首页 > 睡眠与健康的关系,能让一个人多活10年!


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睡眠与健康的关系,能让一个人多活10年!睡眠与健康的关系,能让一个人多活10年! 睡眠与健康的关系?能让一个人多活10年! 第一部分 关注睡眠健康 人一生有三分之一的时间是在睡眠中度过,睡眠是机体复原,整合和巩固记忆的重要环节,是健康不可缺少的组成部分。现代社会生活节奏快,压力大,以及夜生活,饮酒等不良生活习惯,都会引发睡眠障碍。据世界卫生组织调查,27%的人有睡眠问题。国际精神卫生组织将每年的3月21日定为“世界睡眠日”。科学睡眠,有效地提高睡眠质量,以更充沛的精力投入工作,是现代生活对人们提出的新要求,科学睡眠有四要素,对睡眠的质量影响很大。 一( 睡眠的...
睡眠与健康的关系,能让一个人多活10年! 睡眠与健康的关系?能让一个人多活10年! 第一部分 关注睡眠健康 人一生有三分之一的时间是在睡眠中度过,睡眠是机体复原,整合和巩固记忆的重要环节,是健康不可缺少的组成部分。现代社会生活节奏快,压力大,以及夜生活,饮酒等不良生活习惯,都会引发睡眠障碍。据世界卫生组织调查,27%的人有睡眠问题。国际精神卫生组织将每年的3月21日定为“世界睡眠日”。科学睡眠,有效地提高睡眠质量,以更充沛的精力投入工作,是现代生活对人们提出的新,科学睡眠有四要素,对睡眠的质量影响很大。 一( 睡眠的时间 正常人的睡眠时间应随年龄需要加以区别,儿童青少年一般睡眠时间较长,大学生与成人一样需要8小时,老年人因新陈代谢减慢,睡眠需要6-7小时。但不一定强求,应视个体差异而定。 二( 睡眠的姿势 有心脏疾患的人,最好多右侧卧,以免造成心脏受压而增加发病机率;脑部因血压高而疼痛者,应适当垫高枕位;肺系病人除垫高枕外,还要经常改换睡侧,以利痰涎排出,胃见胀满和肝胆系疾病者,以右侧位睡眠为宜;四肢有疼痛处者,应力避压迫痛处而卧。总之,选择舒适,有利于病情的睡位,有助于安睡。 三(睡眠的环境 睡眠的好坏,与睡眠环境关系密切。在15至24度的温度中,可获得安睡。冬季关门闭窗后吸烟留下的烟雾,以及逸漏的燃烧不全的煤气,也会使人不能安睡。在发射高频电离电磁辐射源附近居住,长期睡眠不好而非自身疾病所致者,最好迁移他处居住。 四(睡眠的用具 在床的安放上,都应南北顺向,人睡时头北脚南,使机体不受地磁的干扰。枕高一般以睡者的一肩(约8-15厘米)为宜,过低易造成颈椎生理骨刺。在夏季,枕头要经常翻晒,避免让病菌进入口鼻,肺系疾病增多。 第二部分 颈椎病的预防和保健 一( 颈椎病概述 颈椎病是由于颈椎间盘退行性变,颈椎骨质增生所引起的一系列临床症状的综合症。颈椎病可分为颈型,神经根型,脊髓型,椎动脉型,交感神经型和其他型,临床常表现为颈,肩臂,肩胛上背及胸前区疼痛,手臂麻木,肌肉萎缩,甚至四肢瘫痪。可发生于任何年龄,以40岁以上的中老年人为多。颈椎病是多种疾病的根源,其退行性病变是一个长期,缓慢的过程。因此,要重视早期锻炼和颈椎病的预防保健,只有早发现,正确治疗,才能拥有健康的生活~ 过去,颈椎病一向是中老年人的“专利”,而近年颈椎病的低龄化趋势却到了令人吃惊的地25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 步。最近,天津市某医院对2000名颈椎病患者做了调查,结果发现青少年患者竟占12%,且其中的87%伴有脑血管痉挛。在这批青少年患者中,年龄最小的只有9岁,还有一个孩子12岁就出现了颈部骨质增生,多数患者的年龄则集中在12-13岁和16-18岁这两个年龄段。专家分析认为,这正是学生由小学升初中和初中升高中导致颈部肌肉劳损,颈椎变形,最终少年患上了老年病。青少年一旦患上了颈椎病,便会感至肩颈酸痛,有牵扯感,头痛,眩晕,上肢作麻,严重的还会听到局部骨摩擦音,这都将严重影响青少年的学习和身体发育。 二( 颈椎病的日常保健 (一) 康复操 康复操可改善患者颈部的血液循环,松解粘连和痉挛的软组织,颈椎病康复操中不少动作对颈椎病有独特疗效:无颈椎病者可起到预防作用。 姿势:两脚分工与肩同宽,两臂自然下垂,全身放松,两眼平视,均匀呼吸,站坐均可 1( 双掌擦颈 十指交叉与后颈部,左右来回磨擦100次。 2( 左顾右盼 头先向左向右转动,幅度宜大,以自觉酸胀为好,30次。 3( 前后点头 头先向前再向后,前俯时颈项尽量前伸拉长30次。 4( 旋肩舒颈 双手置两侧肩部,掌心向下,两臂先由后向前旋转30次,再向前向后旋转30次。 5( 颈项争力 两手紧帖大腿内侧,两腿不动,头转向左侧时,上身旋向右侧,头转向右侧时,上身转向左侧,10次。 6( 摇头晃脑 头向左一前一后一左一右旋转5次,再向反方向旋转5次。 7( 头首相抗 十指交叉紧贴与后颈部,用力顶头颈,头颈部向后用力,互相抵抗5次。 8( 翘首望月 头用力左旋并尽力后仰,眼看左上方5秒钟,再旋向右,眼看左上方5秒钟。 9( 双手托天 双手上举过头,掌心向上,仰视手背5秒钟。 10( 放眼观景手收回胸前,右手在外,劳官穴相叠,虚按膻中穴,眼看前方5秒钟,收操。 (二) 饮食调养法 1( 豆浆适量,粳米60克,冰糖适量。以豆浆代水与粳米煮粥,粥好后入冰糖煮1-2次沸即可,经常食用。 2( 鲜蘑菇或香菇30克(干品减半),煮汤喝。每天一次,日期不限。 3( 大朵玉兰花3-6克,开水代茶泡。或鲜叶12-18克水煎服。 4( 蜜糖2汤匙,开水冲服,每日2-3次。对高血压兼便秘者不佳。 5( 食醋100毫升,冰糖500克。放入锅内溶化,每餐饭后饮1汤匙。若患者兼有胃溃疡不宜服此方。 (三) 日常保健 1( 情绪稳定,劳逸结合,注意颈部锻炼。2. 避免长时间低头伏案工作或仰头看电视.3.25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 保持头颈正确姿势.4.防止各种外伤事故,尤其是经常进行体力劳动者,要注意休息,以减轻颈部的疲劳。5.选择适当的枕头,枕头是维持头颈”正常”位置的主要工具. 第三部分 枕头 枕头是维持头颈正常位置的主要工具,枕头有讲究,太低则头和脖子下垂,血液倒流,则容易造成头晕目眩,特别是高血压和脑血管疾病患者,更不能枕低枕;枕头太高则容易造成脖子倒屈,破坏颈椎本来的曲线,起床后脖子和颈肩酸痛,甚至不能转动。所以选择枕头时应该根据自己身体的具体情况具体对待,选购之前最好试一下,不能所有人都枕一样的枕头。中国枕头网介绍,除了枕头的高低外,枕芯的材料对一个人的健康也有着很大的作用,毕竟人一生三分之一的时间都在床上度过,选择好的枕芯,可以睡眠中养生的目的。 一( 枕头的填充物 睡眠时,枕头几乎与人最近距离的接触,因此枕头填充物的好坏对我们的健康有很大的影响,纵观枕芯的选材,主要有以下两大类,即天然材料和人造纤维。 天然材料主要有以下几种 ? 软硬适中的荞麦壳:这是最常见的枕头填充物,它软硬适中,塑形和吸水性都不错,也比较轻。缺点是弹性较差,头颈部活动时枕头有响声,对于易失眠的人来说,可能影响入睡。 ? 吸水性好的稻谷壳:它比荞麦壳的塑形和吸水性能更好,但会稍微重一些,人活动时也会有响声。 ? 透气篷松的羽绒:羽绒纤维有较好的回弹功能,而且有调温,调湿功能,透气性高,可为人体提供干爽舒适的小环境,羽绒枕不能水洗,过敏体质的人最好避免使用这种枕头,以免引起呼吸道不适。 质量上乘的人造纤维 很多质量上乘的人造填充物在保暖吸湿性能,回弹性能等诸多方面丝毫不输于天然填充物,并且有的因为材料或添加物的特性,还具有很好的防霉搞菌和预防疾病的功能。其分类如下: ? 方便水洗的普通人造纤维:这种填充物以化纤棉絮制成,方便水洗,甚至可用洗衣机洗涤,也可以用真空压缩袋压缩收纳,而且价格便宜。但化纤棉絮不太透气,用久了易结球结块,从而缺乏弹性,寿命也会变短。 ? 科技含量高的中空纤维:中空纤维是高科技的产物,是一种复合材料,在透气性差的普通人造纤维中贯穿一条至数条孔道,这样使每根纤维都能够存储更多的空气,用这种填充物质制作的枕头,在回弹性,保暖性,蓬松度及使用寿命等方面均有大幅提高,由于材质和填充物的差别,有的还具有保健和医疗功能。 ? 太空材料记忆棉:此材质源自美国太空总署,是为缓解宇航员升空的霎那脊椎受到巨大压力,经过数千次试验,发明的超级太空缓压材料SRP。这种材料被欧美发达国家的医院广25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 泛应用于脊椎护理。 二( 枕头到底多高才合适 一个高质量的睡眠是现代人最重要的生活需求之一,医生提醒大家,高枕并非无忧。 西医:枕头过高或过低都对颈椎不利 北京普仁医院刘锐医生讲,枕头的作用是维持人体正常的生理曲线,保证人体在睡眠时颈部的生理弧度不变形。若枕头太高,会使颈部压力过大;过高的枕头会造成颈椎前倾,颈椎的某部分受压过大,破坏颈椎正常的生理前曲角度,压迫颈神经及椎动脉,引起颈部酸痛,头部缺氧,头痛,头晕,耳鸣及失眠等脑神经衰弱的情形,并容易发生骨质增生。其结果是:颈椎的正常生理弯曲变直,甚至后突,呈现反常畸形。椎骨间的平衡随之消失,连接椎骨的韧带,肌腱等也在长期的紧张状态下发生各种退行性变化,造成骨质增生(骨刺),颈部慢性软组织炎症,韧带钙化等。枕头太低,颈部不但无法放松,反而会破坏颈椎正常的弧度。所以枕头太高或太低,都会对颈椎有所影响,造成各种颈部症状。 中医:低枕易引起供血不足 武警北京第三医院的王志明医生介绍,高枕容易引起颈椎病,有很多落枕病人就是因为睡了太高枕头的缘故;低枕容易引起供血不平衡,人在仰卧时常常需要张口呼吸,醒后会感到口干舌燥,十分疲乏等。侧卧休息,则由于上侧颈部肌群长时间过分牵拉,致使疲劳,痉挛,疼痛活动受限,易造成人们常说的“落枕”现象。低枕还会使人的头部血液增多,脑静脉血流过度充盈,不利于血液回流心脏,反而容易引起脑缺氧和新陈代谢的降低,并造成鼻粘膜充血肿胀,而鼻粘膜很敏感,一肿胀便会影响呼吸,醒后常出现眼睑浮肿,头晕脑胀,头痛,头晕等症状。如果颈部与肩部在一觉醒来后出现酸痛的现象,那也可能是枕头太低或不用枕头造成的。 中西医共同建议: 1( 一般来说枕高以8-15厘米为合适,具体尺寸还要因每个人的生理弧度而定。 2( 枕头的硬度要适中,一般荞麦壳,谷糠,蒲绒枕都是比较好的选择。 3( 枕头的长度正常情况下最好比肩膀要宽一些。不要睡太小的枕头,因为当你一翻身,枕头就无法支撑颈部,另外过小的枕头还会影响睡眠时的安全感。 4( 枕芯要有柔软感和较好的弹性,透气性,防潮性,吸湿性等。 三( 颈椎病患者应该选用怎样的枕头 枕头是维持头颈正常位置的主要工具。这个“正常”位置是指维持头颈段本身的生理曲线。这种重量曲线既保持了颈椎外在的肌肉平衡,又保持了椎管内的生理解剖状态。因此一个理想的枕头应是符合颈椎曲度要求的,质地柔软,透气性好,以中间低,两端高的元宝形为佳.因为这种形状可利用中间的凹陷来维持颈椎的生理曲度,也可以对头颈部起到相对制动与固定作用,可减少在睡眠中头颈部的异常活动。其次,对枕芯填充物的选择也很重要,中国枕25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 头网常用的有:?荞麦壳:价廉,透气性好,可随时调节枕头的高低。?蒲绒:质地柔软,透气性好,可随时调节高低。?绿豆壳:不仅透气性好,而且清凉解暑,如果加上适量的茶叶或薄荷则更好。?智能记忆枕:缓压材料SRP,很好的可塑性,能很好的缓解颈椎受到的压力。其他如羽绒等也不错,价格较高。 四( 枕头与腰疼 不合适的枕头除可引起颈椎病外,对腰椎也有一定程度不良影响。因为枕头是维持人体卧位时脊柱尤其是颈椎正常位置的主要工具。所以,枕头过高,在引起颈椎前屈时,还可使腰背部骶棘肌处于高张力状态,从而使腰椎生理前凸变直或消失,易使腰背部软组织出现劳损,椎间关节内压力增高,构成髓核后突,出现腰痛症状。而枕头过低,或不用枕头(如许多中老年人为了预防颈椎病,往往改用低枕,有的甚至不用枕头),使颈椎前凸曲度过大,造成脊柱无法保持正常状态,进而使腰椎增加不合理的负担。一般而言,应选择硬些,高低适中的枕头,过于柔软的枕头对于腰痛患者不太合适。 五( 婴幼儿枕头 一岁以内是婴儿头部发育的重要阶段。适宜的枕头有利于头部血液循环,促进生长发育。如果选择不当,不仅影响头颈部生理功能,还可能造成某些发育畸形。那么,怎样正确选择和使用枕头呢, 刚出生的婴儿平躺睡觉时,背和后脑勺在同一平面上,颈,背部肌肉自然松驰。婴儿头大,几乎与肩同宽,侧卧时头与身体也在同一平面,理论上没有必要使用枕头。但是现在人们睡的床都比较软,所以婴儿还是要枕一个极薄极薄的枕头。 孩子三个月后开始学抬头,脊柱颈段出现向前的生理弯曲。因此,为了维持弯曲,保持体位舒适,婴儿出生后3个月一定要使用枕头。 婴儿枕头高度以3-4厘米为宜,并根据婴儿发育善,逐渐调整枕头高度;枕头的高度与婴儿的肩部同宽最为适宜。枕芯质地应柔软,轻便,透气,吸湿性好。可选择灯芯草,蒲绒,蚕砂,竹炭,负氧离子珍珠棉等材料填充。民间常用的荞麦壳也是很好的填充物,也可将泡过的废茶叶收集起来晒干,做枕芯材料,枕头与头部接触区可尽量做成与头颅后部相似的形状,枕套可选用半新的棉布制作。 有的家长误认为婴儿睡硬一些的枕头可以使头骨长得结实,脑袋的外形长的好看,其实这是不对的。小儿颅骨较软,卤门和颅骨缝还未完全闭合,长期使用质地较硬的枕头,易造成头颅变形,或一侧脸大,一侧脸小,影响外形美观。 婴儿新陈代谢旺盛,头部出汗较多,睡觉时容易浸湿枕头,汗液和头皮屑混合易使致病微生物粘附在枕面上,极易诱发颜面湿疹及头皮感染。因此,婴儿的枕芯要经常在太阳底下暴晒,枕套要常洗常换,保持清洁。 六( 枕头的保养 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 清洁养护枕头的基本方法,即使选到了十分适合身体状况和睡眠习惯的舒适的枕头,如果在日常的洗涤保养过程中采用了不当的方法,也会导致枕头变形,使睡眠难以舒适,也会大大缩短枕头的使用寿命。 定期清洗枕套和枕头 一定要定期清洗枕套,对于枕芯,因为枕芯的清洗较麻烦,并且也不容易保持纤维棉不结块,所以简单的方法是经常通风和晾晒,保持保持枕芯的干燥,对于细菌的抑制,保持枕芯的卫生都是比较好的,但如果有条件,每3-6个月最好清洗一次枕头,最好干洗,以保持枕头不变形,延长枕头的使用寿命。 判断是否该换枕头的简便自查 1( 在没有其他身体疾病的情况下,晨起后常常觉得颈部麻木酸涨。 2( 枕头已失去弹性,需要拍打好一阵才能使其恢复一些弹性。 3( 在好不容易调整完枕头之后,它又迅速回复扁平。 4( 枕头有结块,凹凸不平的现象,且填充物有受潮的异味。 枕头使用多长时间更换合适 有很多人几年才换一次枕头,其实枕头应该是每1-2年就更换一次。因为又旧又脏的枕头容易滋生霉菌,螨虫,引发过敏或者呼吸道疾病。所以,枕头应勤更换晾晒,只有这样才能保证你的健康。 第四部分 中草药枕头 将具有芳香开窍,活血通脉,镇静安神,益智醒脑,调养脏腑,和调阴阳等作用的药物经过除尘,消毒,水洗,烤晒,煎炒,炮灸之后,作为枕芯装入枕中,或制成薄型药袋置于枕芯中,睡觉时枕用,在药物散发的芳香中,人的身心容易放松,可以较快进入良好的睡眠;缕缕天然清香,将使您的睡眠更加放松和清爽,同时利用其天然药理达到预防疾病,保持健康的目的。 一( 历史渊源 药枕疗法在我国具有悠久的历史。中国枕头网介绍说,早在晋代葛洪《肘后备急方》中就有用蒸大豆装枕治失眠的记载。唐宋时期有了较大的发展。古代著名医学家孙思邈终生使用药枕,享年102岁。南宋爱国诗人陆游一生酷爱药枕,80多岁仍耳聪目明,这在当时生活水平均比较低下的年代是非常不容易的。《老态》诗中曰: “ 头风便菊枕,足痹倚藜床。”李时珍《本草纲目》载: “ 绿豆甘寒无毒,作枕明目,治头风头号痛。 ” 清代刘灏《广群芳谱》载 :" 决明子作枕,治头风明目胜黑豆。 "在清末以前,我国大部分地区都有使用药枕习惯,只是由于西医的传入,经过近百年来的除旧维新,使得中华民族许多优秀的传统25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 精华被遗弃了,中医已渐渐不为当代许多中国人所熟悉。但随着社会的发展,中药在治疗许多疑难杂症方面又呈现出了西药无法比及的功效,古老的中药又焕发出了勃勃生机,药枕也受到越来越多的人的关注。 二( 理论基础 中医认为,头为诸阳之会、精明之府,气血皆上聚于头部,头与全身经络俞穴紧密相联。使用药枕可以使药物直接作用于头部,从而治病祛邪,平衡气血,调节阴阳。药理研究证明,某些芳香性药物的挥发成份有祛痰定惊、开窍醒脑,扩张周围血管的作用。药枕充分发挥了药物治疗,经络调节和生物全息疗法的综合优点,从而起到激发经气、疏通气血、开窍醒目等作用,达到调整脏腑、协调气血等整体调治。 三( 药枕疗法原理 药枕疗法主要依据于中医学的整体观理论和生物全息论观点,强调人体内外环境的协调统一,利用药物的挥发性及其所形成的药理环境对使用者形成良性刺激,包括枕质、枕形、药物气味等多方面形成的综合环境,进以激发经气、疏通经络、调整气血、开窍醒目,促使阴阳平衡,机体内外上下的协调统一。药枕作用的挥发,一是呼吸吸收;古代著名医学家华陀,孙思邈早有“闻香祛病”的原理,以药枕医治头颅诸疾。明代李时珍《本草纲目》中载:菊味甘苦,性微寒,有清热解毒,平肝明目的功能,其苗可蔬,叶可啜,花可饵,根实可药,囊可枕。菊花枕是一种传统药枕,它是将枕中所盛的菊花等中药,利用睡眠时人体的温度和头部的压力使药物有效成份散发出来,通过呼吸经过肺部而进入血液循环,从而达到预防疾病,增强免疫力的目的;二是使用药枕时,头颈部与枕头接触面最大,药枕中的药物,可以直接作用于人体,刺激头颈部穴位,进入经脉,使全身经络疏通,气血流畅,脏腑安和;三是在药物散发的芳香中,人的身心容易放松,可以较快地进入良好的睡眠,这也有助于心理和身体的健康。 药物原理主要源自于如下几个方面: 经络调节:经络具有联系脏腑和肢体的作用。经络能运行气血,濡养周身,抗御外邪,保卫机体。而头颈部位是一个相对独立的人体全息胚,大部分经络在此循行,经过,许多俞穴也在此分布。药枕疗法就是利用机械和药物等多种刺激,进而激发头颈部位的经络腧穴之气,促进感传,使经络疏通,气血流畅,从而起到保健防病的目的。 血管神经调节:头颈部位分布着丰富的血管和神经。血管主要有颈外动脉,颈内动脉,椎动脉和相对应的静脉及其分支。神经有枕大神经,枕小神经,耳大神经,颈皮神经等。药枕直接作用于颈部的皮肤感受器和神经干,可以使之处于活跃,兴奋或抑制状态,从而调节血管和神经,改善局部微循环,使血流加快,肌肉松弛,神经得到调节,进而使体内环境保持相对稳定。 药物作用:药物中许多药物含大量发挥性物质,可直接作用于局部皮肤粘膜,起到消炎杀菌,25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 镇静止痛,扩张血管,健脑增智的作用。使用者处在药性作用的环境中,可以调整人的身心状态,提高机体免疫力,调节内分泌,从而起到综合性调节机体的作用,达到保健养生的目的。 四( 疗法特点:方法简便,容易推广使用。经济实惠,可最大限度的节约药材。药枕中虽然药量甚多,但使用起来少则数月,多则年余,平均起来每日用药量甚少。施治广泛,疗效可靠。千百年来,中医为我们积累了丰富的实践经验。内科,外科,妇科,儿科,骨科,皮肤科,五官科等几乎所有临床病症均可辩证使用枕疗。既能治病,又能防老抗衰,对一些服药困难者,尤为适宜。药枕疗法属外治范畴,药物没有直接接触人体,药物通过血管,神经和经络对机体起作用,吸收量少,无素性反映,安全可靠。 五( 药枕使用误区 药枕只能缓缓调理人体生理平衡,起效速度相对缓慢,对于急性病,重危病症应以其他疗法为主,一般不适用本法。一般来说,药枕疗法主要在于预防,在治病方面,主要用于辅助治疗,给病人制造一个良好的环境和氛围,可稳定和加速疾病的康复,防止疾病复发。 六( 药枕的基本配制方法 1( 根据不同病人的特征和病情,如性别,年龄,体形,性格,环境,症状,诱因,目的等,对病情和使用者的特征作出判断。 2( 根据辩证施治的原则选择药物,药物经过防霉,防蛀处理后,装入枕中。 3( 药物处理后,一般可以保持一年左右。如病情需要可随时更换药物。 注意事项: 1.使用药枕,临床上没有禁忌症,无毒副作用。2 药枕疗法只能缓缓调理人体平衡,见效缓慢,一般需长年使用,所以使用时应有耐心,坚持应用,才能获效。3 药枕中的药物,必须保持干燥,对于粉状药物,不宜曝晒,但对于没有经过粉碎处理的药物,可以每月曝晒一次。 第五部分 适之宝科技睡眠时代 『适之宝•枕工坊』2000年诞生于青岛。这是一家对中国养生睡眠文化和人体工程学等现代科技的深入理解和研究,以枕头的专业化,健康化经营为特色,逐步发展成为集枕头专业化设计,生产,研发为一体的睡眠科技机构。 自2000年以来,中央电视台,山东卫视,中国妇女报,青岛电视台,销售与市场,商界等300多家媒体对适之宝进行过专门的报道,适之宝也由此获得了“枕头专家”的美誉,产品畅销中国大陆,美国,加拿大,东南亚及港澳台等国家和地区。适之宝开始从青岛走向世界。 『适之宝•枕工坊』对欧美和日本等发达国家的考察研究表明,现代人们对于睡眠产品的需求已经迈入一个科技主导的时代,现代行业科技的广泛应用,正为人们创造一个更加健康,25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 更加舒适,更加美好的生活。2003年底,『适之宝•枕工坊』邀请日本知名专家发展成立了适之宝人体工学研究所。通过与日本,欧美,香港等地处于行业领先地位的科研机构和企业不断进行交流和切磋,在适之宝人体工学研究所专家的自有研究成果基础上,融合了世界最先进的行业科技和经营理念,形成了『适之宝』独有的一套枕头专业化经营系统(3S系统)。 适之宝“3S系统”采用专有的测量技术和先进方法,以科学角度选择合乎人体脊柱生理曲线的枕头,为上门的顾客做一对一的服务。通过前沿行业科技的深入学习研究,『适之宝•枕工坊』发现,通过“3S系统”对人体身高,头围,肩宽,颈弧等四个主要数据精确测量和科学计算,就可以完美地勾画出人体头部与颈肩之间的曲线幅度,从而确定每个人枕头所需要的不同数据,使人们“量体裁衣,量头定枕”的梦想得以实现。同时,通过对消费者身体状况的询问,来从决明子,蚕砂等几十种中草药中间选择最符合消费者身体条件的枕头材质,然后帮顾客制作出造型合适,天然健康的枕头。『适之宝•枕工坊』正式启动了枕头的专业化,个性化定制服务。 适之宝枕工坊生产12大类20多种天然理疗功能,达1500多个规格的枕类产品。 适之宝枕芯填充物按软硬可分为四种类型: 一( 软芯 ?蚕丝滋润基:蚕丝中97%为动物蛋白,富含18种氨基酸,透气性好,如果再配上真丝枕套,将能有效减少睡觉时产生的皱纹,特别适合爱美女士及儿童使用。 ?舒适纤维基:适之宝枕工坊的人造纤维来自中国最大的纤维生产基地仪征化纤,全部为柔滑中空三维卷曲棉,弹性和透气性比普通纤维高三倍左右,易于清洗。 ? 羽绒呵护基:天然羽绒,具有柔软,保暖,透气性和弹性较好的优点,但不能水洗。 二( 硬芯 ? 荞麦壳基:精选内蒙古水洗菱形荞麦壳,清热解暑,透气性高,可塑性,和承托性较佳。 ? 稻花壳基:精选上等,成熟,经熏制处理的天然稻花特殊加工,保持了稻花清香,透气性可塑性和承托性均佳。 三( 中性芯 ? 蒲绒清香基:天然香蒲绒,软硬适中,透气性好,而且气味淡雅,有安神镇静之功效。 ? 木棉花开基:天然木棉花,软硬适中,透气性好,可保持持久弹力,且静心去烦,利湿解毒。 四( 特制芯 ? 软硬双区三位复合枕系列:在枕头不同部位填充硬度不同的材质,构成“软硬双区位”,中间填充功能不同的野生中草药等天然材质。 ? 3S量体定做系统:适之宝3S系统是一套科技化,人性化的健康睡眠解决。系统采用科学的测量技术和方法,通过对身高,颈弧,头围等数据的测量,帮助顾客制作最适合自25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 己身体特征的枕头,对上门的顾客实行一对一的服务。 五( 适之宝枕工坊百草能量系列(采用凹槽结构设计,增加颈部承托,保护颈椎) 香薰养颜型 益肝明目型 助眠型 护颈型 稳压型 护心型 静心型 血糖型 风湿型 滋发型 养胃型 男性专用型 女性专用型 咽鼻型 香薰养颜型:薰衣草 迷迭香 玫瑰花 茉莉花 百里香 白芷 薰衣草:清香怡人、宁神息燥、放松身躯、呵护安抚情绪”,在民间医学中,“对疼痛、中风、麻痹等有良好效果”,由于其美丽的色彩及迷人的香味,由于其美丽的色彩及迷人的香味,广泛应用于改善睡眠,美容,香薰行业。 玫瑰花:玫瑰是浪漫爱情的象征,香气醇和,抚平情绪,舒缓潜在的紧张与压力。中医药记载,玫瑰花具有舒肝解气,和血调经,保健减肥,养颜美容的功效。 白芷 白苏:白芷味香色白,为古老的美容中药之一,对体外多种致病菌有一定的抑制作用,并可改善微循环,促进皮肤的新陈代谢,延缓皮肤衰老。“抑制毒分,散风除湿,通窍消肿,可用于感冒头痛等症,多以其为养颜之原材”;白苏“味辛”,温,无毒,用于下气,消痰,润肺,宽肠”。 益肝明目型:野菊花 决明子 罗布麻 蚕砂 决明子:采用决明子等阴性中药材经过特殊工艺精制,《本草》记载“明目安神,清热醒脑,清肝益肾,降压通便,降脂瘦身,圆润颗粒按摩头部,促进头部血液循环。” 罗布麻:天然野生植物罗布麻之干燥叶片,本草记载“气微,味淡,归肝经。平肝安神,清热利水。用于肝阳眩晕,心悸失眠,浮肿尿少;高血压。神经衰弱,肾炎浮肿。” 护颈型:夏枯草、透骨草 智能记忆枕 夏枯草、透骨草、密蒙花:《中药典》:“夏枯草散结消肿、补肝明目、清心安神、消痛驱邪,密蒙花清热养肝、明目退翳,适用颈椎疼痛、养肝护肾、头痛眩晕、神志恍惚、目赤肿痛、多泪羞明等症”内外结合,可迅速改善局部血液循环,促进新陈代谢,消除局部无菌性炎症,有助于解除颈部及肩关节炎软组织的正常生理功能。有效缓解脖子发僵,发硬,疼痛,颈部活动受限,肩颈部沉重,肌肉变硬,上肢无力,手指发麻,肢体皮肤感觉减退,头痛,头晕,视力减退,耳鸣,恶心等颈椎病症状。 智能记忆枕:依托美国陶氏等著名企业提供的太空宇航科技原料,按人体工学原理经特殊加工处理而成,国内首创可以调节高度的零压记忆枕头,能有效分解人体压力并均匀吸收,广泛应用于颈部护理。 稳压型:银杏叶 银杏叶:精选三龄以上银杏树叶等名贵中草药配制而成,淡淡幽香,能改善人体呼吸,提高睡眠质量。中医药籍记载,银杏叶富含天然黄酮等多种物质,有效软化血管,对高血压,中风,动脉硬化等心脑血管疾病有一定预防和缓解效果。 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 养胃型:陈皮 佩兰 佩兰:添回侧佩兰,香附,百合,草豆蔻等“气芳香,味微苦,芳香化湿,醒脾开胃,发表解暑。用于湿浊中阴,口中甜腻,口臭,多涎,暑湿表症,胃热胃寒,头胀胸闷。”佩兰清香开胃,理气健脾,化痰止咳,有调节胃口,增加食欲效果,增加胃部能量,促进微循环,调养胃粘膜,有助于增加食欲,亦有助于护胃养胃,上好礼品。 滋发型:首乌 首乌:“性温,味苦,甘,涩,具补肝肾,益精血,乌须强筋骨的功能,用于眩晕耳鸣,须发早白,腰膝酸软,肢麻体虚,高血脂。 男性专用型:“女贞子,五味子” “补肝肾,强腰膝”。 女性专用型:鸡冠花 益母草 鸡冠花:采用鸡冠花等野生中药材经过特殊工艺精制,〈玉揪药解〉记载“鸡冠花性干凉,味涩,具健脾养血,清风退热,凉血,止泻,调经,疗妇女崩漏等效,对风疹,青光眼亦有较好疗效。” 益母草:是历代医家用来治疗妇科疾病之要药。《本草》记载“味微苦,微寒,活血调经,利尿消肿。用于月经不调,痛经,闭经,恶露不尽,水肿尿少;肾炎水肿。” 适之宝枕工坊海元素系列: 海元素系列原料和知识产权均由“海元素生命科技”授权适之宝枕工坊使用。 负氧粒子型 远红磁疗型 甲壳素型 阿兰贝尔儿童健康枕系列:国家专利号 婴儿枕:ZL022008454 儿童枕:ZL01232878 阿兰贝尔儿童枕是适之宝专为婴儿,幼儿,学生研制的健康枕。 独特造型结构: 1( 独特仿生造型,使靠近肩部的曲线与颈肩完全吻合,避免了枕头垫在肩下面的不适,左右两边的包角体贴地维护双肩,使肩部免于着凉。 2( 超长设计避免宝宝翻身时从枕头上滑落。 3( 仰卧时,枕中间自动隆起,有效支撑颈部,自然牵引颈椎,让头部完全放松,大脑得到充分的休息。 4( 软硬双面设计,冬暖夏凉,四季皆宜。 5( 合理填充物配方:精选新疆伊犁的熏衣草,浙江四明山的竹炭,宁夏的山地野生苦荞壳,杭嘉湖平原的优质蚕砂,负氧离子珍珠棉。吸汗,清火,祛毒,增强免疫力。负氧离子棉释放大量负氧离子,促进大脑生长发育。 护颈枕系列:电视护颈枕 汽车护颈枕 电视护颈枕:依据人体颈部特征,采用独特的U型设计,便于舒适卡在人体颈部,填充竹炭,25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 薰衣草等材料,用于看电视和乘车时使用,保护颈椎。 汽车护颈枕:可垫于颈部,缓解颈部疲劳。填充薰衣草,竹炭等材料,薰衣草清香怡人,宁神镇静,松弛神经,放松身躯,呵护安抚情绪;竹炭有利于吸湿防潮,净化空气及杀菌的效果。 适之宝产品优势 一( 专业制作,专业研发,种类繁多,选择范围广。 二( 枕芯人造纤维全部由中国最大的纤维生产企业仪征化纤提供,枕芯面料全部为100%纯棉,质量有保证。 三( 天然枕芯材质与植物中草药全部为一级品,经物理处理后,安全卫生。 四( 质量上乘,价格便宜,为健康睡眠时代大众化可推广产品。包装简洁,环保,性价比高,这样顾客买到的将是更多的实惠。 五( 针对礼品市场,适之宝特聘请新加坡著名设计师设计了精美的礼品包装盒供顾客选购,是买“形式”还是买“内容”,消费者自己做主。 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should
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