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美国文学艾米丽迪金森课件nullnullnull Emily Dickinson is a famous 19th century American poetess . Her idiosyncratic(不同寻常的), unprecedented expressive way of poetic image established her a high position as the first American modern poet. 迪金森是19世纪美国著名女诗人,她极具个性特征,超前的诗歌意象 表现手法确立了她 作为美国第一个 现代派...
nullnullnull Emily Dickinson is a famous 19th century American poetess . Her idiosyncratic(不同寻常的), unprecedented expressive way of poetic image established her a high position as the first American modern poet. 迪金森是19世纪美国著名女诗人,她极具个性特征,超前的诗歌意象 表现手法确立了她 作为美国第一个 现代派诗人的崇高地位。null Born in 1830 in Amherst(阿默斯特), Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson led a privileged life with a financially comfortable and well-respected family in a deeply Calvinist(加尔文主义的) New England community .The Dickinson’s family hosted many important visitors , including the famed essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emily Dickinson had numerous correspondents and attended both Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (圣约克女子学院). For most of her life , the poet spent much of her time secluded(隐居的)within her family’s home, writing pomes and helping to run the household. 人生的56年极少离开阿默斯特镇,自23岁便几乎完全闭门谢客,终身未嫁,可能是受到一次不开心的爱情影响,但主要因为自身的性格及想与外界隔离的渴望。然而迪金森有极丰富的内心世界,每天料理家务,爱好园艺,并通过信与多位朋友保持联系。nullA prominent lawyer and politician( Representative to Congress)Same as their father’s careerBecame ill when Emily was 25Focus of attention and shows interest in Emily ‘s poemsClose friend,though they share different nature“父亲的真实人生常常与 我发生冲突。”Grave and sternThe HomesteadThe Homestead Emily Dickinson lived with her unmarried sister Lavinia in an elegant house called The Homestead(霍姆斯特德).Repainted HomesteadRepainted HomesteadnullIntimate friend since childhoodA young lawyer who improved her literary and cultural tastesInfluenced her ideas on religion “A friend, who taught me Immortality(永生).” A married minister Intellectual challenge Contact with the outside world (Affection for him) Discuss her work Intelligent ,sympathetic criticClose friend, nearly 100 lettersEdit and publish the first volumes of her poemsDickinson’s RoomDickinson’s Roomnull As a woman poet , Dickinson has been portrayed as singular(奇异的) and enigmatic and even eccentric , a young woman in white , in the Upper rooms of her home . Her poems speak most noticeably of “the Heaven of God ,” “the starkest Madness ” or the “infinite” rather than the worldly events. At the same time , Dickinson is widely acknowledged as an innovative pre-modernist poet as well as a rebellious and courageous woman. 迪金森的诗谜一般充满奇思妙想,展现出非凡的创造力与想象力。她的作品受到17世纪英格兰玄学派诗人的影响,同时带有清教的家庭背景的烙印。虽然她不相信家庭的传统宗教,但她研究了圣经,许多诗歌在形式上也类似圣经。她对破折号的热爱,不规则的韵律和韵脚,超乎寻常的比喻使她当之无愧地成为19世纪美国文坛最具创新意识的诗人。null 烤面包,这件事是无中生有的过程,就像诗人写出一首诗一样,但它们之间又略有不同,因为如果我的想象力太过复杂,面团可能会糊掉。 如果我在心中发现宝贵的意象,我就会将它们用手捏出来。 许多人都将生命托付给神,我却将我的生命托付给诗。 我们的灵魂是否有更大的视野呢?我们是突发大火的一部分吗?或者我们不过是这场火焰中,无助的目击者罢了。 我的诗讨论的是生命的本质。可是一个人不可能安全地面对一首诗,像面对准备好的晚餐,等着你的朋友到来一样。灵魂唱的歌是无法预期的。突然的火焰是神圣的危险,开始与结束都是欢乐。 我必须努力完成我的诗,要不然我会一点一点慢慢消失。 我从未停止好奇,为什么我是我,而不是一只伯劳鸟?我们会活着就足够令人惊讶的了。 (1867-1868)null 我在房里的花园找到平静。我的花是大自然的使者,伴随着我的笔头,一直到我的心,它们动的更快了。 这屋子是这么安静,以至于我的想法比平时更大声。我打开自己的心,让它逃到纸页上。 但自然喜欢背叛。冬天从未准备轻易地撤退,而陷阱又重新回来了。三月不可信任。星期五那天雪又回来了。 没有一个舞台能让我饰演自己的戏,但思想本身就是自己的舞台,也定义着自己的存在。 但是我有我的世界可以说话,所以我用信件来表达自己的爱。我从不打算寄出去,就让纸页吸收我的痛就好。 我不会有肉体的子嗣,但我有神圣的安慰。上帝给了我一种不同的繁衍方式。我的小孩来自于我的心灵,我永远的子嗣,我灵魂的狂喜。我欢迎这快乐的阵痛,让诗与创造者分离。 (1867-1868)nullDo you think that a woman who just stayed at home , hardly ever saw anyone, and only published 7 poems during her lifetime could be a great poet and composed first-class poetry? Well, as a ‘recluse’ poetess (隐逸诗人), Emily Dickinson proved that the answer is yes. nullShe thought that poetry should be powerful and touching. The inspiration of the poet came from his inner world or intensity of his emotions and the past literary traditions and the noble heroes. Like Emerson, she thought that only the real poet could understand the world. Truth, virtue and beauty are all the one thing. The most dignified beauty was embodied by the active, affirmative dignity. Poetry should express ideas through concrete(具体的,有形的) images. It was the poet’s duty to express abstract ideas through vivid and fresh imagery. She was against the restriction of the traditional doctrines(信条) and argued for the depiction of one’s inner world. On PoetrynullDickinson often brought dazzling originality to her topics. Life Love Nature Death and Mourning Time and Eternity Religion and Faith Isolation and Depression Poetry and LanguagenullOn NatureDickinson observed nature closely and described it vividly but never with the feeling of being lost in it, or altogether part of it, nor was she surprised when its creatures also kept their distance. 狄金森的自然诗既体现着宁静,又是深邃观察的产物。狄金森诗中的自然意象是诗人创作灵感的源泉,同时诗人也借自己的诗表达了对大自然的热爱,对知识的追求和对打破世俗的渴望。 她的全部诗歌的创作几乎都可以看作是她对“自然之迷”的推敲和猜测。 清教主义和超验主义是狄金森思想的两块基石,也是十九世纪的两大思想主流。 自然和人是上帝的创造物,自然的灵性是上帝所在的反映,超验主义继承了清教的这一观点,却又对其加以改造,强调人要靠自己的直觉去与上帝交流,并认识世界,这样就强调了个体的重要性。 On DeathOn DeathShe wrote about nearly 600 poems on death. It reveals ultimate truth or reality . Death is personified in many guises in her poems, ranging from a suitor to a tyrant. 在她的笔下,死亡是一个多面体,有时是一位彬彬有礼的绅士,有时是一位残酷的暴君,有时是一次天堂中的旅行,有时是心灵与尘土的对话。狄金森笔下的死亡代表着痛苦,代表着欢乐,死亡是彻底的人魂俱灭,死亡也意味着永生,死亡并不是可怕的。 狄金森诗歌的死亡意象表达了作者的生死观,向人们提供了人死后的种种可能,激发了人们去探索“死亡”和“永恒”这一庄严的主题。 null Her attitude toward immortality was contradictory. It is clear always that for Dickinson life and consciousness are inseparable. To be transmuted into grass or transcendentally made one with the ocean or the over-soul are as irrelevant and meaningless to this individualist as the idea would have been to her puritan ancestors. 独特的宗教悖论观 迪金森探求灵魂在世间的永久栖息地,但由于感情的受挫,对清教徒教义的质疑,她拒绝钵依基督教,因为她不想为了一个莫须有的天堂,同上帝做交易,所以她的诗歌将现实的居所当作她一个的天堂和乐园。 但是这似乎给她的内心带来极大的折磨,坚持自我成了她个人的战斗。圣经的故事、天堂和上帝的字眼频频出现在她的诗中,展现了她尽力的抵制宗教的影响和她挣扎痛苦的心境。 生活中她拒绝并从未进入教堂,反对形式主义的宗教教义。On DeathnullHer poems run the gamut(整个范围) from renunciation(抛弃,脱离关系) to professions of (表白)love to sexual passion. Eg: Wild nights!Wild nights! Were I with thee 当我和你在一起 Wild nights should be 这暴风雨夜就是我们 Our luxury! 最大的奢侈! On love The inner world The inner worldindividual consciousness Eg. I felt a funeral in my brain,     And mourners, to and fro, Kept treading, treading, till it seemed         That sense was breaking through. nullI’m Nobody!I’m Nobody!I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you-Nobody-too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! they'd banish us -you know! 我是无名之辈,你是谁? 你,也是,无名之辈? 这就有了我们一对!可是别声张! 你知道,他们会大肆张扬! Poems Apprehension I’m Nobody!I’m Nobody!How dreary-to be-Somebody! How public-like a Frog- To tell your name-the livelong June To an admiring Bog! 做个,显要人物,好不无聊! 像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼—— 在整个六月,把个人的姓名 聒噪——何等招摇!(江枫译)null This poem is Dickinson’s most famous and most defense of the kind of spiritual privacy she favored, implying that to be a Nobody is a luxury incomprehensible to a dreary somebody—for they are too busy keeping their names in circulation(从事社交活动中). The poem‘s first stanza tells how the speaker meets a fellow “nobody” — a friend. Together, the two nobodies can enjoy each other‘s company and their shared anonymity. In the second stanza, the tone of the poem changes. The speaker sounds confident. Perhaps it is her discovery that there are other people like her — other "nobodies"-- that makes her feels strongly that being a "somebody" isn't such a great idea. But to be somebody is not as fancy as it seems to be. I Died For Beauty But Was ScarceI Died For Beauty But Was ScarceI died for beauty but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room. He questioned softly why I failed? "For beauty," I replied. "And I for truth, the two are one; We brethren are," he said. And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names. 殉美/ 我为美死去殉美/ 我为美死去我为美死去,但是还不曾   安息在我的墓里, 又有个为真理而死去的人   来躺在我的隔壁。 他悄悄地问我为何以身殉?   “为了美,”我说。 “而我为真理,两者不分家;   我们是兄弟两个。” 于是象亲戚在夜间相遇,   我们便隔墙谈天, 直到青苔爬到了唇际,   将我们的名字遮掩。 null A major American poet of the 19th century, she has the most creative and profound observation on the nature , universe and life. In her poems , she spares no effort to describe the mysterious but harmonious universe. 迪金森具有对自然、宇宙、人生最具独创、最具深奥的观察力,她 以自己的灵魂书写出 一个神秘而和谐的 宇宙世界。Her GraveHer Gravenullnull
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