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物业消防应急预案物业消防应急预案 住宅小区消防应急预案 无论何时,一旦发现有火灾苗头,如烟、油、味、色等异常状态,每一位员工都必须立即向消防监控室报警(注意:当现场异味为液化气等易燃气体时,严禁在现场用手机、对讲机、电话报警,应该脱离现场到安全区域后再报警,以防电火花引爆易燃气体),请其派人查明真相,并做好应急准备。 1. 目击报警 1.1 小区任何区域一旦着火,发现火情的人员应保持镇静,切勿惊慌。 1.2 如火势初期较小,目击者应立即就近用灭火器将其扑灭,先灭火后报警。 1.3 如火势较大,自己难以扑灭,应采取最快方式用对讲机、...
物业消防应急 住宅小区消防 无论何时,一旦发现有火灾苗头,如烟、油、味、色等异常状态,每一位员工都必须立即向消防监控室报警(注意:当现场异味为液化气等易燃气体时,严禁在现场用手机、对讲机、电话报警,应该脱离现场到安全区域后再报警,以防电火花引爆易燃气体),请其派人查明真相,并做好应急准备。 1. 目击报警 1.1 小区任何区域一旦着火,发现火情的人员应保持镇静,切勿惊慌。 1.2 如火势初期较小,目击者应立即就近用灭火器将其扑灭,先灭火后报警。 1.3 如火势较大,自己难以扑灭,应采取最快方式用对讲机、电话或打碎附近的手动报警器向消防监控室报警。 1.4 关闭火情现场附近之门窗以阻止火势蔓延,并立即关闭附近的电闸及煤气。 1.5 引导火警现场附近的人员用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,迅速从安全通道撤离,同时告诉疏散人员不要使用电梯逃生,以防停电被困。 1.6 切勿在火警现场附近高喊:“着火了” ,以免造成不必要的混乱。 1.7 在扑救人员未到达火警现场前,报警者应采取相应的措施,使用火警现场附近的消防设施进行扑救。 1.8 带电物品着火时,应立即设法切断电源,在电源切断以前,严禁用水扑救,以防引发触电事故。 2. 消防监控室报警 2.1 消防监控室值班人员一旦发现消控设备报警或接到火警报告后,应立即通知保安人员赶赴现场确认,并通知消防专管员。 2.2 火情确认后立即通报保安部经理或当班领班,由其迅速召集人员前往现场灭火、警戒、维持秩序和组织疏散。 2.3 立即将火情通报物业总经理或值班领导以及部负责人。 igation data geological and hydrological conditions, road construction survey information, example), (a) the farm layout 1, general principles: from prevention and production considerations. Field layout for the production area, Office area, living area, production area, sewage waste treatment areas. 2, the principle of arrangement: according to the prevailing wind direction, the terrain and the direction followed by the living quarters, Office, production area, production and waste manure treatment areas. Such as terrain and wind direction is inconsistent, then the dominant wind direction (Figure 1). /(B) farm in the General layout planning: considering the chicken coop, hen house space, roads, sewage, fire prevention, prevention of disease and other factors. Featured designs of 100,000 scale chicken farms: 6 recommended sheds single row or double row arrangement, Dan Dong sheds for 16,000 sealed sheds, with four columns and four aisle three-tier ladder cage, installed air blower, water curtain, ventilation Windows, mechanical manure, mechanical, automatic water feed and automatic illumination system. Chicken Coop construction, reference provided the medium stage of feeding size (population 150,000), 16,000 chicken coop construction of Standardization (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4). 1, Dan Dong sheds: West to East or South (or West) is about 15 degrees, 2.4 值班人员坚守岗位,密切观察火警附近区域的情况,如有再次报警,应立即再次派人前往查看确认。如有业主打电话询问,注意不要慌张,告诉业主:“火情正在调查中,请保持冷静,如果需要采取其它措施,我们将会用紧急广播通知您” ,同时提请业主关好门窗。 2.5 接到现场灭火指挥部下达的向“119”报警的指令时,立即按报警,并派人前往路口接应消防车。 2.6 接到现场灭火工作总指挥传达的在小区内分区域进行广播的指令时,立即按要求用普通话(或中英文)进行广播,注意广播时要沉稳、冷静,不要惊慌,语速要适当,语音要清晰。特殊情况下,应派保安员或管理员逐单元上门通报,通报顺序为: 起火单元及相邻单元 起火层上面2层 起火层下面1层。 2.7 详细记录火灾扑救工作的全过程。 3. 报警要求 3.1 内部报警应讲清或问清: 起火地点; 起火部位; 燃烧物品; 燃烧范围;有无人员被困 报警人姓名; 报警人电话。 3.2 向“119”报警应讲清:小区名称; . 火场地址(包括路名、门牌号码、附近标志物); 火灾发生部位;. 燃烧物品; 火势状况; 有无人员被困;接应人员等候地点及接应人;. 报警人姓名; 报警人电话。 4. 成立临时指挥部 4.1 物业现场负责人或值班经理接到火警报告后,应立即赶赴指定地点或火警现场,并通知相关人员到场,成立临时灭火指挥部。 4.2 临时指挥部由物业经理、保安部经理、工程部经理、消防专管员以及其他相关人员组成,由物业总经理任临时总指挥。物业总经理尚未到场时,由保安部经理或值班经理代任总指挥。 4.3 临时灭火指挥部职责: 4.3.1 根据火势情况及时制定相应对策,向各部门下达救灾指令。 4.3.2 根据火势情况确定是否疏散人员。 igation data geological and hydrological conditions, road construction survey information, example), (a) the farm layout 1, general principles: from prevention and production considerations. Field layout for the production area, Office area, living area, production area, sewage waste treatment areas. 2, the principle of arrangement: according to the prevailing wind direction, the terrain and the direction followed by the living quarters, Office, production area, production and waste manure treatment areas. Such as terrain and wind direction is inconsistent, then the dominant wind direction (Figure 1). /(B) farm in the General layout planning: considering the chicken coop, hen house space, roads, sewage, fire prevention, prevention of disease and other factors. Featured designs of 100,000 scale chicken farms: 6 recommended sheds single row or double row arrangement, Dan Dong sheds for 16,000 sealed sheds, with four columns and four aisle three-tier ladder cage, installed air blower, water curtain, ventilation Windows, mechanical manure, mechanical, automatic water feed and automatic illumination system. Chicken Coop construction, reference provided the medium stage of feeding size (population 150,000), 16,000 chicken coop construction of Standardization (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4). 1, Dan Dong sheds: West to East or South (or West) is about 15 degrees, 4.3.3 立即集合义务消防队,指挥义务消防队员参加灭火,并保证消防用水的供应。 4.3.4 在火势难以控制时,应及时下达向“119”报警的指令。 4.3.5 根据火势情况,成立疏散组、抢救组、警戒组,组织救人,抢救和保管重要物资及档案,维持现场秩序。 4.3.6 根据火势情况决定是否启用紧急广播进行报警。 4.3.7 下令将消防电梯降至首层,派专人控制,专供灭火工作之用。同时停止起火区域的其它电梯和中央空调运行。 4.3.8 根据火势情况决定是否采用部分或全部断电、断气、打开排烟装置等措施。 4.3.9 消防队到达后,及时向消防队领导准确地提供火灾情况和水源情况,引导消防队进入火灾现场,协助消防队灭火,并协助维持现场秩序,安顿疏散人员。 4.3.10 火灾扑灭后,组织各部门员工进行善后工作。 5. 人员疏散和救护 小区内发生火情时,各部门员工的任务是扑救火灾、疏散人员、抢救重要物资和维持秩序,危急关头以疏散、救护人员为主。火灾发生后,每一位员工都要牢记自己的首要职责是保护业主、访客及自己的生命安全。 5.1 火灾发生后,由疏散组负责安排人员,为业主和访客指明疏散方向,并在疏散路线上设立岗位进行引导、护送业主和访客向安全区域疏散。这时切记要提醒大家不要乘坐电梯,如果烟雾较大,要告知大家用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,尽量降低身体姿势有序、快速离开。 5.2 人员的疏散以就近安全门、消防通道为主,也可根据火场实际情况,灵活机动地引导人员疏散。 5.3 认真检查起火区域及附近区域的各个单元,并关闭门窗和空调。发现有人员被困在起火区域,应先营救被困人员,确保每一位业主和访客均能安全撤离火场。 5.4 接待安置好疏散下来的人员,通过良好的服务稳定人们的情绪,并及时清点人员,检查是否还有人没有撤出来。 5.5 疏散顺序为:先起火单元及相邻单元,后起火层上面2层和下面1层。疏散一般以向下疏散为原则(底层向外疏散),若向下通道已被烟火封住,则可考虑向屋顶撤离。 5.6 在火场上救下的受伤业主、访客以及扑救中受伤的员工,由抢救组护送至安全区,对伤员进行处理,然后送医院救治。 igation data geological and hydrological conditions, road construction survey information, example), (a) the farm layout 1, general principles: from prevention and production considerations. Field layout for the production area, Office area, living area, production area, sewage waste treatment areas. 2, the principle of arrangement: according to the prevailing wind direction, the terrain and the direction followed by the living quarters, Office, production area, production and waste manure treatment areas. Such as terrain and wind direction is inconsistent, then the dominant wind direction (Figure 1). /(B) farm in the General layout planning: considering the chicken coop, hen house space, roads, sewage, fire prevention, prevention of disease and other factors. Featured designs of 100,000 scale chicken farms: 6 recommended sheds single row or double row arrangement, Dan Dong sheds for 16,000 sealed sheds, with four columns and four aisle three-tier ladder cage, installed air blower, water curtain, ventilation Windows, mechanical manure, mechanical, automatic water feed and automatic illumination system. Chicken Coop construction, reference provided the medium stage of feeding size (population 150,000), 16,000 chicken coop construction of Standardization (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4). 1, Dan Dong sheds: West to East or South (or West) is about 15 degrees, 6. 警戒 6.1 保安部接到火警通知后,应迅速成立警戒组,布置好小区内部及外围警戒。 6.2 清除小区外围和内部的路障,疏散一切无关车辆和人员,疏通车道,为消防队灭火创造有利条件。 6.3 控制起火大楼底层出入口,严禁无关人员进入大楼,指导疏散人员离开,保护从火场上救出的贵重物资。 6.4 保证消防电梯为消防人员专用,引导消防队员进入起火层,维持灭火行动的秩序。 6.5 加强对火灾区域的警戒,保护好火灾现场,配合公安消防部门和调查组对起火原因的勘察。 6.6 保证非起火区域和全体业主、访客的安全,防止犯罪分子趁火打劫。 7. 善后工作 7.1 火灾扑灭并经公安消防部门勘察后,工程部,消防监控室应迅速将小区内的报警和灭火系统恢复至正常状态。 7.2 保安部组织人员清理灭火器材,及时更换、补充灭火器材。 7.3统计人员伤亡情况和小区财产损失情况,上报灭火指挥部及现场总负责人。 7.4 综合管理部组织员工对受灾业主/用户进行慰问,并根据实际需要给予切实帮助。 7.5 清洁绿化部组织员工对火灾现场进行清理,恢复整洁,对因逃生或救火损坏的花木进行抢救或补种。 7.6 灭火指挥部应召开会议,对火灾扑救行动进行回顾和总结。 7.7区财产办有保险,则由财务部门联系保险公司进行索赔。 igation data geological and hydrological conditions, road construction survey information, example), (a) the farm layout 1, general principles: from prevention and production considerations. Field layout for the production area, Office area, living area, production area, sewage waste treatment areas. 2, the principle of arrangement: according to the prevailing wind direction, the terrain and the direction followed by the living quarters, Office, production area, production and waste manure treatment areas. Such as terrain and wind direction is inconsistent, then the dominant wind direction (Figure 1). /(B) farm in the General layout planning: considering the chicken coop, hen house space, roads, sewage, fire prevention, prevention of disease and other factors. Featured designs of 100,000 scale chicken farms: 6 recommended sheds single row or double row arrangement, Dan Dong sheds for 16,000 sealed sheds, with four columns and four aisle three-tier ladder cage, installed air blower, water curtain, ventilation Windows, mechanical manure, mechanical, automatic water feed and automatic illumination system. Chicken Coop construction, reference provided the medium stage of feeding size (population 150,000), 16,000 chicken coop construction of Standardization (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4). 1, Dan Dong sheds: West to East or South (or West) is about 15 degrees,
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