

2017-09-01 50页 doc 334KB 6阅读




大唐御苑施工组织设计大唐御苑施工组织设计 1.工程概况 1.1.概述: 宣城?大唐御苑22-46#楼工程位于宣城市北门区。本工程建筑面积约90000?。框架6+1层结构,建筑高度22.367米。本工程结构安全等级为二级;设计使用年限50年,地基基础设计等级丙级;建筑工程等级三级,建筑类别多层住宅,耐火等级三级,抗震设防烈度6度,屋面防水等级为?级。 本工程由宣城市大唐万安置业有限公司投资兴建;由浙江禾泽都林建筑规划设计有限公司设计;宣城市建筑勘察院有限公司勘察;中外建天利(北京建设监理咨询有限公司)监理,由浙江宝石建设有限责任公司施工。 ...
大唐御苑施工组织设计 1.工程概况 1.1.概述: 宣城?大唐御苑22-46#楼工程位于宣城市北门区。本工程建筑面积约90000?。框架6+1层结构,建筑高度22.367米。本工程结构安全等级为二级;设计使用年限50年,地基基础设计等级丙级;建筑工程等级三级,建筑类别多层住宅,耐火等级三级,抗震设防烈度6度,屋面防水等级为?级。 本工程由宣城市大唐万安置业有限公司投资兴建;由浙江禾泽都林建筑规划设计有限公司设计;宣城市建筑勘察院有限公司勘察;中外建天利(北京建设监理咨询有限公司)监理,由浙江宝石建设有限责任公司施工。 1.2 建筑施工概况 1.2.1 屋面工程 油毡瓦屋面:现浇钢筋混凝土屋面板; 15厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层;SBS改性沥青防水卷材4厚;40厚挤塑聚苯乙烯板保温层;35厚C15细石混凝土找平层;空铺防水卷材一层;油毡瓦用φ3的专用钢钉固定;钉入找平层内,6 (内配φ6@50*500钢筋网与屋面板预埋φ10钢筋头绑牢)。 平屋面(非上人保温):现浇钢筋砼屋面板;最薄30厚1:6水泥焦渣找坡层;20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层; SBS改性沥青防水卷材4厚;40厚挤塑聚苯保温板;纤维织物一层(粘贴在保温层上);20厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层。 平屋面(上人保温): 现浇钢筋砼屋面板;最薄30厚1:6水泥焦渣找坡层;20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层; SBS改性沥青防水卷材4厚;40厚挤塑聚苯保温板;20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层;4厚纸筋灰,40厚C20细石砼随捣随抹(Øb4@150双向)。 1.2.2装饰工程 1)外墙外保温涂料墙面:20厚混合砂浆;240厚水泥多孔砖);墙面基层清扫处理后刷界面砂浆;30厚聚苯颗粒保温砂浆;5厚抗裂砂浆,将耐碱玻璃纤维网布一层埋入砂浆中刷高分子乳液弹性底层涂料一遍;涂料饰面另看样定。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 2)内墙1刷乳胶漆墙面: 墙面基层清扫处理后刷界面砂浆;12厚1:3水泥砂浆打底;5厚1:2水泥砂浆粉面;刷乳胶漆两道,封底漆一道; 内墙2瓷砖墙面(厨房、卫生间):墙面基层清扫处理后刷界面砂浆;12厚1:3水泥砂浆打底扫毛;6厚1:0.1:2.5水泥石膏砂浆结合层;5厚釉面砖,白水泥擦缝。 1.2.3楼地面工程 1)水泥砂浆地面(部位详见室内装修用材表):素土夯实;100厚C10混凝土垫层;20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平层;2.5厚弹性水泥防水涂膜;40厚C20细石混凝土;钢筋混凝土底板;防水砂浆面层。 面砖地面(部位详见室内装修用材表):回填素土夯实,80厚C15混凝土垫层,20厚1:3水泥砂浆抹平;30厚1:3干硬性水泥砂浆结合层,表面撒水泥粉;撒素水泥面(洒适量清水);8,10厚地砖,干水泥擦缝(建设方自理)。 2)水泥砂浆踢脚:踢脚线高为150; 12厚1:3打底扫毛;8厚1:2.5水泥砂浆罩面压实赶光。 3)楼面1,水泥楼面(部位详见室内装修用材表):钢筋混凝土楼板;水泥浆一道(内含建筑胶);20厚1:2水泥砂浆抹面压实赶光。 楼面2,地砖楼面(部位详见室内装修用材表):钢筋混凝土楼板;20厚1:3水泥砂浆抹平;1.5厚聚氨酯防水层;30厚1:3干硬性水泥砂浆结合层表面撒水泥粉;撒素水泥面(洒适量清水);8,10厚地砖,干水泥擦缝。 4)顶棚1,乳胶漆顶棚(部位详见室内装修用材表):6厚1:0.3:3水泥石膏砂浆打底扫毛;6厚1:0.3:3水泥石膏砂浆粉面;刷乳胶漆两遍(间隔24小时),封底漆一遍。 顶棚2,抹灰刮腻子顶棚(部位详见室内装修用材表):板底清扫干净刷素水泥浆一道(内含建筑胶);3厚底基防裂腻子分遍刮平,2厚面层耐水腻子刮平;大白浆饰面。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 2 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 1.2.4门窗油漆 外门窗框料采用普通铝合金框料,玻璃采用无色(6+9A+6)中空玻璃,低于900窗台或面积大于1.5平方米的窗玻璃采用(6+9A+6)钢化玻璃。玻璃推拉门 均为中空(6+9A+6)钢化玻璃。 油漆:栏杆硬木扶手为一低二度褐色醇酸调和漆;所有金属制品除注明外,均用防锈漆打底,刷褐色醇酸调和漆,不露面金属构件均需刷防锈漆二度。 1.3 结构施工概况 1.3.1基础工程 本工程基础为桩基础,采用静压式预应力混凝土管桩PTC-400(70)-9/11。 砼等级:基础垫层为C15;承台、地梁为C25;地下储藏室墙板为C25P6。 砌体:?0.000以下外墙采用MU10水泥实心砖,M7.5混合砂浆; ?0.000以下内墙采用MU10水泥多孔砖,M7.5混合砂浆; 1.3.2主体工程 砼等级:主体结构梁板、柱为C25;圈梁、构造柱、现浇过梁均为C20; 砌体:?0.000以上墙体采用 MU7.5水泥多孔砖,M5.0混合砂浆砌筑; 1.4 工程现场施工条件 本工程地处宣城市北门区,交通运输方便,目前,业主已完成三通一平工 作,施工条件已成熟。 1.5 有关施工规范、规程与标准 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 (GB50300-2001) 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50202-2002) 砌体工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50203-2002) 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50204-2002) how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 3 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 屋面工程质量验收规范 (GB50207-2002) 地下防水工程质量验收规范 (GB50208-2002) 建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50209-2002) 建筑装饰装修工程施工质量及验收规范 (GB50210-2001) 建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50242-2002) 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 (GB50303-2002), 2、施工现场布置(详见施工平面布置图) 2.1.总说明 施工现场布置以合理、文明、安全、经济为原则,按主体结构施工和装修 施工二个阶段考虑。 生活临时设施单独设置于围墙边,独立于施工现场,生产临时设施如木工 车间、工具车间、钢筋车间、安装车间及堆场等均设于现场有限的空地上。 2.1.1 施工用水 施工用水沿路四周布置,采用干管、支管二级系统,排水系统中设沉淀池, 淀清后再排入市政管。 2.1.2.施工用电 (1).施工用电沿路四周布置,采用干线、支线二级系统,相应设立总配电箱、 分配电箱、开关箱。 (2).配电系统如下: 启动 总 总 分 开 用 配 电 配 配 电 低 关 压 电 电 机 输 出 箱 箱 箱 具 关闭 (3).施工现场专用的中性点直接接地的电力线路采用TN-S接零保护系统 (三相五线制),保护零线与工作零线分开,线路布置分色。如下图: ructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for s- 4 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 相线L1(黄) 相线L2(绿) 相线L3(红) 工作零线N(蓝) 保护零线PE(绿/黄) 1 2 2.1.3.临设。 (1).生产临设:钢筋车间、木工间、工具间、安装车间、仓库、值班室等均一层 (2).生活临设:办公室采用一幢二层,建筑平面尺寸为5.4m?18.2m?2层。 (3).设置标准化的总配电房一间。 2.1.4.堆场: (1).钢筋堆场、材料堆场、周转材料堆场面层均用80厚碎石铺设,上浇100厚,15砼。 (2).砂、石堆场面层均作100厚,15砼。 (3).现场内布置安装、材料堆场及搭设防雨措施。 2.1.5.道路: 为确保现场文明施工,土方开挖前,主要施工干道做好砼地面,做法为原路基压实、整平,200厚,25砼随捣随抹,其余场地铺垫碎石整平,并设专人清扫卫生工作。 2.1.6. 施工机械布置: 根据各施工阶段不同的施工特点,依据均衡施工,合理配置生产要素,在各阶段施工时配备施工机械。 (1).为加快进度和解决砌体、装饰阶段材料、人员的垂直运输,设置井架一台。 (2).根据总平面图,中心地带安排砼临时搅拌场地。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 5 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 3、施工工期 确保工程在 2010年8月下旬竣工,合同总工期为280天。 3.1.确保工期主要措施: 本工程质量要求高,施工工期相对较紧,按合同工期按质保量完成,在组织管理到技术管理上都要有科学的管理手段,针对工程特点,拟采取以下措施保证施工工期。 3.1.1.组织与技术措施: (1).提前做好一切施工准备工作,施工前制订好各分部分项工程的施工作业指导书,安排好施工材料的运输和采购,选用先进合理的施工机具,组织好各专业工种的交叉配合。 (2).组织一个有权威性的现场指挥部,配备强有力的管理班子,实行统一领导,分项工作专人专管,加强各方协调。 (3).积极采用新工艺、新技术,突破常规的施工速度。 (4).强化通讯、联络、交通、调度的手段,以高效、科学地组织施工。 (5).进一步健全经济承包责任制,把经济承包责任制落实到每个班组。 (6).选用技术素质好、责任性强的施工班组进行施工。 (7).依据科学的施工,拟出详细的该工程所需的施工机械、主要材料、构配件需要量的资源,做到各种材料、机具早报计划、早进场,确保工程施工进度不受影响。 (8).合理安排施工程序,根据不同施工阶段划分施工段进行流水施工,且配备足够劳动力。在施工段内进行流水作业,质安科应实行边施工边检查边验收的办法,采用分段、分部位验收,关键工序自检后,应提前24小时请监理公司或质监站验收,减少中间环节,有利于实行流水施工方法的开展以缩短工期。 (9).采用横道计划控制施工进度,合理安排装饰阶段施工顺序,工序相互交叉,缩短工期,计划管理电脑化。实行工期目标管理,对工程分阶段制定目标,并落实到科室班组,根据目标工期科学地制定施工进度计划,对关键线路中的关键工序进行重点控制,横道图下发后,每三天检查一次,并对滞后工序分析原因,作出对策,通过生产协调会进行布置,使施工情况始终处于动态实时控制 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 6 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 中. (10).建立现场协调会制度,密切配合建设单位、监理单位、设计院的工作,特别是与监理单位应做到随时联系,沟通解决施工中所遇到的问题,做到遇到问题不拖延、不扯皮,及时沟通、迅速协调、迅速解决。 (11).必要时增加夜间施工。 (12).选用1台井架解决垂直运输。 (13).加强土建和安装配合,准确留置预留孔洞,避免凿洞引起的返工。 3.2.管理机构及人员配备表 管理机构网络图 项 目 主 管 技 术 主 管 安 全 主 管 质 量 主 管 项 目 经 理 质技安资材统 量术全料料计 管管管管管管 理理理理理理 油钢架铝木砼水泥漆筋子塑 工工电工工工工窗班班班班班班班班 长长长 长 长长长长 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 7 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 生产工人 3.3主要机械设备数量及配置表 序型 号 国 别使 用定额功率机 械 名 称 数量 备 注 号 规 格 产地 年限 (KW) 1 塔吊 QTZ63A 7 国产 3 20 门架式提升架 2.0?4.0M 1 国产 2 7.5 2 砼搅拌机 JC350L 1 国产 2 7.5 3 砂浆搅拌机 200L 1 国产 2 5 4 插入式砼震动器 普通 4 国产 1 1.5 5 平板震动器 普通 2 国产 1 2 6 钢筋弯曲机 3606-1013 1 国产 1 7.5 7 钢筋调直机 3605-1013 1 国产 1 7.5 8 钢筋切断机 3604-1013 1 国产 1 7.5 9 木工园盘机 普通 1 国产 2 3.5 10 木工刨板机 普通 1 国产 2 2 11 蛙式打夯机 大 1 国产 2 3.5 12 对焊机 32KV立式 1 国产 2 20 n in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lo- 8 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 13 排水泵 污水泵 2 国产 1 1 14 人力翻斗车 普通 30 国产 1 15 挖掘机 PC200 2 国产 3.4劳动力计划来源及配置 根据工程实际,对各分部分项工程配备足够的各种工程劳动力,确保工程质量,保证如期完成施工任务。特种作业人员如电工、电焊工、搅拌工、机械操作工等均须持证上岗。 (一)基础阶段劳动力安排 工 种 工 作 范 围 人数 木 工 垫层基础模板安拆 20 泥 工 砖基础砌筑 50 钢筋工 基础钢筋 50 架子工 浇砼车道及架子搭设 20 土方工 挖土、修土 20 (二)、结构阶段劳动力安排 工 种 工 作 范 围 人 数 木 工 模板安拆 130 砼 工 砼振捣等 50 钢筋工 柱、梁、板等钢筋绑扎 50 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 9 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 泥 工 砖墙砌筑 60 架子工 脚手搭设、安全网张设 20 水电工 负责施工用电及管线埋设 25 普 工 砼、砂浆搅拌 10 杂 工 负责清理现场、零星用工 10 (二) 、装饰阶段劳动力安排 工 种 工 作 范 围 人数 木 工 附属 10 泥 工 内、外墙装饰 120 架子工 架子安拆 20 水电工 负责水电管线安装 40 油漆工 墙面涂料及栏杆油漆 50 防水工 屋面防水 10 杂 工 负责清理现场 20 (四)、三阶段现场机电、材料人员 工 种 工 作 范 围 人数 电 工 负责现场供电、维修 1 机修工 负责现场机具、设备修理 1 机操工 负责砼搅拌机、卷扬机、砂浆机操作 3 ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non - 10 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 材料员 负责材料采购 1 3.5 施工进度计划 3.5.1施工总进度计划。见附图 4. 工程质量 4.1主要分部分项工程质量要求与技术措施 4.1.1土方、基础工程 一、土方工程 (一)、施工顺序 测量定位?基槽(坑)放样?基槽(坑)开挖?验槽 (二)、施工方法 1、根据总平面图及基础平面图的要求,通过测量定出角桩及轴线位置,确定工程设计标高?0.000并测出自然地坪标高。设定永久性轴线定位桩和标高控制点。 2、基槽(坑)放样:根据轴线和基底宽度加工作面尺寸、放坡尺寸。放出基槽(坑)开抗线。根据现场水准点的已知标高对工程基础的标高定位,经技术复核签订后方可进行基槽(坑)开挖。 3、基槽(坑)采用机械和人工开挖,开挖前应核查开挖线、标高、轴线无误后方可进行正式开挖。开挖时应按规定的尺寸,合理确定开挖顺序和分层开挖深度,连续进行施工,尽快的完成。在开挖过程中及时修整,完成后应立即通知有关人员进行验槽。验槽必须会同建设方、监理、质监、设计人员进行,通过签证后应立即进行下道工序施工。 (三)、基槽坑开挖应注意的事项: 1、基槽(坑)开挖前要向操作人员进行技术、安全交底。 2、基槽坑开挖前必须做好排水和降水工作。地下水位应降至基槽、坑底以下0.5M-1.00M方可开挖。降水工作应持续到基槽坑回填完毕。 3、在相邻基槽(坑)开挖时,应遵循先深后浅或同时进行的施工顺序。 4、基槽(坑)开挖应有水平标准严格控制基底标高,以防基底超挖。基槽 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 11 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 坑挖至清底后立即进行垫层施工,否则应在基底标高以上预留150mm,200mm厚的土层,待垫层施工时再行挖去,以防基底土被扰动,结构被破坏。 5、挖方的弃土与放土应保证挖方边坡的稳定,当土质良好时,应距基槽、坑顶边缘0.8m以外堆放,且高度不宜超过1.5m。在软土地区不得在基槽、坑上侧放土。 4.1.2.垫层施工 (1).主要质量技术措施 1).挖土至设计标高后,立即与建设单位、设计单位、监理公司及有关人员进行验槽,然后进行垫层施工,垫层做法见施工图。 2).块石大小适中,厚薄均匀,,10素砼面层采用铁板压光,便于放样,施工时要求工完场清。 3).垫层砼浇捣并养护。 4).承台地梁侧面回填施工: A.回填前,需将槽中积水排净,淤泥、松土、杂物清理干净。 B.所有承台及地梁超挖深部分回填及底板垫层下回填均需采用碎石,同时采取严格分层回填、夯实,每层虚铺厚度不得大于300mm。 (2).质量控制要点 1).验槽铺石 2).垫层砼浇捣 3).侧面回填 (3).分部项质量要求:合格 4.1.3.钢筋施工: (1).主要质量技术措施 1).钢筋成品与半成品进场必须附有出厂合格证及物理试验报告,钢材进场后应及时取样进行机械物理性能复验,并做好对焊试件,合格后方可使用。 2).本工程钢筋由材料设备公司供应,根据工程的施工图及施工现场要求,现场进行钢筋制作加工。 3).钢筋进场根据施工进度计划,做到分期分批堆放,并挂牌标证,同时做 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 12 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 好钢筋维护工作。避免锈蚀或油污,确保钢筋洁净。 4).基础钢筋施工顺序为:承台?地梁?框柱。上部钢筋施工顺序为:框柱?楼梯?框梁?顶板。 5).钢筋加工均由钢筋车间集中加工,现场绑扎,加工后应分规格、型号挂牌堆放,防止混淆。 6).按防震要求配制箍筋135?弯角,弯钩平直长度10d。圆盘钢筋采用卷场机进行钢筋冷拉调直,冷拉以控制冷拉率的方法进行,?级钢筋冷拉率小于4%。 7).钢筋切断机刃口根据切断钢筋直径及时调换,钢筋断口不得有马蹄形或起弯现象。 8).有关施工人员根据配料单成型钢筋进行绑扎,班组负责人必须熟悉掌握施工图要求,并按施工图对照配料单和半成品钢筋进行全面校对和复核,确认无误后方可根据项目工程师技术交底要求及施工验收规范规定进行绑扎,完工后通过自检合格交项目质量员复核无误,办理隐蔽工程鉴证手续,方可进行下道工序操作。 9).钢筋连接加工采用闪光对焊,严格控制焊接质量,接头处不得有横向裂纹,接头弯折不得大于4?,钢筋轴线编移不得大于钢筋直径的0.1倍,同时不大于2mm,各焊接规格施焊时必须先进行试焊试验,合格后方可大量加工。 10).各半成品钢筋加工尺寸必须符合图纸要求,偏差范围满足规范要求。 11).柱钢筋定位必须准确牢固,严防移位。加强箍按要求放置。 12).梁筋位置正确,锚固长度要确保,双层受力筋重叠时要用短Ф25钢筋隔开。 13).钢筋的数量、规格、间距、接头位置、锚固长度、搭接长度严格按施工图要求施工绑扎。钢筋弯钩朝向、搭接长度、锚固长度、搭接位置及接头设置按设计图纸和施工规范要求执行。绑扎要牢固无松动变形现象。 14).钢筋焊接所用焊条、焊剂必须有合格证,按牌号、性能分别使用。框架 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 13 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 柱受力筋采用电渣压力焊竖向对焊,焊接后需保证上下顺直,接头错开,箍筋加密。电渣压力焊接头必须抽样做拉伸试验,焊接接头无裂缝、无多孔性缺陷、无咬肉、烧伤等现象发生,超过评定标准偏差值的不得使用,焊接结束,立即检查钢筋是否顺直,及时趁热扳直。 15).钢筋绑扎后,严禁人员直接钢筋上走动。 16).钢筋绑扎时,根据不同的砼保护层厚度,按设计、规范规定放好砼垫块,垫块间距1000mm,防止砼浇筑时钢筋位移。 17).钢筋绑扎完工后,项目质安部门必须全面检查一次,检查重点控制钢筋的品种、规格、数量、绑扎牢固、搭接长度等(逐根验收),并认真填写隐蔽工程验收单交监理验收,做到万无一失。 18).梁、柱交接核心区箍筋间距要按设计要求加密,绑扎钢筋前先将柱箍筋套在竖筋上,穿完梁钢筋后再绑扎。 19).钢筋工程质量控制程序表。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 14 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 熟悉设计文件 钢筋质量证明书力学 试验报告 学习操作规程及 验收标准 施工前准备 编制审核钢筋配料单 明确质量目标 检查脚手架 全体操作人员参技术交底 书面交底 加 严格按钢筋配料单加工 钢筋焊接、焊工 须有上岗证书 钢筋制作 每一编号的钢筋均有识牌 焊件力学试验报 告 钢筋模板工序交 接检查 严格按施工图及 配料单绑扎 班组自查 砼浇灌时留专人 现场绑扎 质检员中间检查 看管钢筋 和砼工序交接检查 定点施工挂牌操作 质量评定 专职质检员检查评定 监理、业主检验评定 是否符合施工验收规范 办理隐蔽验收签证 钢筋质量证明、 力学试验报告 钢筋代用单 隐蔽验收记录 清理现场文明施工 资料整理分订归档 施工记录、三检记录 质量评定记录 (2).质量控制要点 1).钢筋合格证物理试验; 2).钢筋制作; 3).扎筋;4).砼垫块 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 15 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - (3).分部项质量要求:合格,钢筋品种、冷拉钢筋机械性能、表面清洁、无锈,钢筋规格、形状、尺寸、数量、间距、锚固长度、接头设置、焊接接头机械性能、焊条、焊剂等保证项目符合规定;钢筋网片、骨架绑扎(焊接)、弯钩朝问、绑扎接头、搭接长度、箍筋数量、弯钩角度和平直长度、点焊焊点等基本项合格率100,;受力钢筋排距、钢筋弯起点位置、箍筋、横向钢筋间距、焊接预埋件、保护层等偏差值合格率98,。 4.1.4.模板工程: (1).主要质量技术措施 1).梁柱及平台采用九夹板,另备少量木模作镶角拼边用,根据梁柱构件尺寸大小制作定型大模,截面高度小于800的梁采用采用60?80排搁档及步步紧固定;截面高度不小于800的梁采用Φ12@650对拉螺丝、Φ48?3.5钢管和60?80排搁档及步步紧固定,内置塑料套管保证砼构件截面的准确,框架梁承重架立杆@900(地下室框架梁承重架立杆@800)。模板支设要达到线挺、面平,保证砼构件能基本上达到清水砼标准,今后装饰施工时仅在砼面上作批嵌即能达到要求。砼构件柱、梁交接和梁、梁交接等部位要杜绝产生咬肉现象,最终达到砼构件阴阳角方正、线条明快、砼面平整光滑。 2).搭设承重架时,先搭设纵横两方向框架梁承重架,再搭设每一轴线跨内次梁及平台承重架,并使框架梁承重架与次梁及平台承重架有效连接,加强整体稳定性。 3).柱和侧板模板安装前在其根部进行找平,确保模板标高的统一。柱模板用Φ48?3.5钢管,间距500?夹紧。 4).梁跨度大于4米时起拱,起拱高度0.2%。 5).所有预留洞、预埋件、预埋管道部分同水电安装单位配合施工,在支模前仔细核对,并予以固定。 6).模板拼缝要严密,并有防漏浆措施(如设泡沫橡皮条等),必要时贴上胶带确保不漏浆,施工时重点控制其刚度、垂直度、平整度,特别注意外围模板、柱模、楼梯间等处模板轴线位置正确性。 7).拆模顺序为后支先拆、先拆非承重模板、后拆承重模板。柱子和圈梁只 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 16 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 要待砼浇灌后2天后拆除时砼棱角可不被破坏时即可拆除模板。梁底模待砼强度达到100%时拆除。 8).拆模时不要用力过猛过急,钢模要逐块传递下来,不得抛掷,拆下后,即清理干净,按规格分类堆放整齐。 9).所有模板使用前均应批刷腻子,并油漆,以保证砼的光洁。 10).柱模施工时应预留清扫孔及振捣孔、砼浇筑孔(柱高大于2m时以防砼离析及不密实)。 11).模板工程质量控制程序表。 熟悉设计文件 优化支撑、模板系统 学习操作规程及 施工前准备 引测高程、投设轴线 验收标准 明确质量目标 模板涂刷隔离剂 全体操作人员参加 技术交底 书面交底 班组自查 与钢筋、砼工序交 接检查 施工员、质检员中间检查 支模 砼浇灌时留专人看 定点操作、挂牌施工 管 专职质检员检查 质量评定 是否符合施工验 收规范 下道工序 拆 模 优化拆模方案 清理现场文明施工 重点构件根据抗压强度报 “三检”记录 告确定拆模时间 资料整理 质量评定记录 文明拆模注意成品保护 施工记录 清理修理模板及支撑架 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 17 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - (2).质量控制要点 1). 弾线翻样校对 2). 支模 3). 承重架搭设 4). 拆模 (3).分部项质量要求:合格,支模强度、刚度、稳定性、支承面等保证项符合要求;接缝宽度、接触面清理、隔离措施等基本项合格率100,;轴线位移、标高、截面尺寸、每层垂直度、相邻板高低差、表面平整度、预埋、预留孔洞等偏差值合格率95,。 4.1.5.砼工程: (1).主要质量技术措施 本工程砼设计强度等级分阶层等级不同,砼采用商品砼,砼垂直运输为井架主的方法。 1. 浇筑前,模板内的杂物和水要及时清除干净。 2. 浇筑柱砼之前,宜在柱、墙底部先铺一层20厚不低于同设计强度的水泥砂 浆。 3. 分层浇筑砼或采用推移式浇筑时,必须在下层初凝前继续浇筑上层砼。每层 砼的浇筑厚度宜控制在300mm以内。 4. 浇筑砼时,自由浇筑高度不应大于2m,垂直模板浇筑砼时,不要在一处上连 续卸落,应在2-3m范围内水平移动。 5. 砼振捣时间宜为15-30s,振至砂浆上浮后下沉,且不再出现气泡为止,插点 间距以40cm为宜。 6. 砼浇筑完后,表面无蜂窝、孔洞、露筋,施工缝无灰渣等现象。 7. 砼浇筑完后12小时内盖麻袋和浇水养护,麻袋应轻放,避免拖拉损坏。在 浇水养护时间内,砼应保持湿润状态,开始浇水时,不得冲坏砼面。砼养护 时间不小于7天(掺外加剂时不应小于14天)。 8. 当砼强度大于1.2MP时,才允许上人。 9. 试块组数应满足每50m3不少于一组,每台班不少于一组(坍落度测试次数 ated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for const- 18 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 同试块)。 10.试块制作完成后应送入试验室进行标准养护,另外加做一组留在现场与结构 同条件养护,作为拆除模板时强度依据。 11.砼由工地现场随机取样测定砼坍落度,砼入模坍落度为3--5cm。 12.浇捣砼时予先搭设支架,严禁人员在钢筋上走动。 13.所有施工缝表面必须凿除浮浆至露出石子,浇捣前洒水湿润后用与结构相同 级配的水泥砂浆进行接浆处理。 14.所有地下室侧壁,水池侧壁均一次性连续浇筑砼。 15.砼浇筑后表面无蜂窝、孔洞、露筋,施工缝无灰渣等现象。 16.板浇筑后的砼面层必须进行二次抹面,防止产生干缩裂缝,并立即覆盖、浇 水养护。 17.每次在浇筑结构砼时24小时连续作业。 18.砼工程质量控制程序表。 (2).质量控制要点 1).配合比 2).商品砼 3).浇筑砼 4).养护砼 (3).分部项质量要求:合格,原材料、配合比、试块设置、结构裂缝等保证项符合要求;蜂窝、孔洞、主筋露筋、缝隙夹渣层等基本项合格;轴线位移、标高、截面尺寸、柱墙垂直度、表面平整度、预埋、预留孔洞、电梯井偏差值合格率95,。 4.1.6.砌体工程: 本工程墙体材料为空心砖和泰格板。 (1).主要质量技术措施: 1).砌体工程各类砌体墙体除按设计说明要求外,尚需注意: A. 砌块在砌筑前要提前1-2d浇水湿润。 B. 砌筑前应将砌筑部位清理干净放出墙身中心线及边线,浇水湿润。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 19 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - C. 在墙体的转角处及交接处立起皮数杆,在皮数杆之间拉准线,依据准线逐皮砌筑。 D. 砌体水平缝和竖向缝宽度宜为10mm,但不小于8mm,也不大于12mm。水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度不得小于80%,宜采用挤浆或加浆方法,不得出现透明缝,严禁用水冲浆灌缝。 E. 墙体中的洞口、管道、沟槽和预埋件等应于砌筑时正确留出或预埋,不得遗留,防止今后凿洞开槽。宽度超过300mm的洞口座砌筑平拱或设置过梁。 2).砌筑时,应先试摆。要每皮拉线保证砌体表面平整垂直,灰缝均匀。砌墙拉线应在操作者一面。 3).上下皮应错缝砌筑,做到横平竖直,灰缝饱满,水平灰缝砂浆饱满度不得低于80,,断砖要合理使用,严禁集中在一处。 4).每层楼面砌砖前必须测定标高,如灰缝超过30mm,要先用,20细石砼找平后再砌筑。 5).纵横墙交接处或转角处如不能同时砌筑则应留斜槎,斜槎长度不小于高度的三分之二,如留直槎,应按规范设拉结筋(山墙与面墙转角处不允许留直槎),在处理接槎时,须将老砂浆清理干净,砖要湿润,灰缝要平直,不得有错缝,通缝。 6).门、窗洞口处木砖放置前必须经防腐处理,木砖每边不少于三块。 7).墙体砌筑高度,每天不应超过1.8m。 8).对出入口处门档做好保护措施,以免碰坏。 9).冬季低于5?时,要采取防冻措施。 10).按设计要求设置拉结钢筋,并与砌体连接通顺、牢固、座浆饱满。 (2).质量控制要点 1).弹线找平 2).立皮数杆 3).摆头角拉通线 4).清理 (3).分部项质量要求:合格 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 20 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 4.1.7.屋面工程 目前屋面渗漏水仍占建筑工程质量最突出的通病之首位,其原因除屋面防水材料的优劣这一因素外,施工质量的好坏是最主要的因素,因此,屋面施工仍是本工程的质量重点之一,除了严格按照操作规程施工外,尚应注重以下几点,确保防水质量,做到无任何渗漏发生。 (1).主要质量技术措施 1).找平层施工:找平层施工前应浇水湿润,用素水泥浆扫底。出尾面的墙根、管根等处,应先抹成半径不少于100mm的圆弧或钝角。内部排水的水落口周围应做成略低的凹坑。施工完的找平层应及时充水养护,应粘结牢固,不得有酥松、起砂、起壳、起皮等现象,表面平整、坡度正确,转角设置成小园角并通顺。 2).防水层铺设: A.施工前先交底,以充分了解施工部位、施工顺序、施工工艺、构造层次、节点设防方法、增强部位与做法、工程质量标准、质量措施及成品保护措施、安全措施。 B.做好节点、附加层、排水集中部位(天沟、落水头、屋面转角等处)的处理,一切从有利于防水出发。 3).结构层施工后应做蓄水试验,无渗漏后才可以进行保温层施工,细石砼施工后再做蓄水试验,无渗漏后才可以完成屋面工程。 4).屋面施工前,应备足防雨油布、油毡等临时防水材料,并掌握好近期气象情况,选择良好的天气进行施工。 5).屋面保温层透气管应锚固稳定,进入屋面有止水措施。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 21 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 透气管(考虑使用) 止水片 锚固筋 细石砼层 锚固筋 保温层 结构层 (2).质量控制要点 1).基层处理 2).找平层施工 3).找平层干燥度 4).防水层施工 (3). 分部项质量要求:合格 4.1.8.装饰工程 主体工程施工后进行结构验收,中间结构验收完后进入装饰阶段,采用从顶层依次逐层向下的流水顺序施工,采用水平向下施工流向。室内装修与室外装修同时进行,并注意抓紧室外装修。 内墙与地面:根据本工程特点,先做墙面、天棚,粉刷后做地坪,尽量安排好各个施工过程之间的平行、搭接施工,并考虑工程质量及安全方面要求,并考虑必要的间歇时间。 水、卫、电、暖安装与土建配合好,主体工程施工时,注意准确预留孔洞,预埋管道。 现场施工前应先做好样板试验,成功后方可大面积施工。 (1).抹灰工程 1).主要质量技术措施 A.抹灰前对基底表面的灰尘、污垢、油渍、碱膜等均应仔细清除干净,并洒水湿润,混凝土表面应预先进行剥皮斩毛处理,用SN-2型增毛剂扫毛一遍。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 22 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 B.抹灰的工艺流程一般按照“先上后下”的原则进行,以便做到减少修理,保护成品。 C.抹灰前,门窗吸立墙交接处的缝隙,孔洞应用水泥砂浆分层嵌塞密实。 D.在墙面上用2m托线板进行挂线做塌饼,洒水湿润墙面,用1:2水泥砂浆做好门窗及阴阳角的侧边和护角。然后做竖筋刮糙; E.墙面基底凹凸不平或抹灰层较厚处必须先用水泥砂浆分层垫平,每层厚度不宜大于2cm,必要时可使用钢丝网加固。 F.底层抹应压实粉平,使其粘结牢固,中层应待底层稍干后方能进行操作,并用刮尺和木蟹打平整。 G.罩面应待中层达到六七成干后进行,先从阴角、阳角开始,铁板压光应不少于两遍,厚度不大于2mm。 H.所用的砂浆配比和材料品种按设计要求选用。 I.抹灰面层不得有爆灰和裂缝,各抹灰层之间及基底应粘结牢固,不得有脱层、空鼓等缺陷。 J.表面光滑,洁净,接搓平整,灰线清晰,顺直,无缺角掉棱。 K.各部位抹灰严格按工艺标准施工,不合格部分铲掉重做。 L.不同基层材料相接处应铺设钢丝网,搭缝宽度从缝边起每边不少于100mm。 M.抹灰砂浆严格按图纸要求的配合比配制,并在砂浆初凝前用完。 N.各种砂浆的抹灰层在终凝前应防止快干、水冲、撞击、振动,终凝后应采取措施防止玷污和拉坏。 O.抹灰层厚度在结构砌体施工质量保证的情况下,在保证抹灰工程施工质量的前提下,严格按设计要求来控制。 P. 抹灰允许偏差值 分项名称 允许偏差值 表面平整 2mm 阴阳角垂直 2mm how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 23 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 阴阳角方整 2mm 立面垂直 3mm 2).质量控制要点 A.基层处理 B.冲筋 C.面层抹灰 3).分部项质量要求:合格 (2). 磁砖墙面 1).主要质量技术措施 A.铺贴前在找平层上,弹上十字线预排。 B.铺贴前,对磁砖的规格尺寸,外观质量、色泽等要进行预选,并预先湿润后晾干待用。 C.铺贴时宜采用干硬性水泥砂浆,磁砖应紧密、坚实,砂浆要饱满。 D.根据各类磁砖面层的要求,分别进行擦缝,勾缝或压缝工作,缝的深度宜为砖厚度的1/3,擦缝和勾缝应采用同品种、同标号、同颜色的水泥,同时应随做随即清理面层的水泥,并做好面层的养护和保护工作。 E.面层应坚实、平整、洁净、线路顺直,不应有空鼓、松动、脱落和裂缝、缺棱、掉角、污染等缺陷。 2).质量控制要点 A.基层处理 B.预排 C.铺贴 3). 分部项质量要求:合格 4.1.9.地面工程 (1).水泥地面层 1).主要质量技术措施 A.为保证水泥地面不裂不起砂,施工中严格选料。如中砂不采用风化砂, corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 24 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 含泥量2,内,石子要均匀,不得含有泥、杂质、不用长石、风化石、石灰块;水泥标高适宜,不用过期、受潮、结块水泥,配合比要按设计要求或试验室配制比例。 B.施工前检查垫层平整、标高、预埋管线是否符合设计要求。 C.在楼板上施工应先清扫干净,刷素水泥浆一道(水灰比为0.4-0.5),随刷随铺。 D.根据墙上水平线,拉线贴饼,冲筋间距1.5米为宜。 E.用铁抹子压实,赶光不少于二遍,待初凝后用锯末或草润湿养护。 F.在有下水的房间,注意先找地漏,再找好泛水,没有倒泛水现象。 G.地面施工后,各层砂浆应结合牢固,不得有空鼓、裂缝、起砂、脱皮等现象。 H.表面和踢脚上应赶光压平,不得有气泡、龟裂、砂眼、接搓不平等现象,大面积操作应设伸缩缝。 2).质量控制要点 A.配合比 B.扫浆 C.压实、赶光 3). 分部项质量要求:合格 (2).地砖面层: 1).主要质量技术措施 A.铺贴前在找平层上弹上十字线预排。 2).质量控制要点 A.基层清理 B.水泥砂浆 C.面层坚实、平整、洁净、线路顺直 3). 分部项质量要求:合格 4.1.10.门窗工程 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 25 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - (1).主要质量技术措施 1).木门安装 A.立樘时掌握好抹灰层的厚度,使有贴脸的框安装后与抹灰面平齐。 B.安装时门窗框上皮低于门窗过梁10-15mm,窗框下皮比窗台上皮砖高50mm,合适后用木楔固定,再用钉子将其木框钉在木砖上。 C.砌墙时合理设置木砖,2m内高的门窗框每边不少于3块木砖,木砖间距50-60mm,2m高以上门框,每边木砖间距不大于60cm。 D.合页槽里平外,安装时螺丝钉严禁一次钉入,钉入深度不超过螺丝长度1/3,拧入深度不小于2/3,拧时不得倾斜, E.安装前找好窗边垂直线和窗框下皮标高的控制线,使上下层顺直,左右门窗标高一致。 F.门窗框与墙体间缝隙应嵌填饱满密实。 G.门窗安装位置、开启方向、预埋件数量、位置、埋设连接方法应符合设计要求。 H.木门表面应平整、光洁、无刨痕、锤印、毛刺、缺棱和掉角。 I..装饰门及夹板门的质量必须符合设计要求及有关标准的规定,安装要求 同普通木门。 J.门窗扇应关闭严密,开关灵活。 2).窗安装 A.将框在抹灰前安于门口处,用分线锤吊直,然后找方,以两条对角线相交为佳。 B.窗框固定好后,复查平整度和垂直度,再扫清框处浮土,洒水湿润基层,用1:2水泥砂浆将门口与门框的缝隙分层填实。 C.配合门料的规格,色彩选用玻璃,按照门窗的内口实际尺寸合理计划用料,尽量少产生边角废料,裁割前可比实际尺寸少3mm,以利安装。 D.大片玻璃与框扇接缝处,要用玻璃胶筒打入玻璃胶,整个门安装好后,用干净抹布擦洗表面,清理干净后交付使用。 (2).质量控制要点 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 26 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 1).门、窗框的安装 2).门颌的安装 3).门缝的间隙 4).窗打胶 5).窗的塞缝间隙 (3). 分部项质量要求:合格 4.2.给排水工程 给排水工程主要包括室内给排水、消防水组成;给排水由生活给水(热水、开水)污水、雨水系统组成。 4.2.1 室内给排水 室内给雨水管道采用UPVC管,排水管道采用UPVC管,埋地管道按设计要求做防腐处理。 (1).流程 ???预留、预埋? 套管安装?? 准备工作???管道预制加工????? ??管道安装?填堵 ???防腐处理???卡架安装?? ???水压试验??系统冲洗?? 孔洞?? ??洁具安装?交工验收 ???闭水试验??通水试验?? (2).主要施工质量技术措施 1).地下及上部预埋 地下土建专业施工时,安装应密切配合,主要有给排水套管、消火栓箱孔的预埋,严格按设计指定防水套管制作预埋,套管直径较穿管放大一号,带止水环,位置准确。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 27 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 2).支架、吊架敷设安装 A.支、托、吊装应平整、牢固、构造要正确,层高小于5m,每层须安装一个。 B.支吊架间距符合下列要求: ?????????????????????????????????? ?公称直径,, ? 15 ?20? 25 ? 32 ? 40 ?50?70?80?100 150? ?????????????????????????????????? ?支架? 保温管 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?最大? (m) ?1.5 ?2 ? 2 ? 2.5? 3 ?3 ?4 ?4 ? 4.5?6 ? ?????????????????????????????????? ?间距?非保温管? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (m) ? 1.5?2 ?2.5 ? 4 ? 4.5?5 ?6 ?6 ? 6.5?8 ? ?????????????????????????????????? 3).管道安装 A、顺序:先地下,后地上,先大后小,先主管后支管,先区域后联接。 B、 给水管、雨水管安装 a、给水管采用钢塑复合管,螺纹连接,管子的螺纹应规整,如有断丝或缺丝,不得大于螺纹全扣数的10,。 b、立管及装有,个以上配水点的支管终端,均应安装可拆卸的连接件。 c、给水管道与排水管道平行敷设时,两管间的最小水平净距为500毫米,交叉敷设时,垂直净距为150毫米,给水管应敷设在排水管上面。 d、给水管道成排明装时,直线部分应互相平行,曲线部分当管道水平或垂直并行时,应与直线部分保持等距,管道水平上下并行时,曲率半径应相等。 e、雨水管道采用UPVC管粘结 f、除给水支管暗设于墙槽、管窿内以外,其余管道均明设。 g、阀门按设计规定选用,安装前应做耐压强度试验,试验应以每批(同牌号、同规格、同型号)数量中抽查10,。 h、管道及设备安装前必须清除内部污垢和杂物,安装中断或完毕的敞口处,应临时封闭。 i、管道穿越变形缝处应设置金属软接头。所有管道在安装时都应考虑适应管道的热涨冷缩之需要,不管图中是否有表示,一般冷水管应每隔40m,伸缩时?40mm,伸缩器公称压力应大于管道最大工作压力,并尽量利用管道自然补偿来代替伸缩器。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 28 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 ,、排水管安装 a、给排水管应排列整齐,维修方便,靠近梁柱。水平敷设在吊平顶内管线需留有检查口,便于检修。 b、室内排水管坡度: 废污水横管DN225 i=0.008; DN110,160 i=0.01; 其它 i=0.026; 雨水横管 DN110 i=0.015; 其它 i=0.010 4).试压冲洗管: A、给水管应按设计说明要求做水压试验,试验水压0.6 Mpa。试验压力表位于系统或试验部分的最低部分。试压应按规范执行,一般按系统、分层、分段进行进行试压,试压时要防止跑水、漏水,以免给建筑装修造成损失。 B、污、废水压试验时,注水高度为一层楼高,30min后液面不下降且管道及接口不渗不漏为合格。 C、雨水管水压试验时注水至最上部雨水斗,持续1h后液面不下降且管道及接口不渗不漏为合格。 D、排水及雨水的立管,横干管做通球试验,通球直径为管径的2/3,通球率100%。 E、试压完毕后,对管路进行冲洗,要求以不小于1.5m/s的流速进行冲洗。雨水管和排水管以管道通畅为合格。 5)洁具安装 A、卫生器具的安装位置应正确,允许偏差:单独器具10毫米;成排器具,毫米;垂直度不超过,毫米。 B、卫生器具安装高度应符合设计要求,设计无规定时,应按规范规定确定,允许偏差:单独器具?,毫米。 C、卫生器具支、托架的安装须平整、牢固,与器具接触应紧密。 D、连接卫生器具的排水管管径和最小坡度,如设计无要求时,应符合规范规定。 E、卫生器具给水配件的安装应符合规范规定。 F、为保证卫生器具安装位置的精确度,待土建单位在卫生间内部初步粉刷 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 29 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 后,再安装卫生器具下部的排水接管。卫生洁具采用螺栓固定,水平允许偏差2mm,垂直允许偏差3mm。 6).设备安装 包括生活水箱安装 A、设备安装前,需对安装基础进行验收,基础标高,地脚螺栓孔是否满足设备需要。 B、初次找正后,进行一次灌浆,待灌好的砼强度达到80%后可以进行二次找正,二次找正必须认真仔细,对水平度、联轴器、同轴度等部位进行精密调整,并写出调整记录,经建设单位主管工程师签字后方可进行二次灌浆。 C、配管对管道不得强行与设备联接,且重量不能附加在设备上。 4.2.3. 消防系统 (1).工艺流程 安装准备?干管安装?报警阀安装?立管安装?喷洒分层干支管、消火栓及支管安装?水流指示器、消防水泵、水箱、水泵结合器安装?管道试压?管道冲洗?喷洒头支管安装?节流装置安装?报警阀配件、消火栓配件、喷洒头安装?系统通水试调。 (2).主要工艺施工质量技术措施 1).干管安装 A.喷洒干管用法兰连接每根配管长度不宜超过6m,直管段可把几根连接在一起,使用倒链安装,但不宜过长。也可调直后,编号依次顺序吊装,吊装时,应先吊起管道一端,待稳定后再吊起另一端。 B.管道连接紧固法兰时,检查法兰端面是否干净,采用3,5mm的橡胶垫片。法兰螺栓的规格应符合规定。紧固螺栓应先紧最不利点,然后依次对称紧固。法兰接口应安装在易拆装的位置。 C.喷水水平支管管道尽量抬高贴梁底敷设,每根配水干管和配水管端部应采用四通,并将多余一个口用丝堵堵塞,以供系统冲洗用。 2).报警阀安装:应设在明显、易于操作的位置,距地高度宜为1m左右。报警阀处地面应有排水措施,环境温度不应低于,5?。报警阀组装时应按产品说 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 30 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 明书和设计要求,控制阀应有启闭指示装置,并使阀门工作处于常开状态。 3).消防喷洒和消火栓立管安装 A.立管暗装在竖井内时,在管井内预埋铁件上安装卡件固定,立管底部的支吊架要牢固,防止立管下坠。 B.立管明装时每层楼板要预留孔洞,立管可随结构穿入,以减少立管接口。 4).消火栓及支管安装 A、所有消防产品都必须有生产、销售证,并需当地消防部门认可,无三证的产品严禁使用到工程中去。 B、消火栓安装:消火栓箱安装必须同土建配合,预埋标高正确,施工方便,水泵接合器和室外消防栓安装要注意二者的最大距离和最小距离,严格按规范施工。 a、室内消火栓:钢制箱体,铝合金面板,箱内设:消火栓SN65,锦纶水带DN65 L=25m,水枪D65?19 QZ19,击锤式按钮,在地下层钢筋混凝土墙,柱上消火栓为明装,其余均为暗装,消火栓箱体安装在轻质隔墙上时,应有加固措施。 b、消火栓支管要以栓阀的坐标、标高定位甩口,核定后再稳固消火栓箱,箱体找正稳固后再把栓阀安装好,栓阀侧装在箱内时应在箱门开启的一侧,箱门开启应灵活。 c、管材与接口:热镀锌钢管,焊接,需拆卸处以及与带法兰盘的阀门、设备连接处采用法兰,法兰应符合国标S311/32-30标准,公称压力1.6MPa。 d、本系统调试好后所有阀门,除注有常闭字样外,均应常开并加铅封。 5).消防水泵安装 A.水泵的规格型号应符合设计要求,水泵应采用自灌式吸水,水泵基础按设计图纸施工,吸水管应加减振器。加压泵可不设减振装置,但恒压泵应加减振装置,进出水口加防噪声设施,水泵出口宜加缓闭式逆止阀。 B.水泵配管安装应在水泵定位找平正,稳固后进行。水泵设备不得承受管道的重量。安装顺序为逆止阀,阀门依次与水泵紧牢,与水泵相接配管的一片法兰先与阀门法兰紧牢,用线坠找直找正,量出配管尺寸,配管先点焊在这片 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 31 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 法兰上,再把法兰松开取下焊接,冷却后再与阀门连接好,最后再焊与配管相接的另一管段。 C.配管法兰应与水泵、阀门的法兰相符,阀门安装手轮方向应便于操作,标高一致,配管排列整齐。 D.水泵结合器安装:其安装位置应有明显标志,阀门位置应便于操作,结合器附不得有障碍物。安全阀应按系统工作压力定压,防止消防车加压过高破坏室内管网及部件,结合器应装有泄水阀。 F.消火栓配件安装:应在交工前进行。消防水龙带应折好放在挂架上或卷实、盘紧放在箱内,消防水枪要竖放在箱体内侧,自救式水枪和软管应放在挂卡上或放在箱底部。 4.2.4.质量控制要点: (1).认真熟悉图纸,并与土建施工图核对,确保管道穿越屋面、楼板套管预埋位置正确,无遗漏。土建浇筑混凝土时,派专人监护,以免移位。 (2).管道穿越伸缩缝或沉降缝处应严格按设计规范要求设置过缝措施,设置金属软接头。 (3).镀锌管丝扣连接,螺纹必须规整,如有断面或缺丝,不得大于螺纹全扣数的10,,外露的麻丝必须清理干净,螺纹外露部分必须做防腐处理。安装完毕按设计要求进行试压,确保无渗漏现象。 (4).卫生间穿越楼板的管道和穿越屋顶的管道极易漏水,必须采取措施。埋设的防水套管必须是带止水的且套管应高出地坪至少10mm,套管与立管之间的缝隙用麻丝或沥青玛碲脂填实。 (5).系统冲洗前,洁具必须清洗干净,无杂物,以免堵塞管道。 (6).卫生洁具、消防设备安装完毕应做好成品保护工作,以免损坏。 4.2.5.分部项质量要求:合格 4.3.电气工程 电气工程包括照明、动力、消防弱电、避雷接地系统。 4.3.1工艺流程 ??测量定位?预埋管线?桥架安装?电缆敷设? of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-- 32 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 施工准备?? ?? ??避雷接地?动力箱、照明安装??????? 灯具、开关、面板、消防设备(控制器、广播、探头、电话)安装?系统调试?预检消缺?保运?交工验收 4.3.2主要工艺施工质量技术措施 (1).配管 1).根据图纸要求,沿墙、埋地、混凝土内的管子尽量暗敷,并和土建同步。 2).配管一般要求:预埋前检查管子是否堵塞,管子接口处必须严密,防止混凝土浆进入管子而堵塞。电线管之间连接一律采用丝扣连接,接头处跨焊Φ6圆钢,管子与灯头盒、接线盒之间连接用专用纳子。 3).黑铁管之间连接可采用套管连接,套管长度为连接管外径的1.5,3倍,连接管的对口处应在套管中间,焊口应牢固、严密、满焊。 4).钢管的弯曲半径,必须符合规范要求,采用专用弯管器,明敷设不小于该管的4D,暗敷设不得小于该管径6D,管子弯曲处的弯扁度?0.1D。 (2).保护管安装 1).电缆保护管从桥架引至设备、各类泵体管口位置处,安装位置准确,管子半径R?6D,管子应作喇叭口打光。 2).并列敷设电缆管口排列整齐,并放0.1%排水坡度。 (3). 电缆敷设、穿线 1).电缆敷设时在终端留有少量长度,电缆弯曲半径不应小于电缆外径的10倍。 2).电缆需进行绝缘测试,合格后方可敷设。 3).竖井内电缆敷设完毕后,每二层将孔洞和缝及框架内用石棉水泥等防火材料堵塞。 4).电缆头制作需遵守工艺规程,剥切电缆时,不得伤及芯线和绝缘,电缆与铜鼻子连接采用液压钳压接。铜鼻子与电缆规格一致。 5).穿线按图纸要求在不同管子内穿不同规格及根数的导线,电缆在管子内不准有接头,穿线前管口必须套塑料护口,以免绝缘损伤,导线在接线盒及转 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 33 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 弯处必须留有适当长度,以便安装和维修,穿线完毕,应绝缘测试,并做出书面记录,作为竣工资料。 (4). 动力箱、配电箱 1).配电箱安装高度应符合设计要求,总配电箱暗装时底距地为1.5米;分配电箱暗装时离地1.8米;箱体垂直偏差不应大于3mm,暗装式配电箱四周无空隙,其面板四周边缘应紧贴墙面。配电箱应标明回路便于检修。 2).动力箱、配电箱柜、消防控制器内接线须整齐;接地完好,静态调试完毕后,方可送电试验。 (5). 变压器安装 1).变压器到货后应由安装单位、供货单位会同建设单位代表共同进行设备点件检查,并作好记录。 2).变压器基础朝向应水平,轨距与轮距应配合,变压器与封闭母线联接时,其低压套管中心线应与封闭母线安装中心线相符。 3).变压器安装应采取抗地震措施。 (6). 灯具开关、插座面板安装 1).灯具安装用的吊钩、预埋件必须牢固,在吊顶上固定的灯具光带应在建装饰吊顶时,预留固定灯具支架。 2).灯具安装高度符合要求,安装牢固,灯具及面板符合允许偏差,灯具安装完毕进行试灯,并有试灯记录。 3).开关插座内无灰块、杂物,跷板开关暗装底离地1.3米,卫生间、厨房插座为1.5米;插座、柜式空调插座高度0.3米;壁挂式空调插座高度2.0米。 (7).控制器、消防广播、电话安装 1).控制器安装位置应根据施工图平面布置设立,控制器内部接地应注意配线整齐,避免交叉,导线固定牢靠,电缆芯线和所配导线的端部标明编号,端子板的每个端子上接线不得超过两根。控制器主电源引入线直接与消防电源连接,应有明显标志,控制器接地接在专用接地端子上,并有明显标志。 2).消防广播安装应系统广播布置设立,吸顶式扬声器成排安装位置统一成列,扬声器底座应固定牢固,面盖装饰罩与吊平顶结合严密。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 34 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 (8).消防调试 本工程消防设备采用系列产品,我单位有专业技术人员调试,并持有消防调试培训合格证,调试方法按该产品调试要求进行。 消防调结果应符合消防验收规范,安装完毕,施工单位应具备下列条件资料: 1).竣工图;2).设计变更文字记录;3).施工记录(包括隐蔽工程验收记录);4).检验记录(包括绝缘电阻、接地电阻的测试记录);5).消防调试验收合格报告。 (9).避雷接地安装 1).严格按图纸接地极、接地网引下线预埋工作,焊接紧密,回填土层符合要求。 2).所有配电箱接用电设备金属外壳、板架等接地干线联为一体,并与所有接地线焊联一体。 3).接地装置的安装应密切配合土建,隐蔽部分必须在覆盖前作好隐蔽资料及记录。 4).接地线弯曲处不得是直角死弯,宜在转弯处做150,200mm的一段圆弧。 5).避雷带或接地线跨越建筑物变形时,应加设补偿,可用接地线本身弯成弧状代替。 6).圆钢焊接的搭接倍数不应小于6D,且为双面焊,扁钢的搭接长度为2倍的扁钢宽度,且焊缝数量不少于,个。焊肉要饱满而不咬肉,清除焊渣后做好防腐。 4.3.3 质量控制要点 (1).管路连接处必需跨接,跨接焊接必须满足规范要求。 (2).埋设管道穿过伸缩缝和沉降缝时,应按规范规定施工,管路断口与接线箱、盒结合处宜用螺母连接,管道需要延伸联接时宜采用管道接头螺纹或套管连接,不得采用对接焊连接。 (3).大重型灯具及悬吊的电气、设备等用的吊钩、预埋件必须埋设牢固,位置正确。 (4).配电盘、板、箱、消防控制器开孔时严禁用电焊开孔。 (5).埋设的接地装置引头位置裸露部分必须采取防锈措施。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 35 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - (6).灯具、开关、探头、面板安装时,保持墙壁的整洁。 (7).消防设备安装偏差范围须符合允许偏差,达到优良。 4.3.4.分部项质量要求:合格 (1).导线间和导线对地间的绝缘电阻值必须大于0.5MΩ。 (2).薄壁钢管严禁熔焊连接。 (3).管路的保护应符合以下规定:穿过变形缝处有补偿装置,补偿装置能活动自如;穿过建筑物和设备基础处加保护套管。补偿装置平整,管口光滑,护口牢固,与管子连接可靠;加保护套管处在隐蔽工程记录中标示正确。 (4).允许偏差项目: A. 明开关,插座的底板和暗装开关、插座的面板并列安装时,开关,插座的高度差允许为0.5mm; B. 同一场所的高度差为5mm; C. 面板的垂直允许偏差0.5mm。 (5). 接地(接零)线敷设 A.平直、牢固、固定点间距均匀,跨越建筑物变形缝有补偿装置,穿墙有保护管,油漆防腐完整。 B.焊接连接的焊缝平整、饱满,无明显气孔、咬肉等缺陷;螺栓连接紧密、牢固,有防松措施。 C.防雷接地引下线的保护管固定牢靠;断线卡子设置便于,接触面镀锌或镀锡完整,螺栓等紧固件齐全。防腐均匀,无污染建筑物。 (6).成排灯具安装的中心线允许偏差5mm。 5、建筑节能施工 外墙外保温采用30厚聚苯颗粒保温砂浆;平屋面采用40厚挤塑聚苯保温板;门窗为(6+9A+6)中空玻璃和钢化玻璃,窗为铝合金窗,采用断桥隔热型材,门窗气密性等级3级。 5.1外墙外保温节能工程 5.1.1施工方法及要点 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 36 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计外墙保温工程施工顺序: 门窗框四周堵缝—?墙面清理—?吊垂直、套方、抹灰饼、冲筋—?弹灰层控制线—?浇水预湿—?涂界面处理剂—?抹第一遍保温砂浆—?浇水养护—?抹第二遍保温砂浆—?检验平整度、垂直度、厚度—?浇水养护—?抹第一遍防裂砂浆—?粘挂耐碱玻璃纤维网—?抹第二遍防裂砂浆—?浇水养护—?验收—?A:外墙涂料施工。B:外墙石材施工。 5.1.2外墙保温施工方法:面砖外墙保温施工工序如下:(1)墙面基层清扫处理后刷界面砂浆;(2)30厚聚苯颗粒保温砂浆;(3)5厚聚合物抗裂砂浆(压入耐碱玻璃纤维网);(4)热镀锌钢丝网(塑料膨胀螺栓双向@500锚固);(5)5厚聚合物抗裂砂浆(压入耐碱玻璃纤维网);(6)面砖粘接砂浆;(7)面砖饰面。涂料外墙保温施工工序如下:(1)墙面基层清扫处理后刷界面砂浆;(2)30厚聚苯颗粒保温砂浆;(3)5厚抗裂砂浆(压入耐碱玻璃纤维网格布);(4)刷高分子乳液弹性底层涂料一遍;(5)涂料饰面另看样定。 5.1.3外墙保温施工要点砖墙:将墙面上残余砂浆、污垢、灰尘清理干净,抹灰前一天浇水湿润。抹灰前一小时再浇水一次,以满足施工要求。混凝土柱梁:用10%火碱水去除表面油污,再用清水冲洗干净晾干。浇水湿润后涂抹界面处理剂,可采用涂敷法或拉毛法。保温砂浆施工应分遍进行。每遍厚度不宜超过10mm,涂抹时应压实压平,待保温砂浆初凝后浇水湿润,以备下一遍抹灰。分层抹灰时间间隔一般在24h以上,待厚度达到冲筋面时,先用大杠刮平,再用铁抹子用力抹平。在保温层施工的同时应在门窗洞口周边外墙抹保温砂浆,在檐口、窗台、窗楣、雨棚、阳台、压顶以及突出墙面的部位顶面应用水泥砂浆做出坡度,下面应做滴水线。保温层养护,待初凝后再浇水湿润。浇水时间间隔可根据环境干燥情况确定,保持表面不出现发白现象,浇水养护不得少于7d。分格条用界面处理剂粘贴在保温层表面,现场安装后形成分格缝。抗渗防裂砂浆抹灰必须在保温砂浆层充分凝固后进行。一般在7d how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 37 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 后或用手按不动表面的情况下进行。施工前一天浇水湿润。抹灰前1h再浇一遍水。防裂砂浆施工时,用铁抹子抹平后再用塑料抹子搓平拉毛。抗渗防裂砂浆应随拌随用,停放不应超过3h,落地灰不得使用。初凝后应浇水养护,养护时间不得少于7d。 5.1.4、质量检验及允许偏差保证项目 1)、取用材料品种,质量、性能应符合设计和有关规范、标准要求。 2)保温层厚度及构造做法应符合建筑节能设计和要求。 3)、保温层与墙体以及各构造层之间必须粘接牢固。无脱层、空鼓、裂缝,面无粉化、起皮、燥灰等到现象。、基本项目 1)、表面平整、洁净、接槎平整、无明显抹纹、线角、分格条顺直、清晰。 2)、墙面所有门窗口、孔洞、槽、盒位置的尺寸正确,表面整齐洁净。 3)、允许偏差 允许偏差及检验方法见“允许偏差及检验方法” 允许偏差及检验方法 项项目 允许误差 检查方法 次 保温层 抗裂层 1 立面垂直 3 3 用2M托线板检查 2 表面平整 3 3 用2M靠尺及塞尺检查 3 阴阳角垂直 3 3 用2M托线板检查 4 阴阳角方正 3 3 用30?方尺和塞尺检查 5 分格条(缝)平直 3 拉5M小线和尺量检查 当,30m时不大于 立面总高度垂10 6 用经纬仪、吊线检查 直 当>30m时不大于 15 7 上下窗口左右且不大于20 用经纬仪、吊线检查 ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non - 38 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 偏移 8 同层窗口上、下 且不大于20 用经纬仪、拉通线检查 9 保温层厚度 不允许有负偏差 用探针、钢尺检查 5.3屋面节能工程 5.3.1、40厚挤塑聚苯保温板块料保温层施工、平铺时,板状保温材料应紧靠在基层表面上,板间缝隙应采用同类材料嵌填密。保温层压实抹平后应立即做找平层,对保温层进行保护,在干燥成型前不得上人或受冲击荷载,也不得在其上打洞钻孔,当表面强度达到0.2mp以上时,方可进行防水层施工。 6.季节性施工 本工程从开工到竣工要经过雨季、夏季。为了保证在雨季、夏季的正常施工,确保施工进度及质量。特制定以下措施。 6.1雨季施工措施 雨期施工主要是解决雨水的排除,对于施工现场必须作好临时排水系统的总体规划,阻止场外水流入现场和场内水排出场外,其原则是上游截水,下游散水,坑底抽水,地面排水。设专人负责,随时疏竣以确保施工现场无积水。 (一)、雨季施工安全措施 雨期施工主要应做好防雨、防风、防雷、防电、防汛等工作。 ,、施工现场的仓库、加工棚、工具间等临时设施在雨期前应修整、加固、保证不漏、不塌、不倒、周围不积水。 ,、脚手架、井架底、缆风绳的地锚等应进行全面检查,是否着实、牢固,要经常检查,大风雨前后要及时检查,发现问题及时整改。 ,、施工现场的机电设施应有可靠的防雨设施。电源线路要绝缘良好,要有完善的保护接零。 ,、雨季前要全面检查照明和动力线路有无混线、漏电,电线杆有无腐蚀断裂,埋设是否牢固。保证雨季中正常供电。 ,、怕雨、怕潮、怕裂、怕倒的原材料、构件和设备等应放在室内或设置坚实的基础堆放在较高处,用蓬布、塑料布等封盖严密,分别加以处理。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 39 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - ,、施工现场的钢管脚手架、井字架、塔吊等,在雷雨季节必须检查避雷装置,测试接地电阻,接地电阻值不得大于10欧姆。施工期间遇有雷击或阴云密布大雨时,操作人员应立即停工返回到宿舍。 (二)、土方和基础工程 ,、雨期开挖基槽(坑)时,应注意边坡稳定。必要时可适当放缓,边坡坡度或设置支撑。施工时应加强对边坡和支撑的检查。 ,、为防止基槽浸泡,开挖时要在槽(坑)内设置排水沟,集水井。 ,、雨期施工的工作面不宜过大,应逐段、逐片的分期完成。基槽(坑)挖至标高后,及时验槽并浇筑砼垫层。 (三)、砌体工程 ,、砖在雨期要集中堆放,不宜浇水,砌墙时要求干、湿、砖块合理搭配,湿度较大的砖不准上墙,砌筑高度不宜超过,米。 ,、砌筑砂浆采用中粗砂拌制,砂浆的稠度需适当减少,以免灰缝被压流浆。 ,、雨期遇大雨必须停工,砌砖收工时,应在砖墙顶盖一层干砖,避免大雨冲刷灰浆。大雨过后受雨水冲刷过的墙体应翻砌最上面两皮砖。 ,、雨后继续施工时,必须复核已完工砌体的垂直度和标高。 (四)、混凝土工程 ,、雨天混凝土应适当减小坍落度,以保证混凝土的密实度。 应加强对混凝土粗细骨料含水量的测定。及时调整用水量。 ,、大面积混凝土浇筑前,要了解最近2,3天的天气预报。尽量避开大雨天,现场要备足塑料布和防雨遮盖材料。以备浇筑混凝土时突然遇雨进行覆盖。当浇筑过程中遇到大雨时,应将混凝土振实后停止浇筑。对已浇筑部分进行覆盖。若下雨时间超过混凝土初凝时间,则应按规定要求留好施工缝。 6.2 夏季施工措施 一、混凝土工程 of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-- 40 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 为了防止夏季混凝土施工时,受高温干热而影响混凝土结构构件的质量,因此施工时应采取下列措施: ,、混凝土浇捣前必须将模板用水湿润,吸足水份,拌制混凝土用的砂、石用水冲洗散热。 ,、根据气温情况及混凝土的浇捣部位,正确选择混凝土的坍落度,必要时掺外加剂以保持和改善混凝土的和易性,增大流动性、粘聚性、减少泌水性。 ,、对大体积混凝土,必要时可在混凝土内掺入缓凝剂延缓混凝土初凝时间。 ,、尽量缩短混凝土的运输时间,在运输过程中要采取措施防止水分过多蒸发。 ,、认真做好混凝土的养护工作,对已浇好的混凝土,要及时用草包覆盖,并浇水保持湿润。框架梁、柱采用带模浇水养护。 6.3 冬季施工: 1).避开寒流和大风天气施工。 2).冬季施工,砼、砂浆宜采用外掺亚硝酸钠、硫酸钠、三乙醇胺等化学外加剂,其作用能使砼产生抗冻、早强、催化等效用,降低砼冰点,使之在常温下加速硬化,以达到要求的强度。 3).严格要求砼供应商改善砼配合比,采用高活性水泥,增加水泥用量和降低水灰比等办法,以加强砼强度的增长和水泥水化热的释放,优先采用部优水泥。 6.4.热带风暴季节施工措施 热带风暴季节时正是结构施工的攻坚阶段,如何有效地降低热带风暴给施工带来的不利影响将直接地关系到施工工期目标的实现与施工安全的保证。 1).在此季节密切注意天气预报,及时了解到热带风暴的强度和到来时间,在热带风暴到来之前,进一步检查各种设施和安装未完的工程进行必要的加固和遮盖。 2).生产和生活区域备好排水泵,清理好排水沟及时排水。 3).接到热带风暴警报,要组织专人值班,成立抗台抢险小组,随时准备处理各种紧急 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 41 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 情况 4).热带风暴过后,要组织专门人员对各种设施、各种设备和脚手架等进行专门检查、保养和验收,确认无误后方可开工。 7.工程安全 7.1.安全施工目标:安全生产,杜绝伤亡事故的发生。 7.2.确保施工安全措施 6.2.1.建立安全保证体系 (1).建立安全施工组织机构,开展安全文明双标化管理。安全文明施工组织机构如下: 项目经理 生文明其他技安后勤产施工有关术全管理 负部门 负责负负负责责 人 人 人 责责 人人 各施工班组 (2).安全责任制度: 项目经理对整个工程安全负责,分管生产的项目副经理对安全生产负直接领导责任,具体组织实施各项安全措施和安全制度;分管技术的项目工程师负责组织安全技术措施的编制和审核、安全技术交底和安全技术教育;工地设专职安全管理人员一名,负责日常安全管理和安全监督;施工员对施工范围内的安全生产负责,贯彻落实各项安全技术措施。做到各专业人员有#岗位职责#,操作班组、班长、安全组干事以至每个工人都有安全职责。 7.2.2. 保证安全管理措施 (1).安全目标管理 确定安全施工目标:安全质量无事故。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 42 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 (2).安全 1).安全责任制度(见上) 2).三级教育制 A.对以本公司劳动人才公司招聘人员(包括特殊工种),劳动人才公司在人员调动时,必须提供个人劳动保护卡(劳动保护卡必须记有:年龄、工龄、现岗位工龄、身体状况、三级安全教育情况),对没有劳动保护卡的,项目部有权拒绝接受,项目经理部使用外包工、临时工,必须经劳动人才公司审核,办理有关进场安全教育,符合条件的持人才公司发放的临时上岗证上岗。 B.对项目部新招聘的人员,由项目部劳动部门负责,质安科配合安全教育,各专业队、班组进行本专业安全教育及入场教育,合格后,方可上岗操作,并建立劳动保护卡,对未经三级教育的人员,班组应拒绝分配工作。 3).安全例会制度: A.项目部每月组织召开一次安全会,传达上级文件精神,总结前期的安全情况,布置后一阶段的安全工作。 B.各专业施工队每周组织召开一次安全会,各施工班组每周做“三上岗、一讲评”记录 。 4).安全交底制度: A.各分部、分项工程施工前,施工员必须对操作班组进行有针对性质的安全技术交底,对外架的搭设、拆除、井架、塔吊的安装和拆除要有施工技术措施,并向操作工人进行详细交底,并亲临现场指导。 B.凡未经安全生产技术交底的,班组有权拒绝接受工作。 C.班组在接到安全技术交底时,必须组织组员认真学习并熟悉,在施工过程中,必须严格按交底要求施工,如因交底错误而发生事故,由交底者负责,如因不按交底要求操作而发生的事故,由操作者负责。 D.事故发生,项目经理应组织有关人员对事故的原因,责任分析总结事故处理坚持做到“三不放过” 原则。 5).持证上岗制度 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 43 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - A.安全管理人员必须持证上岗。 B.对特种作业人员(电工、焊工、架子工、机操工、起重工、指挥等),必须经培训考试合格后,持证上岗。 6).安全检查制度: A.建立安全生产管理网络和安全生产要素管理网络。 安全生产 事 故 班组安全操各种警示牌 安 全 处 理 作交底 宣传牌标语 检 查 特工人安全教育 场容场貌 分析教育 验 收 殊 工 种 上 岗 培管理人员安全学安全技术措训 习培训 施编制审查 五牌一图 B.本工程在施工的各个阶段,将配合安全教育,提出安全目标口号与安全施工警句,在脚手架和垂直运输设备上将其布置在醒目位置。此口号与警句能增强安全生产气氛,提高职工的安全生产意识。 C.工地每月二次全面安全检查,工段每星期进行一次定期检查,由施工员实施,每个作业班组结合上岗安全交底,每天安全上岗检查。通过安全检查活动,不断提高和加强职工的安全意识,落实各项安全制度和安全措施,并且通过检查活动本身可以发现和解决隐患。 7).安全设施验收制度: 本工程将对下列设施执行验收挂牌制度。 A.垂直运输设备(井架)。 thin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructio- 44 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 B.脚手架。 C.各种洞口、临边围栏及防护设施。 D.为作业安全、机电安全防护需要专门配置的各种设施。 7.2.3.保证安全技术措施: (1).一般安全措施 :进入工地必须戴好安全帽,上高空必须戴好安全带,高空立平面必须有安全网。 (2).安全用电措施 1). 严格执行JGJ46--88《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》。 2). 采用TN--S接零保护系统,工作零线与保护零线分开,采用五线三相制,严格三级漏电保护。 3).定期测定接地电阻、避雷电阻、电气设备绝缘电阻,确保在要求范围内。 4). 配电箱和电气设备要符合要求,布置合理,配备齐全。 5). 加强用电管理,禁止非用电操作人员动用电气设备。 (3). 脚手架安全措施 1). 承重架、外架搭设应经计算,落地应牢固可靠。 2). 外架采用全封闭、剪刀撑设置合理。 3). 钢管脚手架所有材料均应有合格证,并经检查达到要求。 4). 严格控制架上荷载,严格验收挂牌使用制度。 5). 严格搭拆程序,并设立警戒区。 6). 专人定期检查、维修,台风期间加强防范。 (4). 交叉作业与临边洞口防护安全措施 1). 落物范围内,严禁行人走动。 2). 井架等通道口按要求搭设防护棚。 3). 高空作业必须系安全带,扣好保险钩。 4). 临边及所有洞口必须按规定设防护栏杆。 (5). 机械使用安全措施 1). 机械安放稳固,有可靠的接地、接零、漏电保护装置,及防雨遮阳装置,排水畅通。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 45 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 2). 专人持证上岗作业,作业前先检查安全装置是否可靠。 3). 传动部位应有防护罩,平刨刀刃处有护手装置,压刨有回弹安全装置。 4). 手动电机电线绝缘良好,并配单独漏电保护器。 5). 各类气瓶有明显标志,并分开堆放、使用,乙炔设回火防止器。 (6). 井架安全措施 1). 井架基础埋深1m,用C15砼浇筑而成,排水良好。 2) 架体与基础连接良好,搭设时应有临时缆风绳,搭设完毕后改为有地锚的固定缆风,并与地面角度为45—60度,固定绳卡三只以上。 3) 井架垂直偏差小于1/1000,搭设牢固,井架导向滑轮与卷扬机绳筒的距离应大于卷筒长度的15倍。 4) 井架运输道必须搭设牢固,两侧必须设防护栏杆,并装安全门。 5) 吊篮的两侧装有安全挡板,高度不得低于1m,以防物件滑落。 6) 井架吊篮与每层楼面必须有醒目的信号装置、自动停层装置及最大吊重规定。 7) 井架底周围及通道必须装隔离防护棚,并有可靠的接地装署,卷扬机单独接地和设防护罩,采用安全电压控制开关及点动开关。 8) 井架三面设安全网围护,低层入口处设安全自落门和防护棚,吊蓝进出料口设安全门。 9) 钢丝绳无断股,无扭曲变形,钢丝绳排列整齐,绳筒上不少于5圈。 10) 井架设限位装置,并严禁乘人。 11) 拆除时应经交底,并按规定进行。 12) 井架使用前应检查验收挂牌后方可使用,并应定期维护。 (8) 其它主要分项工程安全措施 1) 挖土安全措施 基槽壁应放坡,基槽壁2M内不得堆土,四周设安全拦杆。 2) 模板支拆安全措施 A. 模板上下应有人接应,严禁高空抛扔。 B. 在一个部位内模板支拆均应一次性完成,不得留无撑模板、无固定模板。 n in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lo- 46 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 C. 作业时,不能在同一垂直面上有多人作业。 D. 模板拆除后及时清理堆放,应随手拨除铁钉。 3)钢筋运输安全措施 钢筋水平运输应注意与其它发生碰撞,钢筋运输一次性数量不能太多,钢筋垂直运输如太长不能使用井架。 (9)消防防火措施: 1)成立工地保卫消防领导小组,制订工程保卫方案,定期研究消防保卫工作中的总是领导现场保卫小组对消防保卫工作进行监督检查,教育现场操作人员认真执行各项消防保卫安全管理制度。 2)施工现场建立防火管理制度和措施,建立防火责任制易燃易爆物品有专人管理,配备必要的消防器材,焊割工持证上岗,木工间设禁烟牌、易燃物及时清理,确保与明火有足够的安全距离,民工宿舍严禁私拉乱接电线,严禁使用电炉等明火设备。 3)施工现场各种材料应按施工组织设计平面布置图堆放,保持通道畅通,易燃易爆物品应按规定存放并有专人管理,施工现场焊、割作业,必须办理好动火审批手续,并严格遵守焊割的操作规程。 4)施工现场木料堆放处,木工制作车间、易燃易爆物品仓库、现场木装修、油漆作业场所、焊割动火作业点均应划为防火禁烟区,在禁烟区应设明显禁烟防火安全警告标志牌,并配置合适灭火器,施工现场木工制作间,木装修部位,应在每天下班前专人负责整理打扫刨花、木屑、碎木料,不准在机具作业现场堆积。 5)专职安全人员,消防人员应经常巡回检查施工重点防火部位消防安全,及时纠正阻止违章作业,定期调换消防器材药剂,消除火险隐患,确保工程安全。 6)木工车间、材料仓库、办公室、水泥仓库、工具间等各设二只灭火机,每月检查一次药剂是否受潮中变质,小钢瓶气体压力每半年检查一次,如重量减少1/10应即换药。 7)每一楼层设置Φ50临时消防栓,向大楼供水的高压水泵可用作防火设备。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 47 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 8)乙炔瓶与氧气瓶之间的存放距离不少于2米,使用时两者的距离不少于5米。 8.文明施工 8.1.施工现场标牌: 8.1.1. 施工现场设置五牌一图: (1).工程概况牌: 1).工程设计:A.工程名称;B.工程规模;C.结构形式;D.建筑标准;E.其它工程设计内容。 2).工程施工:A.施工单位名称;B.工程施工目标:质量等级、施工工期、安全生产、文明施工;C.主要施工特点;D.其它工程施工内容。 3).责任单位名称:A.建设单位;B.设计单位;C.施工单位;D.工程监理单位。 4).主要部门名称:A.工程主管部门;B.工程质量监督部门;C.工程安全监督部门;D.文明施工监督部门;E.其他有关部门。 (2).管理人员名单、监督电话牌: 1).项目经理部管理机构 2).项目经理部管理人员名单 3).监督电话 (3).消防保卫牌: 1).消防保卫及责任网络 2).消防保卫责任须知 3).消防设备布置图示 4).消防要求和疏散通道图示 5).消防保卫记录 (4).安全生产牌:1).安全生产要求 2).安全生产活动 3).安全生产记录 (5).文明施工牌:1).文明施工要求 2).文明施工活动 3).文明施工评比记录 (6).施工现场平面图:1).施工道路 2).施工用电 3).施工用水 ve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure- 48 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 4).临时设施:生产设施(钢筋、木工、砼等车间、配电房、材料仓库);生活生产设施(办公房、门卫、厕所)。 5).堆场:工程材料、半成品、工程设备及配件、施工机械及配件。 6).排水系统:排水沟、排水坑、沉淀池。 7).主要施工机具、设备:A.垂直运输(塔吊、井架等);B.砼搅拌系统;C.砂浆机;D.其它(挖掘机等)。 8.1.2.安全标志布置 (1).标牌张挂要求标牌一律统一制作,张挂整齐,达到标牌规范。 (2).安全标语 1).安全标语必须符合现行安全法规和规定,以及地方政府的要求。 2).安全标语体现针对性,适用本工程安全需要。 3).安全标语随施工阶段的变化及时更换。 4).安全标语制作和张挂必须规范,达到鲜明、突出、警示的效果。 5).安全标语必须设负责人负责制作、审核、张挂、检查、收存等系统管理。 8.1.3.文明施工教育设施 (1).现场必须设置宣传栏、读报栏、黑板报等 (2).宣传栏、报必须及时报导文明施工先进典型,以形象地鼓励全体施工人员仿效之。 (3).宣传栏、报必须及时报导文明施工落后典型,以形象地鞭策全体施工人员提高之。 (4).宣传栏、报应体现准确、鲜明、及时的特点,以起到有效宣传教育作用。 8.2.施工现场 8.2.1.施工现场围护 (1).施工现场利用现有临近建筑物或围墙进行围护。 (2).围护必须坚固、稳定、整洁、美观、统一,在基础施工后将原围墙进行统一的粉刷,并涂刷施工标语。 8.2.2.封闭管理 (1).施工现场必须设置进出口大门。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 49 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - (2).施工现场大门设置门卫和制订门卫制度。 (3).施工现场门头设置企业标志。 (4).进入施工现场必须佩戴出入证。 8.2.3.场地处理 (1)场地地面一律做硬地坪处理。 (2)场地地面整平、无积水。 (3)场地地面设置排水沟、井和沉淀池,并备排水泵。排向指定地点,不堵 堵塞下水道,污水、废水不外流。 (4)施工道路不堆放杂物,以保持畅通。 (5)施工现场禁止吸烟。 8.2.4.材料堆放 (1)必须严格按总平面图布置堆放材料、料具。 (2)材料堆放必须设置标牌,标明材料名称、品种、规格。 (3)材料堆放必须整齐。 (4)每作业天做到工完场清。 (5)建筑垃圾集中堆放。 (6)易燃易爆器材和物品分类存放。 8.3.环境卫生措施 8.3.1.厕所设置及卫生达标。 8.3.2.淋浴室设置达标。 87.3.3.供应卫生达标的饮用水,并设茶水棚、桶。 8.4.保健急救措施 8.4.1.设置保健药箱 8.4.2.设置急救器材和措施 8.4.3.设置经过专门培训的急救人员。 8.4.4.开展卫生防病宣传和教育。 8.5.社区服务措施 8.5.1.材料机械加工采取防尘、防噪声措施。 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructiothin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the m- 50 - 大唐御苑22#-46#楼施工组织设计 8.5.2.夜间及国定假日与休息日施工事先征得有关部门、附近单位 居民的许可。 8.5.3.现场及附近禁止焚烧有毒、有害物质。 8.5.4.设置施工不扰民制度和措施。 8.5.5.施工现场除上岗操作应遵守安全生产专门规定外,一律禁止赤脚、 喇叭裤、裙子、高跟鞋。 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more impo- 51 - rtant issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and - 搅拌机 图例: 说明 塔 吊搅拌机砂浆机水泥罐 临时电缆临时水管临时围墙 临时排水管(沟)降水集水井施工电梯井 架 消火栓红 砖电 源 配电箱 thin, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for constated in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with wiis locl construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station th. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous waled depn theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embeddty and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Keecuriit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of ssupport programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation p ng andore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineeriost economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefhow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the mcorrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-of underground water non ysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structureve Chrenior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and lon in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for sructio- 52 -
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