

2017-09-21 31页 doc 91KB 13阅读




葛根粉的功效和食用方法葛根粉的功效和食用方法 了解葛粉 葛根是一种传统的健康食品。早在我国古代的医学著作《神农本草经》和东汉时期张仲景的《伤寒杂病记》中就有它治疗疑难杂病的记载。近年来的研究及应用表明,葛根对冠心病、心绞痛具有明显的疗效,可促进人脑的血液循环,增强记忆力功能,降低血脂,达到减肥健美和抗癌的功效。 此外,葛根的解酒作用在《本经》、《药性论》、《本草拾遗》、《千金方》等传统医著中均有记载。 葛根成分复杂,其中含有各类化合物五十余种,其主要有效成分为葛根素、大豆甙元、大豆甙。由于葛根的食用和药用价值,使葛根的应用愈趋广泛。而从葛根...
葛根粉的功效和食用 了解葛粉 葛根是一种传统的健康食品。早在我国古代的医学著作《神农本草经》和东汉时期张仲景的《伤寒杂病记》中就有它治疗疑难杂病的记载。近年来的研究及应用明,葛根对冠心病、心绞痛具有明显的疗效,可促进人脑的血液循环,增强记忆力功能,降低血脂,达到减肥健美和抗癌的功效。 此外,葛根的解酒作用在《本经》、《药性论》、《本草拾遗》、《千金方》等传统医著中均有记载。 葛根成分复杂,其中含有各类化合物五十余种,其主要有效成分为葛根素、大豆甙元、大豆甙。由于葛根的食用和药用价值,使葛根的应用愈趋广泛。而从葛根提取的葛根异黄酮,添加到食品中,可以做成各类强身滋补的高级营养疗效食品,又可制成各种治疗和保健的药品。 葛根对人体的作用相当多,主要是降脂、降压、降火、清热解毒、升阳解肌、解痉镇痛、透疹止泻、增加脑和冠状血糖、改善脑微循环,是防治高血压、高血脂、冠心病、心绞痛、糖尿病、脑血栓、肠胃病等多种疾病的药品的重要原料,同时对女性美容健身、丰胸等具有特殊功效。 近年来又从葛根中分离出一些芳香苷类化合物如葛A、C等以及一些三萜皂苷类化合物如黄豆苷原A、B,葛根皂苷原A、B、C等。and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 这些成分对心血管疾病尤其是因循环系统障碍引起的疾病产生积极的预防和保健作用。 野葛与女性 野葛中含有丰富的黄酮类物质和葛根素,目前异黄酮主要从大豆中提取。随着人们对野葛研究的不断深入,发现野葛中异黄酮的含量和活性远远超过大豆中的。当今在欧美以及日本的女性保健领域受到广泛重视。 A、经常吃野葛食品能姿容养颜。促进皮肤白皙、光润、细腻,使女性焕发青春光彩。人们经常食用的大豆中含有微量的异黄酮,所以经常喝豆浆也可姿养肌肤,经研究发现异黄酮在野葛中的含量跟活性远高于大豆中的。野葛食品对妇女产后带来的多种疾病有抑制功能。 B、常吃野葛食品能调理更年期综合症。 随着年龄增长,体内下丘脑——垂体 —— 性腺轴的平衡被打破,出现失眠、多梦、头晕、目眩、烦躁、不安、猜疑、优郁等症状。这就是医学上说的“更年期综合症”。 经常食用野葛制品对更年期综合症有调理作用。随着年龄增长,身体对钙的吸收减少,钙降低,骨骼脱钙,容易发生骨质疏松症,经常食用野葛制品可预防骨质疏松。 研究结果显示,野葛具有很好的丰胸功效,内含异黄酮相当可观(葛根异黄酮又叫植物雌激素),它不仅具有使乳腺丰满坚挺和乳房组织重构的作用,而且对子宫、卵巢和皮肤也有作用。野葛根中的异and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 黄酮成分,不仅具有有效的抗乳腺癌作用,而且还有预防心血管疾病的功能。 野葛与男性 在这充满竞争的社会,男人承受着巨大的压力,时刻保持一个清醒、敏捷的头脑至关重要。野葛食品不仅有丰富的营养成分,还能改善脑部血液循环,起到解压的作用。其对循环系统有积极作用:从野葛根中提炼出来的黄酮类物质能增加脑及冠状血管的血液流量,主要表现在增加微血管运动的振幅。野葛中的葛根素可使冠状血管阻力下降,冠脉流量增加,有利于改善缺血心肌氧的供需平衡,亦有明显的抗心率失常作用。 野葛食品专有特色:野葛中主要有效成份为葛根素、黄酮类物质、大豆甙元、大豆甙等,都具有很高药用价值。另外还富含其他纯天然营养物质。作为以野葛为原材料做成的食品,不但能爽口、充饥,在品尝美食的同时还能起到保健功效。 野葛与儿童 野葛中含有丰富的氨基酸, 其中人体不能自己合成的必需氨基酸(以100g干物质计)。苯丙氨酸(大于9.65mg)、苏氨酸(大于9.63mg)、异亮氨酸(大于7.45mg)、亮氨酸(大于11.54mg)、缬氨酸(大于11.24mg),被认为儿童必需的氨基酸,组氨酸含量亦高达6.74mg。丰富的微量元素如铁、硒、锌、钙等,能促进儿童的体格、智力的发育。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 野葛与老人 临床医学证明:野葛对高血压、高血脂、高血糖、老年骨质疏松症有非常好的疗效。据报导现在老年人血压偏高非常普遍,一般人会选择药物治疗,由于药物的副作用跟抗药性,停服后血压很快反弹。野葛食品,首先是作为食品,没有任何的副作用,可以在充饥的同时起到调理的目的,而且可以长期食用。野葛中还含有丰富的微量元素跟氨基酸,是种不可多得的绿色保健食品,具有极高的营养价值。 葛根粉、蕨根粉、岩耳和杜仲茶,被称为张家界的“三宝一绝”,除了用开水冲服,亦可与肉类煎食,成为佳肴。葛根粉是从葛根中提取的,而葛根具有“合百药、主补剂”之功效,能够退肝火、解暑毒、健胃脾、滋阴壮阳、补虚益气。北京中医医院肿瘤科赵文硕医生说,如果没有葛根粉,可以到药店购买葛根,用来泡茶,发汗的作用是一样的。葛根可以和很多药物相配合,大寒之剂因它而不寒,大燥之剂因它而不燥,因此,在泡茶前先要分清发热的症型,解热症可以将葛根和柴胡等搭配泡水;而治风寒,可以将葛根和麻黄、桂枝、芍药搭配泡水,每天服用3次就可以了。 食用方法: 古人云:万病从火生,火重诱百病,本品有生津止渴、升阳止泻、消热祛火、解酒健胃之功效,各选此需。在调匀时视个人口味可添加佐料,如白糖、蜂蜜、牛奶、盐等调味剂。 (一)、熟饮法(如同食用藕粉的程序相同) and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 1、将本品取一小包倒入杯中,先用约25克凉开水冲入调匀(溶解)后,再用90?以上沸开水约200克,一次性迅速冲入,立即迅速搅拌成稠状即可食用。 2、将本品取一小包倒入杯中,先用约25克凉开水冲入调匀(溶解)后,再加冷开水冲入,然后置于炉上用小火慢慢地煮,小勺不停地搅动,等到它变成似透明糊状就可以了。煮熟后象点透明状。(若上法因用水过多而调不到稠状熟化或冲调不当而未熟时,也可用此法)。 (二)、冷饮法 将本品取一小包倒入杯中,加入约200克凉开水冲入调匀即可食用。添加适量的糖或蜂蜜调匀效果更佳,配以蜂蜜为最佳。 (三)、菜肴佐料法 用葛粉替代芡粉或生粉勾芡,使菜汁浓稠味美,且营养丰富,健康美容。 冲葛粉的经验: 将葛粉用1:2凉开水冲好,水不用放很多,确保将葛粉全部溶解就可以了,将以5-10倍滚开水倒入已冲好的葛粉中(水要一次倒完,中途不能停), 边冲边迅速搅拌至熟化(不搅拌也能成功但是可能不那么均匀)。 其它食用方法: 1、 取本品一勺入碗中,先用冷开水搅拌成浆,再加适量白糖调均后,有95度以上的开水猛冲成糊状,既可使用。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 2、 取本品一份用冷水调成稀糊状,分次倒入少许沸油锅里,荡匀翻煎成薄饼状,捞起切成条块,可与回锅肉混炒,是一道难得的餐桌佳肴,味美无穷。 3、若需清热降火、醒酒、通便,取葛粉少许冷水加糖冲服,效果更佳. 88,以上的用户反映,食用后皮肤变的细腻、滋润、有光泽、皮肤弹性增加、毛孔粗大、有皱纹的会明显改善。达到明显的丰胸效果:2至4个月即可。见效最快的1个月即见效。 (四)、丰胸美白饮 用料:葛根粉2匙 ,木瓜粉1匙, 山药粉1匙 做法:先将葛粉用少许凉饮用水冲泡,然后将木瓜粉、山药粉放入,用热水冲泡,最后加入蜂蜜(或白糖)搅拌,如用热牛奶冲饮,效果更佳。 成效分析:木瓜是公认的丰胸美白圣品,而山药的美容功效也渐渐被发现,含有植物女性荷尔蒙成分,能防止肌肤老化,收缩毛孔、细嫩皮肤,而葛根粉富含大量的异黄酮活性成分,也就是天然的植物雌激素。它的结构与女性体内的雌激素相似,可以起到模拟、干扰、双向调节内分泌水平的生理生化作用。葛根异黄酮能模拟内分泌诱导素,并对乳腺、腺泡这些靶细胞进行有效作用,促使其新陈代谢的速度加快。异黄酮能够对体内脂肪进行合理的导向排序,也就是让身上其它部位让的脂肪转移并积骤在胸部。它还具有滋润皮肤、恢复皮肤弹性的作用,能够帮助和支持乳房再现挺拔。这三种成份加在一起,自然能使美白丰胸效果加倍提速。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic (五)、美容养颜饮: 用料:准备酸奶一盒(瓶),冷开水搅散好的葛粉。 做法:把兑好的葛粉加入平常冲葛粉一半的热开水,如果没成透明状说明没冲好,放进微波炉10--30秒后,把葛粉取出备用。酸奶开封,如果想好看的话可以把它一圈一圈的挤到葛粉糊上,因为浓度不一样颜色不一样,酸奶不会化开,很好看的旋涡型。如果想好吃的话,倒进去搅拌使他们完全混合就好了。 注:当这两者完全混合起来时,因为浓度混合口感近似,完全吃不出葛粉的味道。你还可以换换酸奶的口味,比如草莓,芦荟,鲜橙等等,即美容养颜,而且营养丰富啊~ 以下我们还为大家准备了很多营养又美味的葛粉新吃法,供大家参考: 1.取葛粉适量放入碗中,先用30度左右的温水充分将其搅拌成浆,再用95度以上的开水速冲搅拌成透明糊状体,视个人口味再放入适量食糖或食盐拌匀即可食用,可做早餐食用,即营养又美味。 2.自制葛冻:按上述方法制作后冷藏于冰箱内即成葛冻,炎炎夏日吃葛冻,滑嫩爽口,清凉身心,妙不可言。 3.取适量葛粉用冷水稀释成葛粉汁后,用锅煎成薄饼、切片,可以下火锅炖鸡或猪蹄食用,或与回锅肉混炒,是一道难得的餐桌佳肴。 4.葛粉在炒菜时当勾芡用,使菜肴鲜嫩可口。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 5.取葛粉适量(约10克),用冷开水加糖冲服更适合食辣、吸烟,喝酒等易上火人群。 6.葛粉粥:取葛粉100克,小米50克。 小米熬成粥后加入用冷水调匀的葛根粉,边加边搅拌煮沸即成 。 葛根是我国卫生部批准的药食同源植物,说明它作为食品对人体是安全的,同时又具有一定的功能作用。古往今来,葛一直是我国医药保健的良方妙药,《诗经》、《神农本草经》、《伤寒论》、《本草纲目》、《滇南本草》及《功能性食品》 等巨著对葛根的药食功效均有详细记载:消渴、止呕清脾、清热解毒、解酒、治中风头痛、开胃下食、排泄化淤、止血痢、通大小便等。 中国“葛学”第一人刘英汉教授在其专著《葛的栽培和葛根的加工利用》一中指出:葛根中的药效成分葛根素及总黄酮能扩张冠状动脉和脑血管,增加冠状动脉和脑部的血流量。尤其对冠心病、心绞痛、高血压、高血脂及动脉硬化病者改善心脑血液循环有一定功效。中科院肖培根院士除充分肯定葛的上述作用外,进一步指出葛对提高人体免疫力、增强记忆力、抗癌病、抗衰老、强心健身有很好的功效,是一种理想的防病、强身的保健品。 随着时代的发展,人们对葛根的药理作用,临床运用有了更为深刻的认识: and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 一、功效主治 1、高血压 葛根总黄酮调节血液中的各种成分平衡;葛根素收缩和扩张血管,从而起到双向调节血压的作用。 2、高血脂 葛根总黄酮化合物活性较强,代谢血液中的氧化自由基,降低血液浓度;葛根素提高血液中清道夫---高密度脂蛋白的含量。 3、高血糖 葛根茶中含有人体必需的十三种氨基酸及钾、钠、钙、铁、硒等二十几种微量元素能显著改善胰岛细胞的耐性;从而起到平稳降糖和控制糖尿病并发症的作用。 4、心血管 葛根素通过影响细胞对钾、钠、钙离子的通透性而减轻心肌的工作量;葛根总黄酮能使冠状动脉血流量增加,改善缺血心肌,降低心肌耗氧量。 5、脑血管 葛根素和葛根总黄酮能扩张脑血管,增加脑部的血流量,代谢血液中的氧化自由基,降低外周阻力。 6、酒精中毒 葛根尤其是葛花中的药效成分能加速乙醛分解,抑制肠胃对酒精的吸收,促使酒精毒素的排泄,从而有效地防止、缓解酒精中毒。 7、前列腺炎及痔疮 葛根中的药效成分能扩张血管,改善局部血液循环,从而达到有效地防治痔疮和前列腺炎的作用。 二、另外现代医学研究证明:葛根对以下症状均有效果 1、肠胃不适、胃溃疡等胃疾病 ; and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 2、便秘; 3、视网膜动、静脉阻塞; 4、突发性耳聋; 5、免疫力低下; 6、更年期综合症; (因此,葛根适用的人群非常广泛,男女老幼一年四季均可食用(但孕妇忌用)。 三、丰胸嫩肤,抗衰老 葛根粉,积蓄了至少 13 种划分为“植物雌激素”的珍贵物质,既是中国卫生部公布的药食两用品,又是世界医学界公认无副作用的含丰富天然雌性激素的圣品,其中葛雌素及其衍生物不仅具有使乳腺丰满坚挺和乳房组织重构的作用,而且在各种组织培养物中都能提高雌激素的水平并能刺激乳腺细胞的生长,是泰国和欧美女性食疗圣品,能嫩化皮肤、帮助乳房坚挺及乳房增大,食疗效果明显,无副作用。此外葛粉内含有人体需要的十多种氨基酸和十多种微量元素,其中钙、锌、磷的含量最高,葛粉所含的富“硒”元素,具有一定的防癌抗癌功效。野葛制品特别适用下列人群:高血压、高血脂、高血糖及偏头痛等心脑血管病患者、更年期妇女、易上火人群(包括孕妇和婴儿)、常用烟酒着、女性滋容养颜,中老年人日常饮食调理等。 四、野葛丰胸的机理: ?促使乳腺及腺泡发育增大 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 葛根异黄酮能模拟内分泌诱导素,并对乳腺、腺泡这些靶细胞进行有效作用,促使其新陈代谢的速度加快。 ?引导脂肪在胸部堆积 异黄酮能够对体内脂肪进行合理的导向排序,也就是让身上其它部位让的脂肪转移并积骤在胸部。 ?恢复乳房皮肤的弹性 异黄酮具有滋润皮肤、恢复皮肤弹性的作用,能够帮助和支持乳房再现挺拔。 ?????历时三年的研究发现:野葛根具有普通食品所罕见的、特殊的丰胸效果。专家们经对100位20--45岁的妇女进行了使用野葛根的效果跟踪调查,发现百分之90的受试者乳房都得到了改善,效果最好的两个月内胸围增加了4.6公分。 【相关资讯】 你是不是觉着自己乳房发育不够好,女性曲线不够完美 是不是哺乳期后乳房不够挺立了 是不是随着年龄的增长你已经感到乳房在下垂 没关系 现在,野葛食品就能帮你。 主要原料:野葛根(含有丰富的总黄酮、葛根素、异黄酮,又名:植物雌激素) and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 适用人群:女性 (丰胸首选,纯植物提取,安全有效;养颜,调节内分泌) 适合人群:老少皆宜。特别适用下列人群:高血压、高血脂、高血糖及偏头痛等心脑血管病患者、更年期妇女、易上火人群(包括孕妇和婴儿)、常用烟酒着、女性滋容养颜,中老年人日常饮食调理等。 野葛粉 1、问:请问野葛食品有副作用吗 答:野葛一般生活在深山老林里,远离环境污染。野葛粉与野葛片都是食品级的,可以长期食用,也没有任何忌讳,包括怀孕的妇女和小孩都可以食用。 2、问 野葛能丰胸,可是为什么没有人群限制,老人也可以吃吗 答 :在《本草纲目》中记载,野葛性凉,味甘,无毒。具有清热排毒、解痉镇痛,升阳解肌,透疹止泻,润肠通便的功效。野葛能丰胸是泰国人先发现的,以前国内只知道野葛能清热祛火、润肠通便(排毒)、降血压(三高);研究表明,野葛之所以能够丰胸姿容,主要是其含有很高的异黄酮。异黄酮被业界称为“植物雌激素”,它本身不是激素,而是能促进体内雌激素分泌的一种物质。所以跟通常意义上的激素是有很大区别的;通常祛火跟通便几天就有效果,而一般野葛丰胸是要一定疗程的,另外男人没有卵巢,也就不可能分泌雌and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 激素,所以在祛火跟通便方面没有性别限制的;另外野葛对女性更年期的综合症有很好的治疗效果。 3、问 效果怎么样 答:丰胸疗效的好坏跟食用者也有一定关系,有的人吸收快点,有的人吸收慢点,导致每个人的效果都不一样,不过一般人在一个或者两个疗程后都有1.5公分的丰胸效果。另外通便排毒一般一个星期就能见效,祛火一般吃上3次就有效果的。 葛粉丰胸一个疗程是8包,每日早晚食用,每次20克,一个疗程是50天。 服用一个疗程后的表现: 1、润畅通便、解除体毒(一般服用后,24小时即可见效) 2、全身肌肤变得细腻润泽、有弹性。胸部逐渐涨大(在弹性限度内最大程度的丰满、挺拔可促使乳房发育、丰满,但又不使身体肥胖)无反弹,小叶增生得到改善。 3、乳腺细胞被激活,乳房变得坚挺而丰满。 4、痛经及月经不调得到改善。 5、高血脂、高血压症状减轻,血糖浓度降低并保持平稳 6、原先的色斑、痤疮及黄褐班减退并消失。 7、平衡雌激素水平,预防乳腺癌。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 特点:见效快,一般2--3周就能见效。安全纯天然提取物,无任何副作用。服用一个月后明显感受到乳房丰隆时的胀实感,脸上色班消退,皮肤细嫩紧实,恢复青春活力,尽显女性靓丽风采。 三伏天多喝葛根茶 夏天,阴雨绵绵的天气比较多,中医认为湿气通于脾,所以老年人在夏天容易出现脾虚。脾气虚是指脾功能不足,特点是吃得少,吃东西不香,食后腹胀,人懒乏力,四肢没劲,发展下去就会出现形寒肢冷,大便稀溏,腹冷浮肿。所以脾气虚的老人要及时调补。葛根属于豆科藤本植物,其中含有丰富的双岐杆菌等有益益生菌,能调节肠胃功能,清热我们相信解毒,开胃下食等。早在明代李时珍的《本草纲目》中就记载了葛根有“开胃下食,止呕清脾,止血痢”的功效。因此炎炎夏日,葛根茶是理想的健脾饮品。 中医认为,长夏(即阴历6月、阳历7—8月)最适合养脾。长夏的气候特点是湿,“湿”与人体脾脏关系最大,所谓“湿气通于脾”,所以长夏是健脾、养脾、治脾的重要时期。长夏同时也是人体脾胃消化、吸收营养的大好时期,除了家中长备葛根茶以外,在七八月间应多吃一些健脾的食物,比如可以多吃些肉类食品,还可吃一些白术、山药、白扁豆以健运脾气。 夏天,尤其是三伏天要多吃豆类,能起到健脾利湿的作用。适宜在夏天吃的豆类包括以下几种:绿豆,能清热除湿、健脾;白扁and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 豆、四季豆,能健脾;赤小豆,能健脾、养血、养心;红饭豆,可以 健脾养血;薏苡仁,可健脾利湿;荷兰豆,能健脾益气;豌豆,可滋 养肝脾;青豆,能滋养肝脾;黄豆,可健脾养骨;黑豆,能养脾益肾。 以上这些种类的豆子,可跟大米放在一起熬粥,还可以用来炖肉吃, 效果非常好 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic
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