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灵芝回春养颜酒论文9灵芝回春养颜酒论文9 摘 要 考察用不同度数的白酒与灵芝等炮制的影响以及炮制时间的长短对药酒的功效影响及灵芝回春养颜酒的炮制工艺研究。 中医理论认为,用药送服或用酒浸泡中药可借助酒的辛热之性,缓和药物的寒性以调整中药店性味,并且具有升提之性,可以引药上行,使药力迅速到达全身经脉,以增强活血通络、祛风散寒的作用。 经过炮制后所得的药酒可作为抗疲劳抗衰老的保健口服液,并给需要的爱美年轻人喝,药酒中主要具有补血益气、美容养颜的滋补养生之品,同时酒本身又有辛散温通的功效。这样既可以达到补充体力精力,避免老化,又可提高新陈代谢,...
灵芝回春养颜酒9 摘 要 考察用不同度数的白酒与灵芝等炮制的影响以及炮制时间的长短对药酒的功效影响及灵芝回春养颜酒的炮制工艺研究。 中医理论认为,用药送服或用酒浸泡中药可借助酒的辛热之性,缓和药物的寒性以调整中药店性味,并且具有升提之性,可以引药上行,使药力迅速到达全身经脉,以增强活血通络、祛风散寒的作用。 经过炮制后所得的药酒可作为抗疲劳抗衰老的保健口服液,并给需要的爱美年轻人喝,药酒中主要具有补血益气、美容养颜的滋补养生之品,同时酒本身又有辛散温通的功效。这样既可以达到补充体力精力,避免老化,又可提高新陈代谢,以及达到美容养颜保健身心健康的目的。 灵芝回春养颜酒采用了30度、40度这两个度数的白酒进行炮制两个月。炮制所得药酒通过分给青年人及中年人品尝,得出结论,评出口感,效果最好的一种药酒。 关键词 灵芝 炮制 工艺 研究 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term , 前言 酒,素有“百药之长”之称,将强身健体的中药与酒溶于一体的药酒,不仅配制方便,药性稳定,安全有效,而且因为酒精是一种良好的半极性有机溶剂,中药的各种有效成分都易溶于其中,药借酒力,酒助药势而充分发挥其效力,提高疗效。 时至今日,随着社会的进步和科学的发展,人类物质文化水平的逐步提高,美容养颜越来越受到人们的重视。人们对美容养颜的要求也越来越高,现代的美容不但包括面部美容的基本方法、局部美容技巧,而且还包括塑身、美发,尤其是全身健康等生活中一系列与人体有关的知识。现代的美容学倡导从整体观念出发,强调美容中的“神、气、色”,即通过全身调理与局部治疗相结合,使气血流动、经气通畅、脉络疏通,气血津液等营养物质能保证输送到外部器官,既能治病疗疾,又能健身长寿,使身体强健,达到持久的美容驻颜目的。因此,我们决定炮制一些美容养颜酒。适用于因过度劳累所致的神疲乏力,气血不足,未老先衰,以及达到保健身心健康的目的。而药酒作为一种有效的防病祛病、养生健身的可口饮料已开始走进千家万户。且药酒具有适应范围广,便于服用,吸收迅速,能有效掌握剂量,人们乐于接受易保存,见效快,疗效高的优点,因此药酒的炮制具有可行性。 2 实验材料和方法 2.1 实验材料 药材及辅料:我们所用的材料方剂来源在《医学入门》里。药材有野生灵芝、女贞子、旱莲草、茯苓、首乌、菟丝子、红枣、杞子、黄精、熟地、党参、莲子、茨实、五味子、当归、黄芪等以上每味药各10g ,白酒2000ml(符合白酒行业)。 试验仪器:滤纸、过滤器、药酒缸、500ml量杯、酒精度计等。 生产酒剂所用的白酒,应符合卫生部关于白酒的质量标准的规定。1982年由国家标准管理局发布的白酒标准中(由卫生部提出),以60度白酒为例(高于或低于60度者,按60度折算),在甲醇限量上,以谷类制得的白酒应?0.04g,100ml,因此,原料制得 [1]的白酒,只要符合上述标准,均可用于药酒生产。我们的制备工艺以40度白酒为例(高于或低于40度者,按40度折算),在甲醇限量上,以谷类制得的白酒应?0.03g,100ml。本试验选择30度、40度两个不同的度数白酒炮制药材。炮制后所得药酒给需要的青年人喝,让他们给我们一些意见以至选出一种质量好、功效强的药酒。 我们首先了解处方,在弄清处方药材品名、规格后,购买药材野生灵芝、女贞子、旱莲草、茯苓、首乌、菟丝子、红枣、杞子、黄精、熟地、党参、莲子、茨实、五味子、当归、黄芪各10g及白酒2000ml,共炮制两付,炮制时间为两个月。其药材的性状为: [2]1、五味子:性温,气微,味酸;敛肺滋肾,生津止汗,涩精止泻,安神。 [3]2、杞子:性平,味甘,补肾益精,养肝明目。 [3]3、菟丝子:性平,味甘,补肾益精,养肝明目。 s, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal s basisome more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On thil control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to ersonation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify pordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundain accded into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: tform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divion plaproduction safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the term goal: rectificati-n, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longare strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relatioregulations" term-n the rectification work, promote the overall development of the longdeepe o deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue toes and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, tolicidislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national p extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most peopleunds, e bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public fe renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen thIn thness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising conscious of thecorrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation 2 、野生灵芝:甘,平。归心、肺、肝、肾经。主治虚劳、咳嗽、气喘、失眠、消4 [4]化不良,恶性肿瘤等。 5、女贞子:性平,味甘,滋补肝肾,明目乌发, 阴虚发热,胃病及痛风和和高尿 [4]酸血症。 [3]6、旱莲草:味苦,甘,涩,凉血,止血,补肾,益阴。 7、茯苓:性平,味甘,渗湿利水,益脾和胃,宁心安神。治小便不利,水肿胀满, [4]痰饮咳逆,呕哕,泄泻,遗精,淋浊,惊悸,健忘。 [4] 8、首乌: 苦,甘,涩,微温。肝,肾。补益精血,截疟,解毒,润肠通便。 9、红枣:甘,温。归脾、胃经。补中益气,养血安神。用于脾虚食少,乏力便溏, [4]妇人脏躁。 [4]10、黄精:性平,味甘。补脾,润肺生津。用于脾胃虚弱、肺虚燥咳、内热消渴 [4] 11、熟地:味甘;性温。归肝;肾经。补血滋润;益精填髓。 12、党参:性平,味甘、微酸。归脾、肺经。补中益气,健脾益肺。用于脾肺虚弱, [4]气短心悸,食少便溏,虚喘咳嗽,内热消渴。 13、莲子:鲜者甘、涩、平,无毒;干者甘、温涩、无毒。清心醒脾,补脾止泻, [4]养心安神明目、补中养神,健脾补胃,止泻固精,益肾涩精止带。 [4]14、茨实:味甘,涩,性平,入脾,肾经,具健脾除湿,固肾益精作用。 [4]15、当归:甘、辛,温。归肝、脾经。补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便。 16、黄芪:性温,味甘。功能主治 补气固,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚 [4]乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子官脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 2.2 实验方法 本试验于2011年5月11日至2011年9月11日在广西农业职业技术学院中药炮制实验室进行,试验共分为两个不同白酒度数的处理,分别是30度和40度,以及两个月的炮制时间处理并记录炮制过程中药酒的性状。试验方法,将准备好的十六个药材,分别称量好并放入事先清洗干净两个不同度数的药缸。用500ml量杯分别量取2000ml的白酒并倒入药缸。密封浸泡60天,每日搅拌1次,7日后,改为每周搅拌1次。过滤、去渣、测定酒精度,最后在药酒中加入7%冰糖溶化,密封静置三天后过滤取上清液即得。 实验将野生灵芝、女贞子、旱莲草、茯苓、首乌、菟丝子、红枣、杞子、黄精、熟地、党参、莲子、茨实、五味子、当归、黄芪与白酒泡两个月,分为两个处理,并进行酒精度测试。 浸泡时间:两个月。 两个处理:选择30度、40度的白酒浸泡药材。 白酒的浸泡量:2000ml。 2.3 实验条件 通风条件良好,空气温湿度测量范围: 温度:26?,32?,湿度:45%,70 %,环境干净无杂异味。 lism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attentithe rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of forma ing onwinds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focuscipate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four parti focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and toe rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, of th uirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementationout the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" reqcarry nty's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, inues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the coufety work, ensure the production safety situation contterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-promote the overall development of the longngthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, , streish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectificationse, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establntendoor hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most i focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the ents;lizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievemrow field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhang on to-8- 本试验于2011年5月11日至2011年9月11日在广西农业职业技术学院中药炮制实验室内进行。 2.4药酒的制备 药酒的制备工艺路线如下: 药材净制 ? 称量 ? 以冷浸法密封浸泡 ? 观察药酒的颜色变化 ? 过滤去渣 ? 观察 图1 炮制药酒各步骤 药材净制:首先用簸箕把颗粒状的药材净制?用电子称称量好每付药的用量。 药材冷浸法:把每一副药材置于容器内30度、40度酒中。密封浸泡,每日搅拌1次,7日后,改为每周搅拌1次,浸泡两个月。期间要注意观察药酒的颜色变化。 过滤、去渣,把准备好的两个瓶子、滤纸、过滤器、量筒、漏斗洗干净,待水干时,把30度、40度浸泡好的药酒各用纱布放在量筒上用漏斗引流,反复几次直至无沉淀淅出为此。取上清液,将剩下的药渣压榨液,压榨液与上清液合并,静置过滤。在将静置过滤后的药酒分装在两个瓶子,测定各药酒的酒精度。密封静置三天后再过滤取上清液备用,并贮藏在干燥的台上,然后继续观察药酒性状。 3结论与分析 3.1结论 本次试验主要从药酒的酒精度、甜度、沉淀、色泽等因素来分析药酒的性状。 ?30度的药酒 ?40度的药酒 ?成品对比 图2 两次炮制药酒的效果图 由图2我们可以直观比较:在相同时间浸泡的药酒里30度的药酒比40度的药酒色泽较浅,沉淀多; 40度的药酒香味较香甜,色泽深沉淀少。 3.2分析 表1 药材在不同度数白酒浸泡2个月后的性状 性状 沉淀 甜度 色泽 浸泡后的度数 药酒滤液量 药酒度数 30度 多 低 浅 27度 1805ml 40度 少 高 深 38度 1851ml 由上表格分析可知:第一,药酒酒精度方面,随着浸泡的时间的长短酒精度数也会跟着有所变化。原因是因为随着浸泡时间的延长药材在酒精里吸收的酒精越多越能释放 e renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen thIn thness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising conscious of thecorrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation s, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal s basisome more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On thil control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to ersonation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify pordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundain accded into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: tform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divion plaproduction safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the term goal: rectificati-n, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longare strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relatioregulations" term-n the rectification work, promote the overall development of the longdeepe o deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue toes and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, tolicidislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national p extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most peopleunds, e bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public f4 分解出药材里面的有效成分,尤以度数高者为优;第二,药酒的色泽方面,炮制前各度数的药酒色泽都一样,而随着时间的推移颜色都渐渐变深了,酒精度数高的色泽最深,其原因是因为在高浓度酒精里药材的有效成分更容易分解释放出来,使酒的颜色发生变化;第三,药酒的甜度方面,酒精度数越高其酒越香甜,原因是因为长时间在高浓度的酒里药材的有效成分更容易溶出,该试验药酒里含有枸杞、红枣等有甜味的药材在长时间的酒里浸泡后,药材里面的糖分等有效成分都溶出来了,使酒变得香甜;第四,药酒滤液量方面,酒精的度数越大浸泡时间越长,药材的有效成分溶出的越多,药材里的水分也不断扩散到酒里,所以度数高的药酒容量损耗少;第五,药酒的沉淀方面,酒精的度数越高,浸出时水溶性成分减少,过滤分离效果较理想,酒液较澄明,药材的有效成分越容易溶出,沉淀也越少。 综上所述,40度的药酒口感最好,甜度最高,色泽最佳;30度的药酒口感略差,甜度较低,色泽较次。且把炮制所得的药酒与别人分享都一致认为40度的药酒最佳。服用后能养颜抗衰,补血益气,有很好的调理身体的效果。所以本试验中以40度白酒为铺料,浸泡2个月的炮制工艺为最佳工艺。 4 结论与建议 4.1结论 在这两次制作药酒的过程中,我们以前人的制作工艺来指导我们的制作,并进行适当的修改以获取更佳的制作方法。在选址方面,我们选择了温湿度和通风条件都良好的中药炮制实验室,环境清静、整洁无异味,符合制作药酒的标准。本次药酒通过发放50份问卷调查(如表2)得知40度的药酒比30度的药酒更有口感、好喝。虽说不同度数的药酒有不同的口感,但是30度的药酒相对40度的辛烈得多,味道更呛,微甜;而40度的药酒喝起来口感很不错,甜中带点辛烈,再加上药香味,更突出这剂药酒的醇厚辛甜。由此可知40度的药酒功效最强,疗效最好,由于药酒可以促进血液循环,补血养颜,虚弱体质,治疗疾病,提高新陈代谢,所以很适合亚健康状态的人服用。 表2 关于美容养颜药酒的问卷调查 问 选项 ents;lizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievemrow field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhang on tolism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attentithe rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of forma ing onwinds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focuscipate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four parti focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and toe rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, of th uirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementationout the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" reqcarry nty's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, inues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the coufety work, ensure the production safety situation contterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-promote the overall development of the longngthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, , streish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectificationse, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establntendoor hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most i focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the-8- 1.你对药酒有了解吗, 有(20,,10人) 没有(80,,40人) 2.你觉得30度的药酒口感如何, 一般(78,,39人) 好(22,,11人) 3.你觉得40度的药酒口感如何, 一般(16,,8人) 好(84,,42人) 4.你觉得哪个度数的药酒比较甘甜, 30度(16,,8人) 40度(84,,42人) 5.你觉得哪个度数的药酒比较烈, 30度(82,,41人) 40度(18,,9人) 6.喝后是否有不适反应, 有(10,,5人) 没有(90,,45人) 7.你曾经尝试过多少种美容养颜的方法, 1-2种(64,,32人) 3-4种(36,,18人) 8.是否尝试过用药酒美容养颜, 有(18,,9人) 否(82,,41人) 9.通过一段时间试喝是否觉得肤色比以前更好, 有(62,,31人) 否(38,,19人) 10.通过一段时间的试喝你觉得30度和40度的 药酒哪个更有助于你的睡眠, 30度(34,,17人) 40度(66,,33人) 11.通过一段时间的试喝是否觉得更有精神了, 是(86,,43人) 否(14,,7人) 4.2建议 这次炮制药酒基本上成功了,从中我们学会了炮制药酒的最佳方法和相关的知识, 提高了我们的知识面,但在这个过程中我们存在药酒制作方面的不足。由于受环境条件 的制约,我们的药酒炮制量不够多,对比性不够,问卷调查也受到一定的制约,故我们 的结论有一定的局限性,如对美容养颜酒有兴趣,可采取40度~60度的白酒分别炮制,进行对比得出疗效最好的药酒。总之,尽管药酒有多种保健、养生、治疗作用,但还需慎重服用。要根据个人身体状况、体质,谨慎选择适合于自身的药酒,适量、对症饮用药酒,才能达到调整阴阳气血、美容养颜、治病保健养生的作用。 参考文献 [1] 琴鹤赵.药酒的制作工艺和质量鉴定. tid=318,2008 [2] 邱晓静,王晓宇.易混淆的中药材鉴别.海峡医学,2004(3):55-56 [3] 刘塔斯,刘斌,林丽美等.常用中药商品鉴定.北京:工业出版社,2005 [4] 刘波.中药炮制技术.北京:人民卫生出版社,2010 s basisome more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On thil control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to ersonation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify pordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundain accded into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: tform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divion plaproduction safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the term goal: rectificati-n, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longare strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relatioregulations" term-n the rectification work, promote the overall development of the longdeepe o deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue toes and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, tolicidislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national p extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most peopleunds, e bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public fe renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen thIn thness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising conscious of thecorrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation s, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal 6 focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and toe rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, of th uirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementationout the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" reqcarry nty's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, inues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the coufety work, ensure the production safety situation contterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-promote the overall development of the longngthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, , streish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectificationse, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establntendoor hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most i focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the ents;lizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievemrow field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhang on tolism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attentithe rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of forma ing onwinds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focuscipate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four parti -8-
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