

2017-08-31 28页 doc 66KB 39阅读




我们假戏真做吧-第一集剧本我们假戏真做吧-第一集剧本 我们假戏真做吧【第一集】 【STAFF】 原著:娇羞胡萝卜 策划&导演组:玲珑骰【影音同画】 启世之尘【98囧人组】 三色堇【98囧人组】 雲木香【98囧人组】 编剧:玲珑骰【影音同画】 后期:小拜【影音同画】 美工:小跡【电啵组】 宣传:花椒【涅槃工作室】 【CV设定表】 淡 语:乘风归去【水岸聆音】【单纯傲娇炸毛受】 祁 汜:阿春【温柔腹黑淡定攻】 离学姐:滚滚【腹黑御姐音,二十二岁左右】 剧中编剧:夜羽光茜【影音同画】【温柔少女音,十八岁左右】 温柔少女音,二十岁左...
我们假戏真做吧-第一集剧本 我们假戏真做吧【第一集】 【STAFF】 原著:娇羞胡萝卜 策划&导演组:玲珑骰【影音同画】 启世之尘【98囧人组】 三色堇【98囧人组】 雲木香【98囧人组】 编剧:玲珑骰【影音同画】 后期:小拜【影音同画】 美工:小跡【电啵组】 宣传:花椒【涅槃工作室】 【CV设定】 淡 语:乘风归去【水岸聆音】【单纯傲娇炸毛受】 祁 汜:阿春【温柔腹黑淡定攻】 离学姐:滚滚【腹黑御姐音,二十二岁左右】 剧中编剧:夜羽光茜【影音同画】【温柔少女音,十八岁左右】 温柔少女音,二十岁左右】 珞 珞:兮媚【决意同人】【 白萝卜:兜々.緈鍢【天真LOLI音,十六岁左右】 老大:李逍遥【声声Melody】【正常青年音】 老三:墨离殇【剪刀剧团】【正常青年音】 剧中策划:水原【影音同画】【正常御姐音】 群聊背景音龙套团: 灰包【卿云】 墨离殇【剪刀剧团】 花世【影音同画】 夜羽光茜【影音同画】 玲珑骰【影音同画】 启世之尘【98囧人组】 三色堇【98囧人组】 雲木香【98囧人组】 乱一世妖孽 无名 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 【剧本正文】 场景一:寝室?网络 (寝室里翻书声,写字声,电话铃声。) 老 三:喂,啊我是,好啊好啊我就来,等着啊~ 老 大:去打球, 老 三:嗯。 老 大:打完了记得顺便带饭回来。 老 三:又使唤我~ 老 大:老四正发火呢,你就牺牲一下为人民服务吧,嘿嘿。 老 三:自从他开始玩网络配音,哪天不抽风啊,走了啊~(关门音效。) 淡 语:【仰天怒吼】我靠我靠我靠~搞什么飞机啊,策划导演都不存干音也就算了,那个 脑残后期竟然还把惟一的干音给毁了~ 【打字】你确认那脑残后期也没有备份, 离学姐:【淡定】不要叫他脑残后期,他是我弟。 淡 语:老子感冒了,老子嘶哑了,【伪嘶哑的鸭公嗓】老子不录了~ 离学姐:学弟乖,寻死觅活会直接导致容颜憔悴,怎么对得住你那张台柱的脸啊。 淡 语:【抓狂】你再说一次台柱试试,老子拍死你,学姐也照拍。 离学姐:【安抚】好啦好啦,学弟你就给咱再好好录一遍嘛。 淡 语:【唠唠叨叨】你从哪儿找来的废材后期啊,那废材是新人吧,毁干音也就算了,还 不提前备份,绝对不仅仅是废材的问题。我靠,老子还想骂人~ 离学姐:唉,原定的后期临时有事,没啊,只好找我弟弟来救场嘛。再说了,你自己不 也没备份,瞧你那电脑跟个黑洞受似的,只吞不吐,什么东西往里扔了就别想再找 出来,还好意思说别人, (开门音效。) 老 三:哎,饭来了~ 老 大:怎么这么快就回来了, 老 三:靠,球场被人占了~ 淡 语:【暴走】掀桌~老子吃饭去,你们爱咋地咋地。 场景二:网络?晚上 淡 语:【冷冷】策划收音~ 离学姐:【狗腿】哇,淡语,你真是太有效率啦~ 剧组群姑娘A:哟,小受交音了,求围观~ 剧组群小伙A:围观个毛,你给我死回去做后期~明天交不出成品我掐死你~ 剧组群姑娘A:我勒个擦怎么你也在这群里啊~ 剧组群小伙A:我一路追随你的脚步来的~ 剧组群姑娘A:我潜水~ 剧组群小伙A:你敢潜水我淹死你~给我回去~ 剧组群姑娘A:喂喂喂别揪耳朵啊~我去就是了~嘤嘤嘤嘤~ 离学姐:表扬表扬,听起来感觉比上次更好啊~ 编 剧:【不怀好意】你是不是在暗示后期应该把每个人的干音都弄丢一次啊, 淡 语:【气愤】我靠,你们毁了干音很得意是不是, uality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development supand qand oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, cording to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current,s acideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principle regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management-and security development conceptnd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development ), 2ng of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West WingThe weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical buildi the intelligent integration of operations management.port smooth2 离学姐:【淡定】抚摸学弟,这只是一次不可复制的意外。 编 剧:【别有用心】嗯,一场因为爱所以伤害的意外。 淡 语:【炸毛】老子早知道你们是一路的~早知道了~技术不行还不提前备份,我靠,脑 残也是病~ 编 剧:【无奈】呀呀呀,淡语啊,你重复的牢骚暴露了你内心受的本质一一 淡 语:【咬牙】你们这帮有了后期就虐待CV的女人~【忽然想起】对了~脑残后期呢,在 哪, 祈 汜:【慢悠悠】我在呢。 淡 语:【独白】这个废材后期居然还敢出来~ 【讥讽】哎呦,是我们伟大的后期大人呀~ 祈 汜:低调,低调。 淡 语:【独白】低调个P,当老子真称赞你啊~我要奚落你,狠狠地奚落你~ 【打字】不知后期大人有何作品让大家瞻仰瞻仰啊。 祈 汜:广播剧的话,没有。 淡 语:【阴阳怪气】呀,原来是新人后期呀~ 离学姐:喂喂淡小受你够了啊,收起你那LOLI腔一一 淡 语:【炸毛】我靠,谁说老子小受的~ 祈 汜:小受是什么, 离学姐:来,咱私聊,姐给你解释解释。 淡 语:【独白】哇靠~这年头网配圈里居然还有不知道小受是啥的生物,嘿嘿,这后期是 天然呆啊~让哥哥我来调教调教你吧~——大白菜,这网名果然够白啊~(加好友的咳嗽声) 淡 语:【打字】后期同学~ 祈 汜:嗯。 淡 语:【奸笑】你姐给你扫盲了, 祈 汜:嗯,果然博大精深啊。 淡 语:孩子恭喜恭喜,你终于开窍了。 祈 汜:是啊,淡小受。 淡 语:„„你,说,什,么~ 祈 汜:看似个性很强悍,但实际上却从骨子里散发着别扭之气的,是受。脾气看似很火爆, 但却容易心软,富有爱心和同情心的,不要怀疑,那也是受。 淡 语:【独白?目瞪口呆】你„„你到底是天然呆还是天然伪呆啊~别是我的冤家派来玩 我的吧~ 离学姐:淡小受呢,小后期呢,唉,这人都去哪了,要说什么都回群里聊,私相授受都怀孕~ 淡 语:我在呢~ 祈 汜:嗯,我也在。 离学姐:后期同学什么时候能交初稿啊, 祈 汜:这几天都忙,下周赶个通宵,应该可以吧。 淡 语:你们聊,我睡觉~【独白】下周末是吧,看我不骚扰死你~ 祈 汜:【独白】呃,忘了告诉他刚才那话是从俺姐那复制来的。 场景三:网络?晚上 (开门声) 淡 语:【独白】今儿真高兴啊,骚扰小后期啊~嘿嘿,诅咒今天晚上AA死,CE死,能死 rs actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smootht ownection project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meeements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construequirtation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and rsupport, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabili "system stable and reliable driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the-struction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptm. Cony system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity systen center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricitthe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitatio3 的全死让你做不完剧交不了稿被戳死骂死怨死催死~ (开机音效。QQ消息音效。时钟走动音效。) 淡 语:来了。 祈 汜:嗯。 淡 语:晚上吃的啥, 祈 汜:稀饭。 淡 语:做后期累不累啊, 祈 汜:还好„„ (聊天声音渐出,时钟走动声渐大。) 淡 语:【独白?强撑】五点了,困死了~不行,再困也要坚持住~(QQ消息音效) 祈 汜:【轻松】呼,终于做完了。多谢陪夜~(晴天霹雳) 淡 语:【独白?无力】陪„„陪夜~~~ 祈 汜:马上就混好音了,要不要听, 淡 语:【精神一振】发来听听。 祈 汜:嗯,先给你听,谢谢你特意陪了我一晚上。 淡 语:【吐血】我,我„„【惊讶】哟,小样,传文件速度很快啊~校园网今天鸡血了, 祈 汜:呵呵,你先听听。 (几秒后) 淡 语:靠靠靠~你真的没做过后期,骗谁呢混蛋~ 祈 汜:没做过广播剧。 淡 语:那你以前做过啥, 祈 汜:视频和歌曲。 淡 语:老子怒了~你根本就不是新人后期~ 祈 汜:新人后期是你定义的吧。 淡 语:你„„好吧,你发剧打算在工作组写什么ID, 祈 汜:祈汜。 淡 语:老子写回去扎小人~ 祈 汜:要不要提供照片, 淡 语:那是必须的~ 祈 汜:交换, 淡 语:【挑衅】来啊来啊,谁怕谁啊~ 祈 汜:好了,接文件。 淡 语:【喃喃】这张是我高中时候的„„【炸毛】我靠你发张大白菜给我算什么啊~难道 你网名叫大白菜长的就是个白菜样,你个耍人的混蛋~ 祈 汜:【尴尬】呃,不好意思,没想到你会给真照片。【诚恳】我电脑上没有,改天一定给 你。 淡 语:【炸毛】改天个毛~老子稀罕啊~ 祈 汜:淡语,你可以温柔一点。 淡 语:啊, 祈 汜:那样比较适合你的脸。 淡 语:【暴走】我靠你还敢提~ 祈 汜:【独白】其实,你挺单纯的。 场景四:网络?晚上 port smoothuality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development supand qand oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, cording to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current,s acideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principle regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management-and security development conceptnd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development ), 2ng of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West WingThe weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical buildi the intelligent integration of operations management.4 (群聊背景音,对话互相重叠。) 离学姐:哎呀撒花撒花,这次的剧发了以后一片颂歌啊,反响不错哦~ 编 剧:【感动】啊策划大人乃太伟大了,怎么会找到这么熊的后期大人~掩面内牛,作为 编剧感到别无他求。 离学姐:【厚着脸皮】嘿嘿,我们家的基因好嘛。 剧组群姑娘X:呜呜呜,终于出新剧了,空窗期终于要过去了么~~ 剧组群姑娘O:喂喂你可不可以不要那么饥渴~ 剧组群姑娘X:嘤嘤嘤嘤原著粉求不要拉灯??:?? 剧组群姑娘A:这世道大手都过气了,所以满街都是小粉红了啊„„ 剧组群姑娘B:按爪占楼,听了来写长评,后期傻妈家养小受一定要防止被掏洞~ 剧组群小伙A:祝大哥哎,你在不,出来帮我们做海报喂~ 剧组群美工:海报需要什么感觉的,Q版还是正常的, 剧组群姑娘A:省事点的就够了~ 剧组群美工:那就直接找图PS吧~ (单Q嘀嘀嘀音效) 淡 语:【阴阳怪气】学姐,你家弟弟真是极品呦~ 离学姐:阴阳怪气又来了,话说我以为你们关系应该不错了啊,他生日那天不还是你一直陪 到第二天凌晨, 淡 语:【诧异】生日,,,, 离学姐:就是他赶通宵的那天啊。怎么,你不知道,我听我弟的口气,以为你是特意陪他的呢~ 淡 语:【语塞】啊,呃„„ 离学姐:【恍然】唉,他果然是太单纯了,原来你一直只是表面上关怀他,而内心恨他~ 淡 语:【炸毛】老子从来不知道什么叫关怀~老子从内而外发自内心地寒碜他~ 离学姐:【耸肩】好吧,反正也是歪打正着了。那天我叔我姨都出差了,老弟他本来一个人 凄凄凉凉过生日,有你这只炸毛受陪着也不错。 淡 语:我„„你„„【极度不甘心?独白】算了,反正做完这剧就相忘于江湖了,不相见 不怀念,拜拜了您呐~ 场景五:网络 (群聊场景。) 珞 珞:欢迎咱们剧的主役淡语傻妈,傲娇女王受哦~撒花欢迎吧~(劈里啪啦鼓掌) 剧组群姑娘X:那啥,你们俩ED填好了没有啊,催债~ 剧组群姑娘B:哦,好了~就差歌名了~我们想不出歌名啊,对手指~ 剧组群姑娘X:那叫大家一起想~ 剧组群姑娘B:诶诶其实我觉得吧,叫《剧组想不出名字就这样吧》,挺好~ 剧组群姑娘X:去死,还不如叫《CV大战小后期》~ 剧组群姑娘A:要大战也是后期大战小CV啊~逆CP什么的听众会掀桌的啊~ 剧组群小伙A:通通一爪子拍飞~快点说,到底叫什么~ 剧组群姑娘B:嗯,不如就叫,《只有不纯洁的孩子才看不到歌名》吧~ 剧组群姑娘O:我靠太囧了吧~ 剧组群姑娘C:举双手赞成,确实很有创意~ 剧组群姑娘B:嗯,囧萌囧萌的~ 剧组群姑娘D:听众会掐死剧组的~ rs actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smootht ownection project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meeements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construequirtation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and rsupport, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabili "system stable and reliable driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the-struction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptm. Cony system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity systen center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricitthe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitatio5 剧组群小伙B:(唱)死了都要爱~~~ 剧组群小伙A:好啦都不要吵了,定了,就叫这个~ 剧组群姑娘A:嘤嘤嘤嘤,我去批发军用头盔以防暴力袭击吧~ 策 划:【暧昧】哦漏,淡语傻妈乃和后期大人真是前后脚进群啊~ 淡 语:后期大人呢,拉出来认识一下~ 祈 汜:我在呢。 淡 语:【难以置信】我靠怎么又是你啊混蛋,~~~~ 策 划:淡语傻妈你怎么啦, 珞 珞:难道„„你们认识,哎哟这是什么样的缘分呦~ 淡 语:【没好气】孽缘~~~~~ 祈 汜:你不满我的技术, 珞 珞:【兴奋】这话说得太YD了人家娇羞的捂脸。 淡 语:老子不满你人品~ 策 划:【兴奋】这配小攻的CV还没来呢,淡语傻妈乃就已经在开始傲娇女王受了,作为 策划,俺对乃的入戏表示很感动~ 珞 珞:作为导演,同样表示非常的热泪盈眶~ 淡 语:【独白?炸毛】不行~要么我死要么你亡,绝对不跟你在一个剧组里待着~老子单 Q你~ (单Q嘀嘀嘀音效) 淡 语:说吧,你滚还是我滚。 祈 汜:都留下吧。 淡 语:我靠~老子表示跟你合作很郁闷~伤心伤肝伤肺~ 祈 汜:我答应人家了。你不敢待下去的话你可以撤退。不过,个人非常不认可言而无信。 淡 语:【语塞】我~„„谁说老子不敢~不过混蛋你怎么也敢接耽美剧的后期啊,(邪笑) 祈 汜:你能为啥我不能, 淡 语:说的也是,走着瞧~ 祈 汜:【慎重】其实,我和你不一样。 淡 语:不一样个毛~俺也是直的,是直的~【几秒后?独白】我靠他竟然无视我,不回了~ 【打字】出来出来~ 祈 汜:哦,刚忙了点事。对了,你录音的时候稍微离麦远一些。上次的音有几个地方喷麦 和爆音。 淡 语:【不好意思】啊,你怎么没要求我重录, 祈 汜:你已经录了很多次了。后来修了一下,不是很明显就直接用了。 淡 语:【好奇】哎,其实你根本不是新人后期,为啥上次会把老子的干音给处理毁了, 祈 汜:我那天赶着回家,把你干音剪切在移动硬盘里,电脑上就没了备份。结果移动硬盘 摔坏了。 淡 语:混蛋,移动硬盘怎么都会被你给摔坏啊,好大的煞气~ 祈 汜:不好意思。骑车的时候不小心被闯红灯的车刮了一下,移动硬盘牺牲在车轮下了。 淡 语:【惊恐意外】车,车祸,你„„没怎么样吧, 祈 汜:没事,没事。擦伤了手肘,用鼠标不太方便。所以那个剧一直拖到后来通宵做的。 淡 语:【喃喃】那就好„„那就好。 祈 汜:你没事吧, 淡 语:【回神】没事,我睡觉去。走了啊~ 【独白】好像之前呢,对他阴阳怪气得有点过分了„„啊啊啊,大不了以后不跟他 port smoothuality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development supand qand oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, cording to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current,s acideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principle regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management-and security development conceptnd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development ), 2ng of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West WingThe weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical buildi the intelligent integration of operations management.6 针锋相对就是了。 场景六:网络?雷雨天 淡 语:哇靠今天差点就淋雨回来了~ 祈 汜:差点, 淡 语:【喜滋滋】是啊,暑期打工嘛,下班时候正碰上雷阵雨,幸好同路的人带着伞,嘿 嘿。 祈 汜:好运气。 淡 语:就是啊,打工还能遇到校友,真不错~诶对啦,那男生长得很正呦~(邪恶地笑) 祈 汜:什么叫“正”, 淡 语:就是那种很高很帅很硬朗的嘛,可惜你我都不喜欢男人,否则岂能放过这样的极品~ 【吸口水】 祈 汜:你„„ 淡 语:哎你那剧的后期怎么样了,下周能发不, 祈 汜:最近白天有事,只能晚上赶,下周应该可以了。 淡 语:那老子岂不是每天晚上都在耽误你进度,哈哈哈哈哈哈~ 祈 汜:你很高兴, 淡 语:【樱木花道状叉腰大笑】不是很高兴,就是一般的高兴哈哈哈哈~【忽然正经】我看 网页去~ (窗外滚雷,音乐延续) 淡 语:【呕吐恶心状】白皙„„纤纤细指„„英俊温柔攻„„柔弱美人受„„呕~ 祈 汜:你在说什么,谁那么说你了, 淡 语:哦,论坛上的帖子~下午我跟那校友一起等公车的时候被偷拍了~啊俺诅咒楼主上 厕所不带纸刷牙没有牙膏洗头没有洗发水洗澡洗到一半停水~ 祈 汜:„„你太恶毒了吧~ 淡 语:好吧最后一条舍去,前三点必须坚持~【舒了口气】诅咒完了,老子就通体舒畅了~ 恰到好处的诅咒果然是居家旅行必备佳品啊~ 祈 汜:恭喜。那我继续做工程了。 淡 语:混蛋你给我回来。你居然就这样把老子一个人抛弃在愤怒的深渊里,~不敢相信~ 祈 汜:乖,我在看帖子。那“柔弱美少年”,说的是你, 淡 语:【自恋式的愤怒】老子是英武逼人的阳光少年~ 祈 汜:好吧,你介意的是别人怎么形容你,那别人YY你和别的男人,你不介意吗, 淡 语:介意有用吗,没用~所以随他去吧~老子知道老子不爱男人就行了嘛~【偷笑】嘿嘿, 话说我那校友也在帖子里啊,那男生看起来十分的规矩正统,看到这帖得哭死还是 笑死呢还是依旧死人脸呢,【已经是明目张胆的幸灾乐祸了】哈哈哈哈,太期待了~ 祈 汜:呃„„你难得这么豁达。 淡 语:我靠混蛋你什么意思,老子一直胸襟阔达。 祈 汜:没什么。我去做后期了。 淡 语:【独白】呃,好像有点不高兴了, (窗外滚雷,大雨打在玻璃窗上。音乐延续。) 淡 语:【毛躁】祈汜白菜大侠后期大人后期大神混蛋你做完没,做完的话就给老子滚出来~ 祈 汜:又怎么了, 淡 语:老子心情不好~诶~ 祈 汜:谁招惹你了, rs actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smootht ownection project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meeements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construequirtation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and rsupport, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabili "system stable and reliable driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the-struction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptm. Cony system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity systen center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricitthe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitatio7 淡 语:鬼招惹我了~ 祈 汜:(惊)哦~你怕鬼, 淡 语:靠白菜大侠你赢了,你把老子难得有那么点伤感都给搅和没了~ 祈 汜:到底为什么不开心哪, 淡 语:【哲学思考状】说还是不说,这是一个问题~ 祈 汜:愿意告诉的话就说,不想说的话就不要说。 淡 语:【低落】祈汜,我想我爸妈了。 祈 汜:你很久没回家了吗, 淡 语:【继续低落】嗯,两年了。 祈 汜:家住得很偏远, 淡 语:【略顿,垂头丧气】算啦,没啥好说的,如果有机会见面的话,我再告诉你。 祈 汜:„„嗯。 淡 语:【独白】差一点就想对着网络另一端的人倾诉所有。是太信任网络还是太信任他, 混蛋啊~ 场景七:网络 (单Q消息嘀嘀嘀音效) 离学姐:淡小受你在不在, 淡 语:在。 离学姐:美貌受,乃红了~有人把你的照片丢到论坛里去了。 淡 语:老子又想拍死你了~ 离学姐:哎呦你这忘恩负义的白眼狼~枉费我帮你抽楼~ 淡 语:你,你又不是管理员~ 离学姐:我不是,但我死党是啊,她的账号密码统统在我这儿呢嘿嘿~ 淡 语:妖孽~ 离学姐:哎对了,说起来我弟怎么会知道那是你的照片啊, 淡 语:啊, 离学姐:我弟刚才专门敲我让我去抽的楼。他说你被爆照片了,难道他真知道照片上的人是 你,, 淡 语:【想快点结束话题,不耐烦】是啦是啦他见过~ 离学姐:【威胁】嗯,一一你想勾引我弟吗~ 淡 语:【冷汗】„„姐„„你想多了„„不聊了,我找他去。 离学姐:【想叫住跑远的人】哎,抽楼的人是我哎„„果然忘恩负义啊~ (单Q消息嘀嘀嘀音效) 淡 语:白菜大侠白菜大侠~~~~~ 祈 汜:怎么了, 淡 语:谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢~~~~ 祈 汜:【笑】今天“谢”字贬值,原来你也会谄媚。 淡 语:我靠~老子说个谢你就浑身不舒爽是吧,欠虐的你个M~ 祈 汜:你是S吗, 淡 语:靠靠靠,老子就是S了~ 祈 汜:嗯,这样比较像你。 淡 语:【迟疑】„„喂,你觉得我的长相„„怎么样, 祈 汜:实话, port smoothuality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development supand qand oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, cording to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current,s acideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principle regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management-and security development conceptnd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development ), 2ng of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West WingThe weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical buildi the intelligent integration of operations management.8 淡 语:靠~算了你别说了,阴柔漂亮得像女孩子一样是吧,老子听多了~ 祈 汜:赏心悦目,实话。 淡 语:【独白?一字一字】赏心悦目„„【惆怅苦笑】白菜大侠啊不要被表象迷惑了,等 到你见到本尊,你就不会再淡定自若地用这个词来评价了„„ 场景八:网络 (单Q音效响。) 淡 语:哟,不错嘛,这次剧的反响好像比上个剧还要火一点啊~ 祈 汜:嗯。 淡 语:装什么酷啊你,等等啊,有人单Q我。 (单Q音效响。) 白萝卜:淡语傻妈你在不在, 淡 语:啥事, 白萝卜:求祈汜大人的联系方式。嗯,就是你那剧的后期童鞋。 淡 语:你想找他后期, 白萝卜:嗯~我们要做个大气悬疑向古风剧,物色了好久,祈汜大人的技术是最让我们惊艳 的了~ 淡 语:他以前没有做过广播剧后期的经验,你最好考虑一下。 白萝卜:没事,他出的这两个剧已经让我们很放心了~ 淡 语:那我给你QQ号,你去问问他吧。 白萝卜:好的好的~多谢淡语傻妈。 (几秒后,单Q音效响。) 白萝卜:【哭腔】呜呜呜呜,淡语大人救命啊~ 淡 语:怎么了, 白萝卜:俺们剧组求淡语大人加盟~ 淡 语:啊, 白萝卜:后期大人表示非熟人参与的剧不接,我们是古风悬疑剧,求淡语大人帮忙,从了吧~ 淡 语:汗,好吧,剧本发我。 白萝卜:谢谢淡语大人~那么,那么后期大人那里„„ 淡 语:好吧,我去跟他说。 白萝卜:淡语傻妈我耐你~撒花~ 淡 语:【独白】怪了,难道我接了角色的剧,他就真会接后期, (单Q音效。) 淡 语:白菜大侠我接了一个新剧~ 祈 汜:哦, 淡 语:一个古风悬疑剧里面的帅捕快嘿嘿~ 祈 汜:呃~ 淡 语:【故作担心】但是那个剧还缺个后期哎,哎呀那剧对后期的要求还蛮高,伤脑筋啊~ 祈 汜:【略尴尬】你接了那个剧, 淡 语:怎么,你有意见,你敢有意见试试~ 祈 汜:我没意见„„不过你这是,在找我接后期吗, 淡 语:你才看出来啊,老子绝对不信你的反射神经这么迟钝~ 祈 汜:【微笑】呃,我只是比较不习惯你的„„含蓄。 淡 语:含蓄你个脚丫~你到底接不接, rs actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smootht ownection project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meeements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construequirtation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and rsupport, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabili "system stable and reliable driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the-struction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptm. Cony system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity systen center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricitthe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitatio9 祈 汜:【擦汗】呃,接,接„„ 淡 语:【叉腰大笑】哈哈哈哈,乖~ 场景九:网络 淡 语:嘿嘿嘿嘿,给你看段对话。 (揭幕的音效。) 了~ 姑娘甲:撒花撒花,淡语的古风悬疑新剧终于发布 姑娘乙:哦漏,祈汜大神你后期的每个剧居然都是淡语大人主役的,这到底是为神马啊为神马~捶地啊捶地~ 姑娘丙:莫非祈汜大人其实是淡语大人的私人后期,掩面~ 姑娘丁:楼上真相~这都是森森滴爱呀~家养什么的最有爱了啊~ (闭幕的音效。) 祈 汜:这是, 淡 语:【幸灾乐祸】哈哈哈被传绯闻鸟,请问一下当事人同学,你有啥子感受,递话筒~ 祈 汜:你呢, 淡 语:【十分得意】哦~作为过来人表示木有任何压力~ 祈 汜:嗯,我也觉得不错,很新鲜的经历。 淡 语:【暴走】我靠,你这是在„„调戏诶~靠啊掀桌~ 场景十:网络 淡 语:喂喂,白菜大侠,你十一有啥安排没, 祈 汜:怎么, 淡 语:老子没任何活动内容,你要是也有空,咱可以一起出门啊~ 祈 汜:见面, 淡 语:怎么,不可以,嘿嘿嘿,莫非你长得„„见不得人, 祈 汜:„„可以啊,你想去哪儿, 淡 语:动物园~野生动物园~ 祈 汜:八达岭野生动物园,去那成不, 淡 语:成~白菜大侠你太爽快了~伸爪子轻薄抚摸哈哈哈。 祈 汜:那边过去好像交通不是非常方便,一会儿我去看看学校有没有同学组织一起去的。 淡 语:【得意忘形】好的好的,吃的喝的老子包啦,你嘛,只要人来就好,嘿嘿嘿嘿老子 真有泡马子的快感哈哈~ 祈 汜:你„„ 场景十一:校园门口 (来往车辆、人群声,汽车鸣笛声。) 淡 语:【独白】完了完了,昨天忘了跟他要手机号~只能寄希望于他把我认出来了„„哎, 那不是一起打工的校友吗,【打个哈欠后懒洋洋的打招呼】阿四,你难道也是赶这 趟车去动物园, 祈 汜:呵,没睡醒吗,先上车。 淡 语:哎哎哎哎阿四啊,我还要等人呢。 祈 汜:你要等谁, 淡 语:我家白菜大侠。和他说好一起走的,我待会再去找你玩啊。 祈 汜:呵呵~ port smoothuality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development supand qand oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, cording to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current,s acideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principle regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management-and security development conceptnd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development ), 2ng of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West WingThe weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical buildi the intelligent integration of operations management.10 淡 语:你笑什么, 祈 汜:淡语,我叫什么, 淡 语:不就是阿四嘛。【目瞪口呆】你你你你,你叫我什么, 祈 汜:你说,我叫你什么, 淡 语:啊,白、白菜大侠~~我靠~我一直以为别人都叫你阿四是因为年龄排行的原因啊~ 祈 汜:嗯,总算反应过来了。 淡 语:别摸我头~我靠混蛋~你就一直这么耍我很好玩是吧,~ 祈 汜:啊,我有隐瞒什么吗, 淡 语:你„„呃„„ 祈 汜:好了,先上车再说吧,车都快开了。 (关大巴车门音效,车子启动驶出音效。) 祈 汜:看你没睡醒的样子,在车上睡会儿吧,路上得一个多小时呢。 淡 语:哼~【独白】我靠~他竟然就是祈汜~哎哟我靠,我都在本尊面前说过些什么啊~ (回忆拉开) 淡 语:对啦,那男生长得很正呦嘿嘿嘿嘿~ 淡 语:就是那种很高很帅很硬朗的嘛,可惜你我都不喜欢男人,否则岂能放过这样的极品 【吸口水】„„ 淡 语:那男生看起来十分的规矩正统,看到这帖得哭死还是笑死呢还是依旧死人脸呢,哈 哈哈哈,太期待了~ (回忆结束,淡语猛地坐直。) 淡 语:【独白?呐喊】太丢人了~~撞墙啊啊啊啊~~ 祈 汜:【轻声温柔】怎么了, 淡 语:没什么„„对了,你什么时候知道是我的, 祈 汜:第一次见的时候。 ——第一集完—— rs actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smootht ownection project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meeements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construequirtation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and rsupport, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabili "system stable and reliable driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the-struction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptm. Cony system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity systen center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricitthe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitatio11
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