

2018-10-12 14页 doc 154KB 17阅读




下载电影表单下载电影表单 1、钢琴木马 [推理/悬疑/动作] Piano .Trajon 片花链接: 钢琴木马( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 95min 2013 Piano .Trajon 1949年,美丽小岛鼓浪屿,纷乱的年代,年轻的国 民党军上尉与女子学院的钢琴教师。 2010年,在鼓浪屿上,IT高手阿明与钢琴老师李清 子是一对恋爱多年的恋人,他们有着各自的远大梦 想。IT高手阿明待业在家,他成天沉浸在自己的网 络天地里,而李清子自音乐学院毕业后在一家少儿 钢琴学校当代课老师。现实的窘境和情感的迷离, 使清...
下载电影表单 1、钢琴木马 [推理/悬疑/动作] Piano .Trajon 片花链接: 钢琴木马( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 95min 2013 Piano .Trajon 1949年,美丽小岛鼓浪屿,纷乱的年代,年轻的国 民党军上尉与女子学院的钢琴教师。 2010年,在鼓浪屿上,IT高手阿明与钢琴老师李清 子是一对恋爱多年的恋人,他们有着各自的远大梦 想。IT高手阿明待业在家,他成天沉浸在自己的网 络天地里,而李清子自音乐学院毕业后在一家少儿 钢琴学校当代课老师。现实的窘境和情感的迷离, 使清子决心抛弃自己不切实际的感情生活。清子卖 掉钢琴,决定离开阿明,改变自己的生活。阿明的 同学阿康经营着一家软件黑客公司,靠盗卖各种网 络信息赚钱,收入颇丰。阿康曾邀请阿明加入自己 的公司,但阿明一直拒绝,宁愿呆在家里。清子离 去,令阿明深受打击,为赎回清子的钢琴,阿明无 奈找阿康借钱。由此卷入阿康和陈加州盗取大松公 司电脑信息的事件中„„ 1949年的那天,枪声响过之后,倒下的是谁, 2、重返香巴拉 [剧情] Return to Shangri-la 片花链接: 重返香巴拉 (无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 100min (around) 2011 Return to Shangri-la 男主角因为杀害了雪山上的一对保护鸟类而被判 劳动改造,改造的内容就是照顾这对鸟儿留下的2 只幼仔,由此而引发了一场人与鸟儿的不了情。 3、围城 [剧情] Fortress Besieged 片花链接: 围城 (无字幕 / 中英文台词本) 45min (around) * 10 episodes 1990 Fortress Besieged 1937年夏,抗战初期方鸿渐到欧洲游学四年回到上 海,住在已亡未婚妻的家中,与女博士苏文纨及其 表妹唐晓芙小姐发生了情爱纠葛,因此受到丈人家 的冷淡。他恋爱失败后,和苏的失意追求者赵辛楣 成为好朋友,二人接受内地三闾大学的聘请。一路 上历经艰险,也遭遇无数趣事。在三闾大学任教期 间,方不知不觉地卷入校内个人恩怨和乡里狭隘观 念明争暗斗中,几位同事都反对他,而他和英语助 教孙柔嘉日趋亲密更引起他们的嫉妒。赵辛楣离校 从商后,方鸿渐被校方排斥。方与孙结婚回沪,但 他俩因琐事争吵,终于导致无可避免的分手。 所以说,围在城里的人想逃出来,城外的人想冲进 去,对婚姻也罢,职业也罢,人生的愿望大都如此。 4、初到东京[剧情] Tokyo Newcomer 片花链接: 初到东京 (无字幕/国际声道/中英文台词本) 100min 2012 Tokyo Newcomer 围棋手吉流初到东京留学,陷入迷茫困境,在去千 叶的列车上,他与背着蔬菜进京的五十岚婆婆有了 一次奇特偶遇,从此他的生活进入了一个不同的圈 子,他与婆婆的孙子翔一,与翔一的女朋友奈菜子, 与干洗店的服务员田原,开始有了剪不断理还乱的 关系。那些苦闷激情的青春,在温馨的美景中渐渐 淡去。 5、樱桃[剧情] Cherries 片花链接: 樱桃(无字幕/国际声道/中英文台词本) 100min 2012 Cherries 剧本根据真人真事改编,智障女樱桃从小失去双亲, 同村的好心人葛望的母亲收留了她,并撮合她与自 己患有小儿麻痹的35岁儿子葛望喜结伉俪。樱桃十 分喜欢小孩子,她偶然在路边捡回一个小孩,不顾 家境贫困而收养了她,为其取名红红。葛望一度将 红红送给别人,樱桃知道后伤心欲绝,挨家挨户寻 找红红并终将其找回。红红上学后,樱桃因为到学 校看望女儿,令同学纷纷嘲笑红红有个疯癫的母亲, 并开始孤立她,她也因此对母亲产生了反感。后来 母亲冒雨给红红摘樱桃时,掉进了河中,红红受触 动而消除了对母亲的怨恨。为了报答母亲对自己的 关爱,红红发奋读书,最终考上了大学,并在大学 毕业后回到了家乡。 6、尉迟恭 The Door God—Yuchi Gong 片花链接: 尉迟恭( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min 2012 The Door God—Yuchi Gong 格式:高清 主演:晋松, 刘芳毓 隋朝末年,李世民率部队与晋阳王刘武周激战于晋中, 唐军围困重镇介休,刘武周手下名将尉迟恭独守孤城。 与唐军的交锋中,尉迟恭遇到了李世民,两人惺惺相惜。 尉迟恭被唐军所救,尉迟恭为李世民的仁政爱民所感, 弃晋投唐。 At the end of the Sui Dynasty (581AD-618AD), the battles among warlords forced the whole country into chaos. The army of Li beat Liu Wuzhou, the King of Jinyang at Jinzhong, and besieged Jiexiu, a strategically important city where Yuchi Gong, the general of Liu’s army, was the only one left for defense. Yu met Li,just like friends, they felt sympathetic with each other. Li’s army saved Yu from danger. Yu appreciated Li for his help, got touched by Li’s benevolence to people, and thus joined Li’s army. HD / 1 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2012 Cast: Jin Song, Liu Fangyu 7、颤栗 Tremble 片花链接: 颤栗( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min 2012 Tremble 格式:高清 主演:徐巾淇,李万年,傅亨 年轻女作家林江南为完成一部书稿,来到 一个叫野店的招待所。江南从未来过这 里,可她确信自己肯定在过去见过这小 店。江南夜里梦到已经失踪一个多月当画 家的姐姐江北来到这家野店,浑身是血地 站在床前向她述说着什么。 In order to finish a book, Lin Jiangnan, a young female writer, leaves the downtown and stays at a suburban hostel near a quarry. Because all the migrant workers of the quarry go home to harvest, Lin is the only guest at the hostel. Lin is shocked because she is familiar with all the surroundings. Lin is convinced that she must have been here in the past. Lin has a nightmare. She dreams that her elder sister Lin Jiangbei, who is a painter and missing for more than a month, stands beside her bed and is covered by blood. HD / 1 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2012 Cast: Xu Jinqi, Li Wannian, Fu heng 8、剑侠情缘(电视电影) Sword Heroes' Fate(Telefilm) 片花链接: 剑侠情缘( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min X 2 episodes 2011 Sword Heroes' Fate 格式:高清 主演:谢霆锋(中国香港),蔡卓妍(中国香港),关智斌(中国香 港),郑希怡(中国香港) 2030年,JS公司代号为JX003的大型网游问世。参与测试的 众玩家进入到玄幻的剑侠世界,系统遭遇黑客骤然攻击,封 锁了退出通道。黑客赵小赵窥破了系统内九天玄玉的秘密。 叶凡开始寻找被病毒感染错位的“九大天君”,为拯救所有 游戏玩家而获取“九天玄玉”。 In the year 2030, a huge on-line game designated JX003 was introduced by JS Corporation. But the system was hacked and resulted in gamers' memory being blocked and the way to exit the game sealed off. Meanwhile, hacker Zhao Xiaozhao discovered the secret of Jade of Nine Heavens. Du Yu and Ye Fan who are in pursuit of hackers and attempting to save the system, began a battle that were taken place in both virtual and real world, in search of virus-infected "Emperor of Nine Heavens", hoping that they can save "Jade of Nine Heavens" thus save all gamers trapped in the game. HD / 2 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2011 Cast: Nicholas Tse (HK, China), Charlene Choi (HK, China), Kenny Kwan W. Jr (HK, China), Yumiko Cheng (HK, China) 9、新萍踪侠影(电视电影) Tracking Knights Phantom(Telefilm) 片花链接: 新萍踪侠影( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min X 2 2011 Tracking Knights Phantom 格式:高清 主演:潘粤明,董洁,米雪(中国香港),刘松仁(中国香港) 张丹枫为了一张藏宝图从大漠远赴中原, 途中遇见云蕾,二人经历了江湖险恶产生 了真挚的爱情。然而张云两家竟然有着血 海深仇,但是长久的相处使他们更加珍惜 彼此。最终,张丹枫和云蕾冲破重重阻力, 将宝藏捐献给了国家。 Zhang Danfeng came to the heart of Ming Empire’s territory from the Northern Desert in search of a hidden treasure, on his treasure quest with the treasure map passed down in his family. He met with Yun Lei. Through numerous dangers, they developed genuine love for one another. But the two soon discovered their families have had a blood feud. Through joint effort of the two, they were able to pull through all obstacles together, villains were killed and map contributed to the Ming Empire, and began their carefree lives together. HD / 2 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2011 Cast: Pan Yueming, Dong Jie, Catherina Yim (HK,China), Damian Lau (HK,China) 10、大唐双龙传(电视电影) Twin Brothers(Telefilm) 片花链接: 大唐双龙传( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min X 2 2011 Twin Brothers 格式:高清 主演:陈国坤(中国香港), 方力申(中国香港), 朱茵(中国香 港), 应采儿(中国香港) 扬州城里两个小混混寇仲和徐子陵,寇仲为人机 灵多计;徐子陵则为人忠厚纯朴。两人自少同甘 共苦,自称“扬州双龙”。他们偷了《长生决》, 遭到宇文化及的追杀。在向宇文化及的复仇路上, 两兄弟卷入惊心动魄的江湖漩涡中。 There were two orphan hoodlums in Yangzhou named kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Kou was smart and resourceful, valued ties of comradeship, and had an ambition, while Xu was honest and simple, and liked the life without fame and wealth. The two supported each other and was a good pair of brother, and they called themselves “Two Dragons of Yangzhou”. The incidentally stole the Secrets of Immortality which Yang Guang tried to gain, and therefore were chased by Yu Wenhua. On the way to take revenge against Yu Wenhua, the two brothers got involved in the thrilling whirlpool. HD / 2 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2011 Cast: Danny Chan(HK, China), Alex Fong(HK, China), Zhu Yin(HK, China), Cherrie Ying(HK, China) 11、画皮前传(电视电影) Prelude of Painted Skin(Telefilm) 片花链接: 画皮前传( 无字幕 / 国际声道 / 中英文台词本) 90min 2011 Prelude of Painted Skin 格式:高清 主演:凌潇肃,李宗翰,陈怡蓉(中国台湾),薛凯琪(中国香港) “降魔者”夏老有两个女徒弟,孙女夏冰和收养 的女孩小唯。城中连连发生挖心凶案,夏老发现 是妖怪所为,决心降妖。而小唯就是九尾灵狐幻 化的人形,她一心做人,却又不得不为保持容颜 吃食人心~ “Exorcist” Old Xia had two female apprentices, granddaughter Xia Bing and the adopted Xiao Wei. Thereafter, murders occurred one after another in the town, and people’s hearts were taken away. Old Xia found the murderer might be a monster, and he decided to expel it. However, Xiao Wei was a woman-like monster who transformed from a nine-tails fox. She dreamt to become a real woman, but she had to eat mankind’s heart to maintain her beauty. HD / 1 X 90min. / Clean / M&E / Chinese & English Scripts Production Time: 2011 Cast: Ling Xiaosu, Li Zonghan, Tammy Chen (Taiwan,China), Fiona Sit (HK,China)
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