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求职简历完整版 本人优势 申请人:欧阳凡 电子邮件: frank_ou@hotmail.com 通信地址:北京航空航天大学6-13信箱 电话:82326185 手机: ● 大学四年成绩优异,专业知识扎实,学习新知识的能力强。 ● 大学参加过较长时间生产实践,做过许多实验,动手能力强,分析问题能力强。 ● 英文水平高,参加过TOEFL考试,通过全国六级考试,听力、口语、写作能力强。 ● 大学担任班长,有一定的领导才能,管理能力和表达能力好。 ● 大学积极参加社会活动,社交公关能力强。 ● 能合理安排工作和生活,办事效率高。 ● 大学期间积极参...
本人优势 申请人:欧阳凡 电子邮件: frank_ou@hotmail.com 通信地址:北京航空航天大学6-13信箱 电话:82326185 手机: ● 大学四年成绩优异,专业知识扎实,学习新知识的能力强。 ● 大学参加过较长时间生产实践,做过许多实验,动手能力强,分析问题能力强。 ● 英文水平高,参加过TOEFL考试,通过全国六级考试,听力、口语、写作能力强。 ● 大学担任班长,有一定的领导才能,管理能力和达能力好。 ● 大学积极参加社会活动,社交公关能力强。 ● 能合理安排工作和生活,办事效率高。 ● 大学期间积极参加体育锻炼,身体条件好,擅长足球、排球、羽毛球、游泳。 My Strong Suit Applicant: Fan Ouyang Email: frank_ou@hotmail.com Mail: 6-13 P.O. Box, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083 Tel: 82326185 Cell Phone: ● Having done a great work in major study. Having a sound foundation in both science and engineering. Ready to study new knowledge. ● Having done many science experiments and engineering practice. Can conduct a research quite independently. ● Good at listening, spoken and written English. Can communicate with native speaker fluently. Having an international mind. ● Having done much social work in university. Good at communicating and expressing. ● Good at planning time. Can do things effectively and efficiently. ● Having a good health. Good at sports, especially in football, volleyball, badminton and swimming. 求职简历 申请人:欧阳凡 电子邮件: frank_ou@hotmail.com 地址:北京航空航天大学6-13信箱 电话:82326185 手机: 个人基本资料: 姓名:欧阳凡 性别:男   年龄:22 健康状况:良好   学历:大学本科(工学学士)   毕业学校:北京航空航天大学   专业:材料科学与工程(高分子成型加工与机械加工) 排名:第二名(192人)     主修课程: 高分子物理、高分子化学、复合材料应用技术、高分子材料成型、 塑料模具、金属学原理、材料力学性能、材料物理性能、 材料现代研究、电工学、机械制图、机械设计、C语言等 计算机水平: 熟练掌握Windows操作系统及Office、C语言编程、VB编程,另外,掌握CAXA电子绘图版,可进行电脑绘图,具有一定网络和电脑安装、维护技能。 英语水平: TOEFL: 617分 TWE: 5.0分 全国英语六级:82.5分 全国英语四级:87.5分 可以熟练阅读英文原版杂志、报刊,翻译相关英文资料,并具有良好的听力、口语和写作能力,能熟练运用英文进行交流 大学从事主要 社会工作: 北航材料学院390105班班长 1999.9-现在 北航团校学员 2000.3-2001.3 大运会彩虹志愿者 2001.6-2001.9 相关工作研究经历: 北航材料学院高分子实验室从事新型高分子材料合成开发 2001.5-现在 中国航空材料研究院复合材料课题组从事新型环氧树脂开发 2002.8-2002.9 获得部分荣誉:   2002: SONY北京市优秀大学生奖学金 北航优秀生 校级优秀学生干部 2001: 人民奖学金学习奖一等 校级三好学生 北航优秀生 2000: 人民奖学金学习奖一等 北航优秀生 校级优秀学生干部 个人兴趣及特长: 足球、排球、羽毛球、游泳等体育运动       Curriculum Vitae Applicant: Fan Ouyang Email: frank_ou@hotmail.com Mail: 6-13 P.O. Box, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083 Tel: 82326185 Cell Phone: Personal Data: Name: Fan Ouyang Gender: Male Age: 22 Health: Excellent Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Expected in July, 2003) University: Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Major: Materials Science and Engineering (Especially in Polymer and Mechanics) GPA: 3.7(overall) 3.8(major) Rank: 2nd in 192 students     Major Courses: Polymer Physics, Polymer Chemistry, Composite Technology, Polymer Processing, Mould Design of Polymers, Principles of Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials, Physical properties of Materials, Modern Materials Research Methods, Mechanical Drawing, Mechanical Design, Electrical Technique and Electronics, C Programming Language Computer: Mastering Windows, Office, C Programming Language, VB Programming Language and CAXA(a useful CAD software). Having some basic understanding in Internet and Computer Maintenance. English level: TOEFL: 617 TWE: 5.0 CET-6:82.5 CET-4:87.5 I can read original English journals and newspapers with little difficulty, translate between English and Chinese freely and am good at listening, writing and spoken English. I can communicate with a native speaker fluently. Social work: President of Class 390105 at Beihang University 1999.9-present A member of the League School at Beihang University 2000.3-2001.3 A volunteer during the 21st Universiade 2001.6-2001.9 Related research experience: Research Assistant at the Polymer Chemistry Laboratory in BUAA working mainly in novel polymer research 2001.5-present Internship at the Advanced Composite Laboratory in China Institution of Aeronautic Materials working in new epoxy matrix research 2002.8-2002.9 Honors: 2002: Sony Scholarship Award for Academic Distinction Excellence in Social work 2001: First Class People’s Scholarship in Study Award for Academic Distinction Excellent Student Award   2000: First Class People’s Scholarship Award for Academic Distinction Excellence in Social work Hobby: Football, volleyball, badminton and swimming         求职信 申请人:欧阳凡 电子邮件: frank_ou@hotmail.com 地址:北京航空航天大学6-13信箱 电话:82326185 手机: 尊敬的通用电气公司人力资源部管理人员: 您好,我叫欧阳凡,现在是北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院大四学生,我的专业是高分子与树脂基复合材料。通过大学四年学习,我对高分子材料科学与加工工程有深刻了解,可以胜任相关产品的科研、销售等工作。我希望在今年七月毕业后进入通用电气工程塑料公司或特种材料公司工作。下面请允许我简单的介绍一下我自己: 在大学四年期间,我的学习成绩优异,在192人的大班中,我的成绩排名第二(具体参看简历)。我全面学习了与材料相关的知识,尤其是与高分子材料相关的科学和加工知识,并参加了大量的科学和工程方面的实践。同时北航全面的课程设置也让我对物理、化学、机械、航空航天和计算机有了全面的了解。大三上学期开始我就进入实验室工作,从事一种精细结构有机高分子的合成和表征,现在即将有一篇论文(第三作者)发表在一本著名的英国学术期刊。大三的暑假,我进入中国航空材料研究院复合材料组进行了一个月的实习,我从事的是一种新型环氧树脂合成及其力学性能的测试工作。实习期间,我以扎实的基础知识和良好的操作技能得到了指导老师的高度评价。这些实践的经历提高了我的动手能力,也让我更加了解工业科研和生产过程,为将来我进入工作岗位打下了良好的基础。通过大学的学习,我学会了如何高质高效地学习新知识。这是我大学四年学习的最大收获,我想如果我有机会进入GE,这也会是我将来取得良好业绩的一个重要保证。 我的英语成绩十分突出。我不但通过了全国四六级英语考试,而且参加了TOEFL考试,并取得非常好的成绩。通过自己的努力,现在我的阅读和翻译水平较高。我已经开始从事一些英汉互译的兼职工作。我的口语和听力也很好,可以和外国朋友流畅的对话。通过阅读原版的《TIME》,《BUSINESS WEEK》和其他英文书籍和杂志,欣赏经典的好莱坞电影,让我的视野更加开阔,使我更加了解西方的文化、历史和西方人的思想。通过这样一个过程,我的思想变得更加包容,更加国际化。 有一点我想强调一下,就是我放弃了保送研究生的机会而选择到GE工作,不是因为我的成绩原因或者是我不想进一步深造。我做出这个决定是经过深思熟虑的。我认为作为一个工科学生,要成为一名合格的工程师应该在实践中锻炼,尤其是在GE这样的公司中工作,而不仅是在学校的实验室工作。 在大学四年期间,除了对专业的投入,我还参加了大量的社会实践活动。在学院,我一直是小班班长。大一,我参加了北航团校(一个培养北航优秀学生干部的,为期一年)。我积极参加和组织各种讲座、各种跨系的文体活动,尤其值得一提的是我还参加组织了两次北京市大学生卡拉OK大赛。这些活动使我的组织、演讲和社交的能力得到了进一步的提高。由于工作出色,我两次获得校级优秀学生干部,一次获得校级三好学生的荣誉。但荣誉并不是我参加社会工作的最大收获,我觉得这些经历给我的最大的锻炼是使我有机会和不同的人接触,和他们交流。尤其是作为班长,我要听取同学的意见,阐述自己的观点,在众多的选择中做出决定,并将决定变为行动。这样的锻炼使得我更加外向,更加自信,更加坚强。 在紧张的学习工作之余,我还是一个体育爱好者。我擅长足球、羽毛球、排球、游泳。体育运动不但使我身体强健、精力充沛,也增强了我的团队精神和竞争精神。 作为一个全球性的大公司,GE不但拥有一流的科研和生产设施,还有着完善的管理机制和用人机制;GE看重员工的潜力而不仅仅是他们的工作经验,同时GE非常注重员工的培训,这些都是GE吸引我的地方。我希望毕业后进入通用电气这样的公司工作,我有自信成为一名优秀的GE人。希望您能慎重的考虑我的申请,我将用自己的表现来回报您给我的机会。 申请人:欧阳凡 2003年4月 Personal  Statement Applicant: Fan Ouyang Email: frank_ou@hotmail.com Mail: 6-13 P.O. Box, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083 Tel: 82326185 Cell Phone: Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Fan Ouyang. I am now a senior undergraduate student at the Materials Science and Engineering School at Beihang University (former Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics). My major is Polymers and Composite. I want to work at GE Plastics or GE Special Materials after graduation. Please allow me to introduce myself briefly. I have done an excellent job in my major that I rank 2nd in 192 students in my school. I have studied the polymer science and engineering intensively and have done a lot of practices in the related field. Besides, due to the comprehensive curriculum set by Beihang University, I got an extensive training in Materials, Chemistry, Mechanics, Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computer. During my university days, I have done many real scientific and engineering practices. When I was a junior, I became a research assistant in the Polymer Laboratory of MSE School mainly working in novel polymer research. I have been working there more than one year and will have a paper published in a famous English Chemical journal. In my third vacation, I applied an internship opportunity at China Institute of Aeronautic Materials. My job was about epoxy matrix synthesis and its mechanic test. These practices made me familiar with scientific research and industry process. From these training, I am now qualified to do many kinds of industry work. Moreover, I learned to study efficiently and effectively. That may make me quickly adapted to the new environment in GE. Besides my major, my English is very good. I have pass the CET-6 test with a score of 82.5 and TOEFL test with a score of 617. I can read original English magazines and journals with no difficulty. My listening and spoken English is also quite good that I can communicate with a native speaker fluently. What’s more, by reading so many English articles in TIME and Business Week, watching Hollywood movies, I am now international-minded. There is one thing I want to emphasize that I gave up the opportunity of continuing studying at Beihang University for a master’s degree. I made this decision not because I don’t want to study any more, but because I believed that GE would provide me a better chance to study more intensively and extensively by real engineering practice instead of books. During my four-year university days, I was not only a good student in study but also an active participator and organizer in social work. I have been the president of a 32 people class since I came to Beihang University. When I was a freshman, I joined the Beihang League School, an organization aimed to cultivate future capable student leader. By these valuable chances, I got the opportunity to communicate with different people, give lectures in public, organize inter-department activities, persuade potential sponsors to support our programs and so on. In addition, as I had taken the responsibility of being the president of the class, I must listen to many opinions and judge and then carry out the decision perseverantly. Tasting so much tear and cheer, I am now an extravert, confident and tough-minded man. I am now good at communicating and ready to take any task in the future. I am also a good sportsman. I am good at football, volleyball, badminton and swimming. Sports not only made me a strong and agile athlete, but also future nurtured my team-spirit and competition-mind. At last, I would like to express my strong desire to work at GE after graduation again. Different from many other companies, as one of the world’s best cooperation, GE draws great attention to employees’ potential instead of their working experiences and puts much time in the personnel training. That is the why I firmly believed that GE was my first choice. I hope you can consider my application fully. I will prove your kindly offer by my future work. Sincerely yours Fan Ouyang  (Frank Ouyang) April, 2003
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