

2017-11-26 15页 doc 42KB 54阅读




售楼部保洁员服务标准售楼部保洁员服务标准 售楼部保洁服务标准 一、保洁员管理目标 保持样板间室内空气清新、干湿适宜,每三个小时喷洒一次空气清新剂,室内摆放竹炭吸除装修异味;专人负责保洁、整理,有客户看房时能热情服务并做简单介绍; 销售展示大厅整体环境较洁净,物品摆放有序,窗明几净; 接待区域:地面整洁光亮、桌椅摆放整齐; 卫生间洁具、地面洁净,无异味,每三个小时喷洒一次空气清新剂;小便槽投放除味卫生球 室外道路,停车场保持地面清洁,无明显垃圾纸屑 二、保洁时间: 每日分三次定时保洁:8:00,14:00,16:30;其他时间做巡...
售楼部保洁员服务 售楼部保洁服务标准 一、保洁员管理目标 保持样板间室内空气清新、干湿适宜,每三个小时喷洒一次空气清新剂,室内摆放竹炭吸除装修异味;专人负责保洁、整理,有客户看房时能热情服务并做简单介绍; 销售展示大厅整体环境较洁净,物品摆放有序,窗明几净; 接待区域:地面整洁光亮、桌椅摆放整齐; 卫生间洁具、地面洁净,无异味,每三个小时喷洒一次空气清新剂;小便槽投放除味卫生球 室外道路,停车场保持地面清洁,无明显垃圾纸屑 二、保洁时间: 每日分三次定时保洁:8:00,14:00,16:30;其他时间做巡回常规保洁。 每日上午8:30以前、下午17:30后清运生活垃圾,特殊情况可随时处理; 除定时打扫外,在不打扰到客户及工作人员的前提下,以随时发现脏污随时清理为原则,随时保持台面、地面整洁; 访谈区客户离开后,3分钟内清理接待桌的烟灰缸、水杯等,桌椅摆放回原位; 卫生间应随时打扫,每三小时整体清理一次; 三、保洁员管理标准: 注意保持个人卫生,工作服干净平整,配带胸牌上岗。 在工作中保持良好的仪态,行走轻稳。 工作时间禁止闲逛,嬉笑打闹,聊天,吃东西或做与工作无关的事情。 岗前不得吃有刺激性气味的食物。工作中不得外出,串岗,下班后更换服装离岗,不得无故逗留。 员工必须按规定的班次上岗,提前10分钟到岗,做好班前准备,不得无故迟到、 早退,未经批准不得私自换岗。 员工有事不能出勤时,应及时办理请假手续,并在接班前获得上级批准。 使用礼貌用语,态度热情,注意礼让。操作时如需配合,要征得对方同意。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 不得对客人指手划脚,品评议论,有问题及时报告上级,不得与任何人发生争吵,吵闹。不得私自收集废品或擅自处理。 掌握保洁常识,一般保洁部分严禁使用强酸、强碱、钢砂、锋利器具,避免破坏建筑物材质。 爱护财物,挪动物品应轻拿轻放,避免磕碰,发出噪音,工作完毕恢复原位。 工作中要集中精力,注意安全,进行湿作业或高空作业时要设立作业告示牌,避免污染,伤害客人。在操作中尽量避免扬尘,溅洒液体,油污及其它。 搬运物品及清运垃圾时不得在地面拖拽行走,防止划伤污染地面、墙面。垃圾运到指定地点,严禁乱扔乱倒。 检查卫生间各类易耗品的使用情况及时补充卫生间手纸、洗手液及卫生球。 每日上午8:30以前、下午17:30清运所属区域垃圾,特殊情况可随时处理。 四、清洗安全操作规程 牢固树立"安全第一"的思想,确保安全操作。 清扫人员应该严格遵守防火,不得动用明火,以免发生火灾。 操作与安全发生矛盾时,应先服从安全,以安全为上。 室外人员在推垃圾箱时,应小心操作,以免压伤手脚。 五、清扫保洁应注意的事项: 【售楼处内】 避免在客户集中时清扫。 在看到地上有纸屑烟头等物后应及时拾起。 注意售楼处的通风空气流通。 【办公室】 对办公室的日常清扫,由于受时间制约,需要在规定的时间内迅速完成作业,作业路线、作业程序、作业时间,要求作业人员按作业,动作利索快捷。 【样板间】 对样板间的日常清扫时,避免在客户参观时清扫。 管理样板间的钥匙必须有严格的制度,除指定人员外,不得交于任何人员。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 注意样板间的通风空气流通。 【卫生间】 清理卫生间所用的工具应专用,使用后应定期消毒,与其它清扫器具分开使用、保管。 作业时应在现场竖立"正在清扫"的告示牌,以便客人注意,予以配合。注意卫生间的通风,按规定开关排风扇。 清洁卫生间的注意事项 1)卫生洁具多为陶瓷制品,禁止使用碱性清洁剂,以免损伤瓷面。 2)卫生滇容易破碎,清洁时不能用工具的坚硬部分撞击,也不能让重物落下因冲击而致使卫生器具破损。 3)使用洁厕水和其他刺激性清洁剂时,应戴橡胶手套 ,以防止损伤皮肤。 4)一旦发现卫生洁具或排水管堵塞,应立即疏通。疏通时,应根据堵塞的严惩程度和堵塞的部位采用相应的办法,如果堵塞不严惩,堵塞部分在排水入品处,可用夹钳或铁丝钩取出堵塞物;如果堵塞物已进入排水的存水弯,可将排通器胶皮碗口压排水口处,手持把柄反复下压上抽,将其疏通。疏通时,应用湿布盖住地漏,以便形成真空而利于疏通,如果严重堵塞,应及时通知管通工疏通。 5)如果发现卫生洁具损坏、管道、阀门、龙头漏水,应及时通知工程部修理或更换。由于清洁工作的疏漏或使用日久,卫生间的卫生洁具、墙身或地面极易积有粪垢、尿渍、水 锈和污垢,故必须定期进行去污除垢工作,以保持卫生间良好的卫生状况。 六、操作规范及细则 1.【售楼处内展示大厅】 先使用扫帚扫除垃圾尘土,再用拖布拖擦1-3遍。而后视情况每30分钟巡视一遍。 清倒烟灰垃圾筒,并将烟灰垃圾筒冲洗干净,将地擦干净后,按原位摆好。 按预定顺序,依次擦试门窗、墙壁饰物、室内花卉,镜面、开关座、插座盒、标识牌、风口、踢脚板,卫生间,洗手台,大厅门口迎宾区域等(墙面积大为定期作业,可穿插在日常清扫中进行,即每天只做一段)。 2.【二楼客户洽谈区】 先使用扫帚扫除垃圾尘土,再用拖布拖擦1-3遍。而后视情况每30分钟巡视一遍。 清倒烟灰垃圾筒,并将烟灰垃圾筒冲洗干净,将地擦干净后,按原位摆好。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion - 3 - a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 按预定顺序,依次擦试门窗、墙壁饰物、镜面、休息区,沙发,茶几,地面,室内花卉叶面,开关座、插座盒、标识牌、风口、踢脚板等(墙面积大为定期作业,可穿插在日常清扫中进行,即每天只做一段)。 3.【二楼VIP接待室】 先使用扫帚扫除垃圾尘土,再用拖布拖擦1-3遍。而后视情况每30分钟巡视一遍。 清倒烟灰垃圾筒,并将烟灰垃圾筒冲洗干净,将地擦干净后,按原位摆好。 按预定顺序,依次擦试茶几,家具,沙发,烟灰缸,门窗、墙壁饰物、镜面、休息区,沙发,茶几,地面,室内花卉叶面,开关座、插座盒、标识牌、风口、踢脚板等 4.【三楼办公室的清扫】 备:准备好清扫工具,水桶、抹布、清洁剂、垃圾袋。 进:室内有人者,应先打招呼,得到允许后再作业。 倒:清倒烟灰缸,纸篓,。倒烟灰缸时要检查烟头是否完全熄灭。清倒纸篓,卫生间垃圾篓,集中垃圾袋时,应注意里面有无危险物品,并及时处理。 擦:从门口开始,由左至右或由右至左,擦试室内家具时由高到低,先里后外,擦墙壁时,重点擦墙壁饰物、电开关插座,空调风口、踢脚板、门窗、窗台,卫生间及洗手台,洁具等。墙面的擦试为定期作业,可穿插在日常保洁中进行。 整:台面、桌面上的主要用品擦拭后应按习惯的固定位置摆放,报纸书籍码放整齐,文件资料及贵重物品不动。 关:清洁后,保洁人员退至门口,环视室内,确认质量合格然后关灯,锁门。 5.【卫生间的清扫】 卫生间的每日清洁、保洁标准 1、天花板、墙角、灯具目视无灰尘、蜘蛛网。 2、目视墙壁干净,坐便器、小便器等卫生洁具洁净无黄渍。 3、室内无异味、臭味。 4、地面无烟头、纸屑、污渍、积水。 卫生间的周期性大清洁 卫生间的周期性大清洁是指在每日常规清洁的基础上有计划地定期对卫生间的墙面、门窗、天花板、隔板(隔墙)、灯具及通风设备等进行清洁。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 备:作业前,备好“正在清扫”告示牌,扫帚、簸箕、水桶、抹布(两条以上异色毛巾,深色为便器专用,浅色擦其它)、座便消毒药剂以及手纸、皂液、香球等。 冲:进入卫生间首先放水冲洗小便池、座便器。 倒:扫除地面垃圾、清倒纸篓、垃圾筒,同时将手纸篓、垃圾筒、茶叶筐冲洗干净。 洗:按照先面台,后便池的顺序,逐项逐个刷洗卫生间设备。卫生便器要用专用毛刷、毛巾、百洁布等刷洗,然后再用清水冲洗,用抹布擦干净。便器存在臭味是因便器里部边缘存有脏污,特别是小便器的漏子和大便器的下部,冲刷时应特别注意。 擦:用浅色抹布擦拭门窗,隔板,墙面,镜面,烘手器等。 拖:用拖布擦净地面,注意边角犄角,注意小便池周围不要留有水迹。 补:补充手纸、皂液、香球、垃圾袋等,手纸要上好,撕口留在外侧。 喷:按规定洒除臭剂、清香剂。 撤:撤去"正在清扫"告示牌。 6.【样板间的清扫】 备:准备好清扫工具,水桶、抹布、清洁剂、垃圾袋。 进:样板间内有客户参观时不允许作业。 查:进入样板间后,先检查有无异常现象,有无客人遗忘的贵重物品,有无已损坏的物品,如发现异常,先向主管上报后再作业。 擦:从门口开始,由左至右或由右至左,擦试室内家具时由高到低,先里后外,擦墙壁时,重点擦墙壁饰物、电开关插座,踢脚板、门窗、窗台等。墙面的擦试为定期作业,可穿插在日常保洁中进行。 整:样板间内摆放的物品,擦拭后应按固定位置摆放整齐。 关:下班前,房管员检查样板间,确认物品,卫生质量合格然后关灯,锁门。 7. 【室外广场清扫】 8【参观通道,道路的清扫】 9【绿地的清扫】 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion - 5 - a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 10. 【停车场的清扫】 11.【垃圾的收集处理】 每天最少收集清运一次,部分场所需每天收集清运多次。 收集烟头先确认烟头已完全熄灭或在收集起的烟灰烟头上洒水,以防火灾。 收集清运时,垃圾筒不能装得太满,垃圾不能洒落。 收集清运时要选择适宜的通道和时间,不要给购房客户造成麻烦,作业后应认真洗手消毒。 售楼部保洁巡查标准 售楼部保洁巡查标准 一、巡查时间及路线: 每日分三次巡查:11:00, 15:00, 17:00; 巡视路线:售楼部前台,沙盘区、大堂、VIP室、卫生间、办公区、客户洽谈区室、楼梯间、样板间、水吧台,茶吧,室外道路,停车场。 售楼大厅及前台: 大堂桌面是否擦净,无积尘; 所有门窗玻璃是否光明透亮,无清洁分界线、水迹、指纹、等; 大门及门把手是否洁净,无手印、指纹、污迹,无破损; 地面整洁光亮,无积土、积水、杂物、零星碎片、等印迹; 墙面无油迹、污迹、印迹、无张贴物; 前台台面整体整洁,无杂物、灰尘、污迹、水迹等; 前台企业徽标背景墙字体是否完整,无积尘; 台下无杂物堆放,整洁; 照明灯无积尘、污迹、破损,开关正常; 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 是否擦净门窗、窗台、镂空隔断、栏杆、背景墙、镜面、开关座、插座盒、等各类设备 及物品,是否无积尘、无污迹; 是否清倒烟灰垃圾筒,并冲洗干净,将地擦干净后,按原位摆好; 绿植叶子保持旺盛,叶子无污迹、灰尘、枯黄,盆、瓶内无杂物、落叶; 接待桌、椅是否擦净,无灰尘、污迹、油迹、杂物、垃圾、破损,摆放是否 整齐,客人离开后,是否及时摆放整齐; 办公设备(电脑、打印机、传真机)无灰尘、污迹、油迹,办公电话摆放是 否整齐,电话线无缠绕、灰尘、污迹、油迹,办公桌椅是否洁净,摆放整齐, 无污迹、油迹、印迹,室内电线无缠绕、无尘、无摆放凌乱现象,是否清倒 烟灰缸,纸篓,垃圾筒,并套入垃圾袋; 沙盘区: 地面整洁光亮,无积土、积水、杂物、零星碎片、等印迹; 墙面无油迹、污迹、印迹; 是否擦净墙面展板并挂正,画面上无污迹、破损; 沙盘模型是否擦净,无破损,无杂物、灰尘、积土、污迹等; 销售资料展示架是否摆放整齐统一,是否美观; VIP室: 地面整洁光亮,无积土、积水、杂物、零星碎片、等印迹; 沙发靠枕是否摆放整齐,茶几桌面无灰尘、杂物; 吧台: 地面整洁光亮,无积土、积水、杂物、零星碎片、等印迹; 接待桌、椅是否擦净,无灰尘、污迹、油迹、杂物、垃圾、破损,摆放是否 整齐,客人离开后,是否及时摆放整齐; 各类物品是否整洁; 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion - 7 - a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 沙发等座椅是否有污迹等; 卫生间: 是否擦净地面,地面无垃圾、杂物、纸屑、烟头、污迹、积水,垃圾,特别 注意边角犄角,墙面无污迹、印迹、油迹,墙角无挂灰; 洗手池台面、镜面无积水、水迹、污迹、杂物,洗手盆无污渍、水锈渍、无 异味;便池用清水冲净,无污垢、异味,特别是小便器的漏子和大便器的下 部;是否清倒纸篓、垃圾筒并套入垃圾袋,手纸、皂液、垃圾袋等是 否补足。 楼梯间 楼梯口, 台阶无积水、溜滑、污迹、破损、灰尘; 地面无污迹,有垃圾、烟头、纸屑等杂物 台阶扶手无灰尘、污迹、破损; 灯具无积尘,开关正常; 样板间: 入户门处鞋套摆放整齐,电器、家具无尘、无杂物、污迹、油迹;床上用品 摆放整洁; 室外: 主入口地面无杂物。无积水、溜滑、污迹、破损、灰尘; 道路地面无污迹,无积水,无明显垃圾、烟头、纸屑,等杂物。 停车场 道路地面无污迹,无积水,无明显垃圾、烟头、纸屑,等杂物。停车标示牌无污染,蜘蛛网。 绿化带 绿化带内无明显垃圾,纸屑,烟头。 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is 售楼部保洁组编制结构图 保洁经理 1名 保洁领班 1名 二楼样一楼三楼室外广 客户板展示办公场,道 洽谈间 大厅 区 路,绿 区及,卫生及 地,停车 每间 VIP卫生场 室 房 间 及卫 生间 1名 1名 1名 1名 3名 备注说明: 每日按区域划分,分为室内保洁及室外保洁。每日室内当班保洁(含领班)共计5名, 每周每人工作六天,正休1天,需要增加2名替班 保洁分为室内保洁,及室外保洁,故室外人员不参与室内替班,需要3名 以上保洁组总编制预算(含经理)共计11人 45th problem you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training [single topics] option small meter proportion - 9 - a,. often 9 18.75% b. occasionally 31 64.58% c. rarely 8 16.67% d. has never no 0 0% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from statistics data view, reflect has we young teachers participate in various form of teachers learning or training of number also compared less, this is with facts reminded (or with data told) we urgent need increased teachers participate in various form of learning or culture Training opportunities. Our view: young teacher's professional growth is the driving force of the school in creating brand school education, need to be accorded high priority and great efforts, much work that can create great results. 46th problem past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is
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