

2018-04-30 41页 doc 111KB 15阅读




一岁半宝宝食谱一岁半宝宝食谱 岁半--2岁宝宝食谱之一(糕类篇) 01 鸡蛋蒸糕 原料:鸡蛋--1个,胡萝卜--1/5个,菠菜--1棵,洋葱--1/5个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将洋葱、胡萝卜、菠菜用开水焯一下,然后切碎。 (2) 将鸡蛋捣好之后加冻开水,加蔬菜上锅蒸制。 02 鱼肉蒸糕 原料:鱼肉--1/2块,洋葱--1/6个,鸡蛋--1个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将鱼肉切成适当大小,加洋葱、蛋清、盐放入搅拌器搅拌好。 (2) 把拌好的材料捏成有趣的动物形状,放在锅里蒸十分钟。 03 线鱼炒饭 原料:米饭--1/...
一岁半宝宝食谱 岁半--2岁宝宝食谱之一(糕类篇) 01 鸡蛋蒸糕 原料:鸡蛋--1个,胡萝卜--1/5个,菠菜--1棵,洋葱--1/5个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将洋葱、胡萝卜、菠菜用开水焯一下,然后切碎。 (2) 将鸡蛋捣好之后加冻开水,加蔬菜上锅蒸制。 02 鱼肉蒸糕 原料:鱼肉--1/2块,洋葱--1/6个,鸡蛋--1个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将鱼肉切成适当大小,加洋葱、蛋清、盐放入搅拌器搅拌好。 (2) 把拌好的材料捏成有趣的动物形状,放在锅里蒸十分钟。 03 线鱼炒饭 原料:米饭--1/4碗,线鱼(罐头)--1/5盒,胡萝卜、卷心菜、洋葱--若干,黄油--若干 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜、卷心菜、洋葱用开水焯一下后切碎。 (2) 在锅里涂好黄油,放入(1)和线鱼炒制。 (3) 蔬菜炒制一定程度后加米饭及清汤。 (4) 关火焖2-3分钟。 04 馄饨 原料:猪肉--20克,干香菇--1个,馄饨皮--2片,肉汤--2杯,韭菜、酱油-- 若干 制法:(1) 将猪肉精肉切碎,泡开的香菇、韭菜除去水份切碎,拌起做馅。 (2) 用馄饨皮包好,放在肉汤里煮,并用酱油调味。 (3) 煮熟之后取出,冷却并切成小块。 05 汤面 原料:熟面条--1/2小碗,黄瓜--1/8个,酱油--若干 制法:(1) 将黄瓜切成细丝。 (2) 清汤煮沸后放少量盐调味。 (3) 将煮好的面条和黄瓜盛入碗里,泼上(2)。 06 酱茄子 原料:茄子--1/3个,沙拉酱、白糖、酱油--若干 制法:(1) 将茄子去皮切成小块,用油炒一下。 (2) 在炒好的茄子里加入清汤煮烂,加酱油、白糖调味。 1岁半--2岁宝宝食谱之二(粥类篇) 01 蔬菜牛肉粥 原料:牛肉--40克,米饭--1/4碗,菠菜--1棵,肉汤--1/2杯,土豆、胡regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 萝卜、洋葱--1/5个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 准备牛肉精肉并磨碎。 (2) 将菠菜、胡萝卜、洋葱、土豆炖熟并捣碎。 (3) 将米饭、蔬菜和肉末放入锅中煮,并用盐调味。 02 豆腐粥 原料:米饭--1/6碗,肉汤--1/2杯,豆腐1/10块,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将豆腐切成小块。 (2) 将米饭、肉汤、豆腐加水放在锅中同煮。 (3) 煮至粘稠时加入适量的盐调味。 03 鸡蛋粥 原料:鸡蛋--1/2个,胡萝卜--1/5个,菠菜--1棵,米饭--1/4碗,肉汤--1/2杯,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜和菠菜炖熟切碎。 (2) 将米饭、肉汤和切碎的胡萝卜、菠菜倒入锅中同煮。 (3) 煮开之后放入捣好的蛋糊并搅开,加盐调味。 04 蔬菜鱼肉粥 原料:鱼白肉--30克,胡萝卜--1/5个,海带清汤--1/2杯,萝卜--20克,酱油--若干,米饭--1/4碗 制法:(1) 将鱼骨剔净,鱼肉炖熟并捣碎。 (2) 将萝卜、胡萝卜用擦菜板擦好。 (3) 将米饭、海带清汤及鱼肉、蔬菜等倒入锅内同煮。 (4) 煮至粘稠时放入酱油调味。 05 干酪粥 原料:米饭--1/6碗,水--1/2杯,干酪--5克 制法:(1) 将干酪切碎。 (2) 将米饭入锅加适量水煮。 (3) 煮至粘稠时中入干酪,干酪开始溶化时将火关掉。 06 豌豆粥 原料:米饭--1/4碗,豌豆--5个,牛奶--1/4杯,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将豌豆用开水煮熟,捣碎并过滤。 (2) 在米饭中加适量水用小锅煮沸。 (3) 之后放入牛奶和豌豆,并用文火再煮。 (4) 加盐调味。 07 胡桃粥 原料:糯米--1/3杯,胡桃--5个,红枣--1个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将胡桃夹开把瓤取出,泡在水里,将其薄皮剥去并捣碎。 (2) 将红枣去核并用水浸泡后捣碎。 (3) 将胡桃、红枣、糯米加适量水放在小锅里煮。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term (4) 煮好后用盐调味。 08 苹果麦片粥 原料:燕麦片--3大匙,牛奶--1/4杯,苹果--1/6个,胡萝卜--1/3个 制法:(1) 将苹果和胡萝卜洗净并用擦菜板擦好。 (2) 将燕麦片及擦好的1大匙胡萝卜放入锅中,倒入牛奶及1/4杯水用文火煮。 (3) 煮开后再放入2大匙擦好的苹果直至煮烂。 09 鱼肉牛奶粥 原料:鱼白肉--1/6块,牛奶--1大匙,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将鱼肉抬掇干净,炖熟并捣碎。 (2) 将鱼肉放在小锅里加牛奶煮,之后加盐调味。 10 芋头粥 原料:芋头--1/2个,肉汤--1大匙,酱油--若干 制法:(1) 将芋头皮剥掉切成小块,用盐腌一下再洗净。 (2) 将芋头炖烂后捣碎并过滤。 (3) 将肉汤及芋头放在小锅里煮,并不时地搅一下。 (4) 煮至粘稠后加酱油调味。 11 土豆粥 原料:土豆--1/3个,牛奶--2大匙,熟蛋黄--1/4个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将土豆去皮,炖烂,捣碎并过滤。 (2) 将土豆加牛奶用文火煮,并轻轻搅拌,粘稠后加盐。 (3) 将蛋黄捣碎放在土豆泥里。 12 干酪面包粥 原料:主食面包--1片,牛奶--2/3杯,干酪粉--1/2匙 制法:(1) 将主食面包的边沿剪掉之后撕成碎片。 (2) 把撕碎的面包加牛奶用文火煮,煮成糊状后撒上干酪粉。也可以用蛋糕来代替面包做成蛋糕粥。 13 胡萝卜酸奶粥 原料:胡萝卜--1/10个,面粉--1小匙,卷心菜--10克,酸奶--1大匙,肉汤--3大匙,黄油--若干 制法:(1) 将卷心菜和胡萝卜要成细丝炖烂。 (2) 用黄油将面粉略炒一下,加入肉汤、蔬菜煮,并轻搅。 (3) 将炖好的材料冷却后与酸奶拌好。 14 番茄粥 原料:番茄--1/8个,米饭--1/4碗,海带清汤--1/2杯,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将番茄泡在开水里,随即取出去皮去瓤,切碎。 (2) 将米饭和海带清汤倒入小锅是煮。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term (3) 煮好后加入番茄,加盐调味。 15 鸡肉粥 原料:鸡胸脯肉--10克,米饭--1/4碗,海带清汤--1/2杯,菠菜--10克,酱油、白糖--若干 制法:(1) 将鸡胸脯肉去筋,切成小块,用酱油和白糖腌一下。 (2) 将菠菜炖熟并切碎。 (3) 米饭用海带清汤煮一下,再放入菠菜鸡肉同煮。 16 裙带菜红蛤粥 原料:干红蛤--2个,干裙带菜--20克,大米--1/4杯 制法:(1) 将红蛤和裙带菜用水泡开之后拧净水分并切碎。 (2) 将泡好的米加适量的水一起倒入粉碎机磨碎。 (3) 以1:10的比例将米和水调好,加入裙带菜和红蛤同煮。 (4) 煮好之后用盐调味。 17 红薯鸡蛋粥 原料:红薯--1/6块,鸡蛋--1个,牛奶--2大匙 制法:(1) 将红薯去皮,炖烂,并捣成泥状。 (2) 将鸡蛋煮熟之后把蛋黄捣碎。 (3) 红薯泥加牛奶用文火煮,并不时地搅动。 (4) 粘稠时放入蛋黄,搅匀。 18 栗子粥 原料:栗子--5个,海带清汤--1/2杯 制法:(1) 将栗子煮熟之后去皮,捣碎。 (2) 海带清汤煮沸后加栗子同煮。栗子可强肠胃功能,有助于消化。婴儿腹泻时食用栗子,效果较好。 19 蔬菜粥 原料:牛肉--20克,大米--1/3杯,胡萝卜、洋葱--若干,香油、酱油--若干 制法:(1) 大米洗净用水泡好,牛肉、胡萝卜、洋葱切碎。 (2) 用香油把牛肉在锅里炒一下,再入泡好的大米炒制。 (3) 将大米炒至一定程度后加入胡萝卜和水,用文火煮烂,再用酱油调味。 20 大酱粥 原料:米粥--1小碗,大酱--1/2小匙,胡萝卜、洋葱、菠菜--若干 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜、洋葱、菠菜切成碎块。 (2) 蔬菜加清汤煮制,随后放入米粥同煮。 (3) 煮好之后放大酱调味。 21 胡萝卜粥 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 原料:准备胡萝卜(红萝卜)适量 制作:把胡萝卜洗净去除根须 放入蒸锅内上米蒸熟蒸烂 取出晾凉捣烂成泥 如果小孩喜吃甜食也可稍加白糖 特点:清香适口胡萝卜味甘性平,有健脾助消化之功,并含有胡萝卜素B族维生素,脂肪糖类其中含大量果胶,有收敛和吸附作用。患儿腹泻食用后可以抑制肠道蠕动,对抑制消化不良,所引起的腹泻非常合适。 22 脊肉粥 猪脊肉是指猪脊背上的精肉,古代人已作为药用,其性味甘咸平,猪瘦肉含有丰富的蛋白质,并含有较多的碳水化合物,钙磷铁等营养成分,可防止发生营养不良。 原料: 猪脊肉100克粳米100克,食盐香油川椒粉各少许。 制作: 先将猪脊肉洗净切成小块,放锅内用香油炒一下,然后加入粳米煮粥待粥将烂熟时加入盐胡椒粉调味再煮沸即成。 特点: 粥有肉香油等调味品,味道极好,此粥补益人体,小儿常食可防止发生贫血。 23 苦瓜绿豆汤 原料:(准备)苦瓜100克,绿豆50克,白糖50克。 制作:将苦瓜洗净,剥开去瓤,切成条,与绿豆同煮成汤即成,凉后饮汤吃豆及瓜,饮汤时可加白糖。用苦瓜与粳米煮粥,也有很好的效果,可用于防治暑天疖肿。 特点:这种汤甜带微苦,清凉可口,苦瓜有良好的清热解暑作用;绿豆清热解毒消肿凉血,小儿暑天易生疖肿、痱毒,吃此瓜豆汤极为适宜。 24 南瓜拌饭 原料:(准备)南瓜1片,米50克,白菜叶1片,食盐、食油和高汤各适量。 制作:1、南瓜去皮后,取一小片切成碎粒。 2、白米洗净,加汤泡后,放在电饭煲内,待水沸后,加入南瓜粒、白菜叶煮至米、瓜糜烂,略加油、盐调味即成。 特点:熟烂略有咸味,很适合宝宝吃。南瓜含维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、胡萝卜素及蛋白质,有驱除蛔虫、绦虫之功效。本品适合6-9个月以上婴儿食用。 25 核桃计 原料: 核桃仁100克,白糖30克,清水适量。 制法: (1)将核桃仁放人温水中浸泡5,6分钟后,去皮。 ( 2)用多功能食品加工机磨碎成浆汁(或旧小石蘑带水磨成核桃汁),用干净的纱布过滤,使核桃汁流入小盆内。 (3)把核桃汁倒人锅中,加适量清水(或牛奶),加入白砂糖烧沸,待温后即可喂食。 [特点] 甜香可口,营养丰富。 [提示] 核桃仁去皮要净,核桃汁磨得要细。适宜4个月以上的婴儿食用。 [功效] 核桃仁含丰富的油脂及蛋白质、粗纤维、胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term B2、尼克酸、铁、维生素E等,是营养丰富的滋补果品,又是健脑益智、美容长寿的良药。婴儿食之此汁,或促进淀粉酶的分泌,润肠通便,增加食欲,提高其营养素的吸收,有助于婴儿的生长和大脑的发育。 1岁半--2岁宝宝食谱之三(沙拉篇) 01 土豆酸奶沙拉 原料:土豆——1/3个,胡萝卜——1/20个,酸奶——3大匙 制法:(1) 将土豆去皮后切成3mm长的块,并煮熟。 (2) 将胡萝卜煮烂,并用擦菜板擦好,之后与酸奶拌在一起。 (3) 将(2)泼在土豆上。 02 蔬菜酸奶沙拉 原料:甜南瓜——1大匙,番茄——1个,酸奶——2大匙 制法:(1) 将南瓜蒸熟,熟瓜肉剜出并捣碎。 (2) 将番茄去皮及瓤,切成小块。 (3) 将捣碎的瓜泥和番茄拌在一起,加入酸奶。 03 鸡蛋沙拉 原料:鸡蛋--1个,锡兰花--3朵,酸奶--1大匙 制法:(1) 将鸡蛋煮熟,蛋清切碎,蛋黄捣碎。 (2) 将锡兰花煮熟之后切碎。 (3) 将酸奶倒入盘中,撒上鸡蛋和锡兰花。 04 胡萝卜沙拉 原料:胡萝卜--1/5个,葡萄干--2个,酸奶--2小匙 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜煮熟,切成小块。 (2) 将葡萄干切成小块,与胡萝卜一起拌上酸奶。 05 鱼肉酸奶沙拉 原料:鱼肉--1/4块,豌豆--3个,酸奶--2大匙,白糖--若干 制法:(1) 将鱼肉炖烂之后剔除鱼刺,将肉捣碎。 (2) 将豌豆煮熟,用饭匙捣碎。 (3) 将(2)同酸奶白糖拌好。 (4) 将鱼肉放在(3)上。 06 空心粉桔子水沙拉 原料:空心粉--4根,桔子--1/2个,锡兰花--2小朵,酸奶--2大匙,海带清汤、白糖--若干 制法:(1) 将空心粉和锡兰花煮熟,切碎。 (2) 将桔子瓣的薄皮剥掉,与(2)一起加入海带清汤同煮。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term (3) 用白糖味,煮至汤干,泼上酸奶。 07 鸡肉沙拉 原料:鸡肉--30克,锡兰花--1朵,熟鸡蛋--1/3个,沙拉酱--1小匙,番茄酱--1/3小匙 制法:(1) 将鸡肉煮熟切碎,鸡蛋和锡兰花煮熟切碎。 (2) 用沙拉酱和番茄酱配制调味酱。 (3) 将材料加入调味酱拌匀。 08 牛肉沙拉 原料:牛肉--30克,土豆--1/2个,胡萝卜--1/6个,熟蛋黄--1/2个,沙拉酱--1/2大匙,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将土豆去皮切成小块,煮烂。 (2) 牛肉切碎加盐调好味,加入磨碎的胡萝卜拌好。 (3) 将(2)用煎锅炒制一下。 (4) 将熟蛋黄捣碎。 (5) 用沙拉酱把煮好的土豆拌好,并撒上肉末和蛋黄。 09 蘑菇沙拉 原料:金针菇--5克,松茸蘑--2个,香菇--1个,酱油、食醋、香油、白 糖--若干 制法:(1) 将洗净的香菇、金针菇、松茸蘑用开水焯一下并切好。 (2) 用酱油、食醋、香油、白糖配制调味汁。 (3) 用调味汁将蘑菇拌好。 10 卷心菜沙拉 原料:菠萝(罐头)--1/2个,卷心菜--1片,线鱼(罐头)--1/5盒,酱油、食醋、香油、白糖--若干 制法:(1) 将卷心菜焯一下切碎,线鱼撕成小块,菠萝切成小块。 (2) 用酱油、食醋、香油、白糖配制调味汁。 (3) 将材料用调味汁拌好。 11 苹果色拉 主料 苹果20克,橘子2瓣,葡萄干5克。 辅料 酸奶酪、蜂蜜各5克。 制法 ?将苹果洗净,去皮后切碎;橘瓣去皮、核、切碎;葡萄干温水泡软后切碎。 ?将苹果、橘子、葡萄干放入小碗内,加入酸奶酪和蜂蜜,拌匀即可喂食。 制作中,要把原料切碎,块不宜大,以适应婴儿的咀嚼能力。 此色拉色美、酸甜,含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素C、钙、磷;另外,维生素A、B1、B2和尼克酸、铁等的含量也较高。具有助消化,健脾胃之功效,尤适宜消化不良的婴儿食用。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 1岁半--2岁宝宝食谱之四(汤羹篇) 01 米汤 原料:大米——3大匙,盐——若干 制法:(1) 将米洗净用水泡开。 (2) 将淘好的米放入锅中加入三四杯水煮。 (3) 用文火煮至水减半时将火关掉。 (4) 将煮好的米粥过滤只留米断。 (5) 将米汤用适量的盐调味。 02 蔬菜米汤 原料:大米——2大匙,土豆——1/5个,胡萝卜——1/10个,盐——若干 制法:(1) 将大米淘净并用水泡好。 (2) 将土豆和胡萝卜切成小块。 (3) 将大米和切好的蔬菜倒入锅中加适量的水煮。 (4) 将煮好的材料过滤一遍,放适量盐调味。 (5) 若适当加些牛奶会更好。 03 豆腐汤 原料:豆腐——1/20块,酱油——若干,肉汤——2大匙 制法:(1) 将豆腐焯一下之后捣碎。 (2) 将捣碎的豆腐和肉汤一起倒入锅中煮。 (3) 用少量酱油调味。 04 茄子汤 原料:茄子--1/6个,海带清汤--3大匙 制法:(1) 将茄子用微波炉烤一下,然后去皮,并捣碎。 (2) 将茄子加入海带清汤煮,茄子有增强食欲之功效。 05 蔬菜汤 原料:卷心菜--1/2片,胡萝卜--1/10个,锡兰花--5克,海带清汤--1/2杯,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜、卷心菜、锡兰花洗净之后切碎,加入海带清汤煮。 (2) 蔬菜煮软后加适量的盐调味。这款蔬菜汤可治疗婴儿便秘。 06 鱼丸汤 原料:鱼肉--1/3块,土豆--1/5个,胡萝卜--1/5个,海带清汤--1/4杯,淀粉--1/2小匙,酱油、盐--若干 制法:(1) 将鱼剖开剔除鱼刺,鱼肉切碎与淀粉、盐和在一起搅拌。 (2)将和好的鱼肉淀粉制成鱼丸。将土豆、胡萝卜切成碎块,加海regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 带清汤煮。 (3) 将蔬菜煮烂后,再放入鱼丸同煮。 07 番茄鸡蛋汤 原料:番茄--1/6个,洋葱--1/10个,鸡蛋--1/5个,海带清汤--2大匙,盐、白糖、酱油--若干 制法(1) 将番茄去皮去瓤后切成小块。 (2) 将洋葱切碎,放入海带清汤、白糖、酱油、盐同煮。 (3) 洋葱煮烂后加入番茄。 (4) 把鸡蛋搅匀倒在煮沸的锅里。 08 萝卜胡萝卜汤 原料:胡萝卜--1/6个,萝卜--20克,海带清汤--3大匙,酱油--若干 制法:(1) 将萝卜和胡萝卜切成小丁,加入海带清汤煮。 (2) 煮熟之后用酱油调味。 09 苹果汤 原料:苹果--1/6个,白糖--若干 制法:(1) 苹果去皮切成小块,加班费杯水煮制。 (2) 煮熟后加适量的白糖调味。 10 空心粉番茄汤 原料:番茄--1/2个,空心粉--1大匙,干酪--1/2小匙,鸡精--1小匙 制法:(1) 交过分心粉煮熟之后切成5mm长。 (2) 将番茄去皮去瓤之后榨成汁。 (3) 将鸡精用不着/4杯水调匀。 (4) 将空心粉、番茄汁、鸡精放入锅中同煮。 (5) 煮沸之后撒上干酪粉。 11 豆腐酱汤 原料:豆腐--1/5块,海带清汤--1/4杯,大酱、大葱--若干 制法:(1) 将豆腐切成小块,大葱切碎。 (2) 将豆腐、海带清汤倒入锅中,加入大酱煮,最后加上葱花。 12 莲藕薏米排骨汤 材料:排骨12两莲藕10两薏米一汤匙 用法:莲藕洗净,切厚片薏米洗净,排骨氽水水开后将材料全部放入,再开,改慢火煮2小时最后放盐调味,即可 功效:利湿清热,益肺,健脾,健胃。去湿清热,健脾胃,壮筋骨,预防感冒,使儿童健康成长。 13 杞子银耳冰糖水 用料:枸杞50克、银耳30克、核桃肉100克、冰糖少许 做法:1、将枸杞洗净 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 2、银耳用温水泡软,去蒂,切小片 3、核桃肉洗净 4、煮滚适量水,放入银耳、枸杞,改用小火煲30分钟 5、加入核桃肉,再煲10分钟 6、最后放入冰糖煮溶即成 功效:枸杞:味甘,性平,功能补眼力,补肝肾。 银耳:活血清热,滋阴润肺,补脑强心。 核桃:润肺,补脑,强壮神经,补血。 冰糖:补中益气,和胃润肺 14 胡萝卜羹 原料:胡萝卜——1/10个,黄油——若干,肉汤——1大匙 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜炖烂并捣碎。 (2) 将捣碎的胡萝卜及肉汤倒入锅中煮。 (3) 胡萝卜完全熟了之后再放黄油用文火略煮一下。 15 菠菜羹 原料:菠菜叶——5片,肉汤——1大匙 制法:(1) 将菠菜叶洗净之后炖烂。 (2) 将炖烂的菠菜捣碎并过滤。 (3) 将菠菜和肉汤放入锅中用文火煮。 加酸奶的吃法:婴儿有可能讨厌菠菜味儿,因此,可在其中加入适量酸奶, 不仅营养丰富,味道也好。 16 牛奶牛肉羹 原料:牛肉——10克,牛奶——1大匙 制法:(1) 将牛肉炖熟后切碎并用筛子筛一遍。 (2) 将牛奶加热至40度左右。 (3) 将筛过的牛肉末和牛奶混在一起搅匀。 17 豆腐羹 原料:豆腐——1/8块,肉汤——2大匙 制法:(1) 将豆腐和肉汤倒入锅中同煮。 (2) 在煮的过程中将豆腐捣碎。 18 锡兰花牛奶羹 原料:锡兰花——10克,牛奶——1大匙,淀粉——若干 制法:(1) 将锡兰花用水洗净,放入盐开水中煮软。 (2) 将煮过的锡兰花加入牛奶并用粉碎机粉碎。 (3) 将(2)放入锅中煮,再加淀粉糊煮至粘稠。 19 蔬菜牛奶羹 原料:卷心菜——1/6片,菠菜——1/2棵,面粉——1/2小匙,牛奶——1/4杯,黄油、盐——若干 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 制法:(1) 将菠菜和卷心菜炖熟并切碎。 (2) 用黄油在锅里将面粉炒好,之后加入牛奶煮,并用勺轻轻搅动。 (3) 加入切好的菠菜和卷心菜同煮。 (4) 当蔬菜煮烂之后放少许盐调味。 20 鱼肉羹 原料:鱼白肉——1/8段,洋葱——1/10个,胡萝卜——1/10个,盐——若干 制法:(1) 将鱼刺剔除干净,鱼肉切碎。 (2) 将胡萝卜、洋葱切碎。 (3) 锅内水开后放鱼白肉和蔬菜。 (4) 估计蔬菜已煮烂时放少许盐调味。 21 南瓜羹 原料:甜南瓜——10克,肉汤——3大匙 制法:(1) 将南瓜去皮去瓤,切成小块。 (2) 将南瓜放入锅中倒入肉汤煮。 (3) 边煮边将南瓜捣碎,煮至稀软。 易消化吸收的南瓜:南瓜多用于断奶食物的制作,且含丰富的糖分,较易消化吸收。南瓜是维生素A的主要供给源,营养价值较高。除做成汤、糊外,还可以煮粥、蒸食、熬制、煮饭等。 22 鸡肉羹 原料:鸡胸脯肉--20克,海带清汤--3大匙,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将鸡胸脯肉炖烂之后撕成细丝,然后捣成肉末。 (2) 将鸡肉末放入小锅加海带清汤煮沸,加盐调味。 23 蔬菜鸡蛋羹 原料:蛋黄--1/2个,胡萝卜--1/8个,菠菜--1棵,洋葱--1/8个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将蛋黄用筷子搅匀。 (2) 将菠菜、胡萝卜、洋葱切好,放在开水里煮烂,过滤后再煮。 (3) 把蛋黄放入煮沸的蔬菜汤里,用盐调味。 24 胡萝卜羹 原料:胡萝卜--1/8个,水--1大匙,肉汤--2大匙 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜去皮并用擦菜板擦成细丝。 (2) 胡萝卜加入肉汤及水用文火煮,并不时地搅拌一下。 25 牛肉羹 原料:牛肉--15克,酱油、淀粉--若干 制法:(1) 将牛肉精肉切碎,加适量的水煮,用酱油调味。 (2) 淀粉用水调匀,倒入煮沸的牛肉中。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 26 咖喱牛肉羹 原料:牛肉--20克,肉汤--1/2杯,奶油调味汁--2大匙,土豆、胡萝卜、洋葱--若干,咖喱、盐--若干 制法:(1) 将牛肉煮熟后切碎,土豆、洋葱、胡萝卜煮熟后切碎。 (2) 将牛肉和蔬菜加入肉汤同煮。 (3) 煮沸之后加入奶油调味汁,并加盐调味,最后将咖喱放入锅中搅匀。 27 蔬菜鸡肉羹 原料:鸡肉--若干,南瓜--30克,奶油调味汁--3大匙,土豆、洋葱、柿子椒--若干,盐--若干,食油--适量 制法:(1) 将鸡肉、南瓜和土豆切成小块,洋葱、柿子椒切碎。 (2) 将切好的南瓜、土豆加清汤煮熟。 (3) 用锅炒制鸡肉、洋葱和柿子椒。 (4) 将(2)放入(3)继续炒,倒入奶油调味汁煮制。 (5) 加盐调味。 28 鸡肉番茄羹 原料:鸡肉--50克,洋葱--1/8个,胡萝卜--1/10个,番茄汤--100克,黄油--1小匙,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜和洋葱切成碎块,放入鸡肉加水同煮。 (2) 煮好后将鸡肉捞出,同进倒入番茄汤。 (3) 捞出的鸡肉撕成细丝重新放入(2)中。 (4) 加盐、黄油调味。 29 瓜块玉米羹 原料:甜南瓜--30克,白糖、盐--若干,黄油、玉米粉--若干 制法:(1) 将南瓜去皮切成小块,用黄油炒制。 (2) 加入清汤入白糖、盐煮。 (3) 用水调好玉米糊均匀地洒在锅里,不停地搅拌至粘稠。 30 炒面糊 原料:大米、大麦、黏米——若干,大豆、芝麻——若干 制法:(1) 将大米 、大麦、黏米等谷物放在蒸锅里煮。 (2) 将(1)蒸后的食物在阳光下晾干并炒制。 (3) 将其磨成粉,即制成炒面。 (4) 将炒面用40度的水冲开搅匀。 注意:喂孩子炒面糊时要注意水是否过热。若在炒面原料中加入大豆、芝麻等,并用牛奶替水喂食,则更有营养。 31 香蕉奶糊 原料:香蕉——1/4个,黄油——若干,肉汤——3大匙,牛奶——1大匙,面粉——1小匙 制法:(1) 将香蕉去皮之后捣碎。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term (2) 用黄油在锅里炒制面粉,炒好之后倒入肉汤煮并用木勺轻轻搅。 (3) 煮至粘稠时放入捣碎的香蕉。 (4) 最后加适量牛奶略煮。 易消化吸收的香蕉,香蕉的热量较其他水果高,糖分含量也高。香蕉易于消化吸收,对于有胃肠障碍或腹泻的婴更适宜。 32 蛋黄酸奶糊 原料:鸡蛋——1个,肉汤——1小匙,酸奶——1大匙 制法:(1) 将鸡蛋煮熟之后取出蛋黄放入细筛捣碎。 (2) 将捣碎的蛋黄和肉汤入锅用文火煮,并不时地搅动。 (3) 呈稀糊状时便取出冷却。 (4) 将酸奶倒入锅中搅匀。 33 土豆苹果糊 原料:土豆——1/3个,苹果——1/8个,海带清汤——3大匙 制法:(1) 将土豆和苹果去皮。 (2) 将土豆炖烂之后捣成土豆泥,苹果用擦菜板擦好。 (3) 将土豆泥和海带清汤倒入锅中煮。 (4) 在煮好的苹果中加入适量的水,用另外的锅煮。 (5) 煮至稀粥样时即可将火关掉,将苹果糊放在土豆泥上。 34 胡萝卜糊 原料:胡萝卜——1/4个,苹果——1/8个 制法:(1) 将胡萝卜洗净之后炖烂,并捣碎。 (2) 苹果则削好皮用擦菜板擦好。 (3) 将捣碎的胡萝卜和擦好的苹果加适量的水用文火煮 35 猕猴桃酸奶糊 原料:猕猴桃——1/4个,酸奶——30克 制法:(1) 将猕猴桃皮剥净,捣碎并过滤。 (2) 将过滤的猕猴桃和酸奶混在一起搅匀。 36 米团汤 原料:面粉--2大匙,米饭--1/4碗,胡萝卜--1/10个,柿子椒--1/5个,盐--若干 制法:(1) 将米饭和面粉和在一起,揉成米团儿。 (2) 将胡萝卜和柿子椒切成小碎块儿。 (3) 清汤放入蔬菜同煮,煮熟后加入米团儿煮沸 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term
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