
河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》教案 新人教版必修1

2018-09-07 15页 doc 127KB 8阅读




河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》教案 新人教版必修1河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》教案 新人教版必修1 第三节河流地貌的发育 一、重点和考点 (一)课程标准 1、 了解流水侵蚀地貌的形成,掌握流水侵蚀作用的三种形式及其对地表形态的影响, 理解河谷的形成过程。 2、 通过分析河谷的演变过程,理解不同阶段河流侵蚀作用的差异。 3、 了解流水堆积地貌的形成,掌握冲积平原的三个组成部分;通过阅读河流堆积地貌 示意图,能够分析冲积平原各部分的成因及地貌特点。 4、 理解洪积—冲积平原、河漫滩平原、三角洲平原对聚落分布的影响。 5、 树立物质是...
河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》教案 新人教版必修1
河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》 新人教版必修1 第三节河流地貌的发育 一、重点和考点 (一)课程标准 1、 了解流水侵蚀地貌的形成,掌握流水侵蚀作用的三种形式及其对地形态的影响, 理解河谷的形成过程。 2、 通过河谷的演变过程,理解不同阶段河流侵蚀作用的差异。 3、 了解流水堆积地貌的形成,掌握冲积平原的三个组成部分;通过阅读河流堆积地貌 示意图,能够分析冲积平原各部分的成因及地貌特点。 4、 理解洪积—冲积平原、河漫滩平原、三角洲平原对聚落分布的影响。 5、 树立物质是运动的,事物是在不断发生变化的辩证唯物主义观点。 (二)考试说明 1、地表形态对聚落及交通线路分布的影响 2、地表形态变化的内、外力因素 二、主干知识梳理 (一)河流侵蚀地貌与堆积地貌 地貌和 河流地貌是自然界中最常见的地貌之一。按照成因,可以将河流地貌分为地貌,它们的形成和发展主要与 作用有关。 1、 河流侵蚀地貌 河流在流动过程中,会破坏并掀起 ,形成侵蚀地貌。 (1)河流侵蚀地貌是由 、 和 共同作用形成的。 (2)河谷发育过程 河谷是典型的河流侵蚀地貌,它由 发育而来。 降 水 汇集 流水量加大,流速快,能量集中, 地表径流 沟谷 沟谷不断加深和延长 常形成下蚀和溯源侵蚀 冰雪融水 河流下蚀作用减弱,侵蚀作用加强 沟谷深及地下含水层 槽型河谷 “V”字形河谷 凹岸侵蚀,凸岸堆积,河谷出现连续的河 稳定的地下水补给 湾,最终将河谷展宽,河谷内泥沙堆积 (3) 发育初期的河谷与成熟期河谷的差异 发育初期的河谷的集水面积比较 ,横剖面呈 字形,河湾不断地向两侧扩展,最终将 ,并在河谷内堆积了大量 。这时河谷发育进入 。成熟期的河谷比较 ,横剖面呈 。 2、 河流堆积地貌 (1) 河流堆积地貌 with effective measures. Public security monitoring system used advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as machine directly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring image quality high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can and alarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With advanced user rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an illegal operation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be configured flexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number of network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillance set of network management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. Support concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32-way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 simultaneous users, equivalent 128-channel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices such as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrieval system to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic search, image and video search feature and video display. 被河流搬运的物质,在河流搬运能力 的情况下,会 下来,形成堆积地貌。 (2) 冲积平原的类型 及形成过程 ?类型:在河流堆积地貌中,冲积平原是比较典型的地貌类型,它由 平原、 平原和三角洲平原三部分组成。 ?形成过程 A、洪积—冲积平原发育于 ,是由多个 或 连接而成的。 、河漫滩平原:在中下游地区,河流下蚀作用较 ,侧蚀作用较 。河流往往B 在 侵蚀,在 堆积形成水下堆积体。堆积体的面积逐步扩大,在枯水季节露出水面,形成河漫滩。洪水季节,河漫滩被河水淹没,继续接受沉积。如果河流改道,河漫滩被废弃的河漫滩连接在一起,就形成了宽广的河漫滩平原。 C、三角洲平原 入海处水下坡度平缓 多个连在一起 河流携带大量泥沙 三角洲 三角洲平原 河水流速减慢泥沙堆积 (二)河流地貌对聚落分布的影响 1、在河流地貌中, 、 、 、 对河流流经地区的聚落分布均有明显的影响。 2、高原地区的聚落大多呈 分布在深切河谷两岸狭窄的 上。 3、山区的聚落主要分布在 、 和 上。由于洪积扇、冲积扇分布于 ,河漫滩平原沿 发育,所以,山区的聚落形成明显的 ,或分布于 ,或 发展。 三、典型例题解析 例一2007全国2读下图回答1,2题。 1.为了加强水土保持,甲、乙、丙、丁四地段中,最应退耕还林(草)的是 A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 2.甲、乙、丙、丁四地段中,灌溉条件最好的地段是 multaneous users, equivalent 128way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 si-Support concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32f network management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. set o of network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillancegured flexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number confilegal operation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be user rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an il vancednd alarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With adquality high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can amage chine directly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring iused advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as ma with effective measures. Public security monitoring system2h, image and video search feature and video display.l system to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic searcch as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrievachannel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices su- A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 例二 长江三峡形成的主要外力作用是( ): A、 河流的溯源侵蚀B、河流的下蚀C、河流的侧蚀D、河流的深蚀 解析:解答本题的关键是明确各种河流侵蚀作用的概念及其对地表形态的影响。溯源侵蚀是指向河流源头方向的侵蚀,它使河谷不断向源头方向伸长;下蚀是指垂直于地面的侵蚀,它使河床加深,河流向纵深方向发展;侧蚀是指垂直于两侧河岸的侵蚀,它使谷底展宽,谷坡后退,河流向横向发展。长江三峡山高谷深,其形成原因主要是地壳不断上升,河水强烈下切,导致河谷不断加深所致,除内力作用外,外力作用主要是河流的下蚀作用。 答案:B 例三 下面四个流域中,城市最稀少的是( ) A、 亚马孙河流域B、泰晤士河流域C、黄河流域D、密西西比河流域 解析:聚落的分布与地形、气候等自然因素关系密切。上述四个流域中,亚马孙河流域地处热带,气候闷热,不适合人类居住,故城市稀少。 答案:A 四、达标训练 (一)单项选择题 1、 有关河流地貌的叙述,正确的是( ) A、 按成因,河流地貌分为侵蚀地貌和搬运地貌两种B、河流地貌的形成主要 与内力作用有关C、河流地貌的形成和发展主要与外力作用有关D、河流 地貌只存在于河流入海口处 2、 有关河流侵蚀地貌的叙述,不正确的是( ) A、 河流侵蚀地貌是由溯源侵蚀、下蚀和侧蚀共同作用形成的B、溯源侵蚀使 河谷不断加深,河流向纵深方向发展C、侧蚀使谷底展宽,谷坡后退, 河流向横向发展D、下蚀使河床加深,河流向纵深方向发展。 3、 河谷从发育初期到成熟期,下列说法正解的是( ) A、 河流的侧蚀作用减弱,下蚀作用加强B、河流在凹岸堆积,在凸岸侵蚀C、 河湾不断地向两侧扩展,使河谷展宽D、河谷横剖面由“U”形变为“V” 形。 下图是某国南方某河流的一河段,据此回答4-5题。 4、 河中有沙金,淘金处可能是( )A、?B、?C、?D、? 5、 该河的丰水期一般在( ) A、 夏秋两季B、春夏两季C、秋科两季D、春冬两季 下图是我国西北某类农业区的示意图。据此回答6-7题 channel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices su-neous users, equivalent 128way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 simulta-rt concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32work management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. Suppof network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillance set oflexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number of net uredoperation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be config rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an illegal d userarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With advancety high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can and alualidirectly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring image q advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as machine with effective measures. Public security monitoring system used3age and video search feature and video display.tem to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic search, imch as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrieval sys 、 该类农业区所在的地形属于( ) 6 A、 冲积扇B、河流沿岸平原C、河边滩地D、河流三角洲 7、 与黄河中下游平原相比,该类农业区农业生产的优势条件是( ) A、 热量充足B、太阳辐射强C、水资源丰富D、土壤肥沃 8、 有关河流地貌对聚落分布影响的叙述,正确的是( ) A、 高原地区地势高、气候寒冷,没有聚落的分布B、山区的聚落均呈条带 状沿河流两岸发展C、山前冲积扇、洪积扇由于地势平坦、水资源丰富, 成为聚落分布最为密集的地区D、高原地区的聚落大多分布在深切河谷两 岸的河漫滩平原上。 读“陆地地形与海洋示意图”完成9-10题 9、图中a处的地形名称是( )A、冲积扇B、河流三角洲C、山脊D悬崖 10、河流堆积物从a处到b处堆积的情况是( ) A、颗粒大小不分,杂乱地堆积B、由a处到b处依次是黏土、粉砂、砂、砾石C、由a处到b处依次是砾石、黏土、粉砂、粗砂D、由a处到b处依次是砾石、砂、粉砂、黏土 (二)综合题w ww.xk b1.com 9、 下图是我国西北某类农业区的示意图。读图完成下列要求。 (1)该类农业区所在的地形属于 ,多形成于 。 (2)图中聚落分布在 ,原因是 。 10、 读下面的地貌示意图,回答问题。 由于流水侵蚀作用形成的是 (填字母,下同); 由于流水堆积作用形成的是 ; 由于风力堆积作用形成的是 ; 由于风力侵蚀作用形成的是 。 channel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices su-multaneous users, equivalent 128way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 si-Support concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32f network management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. set o of network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillancegured flexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number confilegal operation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be user rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an il vancednd alarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With adquality high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can amage chine directly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring iused advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as ma with effective measures. Public security monitoring system4h, image and video search feature and video display.l system to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic searcch as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrieva 11、 读图,回答下列问题。 (1)甲图为冲积扇地貌,此地形一般分布在 。 (2)冲积扇是 作用形成的。 (3)冲积扇地貌的形成原因是 。 (4)冲积扇组成物质的分布特点是 。 五、能力提高 、如下图,一条河流沿箭头方向流动,将会形成下列哪些地理景观( ) 1 A、 峡谷B、U形谷C、湖泊D、瀑布 2、 下面是我国某地区等高线图(图1),及该地区气温曲线、降水柱状及径流补给图(图 2),读图后回答下列问题。 (1)图1中甲处地貌类型是( ):A、喀斯特地貌B、冲积扇C、新月形沙丘D、火山口地貌 (2)该地区可能位于( )A、塔里木盆地边缘B、黄淮海平原C、四川盆地D、河西走廊 (3)甲处家业发展的主要障碍是( )?冬春降水少?冬季气温低?红壤分布?夏季降水集中,易产生洪涝?海拔高、气温低、热量不足。 A、??? B、??? C、??? D、??? f network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillance set oflexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number of net uredoperation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be config rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an illegal d userarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With advancety high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can and alualidirectly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring image q advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as machine with effective measures. Public security monitoring system used5age and video search feature and video display.tem to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic search, imch as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrieval syschannel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices su-neous users, equivalent 128way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 simulta-rt concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32work management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. Suppo 读图,回答下列问题 3、(1)填出河流在A、B、C三处对应的剖面图(甲、乙、丙)以及流水外力作用方式; A: ,以 作用为主;B: ,以 作用为主;C: ,以 作用为主。 (2)A处河段特征:河流侵蚀作用明显, 深, 大,多 ,水能资源 ;C处河段特征: ,泥沙 ,江面宽广,利于 (交通)。 理景观最有可能是( ) (3)若河流A段的纵剖面如上图所示,则形成的 A、 U形谷B、喀斯特深洞C、河流瀑布D、河口三角洲 4、读我国东部沿海某地等高线示意图,回答下列问题。 (1)图中所示地区是我国水果重要产区之一,?地适宜种的水是是(单项选择) A、 苹果B、菠萝C、椰子D、柑橘 (?或?)线。理由 (2)如果在甲村和乙村之间修建一条公路,应选择 是: 。 (3)如果在该地区建设小城镇,甲乙丙丁四个村庄发展条件最有利的是 村。理由是 。 (4)为了解决未来小城镇的用水、用电问题,该地区在?处修建水电站。选择该处建坝理由是 ;但随之可能带来的问题是 。 六、课后反思 way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 si-Support concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32f network management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. set o of network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillancegured flexibly according to demand amount of hardware. When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number confilegal operation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be user rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an il vancednd alarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With adquality high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can amage chine directly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring iused advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as ma with effective measures. Public security monitoring system6h, image and video search feature and video display.l system to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic searcch as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrievachannel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices su-multaneous users, equivalent 128
本文档为【河南省武陟县阳城一中高中地理 第4章第三节《河流地貌的发育》教案 新人教版必修1】,请使用软件OFFICE或WPS软件打开。作品中的文字与图均可以修改和编辑, 图片更改请在作品中右键图片并更换,文字修改请直接点击文字进行修改,也可以新增和删除文档中的内容。
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