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铝扣板吊顶施工方案(1)铝扣板吊顶施工方案(1) 河南省沁河河口村水库 第一批主体工程项目ZT2标段 ,合同编号:HKCSK-ZTSG-02 , 大、小电站主厂房吊顶方案 批准: 审核: 编制: 中国水利水电第十工程局有限公司 河南省河口村水库ZT2标工程项目部 二零一五年五月十七日 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, l...
铝扣板吊顶施工(1) 河南省沁河河口村水库 第一批主体工程项目ZT2标段 ,编号:HKCSK-ZTSG-02 , 大、小电站主厂房吊顶方案 批准: 审核: 编制: 中国水利水电第十工程局有限公司 河南省河口村水库ZT2标工程项目部 二零一五年五月十七日 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 一、工程概况 河口村水库大电站主厂房吊顶面积为28.92*13.0=376.0?;小电站主厂房吊顶平面面积为27.02*9.9=267.5?(但由于小电站顶棚受到桥机影响,吊顶需要根据屋面网架的结构形式弯折,吊顶非平面形式)。 二、编制依据 1、《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》(GB50210-2001) 2、《建筑工程施工质量验收统一》(GB50300-2001) 3、《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50205-2001) 4、大、小电站厂房照明平面布置图(ZT2-D1ZM-02、03) 三、施工方案 1、施工安排 由于厂房机电设备安装正在进行,桥式起重机经常运行行走,厂房内设备、材料堆放较多,空间狭窄,不利于搭建施工脚手架。根据我方施工进度,计划于5月20开始进行吊顶施工,于6月10号前完成大小电站的吊顶施工,工期计划20天。 其中先进行小电站吊顶施工,主要采用从地面搭设脚手架至顶棚,分块进行吊顶施工,主要分安装间、主机间、旁通阀室三块。 小电站吊顶施工完成后进行大电站吊顶施工。大电站吊顶施工主要采用:在桥式起重机上搭设脚手架,利用桥式其中及的移动进行吊顶施工,从而减小由地面搭设脚手架的工程量,缩短施工周期。 2、施工措施方案 1.1、施工材料: 主要采用穿孔铝天花吊顶,铝天花规格为600*1200;辅料采用Φ8镀锌钢丝吊杆,38#轻钢镀锌主龙骨,配大号三角龙骨为副龙骨。 1.2、工艺流程 弹吊顶标高水平线?划龙骨分档线?安装龙骨吊杆?安装主龙骨?安装三角龙骨,再装铝扣板。 1)弹吊顶标高水平线: 根据吊顶标高水平线,采用激光水平仪沿墙、柱四周弹吊顶标高水平线。 2)划分龙骨分档线: 按照设计要求的龙骨间距,在弹好的吊顶标高水平线上划分龙骨分档线。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 3)安装主龙骨吊杆: 弹好吊顶标高水平线及龙骨分档位置后,确定吊杆下端头的标高,按照主龙骨位置及吊挂间距,将吊杆安装在顶棚钢网架上。吊杆直接焊接在屋顶钢网架上,(或采用钢网架专用吊杆,卡扣在钢网架上),吊杆间距:横、纵向均为1200mm。 4)安装主龙骨: 将组装好吊挂件的主龙骨按分档线位置使吊挂件传入相应的吊杆螺栓,拧好螺母。主龙骨相接处安装好连接件,拉线调整标高和平直。边龙骨采用自攻钉固定,间距50cm。龙骨要做到横平竖直,在做有造型龙骨时,线条流畅,缝隙均匀,垂直平行。制作龙骨时应注意灯具位置,灯孔处不得有龙骨,吊顶及吸顶灯处应单独进行加固。重量大于3公斤的灯具不得与吊顶龙骨连接,应另设吊钩。龙骨间距为1200mm。 5)安装副龙骨和铝扣板: 主龙骨校平后,用专用挂件把三角龙骨挂好。然后再安装铝扣板。 见下图铝扣板吊顶安装示意图: 四、进度安排 根据工程实际情况,小电站施工需从地面搭设脚手架至顶棚,由于小电站地面坑洞、配电柜、发电机组等障碍物较多,对施工脚手架的搭设和移动构成困难,脚手架的搭设和拆除频次高,耽搁时间较长,计划完成小电站主厂房吊灯施工用时15天;大电站施工计划采用主厂房行车作为施工平台搭建脚手架,利用行车的移动进行吊顶的施工,计划用时10天。 五、资源配置 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 1、施工机械设备 根据现场实际情况,用于该工程的主要机械设备有: 序号 名称 型号及规格 单位 数量 备注 1 全站仪 莱卡 台 1 2 水准仪 台 1 3 激光水平仪 台 2 4 玻璃胶枪 个 2 把 2 5 电锤 套 30 6 脚手架 7 钢管 3米 根 40 6米 根 30 8 钢管 9 电焊机 BX1-400 台 4 2、施工人员 根据现场实际情况和施工计划安排,投入的该工程的人员有: 序号 工种类别 单位 数量 备注 1 工程师 人 2 2 技术员 人 2 3 安全员 人 1 4 质检 人 2 5 测量 人 1 6 电工 人 1 7 电焊工 人 1 8 技术工人 人 8 9 合计 18 六、质量保障措施 1、严格质量管理体系 (1)、加强领导,落实质量责任,使每位参加施工的人员都明确各自的职责和义务,强调“谁主管,谁负责质量”,“谁管施工,谁负责质量”的原则。 (2)、严格执行班组自检,施工队复检,质检部终检的三级检查验收制度,严格工序交接。 (3)、开工前必须对参加施工的人员进行技术交底,明确施工和质量要求,严of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 格按设计图纸施工,按规范要求施工。 (4)、做好进场材料的验收管理,确保使用合格材料,无出厂合格证或无试验报告的材料,禁止使用。 (5)、 施工技术人员要深入现场,加强全过程控制及时发现问题并解决问题。 (6)、严格工程技术文件管理,记录要齐全,整理及时,数据准确,以保证施工组织有条不紊,工序交接不漏。 (7)、质量与经济挂钩,严格行使质量否决权,做到奖惩分明。 2、明确质量标准 (1)、吊顶标高、尺寸、起拱和造型应符合设计要求。 (2)吊杆、龙骨及饰面材料的材质、品种、规格、图案和颜色应符合设计要求,对产品合格证、性能检测报告进行验收和复检,吊杆及龙骨的防腐、防火处理应满足规范要求。 (3)吊杆、龙骨的接缝应均匀一致,角缝应吻合,表面应平整、无翘曲、锤印。 (4)饰面板上的灯具、烟感器、喷淋头、风口篦子等设备的位置应合理、美观,与饰面板的交接应吻合、严密。 )暗龙骨吊顶工程安装的允许偏差和检验方法应符合下表规定: (5 允许偏差(mm) 项次 项目 检验方法 纸面 木板、塑料金属板 矿棉板 石膏板 板、格栅 用2m靠尺和塞尺检1 表面平整度 3 2 2 2 验检查 拉5m线,不足5m拉2 接缝直线度 3 1.5 3 3 通线,用钢直尺检查 用钢直尺和塞尺检查 3 接缝高低差 1 1 1.5 1 七、安全文明施工保障措施 (1)成立安全文明施工管理小组 组长项目经理担任,副组长由总工担任,成员由安全科负责人、安全员、施工班组长组成。 (2)、加强领导,落实质量责任,使每位参加施工的人员都明确各自的职责和义务,强调“ (3)、全员树立“安全第一、预防为主”的思想意识,施工人员进入现场前必须进of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 行安全教育和安全技术交底,进入施工现场人员个人防护用品配备齐全,并正确佩带。 (4)、特殊工种作业人员应持证上岗,严禁无证人员违规作业。 (5)、现场施工道路应保持畅通、清洁,路口设置明显的交通指示标志,路边不得堆放材料、设备,以免妨碍车辆行驶。 (6)、现场施工用电的配置及其它带电机械、工器具的用电检修、维护需专业电工操作,电工需持证上岗。 (7)、施工机械操作人员必须严格按操作规程进行操作,不得违章操作。 (8)、夜间施工需有充足照明,照明灯具、线严禁直接搭设在脚手架上。 (9)、施工场地应平整、干净、无积水、排水沟无堵塞,场地用硬化砼场地。 (10)、建筑、安装材料,周转性材料,施工机具设备,建筑构件等物品应按平面布置规定,定点整齐堆放或排放。 (11)、做好防盗窃和防火措施,设置防火设备。 (12)、作业面和作业场所应做到“工完、料尽、场地清”。剩余材料、工序成品要堆放整齐,废料及时清理撤出、场地清洁、施工通道畅通。 八、附件 附件1:大电站吊顶效果图 附件2:小电站吊顶效果图 附件3:大电站吊顶空间距离示意图 附件4:大电站吊顶灯具布置示意图 附件5:小电站吊顶空间距离示意图 附件6:小电站吊顶灯具布置示意图 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 附件1 大电站吊顶效果图 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 附件2 小电站吊顶效果图 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with
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