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2013年三相多功能电能表比对试验报告2013年三相多功能电能表比对试验报告 2013年三相多功能电能表比对试验报告 一、 比对试验概述 按照开展比对试验的有关要求,为验证人员和仪器设备检定结果的一致性,吉林省农电有限公司白城城郊分公司电能计量所和白城供电公司电能计量中心,分别于2013年6月2日和2013年6月3日在各自实验室,依据JJG596-2012《电子式电能表》检定规程,对DSSD536型三相电能表进行比对试验。 1.1比对目的为了评价 为了评价白城城郊分公司电能计量所实验室能力和水平,确保实验室检定数据的准确、可靠。 1.2比对用实验样品 ...
2013年三相多功能电能表比对试验报告 2013年三相多功能电能表比对试验报告 一、 比对试验概述 按照开展比对试验的有关要求,为验证人员和仪器设备检定结果的一致性,吉林省农电有限公司白城城郊分公司电能计量所和白城供电公司电能计量中心,分别于2013年6月2日和2013年6月3日在各自实验室,依据JJG596-2012《电子式电能表》检定规程,对DSSD536型三相电能表进行比对试验。 1.1比对目的为了评价 为了评价白城城郊分公司电能计量所实验室能力和水平,确保实验室检定数据的准确、可靠。 1.2比对用实验样品 样品名称:多功能三相电能表 生产厂家:华立集团仪表有限公司 型号: DSSD536 准确度等级:0.5S级 编号:136204 1.3参加比对实验室及比对用试验设备 吉林省农电有限公司白城城郊分公司电能计量所: 设备名称:三相多功能电能表装置 生产厂家:深圳市科路电子科技股份有限公司 型号:CL30005D-12 准确度等级:0.05级 编号:02540 白城电能计量中心: 设备名称:三相多功能电能表检定装置 生产厂家:深圳市科陆电子科技股份有限公司 型号:CL30005D—12 准确度等级:0.05级 编号:01520 1.4参加比对实验室环境条件: pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run O吉林省农电有限公司白城城郊分公司电能计量所:温度:21.04C 湿度:50% O白城电能计量中心:温度:21.2C 湿度:51% 1.5比对试验参加人员 吉林省农电有限公司白城城郊分公司电能计量所: 孙雅丽、张俊强 白城电能计量中心: 王莉莉 张国峰 1.6比对进程 2013年6月2日和2013年6月3日进行比对试验,实际在2013年6月2日和2013年6月3日进行比对试验。 1.7比对试验方法 根据JJG596-2012《电子式电能表检定规程》,用三相电能表标准装置,对三相电能表进行基本误差检定。 1.8比对试验结果 依据JJF1033-2008《计量标准考核》,对检测结果进行比对。 白城城郊分公司计量所出具检定证书编号:DS字201306002 白城电能计量中心出具检定证书编号: D,计,,字013060103 二、比对试验结论 2.1由检定报告得知,两个参比实验室检定结论相同,检定人员对被试样品判定原则掌握正确。 2.2被试样品结果比对统计见附录 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 基本误差(%) 白城城白城电 郊分公能计量22 |y,y|功率因数 电流 结论 U,U labreflabref司电能中心 计量所 yy labref COS=1.0 I=Ib -0.1995 -0.1801 0.0194 0.1124 合格 COS=0.5L I=Ib -0.1847 -0.1403 0.0444 0.0801 合格 2.3被试样品的实验数据结果比对表明,两个实验室的检定结果符合性较好。 22满足公式:符合不确定度要求。 |y,y|,U,Ulabreflabref 2.4综上所述:通过两个实验室的仪器/设备比对结果,具有较好的一致性,本实验室的检定人员和检测设备,均能满足三相电能表的检定要求。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 附件1:测量不确定度报告 附件2:检定证书 附件1: 电能表测量不确定度评定 一、比对所用标准装置基本参数: 设备名称:三相多功能电能表标准装置 生产厂家:深圳市科陆电子科技股份有限公司 型号:CL30005D-12 准确度等级:0.05级 编号:02540 二、定义和检定方法简述: 本计量标准装置依据《JJG596-2012》;《JJG307-2006》等电能表检定规程,采用直接比较法,把被检电能表显示的被测量与多功能标准表测得的标准量相比较进行检定,以确定被检电能表的测量准确度。 不确定度影响量: 、在检定过程中,被试计量器具的不稳定带来的随机不确定; 1 2、测量方法的不合理带来的随机不确定; 3、检定人员的差异带来的随机不确定; 4、环境条件的变化带来的随机不确定; 5、误差计算器的分辨率带来的随机不确定; 6、计量标准随机带来的不确定度; 7、计量标准已定系统误差带来的B类不确定度。 三、建立评定不确定度的数学模型: Y 式中: :测量结果的不确定度; U:检定被检品时由随机性引起的不确定度; A U:已定系统误差(来自于计量标准的基础信息)带来的B类不B 确定度; a: 标准装置本身的不确定度(准确度等级)。 根据《测量不确定度评定与表示》中公式(18): pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run N222 u(y),[,f/,x]u(x),cii,1i 222可得,方差: u(y),[CU],[CU]cAABB 其灵敏系数: C,,Y/,U,1AA C,,Y/,U,1BB 四、标准不确定度的评定: 4.1 A类标准不确定度的评定 根据技术报告第六项对测量重复性考核可得合并标准偏差,即A类评定值为: 4.1.1误差源:读数重复性引入的误差 4.1.2对被检电能表不同状态分别进行测量,所测数据如下表 负 载 I=Ib,cos,=1.0 % I=Ib,cos,=0.5L % 次数 -0.2015 -0.1901 1 -0.2011 -0.1863 2 -0.2024 -0.1810 3 -0.1994 -0.1803 4 -0.1985 -0.1905 5 -0.1902 -0.1899 6 -0.1989 -0.1812 7 -0.2015 -0.1803 8 -0.2011 -0.1811 9 -0.2010 -0.1856 10 nn11-0.1995 -0.1847 x,x,x,x,测量结果 ii,,nni,1i,1 nn22xxxx,,,,,,,,ii实际标准偏差 ,1,10.0036 0.0044 sxsxii,,,,,,,,n1n1,, s(x)s(x)平均值的标准s(x),,s(x),,0.0025 0.0031 偏差 22测量结果的相 0.0025 0.0031 u(y),s(x),u(y),s(x),对标准不确定AA度为 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 0.0001% 2由装置读数分辨率带来的不确定度分量u== 0.00003%; b23 装置读数分辨率带来的不确定度分量小于重复性带来的不确定度,可忽略不计。 4.2.1 COSΦ=1时U B1 灵敏系数a标准不确定度标准装置 kUyC分布系数,, , CBBC分量来源 不确定度 a kB 标准装置 0.05 1 3 0.05/3,0.0289% 4.2.2 COSΦ=0.5L时:U B1 灵敏系数标准不确定度标准装置 a ,,UyC,k 分布系数CBB C分量来源 误差限 akB 标准装置 0.07 1 33 0.07/,0.0404% 4.3修约间距带来的不确定度分量 区间 u= a / k 0.5 B2/10/2 u= a / k=0.025=0.0145% 3B2半宽 a= 五、合成标准不确定度: 22222,,uy,U,U U=U+U代入数据得: BB1B2cAB ,, 0.0281% (COSΦ=1.0)时 Uy,c1 ,,Uy,0.0386% (COSΦ=0.5L)时 c0.5L UK,2六、扩展(测量)不确定度(取置信系数): ,,U,KUy,2,0.0281,0.0562 ? 1/3 A (COSΦ=1.0)时 c11 ,,U,KUy,2,0.0386,0.0772? 1/3 A (COSΦ=0.5L)时 0.5c0.5L A为被试表等级,满足不确定要求。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 附件1:测量不确定度报告 附件2:检定证书 附件1: 电能表测量不确定度评定 一、比对所用标准装置基本参数: 白城电能计量中心: 设备名称:三相多功能电能表检定装置 生产厂家:深圳市科陆电子科技股份有限公司 型号:CL30005D—12 准确度等级:0.05级 编号:01520 二、定义和检定方法简述: 本计量标准装置依据《JJG596-2012》;《JJG307-2006》等电能表检定规程,采用直接比较法,把被检电能表显示的被测量与多功能标准表测得的标准量相比较进行检定,以确定被检电能表的测量准确度。 不确定度影响量: 1、 在检定过程中,被试计量器具的不稳定带来的随机不确定; 2、 测量方法的不合理带来的随机不确定; 3、 检定人员的差异带来的随机不确定; 4、 环境条件的变化带来的随机不确定; 、 误差计算器的分辨率带来的随机不确定; 5 6、 计量标准随机带来的不确定度; 7、 计量标准已定系统误差带来的B类不确定度。 三、建立评定不确定度的数学模型: Y 式中: :测量结果的不确定度; U:检定被检品时由随机性引起的不确定度; A U:已定系统误差(来自于计量标准的基础信息)带来的B类不确定度; B a: 标准装置本身的不确定度(准确度等级)。 根据《测量不确定度评定与表示》中公式(18): N222 u(y),[,f/,x]u(x),cii,1i pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 222可得,方差: u(y),[CU],[CU]cAABB 其灵敏系数: C,,Y/,U,1AA C,,Y/,U,1BB 四、标准不确定度的评定: 4.1 A类标准不确定度的评定 根据技术报告第六项对测量重复性考核可得合并标准偏差,即A类评定值为: 4.1.1误差源:读数重复性引入的误差 4.1.2对被检电能表不同状态分别进行测量,测量次数 所测数据如下表 负载 I=Ib,cos,=1.0 % I=Ib,cos,=0.5L % 次数 1 -0.1731 -0.1389 2 -0.1765 -0.1401 3 -0.1790 -0.1415 4 -0.1801 -0.1378 5 -0.1823 -0.1392 6 -0.1798 -0.1420 7 -0.1812 -0.1428 8 -0.1835 -0.1409 9 -0.1835 -0.1387 10 -0.1816 -0.1409 nn11-0.1801 -0.1403 x,x,x,x,测量结果 ii,,nni,1i,1 nn22xxxx,,,,,,,,ii实际标准偏差 ,1,10.0033 0.0017 sxsxii,,,,,,,,n1n1,, s(x)s(x)平均值的标准偏s(x),,0.0023 s(x),,0.0012 差 22测量结果的相对0.0023 0.0012 u(y),s(x),u(y),s(x),AA标准不确定度为 0.0001% 2由装置读数分辨率带来的不确定度分量u== 0.00003%; b23 装置读数分辨率带来的不确定度分量小于重复性带来的不确定度,可忽略不计。 U(y)与U相比较,取较大者做为A类不确定度的评定值。 cAfb pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run COSΦ=1时U 4.2.1B1 标准不确定度分标准装置 a灵敏系数C UyC ,,,k分布系数 BCBB量来源 不确定度a k 标准装置 0.05 1 0.05/,0.0288 33 4.2.2 COSΦ=0.5L时: UB1 标准不确定度分标准装置 a灵敏系数 Ck分布系数 ,,UyC,BCBB量来源 误差限 ak 标准装置 0.07 1 3 0.07/3,0.040 4.3修约间距带来的不确定度分量 区间 u= a / k 0.5/10/2 u= a / k=0.025 /=0.0145% 3B2B2半宽 a= 五、合成标准不确定度: 22222,,uy,U,U U=U+U代入数据得: BB1B2cAB 0.0272% (COSΦ=1时); ,,Uy,c1 0.0365% (COSΦ=0.5L时) ,,Uy,c0.5L UK,2六、扩展(测量)不确定度(取置信系数): ,,% ? 1/3 A (COSΦ=1时) U,KUy,2,0.0272,0.0544c11 ,,%? 1/3 A (COSΦ=0.5) U,KUy,2,0.0365,0.0730.5c0.5L A为被试表等级,满足不确定要求。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run
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