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“小孩”的拳皇世界“小孩”的拳皇世界 街机皇帝今何在 小孩的“拳皇”世界 2010年01月28日10:59 来源:人民网-游戏频道 人民网1月28日电 如今“人族皇帝”SKY李晓峰的成功神话已经成为每一个中国年轻人耳熟能详的故事,对于很多热爱游戏、喜欢电子竞技的小玩家来说,如果有这样的选择机会:放弃上大学,成为一名职业电竞选手,相信不少人会对此很“酷”的生活目标钦慕不已。然而,就在世界格斗游戏最顶尖的领域,有着这样一位年轻人,他6岁起就在附近的街机厅小有名气,12岁获得首个省级冠军头衔,18岁时东渡扶桑代表中国在“斗剧”世界格斗大赛中获得...
“小孩”的拳皇世界 街机皇帝今何在 小孩的“拳皇”世界 2010年01月28日10:59 来源:人民网-游戏频道 人民网1月28日电 如今“人族皇帝”SKY李晓峰的成功神话已经成为每一个中国年轻人耳熟能详的故事,对于很多热爱游戏、喜欢电子竞技的小玩家来说,如果有这样的选择机会:放弃上大学,成为一名职业电竞选手,相信不少人会对此很“酷”的生活目标钦慕不已。然而,就在世界格斗游戏最顶尖的领域,有着这样一位年轻人,他6岁起就在附近的街机厅小有名气,12岁获得首个省级冠军头衔,18岁时东渡扶桑代表中国在“斗剧”世界格斗大赛中获得《KOF98》世界冠军,并引出海外媒体对他的长篇报道。但出人意料的是,2008年他毅然从游戏圈急流勇退,参加高考并进入大学,在中国人眼里,他像一个古代的隐市高手传说,在外国人眼里,他就是中国街机皇帝——“小孩”。 小孩选了和SKY不同的人生道路 缘分天注定,与街机偶然的接触 “我记得大约6岁的时候,有一天爸爸带我去儿童公园玩,那里有一家游戏机厅,我出于好奇走了进去,当天我在游戏机厅玩了很多游戏,玩得有点迷上了。” 在一次媒体采访中,“小孩”道出了与游戏的缘分。 据说,“小孩”的爸爸是一个生意人,经济还算宽裕,所以爸爸在当时买了yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 100个游戏币给他在游戏厅里玩。而“小孩”用这100个游戏币在街机厅里玩遍了当时大部分主流游戏,例如横板过关的“三国志”、格斗游戏“街头霸王”等。自从第一次与街机的邂逅,“小孩”就爱上了街机,而在1997年的某一天,他发现一夜之间全广州的街机厅内风靡了一款新游戏——“KOF96”,从那一天起,“小孩”在街机竞技界就开始他不平凡的峥嵘岁月。 许多玩家热衷于看“小孩”打比赛 站在世界之巅,从“小孩”到“中国街机皇帝” 对于当年的“小孩”来说,街机厅所有的新游戏他都会想办法“捷足先登”,刻苦的训练逐渐使他在广州市内没有了对手,后来居然还练就了单手发招的绝活,用一只手按键搓招就轻易打败“双手齐全”的高手。每次只要有他参加比赛,围观的观众都对“小孩”的游戏天赋赞不绝口。 日渐成长的“小孩”开始有了参加国际格斗游戏大赛的梦想,于是他在2007年参加了在上海举办的“TGB(The Great Battle)”比赛,获得“KOF98”项目的冠军,并从此一战成名。“小孩”的辉煌战绩被各大游戏报刊争相报道,并在他的学校里引起了不小的轰动。 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 2007年8月,位于日本东京的“斗剧”总决赛现场无比喧嚣,“小孩”就 像比他大4岁的另外一名拥有天赋的电子竞技选手SKY那样,战胜了各国街游高 手的轮番挑战,最后登上了世界冠军的王座,这是世界重量级的电竞项目比赛中 第二位登上巅峰的中国人,海外媒体称对“小孩”的事迹作了长篇幅的报道。 “斗剧”赛场入口 “我来日本,就是为了来拿冠军的~”——赛前,小孩对国外媒体说 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 也许你会觉得奇怪,“小孩”的自信来自于哪里,答案就是他的父亲。在一次媒体采访中,“小孩”透露了父亲对他的人生启门教育变来自街机厅。“给钱打游戏的话,游戏也要打好,要玩就玩成世界冠军。”记忆最深刻的一次,幼年时“小孩”跟别人对打KOF连输了20个币,父亲当场给了他一记耳光,到现在都能感觉那耳光的分量。之后有“压力”的“小孩”越打就越认真,除了打街机不断获胜以外,他还成为乒乓高手,学习成绩也始终保持优异,这一点让他觉得格斗游戏的进取精神对其人格的养成起到了重要作用。 万众瞩目的世界级舞台“斗剧”决赛 2010年,街机皇帝今何在, 希望传承街游乐趣 “我现在很少出去打比赛,有机会的话会和大学同学偶尔切磋”。——“小孩”的话有点像归隐山林的武林高手,身边的同学很少知道他作为“中国街机格斗第一人”的身份,对此“小孩”自己也没有主动提起。对于曾经在日本世界大赛上放出的豪言壮语,两年以后“小孩”首次以少年老成的口吻解释道,“比赛中打败对手的最大法码就是打击对手的心理,心理上输了,什么都会输。” 谈到游戏,“小孩”称直到现在最喜欢的游戏角色是KOF中的Chris和Kulayan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder (02),“比赛中需要猜到对手的下一步打算,我可以猜到他们想的。”小孩解释自己强大的真正原因:“格斗游戏,首先要知道角色的长处和短处在哪里。长处多用,短处避用,以库拉为例,轻脚牵制,升龙对空,只要稳一点,别人想进攻是很难的,像chris,速度很快,正逆向打击全面,多打正逆向、下段,多打几下别人就会有压力,对手防御怕了,就会被打中。” 对于格斗游戏的发展,“小孩”提出了他自己的见解,“其实把街机网游化,可以促进大家的交流,很多好的街机游戏在竞技性、内涵上都不错,只是现在还没有成功的由经典街机游戏衍变而来的网游作品,我很期待《街霸OL》和《拳皇世界》的问世,听说《拳皇世界》今年4月就要进行首测,我希望它能够传承精典。” 对于“小孩”今天的发展,他表示自己现在正在就读大学二年级,专业是电气自动化,而对于他的身边的人,他更希望做一个朋友而不是明星。这个想法也促使他选择了和SKY李晓峰截然不同的人生道路,而他似乎告诉了我们,每一个GAMER都有权选择自己的游戏人生道路。 “小孩”夺冠漫画 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder “小孩”部分所获奖项(未全部列出): 2001年(12岁):广州首届KOF2000比赛冠军。 2004年:深圳东门大力士游戏厅KOF2002大赛冠军;北京西单中友百货全国南北对抗赛拳皇2002组队赛冠军;04年间与程龙等著名玩家一起被誉为全国KOF98五达人。 2005年:广州大世界KOF97冠军;广西南宁KOF98大赛冠军。 2006年:北京KOF2002南北对抗赛冠军;深圳KOF2002大赛冠军。 2007年:广州环游世界KOF97冠军;广州城市英雄KOF98冠军;广州城市英雄12人街霸亚军;上海TGB战场大赛KOF98冠军;《斗剧》KOF98世界冠军。 2008年:北京激斗08 KOF98全国争霸赛冠军;上海TGB战场全国大赛冠军。 2009年:广东<超级游戏>街霸4电视挑战赛冠军;沪汉杭街头霸王IV交流赛个人赛亚军 „„„„ (责任编辑:杨柳(实习)) yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder
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