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宝洁合同文本Proctor &Gamble Ltd SALES AGREEMENT 本销售协议书(以下称“本协议”)由广州宝洁有限公司(以下简称“甲方”),是按照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为中国=广州市天河区林和西路161号中泰国际广场,和―――(以下简称“乙方”)订立。乙方是按照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为――――。 This sales agreement (hereinafter referred to as this “agreement”) is made by and betwe...
Proctor &Gamble Ltd SALES AGREEMENT 本销售协议书(以下称“本协议”)由广州宝洁有限公司(以下简称“甲方”),是按照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为中国=广州市天河区林和西路161号中泰国际广场,和―――(以下简称“乙方”)订立。乙方是按照中华人民共和国法律成立并存续的公司,其办公地址为――――。 This sales agreement (hereinafter referred to as this “agreement”) is made by and between Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”),which is organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “PRC”),with offices at Center Plaza, 161,Linhexi Road Tianhe District, Guangzhou, PRC and (hereinafter “Party B”),which is organized and existing under the laws of PRC, with offices at ----------. 鉴于甲方希望由乙方为其销售甲方的产品(以下简称“产品”);及鉴于乙方拥有销售这些产品的权力、能力、人力、设施、许可和任何的政府批准,根据本文所表述的相互保证,双方兹达成协议如下: Whereas, Party A wished to have Party B to sell certain Party A’s products (hereinafter referred to as “products”); and Whereas, Party B has all rights, capacity, staff, facilities, licenses and government approvals whatever required to sell such Products. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein expressed, the Parties agree as follows: 1、双方间的关系 Relationship Between Parties 按照本协议之条款及条件,甲方兹指定乙方为甲方的产品在中国的非独家的销售商,乙方兹接受该授权。 Party A hereby appoints Party B and Party B hereby accepts such appointment, as the non-exclusive seller of Products in the PRC subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 乙方是一个独立的合同方。本协议中没有任何内容构成乙方成为甲方任何意义上的代理人或合法代表。乙方没有被赋予任何权利或授权代表甲方或以甲方的名义承担或产生任何明确或暗示的责任,或以任何方式约束甲方。 Party B is an independent contractor. Nothing herein constitutes Party Bas an agent or legal representative of Party A for any purpose whatsoever. Party B is not granted any right or authority to assume or create an obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of Party A, or to bind Party A in any way. 乙方不得使用“宝洁)作为其商号的一部分,且未经甲方明确的书面同意,亦不得用任何方式使用宝洁或甲方或其母公司或关联公司的任何标志,除非用以表示其为甲方产品的销售商。 Party B shall not use the word “Procter & Gamble” as part of its corporate name and shall not, without the express written permission of Party A, use the words “Procter & Gamble”or any logo of the Party A or its parent or a related company, in any way 1 except to indicate that it is a seller of Products. If requested by Party A, Party B shall enter into a royalty-free licensing agreement regarding the use of the words “Procter & Gamble” or said logo. 2、产品的供应 Supply of Products 乙方在充分了解了甲方的产品价格表后按甲方规定的最低起订量,用发订单给甲方的方式向甲方订购产品。乙方发出的所有订单需经甲方审阅及接受后方可生效。甲方有权拒绝接受乙方发出的订单并不需承担任何责任。甲方将只向乙方发运自产品生产日期起一年内的产品。宝洁将采取所有合理的措施确保在要求的交货日期把货物提交给乙方。如无法在要求的交货日交货,甲方将在通知乙方接受其订单时,把情况告知乙方,并按甲方通知乙方的确定交货日期交货。 Party B shall purchase the Products from Party A by the way of giving order to Party A according to minimum order quantity set forth by Party A after fully understanding the product price list provided by Party A. All purchase orders from Party B are subject to review and acceptance by Party A. Party A shall have the right to refuse the orders issued by Party B and Party A shall not bear any liabilities. Party A will only ship products within one year after production. Party A shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all accepted orders are delivered to Party B on the requested delivery date. Party A shall inform Party B if it is unable to meet the requested delivery date in due course. Party A shall deliver the Products to Party B on the date confirmed by Party A. 产品将用运费已付形式,运到乙方预先指定并经甲方接受的交货地(以下简称“交货地”)。在乙方接受产品之前,甲方负责货物的保险。乙方可以建议保险险种,但最终由甲方决定。 The Products will be delivered freight prepaid to delivery place which is designated by Party B in advance and accepted by Party A(hereinafter referred to as “Delivery Place”). Party A shall be responsible for insurance before Party B receives the Products. Party B may propose insurance coverage, however, shall be finally determined solely by Party A. 3、产品的接收 receipt of Products 产品送达交货地并由乙方接收后,产品的所有权转移到乙方,产品损失的风险由乙方承担。一旦收到产品,乙方应立即验收,经确认合格后乙方应立即在货物签收单上签名盖章,并交回甲方。乙方应接收自产品生产日期起一年内的产品,除非该产品有质量问题。 Title to the Products shall pass to, and the risk of loss of the Products shall be assumed by Party B when Party B receives the Products at the delivery Place. Once receiving the Products, Party B shall examine the Products and accept it if qualified, and sign and stamp the packing slips, which be returned to Party A. Party B shall receive the products of which life date is within one year after production, except that the products have quality issue. 4、付款 Payment 所有货款(包括货价、至交付地的运费、保险费及与准备交货或运输文件有关的 其他费用)的支付均应以人民币金额支付,除非甲方用书面形式批准其他的付款条件,且甲方可以用书面通知形式随时收回或变更这些其他付款方式。 All purchase will be made with payment in Chinese currency for the full amount of all purchases, freight charges to delivery place, insurance and other expenses related to preparing the documents for delivery or shipment to Party B unless alternative terms of payment are approved by Party A in prior writing. Such alternative terms are subject to withdrawal or change by Party A at any time by written notice. 乙方应在本协议第三条规定的交货地收货后21天内根据本协议的规定支付每笔货物的全部货款,该购货的金额应在甲方给乙方的信用额范围内(扣除所有乙方应向甲方支付而未付的货款)。乙方不能在本条规定的时间内付款将被视为根本违约。 甲方有权采取所有合同和法律规定的补救措施,包括终止本协议和采取任何法律行动。乙方应通过乙方银行将货款支付到甲方指定的银行账号上。支付货款所发生的费用由乙方承担。 Party B shall make full and final payment for each separate purchase order under this agreement within 21 days after receipt of the product purchased at the Delivery Place as set forth in Paragraph 3 above, provided that the amount of this purchase is within the limit of credit which is provided by Party A to Party B(deducting all the payment Party B’s account payable on Party A). Party B’s failure to make such payment within this time period shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and Party A shall be entitled to all contractual and legal remedies in connection with this breach, including termination of this Agreement and taking a legal action. Payment shall be made by write transfer to a bank account to be provided by Party A to Party B. Any fees incurred in the payment process will be born by Party B. 如果中央或地方政府对本协议中的任何付款征收任何税项,不论是以预扣或其他方式,本协议下应付款的金额应相应提高,以保障在纳税后,甲方仍可以收到本协议规定应付款的金额。 If any payments provide for herein shall be subject to any tax, tariff or duty imposed by the national or local government, whether by withholding or otherwise payable under this Agreement shall be increased accordingly by an amount such that after payment of such tax or taxes, Party A will receive in full the amounts provided for hereunder. 甲方有权以乙方目前或将来可能根据本协议或其他交易行为而欠甲方的债务抵冲本协议规定的甲方的应付款项,而不管产生此一债务的交易与本交易是否有关。 Party A may set off against amounts payable under this Agreement all present and future indebtedness of the Party B to Party A arising from this or any other transaction whether or not related thereto. 5、知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights 乙方同意除履行本协议之外,不使用甲方的商标(以下称“商标”包括甲方及其关联公司的拥有的商标)。乙方兹确认“商标”是甲方独有的及专有的财产,并且本协议一旦终止,乙方将不会在本协议界定以外的产品上用任何方式使用“商标”或甲方产品特有的包装。乙方进一步保证并同意本义务是连续性的,在本协 议终止后仍然有效。乙方进一步保证并同意不论在本协议期间或终止后其将不会在任何国家或地区申请或尝试注册商标或与“商标”相似易引起混淆的其他商标。Party B agrees that Party A’s trademarks (hereinafter called “Trademarks”, which shall include trademarks owned by Party A or any other related company) shall not be used except in the performance of this Agreement. Party B hereby acknowledges that the Trademarks are the sole and exclusive property of Party A and that Party B, upon termination of this Agreement, shall not use the Trademarks and distinctive packaging of the Products on any products or in any manner. Party B further covenants and agrees that this obligation is a continuing one and shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Party B further covenants and agrees not to apply for or attempt to register the Trademarks or any trademarks confusingly similar thereto in any country or district of the word either during the term or after termination of this Agreement. 乙方进一步保证并同意不论在本协议期间或终止后其不会生产或销售或致使任何人或任何单位生产或销售甲方的假冒产品或任何其商标或包装与甲方产品的相似并引起混淆的产品。如果乙方未能履行本条规定的义务和保证,乙方的行为则是严重地违反本协议的行为。在这种情况下,甲方有权立即终止本协议并将有关案件提交给合适的政府机构或/和人民法院处理。乙方应立即停止这些侵权行为,并赔偿甲方因其违约行为对甲方造成的任何利润损失及其他任何实际和间接的损失。 Party B further covenants and agrees not to produce and sell or cause any other person or entities to produce and sell during the term or after termination of this Agreement any counterfeiting Products or any products with trademarks or in packaging confusingly similar to that of Products. Failure or Party B to meet its obligations and warranties set forth hereto shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Under this circumstance, Party A shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and bring the case to the proper governmental institution or/and People’s court. Party B shall immediately stop the infringing activities and compensate Party A for any profit loss and any other actual and consequential losses incurred by such activities of Party B. 乙方应只销售带有“商标”的产品。“商标”应被适当地显示在乙方销售的产品上的一切广告、促销或其他的印刷品上面。 Party B shall only sell Products under the Trademarks. The Trademarks shall be properly displayed on all advertising, promotional and other literature distributed by Party B with respect to the Products. 一旦知晓任何侵犯“商标”和前文所述的特有包装的情形,乙方应立即通知甲方。甲方将自行决定采取什么样的行动且所有收回的款项均属于甲方。乙方应配合甲方以保护及捍卫甲方对商标及特有包装的权利。 Party B shall notify Party A immediately of all infringements of the Trademarks and the said distinctive packaging to its knowledge. Party A, in its sole discretion, shall determine what action, if any, to take and any monetary recovery shall be for the account of Party A. Party B shall cooperate with Party A in protecting and enforcing Party A’s rights to the Trademarks and distinctive packaging. 6、标志及警告 Labels and W arnings 除非有法律或政府规定的要求,否则未经甲方的事先书面同意乙方不得除去产品的任何标志,亦不得在产品上添加任何东西。 Unless specifically required by laws or regulations of the government, Party B will not remove any labels from the Products nor add anything thereto without the prior written consent in each instance of Party A. 7、信用保证 Credit Guarantee 如果有良好的付款表现及稳定的销售成绩,乙方可以申请信用额或申请提高信用额。根据甲方的要求,超过人民币50万元的信用额需有乙方提供的担保或第三方为乙方提供有效担保且为甲方所接收方可获授予。甲方有权调整甲方给予乙方的信用额。在甲方取消乙方信用额时,乙方必须在购货之前支付所有货款。Party B may apply for an amount of credit or increase of the amount of credit under the conditions of good payment performance and stable sales amount. Upon the request of Party A, credit amount more than RMB 500000 Yuan shall be subject to Party A’s acceptance against a valid guarantee provided by a third party on behalf of Party B. Party A has the right to adjust the credit amount which Party A awarded to Party B. In case that the party A cancels the credit for Party B, Party B must make all the payments before Party B purchase the Products. 8、保密条款 Confidentiality 乙方同意在本协议期间及终止之后五年内,将最严密地保存因其与甲方的关系而掌握的与甲方的业务、产品、程序、研究或发展有关的一切数据、工艺、配方、图纸、商业秘密(包括但不限于市场信息及客户名单)(以下统称“保密”),且未经甲方的书面授权,不得把保密资料泄漏给任何人。 Party B agrees that during the term of this Agreement and within five years following its termination, Party B shall hold in strictest confidence and shall not, without prior written authorization, of Party A, disclose to anyone any data, processes, formulae, drawings, trade secrets,(including but not limited to marketing information and customer lists) or other information relating to Party A’s business, Products, procedures, research or development (hereinafter collectively termed “Confidential Information”) acquired by Party B in connection with its relationship with Party A. 9、遵守法律及法规 Compliance With Laws and Regulations 乙方应在任何时候在其销售产品方面严格遵守中国各地现行有效的一切法律法规。如因乙方的任何作为或不作为造成其违反或不符合任何法律法规而由此导致任何处罚,乙方应自行负责。乙方同意赔偿并保护甲方免受任何因未能遵守中央或地方政府的法律法规或要求,或因乙方、其高层职员、董事、雇员、关联人或代理人的疏忽而引致的损害或民事赔偿之损失。 Party B shall at all times in the conduct of the sale of the Products strictly comply with all laws and regulations in force in any areas of the PRC, and Party B shall be responsible for any penalties occasioned by the violation of or non-compliance with any laws or regulations when such violation or non-compliance is due to the action or failure to act of Party B. Party B agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Party A against any loss of damage or claim of civil liability arising from any failure to comply with laws, regulations or requirements of any government, national or local, or from the negligence of Party B or of its officers, directors, employees, affiliates or agents. 10、期限及终止 Term and Termination 本协议的有效期限自双方签署盖章之日开始,保持一年的效力。此后,除非任何一方于期满前提前30天书面通知另一方终止本协议,否则本协议将逐年自动延展一年。 不论前款如何规定: The term of this Agreement shall begin on the day of signature and shall remain in force for one year. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed one year each time on each expiration date unless this Agreement is terminated by either Party upon serving thirty days advance written notice of termination to the other Party prior to the expiration. Notwithstanding subsection above: 1)当任何一方未能履行本协议规定的任何义务(未能付款除外)且未能在收到通知后的10天内改正错误时,另一方可以随时发出通知给违约方即时取消及终止本协议。任何一方在发生上述违约情形时未能行使此权利不影响该方在相同违约或其他条件或保证的违反再次发生时终止本协议的权利;或 Both Party reserve the right, immediately to cancel and terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to the other Party in the event that the other Party has breaches any of its obligations hereunder (except the failure of making payment), and has failed to correct such default within ten days after receiving written notice thereof. The failure of either Party to cancel and terminate this Agreement for breach of any condition or covenant shall not affect its right to terminate it for subsequent breaches of the same or other conditions or covenants; or 2)当乙方未能按本协议的规定付款,甲方有权立即终止本协议而无需发出任何通知; Party A has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement without any notice in the event that Party B fails to make any payment according to this Agreement. 3)当乙方进入清算、资不抵债、申请与其他债权人之间签订预防或终止协议,申请破产,或当乙方的大部分资产或大部分股份已转移到与甲方或其任何关联公司的竞争对手相关的公司或联合体或受到该公司或联合体的控制时,甲方保留可以随时发出通知给乙方即时取消及终止本协议的权力;或 Party A reserves the right, immediately to cancel this Agreement at any tine by notice to the Party B in the event that Party B enters into liquidation, becomes insolvent, applies for a preventive or suspense agreements with its creditors, applies for bankruptcy, or in the event that a major part of the assets or a majority of the voting shares of Party B becomes vested on or subject to the direction and control of another corporation or association which is a related company o any competitor of Party A or any of Party A’s related companies; or 4)任何一方可以提前30天书面通知终止本协议而无需任何理由。 Either of the Parties can terminate this Agreement without cause with thirty days prior written notice. 本协议的解除或期满将不解除支付任何在本协议下应付款项的义务。除非甲方提出以当初乙方购买产品的价格收回,否则乙方可以正常价格卖掉其仍存有的产品。 Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not cancel the obligation to make any payment due or which become due hereunder. Party B may sell the Products then on hand at regular selling price, unless Party A offers to repurchase them at the price at which Party B originally purchased them. 11、销售许可 Selling Licenses 乙方应负责取得所有对于在其当地市场范围内销售产品所必需或建议应取得的一切许可、同意及其他授权。如本协议因任何原因终止或期限届满,乙方应把该等许可、同意及其他授权=转让给甲方或甲方的指定方或取消该等许可、同意及其他授权,按照甲方的自由选择。 Party B shall, at its sole costs and expense, obtain all licenses, permits and other authorizations which may be necessary or advisable to permit the Products to be sold in the local marketing areas. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason Party B shall transfer all such licenses, permits and authorizations to Party A or Party A’s designee or at Party A’s options cancel such licenses, permits and authorizations. 12、不可抗力 Force Majeure 如果任何一方对本协议或其项下任何义务的履行,付况部分除外,受到超出其正常控制力的事件阻碍或干扰,包括但不限于:自然事件、政府行为、国家或劳工动荡、战争、恐怖或其他不可预见的自然灾害,在及时通知另一方后,受不可抗力影响一方履行的义务将在该阻碍、限制或干扰范围内被免除。但该方应尽力避免或排除此阻碍履约之因素,并应在不可抗力事件解除后,立即继续其履约行为。如果因不可抗力导致一方不能履行本协议超过30天,则另一方可以提前7天通知对方终止本协议。 If the performance of this Agreement or of any obligation hereunder, except the payment of moneys hereunder, is prevented or interfered with by reason of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the affected party such as, but not limited to Acts of God, governmental acts, civil or labor unrest, wars, terrorism or other natural calamity of unforeseen events, the Party so affected upon prompt notice to the other Party shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention, restriction or interference, provided that the Party so affected shall use its best efforts to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall continue performance hereunder with the utmost dispatch whenever such causes are removed. In the event that a Party is unable to perform due to Force Majeure for a period exceeding thirty days, the other Party may terminate this Agreement with seven days written notice. 13、特别支付 Special Payment 甲方不会为了影响任何第三方的决定以获得任何利益或好处而直接或间接支付任何现金会实物给该第三方。本协议中没有任何内容授权乙方在履行其在本协议下的义务时直接或间接地作出此类支付,且甲方亦不会补偿此类支付。 Party A does not make any special payment whatsoever, in cash or in kind, either directly or in directly to any third party with a view to influencing the decision of such third party on order to obtain any benefit or advantage whatsoever. Nothing herein authorize Party B to make any such payment, either directly or indirectly, in the performance of its obligation hereunder not shall Party A reimburse any such payments. 14、退货 Products Return 只有在以下情况,甲方将接受乙方将将甲方的产品退回给甲方: Only under the following circumstance, Party A will accept the return of Products by Party B: 1)甲方认为产品有质量问题需要收回; Party A regards that Products have quality issues and need to withdraw or recall these Products; 2)甲方错误地将产品运输给乙方; Products were shipped to Party B by Party A’s errors; 3)乙方未支付货款,同时这些产品还在乙方的仓库,并且乙方正处在破产阶段; The Products which Party B has not paid for and are still on stock and Party B is at the time of bankruptcy; 4)在乙方接受前产品已破损; Products have been damaged before Party B accepts the Products; 5)其他任何甲方提出或同意的退货。 Any other returns initiated or agree by Party A. 除了甲方主动提出退货或回收产品外,退回的产品包装单位应与甲方的销售产品包装单位一致。 Return of Products must be in the same unit of measure in which Party A sells expect for recalls and returns initiated by Party A. 15、信息之提供 Information Provision 甲方应向乙方提供销售甲方产品业务必需的资料,乙方应向甲方提供信息或资料,包括但不限于:乙方的工商登记情况、税务登记证复印件、财务报表,办公地址、仓库地址、邮寄传票地址、电话号码、收货章样鉴、发票收取人、货物收取人、账号等。前述信息或资料如有任何变动,应立即告知另一方。 Party A shall provide Party B with information necessary for the distribution of Products. Party B shall provide information or material including, but not limited to Party B’s commercial &industrial registration information, a copy of tax registration certificate, financial statement, office address, warehouse address, address for posting invoices, telephone number, received stamp, invoices receiver, goods receiver, account number, etc. any alterations of the aforesaid information and material shall be informed to another Party immediately. 16、通知 Notice 任何本协议下要求的通知必须以书面形式,以当面送达、挂号邮件、电传或传真形式传给: Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail, telex or facsimile transmission to the following: 甲方:广州宝洁有限公司 Party A: Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Ltd. 地址: Address: Center Plaza, 161 Linhexi Road Tianhe District, Guangzhou City. 收件人: Attention: 电话: Telephone: 传真: Facsimile: 乙方: Party B: 地址: Address: 收件人: Attention: 电话: Telephone: 传真: Facsimile: 任何一方可以修改上述地址或收件人,但必须以本协议规定的方式提前书面通知另一方,这些修改应在另一方受到此通知时才生效。 如果通知以电传、传真形式或当面送达,则此通知的受到日期应该是电传或传真发出的日期或当面送达的日期。如果通知以挂号邮件发出,则此通知的受到日期应该是从寄出的邮戳日起7天后的日期。 Any party may change such address or attention by not less than thirty days’ written notice to the other party in accordance herewith and such change shall take effect on receipt of such notice by the other party. In the event a notice is sent by telex or facsimile transmission or delivered personally, the receipt date of the notice shall be the date of telex, facsimile transmission or personally receipt respectively. In the event a notice is given by registered mail, the receipt date of the notice shall be seven days after the postmark sending date. 17、权利之转让 Transfer of Right 未经另一方的事先同意,本协议的任何一方无权把其于本协议下的任何权利或义务部分地或全部地转移或转让给其他方。但甲方公司可以把其于本协议下的权利义务转让给甲方的附属公司和关联公司。 Neither party shall be entitled to transfer or assign, partially or entirely, any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to another without prior written consent of the other Party, except that Party A may transfer to assign its rights and obligations hereunder to any of its subsidiaries and affiliated companies which now or hereafter may organized. 18争议之解决 Dispute Resolution 对于任何产生于本协议或与之有关的争议,双方如不能友好地解决,应提交人民法院处理。 Any dispute arising from, out of, or in connection with this Agreement, which cannot settled amicably by the Parties shall be submitted to the People’s Court. 19、继续执行 Continued Implementation 在解决某项争议期间,双方应在其他方面继续执行本协议。 During the period when a dispute is pending, the Parties shall in all other aspects continue their implementation of this Agreement. 20法律适用 Government Law 本协议适用中华人民共和国的法律。 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of PRC. 21、可分割性 Severability 如本协议的任何条文被认为是无效的,不可强制执行的或不符合中华人民共和国的法律或与之相冲突,其余的条文将仍保持其有效性及可强制执行性。双方同意如果某一条文被认为是无效的、不可强制执行的或不符合中华人民共和国的法律或与之相冲突,双方将友好协商用一则有效的、可强制执行的条文代替前者。该有效的条文应在执行本协议时,在最大范围限度内能使双方达到其经济、商务及其他目的。 If any of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be void or unenforceable or are contrary to or not in compliance with the laws of the PRC, the remaining provisions shall be valid and enforceable. The parties agree that in the event a provision is held to be void or unenforceable or contrary to or not in compliance with the law of PRC, they will negotiate in good faith to replace such provision with a valid and enforceable provision which will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business and other purposes of Parties in executing this Agreement. 22、弃权 W aiver 本协议之任何一方没有行使或迟延行使其于本协议下的任何权利、权力或特权,不得视为对该等权利、权力或特权的放弃,对任何权利、权力或特权的单独行使或部分行使亦不能视为对其他任何权力、权利或特权的放弃。 Failure or delay on the part of any party hereto to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, not shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude the exercise of any right, power or privilege. 23、标题 Heading 本协议各条款之标题仅作参考意图,并无法律效力。 The headings of Articles are for case reference only and shall have no legal effect. 24、整体性及更改 Entirety & Amendments 本协议将取代双方以前就本协议主体事宜达成的一切书面的或口头的协议,并将构成双方间就该主体事宜达成的整体协议。本协议的任何变动和更改,只有以书面形式作出并经双方之充分授权人签署,方可生效。 This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements, written or oral and constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter. All changes or amendments to this Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing and executed by the duly authorizes officers of the Parties. 25、文字 Language 本协议的中、英文版具有同等的法律效力,但如果中、英文版有不一致之处,以中文版为准。 The Chinese vision and English vision of this Agreement has the same validity. In case there is any discrepancy between two versions, the Chinese version prevails. 26、生效 Effectiveness 本协议将在双方授权人签字并盖章后生效。 This Agreement shall be effective upon both parties authorized signature and stamp. 27、附件 Annexes 下述文件将作为本协议的附件,并构成本协议的一部分: The following documents are hereto attached as Annexes and made a part of this Agreement. 附件A:残损品处理规定 Annex A: Processing Rules for Damaged Products 附件B:优惠付款条款 Annex B: Favorable Payment Terms. 以上附件为本协议的组成部分,如果本协议与这些附件有差异或冲突,以本协议为准。 The above Annexes are integral part of this Agreement. If there is any discrepancy or conflict between this Agreement and the Annexes, this Agreement shall prevail. 双方之授权代表于――年――月――日在中国广州签署本协议,一式两份。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized officers on the ---day of ---in Guangzhou, China. 甲方:广州宝洁有限公司乙方: Party A: Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Ltd. Party B:
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