际。 三( 教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1( Ask and answer ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. What do you 教师出示农场的图片。 培养学生看到情境就 see? 能用学过句型进行交 I see„ 流的良好习惯,同时 复习学过的内容。 2( What do you 同桌看图用学过的句型进行问 see? 答练习。 I see„ Activity 2 ( Looking and listening ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 录音 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( What do you hear? 教师出示没有动物的通过录音引出新句型,使学 I hear„ 农场图片Where are 生在感受新语言的同时,理 the animals? 解语义。 2( What do you hear? 播放动物的叫声,并用 I hear„ 较慢的语速引出What do you hear? I hear„ The„ is/are coming. 教师边说边往农场图 上贴动物图片。 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1( Repeat ) 1( 教学辅助 单词卡片 2( 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( I hear„ 先全班跟说新句型,然后过渡到小通过跟说熟悉新 组跟说,男女生跟说。 句型,做到正确朗 读句子。 2( I hear„ 教师出示句子,让学生认读。 在掌握语音的基 础上认识句型。 3( I hear„ 教师不断替换句中的单词,让学生将单词与句子相 认读。 结合进行巩固操 练。 Activity 2 ( Game ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Game 学生以纵列为单位,第一个学游戏往往能提高学生的 生模仿一种动物的叫声,第二学习兴趣,通过这个游 个学生用I hear...说出动物戏使学生能正确运用新 的名称,然后第二个学生在第学的句型,同时也使他 一个学生的基础上再模仿一们的注意力更为集中。 个动物的叫声,第三个学生要 说出这两种动物的名称,以此 叠加。 2( Game 教师请一两列的最后一名学 生反馈自己所听到的动物的 名称。 Activity 3 ( Listening and repeating ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( What do you 教师播放各种动物的叫声,用以答带问,通过刚学 hear? What do you hear,提问,学会的答句引出问句, 生用I hear„ 作答。 同时复习答句。 2( What do you 学生模仿跟说问句。 掌握句子的音和形。 hear? 3( What do you 教师出示问句,学生认读。 hear? Activity 4 ( Group work ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( What do you 教师将学生分为四人一组,第以小组为单位,引导 hear? 一个学生先轻轻地对着第二个学生相互合作完成问 I hear... 学生的耳朵发出一种动物的叫答句的综合操练。 声,另两位学生用What do you hear? I hear„和听的学生作 问答练习,以此类推。 3 任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1 ( Exercises ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 练习册 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 通过练习反馈学生的1( Look,listen 学生打开练习册翻到第2页, 学习情况,也可以体and answer. 教师播放录音,学生根据听到 现学生之间的听力和的回答问题。 理解、认读能力的差2( Listen and 学生听录音完成练习册第4页异。 trace the 的练习。 letters. Activity 2 ( Pair work ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( What do you 教师先播放歌曲,然后由同桌相愉快的气氛中。 hear„ Do you 互问答所听到的和所喜欢的。 like„ Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Fourth period Letters and Let’s play 一( 主要新授内容 Let’s learn ---letter Nn(nose) Oo(orange) Let’s play --- I hear a „ 二( 学习目标 1(能正确认读并书写 Nn和Oo 两个新授字母。 2(在本单元Let’s talk的基础上,能够根据实际情况用---What do you see/hear? ---I see/hear „进行所见所闻的信息交流。 三( 教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 ( Revision ) 1(教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Rhyme: Aa?æ?全体学生背诵学过的字母复习巩固学过的字母 apple„ 及发音 2( Fill in blanks. 教师出示一些学生未学过学生通过听音找到相应 的单词,学生根据教师的字母,不但锻炼了听力, 读音,填出单词中所缺字同时对已学字母的发音 母。例:tap 得到了进一步的巩固认 识。 Activity 2 ( Quick response ) 1. 教学辅助(Aids) 2. 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Quick 教师说字母的发音,学生快巩固字母的发音。 response 速反应相应的字母。例: ? æ? ---Aa 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1( Look and learn ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 单词卡片 字母卡片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( nose 教师出示单词,学生朗读,并说出由复习单词引出 orange 单词的第一个字母的发音。 字母的学习 2( Nn Oo 教师出示相应的字母卡片,学生认通过朗读认识字 读 母的音与形。 3( Nn /n/ nose 教师引导学生通过反复读单词发熟练掌握字母在 Oo /o/orange 现字母的发音,并通过编儿歌掌握单词中的发音,能 字母的发音。 帮助生更轻松地 拼背单词。 Activity 2( Ask and answer ) 1( 教学辅助(Aids) 录音 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. What do you 教师播放动物的叫声, 做一巩固所学句型。 hear? I hear„ 次问答示范 2( What do you 由学生两人一组相互进行问 hear? I hear„ 答。 Activity 3( Let’s play ) 1. 教学辅助(Aids) 录音 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Let’s play 学生打开教材,翻到第五页,通过练习,学生对所学 教师播放录音,学生完成相应的句型及单词都做了回 的练习。 顾。 2. Let’s play 学生反馈。 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1 ( Copy the letters ) 1.教学辅助(Aids) 黑板 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Copy 教师在黑板上画四线三格,知道字通过指导与练习,让 母的书写。 学生掌握正确的书 写。 2( Copy 学生根据教师所教的要领,在练习 本上练习书写字母。 Activity 2 ( Introduction ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 媒体 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Introduction 教师通过媒体向学生展示一个大引导学生将学过的 农场,Look, a big farm. What do 句子组成一段话练 you see? What do you hear? What 习,培养学生积累所 animal do you like,请学生用几学知识的良好习惯。 句话来介绍一下这个农场。 2( Introduction 学生用几句话介绍。 Look,this is a big farm. I see„ I like/I don’t like„ „ I hear„ I like/I don’t like„ Teaching sel-examination: the voices of animals are difficult for some students to imitate. Fifth period Let’act 一(主要新授内容 Draw the cow on the paper. Draw the duck on the ground. 二(学习目标 1( 能用正确的语音语调认读Draw„on the„句型。 2( 能够根据需要说出祈使句并做出相应的动作。 三(教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 (Game ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 图片 单词卡片 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Reading 学生看图齐背单词 检查学生对单词形的 掌握情况。 2( Game 教师出示单词卡片,学生齐读,Missing game 是学生 然后教师抽去其中一张图片,喜欢的游戏,通过游 让学生说说哪张卡片不见了。 戏帮助生复习巩固学 过的单词。 Activity 2 ( Free talk ) 1、 教学辅助(Aids) 教材p3 教学挂图 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Free talk: What do 教师出示教材第三页将学过的知识综合在一起 you see? What colour 的教学挂图,针对图的巩固练习,帮助学生进行知 is/are the „ How 内容用学生学过的句识的积累。 many „ Do you 型与学生作问答练习。 like„? 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1 ( Listening and acting ) 1、 教学辅助(Aids) 白纸 2、 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Listening and 教师在黑板上以简笔画的形式画通过肢体语言,通 acting 出一头牛,然后问一名学生:Can 过听,让学生理解 you draw the cow? Draw the cow 新指令的意义,并 on the paper.学生根据指令在老做出相应的反应。 师事先发下的白纸上画牛。 2. Listening and 教师重复指令,由个别学生到小 acting 组,到全班。 Activity 2 ( Repeat ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Draw the cow 教师引导学生跟说新指通过说说做做进一步熟悉 on the paper. 令。 指令。 2( Draw the cow 教师请一排学生分别试着 on the paper. 说指令,另一排学生根据 指令做动作。 Activity 2 ( Repeat ) 2、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Draw the cow 教师引导学生跟说新指通过说说做做进一步熟悉 on the paper. 令。 指令。 2( Draw the cow 教师请一排学生分别试着 on the paper. 说指令,另一排学生根据 指令做动作。 Activity 3 ( Rhyme ) 3、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Draw draw draw 教师引导学生边做动作边通过学儿歌的方式学习新 Draw the cow 跟说儿歌 指令。 Draw the cow on the paper. 2( Draw draw draw 学生变换动物名称编儿让学生自编儿歌,不但巩固 Draw the „ 歌。 了句型,而且培养了学生自 Draw the „ 主学习的能力。 on the paper. 任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1 ( Listen and draw ) 教学辅助(Aids) Work book 录音 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Listen and 学生听录音完成练习册第2页通过练习检查学生对 draw 的练习。 新学指令的掌握情 况。 2( Listen and 反馈练习情况。 draw Activity 2 ( Pair work ) 教学辅助(Aids) 练习纸 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. What do you 同桌分别拿到背景相同,内容在学生间形成信息 see? I see„ 不同的练习纸,例:A练习纸上差,引导他们综合学 Draw the „ on 小羊在大树下,B练习纸上大树过的句型进行交流, /in/under 下没有动物,需要学生画出。同时完成相应的练 the„ 同样B练习纸上有的动物,A习。 练习纸上页没有。 2( What do you 学生根据同桌提供的信息,在 see? I see„ 自己的练习纸上的不同位置画 Draw the „ on 出相应的动物。 /in/under the„ 3( What do you 学生将完成的练习纸放在一起 see? I see„ 校对,检查自己的完成情况。 Draw the „ on /in/under the„ Sixth period Let’s enjoy 一、 主要新授内容 Let’s enjoy---Story a) 学习目标 1( 能用正确的语音语调朗读本单元的故事,理解含义。 2( 通过故事的朗读和阅读,使学生能够表述出自己所有的动物(玩具)及 其特点。 b) 教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Activity 1 ( Song ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 录音 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( song 的叫声。 Activity 2 ( Introduction ) 3、 教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( I have got a „ 学生展示各自的动物复习学过的句型,为故事的 It is„ (玩具),用学过的句学习做铺垫。 型介绍大小或颜色。 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) Activity 1 ( Repeat ) 1、 教学辅助(Aids) 动物玩具 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( It goes ‘„’ 教师出示一个小牛的玩具,Look, 在学生学习新句 I’ve got a cow. It goes 型前可以通过听 ‘moo,moo.’然后变换动物玩具,让他们感受。 反复再现句型It goes ‘„’ 2( It goes ‘„’ 学生跟着教师用不同的音量和音根据动物特点变 调朗读句子。 换音量和音调,使 操练变得有趣。 Activity 2 ( Quick response ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Quick 教师说I’ve got a„ 快节奏的练习能使学生思 response 学生快速反应It goes 想更为集中,达到同样的效 ‘„’,并做出相应的动果。 作。 2. Quick 个别生说I’ve got a„ response 学生快速反应It goes ‘„’,并做出相应的动 作。 Activity 3 ( Game ) 1、教学辅助(Aids) . 2、活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1. Game 教师抽取一张动物图片,通过游戏的形式让学生学 但让学生看到,然后教师会积累学过的句型。 用几句话描述这个动物, 例:It is small. It is yellow. It goes ‘chick chick’。让学生用It is a „ 猜出谜底。 2. Game 教师请个别学生上讲台抽 取一张动物图片,继续游 戏。 任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Activity 1 ( Story ) 教学辅助(Aids) 课本 录音 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( Story 教师播放录音,学生跟读。 通过读熟悉故事。 2( Story 全班朗读故事。 3( Story 分小组朗读故事。 4( Story 请四位学生分别扮演故事中的表演能更好激发学生 人物,表演故事。 的学习兴趣。 Activity 2 ( Group work ) 教学辅助(Aids) 动物玩具或者学生画的动物 活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1( I’ve got a„ 教师将学生分成四人一组,相将学过的句型综合在 It is„ 互交流自己的玩具或画的动一起练习,锻炼学生 It goes ‘„’ 物。 说一段话的能力。 2. He has got a„ 学生变换人称介绍同学的动物 It is„ 玩具。 It goes ‘„’ Unit 2 In the circus 【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】 一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION) 1、本单元以了解马戏团里的动物为主题,让学生学会表达描述这些动物,懂得 动物是我们的好朋友。 2、词汇方面:在学习horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda这些单 词表达的基础上,学会运用一些形容词来描述马戏团里的动物。 3、句型方面:学习Look at the „ It’s „句型来介绍马戏团里的动物。并 尝试自己编有关动物的谜语,来互相竞猜。 4、学习在马戏表演中,用英语发出Come here. Go there. Come back.等相关 指令。 5、语音方面:通过单词pencil, quilt的复习,学习字母Pp, Qq和它们在单词 中的发音。 二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES) 、学会用Look at the „与新授单词结合,表达看到马戏团里的动物,并用1 It’s „来描述这些动物,运用连词and尝试进行更详细地描述。同时能与旧句型整合对特征、能力等其他方面进行描述。 2、通过说说谜语,互相猜猜,画画动物等多种形式,来介绍自己的动物好朋友,在同学中间交流分享。 3、通过Let’s act中3个指令的学习,并结合一些已学指令,让学生与一些动物玩耍中尝试与动物做朋友。 4、学习字母Pp,Qq和它们在单词中的发音,并能将已学过的单词中根据Pp, Qq的发音归类,尝试拼读含有Pp,Qq发音的简单单词。 三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES) 1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support) , 录音机 , 电脑 , 实物投影机 2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids) , 图片 , 实物 3、学习材料(Materials) , 学生用书 , 配套练习册 , 教学参考书 四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION) 本单元建议分六课时完成。 PERIOD TITLE CONTENTS st1 period Let?s act Come here. Go there. Come back. nd2 period Let?s learn horse bear elephant Let?s enjoy Song rd3 period Let?s learn tiger monkey panda Letters Pp pencil Qq quilt th4 period Let?s talk Look at the … It?s … 5thperiod Let?s play Guess th6 period Revision Unit 2 In the circus ST第一课时(1 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(new contents) Let?s act --- Come here. Go there. Come back. 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、学习在马戏表演中,用英语发出Come here. Go there. Come back.等相关指令。 2、将新指令与一些已学指令结合,让学生与一些动物玩耍中尝试与动物做朋友。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生在情景中获得对新语言材料的第一次感知,在营造的语言环境中使学生自然进入语言氛围。 Activity 1 (Talk about the dog) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-1) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about dogs 2005 is the hen?s year and 2006 结合生活实际,以学 is the dog?s year. 生熟悉的生肖狗为切 Do you like dogs? 入口,让学生谈谈自 What do you think of dogs? 己熟悉的小狗。 How does a dog go? What can a dog do? Activity 2 (Go to the circus) (引入2) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-2) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Elicit: circus Ask: Where can you see the dog? 以发散性的问题, In the circus, we can also see the 自然引出circus. dog. 3 Talk about Ask: Do you like to go to the 从上海马戏城着 Shanghai Circus circus? 手,将已学句型和 World In Shanghai, you can go to go there整合,让学 Shanghai Circus World. It is on 生学会活用语言, Gonghe Xin Road. How do you go 并为后面学习指令 there? Go there作好铺垫。 Activity 3 (A song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑() 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen to the song Watch and listen to the song 让学生在歌曲中 进入circus这一 情景。 2 Talk about the What can you see in the flash? song Is the boy happy? etc. * 可根据班级情况,让学生了解clown,juggler,strongman, trapeze artist, ringmaster等词。 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存,并在创设的情景中进行运用。 Activity 1 (Listen and shout) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑() 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and Listen to the song again. When 让学生根据歌曲中 shout: Come students hear the sentences „You?ll 一句重复的歌词来 here! have lots of fun. Come and see 发出指令,自然过渡 with everyone.?, ask them try to 到新授内容。 shout: “Come here! Come here!” 2 Listen and act Ask one student to say: Come 让学生扮演动物来 here, …(student?s name). The 说说演演,在情景中 student imitates the sound of a 操练。 kind of animals to answer and come. Activity 2 (Quick response) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and act With a motioning hand action, the teacher says “That?s the door. Go there, …(student?s name)” 由听听做做,到自己说 Then say “Come 说,到同伴间说说做做, back, …(student?s name)”. 学生逐步习得。 2 Listen and Have the class listen and move repeat their hands according to your instruction. Repeat several times. 3 Play in pairs Ask students to say and act in pairs. Activity 3 (A memory game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-3) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Look and Show five colours and the remember words they stand for. Encourage students to look and 以颜色和单词配对,在 remember in one minute. 记忆游戏中,让学生任 意地选择两种颜色,在2 Choose two Show a form filled with 轻松的氛围中让学生逐colours to make different colours. Ask students 步熟悉单词,并组成不a sentence. to choose two colours and try 同的句子朗读。 to make a sentence. e.g. red and blue: Come here. If it?s right, let students read the sentence together. Have a competition in groups and see which group can match more. Red cards stand for “Come” Yellow cards stand for “Go” red blue white Blue cards stand for “here” white yellow blue Pink cards stand for “there” White cards stand for “back” pink red yellow Activity 4 (Story) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-4) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and (Show some pictures of animals) guess Tell a story like this: Sam has a 以谜语形式,让学生 good friend. He is Spotty. He 在此过程中语言逐 has two long ears. He is 步积累,并学会用英 little. Look at my friend. Who 语思维。 is he? (He is a dog.) 2 Talk about (Show three pictures on page7) Spotty Look, what can Spotty do? 在故事的情景中,让 学生学会活用语言3 Talk about the One day Sam has got a kite. He 知识。 pictures wants to play with Sam. (Look at three pictures on page7) What will Sam say? Activity 5 (The favourite food) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)图片 2)头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about the What do cats/ dogs/ … like? 给学生提供开放性 favourite food 的问题。 2 Get the favourite Put some pictures of food at food. different places. Put the 将已学的食物、动物 headwear of Spotty, Kitty, etc. 等知识与新句型融 on students? head. Then invite 合,使学生学会整 students to give instructions 合、活用。 (e.g. That?s the meat. Go there. I?ve got some fish. Come here. ) and help animals to get their favourite food. 当扮演动物的学生根据指令拿到相应的食物后,可根据学生情况,对食物进行,如It’s delicious. It’s nice. It’s terrible. etc. Activity 6 (A guessing game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Guess and act Invite some students to come to the front. Put some headwear of animals 将马戏团的动物, on their head. Teacher describes an 通过描述先让学 animal and then gives an instruction 生有一个初步的 to this animal. See who can 认识,在听听做做 responses the quickest. 中为下一课单词 e.g. You have a long nose and two 的学习打好基础。 big ears. You are pink and fat. You like to play with water. Come here, please! (An elephant.) Activity 7 (Simon says) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Play a game Play “Simon says …” using the instructions taught in this lesson in addition to the more familiar ones. 复习新旧口令,为 e.g. Stand up. Sit down. 后面与一些动物 Raise your (left/right) hand/leg. 玩耍中发出不同 Put it down. 的指令作好铺垫。 Give me … Jump high/low. Put the … ___ the ____. Go to the … 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相 应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1(Say and act a dog) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-5) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about the What can a dog do in the 讨论马戏团里的狗能干 dog circus? 的事。 2 Say and act Show one sentence on the screen and encourage a student to give instructions according 根据狗能够做的事,学 to the sentence and another to 生在说说演演中发出不 act a dog. 同的指令,让学生在情 e.g. A dog can run. 景中进行操练。 Say and act: Come here. Go there. Come back. A dog can jump. Say and act: Jump high/low. A dog can dance. Say and act: Stand up. Dance. Sit down. Activity 2(Animals in the circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about the Students can be divided into animal students groups according to the animal 让学生自己根据 like they like. Encourage students try 喜欢的动物分小 to describe the animal. 组,发挥学生自主 e.g. What colour is it? What has 性。 it? What can it do? 2 Say and act an Encourage students try to animal introduce and act the animal in 以小组为单位,每 groups. 个同学或是介绍 e.g. ( The monkey group say and 某一动物,或是发 act) 出指令,或是扮演 It is little and lovely. It has two 动物来演演,培养 arms and two legs. It?s clever. 学生合作以及说 (Instruction) Give me a ball. 段的能力。 Please. Raise your left hand. … Activity 3 (Talk about the circus show) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-6) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Look at the pictures Show some circus show. 谈谈对马戏表演 or watch the video Ask: Do you like it? 和对动物的感受, 培养学生爱护动2 Talk about the show What do you think of the 物、做文明观众的animals? (lovely, clever, …) 好习惯。 What do you think of the show? (good, super, fantastic, …) 附件: 媒体制作说明 ? 2B-U2-1 寻找一些关于狗年的图片进行展示。 ? 2B-U2-2 出示上海马戏城的照片和它作处位置的地图。 ? 2B-U2-3 先出示5种不同颜色的卡片,下面注释单词: Red cards stand for “Come” Yellow cards stand for “Go” Blue cards stand for “here” Pink cards stand for “there” White cards stand for “back” 一分钟后消失,出现一张表格(表格内有颜色填充),点击某一颜色后会出现单词。 red blue white white yellow blue pink red yellow ? 2B-U2-4 出示一些动物的照片,如狗、猫、猴子等。点击后出现书上第7页的三幅图片。 ? 2B-U2-5 出示有着不同动作的狗的一些照片。点击某一照片,这张照片放大,并出现一句话:如A dog can run./ A dog can dance. / … Unit 2 In the circus nd第二课时(2 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(New contents) Let?s learn----- horse bear elephant Let?s enjoy ----- Look at the … 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、学会用正确的语音语调说出马戏团里的动物horse, bear, elephant,并在已经学习Look at the light. It?s …句型的基础上,尝试用句型Look at the „与新授单词结合,表达看到马戏团里的动物,并用It’s „学会运用一些形容词来描述这些动物。 2、在听听说说画画的过程中逐步学会介绍自己的动物好朋友,在同学中间交流分享。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知,并对已学内容进行巩固整合。 Activity 1 (Song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 3) 电脑() 4) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Sing the song Clap and sing the song 让学生在歌曲中进入 circus这一情景。 Activity 2 (Go to the circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-7) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Crossing the Let?s go to the circus. But first road we should cross the road. 在穿马路这一已学情 (Show the traffic light.) 景中复习句型Look at Encourage students to say in the … It?s …为后面介 pairs. 绍动物打下基础。 --- Look at the light. It?s red/yellow/ green. --- Stop!/ Wait! / Go! Activity 3 (Quick response) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Quick response Put the headwear of bear, elephant 通过带上动物头饰, and horse on students? head. And 在说说做做中对即 give the instructions to these 将新授的单词有个 animals. e.g. Come here, Mr. Bear. 初步印象。 2 Play in groups Ask students to give instructions 让学生模仿动物走 and act in groups. Encourage 路,增加趣味性。 students to imitate the way animals walk. 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 Activity 1 (A song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 磁带 2) 录音机 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen to the Play the cassette player and listen to song the song on page 11. 从歌曲自然过渡 到单词的学习,增2 Questions Ask: How many animals do you 加学生学习的兴hear? What are they? 趣。 3 Learn the words Encourage students to repeat the words: bear horse elephant Activity 2 (Learn the sounds) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2) 单词卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 The sound of Read the words: horse short 根据已经学过单词 “or” Try to read more: 总结规律,学会自己 horn born cord fort 拼读更多单词。 2 Read the A horse has no horns. 通过有发音规律的 sentences A horse has no short horns. 句子朗读,培养学生 A horse has no short horns when it 语感。 was born. Activity 3 (Listen and choose) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2) 单词卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and Listen to the song on page 11 choose the again. Ask students to choose the pictures animals pictures and put them in order according to the song. 在听听选选排排序2 Listen and Encourage students to sing with 中认识熟悉单词。 choose the the tape. Ask students to choose words the word cards of animals and put them in order according to the song.. Activity 4 (The sound of “the”) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Read the Read the phrases as follow: phrase the apple/elephant/ egg/ice-cream 元音和辅音前the的 the bear/horse/ book/ meat 发音是一个难点,通 过归类和操练,使学2 Quick Teacher shows a picture. A student 生能熟能生巧。 response says a phrase with “the”. (Pay attention to the sound of “the”) Activity 5 (Talk about the animals) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about the Look at the bear. How is it? bear Encourage students to say more: e.g. Look at the bear. It?s big. 通过每位学生的共 Look at the bear. It?s big and brown. 同积累,使学生学会 Look at the bear. It?s big, brown and 表达更多的形容词, strong. … 也使之养成完整介 绍的习惯。 2 Talk in groups Ask students to talk about the bear, horse and the elephant in groups. Look at the … It?s … Then have a competition to see which group can say more. Activity 6 (Sing a song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 磁带 2) 录音机 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Sing a song Play the cassette player and sing the song together 从跟唱到自己进行原 创歌曲,发挥学生学2 Make a new According to the song, encourage 习的主动性。 song students in groups try to describe other animals like horse and elephant and use more adjectives to make a new song. Then invite students in groups to sing and act. Activity 7 (Talk about the favourite animal) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 The favourite Which animal do you like? Can you animal say something about it? 让学生选择自己 e.g. Look at the … 喜欢的动物来介 It?s … 绍,来询问他人的 I like it. 喜好,培养学生说 * Encourage students to use “How 段和社交能力。 about you?” to ask others? favourite animal. 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1(Listen and draw) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2) 铅笔 3) 蜡笔或彩色笔 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and draw Teacher talks about an animal and students listen and try to draw it. 在画画中反馈学 Then students guess what the 生的听力和理解 animal is. 能力。 e.g. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. It?s fat and grey. 2 Share and talk Share students? painting and talk 让学生学会欣赏, about them about them using “Look at 学会评价。 the …It?s … ” 根据学生实际情况,可鼓励学生表达更多,如 …(name) draw the …(animal) She can/can?t draw very well. etc. Activity 2(Draw and say) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2)铅笔 3)蜡笔或彩色笔 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Draw an animal Encourage students to draw an animal on the paper. 让学生在画画说说中乐 于表达,善于表达。 2 Introduce the Ask students to introduce the animal animal they like. Activity 3 (Find the friends) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)学生作品 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Find the friends Students take their paintings 与同学分享作品, and go outside to share with 并试图找到志同 their classmates. Try to find 道合的人。 who likes the same animal. Activity 4 (Read and match) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑 (2B-U2-8) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Read and match Let students read the sentences and match: (Show the picture on page 8) 根据动物特征进 A: Look at the bear. 行配对,培养学生 Look at the horse. 阅读理解能力。 Look at the elephant. B: It?s big and brown. It?s tall and brown. It?s fat and grey. C: It can run fast. It can play with balloons. It can ride. 附件: 媒体制作说明 ?2B-U2-7 出示交通灯(在马路的背景中),随机跳动3种灯,按按纽跳动一次。 ?2B-U2-8 出示书本第8页图片和3组句子,学生可以任意拖动句子,组成三句话的一段话。 A: Look at the bear. Look at the horse. Look at the elephant. B: It?s big and brown. It?s tall and brown. It?s fat and grey. C: It can run fast. It can play with balloons. It can ride. Unit 2 In the circus rd第三课时(3 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(New contents) Let?s learn --- tiger monkey panda Letters--- Pp pencil Qq quilt 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、学会用正确的语音语调说出马戏团里的动物tiger, monkey, panda,并用句型 Look at the „It’s „来介绍马戏团里的动物,学会运用一些形容词来描述 这些动物。用连词and尝试对马戏团里的动物进行更详细地描述。 2、在听听说说画画的过程中学会介绍自己的动物好朋友,在同学中间交流分享。 2、通过单词pencil, quilt的复习,学习字母Pp, Qq和它们在单词中的发音, 并 能将已学过的单词中根据Pp, Qq的发音归类,尝试拼读含有Pp, Qq发音的 简单单词。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 Activity 1 (A song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 录音机 2) 磁带 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Sing the song Play the cassette and sing the song 从齐唱到自己进 on page 9. 行原创歌曲,发挥 学生学习的主动2 Make a new Encourage students to make a new 性。 song song using other animals or adjectives. Activity 2 (A guessing game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and guess Divide the class into two groups. Let two groups guess what animal 让层层递近的描述 it is. See who is faster. 中让学生以竞争形 e.g. T: It?s big. (Guess) 式猜一猜,发挥联 T: It has two small eyes. (Guess) 想,也为后面描述 T: It?s brown. (Guess) 作好铺垫。 At last teacher shows the picture and say : Look at the bear. 2 Play in groups Let student say and guess in groups. Activity 3 (Say and act) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 学生图片 2) 头饰 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a headwear Ask students to make a headwear by using their animal pictures they drew. 让学生自己动手 制作头饰,到以小2 Say and act Invite one student to put on his/her 组内说说演演,在headwear and act an animal. 愉悦的环境中学Others in the group talk about the 习英语。 animal and train it. e.g. Look at the horse. It?s tall and brown. … Come here, Mr. Horse. Go there, Mr. Horse. Come back, Mr. Horse. etc. 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 Activity 1 (Look and learn) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 3)电脑 (2B-U2-9) 4)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Free talk What animal is big? 提出开放性问题。 以身体的特征来2 Learn: tiger Show the picture of an animal?s big 让学生猜猜说说panda body and encourage student to describe 学学。 it. “It?s …(colour, size, feeling, …)” And then guess what animal it is. Learn: tiger panda 3 Make a e.g. Tiger, tiger, tiger. 琅琅上口的儿歌, rhyme Look at the tiger. 加强学生节奏感。 Where is the tiger? It?s in the circus. Activity 2 (A riddle) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Learn: Guess: What is it? It?s brown. It?s 通过具体描述来猜 monkey little and lovely. It has a long tail. It 猜monkey,为后面 can climb the tree. It likes bananas 学生自己说打好基 so much. 础。 Read: monkey 2 Make a rhyme e.g. Bananas, bananas, 琅琅上口的儿歌,加 Go there, Mr. Monkey. 强学生节奏感, 并 Look at the monkey. 学会整合知识。 It can climb. Activity 3 (Make a new animal) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑 (2B-U2-10) 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a new Divide the pictures of animals into animal parts of the body. Ask students to 以不同动物的部位 make a new picture with different 组成新动物,增加学 head, body and feet. 习的趣味性,并巩固 所有单词。 2 Talk about the Encourage students to say: Look at new animal the animal. It has a/an …?s head, a/an …?s body and a/an …?s feet. Do you like this animal? Activity 4 (Learn more) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about animals What animal can you see in the in the circus circus? What can it do? 2 Learn more Show more pictures of animals in 根据学生情况 the circus. 适当进行补充 e.g. seal, cat, dog, lion, etc. 词汇。 3 Say a rhyme The circus One, one! The circus is fun! 在说说做做的 (put fingers on sides of face to show 儿歌中,学生 smile) 进行动物词汇 Two, two!! Is that a kangaroo? 和动作词汇的 (fingers point.) 积累。 Three, three!! The monkeys look at me. (cup eyes) Four, four! Hear four lions roar. (cup ears) Five, five! Five dolphins dive. (fingers dive) Six, six!! The clowns do tricks. (pretend to juggle) Seven, seven!! The seals think they're in heaven. (point upwards) Eight, eight! The elephants wait. (make trunk with arms) Nine, nine!! Horses march in line. (fingers march) Ten, ten!! Tomorrow may we come again? (place both hands together saying "please?") 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!! Yes, we'll surely visit the circus again!! (count 10 fingers) Activity 5 (Make a new song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 录音机 2) 磁带 2) 头饰 3) 表格 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a new Let students have the song headwear and act. Invite 根据学生自己喜爱的 others to make a new song by 动物来自编儿歌,并 using some animals students 询问他人的喜好,在 like in the circus. 唱唱问问说说中轻松 运用语言。 2 Do a survey Sing the new song and do a survey by asking “How about you?” 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1(Alphabet train) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 字母卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Review the Drive a train and recite the letters letters from “Aa---Oo”. 开小火车的形式复习字 2 New letters: Add two compartments of a 母,扩大操练面。 Pp Qq train and read the letters: Pp Qq. Activity 2(Learn the sound) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 字母卡片 2)单词卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Learn the sound “p” “p””p”, Paint a picture; 儿歌与Pp, Qq发 “p” “p””p”, Peter can paint a picture. 音结合,让学生在 “q” ”q” ”q”, The queen is quick 儿歌中熟悉发音。 “q” ”q” ”q”, The queen is quick to make a quilt. 2 More words Pp pencil Qq quilt 用已学过的单词 Ask students to give more words 让学生复习字母 including the sound /p/ /q/. 发音,并使学生理 解词义来组合造3 Make a sentence Use the words including the same 句。 sound to make a sentence. Activity 3 (Rhymes) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) )电脑(2B-U2-11) 1 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Read the rhyme Pencil begins with letter Pp, 用字母、其发音和 Letter Pp, letter Pp, 含有此发音的单 Pencil begins with letter Pp, 词共同组成一首 p- p- p- p- p- p. 节奏性强的儿歌, 2 Make a new rhyme Encourage students to make a 使学生在活用中 new rhyme with the sounds 加强记忆。 they have learned. Activity 4 (A chant) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Read the chant Pp: My puppet, puppet, puppet, had a party party party, 用含有p/q发音的in the park park park 单词组成儿歌,让 with Peter Peter Peter. 学生在琅琅上口 的chant中再次巩 Qq: Xu…Be Quiet! 固活用。 I have a question. How quickly can the queen make the quilt? Activity 5 (A game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑 (2B-U2-12) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and choose Students listen to a word and 综合已学字母,在 choose the missing letter 听单词中辨别发 (Aa---Qq) according to the sound. 音,并能尝试拼读 一些新单词,使学2 Read the word Students try to read the words 生的语音能力得according to the sounds. 到增强。 附件: 媒体制作说明 ?2B-U2-9 出示老虎和熊猫身体部分的图片,点击后出示整幅图片。 ?2B-U2-10 将每个动物的头、身体、脚的图片分解,并可以随意拖动,组成一个新的动物图片。 ?2B-U2-11 出示儿歌,周围有pencil的图片,并伴有有节奏的音乐(可从电子琴中录)。 ?2B-U2-12 每次出现一个单音节单词,其中一个字母为空缺(是Aa---Qq任意一个),周围是几个字母供选择。按钮选择播放单词发音,学生可任意拖动可选择的字母,并会自动判断正误。如 __lease, 可选字母:p q b。 Unit 2 In the circus th 第四课时(4 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(New contents) Let?s talk --- Look at the … It?s … 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、学会用Look at the „ It’s „句型来介绍马戏团里的动物,同时能与旧句型整合对特征、能力等其他方面进行描述。 2、尝试介绍一种马戏团里自己喜欢的动物,与同学交流分享。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 Activity 1 (Tiny Tiger) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Say a rhyme This little tiger is very wild. (Growl like a tiger) This little tiger is a loving child. 儿歌说说,手 (Pet the second finger) 指动动,让学 This little tiger has some big black spots. 生轻松进入语 (With thumb and forefinger of the right hand, for a 境中学习。 circle. Place it over the middle finger for spots) This little tiger likes to prowl and smell. (Dot the ring finger with the pointer of the right hand) But his teeth are too small to bite quite well. (Let the little finger prowl all around the lap, smell and smell) Activity 2 (An alphabet rhyme) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 字母卡片 2) 节奏器 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Recite the letters Let students clap hands and 拍手复习字母,增加 recite the letters from Aa---Qq 打节奏性。 2 Say a rhyme A - B - CDE (Teacher) A - B - CDE (Students) 用儿歌将26个字母 Grade One is where I want to be. 串接,在多次朗读中 (Teacher) 自然学会了新的句 Grade One is where I want to be. 子,增加输入量。 (Students) F - G - HIJ Learning to read and write each day. K - L - MNO Many boys and girls we know. P - Q - RST Sharing books with you and me. U - V - WXY Now it's time to say good-bye. Z - Z - ZZZ Grade One is where I want to be. (or, with the zed sound -) Z - Z - ZZZ And the letters are in my head. Activity 3 (The circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 单词卡片 2) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about If you are an animal trainer in the the circus circus, what can you do/say? What animal do you see/hear in the circus? 2 Circus Time Teacher: We will see a big parade. All: The circus is coming to town. 师生的一唱一和,Teacher: We'll have pink lemonade. 通过互动增加课All: The circus is coming to town. 堂气氛,并让学生Teacher: The horses will put on a show. 潜移默化地了解All: The circus is coming to town. 更多马戏团的知Teacher: The clowns will march in a 识。 row. All: The circus is coming to town. Teacher: There will be some acrobats. All: The circus is coming to town. Teacher: There will be some tiger cats. All: The circus is coming to town. Teacher: There will be a buffalo. All: The circus is coming to town. Teacher: Come on! Let's go! Let's go! All: The circus is coming to town. 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 Activity 1 (Circus train) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2) 蜡笔或彩色笔 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose The children may draw and colour any 1 Make a circus animal they wish in the circus. Paste the train animals on the blackboard as if they 让学生自己动手,were in a circus train. 激发他们的表达2 Talk about the Encourage students to introduce the 欲望。 animals circus train one by one. Look at the … It?s … Activity 2 (Circus show) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-13) 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Free talk (Show the picture on page 8 ) Ask students to talk about one animal they like on the circus show. 通过逐步创设情 境让学生表达更2 Things What can the animals do in the circus. 多的句型,使学生animals can Encourage students to say: 的知识进行整合。 do Look at the … It?s ____ and clever. It can … Activity 3 (Under The Big Top ) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen to a Under the big top, what will I see? rhyme Look there's an elephant smiling at me. 儿歌的节奏性 Behind the elephant, what will I see? 使学生乐于接 Look there's a bear dancing for me. 受,也在潜移 Behind the bear, what will I see? 默化中使学生 Look a wild lion is roaring at me. 习得更多知 Behind the lion, what will I see? 识。 A little seal doing tricks for me. 2 A memory Choose the animals pictures students hear game in the rhyme and put them on the 培养学生仔细 blackboard. 聆听的习惯。 3 Talk about the Talk about the animals in order. animals Look at the … 逐步进行语言 It is …(where) 的积累表达。 It is … 4 Say the rhyme Let students say the rhyme together. Activity 4 (Sky circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-14) 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Free talk Do you like the circus? Where can you see the circus show? 2 Sky Circus (Show some clouds look like animals) Let students guess what animal it is. What has it? 发挥学生想象空 Look at the … It?s … It has … 中云朵的形状, 根据描述特征来3 A chant Sky Circus 巩固旧句型,与I saw an elephant today, And a 新句型整合。 kangaroo, and a whale, A tall giraffe, a wobbly calf, And a bird with a long, long tail. I saw them march in proud array, I saw them all this very day. Why don't you ask me where I've been? To the circus? No, not I. I've been swinging on Grandma's gate, Watching the clouds in the sky. Activity 5 (Animals are hungry) (引入1) 2、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-15) 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose The food 1 The … is hungry. What does it like animals like to eat? 一年级时已学I It likes to eat … like to eat … 根据 Match and say 学生情况学习表2 (Show some pictures of food and 达It likes to eat …match with the animals) 进行扩充。 Look at the … It?s … It?s hungry now. It likes to eat … Activity 6 (Introduce an animal) (引入1) 2、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Introduce an Encourage students in groups to animal in introduce an animal they like: 以小组共同介绍一种动 groups Look at the … 物来降低难度,使每个 It?s … 学生都有机会表达。 It has … It can … It likes to eat … 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1 (Make a shadow) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a shadow Ask students to make a shadow of an 通过制作动物 animal. 影子,激发学 生表达欲望。 2 Guess Let students share the shadows and guess what animal it is. Activity 2(Circus puppets) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 彩色笔或蜡笔 2) 纸 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Circus Puppets Ask students to make a finger 选择自己喜欢的动 circus puppet. 物来做个手指木偶, 说说做做演演中自2 Say and act Put the circus puppet on the finger 然表达语言。 and introduce this animal. Activity 3(Circus cage) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 盒子 2) 剪刀 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Circus Cage for To make a circus cage, you'll need Animals an empty biscuit box. Cut the flaps off the opened end. Then carefully 利用废弃小盒子 cut out a large rectangle on each 做个马戏车进城 side. Tape some straws to the box. 的小笼子,在演演 Do this on both sides and the cage is 说说中学生获得 complete. 乐趣,也学会活用 语言。 2 Make a circus Now put the finger circus puppet in. show It looks like the circus has come to town! Then encourage students to show the circus and introduce the animals Unit 2 In the circus th 第五课时(5 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(New contents) Let?s enjoy --- Guess 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、学会运用单词little, 并能在描述中正确区分使用单词have/has/is。 2、整合旧句型对特征、能力、外表等其他方面进行描述,尝试自己编有关动物的谜语,来互相竞猜。 3、通过说说谜语,互相猜猜,画画动物等多种形式,来介绍自己的动物好朋友, 在同学中间交流分享。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 Activity 1 (Stomp and clap) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 字母卡片 2) 单词卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Review the Show the letter cards and read them. letters Stomp the vowels and clap the 通过拍手、跺脚的身体 consonants. 运动,来复习字母和其 发音,既测试学生反应2 Review the Teacher makes a sound of a 速度,又从一开始就调sounds letter and shows a word card. If 动学生的积极性。 the word including the sound, students clap and read the word. Or not students just stomp. Activity 2 (A song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Sing and Did You Ever See A Clown act (Sung to: 'Did You Ever See A Lassie?' ) Did you ever see a clown, A clown, a clown? Did you ever see a clown Move this way and that? 从歌曲中 Did you ever see a clown Move this way and that? 了解马戏 Move this way and that way, Move this way and 团里更多 that way. 的角色, Did you ever see a clown Move this way and that? 并让学生 (Have child form circle. One child in middle should 唱唱做 perform actions. Take turns.) 做,调动 学习的积2 Make a Allow the children to choose the focus of each 极性。 new verse (did you ever see dancing bear......, did you version ever see an elephant......, did you ever see tightrope walker......, etc) Activity 3 (A guessing game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about a Each group chooses an animal and circus animal talks about it. 让学生学会互相合作 It?s … and … 学习,用集体的智慧 It can … 描述一种动物。 It has … It likes to eat … 2 Guess Others guess what it is and point to the animal. Then repeat how it is. 培养学生良好的聆听 Look at the … 习惯,通过复述,让 It?s … and … 学生从中也能学习。 It can … It has … It likes to eat … 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 Activity 1 (Find the friends) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 单词卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Say a rhyme Have, have, have, 以儿歌形式,让学 I have, You have. 生熟记生硬的语 Has, has, has, 法知识。 He has, she has, it has. 2 Find the Teacher sends the word cards (I, you, friends it, she, he) to students. Then put the 通过找朋友的游 word card (have, has) on the 戏,让学生学会运 blackboard. Students try to stand in 用have/has,并根 front of the right word card (have/has) 据实际情况造句, and make a sentence. 学会活用。 I/ You have … He/She/It has … Activity 2 (Say a rhyme) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and draw Ask students listen to the rhyme and try to draw according to the rhyme. I have a house. My house is little. A rabbit is in my house. 以儿歌形式了解 The rabbit is little, too. little/ a little的使 The rabbit is a little fat. 用区别,并以画画 She can?t jump. 形式检测学生的 理解程度。 2 Talk about the Teacher talks about the rhyme and rhyme shows the picture he/she draws. 3 Read the poem Read the poem together and then try to make a new poem and draw a new picture. Activity 3 (Talk about friends) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Talk about Have you got a friend? Who is friends he/she? Can you say something about your friend? Encourage students to introduce their friends. 2 A guessing Teacher encourages students to 由说说自己身边的好朋 game guess: Who is my friend? 友,到猜猜说说自己的 I have a friend. He is tall and 动物好朋友,由熟悉的 white. He goes Nay-Nay. He 介绍人的说段练习过渡 has four long legs so he can 到介绍动物,在层层递 run fast. I can ride on him. He 近的过程中学生逐步形 likes to eat grass. Who is he? 成知识的积累。 (A horse) 3 Make a riddle Encourage students to make a new riddle to let others guess. I have a friend. He/ She is … He/She has … He/She can … He/She likes to eat … Look at my friend. Who is he/she? Activity 4 (A guessing game) (引入1) 3、教学辅助(Aids) (1) 电脑(2B-U2-16) (2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose Show some sentences that have been hidden. Divide the students into two parts. 任意选择一句句子,Each group may choose one 根据其特征来猜猜动sentence each time that A guessing 物,通过将整段谜语1 helps them to find the answer game 切割成无数小句,降(Who is my friend?). See 低理解难度,也发挥which group is faster. 学生想象。同时通过e.g. I have a friend. 两组比赛,激发学生He is yellow and brown. 表达欲望。 He is big and strong. He has a long tail. He can jump through the hoops. He can run fast. He likes to eat little animals. 通过整个谜语的朗Read the Ask the whole class to read , 读,为学生自己说打riddle the riddle together. 好基础。 Activity 5 (Make a picture) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 电脑(2B-U2-17) 2) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Read and Students read a riddle and choose the choose parts of the animals? body to make a 根据谜语,将分割 new picture. Then guess what animal it 好的身体重拼,来 is. 看看是什么动物, (Divide the animal pictures into several 并来说说动物,增 parts of head, body, feet and tail.) 加趣味性。 2 Talk about Encourage students to say more about the animal this animal. Activity 6 (Here I am!) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 手指木偶 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a riddle Encourage students to make a riddle about a circus animal and others guess. 通过歌曲中 2 Sing a song The whole class sings the song together. 互动的及时 When the guessing animal is the finger 反馈,检验学 puppet you have, you should stand up and 生仔细聆听 answer by singing. 程度,并让全 e.g. Ss: Where is Tiger? Where is Tiger? 班参与猜猜 S1: Here I am. Here I am. 学生编的谜 Ss: How are you today? 语,扩大操练 S1: Very well, thank you. 面。 Ss: Run away. Run away. (Sing with different animals) 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1(Listen and draw) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2) 蜡笔或彩色笔 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Make a riddle Invite a student to make a riddle of 在说说谜语,互相猜 an animal. 猜,画画动物中,来 介绍自己的动物好2 Listen and draw Others try to listen and draw the 朋友,在同学中间交animals on the paper. See who is 流分享。 right and who can draw well? Activity 2(Hide and seek) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 图片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Hide and Invite two students to come to the seek front. Put a picture on the back of each student. Then each one who doesn?t 将动物图片放在背 know what animal it is may ask 后,利用学生急于想 questions to the class. Others can only 知道答案的心理,在 answer “Yes./ No. ” 游戏问答中使学生学 e.g. Is she big? 会使用提问。 Has she two long ears? etc. 2 Play in Let students play the game in four. groups Activity 3 (A miming game) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Mime and guess Except for talking, the teacher may do anything (e.g. act, draw) to 老师不动口,在演 show how his/her friend is. 演画画无声的交 Encourage students to guess: Who 流中,鼓励学生多 is my friend? 多开口。 2 Mime and say Teacher acts again and invites the students to speak out how his/her friend is. 附件: 媒体制作说明 ?2B-U2-16 出示谜语,每一句都被遮掉,点击某一句句子的上面,就会出现 这句话。 I have a friend. He is yellow and brown. He is big and strong. He has a long tail. He can jump through the hoops. He can run fast. He likes to eat little animals. ?2B-U2-17 将一些动物的身体分割成几部分,可以任意拖动某一部分组成一 个动物。 Unit 2 In the circus th 第六课时(6 PERIOD) 一、主要新授内容(New contents) Main words: horse bear elephant tiger monkey panda Main sentences: Look at the „ It’s „ Come here. Go there. Come back. 二、学习目标(Objectives) 1、复习字母Aa---Qq,以及其在单词中的发音。 2、 对单词的拼读进一步巩固,使学生熟练地运用Look at the „ It’s „句型来介绍马戏团里的动物,同时能与旧句型整合对特征、能力等其他方面进行描述。 3、学生通过阅读来作为补充,并从有选择地模仿中学会更全面地介绍来介绍自己的动物好朋友,在同学中间交流分享,懂得动物是我们的好朋友。 三、教学建议 1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 Activity 1 (Sing a song) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 磁带 2) 录音机 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Sing a song Let's All Go to the Circus Today (Sung to: 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' ) Let's all go to the circus today, The circus today, the circus today, Let's all go to the circus today And watch the animals play. See the lions jump through the hoops. 在歌曲的学习中 At the circus today 逐步积累词汇。 See the big seals spinning balls. At the circus today See the little dogs jump and twirl. At the circus today 2 Talk about the Talk about the circus animals in the animals in the song. circus e.g. What can they do? Activity 2 (Whisper) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 3) 字母卡片 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Play a game: Teacher quietly tells a letter, 通过传音游戏来检 whisper the sound or a word to the first 测学生字母、字母发 student of the line. Then 音或单词发音的正 students tell one by one and 确性。 see which line is the quickest. Activity 3 (Say and act) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 音乐 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Listen and While playing slow music, ask the act children which circus animals would move slowly then have them imitate that 以音乐让学生动 movement (elephants). Likewise, which 动说说,鼓励学 animals would move very quickly? Play 生更多的参与交 fast music as children move like prancing 流表达。 horses, for example. 2 Listen and Play the music again. While playing slow say music, encourage the children to introduce a friend of a circus animal that moves slowly. So does the quick music. 2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 Activity 1 (The animals in the circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) (3) 电脑(2B-U2-18) (4) 屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 The animals in Show pictures of animals to the the circus children (pets, farm animals, jungle, etc). Which animals 通过归类,让学生了 would we find in a circus? 解马戏团里哪些动 2 Listening Play a tape of animal sounds and 物可以表演。 allow children to identify the animals. Listen to the … In the circus, I can/ can?t hear the … Activity 2 (Reading) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑(2B-U2-19) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose Read and Let students read the paragraph 1 通过读读配对,让学生更match and match the pictures. 多了解动物能干些什么,What do you think of the circus 对于不同层次的学生可Talk about animal? 以有不同要求,可开口说2 the circus Which animal do you like best? 说,或理解即可。 animals Say something about it. Reading: The circus has lots of fun. Tigers can jump through hoops. Monkeys can stand on the heads. Bears can ride bicycles. Horses can gallop around in a circle. Lions can sit on a stool. Elephants can hold up one foot. Circus animals are clever but after the show, they are tired. Which animal do you like best? Match: (Pictures) Animals (Pictures) Action Tigers Monkeys … Activity 3 (More about the circus) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑(2B-U2-20) 2)屏幕 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 More about the Introduce more roles in the 通过阅读,了解马戏 circus circus by reading 团里更多其他的角 色,更全面地了解马2 Read and match Match the pictures and the 戏表演。 roles. 3 Say and act I?m a … I?m … In the circus, I can … Reading: Do you know who he is? (A picture) A strong man can lift barbells. (A picture) A tightrope walker can walk across a balance beam carrying an umbrella above their heads (A picture) A clown can make people laugh. (A picture) A trapeze artist can fly in the sky. (A picture) A ringmaster can introduce circus act. 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 Activity 1(Draw and write) (引入1) 1、教学辅助(Aids) 1) 纸 2) 蜡笔或彩色笔 2(活动过程(Process) Steps Contents Methods Purpose 1 Draw and write Let students write something about a circus animal and ask another to 通过填填写写,降低 guess what it is. The one who 学生写谜语的难度。 guesses may draw a picture to 同时同学间的互动 show the answer. 竞猜,写写画画,也 增加了趣味性。 2 Make a circus Put students? drawing together to make a picture of circus. I have a friend. ____ (He/She) is ________________. ____ (He/She) has ____________________. ____ (He/She) can _________________. ____ (He/She) likes to eat __________________. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Who is ____ (He/She)? 附件: 媒体制作说明 ?2B-U2-18 在一个圆圈周围出现一些动物的图片,在圆圈中出现马戏团的场 景,学生可以任意拖动动物的图片进入马戏团。 ?2B-U2-19 先出示阅读的一篇文章,随后出现动物和动作的图片,学生可以 任意配对。 阅读: The circus has lots of fun. Tigers can jump through hoops. Monkeys can stand on the heads. Bears can ride bicycles. Horses can gallop around in a circle. Lions can sit on a stool. Elephants can hold up one foot. Circus animals are clever but after the show, they are tired. Which animal do you like best? 配对: (Pictures) Animals (Pictures) Action Tigers Monkeys … ?2B-U2-20 先出现以下的句子和一些马戏团里角色的图片。随后图片打乱, 与角色进行配对。 Do you know who he is? (A picture) A strong man can lift barbells. (A picture) A tightrope walker can walk across a balance beam carrying an umbrella above their heads (A picture) A clown can make people laugh. (A picture) A trapeze artist can fly in the sky. (A picture) A ringmaster can introduce circus act.
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