

2017-09-18 27页 doc 75KB 82阅读




全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷 问卷编码 ??? ? ?? ???? 监测点 乡镇 村 家庭户 全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷 您好:国家卫生计生委正在开展全国居民健康素养调查~目的是了解我国居民健康知识和技能水平~您被选中参加本次调查。您的参与对我们非常重要~回答的内容将会被严格保密~不会对个人产生任何不利影响。调查结果是评价全国居民健康素养水平、制定卫生相关政策的重要依据。 如果您愿意参加本次调查~请签名_____________~日期____________。 感谢您的支持与配合: 调查员: 调查日期: 质控...
全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷 问卷编码 ??? ? ?? ???? 监测点 乡镇 村 家庭户 全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷 您好:国家卫生计生委正在开展全国居民健康素养调查~目的是了解我国居民健康知识和技能水平~您被选中参加本次调查。您的参与对我们非常重要~回答的内容将会被严格保密~不会对个人产生任何不利影响。调查结果是评价全国居民健康素养水平、制定卫生相关政策的重要依据。 如果您愿意参加本次调查~请签名_____________~日期____________。 感谢您的支持与配合: 调查员: 调查日期: 质控员: 核查日期: 调查员填写: 问卷完成情况:? 自填完成 ? 因文化程度低~面对面调查 ? 因其他原因~面对面调查,具体请注明:______________, 省(区、市) 市 县(市、区) 街道(乡镇) 居委会(村) 一、判断题(请在您认为正确的题目后的括号内划“?”,认为错误的划“×” ) A01. 预防流感最好的办法是服用抗生素(消炎药)。( ) A02. 得了高血压病,只要按医生的要求用药就能控制血压,不用戒烟、限酒。 ( ) A03. 保健食品不是药品,也不能代替药品治病。( ) carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of A04. 输液疗效好、作用快,所以有病后要首先选择输液。( ) A05. 国家为自愿接受艾滋病咨询检测的人员免费提供咨询和初筛检测。( ) A06. 用人单位不得安排孕妇从事对本人和胎儿有危害的作业。( ) A07. 水果和蔬菜的营养成份相近,可以用吃水果代替吃蔬菜。( ) A08. 正常人的体温在一天内可以上下波动,但是波动范围一般不会超过1?。 ( ) A09. 网络成瘾既影响青少年的身体健康,也影响其心理健康。( ) A10. 儿童青少年也可能发生抑郁症。( ) A11. 食品标签上必须注明生产日期和保质期。( ) A12. 长期睡眠不足不仅会加快衰老,还会诱发多种健康问题。( ) A13. 居民可以到社区卫生服务中心(站)和乡镇卫生院(村卫生室)免费 获得健康知识。( ) A14. “久病成良医”,慢性病患者可以根据自己的感受调整治疗。( ) A15. 健康体检发现的健康问题和疾病,如没有症状,可暂时不采取措施。( ) 二、单选题:(每题后面给出的4个选项中,只有1个正确,请在相应 选项序号上打“?”。如果不知道,请选择? ) B01. 关于健康的概念,描述完整的是: ? 健康就是体格强壮,没有疾病 ? 健康就是心理素质好,体格强壮 ? 健康不仅是没有疾病,而是身体、心理和社会适应的完好状态 ? 不知道 B02. 提高居民健康水平,需要: ? 自己努力 ? 国家政策支持 ? 国家和社会全体成员共同努力 ? 不知道 2struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito B03. 通常情况下,献血者要到 进行无偿献血。 ? 医院 ? 血液中心(血站)或其献血车 ? 疾病预防控制中心 ? 不知道 B04. 乙肝可以通过以下哪些方式传染给他人, ? 与病人或感染者一起工作、吃饭、游泳 ? 可以通过性行为、输血、母婴传播 ? 同病人或感染者说话、握手、拥抱 ? 不知道 B05. 关于自测血压的说法,错误的是: ? 自测血压对高血压诊断有参考价值 ? 高血压患者定期自测血压,可为医生制定治疗方案和评价治疗效果提供 依据 ? 高血压患者只要自测血压稳定,就可以不用定期到门诊进行随访治疗了 ? 不知道 B06. 关于吸烟危害的说法,哪个是错误的, ? 烟草依赖是一种慢性成瘾性疾病 ? 吸烟可以导致多种慢性病 ? 低焦油卷烟危害比普通卷烟小 ? 不知道 B07. 下列哪项不是癌症早期危险信号, ? 身体出现异常肿块 ? 不明原因便血 ? 体重增加 ? 不知道 B08. 关于慢性病的描述,以下说法正确的是: ? 慢性病都是吃出来的 ? 年纪大了才得慢性病 ? 慢性病很难治愈 ? 不知道 B09. 发生煤气中毒后,救护者首先应该怎样处理煤气中毒的人, ? 给病人喝水 ? 将病人移到通风处 ? 拨打120,送医院治疗 ? 不知道 3arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the B10. 对肺结核病人的治疗,以下说法正确的是: ? 没有优惠政策 ? 国家免费提供抗结核药物 ? 住院免费 ? 不知道 B11. 国家免费为农村怀孕或准备怀孕的妇女补服叶酸,目的是: ? 减少自然流产 ? 预防神经管缺陷(脊柱裂、无脑儿) ? 降低孕产妇死亡率 ?不知道 B12. 从事有毒有害作业时,工作人员应该: ? 穿工作服 ? 戴安全帽 ? 使用个人职业病防护用品 ? 不知道 B13. 碘缺乏最主要的危害是: ? 患上“非典” ? 影响智力和生长发育 ? 引起高血压 ? 不知道 B14. 为了有效去除蔬菜上残留的农药,蔬菜洗净后还需要用清水浸泡多长时 间, ? 5分钟 ? 10分钟 ? 30分钟 ? 不知道 B15. 剧烈活动时,会因大量出汗而丢失体内水分。在这种情况下,最好补充: ? 白开水 ? 含糖饮料 ? 淡盐水 ? 不知道 B16. 下面的描述中,健康的心理是: ? 经常感觉自己无能 ? 对未来不抱希望 ? 遇到困难时,积极想办法解决 ? 不知道 B17. 关于国家基本公共卫生服务的理解,错误的是: ? 主要在大医院开展 ? 在基层医疗卫生机构开展 ? 老百姓可免费享受 ? 不知道 B18. 下列哪种情况下,应暂缓给儿童打疫苗: ? 哭闹时 ? 感冒发烧时 ? 饭后半小时内 ? 不知道 4struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito B19. 出现发热症状,正确做法是: ? 及时找医生看病 ? 根据以往经验,自行服用退烧药 ? 观察观察再说 ? 不知道 B20. 当患者依照医生的治疗方案服药后出现了不良反应,正确的做法是: ? 自行停药 ? 找医生处理 ? 继续服药 ? 不知道 B21. 孕妇需要到什么地方建立“孕产妇保健卡”, ? 街道办事处 ? 社区卫生服务中心或乡镇卫生院 ? 妇幼保健院 ? 不知道 B22. 要想了解某个医疗机构是否合法,可以通过以下哪种方法判断, ? 根据医院规模判断 ? 咨询当地卫生局,或到卫生局网站上查询 ? 根据医疗设施条件判断 ? 不知道 B23. 以下哪些人群应该关注健康知识, ? 病人 ? 超重、肥胖的人 ? 所有人 ? 不知道 B24. 某地发生烈性传染病,以下做法正确的是: ? 这个病与我无关,不必理会 ? 如果我是当地人,就会关注疫情 ? 不管是否是当地人,都需关注疫情变化 ? 不知道 B25. 某市发生一起食物中毒事件,以下哪个途径获得的信息最为可信, ? 网民在网站上发布的言论 ? 同事们的议论 ? 该市卫生部门发布的信息 ? 不知道 B26. 警示图 示: ? 该场所易发生火灾 ? 该场所某区域存在易爆物,不允许靠近 ? 该物品具有毒性或该场所存在有毒物品 ? 不知道 B27. 关于正确就医,以下说法错误的是: ? 尽可能详细地向医生讲述病情 ? 如果有以往的病历、检查结果等,就医时最好携带 ? 为了让医生重视,可以把病情说得严重些 ? 不知道 5arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the B28. 某药品标签上印有“OTC”标识,则该药品为: ? 处方药,必须由医生开处方才能购买 ? 非处方药,不用医生开处方,就可以购买 ? 保健品 ? 不知道 B29. 关于开窗通风,以下说法错误的是: ? 冬天要少开窗或不开窗,避免感冒 ? 开窗通风可以稀释室内空气中的细菌和病毒 ? 开窗通风可以使阳光进入室内,杀灭多种细菌和病毒 ? 不知道 B30. 用玻璃体温计测体温时,应该如何读取数值, ? 手持体温计水银端水平读取 ? 手持体温计玻璃端竖直读取 ? 手持体温计玻璃端水平读取 ? 不知道 B31. 成年人的正常脉搏次数是: ? 30,50次/分钟 ? 60,100次/分钟 ? 100,120次/分钟 ? 不知道 B32. 妇女从怀孕到分娩,至少要进行几次孕期检查, ? 3次 ? 5次 ? 7次 ? 不知道 B33. 性生活中正确使用安全套,可以预防哪种疾病, ? 结核病 ? 甲肝 ? 艾滋病 ? 不知道 B34. 刘大妈在小区散步时,被狗咬伤。皮肤有破损,但不严重。以下做法正 确的是: ? 自行包扎处理 ? 清洗伤口,尽快打狂犬病疫苗 ? 伤口不大,不予理睬 ? 不知道 B35. 皮肤轻度烫伤出现水泡,以下做法正确的是: ? 挑破水泡,这样恢复的快 ? 水泡小不用挑破,水泡大就要挑破 ? 不要挑破水泡,以免感染 ? 不知道 6struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito B36. 发生火灾时,正确逃生方法是: ? 用双手抱住头或用衣服包住头,冲出火场 ? 向头上和身上淋水,或用浇湿的毛毯包裹身体,冲出火场 ? 边用衣服扑打火焰,边向火场外撤离 ? 不知道 B37. 对出血的伤口进行包扎时,伤口上应覆盖: ? 药用棉花 ?有绒毛的布 ? 干净的纱布 ? 不知道 B38. 关于超过保质期的食品,以下说法正确的是: ? 只要看起来没坏,就可以吃 ? 只要煮熟煮透后,就可以吃 ? 不能吃 ? 不知道 B39. 下列药物中,长期服用会成瘾的是: ? 抗生素 ? 镇痛药 ? 降压药 ? 不知道 B40. 抢救触电者时,以下做法错误的是: ? 关闭电源开关 ? 拔下电源插头 ? 用手去拉触电者 ? 不知道 三、多选题 (每题有2个或2个以上正确选项,请在相应选项序号上打“?”。 如果不知道,请选择?。) C01. 关于促进心理健康的方法,以下说法正确的是: ? 生活态度要乐观 ? 把目标定格在自己能力所及的范围内 ? 建立良好的人际关系,积极参加社会活动 ? 通过吸烟、喝酒排解忧愁 ? 不知道 7arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the C02. 关于肝脏描述,以下说法正确的是: ? 能分泌胆汁 ? 有解毒功能 ? 是人体重要的消化器官 ? 肝脏有左右两个 ? 不知道 C03. 哪些情况下,结核病人可能会将结核病传染给他人, ? 打喷嚏 ? 咳嗽 ? 大声说话 ? 共同使用马桶 ? 不知道 C04. 孩子出现发热、皮疹等症状,家长应该: ? 及时去医院就诊 ? 应暂停去幼儿园 ? 及时通知孩子所在幼儿园的老师 ? 可以让孩子照常去幼儿园 ? 不知道 C05. 下面的说法,错误的有: ? 老年人治疗骨质疏松,为时已晚 ? 骨质疏松是人衰老的正常生理现象 ? 中老年人饮奶可以减少骨质丢失 ? 多运动可以预防骨质疏松 ? 不知道 C06. 日常生活中,应采取哪些健康生活方式预防慢性病的发生, ? 戒烟限酒 ? 合理营养 ? 适量运动 ? 心理平衡 ? 不知道 C07. 选购保健食品时,应注意: ? 包装上是否有保健食品批准文号 ? 查看保健功能和适宜的人群 ? 查看生产日期 ? 查看保质期 ? 不知道 C08. 发现病死禽畜,应做到: ? 不宰杀,不加工 ? 不出售,不运输 ? 不食用 ? 煮熟煮透可以吃 ? 不知道 8struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito C09. 遇到呼吸、心跳骤停的伤病员,应采取哪些措施, ? 人工呼吸 ? 胸外心脏按压 ? 拨打急救电话 ? 给予高血压治疗药物 ? 不知道 C10. 吃豆腐、豆浆等大豆制品的好处有: ? 对身体健康有好处 ? 对心血管病患者有好处 ? 增加优质蛋白质的摄入量 ? 防止过多消费肉类带来的不利影响 ? 不知道 C11. 运动对健康的好处包括: ? 保持合适的体重 ? 预防慢性病 ? 减轻心理压力 ? 改善睡眠 ?不知道 C12. 某报纸上说,任何糖尿病患者通过服用某降糖产品,都可以完全治 愈。看到这条信息后,下面哪些做法是错误的, ? 肯定是错误的,不能相信 ? 这消息真好,赶紧去告诉糖尿病朋友 ? 向社区医生咨询、核实 ? 赶紧去购买 ? 不知道 C13. 咳嗽、打喷嚏时,正确的处理方法是: ? 用手直接捂住口鼻 ? 用手帕或纸巾捂住口鼻 ? 用胳膊肘弯处捂住口鼻 ? 不用捂住口鼻 ? 不知道 C14. 以下关于住院时间的看法,正确的是: ? 住院时间越长,治疗效果越好 ? 治疗效果与住院时间长短没有必然的联系 ? 住院时间长短依病情而定 ? 住院时间过短是医生不负责任的表现 ? 不知道 9arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the C15. 关于2型糖尿病患者健康管理服务,以下说法正确的是: ? 只有60岁以上的老人才可享受 ? 社区内被确诊的2型糖尿病患者均可享受 ? 1年内可获得4次免费空腹血糖监测 ? 免费空腹血糖监测不受次数限制,依病情而定 ? 不知道 C16. 母乳喂养对婴儿的好处: ? 母乳喂养可以使婴儿少生病 ? 母乳是婴儿最好的天然食品 ? 婴儿配方奶粉比母乳营养更丰富 ? 母乳喂养有利于婴儿的心理发育 ? 不知道 C17. 保管农药时,应注意: ? 农药应保管在固定、安全的地方 ? 农药不能与食品放在一起 ? 如果手上不小心沾染了农药,只要皮肤没有破损,就不用冲洗 ? 农药要放在小孩接触不到的地方 ? 不知道 C18. 在户外,出现雷电天气时,以下做法正确的是: ? 躲在大树下 ? 远离高压线 ? 避免打手机 ? 站在高处 ? 不知道 四、情景题(请您先阅读材料,然后回答相关问题。单选题只有1个正确答案,多选题有2个或2个以上正确答案。请在相应选项序号上打“?”。如果不知道,单选题请选择?,多选题请选择?) (一)以下是阿莫西林胶囊说明,请阅读后回答问题。 【药品名称】 阿莫西林胶囊 【适应症】 阿莫西林适用于敏感菌所致的下列感染: 1.溶血性链球菌、肺炎链球菌、葡萄球菌所致中耳炎、咽炎、扁桃体炎等上呼吸道感染。 2.溶血性链球菌、肺炎链球菌、葡萄球菌所致急性支气管炎、肺炎等下呼吸道感染。 10struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito 3.本品尚可用于治疗伤寒、伤寒带菌者及钩端螺旋体病。 【用法用量】 口服。成人一次一粒,0.5g,~每6-8小时1次,每日3-4次,。 【不良反应】 1.恶心、呕吐、腹泻及假膜性肠炎等胃肠道反应。 2.皮疹、药物热和哮喘等过敏反应。 3.由念珠菌或耐药菌引起的二重感染。 4.偶见兴奋、焦虑、失眠、头晕以及行为异常等中枢神经系统症状。 【禁忌】 青霉素过敏及青霉素皮肤试验阳性患者禁用。 D01. 本药物适用于治疗下列哪些疾病,(多选题) ? 溶血性链球菌引起的咽炎 ? 流感病毒引起的上呼吸道感染 ? 葡萄球菌引起的肺炎 ? 伤寒 ? 不知道 D02. 假设一个成年人在早上8点服用该药,下一次服药时间应该是几点,(单选题) ? 上午11点~下午1点 ? 下午2点~4点 ? 下午5点~7点 ? 不知道 D03. 服用该药物,不会引起以下哪种不良反应,(单选题) ? 恶心 ? 抑郁 ? 失眠 ?不知道 (二)BMI指体质指数~是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个。具体计算方法是以体重,公斤~kg,除以身高,米~m,的平方~即 2 2BMI=体重/身高(kg /m)。对于中国成年人~BMI<18.5为体重过低~18.5?BMI<24为体重正常~24?BMI<28则为超重~BMI ?28为肥胖。 D04. 李先生,45岁,身高170厘米,体重160斤,他的BMI该怎样计算,(单选题) ? (80)2 /170=37.6 ? 80/(1.7)2 =27.7 ? 160/(1.7)2=55.4 ? 不知道 11arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the D05. 参照中国成年人体质指数的标准,李先生属于:(单选题) ? 肥胖 ? 体重正常 ? 超重 ? 不知道 D06. 李先生要控制体重,可以采取以下哪些方式,(多选题) ? 不吃主食 ? 每天运动至少半小时 ? 减少油脂摄入 ? 只吃蔬菜水果 ?不知道 D07. 李先生容易患以下哪种疾病,(单选题) ? 高血压 ? 骨质疏松 ? 胃溃疡 ? 不知道 五、烟草流行调查 E01. 您现在吸烟吗, ? 每天吸,平均每天吸 支(注意:请按包/条数换算成支数。) ? 吸,但不是每天。平均每周吸 支(注意:请按包/条数换算成支数。) ? 以前吸,但现在不吸 ? 跳至 E05 ? 从不吸 ? 跳至 E07 E02. 下面哪个选项最符合您关于戒烟的想法, ? 准备在一个月内戒烟 ? 考虑在12个月内戒烟 ? 会戒烟,但不会在12个月内 ? 不想戒烟 ? 跳至 E04 ? 不知道 ? 跳至 E04 E03. 您会使用以下哪些方式戒烟,(多选题) ? 靠自己毅力戒烟 ? 拨打戒烟热线 ? 去戒烟门诊 ? 自己购买戒烟药 ? 其他 E04. 在过去12个月里,您尝试过戒烟吗, ? 是 ? 跳至 E06 ? 否 ? 跳至 E06 12struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito E05. 您停止吸烟多长时间了,(注意:偶尔吸烟的情况不包括在内) ? 少于1个月 ? 1-6个月 ? 7-12个月 ? 13-23个月 ? 跳至 E07 ? 2年及以上 ? 跳至 E07 E06. 在过去的12个月内,您看病时医护人员是否建议您戒烟, ? 是 ? 否 ? 没去看过病 E07. 通常情况下,您接触二手烟的天数是: (二手烟是指吸烟时,吸烟者呼出的以及卷烟末端散发出的烟雾。) ? 几乎每天 ? 平均每周有4-6天 ? 平均每周有1-3天 ? 没有 E08. 在过去30天内,在您工作的地方是否有人在室内吸烟, ? 是 ? 否 ? 从事户外工作/没工作 E09. 在过去30天内,您是否看到医疗机构有人在室内吸烟, ? 是 ? 否 ? 没去过医疗机构 E10. 在过去30天内,您是否看到政府大楼或政府办公室(专指公务员办公的地方)有人在室内吸烟, ? 是 ? 否 ? 没去过政府大楼或政府办公室 E11. 在过去30天内,您是否看到有人在中小学校里面吸烟, ? 是 ? 否 ? 没去过中小学 E12:据您所知,吸烟会不会引起以下疾病(请将相应答案填至选项前面的方框内): 会 ? 不会 ? 不知道 ?a. 中风(脑卒中,脑血栓,可引起瘫痪) ?b. 心脏病发作 ?c. 肺癌 13arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the E13:据您所知,吸入二手烟会不会引起下列疾病(请将相应答案填至选项前面 的方框内): 会 ?不会 ?不知道 ?a. 成人心脏疾病, ?b. 儿童肺部疾病, ?c. 成人肺癌, 六、基本情况 F01. 性别: ? 男 ? 女 F02. 出生年月:????年??月 F03. 您的民族: ? 汉族 ? 回族 ? 苗族 ? 维吾尔族 ? 满族 ? 壮族 ? 其他_____ F04. 您的文化程度: ? 不识字或识字很少 ? 小学 ? 初中 高中/职高/中专 ? 大专/本科 ? 硕士及以上 ? F05. 您的职业是: ? 公务员 ? 教师 ? 医务人员 ? 其他事业单位人员 ? 学生 ? 农民 ? 工人 ? 其他企业人员 ? 其他 F06. 您的家庭常住人口数______人(指在家居住半年以上) F07. 过去一年,您家庭年收入大约是_______元 F08. 您现在是否患有以下慢性病,(可多选) ? 没有患慢性病 ? 跳至 F10 ? 高血压 ? 胃肠炎 14struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito ? 糖尿病 ? 类风湿关节炎 ? 脑血管病(如中风、脑梗塞、脑血栓等) ? 椎间盘疾病 ? 慢性阻塞性肺病 ? 缺血性心脏病 ? 胆结石胆囊炎 11? 消化性溃疡 12 癌症 ? 13 其他(请注明) ? F09. 如果您患有以上任何一种疾病,您第一次被确诊到现在有多长时间了, 年 月 F10. 在过去一年里,您认为自己的健康状况: ? 好 ? 比较好 ? 一般 ? 比较差 ? 差 调查到此结束。再一次感谢您的支持与合作~ 15arranged according to the various parts of ssary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will bee necee transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides thtrends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to thecast f monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And fort original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration os abountry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provideed monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information eablishreliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, esttransfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and pcarried out immediately, until the 调查员填写: 15,69岁家庭成员登记表 性别 家庭成员 姓名 年龄 1=男 2=女 编号 填写家庭成员登记表、抽取调查对象的方法: 1. 只填写15,69岁常住人口 2. 先填男性,按照年龄从大到小顺序 3. 再填女性,按照年龄从大到小顺序, 4. 给表格中的家庭成员顺序编号 5. 对照分配的KISH表代码,找到KISH表指示的家庭成员序号,该家庭成员即为抽取的调查对象 6. 对抽取的调查对象进行问卷调查 G01. 15,69岁家庭成员数: 人。 G02. 分配给该家庭的KISH表代码是: ? A ? B1 ? B2 ? C ? D ? E1 ? E2 ? F 16struction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts ofnd receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of connal, aeasured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the origiade preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the mity mof method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and secur nd according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validationon, aperiod original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integrati d supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contractring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides ancarried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monito
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