

2017-09-28 44页 doc 107KB 40阅读




危重病人护理常规危重病人护理常规 一、 危重病人基础护理常规 二、 昏迷患者护理常规 三、 休克患者护理常规 四、 脑疝护理常规 五、 气管切开患者护理常规 六、 气管插管患者护理常规 七、 使用呼吸机患者护理常规 八、 深静脉置管患者护理常规 九、 胸腔闭式引流护理常规 十、 (血)气胸护理常规 十一、 腹部外伤性多脏器损伤护理常规 十二、 癫痫持续状态护理常规 十三、 上消化道大出血护理常规 十四、 呼吸衰竭护理常规 十五、 心力衰竭护理常规 十六、 急性肾衰竭护理常规 lujianhua (South area ahead ...
危重病人护理常规 一、 危重病人基础护理常规 二、 昏迷患者护理常规 三、 休克患者护理常规 四、 脑疝护理常规 五、 气管切开患者护理常规 六、 气管插管患者护理常规 七、 使用呼吸机患者护理常规 八、 深静脉置管患者护理常规 九、 胸腔闭式引流护理常规 十、 (血)气胸护理常规 十一、 腹部外伤性多脏器损伤护理常规 十二、 癫痫持续状态护理常规 十三、 上消化道大出血护理常规 十四、 呼吸衰竭护理常规 十五、 心力衰竭护理常规 十六、 急性肾衰竭护理常规 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 一、危重病人基础护理常规 ? 热情接待病人,将病人安置于抢救室或重症病房,保持室内空气新鲜,温、湿度适宜; 做好病人及家属的入院(科)宣教。 ? 及时评估: 包括基本情况、主要症状、皮肤情况,阳性辅助检查,各种管道,药物治疗情况等。 ? 急救护理措施:快速建立静脉通道(视病情及药物性质调整滴速),吸氧(视病情调整 用氧流量),心电监护,留置导尿,保暖,做好各种标本采集,协助相应检查,必要时 行积极术前准备等 ? 卧位与安全 ?根据病情采取合适体位。 ?保持呼吸道通畅,对昏迷病人应及时吸出口鼻及气管内分泌物,予以氧气吸入。 ?牙关紧闭、抽搐的病人可用牙垫、开口器,防止舌咬伤、舌后缀。 ?高热、昏迷、谵妄、烦躁不安、年老体弱及婴幼儿应加用护栏,必要时给予约束带,防止坠床,确保病人安全。 ?备齐一切抢救用物、药品和器械,室内各种抢救设置备用状态。 ?严密观察病情:专人护理,对病人生命体征、神志、瞳孔、出血情况、SpO、CVP、末2梢循环及大小便等情况进行动态观察;配合医生积极进行抢救,做好护理记录。 ?遵医嘱给药,实行口头医嘱时,需复述无误方可使用。 ?保持各种管道通畅,妥善固定,安全放置,防止脱落、扭曲、堵塞;严格无菌技术,防止逆行感染。 ?保持大小便通畅:有尿潴留者采取诱导以助排尿;必要时导尿;便秘者视病情予以灌肠。 ?视病情予以饮食护理:保持水、电解质平衡及满足机体对营养的基本需求;禁食病人可予以外周静脉营养。 ?基础护理 ?做好三短九洁、五到床头(三短:头发、胡须、指甲短;九洁:头发、眼、身、口、鼻、手足、会阴、肛门、皮肤清洁;五到床头:医、护、饭、药、水到病人床头)。 ?晨、晚间护理每日2次;尿道口护理每日2次;气管切开护理每日2次;注意眼的保护。?保持肢体功能,加强肢体被动活动或协助主动活动。 ?做好呼吸咳嗽训练,每2h协助病员翻身、拍背、指导作深呼吸,以助分泌物排出。 ?加强皮肤护理,预防压疮。 ?心理护理:及时巡视、关心病人,据情作好与家属沟通,建立良好护患关系,以取得病人信任、家属的配合和理解。 二、昏迷患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密观察生命体征(T、P、R、BP)、瞳孔大小、对光反应。 ?评估GLS意识障碍指数及反应程度,了解昏迷程度,发现变化立即医生。 ?观察患者水、电解质的平衡,记录24h出入量,为指导补液提供依据。 ?注意检查患者粪便,观察有无潜反应。 ?护理要点 ?呼唤患者:操作时,首先要呼唤其姓名,解释操作的目的及注意事项。 ?建立并保持呼吸道通畅:取侧卧位头偏向一侧,随时清除气管内分泌物,备好吸痰用物, cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm2nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous pros 随时吸痰。 ?保持静脉输液通畅:严格记录所用药物及量。 ?保持肢体功能位,定期给予肢体被动活动与按摩,预防手足挛缩、变形及神经麻痹。 ?促进脑功能恢复:抬高床头30,45度或给予半卧位姿势,遵医嘱给予药物治疗和氧气吸入。 ?维持正常排泄功能:定时检查患者膀胱有无尿潴留,按时给予床上便器,协助按摩下腹部促进排尿,导尿者或更换尿袋时应注意无菌技术。 ?维持清洁与舒适:取出义齿、发卡,修剪指(趾)甲;每日进行口腔护理两次,保持口腔清洁湿润,可涂石蜡油(唇膏)防止唇裂;定时进行床上檫浴和会阴冲洗,更换清洁衣服。 ?注意安全:躁动者应加床档,若出现极度躁动不安者,适当给予约束;意识障碍伴高热抽搐、脑膜刺激征时,应给予有效降温并放置牙垫,防止咬伤舌颊部;固定各种管路,避免滑脱。 ?预防肺部感染:定时翻身拍背,刺激患者咳嗽,及时吸痰;注意保暖,避免受凉,使用热水袋时水温不易超过50度,不能直接接触皮肤,防止烫伤。 ?预防压疮:使用气垫床,骨突出部分加用海绵垫,保持床单位整洁、平整。每1,2h翻身一次。 ?眼部护理:摘除隐形眼镜交家属保管。患者眼睑不能闭合时,定时用生理盐水檫洗眼部,用眼药膏或凡士林油纱保护角膜,预防角膜干燥及炎症。 ?健康教育 ?取得家属配合,指导家属对患者进行相应的意识恢复训练,帮助患者肢体被动活动与按摩。 ?心理护理:关心鼓励患者,使患者认识到自己在家庭和社会中存在价值,以增加战胜疾病信心。 三、休克患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密观察生命体征(T、P、R、BP)、心率、氧饱和度的变化,观察有无呼吸浅快、脉搏细速、心率增快、脉压减小〈20mmHg、SBP降至〈90mmHg以下或较前下降20,30mmHg、氧饱和度下降等表现。 ?严密观察患者意识状态(意识状态反映大脑组织血液灌注情况),瞳孔大小和对光反射,是否有兴奋、烦躁不安或神志淡漠、反应迟钝、昏迷等表现。 ?密切观察患者皮肤颜色、色泽,有无出汗、苍白、皮肤湿冷、花斑、紫绀等表现。 ?观察中心静脉压(CVP)的变化。 ?严密观察每小时尿量,是否?30 ml,h;同时注意尿比重的变化, ?注意观察电解质、血常规、血气、凝血功能及肝肾功能等检查结果的变化,以了解患者其他重要脏器的功能。 ?密切观察用药治疗后的效果及是否存在药物的不良反应。 ?护理要点 ?取平卧位或休克卧位,保持病房安静。 ?迅速建立静脉通道,保证及时用药。根据血压情况随时调整输液速度,给予扩容及血管活性药物后血压不升时作好配血、输血准备。 ?做好一切抢救准备,严密观察病情变化,行心电、呼吸、血压、血氧等监护。 ?需要时配合医生尽可能行深静脉穿刺术,以便抢救用药,随时监测CVP。若无条件做深静脉穿刺,应注意大剂量的血管活性药物对患者血管的影响,避免皮肤坏死。 ?保持呼吸道通畅,采用面罩或麻醉机给予较高流量的氧气吸入,以改善组织器官的缺氧、 become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat3asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants 缺血及细胞代谢障碍。当呼吸衰竭发生时,应立即准备行气管插管,给予呼吸机辅助呼吸。 对实施机械辅助治疗的,按相关术后护理常规护理。 ?留置导尿,严密测量每小时尿量,准确记录24h出入量,注意电解质情况,做好护理记录。 ?保持床单位清洁、干燥,注意保暖,做好口腔护理,加强皮肤护理,预防压疮。 ?做好各种管道的管理与护理,预防各种感染。 ?病因护理:积极配合医生治疗原发病,按其不同病因进行护理。 ?做好患者及家属的心理疏导。 ?严格交接班:交接班时要将患者的基础疾病、诊治经过、药物准备情况、患者目前情况、特殊医嘱和注意事项等详细进行交接班,每班要详细记录护理记录。 ?指导要点 ?进行心理指导,使患者及家属克服对疾病的恐惧感。 ?指导患者及家属对诱发休克出现的疾病进行预防。 ?指导患者按时服药,定期随诊。 四、脑疝护理常规 脑疝:在脑血管病的急性期,由于颅内压的极度增高,脑组织被挤压到压力较小的硬脑膜间隙或颅骨的生理孔道,引起嵌顿时就叫做脑疝。最常见两种类型,一种叫天幕裂孔疝,又叫颞叶疝、海马沟回疝;另一种叫枕骨大孔疝,又称小脑扁桃体疝。 ?观察要点 ?密切观察脑疝的前驱症状,及时早期发现颅内压增高:脑疝是颅内压增高所引起的一种危及患者生命的综合征,颅内压超过700cmHO持续1 h即可引起脑疝。颅内高压的临床表2 现:头痛、呕吐、视乳头水肿。一旦患者有剧烈头痛且呈进行性加重和频繁呕吐等颅内压增高症状,应警惕是脑疝前驱期。 ?意识观察:评估GLS意识障碍指数及反应程度;意识变化是脑疝出现之前的重要表现。 ?瞳孔的监测:根据脑疝的五期临床表现,一侧瞳孔散大,对光反射消失已属于脑疝中晚期。 ?生命体征的观察:血压进行性升高,脉搏慢且洪大,呼吸深而慢,提示脑疝前驱期。若脑疝发展迅速,呼吸可突然停止,急性后颅内凹血肿时呼吸变慢有提示枕骨大孔疝的意义。 ?护理要点 ?急救护理 ?立即建立静脉通路,同时快速静脉滴注脱水药,并配以激素应用。有时可合用速尿以加强脱水作用。 ?协助做好手术准备:根据医嘱立即备皮、备血,行药物过敏试验,准备术前和术中用药等。 ?消除引起颅内压增高的附加因素: ?迅速清除呕吐物及呼吸道分泌物,保持呼吸道通畅,保证氧气供给,防止窒息及吸人性肺炎等加重缺氧; ?保持正常稳定的血压,从而保证颅内血液的灌注; ?保持良好的抢救环境,解除紧张,使之配合抢救,同时采取适当的安全措施,以保证抢 救措施的落实; ?高体温、水电解质紊乱和酸碱平衡失调等因素均可进一步促使颅内压升高,应予以重视。 ?昏迷患者要保持呼吸道通畅,及时清除分泌物,必要时行气管切开,防止二氧化碳蓄积而加重颅内压增高。。 ?对呼吸骤停者,在迅速降颅压的基础上按脑复苏技术进行抢救: 呼吸支持:气管插管或气管切开,加压给氧,予呼吸气囊或呼吸机支持呼吸; 循环支持:如心跳停止立即行胸外心脏按压,保持心脏泵血功能; 4nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm 药物支持:遵医嘱给呼吸兴奋剂、升压药、肾上腺皮质激素等综合对症处理。 ?严格记录出人液量,注意电解质平衡的情况。 ?术后护理 ?与手术室护士进行认真交接,检查意识、瞳孔及生命体征变化,查看皮肤情况,查看手术记录,了解手术经过。 0?体位:术后6 h内去枕平卧,头偏向健侧或半侧卧位将床头抬高15,30?,每2 h更换体位1次。术后72 h内,取头高位半坡卧位,头部保持中位,避免前屈、过伸、侧转,以免影响脑部静脉回流,尽量避免过度刺激和连续性护理操作。 ?准确执行脱水治疗,记录24 h出入量,保持水电解质平衡。 ?呼吸道管理 : ?保持呼吸道通畅,定时更换体位,拍背协助排痰,及时清除口、鼻腔及气道内异 ?昏迷患者头偏向一侧,以免舌根后坠及呕吐时误吸; ?鼻饲者注射前抬高床头15?,以防食物返流入气管引起肺部感染; ?常规氧气吸入3,5天,氧流量2,4 L/min。 ?人工气道管理:气管插管、气管切开护理2次/日,口鼻腔及气道用无菌镊和吸痰管严格分开,防止感染; ?气道湿化与促进排痰:予雾化吸入、气管内滴药等。 ?加强营养,提高机体抵抗力,减少探试,避免外来呼吸道疾病的传播引起交叉感染。 ?引流管的护理:保持引流管通畅,留置脑室引流管的患者严格掌握引流管的高度和流量,引流管低于穿刺点15 cm为宜,密切观察引流物的颜色、性质,每日引流量以不超过500ml为宜,并做好记录。 ?骨窗护理:减压术患者一般行颅骨瓣去除或游离术,成为骨窗或游离骨瓣,骨瓣去除后脑组织只有头皮保护,易受压,应加金属保护;通过骨窗可观察到颅内压的变化情况。 ?高热护理:遵医嘱给予物理降温、药物降温或亚低温治疗(轻中度低温(30 ?,35 ?)能明显改善脑缺血后脑神经功能障碍,减轻脑组织损害程度)。用亚低温治疗,应注意监测体温,加强皮肤护理。 ?饮食护理:清醒患者术后第2天鼓励进食;吞咽困难和昏迷者术后第3天给予留置胃管,行胃肠外与胃肠内联合营养,保证患者营养的需要。 ?做好基础护理:病室定期通风换气,进行空气消毒;口腔护理2次/d,按时翻身叩背,及时吸痰,留置导尿管按尿管常规护理;康复期协助指导患者进行功能锻炼。 ?指导要点 ?限制探视人员,保持病房安静。 ?指导患者提高安全意识;告知运动时的注意事项,保证安全防止外伤。 ?告知患者疾病治疗过程中的注意事项,做好心理护理,保持患者情绪稳定。 ?避免剧烈咳嗽及用力排便。 ?进行饮食指导。 ?指导患者或家属继续进行肢体功能锻炼。 ?对出院患者若带有留置尿管、鼻饲管予以相应的护理指导。 五、气管切开患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?注意倾听患者主诉,严密观察患者生命体征、神志、瞳孔、SpO变化,特别是气管切开2 术后三天的患者应重点加强巡视,床旁应备气管切开包。 ?观察气管分泌物的量及性状。 to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat5asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19 ?观察缺氧症状有无改善 ?严密监测有无并发症的发生:如出血、气胸、纵隔气肿、皮下气肿等。 ?护理要点 ?环境要求:病室空气新鲜,定时通风,保持室温22,24度左右,相对湿度60%。 ?仪表要求:工作人员在护理患者时要严格无菌操作,洗手,带口罩、戴手套。 ?正确吸痰,防止感染: ?首先要掌握好恰当的吸痰时机,一般是在床旁听到患者咽喉部有痰鸣音;患者出现咳嗽或呼吸机气道压力升高有报警;发现氧饱和度突然下降等情况时给予吸痰。 ?先将吸痰管插入气道超过内套管1,2cm,再开启吸痰负压,左右旋转边退边吸,切忌在同一部位长时间反复提插式吸痰,吸痰负压不能过大,以防损伤患者气道粘膜;吸引时间一次不超过15秒。 ?吸痰前后应充分给氧,吸痰管吸一次换一根,顺序为气道、口腔、鼻腔。 ?遵医嘱配置气道湿化液,每24小时更换一次,气管内滴入水份约200ml/日左右,平均每小时约10ml,可在每次吸痰前后给予。 ?手术创面的护理:在贴皮肤面以油纱布覆盖,常规每日在严格无菌操作下更换敷料两次,并注意观察切口愈合情况,有无感染等征象及分泌物颜色,切口感染后分泌物多呈草绿色或铜绿色,一旦出现应及时进行分泌物培养,以便指导临床用药。 ?使用带气囊的气管导管时,要随时注意气囊压力,防止漏气。 ?每日检查套管固定是否牢靠,套管采用双带打手术结法固定,松紧以能容一指为度。随时调节呼吸机支架,妥善固定呼吸机管道,使气管套管承受最小牵拉,防止牵拉过度致导管脱出。 ?保持内套管通畅(金属导管):是术后护理的关键。取出内套管的方法是,左手按住外套管,右手转开管上开关后取出,以防将气管套管全部拔出。 ?维持下呼吸道通畅:保持室内温度和湿度,有条件者可用蒸汽吸入疗法。 ?保持口腔清洁、无异味,口腔护理每日两次。 ?拔管:对于原发病以痊愈或减轻,喉梗已解除,作拔管准备工作——试行堵管,可先堵1/3,1/2,观察有无呼吸困难现象,观察24小时,呼吸通畅,可行完全性堵管,观察24,48小时后拔管。对于因非喉部疾病行气管切开者,如无气管插管等喉部可能损伤的病史者,可于呼吸功能衰竭纠正后,直接全堵管进行观察,并于24小时后拔管。拔管1,2天内应严密观察。 ?指导要点 ?吸痰前应与患者进行有效的沟通,减少患者的焦虑和紧张。 ?佩带气管套管出院者,应告之患者及家属: ?不可取出外套管,注意固定带是否固定牢固,以防套管滑出发生意外。 ?沐浴时防止水渗入气管套管内,教会患者及其家属清洁消毒内套管的方法,告诉患者气管切开术迟发性并发症的症状和体征。 六、气管插管患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密观察患者生命体征、神志、瞳孔、SpO变化。 2 ?注意观察导管插入的深度。 ?观察气管分泌物的性质、颜色。 ?拔管后的观察:?严密观察病情变化,监测心率、血压、血氧饱和度,观察呼吸道是否通畅,呼吸交换量是否足够,皮肤黏膜色泽是否红润,同时遵医嘱行血气分析;?观察有无 cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm6nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous pros 喉头水肿、黏膜损伤等情况,发现异常及时医生处理。 ?护理要点 ?环境要求:病室空气新鲜,定时通风,保持室温22,24度左右,相对湿度60%。 ?仪表要求:工作人员在护理患者时要严格无菌操作,洗手,带口罩、戴手套。 ?无论是经鼻腔或口腔插管均应注意固定牢固,做好标记;防止口腔插管时牙垫脱落;注意导管插入的深度及插管与头颈部的角度。 ?气囊管理:定时监测气囊压力,在给气囊放气前或拔除导管前,必须清除气囊上滞留物。 ?保持气管插管通畅,及时有效的进行气管内吸痰:吸痰管吸一次换一根,顺序为气道、口腔、鼻腔;吸痰前后应充分给氧:一次吸痰时间不超过15秒,吸痰过程中出现气管痉挛、紫绀、躁动不安等情况应停止吸痰,立即通知医生处理。 ?根据患者的病情,遵医嘱给予适量的止疼药或镇静药。 ?气道湿化:人工气道建立后,上气道的湿化、温化功能缺失,易导致痰液潴留、结痂等并发症应加强气道湿化(遵医嘱配置气道湿化液,每24小时更换一次,气管内滴入水份约200ml/日左右,平均每小时约10ml,可在每次吸痰前后给予)。 ?保持气管插管局部清洁,固定气管插管的胶布如被污染应立即更换,每天做口腔护理两次。?经鼻或经口插管拔管方法: ?原发病治愈应适时拔管,并向患者做好解释,取得患者合作; ?如无禁忌症,以床头抬高30度以上为宜,以减少返流和误吸; ?吸引气管插管以上及经口腔排出堆积在套囊以上的分泌物,因其在套囊放气后可被吸入到下呼吸道; ?吸入高浓度氧数分钟(每分4~6L),将套管内气体放出; ?将吸痰管放入气管插管略超过其长度,边吸痰边拔管,以防积存在气管内套管周围的分泌物被误吸; ?拔管时在呼气相将导管拔除,以便拔管后第一次呼吸是呼出气体,以免咽部分泌物吸入;?一旦导管拔除后,将患者头转向一侧,防止口腔内分泌物误吸入气道; ?拔管应尽量在白天进行,以便观察病情与及时处理拔管后发生的合并症。 ?拔管后的护理: ?以口鼻(面)罩吸氧,以保证安全; ?4小时内禁食,因为此时声门关闭功能及气道反射功能不健全; ?禁止使用镇静剂,因在拔管后如有烦躁可能是缺氧的表现; ?予定时翻身、排背,鼓励患者咳嗽、咯痰。 ?指导要点 ?做好患者及家属的心理护理,消除焦虑恐惧感。 ?吸痰前应与患者做好有效的沟通交流,减少患者的焦虑和紧张。 ?为减少气囊对气管壁的压力,在充气时可采用两种方法:最小漏气技术(MLT)*或最小闭合容积技术(MOV)*。 ?拔除导管前必须使用气囊上滞留物清除技术。 ?拔管后鼓励患者主动咳嗽、咯痰。 * 最小漏气技术 :套囊充气后吸气时容许不超过50毫升的气体从套囊与气管壁间的空隙漏出。先把套囊注气至吸气时无气体漏出,然后以0.1毫升/次进行套囊放气,直到吸气时有少量气体漏出为止。 * 最小闭合容积技术:套囊充气后刚好吸气时无气体漏出。先把套囊注气至吸气时无气体漏出,然后以0.1毫升/次进行套囊放气,听到漏气声后向套囊内注气0.1毫升/次,无漏气即可。 to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat7asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19 七、使用呼吸机患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?观察神志、瞳孔、心率、血压、SpO变化; 2 ?评估患者的面色,肢体活动,自主呼吸的力量;注意呼吸频率、节律、深浅度及自主呼吸与呼吸机辅助呼吸的配合情况。 ?观察呼吸机工作是否正常,了解呼吸机报警原因,及时通知医生处理。 ?每日行动脉血气分析,了解pH、PaO2、PaCO2的变化,根据变化调整呼吸机参数。发现酸、碱中毒时,及时对症处理。 ?观察痰量及性状,了解有无肺部感染或肺水肿等。 ?护理要点 ?保持管道连接紧密,各种导线、传感线无松脱,确认呼吸机工作状态。预设潮气量(VT)6,8ml/kg,频率(RR)16,20次/分,吸/呼比(I:E)1:1.5,2,吸入氧浓度(FiO):240%,60%。 ?向清醒患者及家属解释使用呼吸机的目的,取得合作,消除恐惧心理。 ?保持气道通畅,及时吸痰,吸痰前后要予以3min纯氧吸入,以防止吸痰造成的低氧血症;并妥善固定气管内插管或气管套管;严格无菌操作。 ?呼吸机通气过度可导致血压下降,未经医生同意护士不可任意调节呼吸机参数。 ?保持湿化罐内无菌蒸馏水或注射用水于正常刻度范围内。保持吸入气体温度在32,34?。 ?保持呼吸机管路中的集水杯方向向下,且处于最低点,以免集水阻塞管路或流入患者气道内或返流入湿化罐。勤倒集水杯内集水。 ?呼吸机管道一人一换,长期带机患者应每周更换。每周冲洗呼吸机上的过滤网。 ?呼吸机管道和人工气道加接螺纹管,以免牵拉刺激引起气道损伤和人工气道脱出。 ?注意患者体位的舒适度,避免人工气道与患者气管成角,避免人工气道扭曲、折迭、滑出或接头松脱。 ?有心血管功能不良、血容量不足、高龄、原有低血压、,易导致低血压,应采取相应措施,维持循环稳定。 ?胸部物理治疗每4小时一次。 ?遵医嘱使用镇静剂,并在护理记录上准确记录用法用量及患者用药后状况。 ?呼吸机旁备简易人工呼吸器,如遇呼吸机功能丧失或停电,先将氧气管与简易人工呼吸器相连,按操作程序先用气囊通气,直至问题解决。 ?心理护理 ?呼吸机通气支持的患者,由于本身病情危重,加上环境的陌生及呼吸机带来的异常声响、交流障碍、舒适改变等,易出现焦虑、恐惧及不合作等心理问题;部分患者在呼吸机治疗过程中会出现呼吸机心理依赖问题。 ?重视患者的心理问题,理解与疏导,让患者熟悉病房环境,了解呼吸机治疗的目的及配合方法,建立护患之间有效的沟通交流方式,可备纸笔或写字板等非语言交流形式,鼓励患者主动加强自主呼吸,争取早日脱机。 ?指导要点 ?患者发生缺氧和呼吸困难时,如不能马上找到原因,应立即脱开呼吸机,用简易人工呼吸器辅助通气。 ?注意保持湿化器中蒸馏水量,并及时清理呼吸机管道中的积水。 ?吸痰前应与患者进行有效的沟通,减少患者的焦虑和紧张。 perity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm8nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in th 八、深静脉置管患者护理常规 ?观察要点 ?观察置管的长度、时间,。 ?观察局部皮肤有无红、肿、渗液、分泌物等感染征象。 ?观察患者生命体征变化,注意有无寒战高热等全身感染征象。 ?护理要点 ?保持穿刺点皮肤的清洁、干燥,每日换药一次,疑有污染随时更换。 ?妥善固定导管,导管各连接处用无菌纱布包裹,防止脱落。 ?深静脉测压通道连接专用延长管和三通,禁止连接头皮针、肝素帽。输液通路连接处尽量少用头皮针和肝素帽,一个肝素帽最多插头皮针2,3根,肝素帽3,5天更换一次;每次输液完毕,不需维持通道者,用肝素液和生理盐水脉冲式正压封管。 ?及时更换液体,测压后及时打开输液通道,以避免血液回流引起导管堵塞。 ?血管活性药物应单通道泵入,连接专用微泵延长管在深静脉管近端;防止速度过快或过慢,影响药物疗效;如需快速输液、输血应直接连接三通,TPN、血液制品、普通液体不能在同一静脉通道输入。 ?拔除导管后按压穿刺点5分钟,防止出现局部血肿,用消毒液消毒局部,并用无菌敷料覆盖24小时以上。 ?指导要点 若深静脉导管被血凝块堵塞不通或呈半通状态,立即用空针向外抽吸,切勿将血凝块冲入血管内,否则易导致血栓栓塞;若回抽不通,应拔除导管。 九、胸腔闭式引流护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密观察生命体征的变化。 ?观察引流管是否通畅,引流液的量、颜色、性质及水柱波动范围。 ?观察引流管处伤口的情况。 ?拔管后观察:有无胸憋、呼吸困难、切口漏气、渗液、出血、皮下气肿等症状。 ?护理要点 ?保持管道的密闭和无菌:使用前注意引流装置是否密封,胸壁伤口引流管周围,用油纱布包盖严密,更换引流瓶时,必须先双重夹闭引流管,以防空气进入胸膜腔,严格执行无菌操作规程,防止感染。 ?体位:胸腔闭式引流术后常置患者于半卧位,以利呼吸和引流。鼓励患者进行有效咳嗽和深呼吸运动,利于积液排出,恢复胸膜腔负压,使肺扩张。 ?维持引流通畅:闭式引流主要靠重力引流,水封瓶液面应低于引流管胸腔出口平面60cm,任何情况下引流瓶不应高于患者胸腔,以免引流液逆流入胸膜腔造成感染;定时挤压引流管,每30,60分钟1次,以免管口被血凝块堵塞;水柱波动的大小反应残腔的大小与胸腔内负压的大小,正常水柱上下波动4,6cm,如水柱无波动,患者出现胸闷气促,气管向健侧偏移等肺受压的症状,应疑为引流管被血块堵塞,需设法挤捏或使用负压间断抽吸引流瓶短玻璃管,促使其通畅,并通知医生。 ?挤压方法为:用止血钳夹住排液管下端,两手同时挤压引流管然后打开止血钳,使引流液流出。 ?检查引流管是否通畅最简单的方法:观察引流管是否继续排出气体和液体,以及长玻璃管中的水柱是否随呼吸上下波动,必要时请患者深呼吸或咳嗽时观察。 become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat9asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants ?妥善固定:运送患者时双钳夹管;下床活动时,引流瓶位置应低于膝关节,保持密封。 ?准确记录:每日更换水封瓶,作好标记,记录引流量,如是一次性引流瓶无需每日更换。 手术后一般情况下引流量应小于80ml/u,开始时为血性,以后颜色为浅红色,不易凝血。若第一天的引流量,500ml或每小时引流量在100ml以上颜色为鲜红色或红色,性质较粘稠,易凝血,则疑为胸腔内有活动性出血。 ?呼吸功能的锻炼:指导患者进行有效呼吸功能的锻炼,是防止肺部感染,促进肺复张的重要措施之一。 方法如下:指导患者进行缓慢吸气直到扩张,然后缓慢呼气,重复10次/分钟左右,3,5次/日,每次以患者能耐受为宜。 ?脱管处理 : 若引流管从胸腔滑脱,立即用手捏闭伤口处皮肤,消毒后用凡士林纱布封闭伤口,协助医生做进一步处理。如引流管连接处脱落或引流瓶损坏,立即双钳夹闭胸壁导管,按无菌操作更换整个装置。 ?拔管指征 : 48,72小时后,引流量明显减少且颜色变淡,24h引流液小于50ml,脓液小于10ml,X线胸片示肺膨胀良好、无漏气,患者无呼吸困难即可拔管。 方法:嘱患者先深吸一口气后屏气即可拔管,迅速用凡士林纱布覆盖,宽胶布密封,胸带包扎一天。 ?指导要点 ?做好患者和家属的心理疏导工作,缓解焦虑情绪。 ?讲解戒烟、咳嗽、预防肺部感染的重要性,以取得患者的主动配合。 ?告知患者如发生畏寒高热、切口剧痛、呼吸困难等要及时就诊。 ?保证休息,合理活动及营养均衡。 十、(血)气胸护理常规 ?观察要点 ?观察缺氧、呼吸困难的程度;胸部X阳性体征,推测(血)气胸严重程度。 ?观察胸腔闭式引流液的性质、颜色和量,判断进行性血胸出现。 ?观察患者,、BP、,、,、CVP、尿量等指标,了解病情变化。 ?注意倾听患者主诉,观察患者伤口有无疼痛,了解病情变化。 ?观察用药后的反应及副作用。 ?护理要点 ?体位:合并昏迷或休克时取平卧位,生命体征平稳取半(坐)卧位。 ?保持呼吸道通畅:及时清理呼吸道异物; ?及时变开放性气胸为闭合性气胸,用凡士林纱布加棉垫封闭伤口。 ?迅速纠正呼吸及循环系统障碍: ?立即协助做好胸腔闭式引流或胸腔穿刺术,引出积气、积血,减轻对肺及纵隔的压迫;如有多发性肋骨骨折胸壁软化及出现反常呼吸者,应当立即协助行加垫胸带固定或行胸壁悬牵术。 ?维持有效的心排出量和组织灌注量,建立静脉通路,积极补充血容量和抢救休克,根据病情掌握输液速度,准确记录出入量。 ?氧疗:根据病情需要,应用呼吸机或鼻塞、面罩吸氧;给予有效的高浓度吸氧,必须在通气功能及呼吸困难得到充分改善,完全纠正缺氧时方可停止。 ?应用呼吸机的患者,根据血气分析结果,遵医嘱调整呼吸机参数,纠正酸碱失衡。 ?镇静镇痛:应用镇静镇痛剂预防患者躁动和减轻疼痛;合并肋骨骨折患者可遵医嘱予胸带或宽胶布固定胸壁,患者咳嗽、咳痰时指导或协助其用双手按压患侧胸壁。 g gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm10nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Ca ?保持胸腔引流管通畅,定期挤压引流管,如引流液异常增多,及时报告医生。 ?预防控制感染:遵医嘱合理足量使用抗菌药物;指导和协助患者咳嗽咳痰,及时清理分泌物,加强肺部理疗,防止肺部并发症。 ?加强患者的皮肤护理,避免压疮;加强营养,必要时遵医嘱给予静脉高营养。 ?病房定时通风,预防感冒,保证患者有充足睡眠。 ?指导要点 ?嘱注意安全,防止发生意外事故,讲解相关急救知识 ?指导患者治疗基础疾病,有吸烟史者要劝其戒烟。 ?注意保暖,适量运动,劳逸结合,预防感冒。 ?指导患者保持心情舒畅,避免情绪波动。 ?定期复查,出现不适及时就医。 十一、腹部外伤性多脏器损伤护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密监测患者意识情况,P、R、BP、CVP、尿量、肢体温度、颜色,注意有无休克的表现。 ?观察气道是否通畅,注意呼吸的形态及频率。 ?观察腹痛的特征、无腹膜刺激症,判断是实质脏器损伤还是空腔脏器损伤。 ?观察患者的体位及局部软组织损伤、肢体活动情况。 ?护理要点 ?保持呼吸道通畅:清除呼吸道分泌物及异物;吸氧;必要时行气管插管或气管切开,予以人工呼吸。 ?迅速补充血容量:快速建立静脉通道2,3条,以上肢静脉为宜(1路扩容输血输液、1路滴注或推注各种药物),必要时行深静脉置管。 ?体位:抬高下肢15?,20?;合并休克者,取休克卧位(抬高头胸部10?,20?,抬高下肢20?,30?)。 ?遵医嘱立即行备皮、皮试、合血、导尿、胃肠减压等,协助做好术前准备。 ?术后护理: ?体位:根据麻醉方式,采取必要的体位,6小时后可取半卧位; ?遵医嘱准确给药、补液,维持水电解质平衡; ?严格记录24h尿量,观察尿量颜色,并做好护理记录; ?切口护理:定时观察敷料,是否有出血及不正常分泌物,敷料被浸湿时注意其颜色、性质及量,并及时更换敷料保持干燥,并做好记录; ?疼痛护理:如采取合适体位、遵医嘱使用止痛剂、辅助疗法等; ?引流管的护理:明确各种引流管的位置及作用,妥善固定和保护引流管,保持引流管通畅,密切观察引流物的颜色、性质、量,并做好记录;定时更换引流袋。 ?评估肠蠕动恢复情况,据情况鼓励适当活动。 ?做好基础护理,预防感染: ?病室定期通风换气,进行空气消毒;留置氧气管、胃管、导尿管按相应常规护理。 ?口腔护理2次/d,协助翻身、拍背,指导咳嗽咳痰,及时吸痰,防止肺部感染。 ?饮食护理:根据患者具体病情指导饮食。 ?心理护理:鼓励开导患者树立战胜疾病的信心。 ?指导要点 e, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat11asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19to Ya ?做好患者及家属的心理疏导,减轻焦虑情绪。 ?适当休息,注意锻炼,促进康复。 ?告知患者饮食注意事项。 ?告知患者若有不明原因的发热(>38?)或腹痛腹胀、肛门停止排气排便等不适应及时就诊。 十二、癫痫持续状态护理常规 癫痫持续状态是指持续频繁的癫痫发作形成了一个固定的癫痫状况,包括一次癫痫发作持续30分钟以上或连续发作,发作间歇期意识不恢复者。 ?观察要点 ?密切观察患者生命体征、瞳孔、意识、面色及SpO。 2 ?监测动脉血气、血生化,维持内环境的稳定。 ?监测药物反应:静脉注射安定、氯硝安定对呼吸、心脏均有抑制作用,故注射时应严密观察呼吸、心跳、血压等情况。 ?观察发作类型、部位、持续时间、间隔时间及发作时的症状表现和发作后情况。 ?护理要点 ?了解发病前驱症状、诱因、服药史。 ?急性发作期护理 ?保持呼吸道通畅,严防窒息:置牙垫于臼齿间,以防损坏牙齿和咬伤舌头;患者昏迷喉头痉挛,分泌物增多,随时吸痰,防止窒息,每次吸痰不超过15s,以免引起反射性呼吸心跳停止;检查患者的牙齿是否脱落,有假牙应立即取下。 ?给氧:发作期可加大氧流量和浓度,以保证脑部供氧,随时检查用氧的效果;必要时可行气管插管或气管切开,予以人工呼吸。 ?防止受伤:加用床挡专人守护切勿用力按压病人身体;按压时注意力量强度,防止关节脱臼或骨折;按压的着力点放在患者的关节处,加上海绵垫防止皮肤损伤,防止自伤或他伤。 ?控制发作:遵医嘱二人操作,缓慢静注抗癫痫药,密切观察病人意识、呼吸、心率、血压的变化。 ?严格记录出入量,抽搐间隙时间,发现有脑水肿及心力衰竭的先兆反应立即通知医师。 ?药物护理:严格遵医嘱准确、按时给药。 ?降温:患者若伴有高热,随时可能发生呼吸、心力衰竭、急性肺水肿而死亡,应严密监护,采取积极措施降温。 ?一般护理(间歇期护理) ?减少刺激:置患者于单人房间,窗户用深色窗帘遮光,床旁备急救设备和药物。 ?活动与休息:间歇期活动时,注意安全,注意观察间歇期意识状态,出现先兆即刻卧床休息;必要时加床挡。 ?饮食营养:清淡饮食,少进辛辣食物,禁用烟酒,避免过饱。 ?体温测量:选择测肛温或腋温。禁止用口表测量体温。 ?服药要求:按时服药,不能间断。 ?口腔护理: 3次/日,口唇涂甘油,防止干燥开裂,湿纱布覆盖口唇,保持口腔湿润。 ?留置胃管:第2天开始给患者置胃管行鼻饲,以38?流质50ml/次,6次/d为宜;注意有无胃出血现象,防止应激性溃疡的发生。 ?预防压疮:加强皮肤护理并垫上海绵垫,保持床单清洁干燥,有大小便污染应及时更换。 12nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm ?健康教育 ?发作期禁止探视,保持病房绝对安静。 ?做好心理护理,病人易出现自卑、孤独的异常心态,鼓励病人树立战胜疾病的信心,保持情绪稳定。 ?嘱病人生活工作有规律,避免过度疲劳、便秘、停药、睡眠不足和情感冲动等诱发因素;不登高、不游泳、不驾驶车船及航空器;外出时,随身携带有注明姓名、诊断的卡片,以便急救时参考。 ?告知长期服药者按时服药及复查,不宜自行停药或减量。 ?指导病人适当的参加体力和脑力活动。 十三、上消化道大出血护理常规 ?观察要点 ?严密监测患者生命体征、意识、瞳孔、CVP、SpO和心电图。 2 ?评估皮肤温度、湿度、色泽及有无淤斑。 ?定时监测血气分析、电解质和尿量、尿比重。 ?评估呕血与便血的量、次数、性状;估计出血量: ?大便潜血试验阳性,提示出血量5ml以上。 ?出现黑便,提示出血量在50ml,70ml甚至更多。 ?胃内出血量达250ml,300ml,可引起呕血。 ?柏油便提示出血量为500ml,1000m。 ?注意观察腹部体征。 ?观察有无再出血先兆,如头晕、心悸、出汗、恶心、腹胀、肠鸣音活跃等。 ?观察有无窒息的先兆症状,及时采取措施。 ?护理措施 ?出血期的护理 ?保持呼吸道通畅:立即清除口腔、咽喉部呕吐物、分泌物和血液,予以面罩吸氧;必要时床旁紧急行气管插管,呼吸机辅助呼吸。 ?体位:采用头抬高15,30?,下肢抬高30,45?卧位。 ?遵医嘱置入胃管,用温盐水洗胃后,在30,60min内,用1,4?冰盐水冲洗胃。 ?床旁合血,建立两根以上静脉通路;必要时协助医生进行深静脉置管和动脉插管,连接测压装置。 ?若患者出现失血性休克表现,立即予以快速、加压输血、输液,维持收缩压在100mmHg以上,脉率100次/min以下,CVP0.8,1.2kPa,尿量25ml/h。 ?遵医嘱定时向胃内注入去甲肾上腺素和冰盐水,注入硫糖铝等制酸剂;及时准确静脉应用止血药、制酸剂、抗菌素等。 ?做好护理记录,严格记录出入量,严密监测24h尿量。 ?并发症期的护理 ?肝昏迷的护理: ?肝昏迷先兆:主要是发现并及时报告病情。 ?中度和深度昏迷:主要是注意患者烦躁不安,以免造成意外伤害。 ?并发肝昏迷患者,反复性较大,所以必须延长观察时间。 ?防止褥疮的护理:长期卧床,必然有发生褥疮的可能,因此强调定时更换体位。 ?健康教育 ?保持良好的心境和乐观主义精神,正确对待疾病。 n Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat13asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area b ?生活要规律,避免过饥、过饱,避免粗糙、酸辣刺激性食物,如醋、辣椒、蒜、浓茶等,避免食用过冷、过热食物。 ?戒烟、禁酒。 ?遵医嘱服药,避免服用阿司匹林、消炎痛、激素类药物。 ?定期复查,如出现呕血、黑便,立即到医院就诊。 十四、呼吸衰竭护理常规 ?观察要点 ?观察患者神志、血压、呼吸、脉搏、体温、皮肤色泽等。 ?注意观察有无肺性脑病症状及休克。 ?监测动脉血气分析和各项化验指数变化。 ?观察用药情况:药物作用和副作用(尤其是呼吸兴奋剂)。 ?护理措施 ?饮食护理:鼓励患者多进高蛋白、高维生素食物(不能自行进食者予以鼻饲饮食)。 ?保持呼吸道通畅 ?鼓励患者咳嗽、咳痰,更换体位和多饮水。 ?危重患者每2,3h翻身拍背一次,帮助排痰。如建立人工气道患者,应加强气道管理,必要时机械吸痰。 ?神志清醒者可做雾化吸入,每日2—3次,每次10—20min。 ?合理用氧:对?型呼吸衰竭病人应给予低浓度(25,一29,。)流量(1~2L/MIN)鼻导管持续吸氧。如何配合使用呼吸机和呼吸中枢兴奋剂可稍提高给氧浓度。 ?危重患者或使用机械通气者应做好特护记录,并保持床单位平整、干燥,预防发生褥疮。?使用鼻罩或口鼻面罩加压辅助机械通气者,做好该项护理有关事项。 ?病情危重患者建立人工气道(气管插管或气管切开)应按人工气道护理要求。 ?建立人工气道接呼吸机进行机械通气时应按机械通气护理要求。 ?用药护理 ?遵医嘱选择使用有效的抗生素控制呼吸道感染。 ?遵医嘱使用呼吸兴奋剂,必须保持呼吸道通畅。注意观察用药后反应,以防药物过量;对烦躁不安、夜间失眠病人,慎用镇静剂,,以防引起呼吸抑制。 ?健康教育 ?教会患者做缩唇腹式呼吸以改善通气。 ?鼓励患者适当家务活动,尽可能下床活动。 ?预防上呼吸道感染,保暖、季节交换和流感季节少外出,少去公共场所。 ?劝告戒烟,如有感冒尽量就医,控制感染加重。 ?严格控制陪客和家属探望。 十五、心力衰竭护理常规 心力衰竭的临床类型按其发展速度可分为急性和慢性两种。按其发生的部分可分为左心衰、右心衰和全心衰。左心衰时由于肺淤血而引起不同程度的呼吸困难,最早为劳力性呼吸困难,逐渐发展为夜间阵发性呼吸困难,端坐呼吸;右心衰由于体循环淤血而表现为腹胀、水肿、肝脏肿大、颈静脉怒张。 ?观察要点 ?严密观察患者的心律、心率、呼吸、BP、神志等的变化,尽早发现各类型的心律失常。 ?观察患者症状及体征,注意有无呼吸困难、心悸、晕厥等症状及有可能诱发严重后果的因 14nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm 素(如电解质紊乱、洋地黄中毒、心跳骤停等征兆),以便及时抢救。 ?观察用药后的效果及有无副作用的发生。 ?观察血气分析、电解质等与疾病相关的各种实验室指标。 ?护理措施 ?休息及体位:卧床休息,限制活动量;有心慌、气短、呼吸困难病人取半卧位或坐位;急性左心衰时取端坐位,双下肢下垂,以利于呼吸和减少静脉回心血量。 ?氧疗:持续吸氧3~4升/分,急性左心衰时立即予鼻异管给氧(氧流量为6~8升/分),病情特别严重可应用面罩呼吸机加压给氧,给氧的同时在氧气湿化瓶内加入50%的酒精,或给予消泡净(二甲基硅油)吸入,有助于消除肺泡内的泡沫。如患者不能耐受,可降低酒精浓度或给予间断吸入。必要时行气管插管或气管切开,兼行间歇正压呼吸(IPPB)或呼吸末正压呼吸(PEEP)。 ?严格控制输液量和补液速度,一般为每分钟20-30滴,以防加重心衰及诱发肺水肿发生。 ?用药护理:遵医嘱给予利尿、强心剂和扩血管药物,并注意药物的不良反应:使用利尿剂者,应注意低钠、低钾症状的出现,如全身无力,反应差,神经反射减弱,腹胀,尿潴留等;应用洋地黄类药物时,观察有无毒性反应,如恶心、呕吐、视力模糊,黄绿视及心律失常等;使用血管扩张应密切注意血压变化。 ?遵医嘱准确测量并记录尿量,并注意嘱咐患者不能用力排便,保持大便通畅。 ?病情稳定后可鼓励患者做下肢自主活动或下床行走,避免深静脉血栓形成。 ?饮食护理:给予低热量、高维生素饮食,少量多餐,禁烟酒。水肿较重患者限制钠盐和液体入量。 ?皮肤护理:伴有水肿时应加强皮肤护理,以防感染及发生褥疮,可用温热水清洁和按摩局部皮肤。 ?心理护理:做好心理护理,协助患者克服各种不利于疾病治疗的生活习惯和嗜好。 ?健康教育 ?予以饮食指导,戒烟、戒酒。 ?注意保暖,预防感冒,避免诱发因素,指导患者注意劳逸结合。 ?告知患者按时服药,定期复诊。 ?指导患者学会自行记录出入量及水肿的变化情况。 ?指导患者对疾病有正确认识,保持心情舒畅。 十六、急性肾衰竭护理常规 ?观察要点 ?观察患者尿量情况。 ?观察患者水肿情况、血压变化情况。 ?观察患者有无呼吸困难,烦躁不安,紫绀,大汗淋漓等左心衰表现。 ?观察患者有无高血钾症(如四肢乏力,神志淡漠和感觉异常;皮肤苍白发冷,心跳缓慢或心律不齐,血压低;甚至出现软瘫,呼吸肌麻痹,心跳骤停)。 ?护理措施 ?绝对卧床休息。 ?监测患者生命体征,准确记录出入量,测每日体重。 ?少尿时,体内常发生水过多,应控制水及盐的摄入预防心衰。 ?给高热量、高维生素、低盐、低蛋白质、宜消化饮食,避免含钾高的食物(如:香蕉、柑、橙、山楂、桃子、鲜桔汁、油菜、海带、韭菜、番茄、蘑菇、菠菜、榨菜、川冬菜、豆类及其制品等)。 15asting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-ng stream of all enemyranchi38, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area bn Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 19to Yae, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grav cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has-ory size Lake swing dotted, river port crissreturn Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territ g, andty adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxiniu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing Counwar, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Q-e village. Pre, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countrysidion and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotagelujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, educat ?急性左心衰是急性肾衰的主要并发症,出现症状应立即给予纠正缺氧、镇静、利尿、行血液透析等措施。 ?注意皮肤及口腔护理。 ?有高钾血症时应积极控制感染,纠正酸中毒,输血选用新鲜血液,给予高糖,胰岛素静脉滴入或输入氯化钙,配合血液透析。 ?健康教育 ?向病人及家属介绍治疗的重要性,特别是限制液体及饮食的目的,争取病人及家属对治疗、护理的配合。 ?指导病人合理饮食,少尿期对水、高钾、高钠及高蛋白食物摄入的限制,多尿期则注意水、含钠、钾的食物及适量蛋白的补充。 ?督促病人少尿期应绝对卧床休息,恢复期也要限制活动,避免过度劳累。 ?告之病人避免加重肾功能恶化的因素:如妊娠、创伤、及使用对肾有害的药物。 ?告知病人定期门诊复查的重要性,以便能据病情变化及时调整用药、饮食及体液限制。 asting base occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build l-rilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemye guerng during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in thperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cag gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous proscross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujian-port crissriver nd jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, ce (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, aovinWest of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two pr seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang war, strict tomb for-. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Preent operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political teamlujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Governm16nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".
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