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一元一次方程练习题与答案一元一次方程练习题与答案 一、选择题 1,家电下乡是我国应对当前国际金融危机,惠农强农,带动工业生产,促进消费,拉动内需的一项重要举措(国家规定,农民购买家电下乡产品将得到销售价格13%的补贴资金(今年5月1日,甲商场向农民销售某种家电下乡手机20部(已知从甲商场售出的这20部手机国家共发放了2340元的补贴,若设该手机的销售价格为元,以下方程正确的是( )x 20234013%x,,2013%2340x,,13%2340,,xA( B( C( D( 20(113%)2340x,, 2. 今年“十.一”长假期间,我市磁器口...
一元一次方程练习与答案 一、选择题 1,家电下乡是我国应对当前国际金融危机,惠农强农,带动工业生产,促进消费,拉动内需的一项重要举措(国家规定,农民购买家电下乡产品将得到销售价格13%的补贴资金(今年5月1日,甲商场向农民销售某种家电下乡手机20部(已知从甲商场售出的这20部手机国家共发放了2340元的补贴,若设该手机的销售价格为元,以下方程正确的是( )x 20234013%x,,2013%2340x,,13%2340,,xA( B( C( D( 20(113%)2340x,, 2. 今年“十.一”长假期间,我市磁器口古镇在10月1日接待游客约2(83万人,“2.83万”的有效数字和精确度为( ) A( 3个 、十分位 B(3个、百位 C( 5个 、十分位 D( 5个、百位 3下列各组数中,不相等的一组是 ( ) 23232233,3,3A(与 B(-与 C( -与 D( 与 ,3,3,3,3,,,,,3,3 23224 .计算(,3)+(,3),2+(,2)的结果是( ) A. 36 B. ,18 C. ,36 D. 18 5.下列说法中正确的是( ) 1222 A. 0不是单项式 B. 是整式C. ,的系数是1 D. ,3的次数是3 xyxyx 6 。某书店按标价的八折售出,仍可获利20,,若该书的进价为18元,则标价为( ) A. 27元 B. 28元 C. 29元 D,30元 2x,a,13x,1,2x,27 、方程与方程的解相同,则a的值为( ) A. ,5 B . ,3 C. 3 D. 5 8 设a表示三位数, b表示两位数, 如果把a放在b的左边组成一个五位数, 可表示为( ) A. ab B. 1000 a + b C. a + b D. 100 a + b 9. 甲、乙两人练习赛跑,甲每秒跑7,,乙每秒跑6.5,,甲让乙先跑5,,设,,后甲可追上乙,则下列四个方程中不正确的是 ( ) A.7,,6.5,,5 B.7,,5,6.5, C.(7,6.5),,5 D.6.5,,7,,5 10.某种手机卡的市话费上次已按原收费降低了b元,分钟,现在又下调20,,使收费标准为a元,分钟,那么原收费标准为( ) 5a5a34,b,ba,ba,b44A. B. C. D. 43 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 11(一项工程,甲单独做需天完成,乙单独做需天完成,两人合做这项工程所需天数为( )xy 11111,( ,( ,( ,( ,11xy,xyxy,xy 12(小明把400元钱存入银行,年利率为1.8%,到期时小明得到利息36元,则她一共存了( ) A、6年 B、5年 C、4年 D、3年 13,足球比赛的记分规则为:胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分,一个队进行了14场比赛,其中负5场,共得19分,那么这个队胜了( )A.3场 B.4场 C.5场 D.6场 14,我国股市交易中每买、卖一次需交千分之七点五的各种费用。某投资者以每股10元的价格买入上海某股票1000股,当该股票涨到12元时全部卖出,该投资者实际盈利为( ) A.2000元 B.1925元 C.1835元 D.1910元 xax,3,4x,115、关于的方程的解为正整数,则a的值为 ( ) A、2 B、3 C、1或2 D、2或3 16(一件商品提价25%后发现销路不是很好,欲恢复原价,则应降价 ( ) A.40% B.20% C25% D.15% 2135,,m54320mx,,,17(若使得代数式取得最大值,则关于的方程的解是( )mx,, 7979x,,x,,x,x,,( ,( ,( ,( 9797 33318、某市规定:每户居民每月用水不超过20m,按2元/m收费,超过20m,则超过的部分按4 3元/m收费,某户居民十二份交水费72元,则该户居民本月的实际用水为( ) 333 3A.8 m B.18 m C.28 m D.36 m 二、填空题 21x,213xx,,t,,13π,,,3π31(在?;?;?;?中,等式有_______,方程有_______((填入式子的序号) 8,xx,2x,3,4,52(当x= 时,代数式与代数式的值相等3(关于方程的解为_______ 2 x1x,,2a,2x,3,,a4(若关于x的方程的解是,则代数式的值是_________ 23a 5a,x,13x,,2,x5(小李在解方程(x为未知数)时,误将看作,解得方程的解,则原,x 方程的解为___________________________( 6(轮船沿江从A港顺流行驶到B港,比从B港返回A港少用3小时,若船速为26千米/小时,水速为2千米/时,则A港和B港相距______千米( 935%5(某商场在元旦期间,开展商品促销活动(将某型号的电视机按进价提高后,打折另specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 50元路费的方式销售,结果每台电视机仍获利208元,问每台电视机的进价是_________元 送 x,16(当=_________时, 的值与1互为相反数 x,x3 7、(2009年陕西省)一家商店将某件商品按成本价提高50%后,标价为450元,又以8折出售,则售出这件商品可获利润______元( 7、(2009年舟山)“家电下乡”农民得实惠(村民小郑购买一台双门冰箱,在扣除13%的政府财政补贴后,再减去商场赠送的“家电下乡”消费券100元,实际只花了1 726.13元钱,那么他购买这台冰箱节省了 元钱( 8((2009年牡丹江)五一期间,百货大楼推出全场打八折的优惠活动,持贵宾卡可在八折基础上继续打折,小明妈妈持贵宾卡买了标价为10000元的商品,共节省2800元,则用贵宾卡又享受了 折优惠( x,mx9(1,,0若方程的根为正整数,求满足条件的所有整数m. 为______ 3 20%10(某工厂引进了一批设备,使今年单位成品的成本较去年降低了(已知今年单位成品的 8成本为元,则去年单位成品的成本为_______元( 11(某商店将彩电按成本价提高50%,然后在广告上写“大酬宾,八折优惠”,结果每台彩电 每台彩电成本价为元,可列方程为_______ 解得= _____。 仍获利270元,那么设xx 9x,2,kx,7k12(关于x的方程的解是自然数,则整数的值为 13(假定每人的工作效率都相同,如果个人天做个玩具熊,那么个人做个玩具熊需要______天( m,25x,3,014(已知等式是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=____________( 15. 自来水公司为鼓励节约用水,对水费按以下方式收取:用水不超过10吨,每吨按0.8元收费,超过10吨的部分按每吨1.5元收费,王老师三月份平均水费为每吨1.0元,则王老师家三月份用水_______吨. m,1,,m,2x,4,716(已知方程是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=_________ ( 17. 礼堂第一排有x个座位,后面每排都比前一排多2个座位,则第n排座位 有 个. 18,某企业存入银行甲、乙两种不同用途的存款20万元,甲种存款的年利率为5.5%,乙种存款的年利率为4.5%,该企业一年可获利息9500元,则存款数目为甲_______元,乙_______元. 2222,2,2,33,3,3,41,1,1,2n(n,1)19(.观察下列各式:? ;? ;? ;„„请你将第个猜想到式子的规律表示出来: 1120(一个两位数,十位上的数字比个位上的数字小,十位上的数字的和是这个两位数的,5specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 则这两位数是_______( 3121(甲水池有吨,乙水池有水吨,甲池的水每小时流入乙池吨,_______小时后,甲池112 的水与乙池的水一样多( 22(在ax=b中,当a?0时,方程有唯一解 ;当 时,方程无解;当 时,方程有无数解。 23、某种商品的进价为200元,标价为300元,折价销售时的利润为5%,则此商品是按____折销售的. 224。已知等式是关于的一元一次方程(即未知),则这个方程的解为xx(2)10axax,,,, ______ 25,一年期定期储蓄年利率为2.25%,所得利息交纳20%的利息税,已知某储户的一笔一年期定期储蓄到期纳税后得利息450元,问该储户存入本金是,,,元. 26(一通讯员骑摩托车需在规定时间内,把文件送到某地,若每小时走60千米,就早到12分钟,若每小时走50千米,则要迟到7分钟,求路程长为_______千米 三(列方程解应题 1(为了拉动内需,广东启动“家电下乡”活动。某家电公司销售给农户的?型冰箱和?型冰箱在启动活动前一个月共售出960台,启动活动后的第一个月销售给农户的?型和?型冰箱的销量分别比启动活动前一个月增长30%、25%,这两种型号的冰箱共售出1228台。 (1)在启动活动前的一个月,销售给农户的?型冰箱和?型冰箱分别为多少台, (2)若?型冰箱每台价格是2298元,?型冰箱每台价格是1999元,根据“家电下乡”的 有关政策,政府按每台冰箱价格的13%给购买冰箱的农户补贴,问:启动活动后的第 一个月销售给农户的1228台?型冰箱和?型冰箱,政府共补贴了多少元(结果保留2 个有效数字), 2(梅林中学租用两辆小汽车(设速度相同)同时送1名带队老师及7名九年级的学生到县城参加数学竞赛,每辆限坐4人(不包括司机)(其中一辆小汽车在距离考场15km的地方出现故障,此时离截止进考场的时刻还有42分钟,这时唯一可利用的交通工具是另一辆小汽车,且这辆车的平均速度是60km/h,人步行的速度是5km/h(上、下车时间忽略不计)( (1)若小汽车送4人到达考场,然后再回到出故障处接其他人,请你能过计算他们能否在截止进考场的时刻前到达考场; (2)假如你是带队的老师,请你设计一种运送方案,使他们能在截止进考场的时刻前到达考场,并通过计算说明方案的可行性( specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 3(为了贯彻落实国务院关于促进家电下乡的指示精神,有关部门自2007年12月底起进行了家电下乡试点,对彩电、冰箱(含冰柜)、手机三大类产品给予产品销售价格13%的财政资金直补(企业数据显示,截至2008年12月底,试点产品已销售350万台(部),销售额达50亿元,与上年同期相比,试点产品家电销售量增长了40%( (1)求2007年同期试点产品类家电销售量为多少万台(部), (2)如果销售家电的平均价格为:彩电每台1500元,冰箱每台2000元,•手机每部800 3元,已知销售的冰箱(含冰柜)数量是彩电数量的倍,求彩电、冰箱、手机三大类产品分别2 销售多少万台(部),并计算获得的政府补贴分别为多少万元, 4(.某地生产一种绿色蔬菜,若在市场上直接销售,每吨可获利1000元;经粗加工后销售,每吨可获利4500元;经精加工后销售,每吨可获利7500元。当地一家农工商公司收获这种蔬菜140t,该公司的生产能力是: 如果对蔬菜进行粗加工,每天可加工16t;如果进行精加工,每天可加工6t。但两种加工方式不能同时进行。受季节等条件限制,公司必须在15天内将这批蔬菜全部销售或加工完毕,为此,公司研制了三种可行方案: 方案一:将蔬菜全部进行粗加工; 方案二:尽可能多地对蔬菜进行精加工,没有来得及的进行加工的蔬菜,直接在市场上销售; 方案三:将部分蔬菜进行精加工,其余的蔬菜进行粗加工,并恰好15天完成。 你认为选择哪种方案获利最多,为什么, 5(公园门票价格规定如下表: 购票张数 1,50张 51,100张 100张以上 每张票的价13元 11元 9元 格 某校初一(1)、(2)两个班共104人去游公园,其中(1)班人数较少,不足50人(经specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 估算,如果两个班都以班为单位购票,则一共应付1240元,问:(1)两班各有多少学生,(2) 作为一个团体购票,可省多少钱,(3)如果初一(1)班单独组织去游公如果两班联合起来, 园,作为组织者的你将如何购票才最省钱 6(某同学在A,B两家超市发现他看中的随身听的单价相同,书包的单价也相同,随身听和书包的单价和为452元,且随身听的单价比书包的单价的4倍少8元。(1)求该同学看中的随身听和书包的单价各是多少元,;(2)某天,该同学上街,恰赶上商家促销,超市A所有商品打八折销售,超市B全场购满100元返购物券30元(不足100元不返券,购物券全场通用),但他只带了400元钱,如果他只在一家超市购买看中的这两样物品,你说明他可以选择哪一家购买吗,若两家都可以选择,在哪家买更省钱, 7,8位退休教师分别乘坐小汽车从山区赶往飞机场,可真不巧,其中一辆小汽车在距离飞机场15千米的地方出了故障,不能行驶,此时离飞机停止检票时间只剩下42分钟(停止检票后即不让乘客上飞机).这时,惟一可以利用的交通工具只剩下一辆小汽车,连同司机在内一次限乘5人,这辆小汽车的平均速度为60千米/ 时. (1)这辆小汽车要分两批送这8人,如果第二批人在原地等待,那么这8 人都能及时到达机场吗?请说明理由. (2)如果在小汽车送第一批人的同时,第二批人先步行; 小汽车把第一批人送到机场后立即返回接送在步行中的第二批人, 若这些人的步行速度为5千米/时,问:这8人都能及时到达机场吗?请说明理由. 4015%8(某公司向银行贷款万元,用来生产某种产品,已知该贷款的利率为(不计复利,即 2.34还贷款前两年利息不计算),每个新产品的成本是元,售价是元,应纳税款是销售额的specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 10%,如果每年生产该种产品20万个,并把所得利润(利润,销售额,成本,应纳税款)用来归还贷款,问需要几年后才能一次性还清, 935%9(某商场在元旦其间,开展商品促销活动,将某型号的电视机按进价提高后,打折另50208送元路费的方式销售,结果每台电视机仍获利元,问每台电视机的进价是多少元, 14、(2009年郴州市)李大叔今年五月份购买了一台彩电和一台洗衣机,根据“家电下乡”的补贴标准:农户每购买一件家电,国家将按每件家电售价的13%补贴给农户( 因此,李大叔从乡政府领到了390元补贴款( 若彩电的售价比洗衣机的售价高1000元,求彩电和洗衣机的售价各是多少元( 【中考演练】 1. 某商店销售一批服装,每件售价150元,可获利25%,求这种服装的成本价.设这种服装的 x成本价为元,则得到方程( ) 150,xx,,15025%25%150,,x,25%15025%,,xA. B. C. D. x 2x,110x,1,,1时,去分母、去括号后,正确结果是( ) 2(解方程36 4x,1,10x,1,14x,2,10x,1,1A. B. 4x,2,10x,1,64x,2,10x,1,6C. D. 3. 某工厂第一季度生产甲、乙两种机器共480台(改进生产技术后,第二季度生产这两种机器共554台,其中甲种机器产量要比第一季度增产10 % ,乙种机器产量要比第一季度增产20 %(该厂第一季度生产甲、乙两种机器各多少台, 4(某中学拟组织九年级师生去韶山举行毕业联欢活动(下面是年级组长李老师和小芳、小明同学有关租车问题的对话: 李老师:“平安客运公司有60座和45座两种型号的客车可供租用,60座客车每辆每天的租金比45座的贵200元(” 小芳:“我们学校八年级师生昨天在这个客运公司租了4辆60座和2辆45座的客车到韶山参观,一天的租金共计5000元(” 小明:“我们九年级师生租用5辆60座和1辆45座的客车正好坐满(” 根据以上对话,解答下列问题: (1)平安客运公司60座和45座的客车每辆每天的租金分别是多少元, specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the (2)按小明提出的租车方案,九年级师生到该公司租车一天,共需租金多少元, 一、 解下列方程: 43x322 (1) (2) [(,1),3],2x,3[(0.25x,1),2],2.5,x322233 x,1x,2x,12x,74x,5(3)x,,2, (4) ,,,123263 11,(1,x)21,6,x21,2x3(5) (6)1,,(1,) ,16544 xxxx(7)、 ,,,?,,20031,22,33,42003,2004 1. A、B两地果园分别有苹果20吨和30吨,C、D两地分别需要苹果15吨和35吨;已知从A、B到C、D的运价如下表: 到C地 到D地 A果园 每吨15元 每吨12元 B果园 每吨10元 每吨9元 (1)若从A果园运到C地的苹果为x吨,则从A果园运到D地的苹果为 吨,从A果园将苹果运往D地的运输费用为 元。(2分) (2)用含x的式子表示出总运输费。(要求:列式后,再化简) 例三:(2005年湖北省荆门市)参加保险公司的医疗保险,住院治疗的病人享受分段报销,保险公司制定的报销如下表.某人住院治疗后得到保险公司报销金额是1100元,那么此人住院的医疗费是( ) 住院医疗费(元) 报销率(%) 不超过500元的部分 0 超过500,1000元的部分 60 超过1000,3000元的部分 80 „„ A、1000元 B、1250元 C、1500元 D、2000元 解:设此人住院费用为x元,根据题意得: 500×60,,(x,1000)80%,1100 解得:x,2000 。 所以本题答案D 2(某家电商场计划用9万元从生产厂家购进50台电视机(已知该厂家生产3•种不同型号的电视机,出厂价分别为A种每台1500元,B种每台2100元,C种每台2500元( specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the (1)若家电商场同时购进两种不同型号的电视机共50台,用去9万元,请你研究一下商场的进货方案( (2)若商场销售一台A种电视机可获利150元,销售一台B种电视机可获利200元,•销售一台C种电视机可获利250元,在同时购进两种不同型号的电视机方案中,为了使销售时获利最多,你选择哪种方案, 3、(2009年邵阳市)为迎接“建国60周年”国庆,我市准备用灯饰美化红旗路,需采用A、B 2两种不同类型的灯笼200个,且B灯笼的个数是A灯笼的。 3 (1)求A、B两种灯笼各需多少个, (2)已知A、B两种灯笼的单价分别为40元、60元,则这次美化工程购置灯笼需多少费用, 4、(2009年漳州)为了防控甲型H1N1流感,某校积极进行校园环境消毒,购买了甲、乙两种消毒液共100瓶,其中甲种6元/瓶,乙种9元/瓶( (1)如果购买这两种消毒液共用780元,求甲、乙两种消毒液各购买多少瓶, (2)该校准备再次购买这两种消毒液(不包括已购买的100瓶),使乙种瓶数是甲种瓶数的2(( 倍,且所需费用不多于1200元(不包括780元),求甲种消毒液最多能再购买多少瓶, ((( 5、(2009年宜宾)某城市按以下规定收取每月的水费:用水量不超过6吨,按每吨1.2元收费;如果超过6吨,未超过部分仍按每吨1.2元收取,而超过部分则按每吨2元收费。如果某用户5月份水费平均为每吨1.4元,那么该用户5月份应交水费多少元, 6、(2009年娄底)为了加快社会主义新农村建设,让农民享受改革开放30年取得的成果,党中央、国务院决定:凡农民购买家电和摩托车享受政府13%的补贴(凭购物发票到乡镇财政所按13%领取补贴). 星星村李伯伯家今年购买了一台彩电和一辆摩托车共花去6000元,且该辆摩托车的单价比所买彩电的单价的2倍还多600元. (1)李伯伯可以到乡财政所领到的补贴是多少元, specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the (2)求李伯伯家所买的摩托车与彩电的单价各是多少元, 7、(2009年崇左)五一期间某校组织七、八年级的同学到某景点郊游,该景点的门票全票票价为15元/人,若为50,99人可以八折购票,100人以上则可六折购票(已知参加郊游的七年级同学少于50人,八年级同学多于50人而少于100人(若七、八年级分别购票,两个年级共计应付门票费1575元,若合在一起购买折扣票,总计应付门票费1080元(问: (1)参加郊游的七、八年级同学的总人数是否超过100人, (2)参加郊游的七、八年级同学各为多少人, 15148( 当取什么整数时,关于的方程的解是正整数, mxx,,,()mx2323 9.将连续的奇数1、3、5、7„„排成如图所示的数阵: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 „„ (1)如图,十字框中五个数的和与框正中心的数17有什么关系, (2)若将十字框上下、左右平移,可框住另外五个数,这五个数的和与框正中心的数还有这 种规律吗,请说明理由. (3)十字框中五个数的和能等于2007吗,若能,请写出这五个数;若不能,请说明理由. specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the
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