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成都市社保个体网上操作指南成都市社保个体网上操作指南 个体参保人员网上经办操作指南 一、个体网上经办业务项目 1、个人基本信息变更 2、个体人员停保 3、个体人员续保 4、养老差额补缴 5、个体正常缴费 6、网银缴费订单结算 7、个体银行代扣协议签订 8、个体银行代扣协议修改 9、个体银行代扣协议注销 10、个体协议信息查询 11、查询业务:社保信息查询、历年度缴费标准查询、养老 缴费测算查询、业务办理情况查询 publications such as the national liberation movement, in...
成都市社保个体网上操作指南 个体参保人员网上经办操作指南 一、个体网上经办业务项目 1、个人基本信息变更 2、个体人员停保 3、个体人员续保 4、养老差额补缴 5、个体正常缴费 6、网银缴费订单结算 7、个体银行代扣协议签订 8、个体银行代扣协议修改 9、个体银行代扣协议注销 10、个体协议信息查询 11、查询业务:社保信息查询、历年度缴费标准查询、养老 缴费测算查询、业务办理情况查询 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 二、个体网上经办用户注册 1、功能描述 登陆成都市社会保险个人网上经办系统,点击“个人经办用户注册”,完成用户注册后,使用成都市社会保险个体网上经办系统办理业务。 2、操作界面 成都市人力资源和社会保障局网址:“www.cdhrss.gov.cn” ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti2 3、经办流程图 个人经办用户注册 录入个人信息 设置用户名及密码 完成注册 三、找回密码和用户名 1、功能描述 注册用户遗忘或丢失登录密码或用户名时,通过录入及核对相关个人信息后,可找回本人登录密码或用户名。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti3 3、经办流程图 找回密码和用户名 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti4 填写用户信息 核对用户信息 重新设置密码 保存密码 密码设置完成 四、个人基本信息变更 1、功能描述 注册用户可进入该业务程序变更联系电话、地址、邮篇等个人基本信息。以便今后社会保险经办机构提供邮寄个人社会保险权益记录、短信提醒中断缴费等服务。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti5 3、经办流程图 个体人员基本信息变更 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti6 修改基本信息 修改权益信息 确认保存 变更成功 五、个体人员停保 1、功能描述 个体参保关系为“参保”状态的注册用户,需办理转单位缴费、向外地转移参保关系、办理退休等业务手续时,可进入该业务程序自助办理个体停保手续。办理停保手续时,所签订银行代扣协议和未缴费单据将一并注销。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti7 3、经办流程图 个体人员停保 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti8 确认险种信息 确认保存 停保成功 六、个体人员续保 1、功能描述 基本养老、医疗保险已停保的注册用户,进入该业务程序自助勾选参保险种办理续保手续。以上人员只有首先办理了续保手续后,才能根据本人需求选择办理“个体人员网银缴费”或“个体人员银行代扣协议签订”或“个体人员停保”等业务。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti9 3、经办流程图 个体人员参保 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti10 选择参保险种 确认保存 参保成功 七、个体正常缴费和养老差额补缴 1、功能描述 (1)个体人员正常缴费 基本养老、医疗保险参保关系为个体参保状态的注册用户,进入该业务程序勾选基本养老保险缴费档次,默认按基本医疗保险9.5%缴费比例,生成网上缴费应收账和缴费订单。只有生成缴费订单后才能进入“网银缴费订单结算”业务程序办理完成缴费手续。 (2)养老差额补缴 个体参保关系为“参保”状态的注册用户,进入该业务程序可办理补缴2005年后的历年基本养老保险同档次缴费基数差额部分的费用。原因:因为每年省统计局、人社厅公布基本养老保险使用上一年的省在岗职工工资作为缴费基数,均于每年第二季 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti11 度公布。在未公布前的月份,个体参保人员均延用上一年的缴费标准缴费。 2、操作界面 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti12 3、经办流程图 个体人员网银缴费 选择缴费项目 个体人员参保 录入缴费期号、档次 产生缴费单据 个体人员停保 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti13 撤销缴费单 网银缴费订单结算 进入支付页面缴费 缴费成功 八、网银缴费订单结算 1、功能描述 注册用户进入“个体正常缴费”或“养老差额补缴”业务程序自助生成缴费订单后,才能进入该业务程自助办理查询缴费订单、撤消缴费订单、调用本人对应的网银接口实时办理缴费手续。 2、操作界面 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti14 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti15 3、经办流程图 网银缴费订单结算 确认产生订单 支付或撤消 订单结算完成 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti16 九、个体银行代扣协议签订 1、功能描述 个体基本养老、医疗保险参保关系为“参保”状态的注册用户,可进入该业务程序,签订网上银行代扣协议,按月扣缴基本养老、医疗、生育、大病互助补充保险费。 2、操作界面 3、经办流程图 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti17 个体银行代扣协议签订 录入协议基本信息 确认协议信息 确认保存 协议提交待审核 审核通过等待扣款 审核失败重新签订 协议签订成功 十、个体银行代扣协议修改 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti18 1、功能描述 已在我市社保经办机构柜面或“个体网上经办系统”签订了银行代扣协议,且协议为在册有效的注册用户,可进入该自助业务程序自助修改扣款银行及帐号、联系地址、联系电话等信息。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti19 3、经办流程图 个体银行代扣协议修改 修改代扣协议信息 确认修改信息 协议修改成功 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti20 十一、个体银行代扣协议注销 1、功能描述 已在我市社保经办机构柜面或“个体网上经办系统”签订了银行代扣协议,且协议为在册有效的注册用户,可进入该业务程序自助注销已签订的个体银行代扣协议。自助办理注销后,将不再从签订协议时约定的扣款账户内扣缴社保费。每月16日至下旬(12月为10日至24日)为扣款期间,提示为“扣款期间”将不能注销银行代扣协议。 2、操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti21 3、经办流程图 个体银行代扣协议注销 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti22 选择银行代扣协议 确认注销 协议注销成功 十二、个体协议信息查询 1、功能描述 在“个体网上经办系统”签订过银行代扣协议的注册用户,可进入该业务程序自助查询当前银行代扣协议的状态(“在册有效”或“已注销”状态)。对于“在册有效”状态的协议,可自 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti23 助查询预览或下载打印协议。 。 2、操作界面 3、经办流程图 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti24 个体协议信息查询 确认协议信息 代扣协议预览打印 查询完成 十三、查询业务 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti25 1、社保信息查询 (1)功能描述 注册用户进入该查询程序,可查询本人参加社会保险的基本信息、参保状态、历年的缴费情况。 (2)操作界面 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti26 2、历年缴费标准查询 (1)功能描述 注册用户进入该查询程序,可查询或下载成都市2009年至2013年每一年的个体人员缴费标准。 (2)操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti27 3、养老缴费预测查询 (1)功能描述 注册用户进入该业务程序,录入起始年月和截止年月及缴费档次,可预测该时间段内基本养老保险的应缴费本金、利息等。 (2)操作界面 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti28 4、业务办理情况查询 (1)功能描述 注册用户进入该查询程序,录入申请办理开始日期和申请办理截止日期,可查询该时间段内本人在“个体网上经办系统”内自助办理的所有业务记录。 (2)操作界面 Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides-site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti a. TheJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of Chin-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti29 ly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was sudden-su and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antier of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in JiangJapanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a numb-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti30
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