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格林英语教你几招少儿英语教学技巧格林英语教你几招少儿英语教学技巧 一、学生上课秩序不佳,应如何处理 老师上课时,难免会有一些学生做出一些违规的事情或者是上课没精神,注意力不集中,讲小话,看漫画书等。 这时,我们老师就要采取一定的措施来避免这些现象的发生: 1、上课时老师要经常在教室内走动。 很多师上课时,总喜欢站在讲台前面,却不会注意到自己的脚步移动,当老师走动 时,学生的眼光就会跟着老师走,并且会在想老师会不会走到我身边来,这时学 生的上课注意力就会非常集中,起码不会当着老师的面做小动作。 2、眼睛多盯着有些不良习惯的学生,多给他们表现的机...
格林英语教你几招少儿英语教学技巧 一、学生上课秩序不佳,应如何处理 老师上课时,难免会有一些学生做出一些违规的事情或者是上课没精神,注意力不集中,讲小话,看漫画等。 这时,我们老师就要采取一定的措施来避免这些现象的发生: 1、上课时老师要经常在教室内走动。 很多师上课时,总喜欢站在讲台前面,却不会注意到自己的脚步移动,当老师走动 时,学生的眼光就会跟着老师走,并且会在想老师会不会走到我身边来,这时学 生的上课注意力就会非常集中,起码不会当着老师的面做小动作。 2、眼睛多盯着有些不良习惯的学生,多给他们现的机会。 让他感受到老师很在乎他,并没有因为他的不守规矩而不喜欢他,多点名叫他们起来回答问题,多给予他们一些关心和鼓励,而不是任由他们去。 3、做好充分的课程准备工作。 中国人学习英语最大障碍就是没有语言环境,因此很容易形成翻译式教学。虽然近年来倡导的全英文教学和互动式教学部分解决了这传统生硬的翻译式教学的问题,但是学生离开教室后很难对学过的单点内容形成联想和联系,知识成为一个个孤岛,一旦一段时间没有进行复the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 习便很容易忘记。有些老师上课时,部分学生会不守秩序,最后我们发现这个原因不在于学生, 而是没有准备课程的老师,上课时,因为没有准备到位,没有吸引力,学生听得无趣,所以说教师的课前准备工作的好与坏,直接关系到学生的学习兴趣和课堂的秩序管理。 二、如何加强英语学习,提升兴趣 格林国际英语链式教学法将新知识的教授过程变成是一个相互链接的虚拟语言环境,将已经学过的旧知识和未来可能要学习的新知识产生链接,并在脑海里的呈现将以图的形式存在。任何语言元素不论是单词还是语法,都不会独立存在,存在无限的关联,建立这种关联不论是对新知识的导入还是对旧知识的复习都是最佳的捷径。有效的保持了孩子的英语学习兴趣。 营造学校的英语气氛,加强孩子们对英语的学习,除了要有一定的英语课程之外,还必须要营造学校英语的视觉化、触觉化和听觉化。 老师们可以从以下这几个方面先来进行: 1、课前热身,以Chant, 歌曲,舞蹈,指令等方式活跃课堂气氛,让孩子们一开始就感受到它的乐趣所在。 2、课堂中合理运用好玩而又趣味性强,又带有些竞争意识的游戏,让孩子们在 学习的同时感受到快乐,完全地融入进来。 3、每次选一个值日生和一个小老师来监督全班的学习情况。 4、多开展一些关于英语方面的活动或竞赛,如:对话表演,演讲比赛,话剧表演,英文歌曲,分别给予一定的鼓励和物质奖励。 5、组织学生观看精彩的英语动画片,体验这种语境。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 3、如何让学生准时缴交作业 缴交作业通常都是老师很头痛的事情, 所以我们必须采取一定的方式来让自己更轻松。 1、不要布置难度较大的作业。 所以在布置作业任务的时候,我们就必须要协助学生先练习一次作业的内容。 2、给予学生充分的时间完成作业。 如果我们给予学生没有充分的时间做完作业,这时会又很多的状况发生.比方说学生迟交作业,或者是忘带了,或者是不见了等。 3、要及时和没交作业的学生进行沟通,了解原因。 4、一开始就和学生们讲清楚不交作业和迟交作业的后果。 5、多多赞美和表扬作业好的学生。 6、请班上的小老师协助和督促未完成作业的同学;基础较差,学习落后的同学, 老师更应该主动去关心和帮助。 7、批改作业时,多写些激励性的话语。 8、把作业的完成情况作为学期评估的一个标准。 4、如何让学生记住英文单词 词汇是语言的基础,很多学生因为单词记不住而失去信心。 我们不妨可以试试以下这几种: 1、告诉学生如何利用拼字与读音的关系 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 我们利用英文单词中字母本身的读音来协助单词的正确读法,例如,cat...c/k/ a/a/ /t/...便很容易的将字拼出来 这样的被单词方式真的是非常省力也非常的容易 2、了解单词的组合 英语单词当中有很多是复合字如 basketball, blackboard, eggplant 这样的单词其实是可以被拆开然后重组后变成新的单词的,这对于长一点的单词记忆是很有帮助的。 3、了解单词的意思 如果不了解单词的意思时,我们背多少的单词都是无效的学习方式. 所以如何让孩子们掌握单词的意思也是一件值得思考的事情。 下面我想和大家分享一下我曾经用到过的方法:. 单词与图像结合 将单词的意义和图像结合,利用右脑的艺术创意来记忆英语单词 这也是一个很不错的方式,例如老师说bird ,学生就会马上想到小鸟。 b.单词与自己的亲身体验相结合 I ride a bicycle.这一句英语,可以让学生梦想一下自己骑单车的时候是一件多么好玩的事情.这样的思考方式也可以加强对于单词的记忆,也可以是句型。单词与一些谐音的语意结合利用幽默感来搭起老师和学生的桥梁,老师会说:“狗在摸你” 这时学生就会大笑起来,这也是个不错的方法哦。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 浅谈低年级教学体验 低年级的孩子普遍课堂纪律意识淡薄,天性好动、爱做游戏、上课集中注意力时间短。针对这些特性,教师在授课的过程中要以肢体语言为主,多讲究互动。例如,第一次上课与学生问候,Hello、Good morning等单纯的问候很难吸引孩子的注意,因而教师可以通过教学律动或者唱儿歌的形式让学生快速记住并运用于实际。 低年级孩子好表现、好表扬、好竞争~教师可以充分运用课堂竞争机制调动学生的积极性~无论是个人竞争还是组队竞争,教师一定要让竞争形式多元化,低年级教师一定要练好简笔画,课堂上多以图片或教具为主,辅以少量的英文单词。 课堂游戏的设置也应尽可能的简单化。切忌出现复杂的游戏。High and low voice、Magic fingers、Passing down、wooden man等游戏都非常适合教学。在运用游戏时,教师一定要有着较为丰富的情表,能较快的吸引孩子的注意力,要能根据课堂表现及学生反映调动孩子的积极性。当然,切忌孩子课上吼叫。 一般来讲,低年级孩子不主张书写单词,但这个可以根据地区发展水平而定~26个字母一定要求掌握,运用字母操和字母歌都是很好的教学手段,孩子在模仿、哼唱中能较快的掌握全部字母。 低年级的老师其实就是个孩子王。喜爱孩子,乐意与孩子一起分享快乐~在教授的过程中互动性强,因而需要老师付出更多的耐心和细心。而这,对老师来说也绝对是个挑战~ the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 如何让学生养成良好的“说”的习惯 要掌握英语,得练就扎实的听、说 、读、写基本功。换言之,英语学习必须通过大量的听、说、读、写训练。可以说,英语学习的过程也是习惯养成的过程。那么该如何来培养学生良好的说的习惯呢, 一(教师应十分注意发挥“情感教育”在英语教学中的作用。古人曰:“亲其师,才能信其道。”教师 要用爱去赢得学生的亲近和信任,使师生感情双向交流,密切师生关系,形成轻松、愉悦的课堂气氛, 从而有效地帮助学生消除心理障碍,克服怕开口说英语的紧张心理,开创敢讲英语、争讲英语、爱讲英语的局面。 二.教师要精心组织教学,优化教学方法,利用一切教学媒体(图片、实物、玩具、幻灯、投影、录像 、录音、玩偶等等)创设情景,寓教于乐,让学生身置语境,有意识或无意识地开口练说,最大限度地发挥学生说英语的主动性和积极性。 三.教师在教学中要特别关注那些存在怕说、缺乏自信心的学生。要做到人人大胆开口说英语,不是一件容易的事。学生因各人的个性、性格不同,参与开口讲英语的程度也不同。学习成功是建立在学习自信心的基础上的。因此教师要帮助这些学生克服思想和心理障碍,要多给予鼓励和表扬,肯定其点滴进步,课后进行个别辅导 ,让他们在口语练习中有所得,感受到成功和欢乐,以增强其说英语的自信心,激起其说英语的内心欲望。 四.学生在讲英语时,教师不应去打断,应允许学生暂时存在某些语言错误,待讲完后,教师再指出并纠正 。这样做,不干扰学生说话the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 的思路表达,不挫伤其说话积极性,又能帮助其提高言语水平,从而养成良好的说的习惯。 浅谈课堂管理 在格林英语 从事少儿英语教学工作已经三个年头了,见识过各种类型的学生和家长,也对这一领域有了更深入的了解~ 课堂管理在实际授课中是非常重要的。我们都知道,以前在学校里读书,班主任管理几十个学生,她会选出一些班干部帮忙管理;而作为学生的我们其实是非常乐意去做这项工作;因为它让我们感觉无比的光荣。 教师上好一堂课,前期准备非常重要,但也离不开有效的课堂管理。试想一下,教师精彩的课前准备,但是课上混乱的纪律,教学效果可想而知。所以很多老师会在新学期开始前就选择一些班干部来帮助管理。我的课堂之前其实并无这出,但是在随着教学的慢慢深入,我发现其重要性。因为课堂上会不时有学生不遵守课堂纪律;不太服从教师管理等等问题。所以在接下来的每次上课前,我就开始选出本次课的组长;让学生协助教师管理。哪位学生上课不认真,组长要负责;哪位学生没能达到本次课的教学要求,组长也要负责。教师教具及教室的卫生状况,组长也要管理。而我对于组长的奖励是给他多盖一个印章(本校的奖励机制,类似于奖励sticker)。当然,我们也会有评价机制,老师会依据组长的表现来权衡是否奖励印章。有些组长表现不合格,则不会奖励,这个时候,老师要说些鼓励性话语,勉励其下次努力。引入了这项机制,让我的课堂顺畅了不少。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 作为教师,一定要学会奖惩有度。必要的批评是非常重要的。不会批评的老师只会让自己管理班级越来越难;严格点,没关系,有些学生就是欺软怕硬。我们的出发点都是为了学生,为了他们更好的提升。 当然,每个教师都会有自己更好的课堂管理方法,欢迎大家一起来分享。 如何正确的使用游戏 在少儿英语教学中, 游戏这个环节是必不可少的,那么我们该玩些什么游戏,什么时段能够玩游戏,游戏时我们该注意些什么,这些都是我们作为教师应该需要考虑的。 首先是游戏的选择,我们要因人而异,对于低年级的学生,培养兴趣才是关键的,那么教师在选择游戏时就可以选择一些运动幅度比较大的游戏,例如“golden touch”“turn around”等等。调动孩子们情绪,让他们感受学英语的兴趣与乐趣,兴趣有了,孩子学好英语也就不难了。而对于高年级的学生,他们已经有了一定的英语基础,玩游戏对他们只是一个巩固的环节,这时教师可以选择难度相对较大的游戏,激起他们的挑战欲,一旦他们成功的完成任务,他们会觉得有较大的成就感,兴趣也会加强。所以教师在选择游戏的时候一定要慎重。 其次就是游戏的时段。是不是我们一开始上课就要玩游戏,或者整堂课我们都在游戏中度过,这两种都是不可取的,我们游戏的目的是帮助学生巩固已经学习的内容,或者是在他们学习一段时间后,注意力开始分散,通过游戏帮助他们集中注意力的。学生一the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 般在第一节课的时候情绪比较高昂,教师可以趁着这个黄金时段教授新知识,学生的掌握的情况也会比较好。第二节课的时候,学生的注意力开始慢慢分散,教师就可以多玩些游戏,一来巩固上节课的,二来可以转移学生的注意力,认为他们不是在学英语,而是课堂之外,其实他们在玩的过程中,又学到了知识。一举两得,何乐不为, 接着就是游戏该注意的事项。 (1) 游戏前的准备 教师一定要在游戏之前将所需要的道具和场地准备齐全,不要等到游戏要开始时才匆匆准备或草草应付,那样的游戏肯定是失败的,学生的情绪也会受到影响,这样的游戏会适得其反。 (2)教师的评价 学生参与游戏的目之一是想玩,觉得有趣,其次便是想表现自己,将自己所学的展示给同学和老师看,想得到大家的认可,每个人都有求胜欲,孩子们也不例外,所以在游戏结束时,教师要给予客观、公正的评价,不能是单一的“good”“wonderful”你可以根据孩子的表现给予正确的评价 “you have done better, but I think you can do the best”,更不要含糊其辞,孩子们都好胜,一定要在他们中间分出胜负,赢得给与赞扬,稍弱的一方给予鼓励。 (3)游戏要多样性 俗话说“把戏不可久玩”。任何好玩的东西,玩久了都会没有the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 新鲜感,所以这就要求教师不断的更新游戏,丰富游戏的种类,让学生有新鲜感。游戏从何而来, 很多渠道都是我们获取游戏的资源,例如,你可以从网络上搜索,也可以从学生他们平时所玩的游戏中改编,更有甚者你还能从综艺节目中获取灵感,等等。 以上便是我对如何正确使用游戏的一点点小感悟。 最近抽些时间到格林的其他分校听了不少老师的英语课,从他们的实际课堂,结合自己教学的经验,简单谈谈英语教学的课堂掌控。 小学生天性活泼、好动。要想一节课45分钟乖乖地认真坐下来听课并不容易,这个就要求授课教师必须做好充分的准备,能上出精彩的吸引眼球的课。 很多学生上过几次课后慢慢的显露了自己的本性,课上越来越好动、越来越喜欢开小差,越来越不听老师的话,有的还喜欢随意在课上走动,严重影响课堂纪律。作为教师,必须有一套管理学生的方式,尤其是在课上。当然,每位教师的掌控方式不同,这里罗列的都是一些常用的方法~ 首先,教师在学生面前必须树立一定的威信,尤其是在课堂上~绝对不能允许学生大声喧哗、随意走动等扰乱课堂纪律等行为,教师一定要明白—保证不了纪律就保证不了质量。 其次,为了更好的调动学生的积极性,很多教师都会在课上设置一些竞争机制,这个是很好的,学生普遍拥有好胜的心理特征,教师the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 在课上可以将这点无限放大,充分调动学生的竞争意识,真正做到课堂教学活而不乱~ 当然,班级管理的条条框框不可避免,但是,这个必须是全民公决,大家一致同意过的。全班学生都做到了参与,他们自然也就会好好遵守啦~另外,教师一定要在班上选择一些小帮手,帮助自己做好班级的掌控。学生管学生,有时候可能效果比老师管学生更好。在整个课堂教学及班级掌控中,教师一定要做到奖大于惩,以表扬、鼓励为主。 课上一些好的方法能帮助教师更好的教学,也能让新老师更快的上手。大家在实践中可能还会出现更好的方法,也欢迎一起来分享~ the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were
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