

2017-09-01 15页 doc 129KB 85阅读




新鲜柠檬的吃法和用法新鲜柠檬的吃法和用法 新鲜柠檬的吃法和用法: ?挑选柠檬 好吃的柠檬的颜色均匀,富有弹性,表面乎滑、富有光泽。柠檬树在种植5年以上后,就可以结出光滑、美味的果实。刚种植不久的柠檬树所结出的果实坚硬而粗糙,果实本身也有很多白色的部分,果肉很少。只要用手触摸一下,就可以马上知道,所以,在挑选时,可以用手摸一下,确认一下触感。另外,蒂的下方呈绿色时,代表柠檬很新鲜。拿在手上,感觉沉重时,代表果汁约含量十分丰富。挑选柠檬时,可以选择皮薄的柠檬。 ?功效: 含有丰富维他命C的柠檬,具有高度咸性,被认为是很好的治疗所有疾病的药,...
新鲜柠檬的吃法和用法 新鲜柠檬的吃法和用法: ?挑选柠檬 好吃的柠檬的颜色均匀,富有弹性,表面乎滑、富有光泽。柠檬树在种植5年以上后,就可以结出光滑、美味的果实。刚种植不久的柠檬树所结出的果实坚硬而粗糙,果实本身也有很多白色的部分,果肉很少。只要用手触摸一下,就可以马上知道,所以,在挑选时,可以用手摸一下,确认一下触感。另外,蒂的下方呈绿色时,代表柠檬很新鲜。拿在手上,感觉沉重时,代表果汁约含量十分丰富。挑选柠檬时,可以选择皮薄的柠檬。 ?功效: 含有丰富维他命C的柠檬,具有高度咸性,被认为是很好的治疗所有疾病的药,止咳、化痰、生津健脾。且对於人体的血液循环以及钙质的吸引有相当大的助益,其丰富的维他命C,不但能够预防癌症、降低胆固醇、排除肾毒、解决便秘之苦、食物中毒,消除疲劳,增加免疫力,延缓老化,保持肌肤弹性,并且克服糖尿病、高血压、贫血、感冒、骨质疏松症等等。亦有美白肌肤的作用。 ?如何挤出更多柠檬汁:柠檬放在温水中浸泡或用微波炉加热30秒 ?如何保存未使用完的柠檬汁:未切——用塑胶袋包装,放置冰箱冷藏;已切——用保鲜膜一颗颗包好,放置冰箱冷藏 ?柠檬——吃: 1、新鲜柠檬切片泡水很好喝,但有一点要注意,就是只能用凉开水浸泡,热水会令其发苦发涩。注意放入的量,一个凉水瓶入一片就够了,最多厚点,不然就苦了。这样消灭柠檬就是太慢了点。 2、每次将一个柠檬去皮去籽切块放入榨汁机,依个人口味放入三汤匙蜂蜜(那种韩国人喝汤用的铁勺),加入1升水,榨汁即可。充足维生素C,加蜂蜜润肺美容,功效不错,味道很佳。 3、将柠檬汁和一汤匙蜂蜜加入热水中,每天随时喝上几口,能起到润喉的作用 4、切一片和红茶泡一起喝。柠檬红茶 5、放在酒中喝。 6、切片放在可乐中喝。不能放在雪碧中喝,因为雪碧就是棕檬水。 7、柠檬皮切成一片一片可以用来做菜当香料,炒菜时放点吃吃 8、柠檬也能祛痰,且祛痰功效比橙和柑还要强。将柠檬汁加暖水和盐,饮之可将喉咙积聚的浓痰顺利咳出,十分灵验。感冒初起时,不妨用柠檬加蜜糖冲水饮,可以纾缓喉痛、减少喉咙干涸不适。 9、榨干了的柠檬皮也有很多的用处,泡水冲凉只是其中一种,还有一种方法可以用于洗脸,将半个柠檬皮泡在适量水中,凉热均可,泡一晚上,第二天拿它洗脸,此时的柠檬皮已经泡软泡出油来,酸性也已经稀释,不刺激了,挤一挤就粘escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review 粘的,用其洗脸,脸部皮肤立刻就滑了,而且感觉很舒服,其效果什么名牌的洗面奶也比不上。就是麻烦了一点。 10、腌制柠檬 原料:柠檬几个,找个干净的玻璃瓶,有盖的可以密封的,白糖一袋 柠檬洗净擦干——玻璃瓶洗净晾干——柠檬切片——放一片柠檬铺一层糖的摆在玻璃瓶里,糖可以多一点,好吃——密封一个星期,腌制在吃的时候用筷子拿出几片用温开水冲泡,也可以把泡好的柠檬片放到可乐里面也是很美味的 11、柠檬茶的做法 材料:柠檬,蜂蜜,密封瓶。 随做随吃,每次不要做太多,柠檬在超市里常年有的卖,每次用两个柠檬。瓶子也可以用普通的蜂蜜瓶子,只要盖子密封好,倒过来不漏就行。 柠檬切成薄片——然后加满蜂蜜,将柠檬片完全淹没——加入蜂蜜后,柠檬片会漂浮起来,总有一点儿露在外面,可以拧紧盖子把瓶子来回颠倒几次,没有气泡了就倒着放在冰箱里,一夜就好——可以用温水冲着喝,别看只用一两片,但可以反复冲泡多次,味道很浓。 12、柠檬苹果苏打汁 主材料:苹果1/2个、柠檬1/2个、碳酸水2/3杯 副材料:蜂蜜1小茶匙、冰片1~2片、樱桃1个 苹果去皮与芯,柠檬去皮,两者放进压榨器中榨汁——然加入蜂蜜混匀,再倒入碳酸水,注入放冰的杯中——然可以加一颗美丽诱人的樱桃装饰。 备注:低热量的水果中,混以碳酸水增加水分,可赋予饱腹感。柠檬与苹果所含的维生素C的酸味,香气舒爽。可随各人喜好加一点甜料。 柠檬的几种吃法: 1、生食。将柠檬鲜果洗净,直接食用。 2、糖渍。将柠檬鲜果洗净切成片,按0.5公斤柠檬加1公斤白糖,用陶罐或玻璃瓶渍放3-4天,即可兑凉开水饮用。 3、饮用。将鲜柠檬片2-3片,用茶杯兑开水,当茶饮用,清新爽口。为常见的柠檬茶饮方法。 4、做菜。 柠檬牛肉 材料:牛肉4两,青椒粒、洋葱粒各2汤匙,柠檬1只。 腌料;生抽1.5茶匙,柠檬茸2/1茶匙,生粉1.5茶匙. 调味:柠檬汁4/1杯,糖4/3汤匙,盐8/1茶匙,水2汤匙,生粉水适量. 做法: escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review (一)牛肉切成薄片,放入腌料拌匀,泡油后滤干油份上碟. (二)柠檬皮磨茸2/1茶匙,切丝约1汤匙.将柠檬肉榨汁约4/1杯,混合调味料待 用. (三)用2/1汤匙油将洋葱爆香加入青椒粒,柠檬丝炒匀注入调味料,用少许生 粉水打芡淋在牛肉上面即成. 注意:"柠檬牛肉"是开胃的菜式,牛肉中只能加柠茸,使有柠香.其它的柠檬味尽在 芡汁中,是色、香、味俱有的菜。 煎柠檬鱼片 主料:净草鱼肉400克 辅料:芹菜末50克、鲜柠檬2个 调料:盐、料酒、白糖、胡椒粉、鸡蛋掖、白葡萄酒、葱姜汁、食用油 做法: 1.将鱼肉洗干净,片成一样大小的厚片,用葱姜汁、盐、料酒、胡椒粉腌制数分 钟,拍面粉拖蛋液蘸均匀待用; 2.坐锅点火入油至4成热,下入鱼片两面煎至金黄熟透码入盘中,锅留底油煸炒 芹菜末,挤入柠檬汁,烹入白葡萄酒,浇在鱼片上即可。 特点:色泽金黄,外香里嫩。 鲜柠檬蒸鱼 材料:石斑或鲈鱼肉12两,柠檬1只,西兰花2棵. ,生粉4/3汤匙,油2汤匙. 调味:盐1茶匙,蛋白1汤匙 做法: (一)柠檬洗净将柠檬皮磨成茸,再将柠檬榨成汁待用. (二)将鱼肉切成大块,放入调味料拌匀待用. (三)将调味后的鱼加入柠檬茸拌匀,排上碟,隔水蒸熟,约需七分钟. (四)将柠檬汁淋上鱼肉面即可供食. (五)可用盐、油水将西兰花灼熟拌碟。 注意:用鲜柠檬做的菜很多,如柠檬鸡等,大多数是炸的。我今次介绍的是蒸法 ,味道特别清爽。我觉得此菜很适合老人及小孩子,因油份相当少,亦保持柠檬 香味,颜色也漂亮。 柠檬鸡丁 材料:鸡丁12两、柠檬,个、葱,支 作料:将柠檬挤汁、姜粉、醋、糖、水 作法: 1.热爆鸡丁3分钟至全熟,既先起锅。 2.将柠檬块及葱花倒入炒,分钟后,再加入爆过的鸡丁。 3.加作料后,再勾芡搅拌,,秒后既可。 柠檬醋:一种可食用的醋,具有减肥养颜美容的功效。柠檬耐久易保存,含丰富的维生素C,能防止牙龈红肿出血,还可减少黑斑、雀斑发生的几率,并有部分美白的效果。柠檬皮还有丰富的钙质,所以为了达到理想的效果,最好还是连皮榨汁最有营养。 柠檬与醋同样具有减肥效果,这样看来,柠檬醋的确是能养颜美容,也可以说是一种健康食品。如果你饭后喝一小杯,就能让自己元气大增,精神焕发,也更美丽窈窕。但是柠檬与醋的酸度都很高,空腹喝太多会伤胃,要尝试不可不小心。 escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review 自然柠檬水减肥法:柠檬水可以解渴且冲淡想吃东西的欲望,因此可有效抑制不当饮食,加上一天总共15分钟的运动,效果会十分显著。这套减肥法现在在日本是最流行的,在家里自己操作就可以达到减肥的效果,所以被称为“家庭主妇”式的喝水节食法,十分有效。减肥方法如下: 1、一公升的水里加上半粒柠檬原汁,并置於冰箱里,温度较低易有清凉爽口的感觉。 2、每日至少喝下三公升的柠檬水,不需特别节食或禁绝零食,但必须时时补充柠檬水。 3、必须搭配每日15分钟运动,不必持续进行,分散时间亦可有助于排汗,目的是为了排除体内有害物质。 泡红茶里面,加糖或者蜂蜜。估计泡绿茶也可以。 我都是切片,直接泡水喝,很香。夏天放在冰箱里冰着,特别解渴。 可以泡柠檬酒,柠檬切片泡白酒里,加冰糖。散装粮食酒就可以,酒、柠檬、冰糖比例---1:1:0.1。还可以把柠檬切片多加白糖腌制,一周后把汤汁泌出,兑开水(冷热均可),夏天可冰镇,绝了~剩下的柠檬片拿来泡水喝,可加冰糖。 介绍一道据说来自菲律宾的开胃小菜.简单易做,大家不妨一试. 用料:黄油或油 2茶匙(10ML),口蘑(就是那种小白圆蘑菇)400G,大蒜(切碎)1瓣,柠檬1只(榨汁,皮切丝),法国香菜(或薄荷叶)少许,盐1茶匙(5G),黑胡椒碎2茶匙(10G) 做法: 口蘑在加了少许盐的水中浸泡片刻冲洗干净.如果个头大,就平均切成4瓣. 1. 2.中火熔化平底锅中的黄油,将蘑菇(块)和蒜碎放入一同翻炒5---6分钟,再淋入鲜榨柠檬汁,翻炒2分钟. 3.最后将法香碎放入,并用盐,黑胡椒碎和柠檬皮丝调味即可. 整个烹饪过程大约15分钟(准备5分钟,炒10分钟) 另建议: 做牛肉时,可加少许柠檬汁,别有风味,还能去牛肉的腥味,我们试过. 柠檬不可以直接缚在面部的,太酸了,对皮肤刺激太大了。 可以用: 酸奶+柠檬汁+珍珠粉(或面粉) 也可以: 将一个鲜柠檬榨汁后加一倍的水,再加入三大匙面粉调成面膏状随后敷在脸上,15,20分钟左右取下。具有收敛作用,可使皮肤清爽、润滑、细嫩 柠檬、蛋酒面膜。柠檬榨汁,加入蛋一个、脱脂奶粉1/4杯、酒一勺,搅匀。涂脸上,约15分钟,用温水洗净。保持皮肤洁净、润泽,适合任何皮肤。因为含酒精,用后皮肤会有些干涩,要搽护肤品滋润肌肤。 将柠檬及碎陈皮掺糖一起捣碎研磨,然后再加入半个柠檬挤出的果汁,,杯白葡萄 酒和开水,搅匀,过滤后倒入杯中即呆饮用。 柠檬茶 将柠檬去皮以后切成片(一定记得要去皮,因为柠檬皮汗会令黑色素沉淀),依个人口味添加冰糖,泡水饮用。柠檬里含丰富的维生素C,此外还含有钙、磷、铁和B族维生素等,常饮柠檬茶,会让肌肤回复光泽与弹性。 洁体饮料: 菠萝十酸菜混合饮料:含有许多有利于健康的乳酸菌的酸莱能起到通便、促进代escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review 谢的作用,每天一杯能清洁您的身体。 原料:半个菠萝,两个橙子,200毫升酸菜汁,少许柠檬汁。 制作方法:将菠萝切成块,榨取橙汁,然后与酸菜汁和柠檬汁一起加入搅拌器中,如果太酸就加些蜂蜜。 蜂蜜柠檬汁 先在细长的瓶子内注入蜂蜜八分满,然后将柠檬一个切成细薄片,放入蜂蜜里面浸泡。饮用时,在大半杯冷开水(冬天可用温开水)中,加入两匙蜂蜜柠檬汁,也可加少许冰块搅匀即可。 草莓柠檬汁 原料:草莓100克,优酪乳半杯,柠檬半个,冰片2块,方糖1小茶匙。 作法:将草莓、去皮柠檬全部放入压榨器中榨汁,并与优酪乳混合。再注入杯中,放进冰片和甜料。 功效:草莓是维生素C含量最高的水果,对面疱、粉刺具有很好的疗效,脸上或身上的痘痘猖獗时,可以饮用。 鸡蛋羹的做法 escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review
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