

2017-09-26 20页 doc 52KB 17阅读




适合学英语的电影适合学英语的电影 美式英语 看情景喜剧最好,对白简单,不快,都是生活用语,很有针对性 《老友记》经典不多说 《老爸老妈浪漫史》出到第五季了,很多剧情满有创意的,不错 《青春密语》青春偶像的,讲青少年早孕的 《天赐》轻科幻性质的,也很适合学英语 电影的话,我觉得一个是迪斯尼或者梦工厂的动画,完全能够不看字幕看懂,而且又没有粗口,学英语不错,其他的话我倒觉得没啥大的区别,是美国电影就行,多多少少能学到一些,没有啥针对性 英式英语,英式发音特别是男的超级性感,但要注意有的演员有英国地方口音,主要是伦敦口音,皇室口音和BBC...
适合学英语的电影 美式英语 看情景喜剧最好,对白简单,不快,都是生活用语,很有针对性 《老友记》经典不多说 《老爸老妈浪漫史》出到第五季了,很多剧情满有创意的,不错 《青春密语》青春偶像的,讲青少年早孕的 《天赐》轻科幻性质的,也很适合学英语 电影的话,我觉得一个是迪斯尼或者梦工厂的动画,完全能够不看字幕看懂,而且又没有粗口,学英语不错,其他的话我倒觉得没啥大的区别,是美国电影就行,多多少少能学到一些,没有啥针对性 英式英语,英式发音特别是男的超级性感,但要注意有的演员有英国地方口音,主要是伦敦口音,皇室口音和BBC口音,你看多英国电影和电视就能分辨出来一点,不过对我们这点小功力来说影响不大,我主要推荐我认为纯正点的电影 休格兰特的电影 他的口音很纯正了,电影很多,《诺丁山》《四个婚礼一个葬礼》《K歌情人》等 科林菲斯的电影 也是一大神,《英国病人》《戴耳环的珍珠少女》《BJ单身日记》《父女大不同》 裘德诺的电影 我很喜欢他的口音啦 《冷山》《兵临城下》《阿尔菲》《吸血情圣》《福尔摩斯》等 BBC口音,会有点快 重点推荐看,好多优秀的英国片子 《南方与北方》我最喜欢的剧集 《傲慢与偏见》95年BBC超经典版本 《锦绣佳人》 《克劳福德》 《小杜丽》狄更斯的 《情迷色画》最近出的 《都铎王朝》讲亨利八世的,宫廷片 奥斯丁的六部 《傲慢与偏见》05新版电影 《爱玛》96 两个版本都不错 不过好像不是BBC出的 《理智与情感》李安的和08新版都很好 《劝导》08新版 非常感人 《诺桑觉寺》07版 清新佳作 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 这一部书和电影我都不是太喜欢,看你啦 《成为简奥斯丁》 是安妮海瑟薇演的,讲奥斯丁一生的,其实奥斯丁似乎已成为庄园恋情的代名词了。 皇室口音,电影《女王》之类吧,这个我没啥研究 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 看英式美式比较 推荐电影《恋爱假期》《情迷温布尔顿》 这些电影大多都是励志的,发音也很纯正,俚语很少,很适合练口语,增强语感 1( 阿甘正传 “FORREST GUMP” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 2( 电子情书 “YOU’VE GOT MAIL” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安 3. 居家男人 “THE FAMILY MAN” 主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凯奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奥尼 4. 公主日记I.II. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II” 主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽 安德鲁斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威 5. 逃跑的新娘 “THE RUNAWAY BRIDE” 主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基尔 6. 新岳父大人 “FATHER OF THE BRIDE” 主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 马丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基顿 7. BJ单身日记 “BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY I II” 主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇维格 Hugh Grant 休格 兰特 8. 奔腾年代 “SEA BISCUIT” 主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 迈奎尔 9. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 “Mona Lisa’Smile”主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱丽亚 斯蒂尔斯Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕等斯特 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 10. 甜心先生 “Jerry Maguaire”主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆 克鲁斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇维格 11. 热血强人 “Remember the Titans”主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔 华盛顿 12. 铁血教练 “Coach Carter” 主演: Samuel Jackson萨姆尔 杰克逊 13. 重建人生 “Life As a House”主演:Kevin Cline 凯文 克莱恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托马斯 Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森 14. 海上钢琴师 “The Legend of 1900”主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 罗斯 15. 大话王 “Liar Liar”主演:Jim Carrie 金 凯利 16. 单身插班生 “About a Boy”主演:Hugn Grant 修 格兰特 17. 风流奇男子 “Alfie”主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛 18. 妙手情真 “Patch Adams”主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯 19( 变人 “Bicentennial Man”主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯 20. 猫屎先生 “As good as it gets”主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科尔森Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特 21( 完美男人 “The Perfect Man”主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 荙芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 诺斯 22( 婚礼男友 “The Wedding Date”主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麦隆尼 23( 男人百分百 “What Women Want”主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 24. 老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸 “Big Daddy”主演:Adam Sandler 亚当 桑德勒 25( 大鱼 “Big Fish”主演:Evan McGregor 伊万 麦克格 8,倒霉爱神 (2006林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕 (林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车 (林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕 (哈利波特演的哟) 23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿PRADA的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐 欣慰,〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克•希尔顿首部主打影片~ 这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴„„ 有点点SEX)〔超级推荐I LOVE HILTON SISTERS〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐 女生的可怕和可爱〕 43,SAVED 44,疯狂有理 45,初露锋芒 46,美丽坏宝贝〔超级推荐(很有教育意义)〕 47, 新欢乐满堂 48,几乎正常 49,总统千金欧游记 50,辣妹保镖 51,我爱猫头鹰 52,朋友一场 53,偶像有约 54,彻夜狂欢 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 55,窈窕美眉 56,第1女儿〔超级推荐〕 57,被拯救者 58,对此承诺〔超级推荐〕 59,魔法保姆 60.对面恶女看过来 61,变装拍档〔超级推荐〕 62,虚拟偶像 63,新丁驾到 65,一吻定江山 66.篮球兄弟 67,流行教母 68,魅力四射 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 69,美国甜心 70,超完美夺分〔超级推荐〕 80——86美国派1——6 87,小王子(韩) 88,不设防都市(韩) 89,科洛弗档案 90,十诫 92.乔治亚(林赛罗汉) 93.美女与丑姑(风流女帕里斯希尔顿新作) 94.附注我爱你(新片~唯美爱情) 95.珍妮朱诺(韩国,有关怀孕少女和纯情少男的) 96-100惊声尖笑1-4(美国超级讽刺好莱坞大片大搞笑电影,极力推荐) 美国校园青春励志电影 : River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 律政俏佳人1、2(Legally Blonde)„„谁说金发美女头发黄见识短,个个头脑空空, ====================================== 劲歌飞扬(Raise Your Voice)„„小城女孩纽约孤身求学,立志闯出广阔音乐天地 ====================================== 高校天后(Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen)„„纽约漂亮女孩到乡下小城 ====================================== 冰上公主(Ice Princess)„„一段关于滑冰少女的励志故事 ====================================== 魅力四射1、2、3、4(Bring It On)„„美少女啦啦队 ====================================== 录取通知书(Accepted)„„落榜高中生自创“南哈蒙理工学院” ====================================== 邻家女孩(The Girl Next Door)„„隔壁的美女竟然是AV女优~ ====================================== 爱情服务生(Waiting„)„„让我们品尝了一顿餐饮业的幕后味道 ====================================== 新丁驾到(The New Guy)„„倒霉男生监狱里面学做人 ====================================== 辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)„„怪诞星期五,母女大换身 ====================================== 贱女孩(Mean Girls)„„美国青春校园版《金枝欲孽》 ====================================== 纽约时刻(New York Minute)„„孪生姐妹纽约圆梦记 ====================================== 平民天后(The Lizzie McGuire Movie)„„美国少女旅行途中被误认为意大利明星 ====================================== 牛仔裤的夏天1、2(The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)„„四个美少女共享一条神奇的牛仔裤 ====================================== 怪女孩出位(Pretty Persuasion)„„贝弗里山庄的两个女孩不惜一切代价要自己成名 ====================================== 总统千金欧游记(Chasing Liberty)„„青春喜剧版《罗马假日》 ====================================== 第一女儿(First Daughter)„„类似上部电影 ====================================== 水瓶座女孩(What a Girl Wants)„单亲女孩前往欧洲去寻找身为英国皇家贵族的父亲 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source ====================================== 拜金女郎(Material Girls)„„富豪姐妹勇对家庭破产危机 ====================================== 勇踏星途(Brave New Girl)„„一部改编自布兰妮成长经验的影集 ====================================== 窈窕美眉(She's All That)„„美国版《流星花园》 ====================================== 混合宿舍1、2(Dorm Day Crazy)„„校园性喜剧,自己看吧 ====================================== ?无聊老生原创编辑,谢绝一切引用复制? ====================================== 恋爱刺客(John Tucker Must Die)„„三个辣妹整蛊花花公子 ====================================== 校园风云(Election)„„学生会竞选的乱战 ====================================== 灰姑娘的玻璃手机(A Cinderella Story)„„这一次灰姑娘丢失的不是水晶鞋而是手机 ====================================== 超完美夺分(The Perfect Score)„„七个中学生策划到普林斯顿考试中心偷的惊天大计划 ====================================== 公主日记1、2(The Princess Diaries)„„纽约女孩意外得知自己竟然是欧洲小国公主 ====================================== 足球尤物(She's the Man)„„美少女乔装成孪生哥哥冒名顶替进入了男子球队 ====================================== 美国派1、2、3、4、5(American Pie)„„名气太大,不说也罢 ====================================== 歌舞青春1、2(High School Musical)„„CCTV6才播过不久,不说了 ====================================== 公路之旅(Road Trip)„„三个大学生千里奔波追逐穿帮“色情”录像带 ====================================== 欧洲任我行(EuroTrip)„„《公路之旅》欧洲升级版 ====================================== 少儿不宜(Not Another Teen Movie)„„ 美国青春校园版《炮制女朋友》 ====================================== 变身辣妹(The Hot Chick)„„辣妹和修车工之间的变身 ====================================== 男女变错身(It's a Boy Girl Thing)„„辣妹和帅哥同学兼邻居之间的变身 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source ====================================== 滑板狂热(Grind)„„疯狂少年为了理想组建滑板队 ====================================== 留级之王1、2 (Van Wilder)„„让老生回想起了自己的大学时代 ====================================== 益智风云(Cheats)„„如果你智商只有007答题又想得高分,就去作弊吧 ====================================== 翘课天才(Ferris Bueller's Day Off) „„学生逃学,校长追捕 ====================================== 大学新生(Sydney White)„„假小子是怎么炼成淑女的 ====================================== 新窈窕淑男(Little Sister)„„一个男生男扮女装混入女生寝室 ====================================== 乐鼓热线(Drumline)„„黑人小子加入学校橄榄球乐队 ====================================== 孟汉娜(Hannah Montana)„„平凡女孩白天是学生,晚上是歌星 ====================================== 宝贝新官人(Son in Law)„„简单的校园爱情故事 ====================================== 魅力学堂(Charm School)„„墨西哥城某女校的一群反叛女生和老师作对的故事 ====================================== 粉骚大联盟(Strike!)„„问题女生制造校园骚乱阻止学校合并计划 ====================================== 超级坏(Superbad)„„讲述友谊和分离的性喜剧 我是英语专业的 建议你先不要看字幕 即便是看 也是要看英文字幕 因为这样就缺少了对英文的依赖性 时间长了对提高英语听力很有帮助的 我们的专业课程中有一门是高级视听说课 其实就是看原声英文电影的课 通过直接看字幕 我的英语听力确实有提高了 以下向你推荐一些台词不是很难的英文电影 祝你英文学习步步高 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕 (安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕 (里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕 (励志的~刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神 (2006林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕 (林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 14,疯狂金龟车 (林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟~)) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影~](?和?都喜欢) # 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕 (哈利波特演的哟) 23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿PRADA的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人,〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐 欣慰,〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐 很立志~〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克•希尔顿首部主打影片~ 这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴…… 有点点SEX)〔超级推荐I LOVE HILTON SISTERS〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐 女生的可怕和可爱〕 43,SAVED 44,疯狂有理 45,初露锋芒 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 46,美丽坏宝贝〔超级推荐(很有教育意义)〕 47, 新欢乐满堂 48,几乎正常 49,总统千金欧游记 50,辣妹保镖 51,我爱猫头鹰 52,朋友一场 53,偶像有约 54,彻夜狂欢 55,窈窕美眉 56,第1女儿〔超级推荐〕 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 57,被拯救者 58,对此承诺〔超级推荐〕 59,魔法保姆 60.对面恶女看过来 61,变装拍档〔超级推荐〕 62,虚拟偶像 63,新丁驾到 64,怪女孩出列〔超级推荐〕 65,一吻定江山 66.篮球兄弟 67,流行教母 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 68,魅力四射 69,美国甜心 70,超完美夺分〔超级推荐〕 80——86美国派1——6 87,小王子(韩) 88,不设防都市(韩) 89,科洛弗档案 90,十诫 91.恋爱假期(急速推荐) 92.乔治亚法则(林赛罗汉) 93.美女与丑姑(风流女帕里斯希尔顿新作) River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 94.附注我爱你(新片~唯美爱情) 95.珍妮朱诺(韩国,有关怀孕少女和纯情少男的) 96-100惊声尖笑1-4(美国超级讽刺好莱坞大片大搞笑电影,极力推荐) 101.妈妈的大男孩 102.查理巴特利 103.乌龙女校 104.幸福来敲门(威尔史密斯温情家庭片) 105.没有青春的青春 106.确定地可能 107.麻辣宝贝 108.七音符(继《那小子真帅》《狼的诱惑》后,可爱淘第三部搬上荧幕作品 109.智齿(推荐给恋爱的女生) 110.九月 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source
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