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业主委员会选举办法业主委员会选举办法 第一章总则 第一条根据我国法律、法规和房地产管理部门关于物业管理的相关规定,制定本办法。 第二条业主委员会的选举由上一届业主委员会主持。第一届业主委员会,由业主大会筹备小组在有关政府部门的指导下,按本办法选举产生。 第三条业主委员会的委员由业主大会选举产生。业主委员会成员每届任期二年,可以连选连任。业主委员会委员的人数是5、7或9名。业主委员会可以选举产生主任一名和副主任若干名。 第二章 业主大会前期筹备工作 第四条为了召开业主大会,产生第一届业主委员会,可由业主代表,并请建设单位或物业管理企业...
业主委员会选举办法 第一章总则 第一条根据我国法律、法规和房地产管理部门关于物业管理的相关规定,制定本办法。 第二条业主委员会的选举由上一届业主委员会主持。第一届业主委员会,由业主大会筹备小组在有关政府部门的指导下,按本办法选举产生。 第三条业主委员会的委员由业主大会选举产生。业主委员会成员每届任期二年,可以连选连任。业主委员会委员的人数是5、7或9名。业主委员会可以选举产生主任一名和副主任若干名。 第二章 业主大会前期筹备工作 第四条为了召开业主大会,产生第一届业主委员会,可由业主代表,并请建设单位或物业管理企业组成筹备小组,负责业主大会的筹备工作。 第五条筹备小组成立后,其成员名单应在小区内张榜公示一周以上,接受全体业主的监督。 第六条筹备小组应做好以下工作: (一)确定首次业主大会会议召开的时间、地点、形式和内容; (二)参照政府主管部门制定的示范文本,拟定《业主委员会章程》、《业主公约》、《业主大会议事规则》和《业主委员会选举办法》; (三)确定业主委员会委员候选人产生办法及名单; (四)做好召开首次业主大会会议的其他准备工作。 第七条按本选举办法选举产生第一届业主委员会后,筹备小组自动解散。 第三章业主大会 第八条业主大会应由过半数以上具有投票权的业主参加,如因故不能出席,可以书面形式委托其他业主代理出席。 第九条业主大会采用书面征求意见的形式。书面征求意见书应用有效送达方式。 第四章业主委员会选举办法 第十条业主委员会委员的候选人必须是热爱公益事业,道德品质好,责任心强,具有较强的组织能力和协调能力,有一定的时间从事业主委员会的工作,具有完全的民事行为能力的产权人、产权人代表、产权共有人。候选人可由本人自荐、业主推荐或筹备组商议的方法产生,筹备小组或业主委员会进行最后资格确认。候选人产生后应公示一周。业主认为有必要补充推选候选人的,可由十个以上业主联名提出符合条件的候选人。候选人名单应在业主大会召开前至少七天提交筹备组并由其公示一周。 第十一条业主委员会选举,由业主大会筹备小组推选的召集人或上一届业主委员主任或主任指定的副主任主持。 第十二条业主委员会委员的选举,一律采用实名投票的方法。业主对于委员候选人可以投赞成票,可以另选其他业主,也可以弃权。 第十三条业主如果在业主大会期间因故不能到场的,可由本人填写选票后,以书面形式委托其他业主代为投递选票。 第十四条投票结束后,由业主大会推选的监票、计票人员或者业主委员会的人员将投票人数和票数加以核对,做出记录,并由监票人签字。 of baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the spipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and2mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the pot 第十五条每次选举所投的票数,多于投票人数的无效,等于或者少于投票人数的有效。每一选票所选的人数,多于规定应选代表人数的作废,等于或者少于规定应选代表人数的有效。 第十六条全体业主过1/2参加投票,选举有效。业主委员会委员选举采取差额选举办法,差额人数不超过两人。依据得票数顺序产生中选人。 第十七条如遇票数相等不能确定当选人时,应当就票数相等的候选人再次投票,以得票多的当选。 第十八条选举结果当场宣布,所有选票应当保留备查。 第十九条业主委员会的委员受全体业主的直接监督。经拥有物业管理区域内20%以上投票权数的业主提议可以提请罢免选出的委员。 第二十条业主委员会的委员有下列情况之一的,其业主委员会委员资格将终止,并由业主委员会提出并确认。业主委员会委员资格被终止后,可补选新的业主委员会委员,业主委员会可采用自荐或推荐的方法产生增补候选人,并经业主委员会2/3委员通过,成为补选业主委员会委员。 (1)已不是业主的; (2)年度内无故缺席业主委员会会议三次以上的; (3)因疾病而丧失履行责任能力的; (4)被司法部门认定有犯罪行为的; (5)以书面形式向业主委员会提出辞呈的; (6)兼任所辖区域物业管理企业工作的; (7)其他原因不适宜担任业主委员会委员的。 第二十一条罢免业主委员会委员由业主大会做出决定。罢免采用实名 3 投票的表决方式,须经过半数的业主代表通过。业主委员会委员被罢免后,按本办法中的补选业主委员会委员方法补选业主委员会委员。 第二十二条罢免要求应当写明罢免理由。被提请罢免的成员有权在业主大会上提出申辩意见,也可以书面提出申辩意见。 第二十三条离任委员必须在三日内将其保管的业主委员会的印章、文件、资料、帐簿及其属于业主委员会所有的财物等移交给业主委员会,造成经济损失的应承担经济责任。 第二十四条首次业主大会选举产生的业主委员会,应当自选举产生之日起30日内,向所在区物业管理行政主管部门申请登记备案。同意备案日期为业主委员会成立日期。 第二十五条业主委员会成立时,上届业主委员会或第一届业主大会筹备组的工作职责终止,宣布解散。 第五章附则 第二十六条本选举办法中称业主,是指物业产权人、产权人代表、产权共有人;本选举办法中称使用人,是指物业的承租人和实际使用人。 第二十七条本选举办法未尽事宜按我国法律、法规和相关物业管理规定执行。若与国家法律、法规向抵触,按国家法律、法规执行。 of baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the spipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and4mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the pot 徐州市品山名邸小区 业主委员会章程及议事规则 为明确品山名邸小区(以下称本小区)业主委员会的职责、权力和义务,规范业主委员会的议事程序,有效代本小区表业主行使权利,维护全体业主的合法权益,根据国家及徐州市相关法规的规定,在所在辖区社区工作站的指导下,结合本小区的具体情况,制定本《品山名邸业主委员会章程及议事规则》(以下称本章程)。 第一章总则 第一条.品山名邸业主委员会(以下称业主委员会)是本小区物业管理区域范围内代表全体业主对物业实施自治管理的组织。由业主大会依法及本小区《业主公约》、《业主大会议事规则》选举产生,并经政府行政主管部门登记备案生效。 第二条.业主委员会是本小区业主大会的常设执行机构,向业主大会报告,对业主大会负责。 第三条.业主委员会的宗旨是:在《业主公约》、《业主大会议事规则》及本章程授予的职权范围内代表全体业主,维护业主的合法权益,为实现本小区业主的共同愿景而努力奋斗。 (本小区业主的共同愿景是:通过全体业主、物业使用人及物业管理单位的共同努力,人人成为遵约守法、知荣明耻、讲究公德的合格居民;把本小区建设成服务完善、邻里和睦,相互关爱、安全、文明、宜居的家园;让我们的社区成为管理有序、环境优美、社会和谐的高尚社区。) 5 第二章 业主委员会的组织机构和职责、权力、义务 第四条.业主委员会委员人数为 五 人。其中主任一名,副主任一名。主任、副主任在全体业主委员会委员中选举产生。业主委员会主任为业主委员会的负责人。 第五条.根据工作需要,业主委员会可聘任专职或兼职执行秘书一名,负责处理业主委员会的日常事务。 第六条.业主委员会委员、主任和副主任参与业主委员会的工作都暂定为义务服务性质,不领取报酬和津贴。执行秘书可领取适当津贴,执行秘书的津贴数额由业主委员会提出建议,经业主大会批准后执行,该费用从物业管理费中列支。 第七条.业主委员会应当依法履行下列职责: 1(按时召集业主大会会议,向业主大会报告物业管理的实施情况; 2(组织业主委员会的换届工作; 3(代表业主大会签署物业管理服务; 4(监督业主公约的实施; 5(配合街道办事处、社区工作站或居民委员会做好本小区的社区管理工作; 6(公布业主委员会及委员的有效联系方式,及时了解业主、物业使用人的意见和建议,监督和协助物业管理企业履行物业管理服务合同; 7(保管业主大会和业主委员会的印章,以及本小区的工程建设资料、公共档案、对外合约等文件; -se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece6mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and 8(业主大会赋予的其他职责。 第八条.业主委员会的一项专门职责是:代表全体业主选聘专业服务机构,负责建立并维护本小区业主的专用网站。网站的年度运行维护费用由业主委员会提出预算建议,经业主大会批准后确定执行。 第九条.业主委员会权利: 1.召集和主持业主大会(业主代表大会); 2.执行业主大会决议; 3.在市、区主管部门的组织或指导下,采取公开招标或其他方式,选聘或者解聘物业管理企业,与物业管理企业订立、变更或者解除物业管理服务合同; 4.审定物业管理企业提出的物业管理服务年度计划、年度财务预决算、住宅配套工程和重大的维修项目计划; 5.监督专项维修基(资)金的筹集、使用和管理; 6.负责对业主委员会活动经费的募集、使用和管理; 7.监督本小区公共建筑、公共设施的合理使用; 8.在业主委员会任期届满时,组织换届改选新一届业主委员会工作; 9.向业主大会提出修订《业主公约》、《业主大会议事规则》、《业主委员会章程及议事规则》的议案或其它议案; 10.代表业主与水、电、气、电信、视讯、网络等供应商或服务商签订合同,行使合同中的权利、履行合同中的义务并承担法律责任; 11.委托律师事务所、会计师事务所、评估师事务所(公司)、公证处等中介机构,行使委托合同中的权利、履行委托合同中的义务并承担 7 法律责任; 12.雇佣业主委员会工作人员并决定其报酬,行使劳动合同中的权利、履行劳动合同中的义务并承担法律责任; 13.制定和执行本小区的专项事务#管理#。监督、检查各项管理工作的实施情况及各项规章制度的执行情况; 14.当业主违反《业主公约》、业主大会决议、业主大会制定的基本管理制度或业主委员会制定的管理制度时,代表全体业主提起诉讼或非诉讼程序,行使程序中的权利,履行程序中的义务并承担有效的法律文书确定的责任; 15.代表本小区业主、物业使用人维护其合法权益,在共有财产或公共利益受到损害时,代表全体业主提起诉讼或非诉讼的程序,行使程序中的权利,履行程序中的义务并承担有效的法律文书确定的责任; 16.《业主公约》、业主大会(业主代表大会)赋予的其他权利。 第十条.业主委员会义务: 1.向业主大会(业主代表大会)报告工作; 2.执行业主大会(业主代表大会)通过的各项决议、决定; 3.接受业主和使用人的监督; 4.听取业主和使用人的意见和建议,监督物业管理企业的管理服务活动; 5.协助物业管理企业落实各项管理工作,协助物业管理企业收缴物业管理的有关费用; 6.涉及全体业主利益的有关事项决定,应书面或口头通告,也可张贴 se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and8 公布。其中重大事项,必须经业主大会(业主代表大会)通过; 7.建立业主委员会档案制度; 8.自觉接受市、区房地产行政主管部门及各有关行政主管部门和物业所在地人民政府的监督指导; 第十一条.业主委员会委员的权利和义务 1(权利 (1)参加业主委员会组织的有关会议、活动; (2)参与业主委员会有关事项的决策,行使表决权; (3)具有对业主委员会工作的批评和建议权。 2(义务 (1)遵守本章程; (2)执行业主委员会的决议,完成业主委员会交办的工作; (3)参加业主委员会组织的会议、活动和公益事业; (4)向业主委员会的工作提供有关资料和建议。 第十二条.业主委员会主任的职责 1(负责召集并主持业主委员会会议; 2(执行业主委员会决议; 3(审批业主委员会经费的使用(当一次性使用经费超过10%,须由委员会作出相应决议支持,并由主任、副主任或三名以上委员联签方为有效); 4(代表业主委员会对外签约或签署文件; 5(签署业主委员会制定的管理制度 9 6(经业主大会(业主代表大会)或业主委员会授权的其他事项。 第十三条.业主委员会主任每届期满必须进行一次财务审计和工作述职报告;离任时应进行离任审计,发现问应及时纠正和查处。 第三章 业主委员会委员的产生和罢免 第十四条.业主委员会委员由业主大会依法定程序和本小区《业主大会议事规则》及本章程规定选举产生。业主委员会每届任期二年,二年期满须重新选举。业主委员会任期届满前2个月内,业主委员会应当报告区主管部门和街道办事处,同时开展换届选举工作,连选可以连任。 第十五条.业主委员会选举采取差额选举的方式,差额比例不低于委员人数的20%. 第十六条.业主委员会委员、候选人应当符合以下条件: 1.必须是本小区正式业主(以最新有效的产权证为证)。 2.具有完全民事能力,遵纪守法,道德品质好,热心公益事业,责任心强,具有社会公信力。 3.模范履行业主义务,未欠缴物业管理费、专项维修基(资)金等费用。 4.具有必要的工作时间和一定的组织能力。 5.未在本物业管理区域的物业管理企业及其下属企业任职,未在本物业开发商公司任职。 6.担当过破产企业的负责人并对破产负有个人责任的业主、被刑事处罚过(过失犯罪出外)的业主不得出任业主委员会委员。 第十七条.业主委员会委员候选人产生程序: inciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as f10mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and 1. 业主委员会委员候选人由业主委员会(筹备组)推荐; 2. 10名以上的业主联名也可以推荐一名业主委员会委员候选人;业主委员会(筹备组)应该审查候选人的资格。业主推荐的候选人应在业主大会会议举行之日7日以前持业主联名推荐的推荐信、本人的身份证明、简历和联系方法向业主委员会(筹备组)申请候选人登记。逾期申请登记的,业主委员会(筹备组)有权拒绝登记。 3. 业主委员会(筹备组)受理业主推荐的候选人的登记申请的,应向申请人出具已经登记的证明。业主推荐的候选人申请登记没有逾期,而业主委员会(筹备组)拒绝登记的,应当向申请人说明拒绝登记的理由。 第十八条.业主委员会委员选举程序: 1.在候选人确定后,业主委员会(筹备组)应将符合申请登记条件的全体候选人的身份证明、简历、联系方法以公告或其它方法告知小区全体业主。 2.业主委员会应在选举日7日以前向全体业主送达选票;选票应当编号,没有编号的选票无效。 3.选举业主委员会委员投票采取记名投票,投票人必须在选票上填写自己所拥有的物业名称和票权数,并签名(盖章),否则视为无效票。 4. 同一张选票重复选举同一候选人的,该候选人仅作得一票计算。 5. 选票上所选人数不得超出本届业主委员会委员人数,否则视为无效票。 6.业主委员会(筹备组)应及时提请业主大会对候选人进行投票。如投 11 票期满后,登记回收的票权未超过总票权的50%,则由业主委员会(筹备组)确定延长投票时间,直至超过50%。 7.业主委员会候选人以得票多少来排序,所得赞成票在前5名的候选人当选为业主委员会委员,产生业组委员会。若出现同票现象,无法确定前5名,则延长投票时间三天,由未投票业主对同票候选人进行投票,以得票多者确定当选委员。 8.因故不能举行业主大会的,业主委员会应在任期届满15日以前发出受理候选人登记申请的公告。 第十九条.业主委员会自选举产生之日成立。业主委员会选举产生后30日内持成立业主委员会登记、新当选的业主委员会成员名单、选举资料、《业主公约》、《业主大会议事规则》和《业主委员会章程及议事规则》到政府行政主管部门办理登记备案手续。 第二十条. 业主委员会成立后应当依法刻制业主大会、业主委员会印章。业主委员会应当建立健全印章管理制度。业主大会印章和业主委员会印章由业主委员会指定专人保管,并按印章管理制度使用。 第二十一条.业主委员会主任由业主委员会按过业主委员会人数的半数选举产生。 第二十二条. 业主委员会委员有下列情形之一的,由主任提议或经区主管部门建议,并经业主委员会会议通过,应终止其业主委员会委员资格,并向全体业主公告: 1.不再是本小区的业主或拒不履行业主义务的; 2.无故缺席委员会会议连续三次以上或严重违反本章程的; 1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr12mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and 3.因健康原因或其它原因丧失履行职责能力的; 4.有违法犯罪行为被司法部门认定的; 5.以书面形式向业主大会提出辞呈的; 6.在本小区服务的物业管理企业或其下属单位中工作的; 7.其他原因不适宜担任委员的。 其中,1、2项情况委员资格自动终止,其他情况须由下次业主大会(业主代表大会)确认、备案。 第二十三条.委员停任时,必须在停任15天内将由其管理、保存的委员会各种资料和财物移交给委员会。 第二十四条.业主委员会委员缺额时,应在下一次业主大会(业主代表大会)召开时予以补选;缺额人数较多时,可召开临时业主大会(业主代表大会)予以补选;业主委员会委员缺额人数超过委员总数40%的,应当在半个月内召开业主大会会议,及时完成业主委员会委员的补选工作。 第二十五条.业主委员会委员罢免程序: 1.在业主大会期间,20%以上的业主联名提出罢免议案,出席业主大会的50%以上的业主通过,即可罢免业主委员会主任或委员。 2.在业主大会闭会期间,20%以上的业主联名提出罢免议案,全体业主的50%以上通过,即可罢免业主委员会主任或委员。 第二十六条.业主委员会主任或委员因违法、越权或渎职行为而被罢免的,业主委员会不给以任何补偿;给业主委员会造成财产损失的,业主委员会应追究其赔偿责任。 13 第二十七条.因业主委员会主任或委员被罢免而形成的业主委员会的缺额应按本章程规定的选举程序选举产生。 第二十八条.业主委员会主任被罢免的,副主任代行主任职责;业主委员会主任由补选后的业主委员会按过业主委员会人数的半数选举产生。 第四章业主委员会议事规则 第二十九条.业主委员会例行会议每三个月召开一次,由主任召集、主持。主任因故缺席时,由副主任主持。有二分之一以上的业主委员会委员提议或主任认为有必要时,可召开特别会议。 第三十条.业主委员会会议召集人应在会议召开2日之前将会议召开的时间、地点和内容通知每位委员。 第三十一条.如业主委员会会议讨论重大事项,根据所讨论议题的需要,可邀请市、区房地产行政主管部门及政府有关部门(所在地社区工作站或社区居委会、派出所等)派员列席会议;也可邀请物业管理单位的人员、非业主使用人代表以及媒体代表参加会议;当本物业管理区域的物业有三分之一以上为出租时,还应邀请承租人代表列席业主委员会会议。但上述人员均没有表决权。 第三十二条.下列情况下应召开业主委员会会议: 1(经区主管部门建议召开的; 2(由主管部门责令召开的; 3(由10%以上业主联名提议召开的; 4(当本小区发生重大、突发性事件的。 -se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwiolution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece14mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and 第三十三条.业主委员会会议应当有过半数委员出席。每名委员拥有一票表决权。业主委员会委员本人不能出席会议的,可以委托其他委员代为表决,业主委员会委员不得委托其他非委员出席业主委员会的会议。若某位委员既未出席会议,也未委托其他委员代为投票的,则视为弃权。 第三十四条.委员会决定问题,采取少数服从多数的原则。业主委员会做出重要决议由业主委员会过半数通过方为有效。若表决时当赞成票和反对票相等时,业主委员会主任有多投一票的权力。 第三十五条.委员会会议必须做好书面记录,并由出席会议的委员签字后存档。 第三十六条.业主委员会应对会议所议事项做出的决定制作会议记录。如涉及重大问题应分别记录与会全体委员的不同意见。出席会议的委员和记录员应在会议记录上签名,并加盖业主委员会印章后存档。 第三十七条.业主委员会作出的决定,不得违反法律、法规、规章和规范性文件,不得违反业主大会(业主代表大会)的决定,不得损害公共利益。 第三十八条.业主委员会应对业主委员会的决议承担责任;业主委员会的决议若违反法律、法规、规章,或超越《业主公约》和本章程授予的职权致使业主委员会遭受财产损失的,参与会议的委员应对业主委员会负赔偿责任,但在表决时曾表明异议并记载于会议记录的,该 15 委员可以免除责任。 第三十九条.业主委员会的决定应当以书面形式在物业管理区域内及时公告,有下列情况之一的应当送达每一位业主: (一)关于专项基(资)金的使用的建议; (二)关于调整物业管理服务费并提交业主大会表决的建议; (三)根据业主大会的表决及有关法规的规定,采取何种方式(招标或方式)选聘物业管理企业的决议; (四)对物业管理企业制订的年度管理服务计划初审并提交业主大会表决的建议; (五)关于决定召开临时业主大会会议的决议; (六)关于罢免委员的建议; 第四十条. 以业主委员会的名义发布信息,必须经业主委员会作出决定,加盖业主委员会印章方可对外公布。 有下列情况之一的,还须经全体委员过半数以上签字: (一)关于专项基(资)金的使用的建议; (二)关于调整物业管理服务费并提交业主大会表决的建议; (三)根据业主大会的表决及有关法规的规定,采取何种方式(招标或协议方式)选聘物业管理企业的决议; (四)对物业管理企业制订的年度管理服务计划初审并提交业主大会表决的建议; (五)关于决定召开临时业主大会会议的决议; olution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwi-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and16mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick (六)关于罢免业主委员会委员的建议; (七)向市、区主管部门投诉、申请行政复议、仲裁、诉讼的决议; 第四十一条.业主大会、业主委员会解散的,在解散前,业主大会、业主委员会应当将其档案资料和其他属于业主大会所有的财物移交给所在地区主管部门,并在所在地街道办事处的指导监督下,做好业主共同财产清算工作。 第四十二条.经业主大会会议表决通过的事项应加盖业主大会印章,经业主委员会会议表决通过的事项应加盖业主委员会印章。 第四十三条.业主委员会应当建立业主委员会活动档案,档案一般包括以下内容: (一)各类会议记录、纪要; (二)业主委员会、业主大会决议、决定等书面材料; (三)各届业主委员会选举产生、备案的材料; (四)业主名册; (五)物业管理服务合同; (六)有关法律、法规和业务往来文件; (七)业主和使用人的书面意见、建议书; (八)维修资金收支情况; 第五章业主委员会经费 第四十八条. 业主委员会工作所需必要的活动经费按照本小区《业主公约》的约定予以筹集保障。也可以向全体业主专项募集。 第四十九条. 业主委员会可以接受不带附加条件的捐赠作为业主委 17 员会活动经费的补充。但业主委员会不能因照顾捐赠人的意志而做出有损全体业主利益的事情或决定。 第五十条.业主委员会的经费开支包括:业主大会(业主代表大会)和业主委员会会议的费用;必要的日常办公费用;参与、组织一些交流活动的开支等等。执行秘书人员的津贴从物业管理费中列支;网站建设及运行维护费用从专项维修基金中列支。业主委员会的经费收支帐目由物业管理公司负责管理,每半年向业主委员会汇报一次,每年度向业主公布。 第五十一条. 业主委员会不得向任何人借款或为任何人提供担保;不得从事任何投资活动;不得妨碍物业管理企业的正常经营管理活动。 第六章附则 第五十二条. 本章程或本章程的修订须经业主大会(业主代表大会)通过后生效。在此前发布的关于本小区业主委员会章程及议事规则相关内容的文件同时废止。如有与本章程冲突的,以本章程为准。在本章程生效期间,如发生须由业主委员会决策而本章程未加规定的事项,以当时生效的《江苏省物业管理条例》及其实施细则的规定为准。本章程未尽事项由业主大会(业主代表大会)补充。 第五十三条. 业主大会(业主代表大会)通过的有关本章程的决定都是本章程的组成部分。 第五十四条. 业主委员会制定和修订后的章程,应报当地房地产行政主管部门备案。 olution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, ose material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the sof baand so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount nchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO,er. Bending or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smallhe content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compouter, tg conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal wark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the followinpotassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchma-dard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen dipotassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of stan-sium hydrogen dipotas tion of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations ofually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentrarmines, it actconcentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detengs will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipete surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readiinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating thcapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ons such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Largeolutiof the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, s e salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decompositionluoridaking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as finciples: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following pr1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-se it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • Ltherwi-bellied tubes, only a tick-pacity of the potpipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the ca te and18mes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volu-tick
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