

2017-09-30 9页 doc 33KB 55阅读




社保PK商业保险社保PK商业保险 世界上有两种人可以不要保险,一种是特别有钱的人,另一种是没有风险意识的人。 在展业的时候,常常听见职工很自豪的说:我们单位给我们都参保了,所以不需要你的保险了。果真像她说的"不需要"商业保险了吗,社保,就是每个单位为职工参保的社会保险,俗称"三金"、"五金",即:社会医疗金、养老金、失业金、工伤金、生育金等。现如今一般企业给职工保的是"三金"。 我这里要介绍的是商业保险,而不是社保。那么,商保和社保到底是怎么回事, 有一个比喻:在寒冷的冬季,屋外是冰天雪地,屋里面有火热炉子。在屋里面,我们是不是只要穿一...
社保PK商业保险 世界上有两种人可以不要保险,一种是特别有钱的人,另一种是没有风险意识的人。 在展业的时候,常常听见职工很自豪的说:我们单位给我们都参保了,所以不需要你的保险了。果真像她说的"不需要"商业保险了吗,社保,就是每个单位为职工参保的社会保险,俗称"三金"、"五金",即:社会医疗金、养老金、失业金、工伤金、生育金等。现如今一般企业给职工保的是"三金"。 我这里要介绍的是商业保险,而不是社保。那么,商保和社保到底是怎么回事, 有一个比喻:在寒冷的冬季,屋外是冰天雪地,屋里面有火热炉子。在屋里面,我们是不是只要穿一件羊毛衫就够了,但如果你要出门到外面冰天雪地的世界去,是否应该穿一件大衣,我说,社保,就相当于那件羊毛衫,维持最低的保障,而我们的商业保险就相当于那件遮风挡雨的大衣,是必不可少的生活质量的保障。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 一般来说,单位给每个员工保的是社保,有一些单位还给职工保了意外伤害保险,仅此而已。而对于威胁人类最大的疾病:重大疾病,单位不会为每个职工保的,更别说养老分红的保险了。 用社保看病,有很多的药不能报销,一定是在社保范围内的药才可报销,而且,社保的资金不是马上划到你的帐上的;而商业保险就不一样,只要医院确诊,资金马上到帐,而且随便你用什么药都可以。比如一个重病人,要打针才能好,这里有两个针剂,一个是社保不报销的,只要一针就好了,另一个是社保报销的,要打五针才好,你说病人自己希望打哪一针,进口针剂社保不报销,那么,没有买保险的人只好受那五针之苦了。 具体来说,社保养老的缴纳比例是职工工资总额的28%,这其中,单位补贴20%,而职工自负8%,每个月从工资上面扣除;而这8%当中,真正到最后打到个人医疗帐户上面,只有3%左右,而剩下自负的5%和单位负担的20%则都是社会统筹了,就是说用在别人身上了;再说社保医疗这一块,现在每个月从工资上面扣除医疗金118元左右,一年扣下来就是1416元,而这其中只有400元是在每年的4月份由社保局打在职工参保的社保医疗卡上,作为每年的门诊医疗费用,如ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 果超额,则自己负担,没有超额,则可以留在以后年度。那么,工资上面每年扣下来1416元,去掉那400元,还有1016元哪里去了,统筹了。再说住院医疗,现在如果住院,医院里面会先收押金2000元,那么,这2000元中,800元是要自负的,还有1200元可以在社保那里报销,按照实际的操作水平,外国进口药和非社保药都不报销,那么实际用下来,据统计,能够报销的比例在55%--60%左右已经是很好了,那么,就是说,那1200元一般在社保可以报销600元左右,这样一来,800元,600元=1400元 还是要自己负担的。因此,仅参加社保,还是很不够的,还要自己负担很多的医疗费用,只能是最低最基本的保障。 那么,在参加社保的情况下,我们必要参加一些商业保险,作为补充。因为社保每年的缴纳数目不是确定的,有增长的趋势,而且,到最后自己真正能有多少的利益得到是很难计算出来的;而商业保险一旦签订保单,则缴纳的数字一直是固定的,不会年年增长,最后的利益是可以看得到的。作为社保的补充,商业保险可以为您的今后生活锦上添花,到老了可以安度晚年,保障您的生活质量,您可以用我们的一大笔养老金旅游,可以享受高额的医疗保障,更可以给后代留下一笔可观的免税遗产。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 在报上常看到某某需要献爱心,需要社会的捐助,很多是没有买大病医疗保险的,社会救助是有限的,还是要靠自己。再说了,好工作今后是否能一直维持下去,万一工作单位换了,没有以前那么好的保障了,该怎么办,如果自己买了保险,我可以走到哪里都不用担心我的保障问题,现在就行动吧,为自己、为家人的健康,买一份保障吧~ 法规规定企业为员工缴纳三金:养老保险金、医疗保险金、住房公积金。 不过一般企业为我们交的三金: 医疗保险金、失业保险金、养老保险金。 如果是“四金”或“三险一金”:医疗保险金、失业保险金、养老保险金,和住房公积金。 还有“四险一金”指的是: 医疗保险金、失业保险金、养老保险金、工伤保险金,和住房公积金。 女性还要加上生育保险金,就是“五险一金”。 “五险一金”讲的是五种保险,包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险; “一金”指的是住房公积金。 其中养老保险、医疗保险和失业保险,这三种险是由企业和个人共同缴纳的保费,工伤保险和生ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 育保险完全是由企业承担的。个人不需要缴纳。这里 要注意的是“五险”是法定的,而“一金”不是法定的。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain
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