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《北京纽约》电影台词剧本完整版中英文《北京纽约》电影台词剧本完整版中英文 Welcome to New York!欢迎来到纽约~ Welcome~热烈欢迎 I like that attitude.我欣赏你的风格 If you squint, you can see the Statue of Liberty.如果你往远处看 那个就是自由女神 Freedom~自由 Your English is very good. 你的英语特别好 We’re going to do great business together. 我相信这会是一个很好的开端 Ch...
《北京纽约》电影台词剧本完整版中英文 Welcome to New York!欢迎来到纽约~ Welcome~热烈欢迎 I like that attitude.我欣赏你的风格 If you squint, you can see the Statue of Liberty.如果你往远处看 那个就是自由女神 Freedom~自由 Your English is very good. 你的英语特别好 We’re going to do great business together. 我相信这会是一个很好的开端 Check me out! 服吗 Business and pleasure together. 工作娱乐两不误 You’ve arrived on a very special day for America. 你们今天来纽约的日子非常特别 th 4of July. 7月4日 the Anniversary of when we achieved Independence. 是纪念美国独立的日子 This is it. 就是这里了 What you’ve been dreaming about. 你们一直梦想的地方 2:00 To us stepping onto American soil for the first time. 为了首次踏上美国领土 Cheers! 干杯 To America! 美国 It’s just like in the hollywood movies. 美国跟大片里一模一样 When we were kids, even going to Beijing was a dream. 小时候说去趟北京都跟做梦似的 Let alone America. 更别说美国了 Li Yan. 李彦 about tonight......今天晚上 Don’t worry, it’s all been taken care of, even tomorrow night. 我明天晚上都给你安排好了 Everyone is gonna be there tonight at seven. 今晚上七点所有人都到 Tonight I might... 今天晚上我可能 not be able to make it. 可能去不了 What is it? 怎么了 Something important came up that... I have to deal with. 有一个重要的事情推不掉 But you’re the host. 大哥 这可是你的局 Get some rest first. It’ll help with the jet lag. 你先歇会 倒倒时差 I’m gonna come pick you up at six thirty. 六点半我过来接你 Pinky, pinky, bowbell 拉钩上吊 We’re gonna be best friends for a hundred years. 一百年不许变 Whoever breaks is gonna be 谁变了谁是 a... Little puppy! 小狗 Seriously, what do you want to do when you grow up? 说正经的你到底想干什么 Not sure. 不知道 I never really thought about it. 我没有想过 When I grow up, I’m going to be a famous violinist. 我长大想当一名出色的小提琴家 In America. 闻名美国 No, all over the world. 不 闻名全世界 You’re gonna be my biggest fan. Following me wherever I go. 你就当我最忠实的粉丝 我走到哪你就跟到哪 In your dreams. I don’t want to be your puppy following you around everywhere. 你想的美 我才不愿意当你的跟屁虫呢 It’s not up to you 谁想让你当了 4:00 Drinking Maotai in the US isn’t an easy task. Thank you. 能在美国 喝到茅台是一件多不容易的事 谢谢 My boss always said he can’t take me anywhere.我哥老说我没素质 Lenny, I never thought I would see you in New York. 蓝一 哥们可从来没想过在纽约还能看到你 Out of all of us, you’ve changed the most.我们这帮人当中就属你的变化最大 Without a doubt! He is the youngest CEO in China. Am I right? 绝对啊 这是咱中国最年轻的一位CEO了 是不是 You’re just ... too fucking awesome! 知道吗 你牛 No... No... No... 不不不 Fucking awesome, I’m telling you. 你牛 我告诉你 真的 I just got lucky that’s all. Not like you all... who have bachelors and PhDs. 我只是运气好而已 不像各位 都是高材生 PhDs. Let’s drink up! 高材生 走一个 干了 干了 Wait... Wait... I almost forgot. Lenny. Congratulations to you. Heard you’re about to get married. 等等 等等 我差点忘了 蓝一 恭喜你 听说你快结婚了 Why didn’t you tell us earlier? So let’s toast to him for making us Chinese proud! Let’s toast! 你这事不早说 那 那咱敬老乡一个 是不是 干 To Lenny! Congratulations! 为蓝一 恭喜 6:12 Be careful! 小心 OK! Sorry! 好的 对不起 Yeah. No I almost got run over by a fucking bike. 我刚才差点被一辆自行车撞到 Still thinking about Jasmine? 还想茉莉吗 Is she still in New York? 她在纽约吗 Sandy, it’s me. I can’t make it tnight. You guys have fun. And... Say hi to Lenny for me. Talk to you later. 桑迪 是我 我今天晚上去不了了 你们玩得愉快点 还有 帮我跟蓝一问声好 改天聊 She’s been so distant for years. Let’s go and find her! Her place just around the corner. 她这几年和我们都疏远了 要不咱们现在就去找她 挺近的 就这附近 Go left from the restaurant. No... No... Damn. I don;t remember clearly. Anyways it’s some filthy back alley. I only remember there was a black cat and rats. I don;t know how she can stand living in that place. 饭馆出去 左拐 不对 不对 我记不清了 反正就是一条黑咕隆咚的巷子 我就记着有 一群黑猫 还有大耗子 真不晓得她怎么能够受得了那种地方 Take care of her. 照顾好她 Don’t worry. I’ll take her home. 我送她 Lenny, don’t go! Drink some more with us! 蓝一 你别走 再陪我们喝一杯 Let him go. Let him go. Eventually we will learn to grow up by ourselves. Carry on... Carry on... All together everyone! 走吧 走吧 人总要学着自己长大 走吧 走吧 大家一起来 8:28 Oh my God. Lenny. What are you doing here? 天呐 蓝一 你怎么来了 Now, as the city sleeps, we enter the late part of the night. I bring to the stage the act you’ve all been waiting for... our biggest star the lady from Shanghai. 现在城市已经进入梦乡 让我们一起步入深夜 现在我把舞台 交给我们万众瞩目的大明 星 一位迷人的中国女人 10:44 Em... Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I just saw you sitting here alone... Can I at least offer you some champagne? To make up for my rudeness? It’s warm, probably flat. Look, I’m not trying to hit on you or anything... You just look really familiar and... and...I know how lame that sounds, but it’s true. Just a small cup? 抱歉 我不是故意打搅你的 我只不过是看到你一个人孤伶伶地站在这里 那至少让我请 你喝杯香槟 以表歉意吧 不过好像已经不凉了 气也跑没了 我真的没有别的意思 我 只不过觉得你看起来特别眼熟 我知道这听起来像我在跟你搭讪 但这都是真的 就一小 杯 All right, but after this, I really have to go. 好吧 就一小杯 不过喝完我就得走 Okay. So let’s start over. To random meetings on New York city rooftops. 好吧 就喝一点 为了纽约屋顶上的巧遇 To strangers. 为我们两个陌生人干杯 Look at this... The city can be a real shithole, but every now and then, she’s beautiful. You know, if you focus hard enough, every sparkle is a dream that can come true. At least that’s what my grandma used to tell me. 来看这儿 这个城市有时候会让人特别讨厌 但不可否认 她有时候确实很漂亮 你知道 吗 如果你虔诚地看着这些烟花 每一个闪亮的火片代表着 一个即将成真的梦想 这是 我小时候奶奶告诉我的 But eventually... they fade away. 但它们最终 都会消失 So maybe it can be something simple, like a moment that we wish could last forever. 所以也许梦想可以是很简单的 可以使让我们期待永恒的那一瞬间 Well... Thank you. 好吧 谢谢 For what? 谢我什么 For tonight, and... and for that, it’s pretty good, warm and flat. 谢今晚 还有 那个 味道其实挺不错的 特别是温的 并且跑了气的香槟 Are you leaving? 你这就要走了吗 Yeah. I really have to go. 恩 我必须得走了 Hey, wait, what’s your name? 等等 你叫什么名字 12:08 Beijing. You are the host to the present. And the gateway to the future. 北京 你是今天的主人 承载着未来的希望 2008 was a year that many investors around the world will want to forget 2008年给全球众多投资者都留下了 难以磨灭的阴影 With plunging home prices and rising foreclosures. The housing problem snowballed into an economic crisis that we haven’t seen since the great depression. 直接导致众多企业纷纷破产 老百姓丢失了家 这一年发生了自大萧条以来 前所未有的 金融危机 The city is on fire~ 看 整个城市都在狂欢呢 You know, they got rid of Bill last night, right? 你知道吗 昨晚他们把比尔给开了 What? He is a Senior Analyst. They can’t do that? 什么 他可是高级分析师 怎么可能 They can do anything they want. Charlie. We’re in banking. If the numbers don’t crunch, they don’t crunch. Everybody’s head is on the line, including ours. The party is over. What? 他们想开谁就开谁 查理 我们从事的金融业是只看钱不看人的 所有人都会有同样的下场 包括我们俩 奢侈的年代已经结束了 怎么了 You’re so dramatic, man. Is this your artist fantasy cropping up again? I’ve told you, being an artist sounds really good on paper, but money gives you choices. You’ve got your pick of all these women, even if you don’t want them, you’ve got the choice. Come on, this is New York! There’s always another deal to make. 你也太小题大做了 你不会有开始梦想着改行做艺术家吧 我告诉过你 艺术家只是听上去极为浪漫而已 金钱才能给予我们生活的选择 那些给你谄媚的女人 富丽堂皇的生活 即使你不需要 但是你可以去选择 提起精神来 这里是纽约 总会有新的生意的 All right. 好吧 May I? 我能不能 Just this once, don’t get any ideas. 但是仅此一次 下不为例 14:39 Mom, don’t worry. It’s all good here. Our band is selling out the house every night. Mom, really don’t worry. New York has been through it all. 妈 没事 我们都挺好的 像我们乐团每天晚上都还满座呢 妈 你别担心 纽约这个城市什么事情没发生过 肯定行 I know your career is going well, but it’s about time to think about your own personal issue. You’re not young anymore. Remember the guy I introduced to you last time? He is a great fit, checks all the boxes... 妈知道你事业成功 可你也该想想个人问题了 你也不小了 上次给你介绍的那个男孩 条件多好 Mom! Career, then boyfriend! You’re never gonna stop , are you? 妈 你到底是让我成功还是成家 OK! OK! 好了 好了 Hello? Hello? Hello? 你好 你好 有人在吗 Hi! Hello. 嗨 你好 Are you Mr. Heron? 你是赫荣先生吗 Yeah. 是我 Oh, you ordered Chinese take out and I have been calling your for a while. It is ... $42.5,please. 你点的中国外卖 我已经给你打了好几个电话了 一共是 42.5 元 Just a second. Here. 稍等 给你 Here you go. 这是你点的外卖 Thanks. 谢谢 And your receipt. 还有你的小票和找你的零钱 I don’t need the receipt. Keep the change. 我不需要小票 零钱归你了 Thank you. 谢了 thHold on. We’ve met before. Yeah, on a roof top. On the 4 of July. I offered you the warm and flat champagne. Just a small cup? 等一下 我们在哪里见过 没错 在唐人街的一个房顶上 就是7月4日那天 我邀请你 喝一杯的热香槟 就一小杯 Oh, yes! The warm and flat champagne. Now I remember. So, it’s your thing, right? Charming strangers at random locations. 想起来了 跑了气的热香槟 所以 这是你的专长吧 在各种地方 巧遇陌生人 I’m sorry. I’m Joe. 不好意思 我是乔 Jasmine. Nice to meet you. 茉莉 很高兴见到你 It’s nice to see you again. 真高兴又见到你了 I really have to go. Kind of running late. Thank you. 我真的得走了 不然就来不及了 谢谢你 Hold on a second. Wait. This is my card. It’s an old card, but the number is still good. Just ignore all the stuff, just the number. I’m kind of in the middle of a change. Actually, I’m putting together my first art show. 稍等 等一下 这个 是我的名片 是张旧的 但上面的号码还在用 别看上面别的信息 只是号码有用 我正在换工作 That’s great. 很好啊 Would you be interested in sitting for me? 你有没有兴趣 做我的模特 Me? 我 Yeah. I keep on replaying that image of you standing alone on the rooftop. You were really far away in this beautiful sparkling white dress. You’re tiny in the vast landscape, it’s almost like a surrealistic painting. 是的 我的脑海里总是浮现出 那天晚上你独自一人站在屋顶上 我远远望去 看到你穿 着一席华丽的长裙 闪闪发光 你被周围的烟花所包围 看起来好像 一幅超现实的油画 Thank you. I don’t know , but... I’ll think about it. 谢谢 我不知道 但是 让我先考虑一下 Okay. Great.好 太好了 Thank you. Bye. 谢谢 再见 Bye. 再见 18:50 Mrs Lin. Are you absolutely sure that you really want to give your life to this man? 林小姐 请你再慎重地考虑一下 你是否愿意娶了身边这位姓蓝的先生 Mr Lan, do you have the courage to marry this gorgeous woman? Do you? 蓝先生 你敢不敢嫁给身边这位可爱的林小姐 敢不敢 Do you ever get homesick? 你想家吗 This is home. 这就是我家 Come on! You know what I mean. I’m talking about China. I mean your whole family is there, right? 你知道我说的是中国 你的家人都在那儿吧 Yeah. But I don’t know. It’s like when you spent half of your life in one country, and half in another, it’s sort of like, you don’t know where you belong. 是啊 我也不知道 当你在两个不同国家度过生命的两半 真的很难说清楚 Sense of belonging. Maybe we don’t have to belong anywhere. You’re amazing with the camera, like a total natural. 归属感 也许我们不需要属于任何一个地方 你有一种很特别的镜头感 真的太有天赋了 I still can’t believe I am doing this. Seems so unreal. 我真不敢相信我竟然答应来做这个 感觉太不真实了 Trust me, compared to what I used to do, this is as real it gets. 相信我 跟我之前的工作相比 这个再真实不过了 So, no more banking for you? Something about making money out of thin air was not something I was ever really proud of. You know money was good, life was glamorous... but none of it was real. 这么说 你不会再回到金融界吗 我从来不觉得空手套白狼 有什么好值得骄傲的 钱挣 得是很多 生活是很奢华 但我觉得一点都不真实 Well, your new life, it suits you. I’d better get going. 好吧 你的新生活 很适合你 我得走了 Come on, you always have to go. I mean I’ve known you almost a year now, right? I mean I still don’t know what you do, where you live, who you are. I know you do a good Ahnie Hall. 不会吧 你总是急着要走 我已经认识你快一年了 是吧 但我仍然对你 你的生活 你 做什么 你住哪里 一无所知 Isn’t it better this way? 这样不是挺好的吗 21:13 When I grow up I’m going to be a famous violinist. In America. No, all over the world. You’re going to be my biggest fan, following me wherever I go. 我长大想当一名出色的小提琴家 闻名美国 不 闻名全世界 你就当我最忠实的粉丝 我走到哪你就跟到哪 In your dreams. I don’t want to be your puppy following you around everywhere. 你想的美 我才不愿意当你的跟屁虫呢 It’s not up to you. 谁想让你当了 We are witnessing, the world’s two greatest economies coming together in a way they never have before. China is the fastest growing and most dynamic economy on the planet. China is the future. To China! 有目共睹 世界上最权威的两个国家 以一种前所未有的方式合作 中国是全球发展速度 最快 最充满活力的国家 中国就是未来 为中国干杯 Hey you made it. Good to see your guys. To China! Come on! Mr. Goldberg. I’d like to introduce you to Lenny. Lenny’s the young CEO I’ve been telling you about. 你们终于到了 很高兴又见到你们 为中国干杯 过来 高德伯格先生 很荣幸向你介绍 蓝一先生 蓝先生就是我一直跟您提起的 中国最年轻的CEO Nice to meet you. 你好 23:53 You... look very beautiful tonight. 你 今天很漂亮 Thanks. I never thought I would see you in America. 谢谢 我只是没有想过 会在美国见到 你 Me neither... We’ve both changed. I actually came to New York last year. I wanted to see you, but I was afraid. 是啊 咱们都变了 去年的时候到过纽约 我想见你 可是一直没有勇气 Last year. I was in the exact same place, doing the same job, living the same life. Nothing has changed. It’s as it ... time has stopped. 一年前 我一样也在这个地方 一样的工作 一样的生活 一成不变 就好像 时间都停 止了一样 Jasmine. I’m sorry. I always wish... time could wash everything away. 茉莉 对不起 我一直希望 时间可以冲淡一切 It’s all in the past now. 都是过去的事了 After so many years, I’m finally seeing you again. It’s really great. 这么多年过去了 还能再见到你 真好 25:21 Hello, everyone, ahead of us is the statue of Liberty, one of the most recognizable icons in the United States and the world. She is the symbol of freedom, hope and opportunity. As you can see, thon her left side she’s holding a stone tablet with the engraved text “July 4 1776” to remember American Independence’s Day. And on her right hand side, she’s holding a flaming torch. 大家请看 我们的前方是自由女神像 她是美国 甚至全世界 最具标志性的建筑物之一 她是自由 希望和机遇的象征 正如所见 她的左手拿着一块石碑 上面刻着1776年7月 4日 以此来纪念美国独立日 她的右手高举着一只熊熊燃烧的火炬 I’m really impressed by you. You’re so knowledgeable about American history. 真挺佩服你的 对美国历史那么了解 That’s my job. I have been doing it for a long time. 这是我的工作 做这么久了 After hearing what you’ve said, the American Dream makes more sense to me now 刚才听你讲 我对什么事美国梦 多少理解了些 Before I came to America, this is the place I want to come visit the most. At that time I felt... as long as I work hard nothing is impossible. But I’ve realised now, as time passes, people change, things change, and sometimes dreams also change. Some things... once they are washed away, they will never come back. 在我还没来美国之前 我最想要来的就是这个地方 那时我总觉得 只要我努力 没有什 么不可以的 可现在知道 时间久了 人会变 事情会变 有时候梦想也会改变 有些事 情 就回不来了 There are some things in life that never change. 有些事情永远不会变的 I have a great idea. 我有一个特别好的主意 Actually, I came here last night. 我其实昨天晚上来过这儿 What do you mean? 怎么说 In my dream. 在梦里 This is it! This is the top of the world. 你看 就这里 这就是世界的顶端了 In my dream... I wasn’t with you. I was with an old man. I was really confused, so I asked the old man... What is the meaning of the view? The old man replied the view is a reflection of your emotions. So I asked, what’s the meaning of those spirits? The old man said, without the essence of our souls, we cease to exist. Then I asked, what is the meaning of the water? The old man said to me, it is a delicate yet sparking flow. Finally I asked, what is the meaning of me? He replied... “You’re a sophisticated and high class gentleman.” 在梦里 不是和你一起 是一位老人 我当时很奇怪就问这个老人 我说 此情景作何解 然后老人跟我讲 叫景语皆情语 我说那鬼魂作何解 老人说 精气为雾 游魂未变 我 说那水作何解 老人告诉我说 温润而有光泽地流动 最后我问他 我作何解 他说 You... haven’t changed one bit. I never imagined we’ll be here together one day. 你啊 真的是跟小时候一模一样没有变 真的没有想到有一天 可以和你一起站在这里 28:49 Hey, Jas, it’s Joe. Hope your day’s panning out good. Listen, if you have time to drop by the studio, please do. OK? Because I’ve got something really really strong to show you. OK? I’ll talk to you later. Ok. Bye. 嗨 茉莉 我是乔 希望你今天还好 你如果晚点有空 来我工作室一趟吧 你尽量吧 因为我有一样特别特别棒的东西 给你看 一会儿再聊 好先这样 再见 “Three treature Beijing delight”, enjoy your meal. Sure. Thank you! 京酱三包 请慢用 谢谢 好 谢谢啊 Sorry, can’t make it today. 乔 抱歉 我今天去不了了 It’s really the city of dreams. 这真的是一个充满梦想的城市 Still planning to be the most famous violinist in the world? The most beautiful violinist in the world 还梦想着要当世界上最出色的小提琴家 世界第一美女小提琴家 That was just a childish dream. Anyways, for now... I need to make some money first. 那只是一个小女孩的梦想罢了 现在 还是先挣钱再说吧 Actually, I’m quite impressed by you. You spent all these years abroad on your own. Have you ever thought about going back? 其实我挺佩服你的 这么多年一个人在外面 想过回去吗 Sometimes. But I always felt if I don’t make something of myself I can’t go back. Enough about me. Sandy’s been talking about your life as if it’s a fairytale. It’s your turn. 有时候 但总觉得 要做出点成绩 不然不能回去 别老说我了 桑蒂把你说得天花乱坠 聊聊你吧 I never told you before... That year I disappared from school was because my grandma passed away. She was the only family I had. Since then, I’ve worked really hard to make enough money just to survive. I polished shoes, delivered newspapers on the street, sold scraps, carried boxes. I did anything no matter how horrible it was. I had only one goal in mind... is to have my grandma in heaven be proud of me. After that. It turns out heaven lent me a helping hand. A very rich man helped me out. You could say he gave me everything I have now. He taught me how to make money, lots of money. But he is not happy with his life. His wife decided to leave him. She fell in love with someone who had nothing, but made her happy. He was miserable. He tried so many ways to get his wife to stay. She only had one thing to say to him, that she just wanted to be free. He couldn’t say anything but watched her go. He’s an old man now. Full of regrets... and waiting to die. 我其实从来没告诉过你 那年我从学校消失 是因为我姥姥过世 她是我唯一的亲人 我 之后 拼命的努力 拼命赚钱 擦皮鞋 送报纸 卖废品 扛箱子 什么脏活累活我都干 过 我当时只有一个目的 就是想让在天上的姥姥能为我骄傲 后来 老天眷顾我 一个 有钱的老板帮了我 可以说我现在 所有的一切都是他给的 他教我怎么赚钱 怎么赚更 多的钱 但他自己并不快乐 他的妻子 决定离开他 和一个物质上一分没有 但是能给 她带来快乐的人走了 他很痛苦 他想尽一切办法想挽留他妻子 他妻子只跟他讲了一句 话 就是她要自由 他无言以对 只能痛苦地看着她走了 现在他已经老了 满身遗憾 只能等死 33:26 I haven’t chatted to anyone like this in a long time. 好久没像这么聊天了 Me too. Sorry, my apartment is right there. You can stop there. 我也是 不好意思 我家到了 前边停就行 I’ll see you to your door. 我送你到里面去 It’s fine. I’ll can see myself in. 没事 没事 我自己走进去 Jasmine... Tomorrow night, can I invite you to join me at a dinner with some colleagues? I heard it’s a very famous steak restaurant. It will only be a few people. I’d love you to be my translator. I will pick you up at seven tomorrow evening. 茉莉 明天晚上 可以请你参加我们的庆功晚宴吗 听说是一间很好的牛排店 就几个人 而已 我需要你来当我的翻译 那明晚七点我来接你 34:59 Hello? 喂 Lenny, how have you been? You haven’t called since you arrived in New York. I’ve been very worried about you. 蓝一 你还好吗 你到了纽约一直没给家里打电话 我很担心你 I’m sorry. It’s been a very tight schedule. And my jet lag is still pretty bad. How’s dad? That’s why I kept trying to reach you. His condition has gotten worse. 抱歉 行程特别紧 而且刚到这边时差还没倒过来 咱爸怎么样 我着急打给你就是想跟 你商量这事 爸的病情又加重了 What did the doctor say? 医生怎么说 It’s not looking good this time. They can’t say anything for sure. It all depends on how he does next week. Can you come back earlier? 这次好像不是很乐观 他们说现在还太早下结论 要看下周的病情 你能提前回来吗 I’ll have to close the deal tomorrow evening. I’ll try to catch the earliest flight back after that. I’m going to sleep. 我明天晚上和对方签约 我争取赶上最早一班飞机回去 我睡觉了 Lenny蓝一 Good night. 晚安 So, I’m waiting for my invite in the mail any day now. Your first exhibition. 还有 我可是一直在等你摄影展的邀请呢 你的处女展啊 Yeah. I don’t need reminding. 知道 谢谢你的提醒 Come on, dude you said a year. So things not going too well? 你可说过一年内的 怎么 不顺利吗 I don’t know, some days I’m just... fucking frozen. I mean it’s been a year. I feel like everybody’s just waiting for me to fail especially my old man, just to prove he is right. 我也不知道 有的时候 我觉得完全没有灵感 已经有一年了 感觉所有人都在等着我失 败 特别是我的老爸 为了证明他是对的 Look, just trade your pride for your dream. Go back to your folks, tell them you’re sorry take the money. This starving artist routine isn’t helping anybody. I think... Something clicked for me. There is a woman that I met. Something different about her, I mean the way she looks, the way the light catches her eyes. It’s weird. It’s like... every time I look at her, I feel ... I feel like like I’ve known her my whole life but I don’t know anything about her. 听我的 你要是想成功 就得把你的架子放下 回去向你爸妈好好道个歉 然后拿着钱做你想做的事 你这穷艺术家的形象 我们都有点接受不了 我觉得 我的灵感刚来 我认识了一个女人 她有一种感觉 特别与众不同 每一次看到她 每当灯光照射到她的双眼 那种感觉 我真的无法用语言来形容 每一次见到她 我总觉得 我总觉得 我就像已经认识她好多年了一样 但事实上我对她一无所知 Hi. I was just looking at you. 嗨 太巧了 我刚刚一直在看着你 What do you mean? 什么意思 I was... I was working on the photos. What’s up? 我刚才在 一直忙着处理那些照片 怎么了 Do you...? Do you think... things always come full circle in life? Oh i’m sorry. I know it sounds crazy but... I’m just throwing random feelings to a stranger. 你 绝不觉得 一切都会循环往复 周而复始吗 抱歉 我知道我听起来有点神经 大半夜的冒然跟一个陌生人 倾诉自己的突发奇想 But if it does come full circle, does that mean that we always go back to where we started? It’s a pretty scary thought. 但是 如果 一切真的是循环往复的 那不就意味着我们的命运 是永远不会改变的吗 那就太可怕了 Or, maybe it’s that perfect ending that we all wish for. 或许 这意味着一个圆满的结局 Interesting, I think that we need to continue this conversation over dinner and wine. A date? Tomorrow night? 嗯 有意思 我觉得 我们应该吃个晚饭 喝杯红酒 然后慢慢继续这个话题 一个约会 明晚 Can’t do tomorrow night. 我明晚有事 A woman who never stops. 一个永远忙碌不停的女人 Night. 晚安 Night. 晚安 39:32 What is it? 怎么了 Nothing. Shall we go? 没什么 咱们走吧 To the future, China and America, Cheers. 为了未来 为了中美友谊 干杯 Cheers to America and China. 为中美友好 干杯 Cheers. 干杯Cheers. 干杯 Jasmine, I have to say you’re the most beautiful translator I have seen. 茉莉 你是我见过的最漂亮的翻译 No, but thank you I’m flattered. 您过奖了 谢谢 Saying she is beautiful. 漂亮 Jasmine, how long have you and Lenny known each other? 茉莉 你和蓝一认识多久了 Lenny and I... a long time. 蓝一和我 认识很久了 They know each other since eight years old, right? And I know this guy over ten years. Cool ah? 他们八岁就认识了 没错吧 我认识蓝一也有十多年了 酷吧 Very cool. You really keep your people around. Some people in our lives we never let go of. 非常酷 你身边有那么多老朋友 真的很难得啊 我们一生中有些友谊是永恒的 Yes... He said fate is very precious. 是 他也说缘分是特别的珍贵 Guess we have something in common. The Jews and Chinese are brothers! Brothers! 这么说 我们有很多共同点 犹太人和中国人倒像是一家人 兄弟 Let’s toast to our friendship. Cheers. 来 为了友谊咱们干一杯 干杯 Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Jasmine! Happy Birthday to you!祝你生日快乐 祝你生日快乐 祝茉莉生日快乐 祝你生日快乐 Happy Birthday. 生日快乐 Thank you! Thank you, everyone. 谢谢 谢谢大家 Happy Birthday, Jasmine. Lenny, New York is your second home now. And safe travel back to China tomorrow, Lenny. 生日快乐 茉莉 现在纽约是你的第二故乡了 还有祝你明天回国一路平安 蓝一 Let’s toast again to our friendship. At the same time, let’s toast to Jasmine’s birthday. Cheers! 为 了友谊咱们再喝一杯 同时也祝茉莉生日快乐 干杯 They wish you... a safe trip back home. 他们祝你 一路平安 42:00 Sorry... There is something urgent in Beijing that I have to take care of. 对不起 北京有点急事 我得先回去 Will you ever come back? 那你还回来吗 Of course. Very soon. 当然 很快 Of course. Another 10 years, just flew by. 是啊 十年 也就是一晃而过 This afternoon I went to see an apartment. There is a beautiful view of Central Park. It is a good size, not too big or too small and very quiet. 我今天 下午去 看了一套公寓 推开窗户就可以看到中央公园 面积不大也不小 挺安 静的 It sounds like a great investment.听起来是不错的投资 Actually I feel that... that place is perfect for you. I really want to help you. I want to help you make your dreams come true. 其实我是觉得 那儿其实挺适合你的 说真的我想帮你 我想帮你实现你的梦想 I’m fine. 我很好 Jasmine, I’m not just anyone. 茉莉 我不是别人 My dreams are gone. 我的梦想已经结束了 I know there are many things that... money can’t buy. But I know this way I can at least help you a little. I owe you. 我知道很多事情 是金钱买不到的 但它至少可以帮你一点 这是我欠你的 Do you like it? 喜欢吗 It’s beautiful. Thank you.真漂亮 谢谢你 You... really have to go to America?你 一定要去美国吗 Of course. It’s my dream! You’ve always known that. 当然 这是我的梦想 你不是一直都知 道吗 Careful~你小心一点 I can’t let you go. Jasmine. I love you. 我不能放你走 茉莉 我喜欢你 46:17 Who is it? Jas? Come on. Come on. OK. OK. Just sit right here. No, no, no, come on, come on, Jas, Jas, Jas! Come on. You had enough. It’s gonna be ok, Jas. 谁啊 茉莉 进来 进来 没事 没事 在坚持一下 就坐这儿 别 别这样 别闹了 茉莉 别喝了 你不能再喝了 没事了 茉莉 I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t understand. I just don’t want to be alone tonight. I don’t want to be all by myself! 我不知道我为什么会在这里 我不明白 我今晚真的不想一个人待着 我不想孤孤伶伶一个人 OK! I’m here. You are not alone. Ok. I’m here. I’m with you. I’m here. 好的 我在这 你不是一个人 没事 有我在 和你一起 一直在这里陪你 How he can just come and go whenever he wants. I want to hate him, but I can’t. 他怎么就可以说来就来 说走就走 我想恨他 都恨不了 Jas? 茉莉 Joe, i’m sorry. Have to go. Jas. 乔 对不起 我得走了 茉莉 One year later 一年后 Sorry. The number you’ve dailed is unavailable right now. Please try again later. 对不起 您拨打的用户暂时无法接通 请稍后再拨 Jasmine! 茉莉 Hey! 嗨 How are you, darling? 亲爱的 最近怎么样 Good to see you. 很高兴见到你 Didn’t think you can make it. 真没想到你今天能来 Me neither. It’s such a great turn out today. 我也没有想到 看起来很成功嘛 Oh, Jasmine, this is Gary. Gary, Jasmine. 茉莉 这是盖瑞 盖瑞 这是茉莉 Pleasure meeting you. 很高兴认识你 She is the woman behind and in front of all these wonderful works and my boss. 她就是整个摄影展幕前和幕后的女主角 也是我的老板 Well, it’s great to meet you. Jasmine. Congratulation! We’re loving this. 很高兴认识你 茉莉 祝贺你 这次展览太棒了 Thank you. Well he is very talented. 谢谢 的确 他真的很有天赋 Have you seen Joe yet? I saw him doing some press earlier. 你见到乔了吗 我刚才还看见 他在那边接受记者采访呢 That’s alright. I’ll go to find him. Well, see you guys later. 没事 我去找找看 那一会见 Bye. 再见 Nice to meet you. 幸会 She used to be Joe’s muse for years, ditched him for a rich guy. And now... 她过去一直是乔的缪斯 不过后来跟一个大款跑了 然后现在的这一切 Drama! 太戏剧了 51:52 Didn’t think you’d make it. You look beautiful. 真没想到你今天会来 你真美 And you look handsome. 你也很帅 You are not trying to hit on me, are you? You know everyone keeps asking me who this woman is. 你不会是给我搭讪吧 好多人都在问我这位女主角是谁 And what do you say? 那你怎么回答的 That she’s a mystery. 她是一个谜 Joe, oh excuse me. Emma, Art View Magazine. 乔 不好意思 我叫艾玛 来自艺术视野杂志 Hi 你好 Hi, I just wanted to say hi. Congratulations! Thank you. I love the work! 你好 我只是过来打个 招呼 祝贺你 谢谢 我特别欣赏你的作品 That’s so kind of you. 你过奖了 So emotional. So raw. 特别浪漫 特别真实 Sorry, I’m really trying my best. Please believe me. Are you OK? 对不起 我真的在尽力 相信我 你还好吗 Where to? 我们去哪 You’ll see. 跟我来你就会知道 Are you kidnapping me? 难不成你要绑架我 If you let me, I’ll kidnap you. See that rooftop? 如果你允许的话 看到那个屋顶了吗 Yes. 嗯 That’s where I saw you for the first time four years ago. You totally captivated me, it’s like you were from a different era, a different world. 那是我四年前第一次看到你的地方 你完全吸引了我的注意力 你就好像 来自另一个时 代 另一个世界 Actually I was also watching you. An artist trapped in a suit. 其实我也一直在看着你 一位西装革履的穷艺术家 Come on. Here, can I help? Come on. Give me your hand. Here, come here. You’re all right? No? 来 来 我扶你 把手给我 来 抓着我的手 你没事吧 有事 Of course not. Is it bad to abandon our own party? 当然有事 我们从自己的派对逃出来是不是很过分 Very. 太过分了 Your work... It’s beautiful. You see me in a way I’ve never imagined myself. 你的作品 真的很美 你看到了连我自己都从未看到的一面 Maybe I can see who you really are. 也许我可以看到最真实的你 I’m sorry... I just needed some time. I felt trapped, like I couldn’t breathe anymore. 真对不起 我只不过是需要点时间 我觉得我想是掉进了一个陷阱 无法呼吸 I know. After that night, I didn’t think that I was ever gonna see you again. But I... I understood how you felt. 我理解 那晚以后 我以为我再也见不到你了 但是我 我能理解你的感受 I know you always do. 我知道你总是能理解我 Anyways, the future is bright, you are going to be a star. 不管怎么样 未来很美好 你马上就会成为一个大明星的 57:52 Hey 喂 I’ve been trying to reach you all night. 我昨天给你打了一天电话 Last night? I was busy at the art show. It was a madness. 昨晚 昨晚我一直在忙着艺术展的事 特别忙 Art show? 什么艺术展 The first show at our gallery... remember,就 我们的画廊第一次展览 你记得吧 I’m sorry I forgot. Did it go well? 对不起 我忘了 怎么样 成功吗 It went really well. The reviews were very good. You know I was so excited last night. So many people came and they all thought it was a big success. Also the artist is very talented. 挺好的 评价都挺不错的 我告诉你我昨天晚上真的好兴奋啊 其实昨天来了好多人 大 家都觉得我们的作品很成功 而且艺术家也很有天份 You know I know nothing about art. Of course as long as you’re happy. Are you alright on money? I miss you... All I want right now is to see you. 你知道我对艺术一窍都不通的 当然 只要你 高兴就好 钱还够吗 我想你 我现在只想见到你 Lenny... I feel that... Nothing. It’s already very late there. You should get some rest. 蓝一 我觉得 没事 你那边晚了 早点睡吧 59:11 Joe Heron’s first major muti-platform show opened with a bang. A glittering array of celebrities and press gathered to support this new artistic talent whose now trademark style features an unknown Asian woman. Who could that be? 乔 赫荣的摄影首展大获成功 他的作品受到了 许多名人和媒体的支持 这次展览都是 围绕着一个主角 是一位神秘而迷人的华裔女性 她到底是谁 I don’t know. 我不知道 Oh my god. There’s something brave about work that transgresses boundaries between art, moving image, architecture and music. 太不可思议了 他的作品非常大胆 跨越了艺术 影像 建筑及音乐 多种元素的边界 Heron, a former city banker who lost his job and gambled everything on what he describes as his “dream”, has found meaning in the achingly beautiful work that touches its audience deeply. This is amazing. 赫荣出身金融业 几年前他丢掉了自己的工作 为了追求自己的梦想 而堵上了自己的一 切 经过多年的奋斗和挫折 他终于向观众呈现出 令人深思和感动的作品 真不敢相信 Can I take a look? Yes. Thanks. 我能看看吗 当然 谢谢 This is actually quite amazing. 确实挺棒的 It was so smart to buy that gallery, Jas. And you bought at the night time too. 你太明智了 当初做了这个投资 时机太好了 Thanks. 谢谢 New artists come and go everyday so let’s wait and see. 艺术界每天都有新秀诞生 同时也有很多销声匿迹的 等等看看 So, Joe, the master, are you happy? The reviews are wonderful. 怎么样 乔大师 你开心吗 评价都很不错 Yeah. I’m happy. Thank you, for believing in me. 当然 我特别高兴 谢谢你 能这么信任我 Thank you. 谢谢你 I think the beef’s burning. You are not gonna burn down my house, are you? 我觉得牛肉好像烧焦了 你不会把我家给烧了吧 Don’t worry. 不用担心 Don’t worry? This is my house, it isn’t your house! You know I’ve got to say, I never had you down as a top chef. 是不用担心 这是我家 不是你家 说实话 我可真没想到你还是个大厨 Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me. 你不知道的还多着呢 Sorry. The number you’ve dailed is unavailable right now. 对不起 您拨打的用户暂时无法接通 62:09 I love you. 我爱你 Is that what you say to her too? Lenny. I miss you. The only reason I’m in this place is because, I want to feel you next to me, even just a little bit. But... Where are you? I can never find you. 你对她也是这么说的吧 蓝一 我想你 我在这里唯一的理由 就是希望能感受到一点点 你的气息 哪怕是一点点也好 可是 你在哪里 我永远都找不到你 Hey, If my own brain is still working, isn’t it your birthday soon? Thanksgiving, right? Doing anything to celebrate? 如果我没有记错的话 你生日快到了吧 感恩节那天 对吗 你准备怎么庆祝呢 Let me think. I’m gonna stuff myself in a turkey so you can’t find me. 让我想想 我会把自己藏在一只火鸡里 这样你就找不到我了 Oh, darling, from my understanding, you’re still a baby. We have to do something to celebrate. How’s the gorgeous Joe? 亲爱的 你别逗了 和我相比你还是个孩子 我们必须要好好庆祝 那个英俊的乔怎么样 了 He is OK. Well, we’re working on a new project. 他挺好的 我们一直在筹备新的作品 And? 然后呢 And? Nothing! 然后什么 什么也没有 Come on! Sweetie, a word of advice. Have some fun, fool around, but don’t fall in love, not with an artist. They are worse than actors. 快老实交代 宝贝 我要教育教育你了 你可以和他玩玩 但是千万不要真的爱上一个艺 术家 他们比演员更不靠谱 64:34 I love you. But do you love me? 我爱你 但你爱我吗 I ... Love is too weak a word. I I “luve” you. I “louve” you. I “loffe” you. I need two “f”s. 爱远远不能表达我对你的感情 我爱 爱 爱死了 一个爱是不够的 Can you be serious? 你能不能认真点 I am being serious. That’s what Woody Allen sounds like. 我就是认真的 伍迪艾伦就是这么说的 No? 才不是呢 65:42 The old man who had saved my life was my father-in-law. He just passed away. Right up to his last breath. He still couldn’t forgive himself for not making his wife happy. I want to see you, Jas. I really need you. 那个救了我的老人是我的岳父 他刚刚走了 临走时他还在后悔 没能让他的妻子开心 我想见你 茉莉 我特别需要你 Let’s drink! Drink up. Yan Yan. Li Yan. Congratulations to you! Congrats! Bottom up. Congrats, your life has ended before it began. All brothers and sisters here’s to the end! Drink, drink! Cheers! Bottoms up! Wonderful! Whose song is this? It’s mine. This is my song! 喝一个 好 走一个 李彦 恭喜你 恭喜啊 干啊 大哥 恭喜你的人生还没开始就已 经结束了 各位大哥就此结束了 干了 干杯 干杯 好样的 谁的歌 我的 我的 这 歌我的 If those two words didn’t quiver. I wouldn’t know that I’m sad. No matter how it is said. It’s a breakup. If we ask for nothing from tomorrow, then holding hands will be just like wandering on an unknown journey. Thousands and millions of doors. There must be one who leaves first. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Where are you? Why have you been ignoring my calls? 如果那两个字没有颤抖 我不会发现我难受 怎么说出口 也不过是分手 如果对于明天没有要求 牵牵手就像旅游 成千上万个门口 要先走 喂 喂 喂 喂 喂 你在哪 为什么不接我电话 Lenny 蓝一 I know you’re busy... but you can’t even reply to my text? Don’t you know I’ve been so worried about you? 我知道你忙 你忙 你连个短信都不能给我回吗 你知不知道我在担心你 I’m just calling to see how you are doing. 我只是想要打来问问看 你好不好 Jas. I feel like we’re becoming further and further apart. I don’t even know what you’re doing everyday. Nothing, I know nothing. 茉莉 我觉得咱们俩现在越来越远了 我甚至不知道你每天在做什么 我什么 我什么都不知道 You’re drunk. I don’t want to talk about it now. 你喝多了 我不想聊这个了 Apart from money I can’t give you anything. 我除了钱以外我什么都给不了你 Money? Do you really think money is everything? 钱 你以为钱就是一切 I don’t give a shit about money! 我不在乎钱 Me neither. I’m not your mistress. 我也不在乎 我不是你的情妇 What do you mean by “my mistress?” What do you mean by this? Do you know you’re the only person I’ve ever loved. I have loved you all my life! 什么叫你是我的情妇 你说这话什么意思 你知道我这辈子只爱的人 只爱你一个人 而且我一直都爱着你 Is this what you call love? Forget even a day we can’t even be together for a few hours. We’re twelve hours apart. I start my day when you finish yours. When I really want to hear your voice I can’t call you because I’m afraid your wife is right there besides you. 你称这是爱吗 别说一天了 你连几个小时的时间 我们都不能在一起 我们相隔12个小时 当我每天结束的时候 就是你每天开始的时候 我很想听听你的声音 可是我不敢打给你 因为我怕你的老婆就在你旁边 Jasmine, you’re changed. 你变了 茉莉 Who is he? Tell me who he is. 他是谁 你告诉我他是谁 Him? I’m not the one who’s married. I don’t want much. I just want to share every moment of my life with you. Can you really do this? You can’t do it. 他 有他的人不是我 我要的不多 我只是想让你能跟我分享 生活上一点一滴 你能够吗 你办的到吗 你做不到 I know it’s all my fault. I just want you to be happy. Wait for me. I’m taking the earliest flight to New York. You wait for me. All I need is you. 我知道 都是我的错 我现在只想让你开心 你等着我 我买最早一班机票 明天一早飞到纽约去 你等着我 我只要有你 我什么都够了 Lenny, I’ve had enough. 蓝一 我受够了 Hello? Hello? 喂 喂 Can you be fucking quiet? What the fuck are you looking at? What the fuck do you want? 你能小点声吗 你想干嘛 想干嘛啊你 I’m going to fucking smash your face. 抽你 Lenny... Lenny... Don’t fight... Go away... Don’t. 哥 哥 不打架 闪开 别闹 71:58 Do you love me? 你爱我吗 Don’t be silly of course I do. 傻瓜 当然 But I know you love her more. Go. Go find her. 但我知道你更爱她 你走吧 你去找她吧 Lenny, will we ever be together? I mean, just you and I. Under the same roof. Just us. 蓝一 我们真的会在一起吗 我是说 就只有你和我 在同一个屋檐下 就我们 You know that’s my greatest wish. I wish... Everything could start all over again. 你知道那是我最大的愿望 真希望一切都能从头开始 Do you believe in fate? Some people are just not meant to be, no matter how hard they try. 你相信命运吗 有些人注定永远不能在一起 不管他们彼此付出多大的努力 Are you implying... you and I? 你是说 你和我 No. I was just... wondering. 不 我只不过是 随便想想 Sometimes you scare me. The way you talk, it’s like you’re gonna be gone again. 有的时候你真的让我特别害怕 你说话的感觉 好像你又要消失似的 74:49 Why did you come to me that night? 你那天晚上为什么来找我 To be honest, I don’t even know. I just ran and ran... until I realised I had nowhere to go. And there you were. 老实说 我也不知道 我只知道我在大雨里不停地跑 直到我无路可跑了 然后你就出现 了 Brother. Take care. 哥 保重 So I grew up here, till my grandfather passed away. 我在这长大 直到我爷爷去世 And your parents? 那你父母呢 Three generations under this roof. 在同一屋檐下 三代同堂 Three generations? That’s a big happy family. 三代同堂 一定是个快乐的大家庭 76:07 Passengers flying to New York please pay attention... 前往纽约的旅客请注意 There were only four of us. It was always quiet. We only saw each other at dinners and even then it was quiet. It was like sometimes the only noise in this house was the piano. You know when I was a kid, I used to think I can see the shadows of my grandparents walk in these halls. It is probably just my imagination but... I really thought that I saw it. 那个时候只有我们四个人在这里 永远都是特别安静 我们只有在吃晚餐的时候才会见面 即便是那时候 也特别安静 唯一能打破安静的就是这架钢琴 当我还是个孩子的时候 我总觉得能看到 爷爷奶奶的影子在那边穿梭 那可能只是我的想象而已 但是 他们却 是如此的真实 Would you play... for me? 你可以弹一曲吗 为我 Really? 你不是认真的吧 Yes. Please. 是啊 求你了 Okay. 好吧 Who is that? 他是谁 Oh, that’s me. 是我 That’s you? 你 That’s me. 是我 Oh, you were a chubby kid. 你小时候好胖啊 I was a chubby kid. 是啊 Oh, my god, so cute!天啊 太可爱了 I wasn’t that chubby. I had like a belly. 其实我没有那么胖 只是我那时有点小肚子而已 I can see that. 我看出来了 I was forced to look into the camera. 我是被迫坐在照相机前的 She was my fiancee. Her name is Veronica. 她是我之前的未婚妻 叫维罗妮卡 And you say I’m the mystery. 你还说我是个谜 It was a long time ago. It’s strange being here. All of this reminds me of everything that I’ve been running away from. 这是很久以前的事了 坐在这里的感觉真是很奇怪 所有的这些让我想起来 我所逃避的一切 What happened? 发生了什么 I felt her slip away. I couldn’t commit. I was stupid. But I didn’t want to be like my parents. Living in this beautiful house, but living like strangers. You know the first time I saw you on the rooftop, you reminded me of her... the way you held yourself. 我没能好好珍惜她 我无法给她任何承诺 我太笨了 但是我不想像我父母那样 住在这栋漂亮的房子里 但是却像一对陌生人 还记得我第一次 在房顶上见到你的时候吗 你让我想起了她 一种说不出来的感觉 So, am I her shadow?所以 我是她的影子 No. You’re my savior. I ran away from all of this. I was so torn about it that I shut myself off, for years. What I’m trying to say is that, I know where you’ve been, Jas. And I’m in love... with you. It... it look me like a really long time to find the courage to love you because I don’t want to lose you again. I can’t lose you again. 不 你让我从她的影子里走了出来 我一直在逃避 我把自己禁闭起来好长时间 我想说的是 对于你所经历的 我深有同感茉莉 而且我爱上了 你 我 我花了很久很久的时间 才鼓起勇气去爱你 因为我不想再失去你 我不能再失去你 I don’t want to go anywhere anymore. I just want to be with you. 我再也不想逃避了 我只想和你在一起 81:04 Morning. 早上好 Morning. 早上好 I’m glad you’re still here. I was scared that you’d run away again. 我特别高兴你还在这儿 我怕你又消失了 No, no more running. .不会了 不会再消失了 Have you been up long? 你很早就起了吗 For a while. It’s really peaceful here. 一会儿而已 这里真的很安静 Yeah! This was my escape. 这是我的世外桃源 Oh. Yeah? 是吗 Yeah. I used to swim in there. 是的 我原来经常在那儿游泳 Yah? Oh, it looks freezing. 这里 看起来好冷 It is. 的确很冷 What are you doing? Oh, you’re kidding! Oh you are no serious! Joe? You’re crazy! 你要干嘛 你没搞错吧 你不是认真的吧 乔 你疯了吧 I am! 我就是疯了 Joe! You are insane! Oh my god. Are you insane? Come here, come here! 乔 你这个疯子 天呐 你真的疯了 快过来 快过来 I am crazy! 我就是疯了 Are you? 是吗 Happy Birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐 Come here. 快过来吧 Ok, help me out. You wanna come in? 好吧 拉我一把 你要下来吗 No. I don’t think so. 不 我不想 No. Are you sure? 不 你确定 I don’t think so. Let go. Let go. I mean it! 当然 我不想 放开我 放开我 我是说真的 Are you OK? 你还好吧 Oh my god. It’s freezing! No, I’m not alright. What the hell are you thinking? 天啊 我都快冻死了 好你个头 你脑子里进水了吧 Sorry! Sorry! Come on. Lets get back. You are OK? 对不起对不起 来 我们回去吧 你还好吗 Get away from me! Leave me alone! You don’t know anything about me! 离我远点儿 给我走开 你对我一无所知 I know you love somebody else! 我知道你爱着别人 Look, I’m sorry about what I said. 对不起 刚才不该对你说那些话 Me too. Let’s start fresh? I’ll see you tonight? 我也是 让我们重新开始吧 晚上见 That’s the plan. 一言为定 85:32 Happy Birthday. I wanted to surprise you. 生日快乐 我想给你一个惊喜 Would you like a drink? Water, coke, whiskey, wine and Mao Tai. 喝点什么 我有水 可乐 威士忌 红酒 还有茅台 I didn’t realize you like Mao Tai. 你现在喜欢喝茅台了 In case one day. You might come back. 想着有一天 也许你会回来 Happy Birthday. 生日快乐 Thanks. 谢谢 Lenny. 蓝一 How was the exhibition. 画展怎么样了 Great. Lenny. There’s something I want to tell you. 挺好的 蓝一 我有话想跟你说 I want to meet him. 我想见他 Hi! She is here. Birthday girl! Happy birthday! 我们今晚的主角终于来了 生日快乐 Thank you for coming. 谢谢你们能来 Thank you for coming, birthday girl. 也谢谢你能来 我们的生日女孩 Oh darling, thank you 亲爱的 太谢谢你了 Happy Birthday, darling. 生日快乐 亲爱的 Thank you. Oh, this is Lenny, my friend from China and he is here on a business trip. 谢谢 这是蓝一 我中国的一个好朋友 他正好来纽约出差 Lenny, I’m Olivier, pleasure to meet you, welcome to New York. 蓝一 我是李维 很高兴认识你 欢迎你来到纽约 Hello, I am Helen, nice to meet you. 你好 我是海伦 幸会 Please, join us. 请 一起吧 都坐吧 Oh Jasmine, that dress looks gorgeous on you. 茉莉 这条裙子真是太漂亮了 I was hoping this color will.. bring me luck today. 我是希望生日穿红色会给我带来好运 Can I get you guys some drinks? 各位 想喝点什么 Champagne, please. 请来一瓶香槟 Big bottle. 要一大瓶 Did you guys do anything fun today? 你们今天去哪玩了吗 Actually... nothing special. 其实 没干什么特别的 Oh. Well, that’s about to change. Happy Birthday. 那就从现在开始吧 生日快乐 Happy Birthday, Jas. Hope you like it. We worked really hard. We went on a whole shopping trip together.生日快乐 茉莉 希望你会喜欢 我们费了好大力气 逛了整整一天呢 The whole day. 整整一天 Oh! We’re so rude. 哦 我们太没礼貌了 Do you like rose, Lenny? It’s amazing. 蓝一 你喜欢玫瑰酒 这个口感特别好 It’s amazing. 特别好 Thank you. 谢谢 Sorry, I’m late. Hi I’m Joe. 对不起 宝贝 我来晚了 我是乔 Hi, Joe. Helen. 你好 乔 我是海伦 It’s nice to meet you. 很幸会 Nice to meet you. 我也是 I’m Olivier. 李维 Hi, nice to meet you. 你好 很高兴认识你 Pleasure to meet you. 是我的荣幸 Hey man, I’m Joe. Nice to meet you. 嘿 我是乔 很高兴认识你 This is Lenny, my friend from China, and he just happens to be in town. 这位是蓝一 我中国的好朋友 他今天恰巧来纽约 How are you? 你好吗 Hello. 你好 That’s it. That’s all the Chinese that I know. I swear she’s gonna give up on me. 就会这么点 这是我会说的所有中文了 我敢肯定她都已经对我失去信心了 Well before me. 比我们强多了 Would you like me to open it for you, Ma’am? 需要为你们打开吗 Yes, please. 好的 谢谢 Nice! Celebration! 真棒 来一起庆祝吧 So I was late. 我 迟到是 Yes? 怎么了 Because I had to pick it up at the printers. 因为我去印刷店取个很重要的东西 Can I save it for later? 我能等会儿再看吗 You sure you don’t wanna see it now? I think you’re gonna love it. You’re beautiful in it. You’re gonna love it. You guys want to see it? 你确定现在不要打开 我觉得你一定会喜欢的 这张照片里的你真的很漂亮 你一定会喜欢的 你们想看吗 Yeah. Absolutely! 当然了茉莉 我们太想看了 Joe. 乔 You grab that side, Ok? Open it. 你拿着那一边 帮我打开 Stunning! It’s incredible. Joe. 太美了 真的 太不可思议了 乔 It’s all her. Every look that she gives me is full of beauty and strength. I swear she the strongest person I know. 这都是她的功劳 她给我每一瞬间的眼神 都是这种坚强的美丽 她绝对是我认识的最坚 强的女人 That’s Jasmine, for you. 的确如此 It’s lovely. 太棒了 How about a toast to the birthday girl? Cheers! Cheers to the birthday girl. Cheers! Happy Birthday, Jasmine. 来为寿星举杯 干杯 生日快乐 干杯 生日快乐 茉莉 Joe, Jasmine was just telling us about the new show you are working on? 乔 茉莉才跟我们说起 你在筹备新的摄影展 Yes, it’s series of four shows called China girl. 对 是由四个展览组成的 暂定名是 They’re just talking about Joe’s new show. 他们正在讨论他新的艺术展览 Do you love him? 你爱他吗 So, Lenny, how long you’ve known Jasmine for? 蓝一 你认识茉莉多久了 Whole life. 一辈子 Wow, that’s wonderful. 太可贵了 You can’t smoke in here. 这里不能抽烟 Is he OK? 他没事吧 Yeah, I think so, probably just jet lag. 没事 我想可能是因为时差还没倒过来 Oh yeah, that fight is crazy. I can’t believe he is still standing. 是啊 当然 飞那么长时间 真不可思议他还醒着 He must care a lot about you to be here now. 他肯定很在乎你 要不怎么能专程来给你庆祝生日 I think I’m just gonna go check up on him... all right? 抱歉 我出去看看他怎么样 Of course. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of Joe. 当然 别担心 我们俩会好好照顾乔的 I’m sorry. 对不起 Since my grandma died. I’ve promised myself I won’t let my family go again. I meant you. I watched you going to school and back home in secret. I wished you happy birthday from after. Watched you laugh and cry. Just now, I suddenly realized everything, our love is just an illusion, or a dream that will never come true! 我姥姥死了以后 我跟我自己发过誓 我不能再让任何我的亲人离开我 我说的这个亲人 是你 我头疼看着你上学放学 默默祝你生日快乐 看你哭看你笑 但刚才我明白了一切 我们的爱情 只是一个幻觉 是一个永远都不能实现的梦 It’s not a dream. We’ve been through so much. Do you know how hard I’ve tried? I know you have too. 它不是梦我们一起经历过了多少事情 我付出过了多少努力 你也是 I saw you belong to that world there. Is that the life you’ve been dreaming of? 刚才我看你很适合那个世界 那就是你想要的 I don’t know what I want anymore. I no longer know what kind of life I really want. I drift between two worlds. I don’t know where I belong. I want a home. Didn’t you say we’re going to have a home together? Where are you? Tell me where you are? I just know... I’ve tried my best to love you. But I’m really unhappy. 我不知道我要什么 我不知道我要什么样的生活 我游弋在这两个世界 我不知道我在哪 里 我想要一个家 你不是要给我一个家吗 你在哪里 你告诉我你在哪里 我只知道 我全心全意地爱着你 可是我很不快乐 You make me happy. You always make me happy. 你让我很快乐 你让我一直很快乐 Lenny. We can’t keep destroying ourselves anymore. We can’t carry on like this anymore. 蓝一 我们不能再这样折磨彼此了 我们不能再这样继续下去了 Sorry. 对不起 So he is the memory? The dream that you couldn’t let go of all these years. So, what we have is, it’s what? It’s a lie? A game? 所以他就是你那段永远忘不了的回忆 是你那么多年不能摆脱的梦魇 所以我们之间 到底是什么 是一场骗局 还是一场游戏 That’s not true. 不是你想的那样 It’s not? 不是吗 Don’t do this. You know I want to be with you. 别这样 好吗 你知道我是真心想跟你在一起的 Do you? Do you? 真的吗 你说的是真心话吗 Don’t. 别 Do you want to be with me? 你真的一心一意想跟我在一起吗 Yes. I love you. Is that what you want to hear?当然 我爱你 这就是你想要听到的吗 I only want to hear it if it’s the truth. But I don’t think you know how to love someone because you’ve never lost someone you loved. 我只想听真话 但是我觉得 你根本不懂怎么去爱一个人 因为你从来没失去过你爱的人 Don’t do that to me! 别这样对我 Don’t do what? 什么 我说的有错吗 Don’t! 别说了 When you’ve finally found the person you’ve been looking for the whole of your life. You’ve realized you still love her deeply. This kink of love is like having a family, a best friend, and a lover all in one. The beautiful thing is, it’s an eternal love. The scariest thing is, it’s beyond any control. 当你终于找到了 一个一辈子要找的人 发现你还是深深地爱着她 那种爱 既是亲情 友情 也是爱情 最欣慰的 是这种感情是一辈子的 最可怕的 是这种感情远远超越一切
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