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针灸常用穴位[1]针灸常用穴位[1] 常用体穴 1(百会 取穴:在头部,当前发际正中直上5寸,或两耳尖连线的中点。简便而正确的取穴方法为:于前后正中线和两耳尖连线的交点处取穴。 作用:本穴具有比较明显的双向调节,既可预防高血压,又能防止血压过低引起休克。近年来还用于预防竞技综合征。 操作:(1)针法:用30号1寸毫针成15?角向后平刺入0.5,0.8寸,也可从右往左刺入一针,成十字刺法。留针30min(预防高血压),数小时(预防竞技综合征)。(2)灸法:以艾条作温和灸或雀啄灸法。每次10min或据情况而定。 2(印堂 取穴:在额部...
针灸常用穴位[1] 常用体穴 1(百会 取穴:在头部,当前发际正中直上5寸,或两耳尖连线的中点。简便而正确的取穴方法为:于前后正中线和两耳尖连线的交点处取穴。 作用:本穴具有比较明显的双向调节,既可预防高血压,又能防止血压过低引起休克。近年来还用于预防竞技综合征。 操作:(1)针法:用30号1寸毫针成15?角向后平刺入0.5,0.8寸,也可从右往左刺入一针,成十字刺法。留针30min(预防高血压),数小时(预防竞技综合征)。(2)灸法:以艾条作温和灸或雀啄灸法。每次10min或据情况而定。 2(印堂 取穴:在额部,当两眉头的中间。 作用:本穴多与百会配合用于预防高血压、失眠及忧郁症等。 操作:针法:以1寸毫针自上至下平刺0.5寸。 3(素髎 取穴:在面部,当鼻尖正中。 作用:本穴为预防休克之要穴,可配合人中(水沟)同用。现代实验研究明,本穴能限止血压下降,促使血压上升,具有兴奋呼吸机能,以及提高机体对失血的耐受性和代偿能力。 操作:针法:斜刺,针尖从鼻尖端斜向上刺入,深约0.5,1.0寸,使产生酸麻感,可扩散至鼻根及鼻腔。留针直到症情改善,留针期间宜间断运针。 4(风池 取穴:在项部,枕骨之下两侧,正当斜方肌外缘与胸锁乳突肌后缘之间的凹陷中。 作用:主要用于预防普通感冒、流感、高血压。对预防某些眼病如青光眼、白内障、近视等也有一定作用。 操作:(1)针法:本穴为易发生危险的穴位,作为预防用,必须注意安全。据解剖学研究和大量临床实践证明,针尖向鼻尖方向刺入1,1.5寸最为安全。以针感向眼区、前额或头部放射为佳。留针20,30min。(2)灸法:用艾条作回旋灸10,15min。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 5(太阳 取穴:在颞部,当眉梢与目外眦之间,向后约一横指的凹陷处。 作用:预防感冒、急性结膜炎以及头痛发作。 操作:针法:1)直刺。以30号1寸针刺入0.5,0.8寸,至局部有酸胀感,用以预防 感冒;2)平刺。以30号1.5寸针成15?角向耳尖方向刺入1,1.2寸,用以预防头痛。以上均留针30min。3)点刺。以消毒细三棱针点刺出血。用以预防感冒和急性结膜炎。 6(中脘 取穴:在腹正中线上,脐上4寸。使病人仰卧,在胸骨剑突至脐心连线中点取之。 作用:能调节脾胃功能、增强食欲。为传统的防病健身穴。 操作:(1)针法:毫针直刺,深1.5,2.0寸,至上腹部闷胀沉重,或放散性胀痛,或胃部有收缩感。注意,毫针以28号,30号为宜,不可过度深刺,避免穿破腹膜。留针15,20min。(2)灸法:着肤灸,灸3,7壮,炷如黄豆大,宜无瘢痕灸;艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。 7(神阙(脐中) 取穴:在脐窝正中。 作用:本穴是古代重要保健穴之一。如宋代《扁鹊心书》提到期“凡用此灸,百病顿除,延年益寿”。明代《针灸集成》也记述一老者,“年逾百岁,而甚壮健”,原因是“每交(指春分、秋分、夏至、冬至)灸脐中”之故。现代用它调节肠胃功能,提高免疫力,延缓衰老,预防中风。 操作:灸法:隔盐灸,以黄豆至枣核大之艾炷,灸 5,30壮。关于壮数,《类经图翼》认为:“若灸三、五百壮,不惟愈疾,亦且延年”。可作参考。艾条灸,每次15,20min,以局部潮红为度。 8(气海 取穴:在腹正中线上,脐下1.5寸处取穴。 作用:培补元气、固益肾精。是防病强身穴之一。古人认为该穴是“元气之海”,也是“男子生气之海也”(《铜人腧穴针灸图经》)。现代本穴用于增强人体的免疫力、延年益寿,改善亚健康状态,以及预防休克,增强男性性功能。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 操作:(1)灸法:本法为主,着肤灸5,9壮,炷如黄豆大。不留疤痕灸。艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。(2)针法:直刺1.0,1.5寸,针尖微向下,使针感如线状放射至会阴部,留针15,20min。 9(关元 取穴:在腹正中线上,脐下3寸处取穴。 作用:本穴为历代重要的保健益寿之穴。《医经精义》有“元阴、元阳交点之所”的说法,《扁鹊心书》对本穴颇为推崇,曾有诗云:“一年辛苦唯三百(壮),灸取关元功方多;健体轻身无病患,彭篯(又称彭祖,相传为古代长寿者)寿数更如何。”可作为中老年保健、男性性功能障碍防治等的要穴。 操作:灸法:1)着肤灸5,9壮,黄豆大艾炷,宜疤痕灸。2)艾条灸,温和灸20,30min。针法:同气海穴。 10(中极 取穴:在腹正中线上,脐下4寸处取穴。 作用:用于预防妇产科病症及防治男性性功能紊乱。 操作:(1)针法:直刺1.0,2.0寸深,局部酸胀,可扩散至小腹及线状放射到外生殖器,留针15,20min。(2)灸法:艾条灸,温和灸10,15min。 11(天枢 取穴:在腹部,脐旁开2寸处取穴。 作用:预防胃肠疾病及术后腹胀等。 操作:(1)针法:直刺1.5,2.0寸,局部酸胀,并可扩散至同侧腹部。注意不可刺至过深,导致腹膜损伤。(2)灸法:艾条灸,雀啄灸10,20min。 12(大椎 取穴:在后正中线上,第七颈椎棘突下取穴。俯首时,当项后隆起最高处下缘凹陷中为该穴。 作用:主要用于预防各类急性传染病、对预防慢性支气管炎和哮喘的发作和药物的毒副均有较为显著的作用。现代研究证实,电针或艾灸大椎穴,能增加抗体生成和增强网状内皮系统吞食细胞的功能,从而提高机体抵抗力。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 操作:(1)针法:直刺,微斜向上深刺至1.0,1.5寸,局部酸胀,针向下及向两肩部扩散。注意,不可过深,以免造成蛛网膜下腔出血或损伤脊髓。(2)灸法:艾条灸,温和灸15,30min。(3)拔罐:可用闪火法或抽吸法吸拔10,15min。 13(身柱 取穴:在背部,第二胸椎棘突下取穴。 作用:本穴在日本属于养生灸的常用穴之一。尤其可用于小儿健身灸,《日常灸法》云:“习俗称〈身柱灸〉,小儿必灸也”。小儿生后一百天,灸此穴可预防感冒、百日咳、吐乳、消化不良等。成人用以预防疲劳、抗药物毒副作用等。 操作:灸法:1)着肤灸,成人3,7壮,炷如麦粒大。小儿则可将艾绒搓成铅笔尖粗或更细之炷,灸3壮。如加灸灵台穴,效更佳。2)艾条灸,温和灸15,20min(成人),或3,10min(小儿)。 14(命门 取穴:在腰部,后正中线上,第二腰椎棘突下取穴。可令病人正坐直腰或腑卧,先触到十二肋端,平移至脊柱中点,其棘突间即为命门穴。 作用:重要保健防病穴。能增强体质、调节精神,可用作平时保健防病,改善亚健康状态及防治男性性功能障碍等。 操作:(1)灸法:1)着肤灸,灸3,5壮,炷如黄豆大,无疤痕灸为宜;2)艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。(2)针法:直刺,深1.0,1.5寸,以局部酸胀为宜,留针15min。 15(风门 取穴:在背部,第二胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸处取之。 作用:用以预防感冒、肺结核、痈疽等。《类经图翼•卷七》称,此穴“常灸之,永无痈疽、疮疥等患”。另外,日本将风门称“打肩”,其民间习俗,人到20岁,须行”打肩灸”来防病强身。 操作:(1)灸法:着肤灸,3,5壮,麦粒大艾炷。艾条灸,雀啄灸15,20min。(2)针法:同肺俞。 16(肺俞 取穴:在背部,第三胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取穴。 作用:调理肺气、祛邪扶正。常用以预防感冒及支气管炎、哮喘等发作。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 操作:(1)灸法:着肤灸,每次3,5壮,艾炷如麦粒大,要求疤痕灸。亦可用药物敷贴。(2)针法:直刺0.5,0.8寸。为避免伤肺造成气胸,可在穴位向外傍开1?,成45?向脊柱侧斜刺1.0,1.5寸,局部酸胀感,一般不留针。 17(心俞 取穴:在背部,第五胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取穴。 作用:预防冠心病心绞痛等病症 操作:直刺0.5,0.8寸。为避免伤肺造成气胸,可在穴位向外傍开1?处,成45?角向脊柱侧斜刺1.0,1.5寸,酸胀感可向前胸放散,一般不留针。 18(膈俞 取穴:在背部,第七胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取穴。 作用:预防呃逆,与胆俞穴组成四花穴可用于戒烟。 操作:直刺0.5,0.8寸。为避免伤肺造成气胸,可在穴位向外傍开1?处,成45?度角向脊柱侧斜刺1.0,1.5寸,局部有酸胀感。 19(胰俞 取穴:在背部,第八胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取穴。 作用:预防糖尿病等病症。 操作:灸法:艾条温和灸或隔物灸。亦可用温针隔橘子皮灸,方法为:先以毫针刺入,取新鲜橘子皮一块置于穴区,针柄敷裹上艾绒行温针灸。 20(肝俞 取穴:在背部,第九胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取之。 作用:预防肝炎、胆结石及白内障等。 操作:针法为主,直刺进针0.5,1.0寸,亦可在穴旁1?处成45?角刺入1.5寸,局部酸胀,有时可向肋间放射。 21(胆俞 取穴:在背部,第十胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5寸处取穴。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 作用:预防胆石病急性发作,与膈俞组合用于戒烟。 操作:针法为主,直刺进针0.5,1.0寸,亦可在穴旁1?处成45?角刺入1.5寸,局部酸胀,有时可向肋间放射。 22(脾俞 取穴:在第十—、十二胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸取之。 作用:调理脾气、运化水谷、和营统血。用以预防脾胃疾患及体虚者可以作强壮穴应用。 操作:(1)针法同上。(2)灸法:艾条灸,雀啄灸15,20min。 23(肾俞 取穴:第二、三腰椎棘突间旁开1.5寸,即命门穴旁开1.5寸。 作用:调肾气、强腰脊、明耳目,具保健抗老作用。 操作:(1)针法:微斜向脊柱直刺,深1.5寸,2寸,针感以腰部酸胀为宜。(2)灸 法:艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。 24(膏肓俞 取穴:第四胸推棘突下,旁开3寸取之。 作用:健脾胃、培肾元,是防病延年的常用穴之一,《千金要方》有“膏肓无所不治”之说。 操作:灸法为主,着肤灸,3,7壮,炷如黄豆大,以无疤痕灸为宜。艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。 25(次髎 取穴:在骶部,当髂后上棘内下方,正好对准第二髎后孔中。约于第二骶椎假棘突下缘旁开0.8寸处取之。 作用:活血止血、理气防痛。多用于预防痛经及产后出血等。 操作:(1)针法:直刺1.0,1.5寸,针应进入骶孔,局部有酸胀感,可放射至小腹或会阴部。留针15,20min。(2)灸法:1)着肤灸,3,7壮,如黄豆大艾炷,无疤痕灸;2)艾条灸,雀啄灸15,20min。 26(章门 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 取穴:在侧腹部,当第十一肋下游离端的下方。简便取法为:屈肘合腋时,约当肘尖尽处。 作用:化积滞、助运化。预防胆石病等。 操作:针法为主,直刺0.8,1寸左右。快速进针,缓慢送至肋尖端,有局部酸胀感后, 反复运针2min左右取针。注意:针前应先触摸一下肝、胆、脾等脏器是否肿大,以免刺中,造成事故。 27(期门 取穴:在胸部,乳头直下,第六肋间隙处取穴(乳头位于第四肋间隙)。 作用:舒肝健脾,活血化瘀,可用于预防胆石病及具有降血脂,预防冠心病的作用。还发现,健康人灸期门后,淋巴细胞显示增长趋势,表明可增强抵抗力。 操作:(1)针法:斜刺,针尖向肋缘刺0.5,1.0寸,以局部有酸胀感为宜。(2)灸法:艾条灸,温和灸10,15min。 28(曲池 取穴:在肘窝横纹桡侧端与肱骨外上髁之中点,屈肘取之。 作用:祛风解表、调和营血、主泄逆气强壮明目。古代将本穴称为“目灸”穴,可防止老年视力减退、巩固牙齿,调整血压,并有预防感冒等传染病作用。 操作:(1)针法:直刺或针尖微斜向肢远端,深1.5,2寸。感应出现后,一般运针1,2min后即出针。(2)灸法:着肤灸:3,5壮,炷如麦粒大。艾条灸:雀啄灸5,15min。 29(孔最 取穴:前臂桡侧,腕横纹上7寸处。 作用:调和营卫、宣肃肺气。用以预防肺结核咯血及扁桃体炎。 操作:(1)针法:毫针0.8,1寸,局部酸胀针感,或向前臂放散。不留针,或留针15,20min。皮肤针叩刺,中等量刺激,至皮肤潮红。(2)灸法:艾条灸,雀啄灸15,20min。 30(内关 取穴:伸臂仰掌,腕横纹正中直上2寸,两筋间取之。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 作用:宁心通络、调血和营。本穴具有明显的改善冠脉循环,调整心脏功能,调节血脂代谢的作用,是预防冠心病的要穴。和足三里配合,可防止人流综合症。 操作:(1)针法:进针后,针尖略向上(肩关节方向)至得气,用提插探寻之法,激发针感上传至肩、腋下或前胸。然后再反复运针1,2min,留针15,20min。(2)灸法:艾条灸,温和灸15,20min。 31(合谷 取穴:手背,拇食指间,当第二掌骨之中点,稍偏食指侧。 作用:振奋卫阳,获卫肌表。对预防多种急性传染病有效。 操作:(1)针法:直刺0.8,1寸,局部有较强烈之酸胀感。一般不留针。(2)灸法:艾条灸,以雀啄法灸10,15min。 32(鱼际 取穴:在手本节(第一指掌声关节)后凹陷处,约当第1掌骨中点桡侧,赤白肉际处。 作用:能防咳喘、利咽喉,用于预防哮喘及慢性支气管炎的急性发作。 操作:向掌心方向斜刺进针0.3,1寸,提插捻转待得气感强烈后取针。 33(少商 取穴:在手拇指末节挠侧,距指甲角0.1寸(指寸)。 作用:醒神、清热。用于预防休克、晕厥和扁桃体炎。 操作:点刺放血。 34(血海 取穴:屈膝,在大腿内侧,髌底内侧端上2寸,当股四头肌内侧头的隆起处。简易取穴法:以对侧的手掌按其膝盖,手指向上,拇指偏向股内侧,拇指指端所止处即为本穴。 作用:调血清血,用以预防子宫出血和荨麻疹发作。 操作:直刺0.5,1寸。 35(足三里 取穴:外膝眼下3寸,胫骨外侧的1横指。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 作用:健运脾胃,补中益气,增强体质,延年益寿。本穴自古就是预防保健的要穴,《医说•卷二》云:“若要安,三里莫要干”。现代临床上观察到,可预防中风、冠心病及流感等传染病。实验研究证实,对循环、消化、神经、血液及内分泌、呼吸等系统均有调整作用,能提高机体整体代谢水平。 操作:(1)灸法:着肤灸,3,9壮,艾炷如麦粒至黄豆大。艾条灸,每次15,20min。 (2)针法:垂直刺,深1.5,2寸,针感以向四周扩散为主。如为预防传染病,可使之放射至膝或踝部。手法宜轻捷,运针后即出针。 36(阳陵泉 取穴:小腿外侧,腓骨小头前下方凹陷中。可令病人正坐屈膝,按取腓骨小头和胫骨粗隆,向下呈等边三角形,其下角端即是穴位。 作用:疏肝清胆、舒筋活络。有消除疲劳,预防胆石病之作用。 操作:(1)针法:直刺1.0,1.5寸,待局部酸胀明显后运针,针感向下放射至踝,亦可上传至膝及大腿。不留针。(2)灸法:艾条灸,温和灸10,20min。 37(委中 取穴:腘窝横纹中点,注意避开动脉。 作用:解血毒、强腰膝、固肌表。为预防小儿急性灰髓炎常用穴之一,尚可防感冒、中暑、中风等。 操作:针法:毫针直刺1.0,1.5寸,局部酸胀,或有麻电感放射至足,不留针。三棱针点刺,出血数滴。 38(行间 取穴:在足背侧,第一与第二足趾之间。 作用:疏肝明目。本穴有较好的降压作用,不仅能调整血压,也能降眼压,对预防高血压、青光眼有较明显的效果。古人认为还有防治消渴病(包括现代的糖尿病)的作用。 操作:针法:针尖略向上斜刺0.5-1寸,局部酸胀向足背放射。留针20-30min。 39(至阴 取穴:足小趾外侧,距趾甲角约0.1寸处。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 作用:对纠正胎位,预防难产有特效。古籍中即有记载,如明代《类经图翼》一书中就有:“横逆难产——,急于本妇右脚小指尖,灸三壮,炷如小麦,下火立产如神。盖此即至阴穴也”。现代通过大量的临床观察和实验研究证实这一作用。 操作:灸法:着肤灸,3,5壮,炷如麦粒大;艾条灸,温和灸20,30min。 40(三阴交 取穴:内踝尖直上3寸,当胫骨后缘。 功效:健脾、益肾、疏肝、调经血、主生殖。本穴对增进腹腔脏器,尤其是生殖系统健康,有较重要作用。可防治男性之性功能障碍、妇女之经带疾病。 操作:(1)针法:毫针直刺1,1.5寸,局部酸胀,留针15,20min。(2)灸法:着肤灸,3,7壮,艾炷如黄豆大;艾条灸,温和灸10,20min。 41(涌泉 取穴:足底中线之前、中1,3处。足趾蹠屈(向足心方向屈曲)时,于足心出现凹陷处取穴。 作用:补肾壮阳,有增强体质和延年益寿的作用。 操作:因本穴针刺剧痛,以灸为主。灸法:艾条灸,温和灸10,20min。 42(正光 取穴:位于眶上缘之下方,有两点:正光1穴位于眶上缘外3,4与内1,4交界处,正光2穴位于眶上缘外1,4与内3,4交界处。 作用:用于预防青少年近视眼、老视等。 操作:一般以皮肤针叩刺,每穴点50,100下,或用指压法,每穴按压2,3min。 43(四缝 取穴:在第2,5指掌侧,近端指关节中央,一侧四穴。 作用:预防小儿厌食症、促进脾胃功能。 操作:用粗针或三棱针点剌,挤压出黄白色的粘液或血液。 44(命关 取穴:位于胁下宛宛中。具体取法为坐位,先取中脘,以中脘与乳中穴连线为一边,作等边三角形,此三角形之另一角尖端即为命关穴。 作用:补脾阳、益脾气,本穴首载于《扁鹊心书》,是培补后天之重要穴位。 操作:灸法为主,着肤灸5,9壮,炷如黄豆大,无疤痕灸;艾条灸,雀啄灸15,20min。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 1 肠胃不太好,用艾灸足三里,神阙,关元。 2 扁桃体炎用艾条灸下颌下的扁桃体点和大椎穴。 3 大便不爽:艾灸(悬空灸)近10天肚脐和脐周足三里,按摩百会穴,感觉大肠蠕动增强,每天都有排气,也没有胃肠胀气现象了,便后清爽了再巩固治疗,每周2-3次。 4 反流性胃炎可以用化脓灸的方式在中脘穴、足三里还有丰隆处艾灸。 5 胆囊长了息肉:可以艾灸关元、期门、日月、阳陵泉. 6 艾灸可以治疗咽炎,方法是在大椎穴点刺放血后,拔罐,然后在艾灸。大椎和天突.(有慢性咽炎的,会导致晚上睡觉打呼。用艾灸盒绑在大椎穴或颈夹脊穴,就会有很好的效果。) 7 胃与十二指肠溃疡可以艾灸治疗,用四眼艾灸盒在腹部的胃经大面积艾灸,还有用单眼灸 穴位:中脘穴(位于腹正中线脐上4寸处)、足三里穴。 方法:选准穴位后,点燃药用艾条,在中脘穴、一侧足三里穴上各悬灸10分钟,以穴位上皮肤潮红色为度。胃痛可立即缓解。使用时要注意力集中,艾火与皮肤的距离,以受灸者能忍受的最大热度为佳。注意不可灼伤皮肤。 说明:艾灸足三里穴能使胃痉挛趋于弛缓,胃蠕动强者趋于减弱;又能使胃蠕动弱者立即增强,胃不蠕动者开始蠕动。因此,除胃溃疡出血、穿孔等重症,应及时采取措施或外科治疗外,其他不论什么原因所致的胃痛,包括现代医学中的急、慢性胃炎和胃、十二指肠溃疡病及胃神经官能症等,若以胃脘疼痛为主者,用本法艾灸,均能立时止痛。 8 糜烂性胃炎可以艾灸治疗,用四眼艾灸盒在腹部的胃经大面积艾灸,还有用单眼灸盒在足三里和梁丘艾灸可以艾灸治疗. fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 9 高血压可以艾灸大椎和百会. 10 艾灸可以治疗便秘。灸神阙、关元、足三里. 11 早泄可以艾灸关元、中级、八髎穴。 12 霉菌性阴道炎艾灸关元,中极,子宫归来,还有三阴交.如果有了很好的效果,就可以隔天一次了. 13 宫颈糜烂艾灸治疗此病有很好的疗效,取穴关元、子宫、归来、八髎穴、三阴交可以艾灸治疗,是个需要长期坚持治疗的疾病。 14 子宫肌瘤可以艾灸治疗,是个需要长期坚持治疗的疾病。可以艾灸关元、子宫、归来、八髎穴、三阴交. 15 肾虚应该艾灸中脘、关元、足三里、八髎穴. 16 十二指肠溃疡,艾灸的话以中脘。关元、天枢、足三里和胃俞、脾俞、肝俞这些辅助穴位为主。 穴位:中脘穴(位于腹正中线脐上4寸处)、足三里穴。 方法:选准穴位后,点燃药用艾条,在中脘穴、一侧足三里穴上各悬灸10分钟,以穴位上皮肤潮红色为度。胃痛可立即缓解。使用时要注意力集中,艾火与皮肤的距离,以受灸者能忍受的最大热度为佳。注意不可灼伤皮肤。 说明:艾灸足三里穴能使胃痉挛趋于弛缓,胃蠕动强者趋于减弱;又能使胃蠕动弱者立即 三、艾灸治胃痛 穴位:中脘穴(位于腹正中线脐上4寸处)、足三里穴。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 方法:选准穴位后,点燃药用艾条,在中脘穴、一侧足三里穴上各悬灸10分钟,以穴位上皮肤潮红色为度。胃痛可立即缓解。使用时要注意力集中,艾火与皮肤的距离,以受灸者能忍受的最大热度为佳。注意不可灼伤皮肤。 说明:艾灸足三里穴能使胃痉挛趋于弛缓,胃蠕动强者趋于减弱;又能使胃蠕动弱者立即增强,胃不蠕动者开始蠕动。因此,除胃溃疡出血、穿孔等重症,应及时采取措施或外科治疗外,其他不论什么原因所致的胃痛,包括现代医学中的急、慢性胃炎和胃、十二指肠溃疡病及胃神经官能症等,若以胃脘疼痛为主者,用本法艾灸,均能立时止痛。 增强,胃不蠕动者开始蠕动。因此,除胃溃疡出血、穿孔等重症,应及时采取措施或外科治疗外,其他不论什么原因所致的胃痛,包括现代医学中的急、慢性胃炎和胃、十二指肠溃疡病及胃神经官能症等,若以胃脘疼痛为主者,用本法艾灸,均能立时止痛。 17 肩周炎,可以艾灸或直接灸更好,还可以灸后按摩。可以在天柱、肩井、肩髎、中府、曲池、外关和局部压痛点。 18 腰间盘突出:腰椎间盘突出的部位艾灸和通窜部位艾灸。 19 功能性子宫出血,可以艾灸关元、子宫、三阴交和隐白. 20 宫颈炎可以用艾灸关元、带脉,加上五味消毒饮“蒲公英15g,金银花10g,野菊花10g,紫花地丁10g,天奎子10g”,不久即可全愈。 21 肝郁的厉害,口苦、还有焦虑症,先从百会、大椎和中脘足三里开始,逐步体会效果。 22 预防经常感冒,艾灸最有效果。可以艾灸中脘、关元、足三里即可,用温和灸的方式或隔姜灸的方法。 23 提高免疫力的穴位是中脘、关元、足三里。 24 肝气不足,脾胃虚,肾阳虚。艾炙中脘、脾俞、肝俞、足三里。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 25 过敏性鼻炎可以灸:迎香、印堂、肺俞、合谷、大椎。 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui
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