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数字电子技术课程设计数字电子技术课程设计 井冈山大学机电工程学院 数字电子技术课程设计报告 题 目: 篮球比赛24秒倒计时器设计 课 程: 数字电子技术 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 12电气本一班 学 号: 121117031 姓 名: 指导老师: 完成日期: 2014年12月19号 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions...
数字电子技术课程设计 井冈山大学机电工程学院 数字电子技术课程设计 题 目: 篮球比赛24秒倒计时器设计 课 程: 数字电子技术 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 12电气本一班 学 号: 121117031 姓 名: 指导老师: 完成日期: 2014年12月19号 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 课程设计任务书 学院:机电工程学院 专业:电气工程及其自动化 指导老师:罗志杨 课程名称 数字电子技术 设计课题 篮球比赛24秒倒计时器 1.学习篮球比赛24秒倒计时器的设计方法 2.研究篮球比赛24秒倒计时器的设计方案 设计目的 3.灵活应用芯片制作电子产品 设计任务 用集成芯片制作一个篮球比赛24秒倒计时器 1.能够实现24秒倒计时 2.倒计时结束后有信号灯和蜂鸣器报警 设计的 3.具有控制计时器的置数、启动与暂停功能 1.构思计时器的工作原理 2.画出计时器的总原理图及各分电路图 设计的步骤 3.连接图,进行电路模拟仿真 4.编写实验设计报告 1.第一天至第二天,查阅资料,学习了解篮球24秒倒计时 器的原理及图形绘制 2.第三天至第四天,画出简略草图,并找出绘制所需的原件 工作计划 3.第五天,将各个元器件连接起来,用Multisim软件仿真 4.第六至七天,撰写实验报告,并审阅改进 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 目录 1.设计总方案及原理框图?????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 1.1电路设计原理框图?????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 1.2电路设计方案设计?????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 2.各芯片的用法与功能???????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 2.1 74LS192???????????????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 2.2 555定时器?????????????????????????????????????????????????????(1) 3(各部分电路设计????????????????????????????????????????????????????(2) 3.1信号发生部分??????????????????????????????????????????????????(2) 3.2倒计时部分????????????????????????????????????????????????????(3) 3.3停止控制电路??????????????????????????????????????????????????(3) 3.4警报提示装置??????????????????????????????????????????????????(4) 4(总设计(总电路图)????????????????????????????????????????????????(4) 5(安装、调试步骤???????????????????????????????????????????????????(5) 6(电路仿真调试???????????????????????????????????????????????????????(5) 7(故障分析与电路改进??????????????????????????????????????????????(10) 8(收获与体会????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(10) 9(仪器仪明细清单?????????????????????????????????????????????????(11) 参考文献?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(12) equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 1.电路设计总方案及原理框图 1.1电路设计原理框图 说明: 倒计时功能主要是利用192计数芯片来实现,同时利用反馈和置数实现进制的转换,以适合分和秒的不同需要,倒计时器到零时,通过停止控制电路使计数器停止计数并发出蜂鸣警报。 1.2电路设计方案: 24秒倒计时的总体方案框图如图所示,它包括秒脉冲发生器、计数器、译码显示电路、报警电路和辅助时序控制电路等五个模块组成。其中计数器和控制电路使系统的主要模块。计数器完成24秒计时功能,而控制电路完成计数器的直接清零、启动技术、暂停和连续计数、译码显示电路的显示与灭灯、定时时间到报警等功能。 秒脉冲发生器产生的信号是电路的时钟脉冲和定时标准,但本设计对此信号要求并不高,故电路可采用555集成电路或由TTL与非门组成的多谐振荡器构成。 译码显示电路由自带译码器的数码管组成。报警电路在试验中可用发光二极管和蜂鸣器代替。 主体电路:24秒倒计时。24秒计数芯片的置数端清零端共有一个开关,比赛开始后,24秒的置数端无效,24秒的倒数计时器倒数计时开始进行倒计时,逐秒倒计时到零。选取00这个状态,通过组合逻辑电路给出截断信号,让该信号与时钟脉冲在与门中将时钟截断,使计时器在计数到零时停住。 2.各芯片的用法与功能 2.1 74LS192 74LS192是十进制计数器,具有异步清零和异步置数功能,且有进位和借位输出端。当需要进行多级扩展连接时,只要将前级接到下一级的CP端,端接到下一级的CP端即可。 74LS192功能表: 1 2.2 555定时器 555定时器应用为多谐振荡电路时,当电源接通Vcc通过电阻R1,R2向电容C充电,其上电压按指数规律上升,当u上升至2/3Vcc,会使比较器C1输出翻转,输出电压为零,同时放电管T导通,电容C通过R2放电;当电容电压下降到1/3Vcc,比较器C2工作输出电压变为高电平,C放电终止,Vcc通过R1,R2又开始充电;周而复始,形成振荡。则其振荡周期与充放电时间有关,也就是与外接元件有关,不受电源电压变化影响。 输出波形的振荡周期可用过度过程公式计算: 3.各部分电路设计 3.1信号发生部分: 秒脉冲的产生由555定时器组成的多谐振荡电路完成。电路图如下图所示。当开关断开时,555定时器产生周期为1s的脉冲;当开关闭合时,电路不能输出信号,于是没有脉冲输入74LS192中,故74LS192在保持状态,即实现暂停功能。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 3.2倒计时部分: 3.3停止控制电路: 3 3.4警报提示装置: 4总电路原理图: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 5.安装、调试步骤 5.1按照万能板的规格,设定好各集成芯片的排放位置、测试各芯片是否与面板接触良好。 5.2用同步可逆双时钟BCD计数器74LS192及相关门实现定时倒计时电路。 5.3当检测出问题后分析其原因,是元器件本身原因还是接线错误,更换元件或重新正确接线,保证电路的正确运行。 5.4整体综合连接,测试整体性能。 6.电路仿真调试 6.1启动功能 当开关J2闭合后再断开计时器开始计时 5 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 6.2复位功能 当开关J3闭合时,计数器复位为24 6.3暂停功能 当开关J1闭合时计数器停止计数 7 6.4自动停止、复位功能 当计数器计时到00然后自动复位到24,同时LED灯亮,蜂鸣器响 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 9 7(故障分析与电路改进 7.1故障分析和解决 在实际连线过程中,出现故障几乎是不可避免的。其中接线错误就是第一个一个难以避免的困难。另外一个让人头疼的原因是实验板与芯片接触不良,导致形成软型故障,难以准确找出故障点。最后,我个人认为还有一个细节也不能忽视,就是实物图和电脑仿真上的芯片接法并不完全一样,电脑仿真上的芯片许多管脚已经默认接地或接电源了,这些我们在实物图上就必须实际的接上,否则就会得到错误的结果。 在查找故障时,首先要有耐心和细心。同时要开动脑筋,进行认真的分析和判断。在不通电的情况下,通过目测,对照电路原理图和装配图,检查每一块片是否正确,极性有无接反,管脚有无损坏,连线有无接错。 7.2电路改进 尽管用本电路所焊接出来的电路板能实现功能,而且电路也很稳定。这也是对本电路的肯定。但从使用的过程中,其实还是有值得改进的地方。比如当数码管显示到00时,能亮灯,那应该是更完美的。但是本电路只有在从00转到24时才能亮灯及报警,也就是说报警器满了1秒钟报警。 实际的电路改进:可以先在两个74LS192的输出端接上接两个四输入端与非门。并且接到触发器的输入端,这样能实现当数码管显示到00时,LED发光且蜂鸣器发出声音,实现报警功能。但是,这样的代价时使电路更加的复杂,所带来的工作量也随之增大。 8.收获与体会 通过此次课程设计,使我更加扎实的掌握了有关数字电子技术方面的知识,在设计过程中虽然遇到了一些问题,但经过一次又一次的思考,一遍又一遍的检查终于找出了问题所在,也暴露除了前期我在这方面的知识欠缺和经验不足。实践出真知,通过亲自动手操作,使我们掌握的知识不再是纸上谈兵。 过而能改,善莫大焉。在课程设计过程中,我们不断发现错误,不断改正,不断领悟,不断获取。最终的检测调试环节,本身就是在践行“过而能改,善莫大焉”的知行观。这次课程设计终于顺利文成了,在设计中遇到了很多问题,最后在老师的指导下,终于游刃而解。在今后社会的发展和学习实践过程中,一定要不懈努力,不能遇到问题就想到要退缩,一定要不厌其烦的发现问题所在,然后一一进行解决,只有这样,才能成功的做成想做的事,才能在今后的道路上披荆斩棘,而不是知难而退,那样永远不可能收获成功,收获喜悦,也永远不可能得到社会及他人对你的认可。 课程设计诚然事一门专业课,给我很多专业知识以及专业技能上的提升,同时又是一门讲道课,一门辩思课,给了我许多道,许多思,给了我莫大的空间。同时,设计让我感触很深。使我对抽象的理论有了具体的然是。通过这次课程设计,我掌握了常用原件equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 数字电子技术课程设计 的识别和测试;熟悉了常用仪器、仪表;了解了电路的连线方法;以及如何提高电路的性能等等,掌握了可调直流稳压电源构造及原理。 回顾起此课程设计,至今我仍感慨颇多,从理论到实践,在这段日子里,可以说苦多于甜,但是可以学到很多很多的东西,同时不仅可以巩固了以前学过的知识,学到了很多在书本上所没有学到的知识。通过这次课程设计使我懂得了理论与实践相结合是很重要的,只有理论知识是远远不够的,只有把所学的理论知识与实践相结合起来,从理论中得出结论,才能真正为社会服务,从而提高自己的实践动手能力和独立思考的能力。在设计的过程中遇到的问题,可以说得是困难重重,但可喜的是最终都得到了解决。 9.仪表仪器清单 名称或符号 系列 参数 U1、U2 HEX_DISPLAY DCD_HEX_DIG_RED U3、U4 74LS 74LS192 U10 74LS 74LS00 C1 CAP_ELECTROLIT 1uF C2 CAP_ELECTROLIT 10nF ,R2 RESISTOR 4.7 k ,R3 RESISTOR 3.7 k ,R15 RESISTOR 20k ,R16 RESISTOR 100 ,R17 RESISTOR 60 k J1、J2、J3 DIPSW Key=A LED1 LED_red U8 BUZZER 11 参考文献 1.《电子线路设计、实验、测试》谢自美主编 华中理工出版社 2(《数字电子技术》江小安主编 西安电子科技大学 3.《电子技术基础实验》陈大钦主编 高等教育出版社 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
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