

2017-09-18 16页 doc 45KB 442阅读




航空服务毕业论文航空服务毕业论文 摘 要 【摘要】本文主要内容是强调民航发展过程中服务的重要性,从改革开放一直到现在,随着百姓日常生活水平的提高,民航越来越多的成为居民消费热点之一。在介绍了我国近年民航事业发展情况的基础上,以服务入手进行了分析,并得出公众对我国民航发展过程中表现出来的服务水平在不断关注,对民航发展过程中遇到的安全、价格、服务等问题时,服务竟占70%,也就是说服务的优劣直接影响乘客是否再次乘坐的念头。虽然目前我国各航空公司对服务进行了针对性的加强提高,但对一些特殊事情的处理上,还不够与国际接轨,这表明我国民航发展还需逐步健...
航空服务毕业论文 摘 要 【摘要】本文主要内容是强调民航发展过程中服务的重要性,从改革开放一直到现在,随着百姓日常生活水平的提高,民航越来越多的成为居民消费热点之一。在介绍了我国近年民航事业发展情况的基础上,以服务入手进行了分析,并得出公众对我国民航发展过程中表现出来的服务水平在不断关注,对民航发展过程中遇到的安全、价格、服务等问题时,服务竟占70%,也就是说服务的优劣直接影响乘客是否再次乘坐的念头。虽然目前我国各航空公司对服务进行了针对性的加强提高,但对一些特殊事情的处理上,还不够与国际接轨,这表明我国民航发展还需逐步健全,航空公司及空乘人员的服务相关性需逐步加强。从而在此条件成立的基础上分析服务对我国民航发展的影响及对策,怎样才能使企业在市场中突显自己的优势。 【关键词】服务,相关性,民航发展,企业市场 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 前 言 民用航空运输地面服务企业作为一个特殊的经济组织,既具备企业的功能又兼 有社会公益的性质,其本质就是追求经济效益和社会效益的最大化。当前,随着民用航空运输业的迅猛发展,航空公司、旅客和货主在服务过程中质和量方面的需求也与日俱增。近期来,航班延误导致冲突的新闻屡见报端。作为民用航空运输服务链的最终端,民航地面服务企业怎样才能与时俱进,在搞好安全生产经营、提高经济效益的同时,不断提升服务品质,满足各方需求,维护社会和谐。笔者认为,最重要且必要的就是提高管理水平,建立质量管理体系。随着企业管理的不断深入和完善,建立质量管理体系,导入ISO9000质量,引入其先进的管理理念、和工作程序就成为创新管控模式、拓宽工作渠道、提高运行标准和质量,提升经营业绩的有效途径。日本索尼公司总裁盛田昭夫曾说过:企业内部管理之要义在于内部管理的制度化,大凡成功地企业都有一套系统、科学、严密、的内部管理制度。将质量标准应用在管理工作的各个领域,通过建立系统的质量管控模式,把一些行之有效的传统的管理方法、以及在新时期摸索出来的一些新经验、新方法用文件化的形式固定下来形成标准、规范,并把所有工作按照贯标的要求实行过程控制,对每一项工作和活动均采取PDCA闭环控制,做到有计划、有实施、有检查,并持续改进,那么,管理工作就会在规范化、标准 化、科学化的管理中不断提高,进入良性循环。 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 服务对中国民航发展的影响及对策 改革开放以来,中国民航事业持续、快速、健康发展,取得了辉煌的成就,而且走入了百姓的日常生活。地市居民收入继续从温饱向小康型过渡,个人可以支配收入的增加,用于交通旅行的消费比例的提高,加之国家用于扩大内需而形成的假日经济政策使得航空旅游将逐渐形成为消费热点之一。中国加入世贸组织后,民航业的发展十分迅猛,民航年均运输总周转量、旅客运输量、航空货邮量高位增长,成为拉动国民经济增长的朝阳产业,发展速度高于世界民航平均增幅两倍以上,成为仅次于美国的民航业大国。随着中国经济的发展,中国每百万平方公里拥有机场数量将大幅度增加,航班密度、旅客客运量等各项指标都将快速增长,中国将成为亚太地区乃至全球范围内最重要的航空市场。与此同时,公众对中国民航发展过程中所出现的安全、价格、服务等问题也更加关注。而这些也恰恰是决定中国民航今后能否进一步增强竞争实力、实现可持续发展的关键所在。因此,本文将着重从服务入手,探讨当前民航所存在的问题,并力图找到解决问题的办法。 一:航空公司服务水平不能令人满意 关于服务问题,最突出的就是航班延误和延误后有关部门的态度、言语、细节等表现。目前造成航班延误的原因主要有三个方面:一是航空公司自身管理的原因;二是天气原因;三是空管流量控制的原因。其中,占比重较大也是较为主观的原因在于企业的自身管理。一方面,在运行控制上也就是在飞机调配控制上,一些航空企业的能力还比较低,还没有完全树立起加强运行控制工作的责任心和意识。另一方面,则是某些原直属航空公司利用自身在航班设置上的优势,在前一航班客座率较低的情况下往往以延误为借口,将旅客安排到后面的航班飞机上。在航班延误后,经常会出现航班信息不畅通,旅客知情权得不到保障的情况。有的航空公司自己没把信息搞清楚,往往把错误的信息传递给旅客。而航空公司和机场之间的关系协调不好,也容易造成这方面出问题。同时,航班延误后一些航空公司的补救措施也是不到位的,能躲则躲,能拖则拖,没有站在旅客利益的角度,不能以一种积极的态度来应对,做得非常被动。在服务上,航空运输企业要更多地考虑消费者利益。首先,要科学的安排航班网络计划,提高航班的正常性,减少因自身原因造成的航班延误。其次,提高航空公司内部统一调配运力的能力,一旦发生延误,可以动用其他飞机使旅客能及时出行。再次,提高维护能力和飞机技术放行的可靠性,提高首班飞机正点率,避免连续延误。对延误信息和原因,及时向旅客通报并耐心进行解释。 二:空乘整体素养需提高 空乘人员是航空运输中一面鲜明的旗帜,其整体好否直接影响公司经济发o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 展与生存。何为整体素养,它包括职业礼仪、行为举止、仪表仪容、操作技能。换言又为通俗中的内在与外在的综合,气质涵养的升华,积极向上的生活态度,圆润玲珑的处世之道。 首先,“态度”,是服务行业中制胜法宝之一。尤其对于航空运输来讲,至为重要。亲切的微笑就是空乘最佳态度的表现形式,易于乘客接纳,产生宾至如归之感,同时树立了行业良好形象,为企业打开声誉与关注的窗口。随着国民经济的发展,航空作为交通工具适应了中高层的消费人群。在运输行业竞争如火如荼的今天,态度决定成败,微笑战胜一切。所以要掌握微笑原则:1、主动微笑原则,以此主动营造友好热情并对自己有利的气氛与场景,赢得对方满意的回报。2、自然大方的微笑原则。3、眼中含笑原则。4、真诚微笑原则。5、健康微笑原则。6、最佳时机和维持原则。7、一视同仁原则,切莫以貌取人。8、天天微笑原则,养成良好习惯。态度意为静与动的化身,静动合二为一,方显内在与外在自然流露之美,源于微笑,意为二者综合。 其次,在乘务工作中,空乘在航班中面对不同类型乘客,会遇到各种特殊事情,如航班延误,要面对乘客尖刻语言:在服务中,会遇到百般挑剔的乘客,甚至无理取闹。空乘在承受压力,处理矛盾,做好工作时,亦称为一种考验。所以要掌握丰富服务技能,并注意以下几个方面锻炼提高自己。1、遇事不慌,沉着稳定;当遇到突如其来的事情或问题时,要保持镇静,不惊慌失措,并且迅速地处理问题的对策。2、思维敏捷;应变不应是被动,而应是主动,能防患于未然。、机智幽默;此为交际上的润滑剂,要灵活运用它处理交际可能出现的各种难3 以处理的问题,以缓和局面,使双方变得轻松愉快。4、忍耐性要强;要有较强驾驭能力和克制能力,做好耐心、细致的说服和缓解工作,有条不紊的冷静处理突然事件。与乘客之间的沟通交流不需要太多言语,也许只是普通眼神,简单暗示,使可心领神会。另一方面又体现空乘人员的人情处世及应变能力。在航班中,空乘与乘客间陌生距离忽远,而油然而生的温暖增多。 最后,任何一项服务都是为了贴近旅客的要求,航空服务只有做到想旅客之所想,念旅客之所急,做到以人为本,才能为航空公司抢尽先机。因此,作为航空服务人员最基本的一项工作技能,更应该强调服务人员的亲和力,亲和力能够在服务人员与旅客之间搭起一座相互沟通交流的桥梁,使服务人员的工作得以顺利发展。同时,亲和力也是一项重要的工作职责,服务不是流水线上没有感情的产品,亲和力不仅体现了个人素质修养,也能够反映企业品牌是否具有亲和力,表现出亲和力的人一定是真诚服务、用心工作的人,是日常工作经验的积累者、提炼者,是传递企业与客户之间真实情感的纽带。虽然大多数旅客选择飞机作为交通工具的主要目的是享受快递与便利,但心理需求能否满足也是旅客选择再次消费与否的重要依据。旅客普遍对航空企业所提供的服务期望值较高,而亲和力从很大程度上能够满足旅客的心理需求 ,可以让旅客进一步了解企业,从而起到宣传美誉的效果,发挥口碑作用,缩短旅客与企业之间的距离,使旅客可以尽情享受旅行过程中的快乐,真正实现企业与旅客双赢。 三:为顾客服务:没有最好 只有更好 在2004年旅客话民航活动中,国航获得了用户满意优质奖和服务品牌优秀奖。在“2004旅客话民航”用户结果发布会上记者专访了国航总裁马须伦o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 先生。 马须伦认为,当今激烈的市场竞争下,航空公司要想取得乘客和货主的认可和选择,就必须以最好的服务争取人心,打动人心。服务水平最终决定其市场的份额和效益的高低。多年来,国航在保证安全运营的同时,始终把以旅客为中心作为服务的宗旨,把顾客的需求和满意作为服务工作的出发点。早在2002年,国航明确提出了服务质量是发展根本的文化建设理念,构建了以“四心”为主要内容和服务体系,“四心”工程,就是让旅客和货主在选择国航和享受国航产品的全过程中,感到放心、顺心、舒心、动心。 “放心”就是要让旅客、货主感到国航的安全有保证,旅途无担忧;使旅客、货主感到,一旦选择了国航就选择了踏实、轻松。国航在服务工作中把安全放在首位,始终树立“安全第一、旅客至上”的观念,视安全为服务的第一要旨。服务工作中尽量简化旅客、货主参与乘机和运输货物的程序,增加服务的公开度、透明度,打消旅客和货主的一切不必要的股顾虑。 “顺心”就是保证航班正点和整个服务流程的顺畅,使旅客、货主的服务要求事事顺利如愿,体现在国航的服务工作中就是使每一个环节间的服务链条通畅、无间隙。要求国航服务的每一个细节,都能尽量达到旅客、货主获得“顺利”的心理满足。 “舒心”就是使旅客、货主感受到国航的服务是舒适和惬意的。体现在硬件上就是要为旅客、货主提供舒适的条件,包括座椅的舒适度、音像杂志的赏心悦目度和餐饮的可口度等等;体现在软件上就是要为旅客、货主营造出一种舒畅愉快的感觉。 “动心”就是满足旅客、货主合理的特殊个性需求,为旅客提供的个性化需求达到另其动心的效果,使其对国航的服务由衷地产生一种感动的情感,这是服务的最高境界。 “四心”服务工程既是国航服务的内容,又是国航服务的目标;既是服务工作的起点,又贯穿于服务的全过程。“四心”要求国航在不断满足旅客、货主现实需求的同时,关注旅客、货主的潜在需求,努力成为比旅客更了解旅客、比货主更了解货主的航空公司。 通过创新服务满足顾客的各种个性需要,用动心打动顾客和货主对国航的认可和支持。在2004年地服务工作中,国航通过服务的系统管理,进一步改变理念,优化服务流程,确定服务的要求和标准,并完善了服务管理的制度与建设。 马须伦谈到下一步的目标,是要把这次获奖作为国航前进的压力和动力,继续把服务推向更高的水平。第一是在公司范围内树立服务意识,因为现在市场经济说到底是服务经济,基于此,旅客对国航是否满意要永远作为国航服务的出发点和落脚点。旅客说了算,真正从工作中,从思想上,从内心深处把旅客当成上帝。这样,在工作范围内,不仅要求服务部门,也要求公司的其他部门和公司的每一位员工,都要树立为旅客服务这个意识。旅客就会想着国航,国航的市场会越做越大,越做越活。第二是服务工作要系统去做,它不是简单的一个地服地事,一个客舱的事,涉及到公司的方方面面,涉及到每一个系统,要从整个系统做好这项工作。第三是做好服务的流程和服务的规范化管理,中国的空中服务与国外没什么差别,甚至超过国外的航空公司,现在的问题是空地流程结合部,交叉环节的衔接处不够好,因此要打造完整的服务链,构建完整的服务体系,不能让链条掉链子,要打造完整的服务信息链条。注重规章制度的建设,让每人的行动、意识有规章制度来指导,要求。第四是做好服务责任的强化和服务责任的落o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 实,提高服务人员的素质,切实搞好服务人员方面的培训。为了更好的落实责任,以航班正点为突破口,通过强化责任的落实,让每位员工有压力,有动力,真正做到班班计较,分秒必争,确保航班正点。第五是继续改进服务,对旅客提出的好意见和建议认真地加以分析,及时地加以改进。归根结蒂是在“四心”服务上下功夫,“四心”服务内涵以成为大家高度共识的服务理念,是航空公司作为打造公司品牌的一个重要选择。“四心”是完全站在旅客的感受上、角度上,让旅客真正感受到乘坐的飞机是放心的,旅客是顺心的。通过提供个性化的服务,特殊化的服务,让旅客真正的感动,感动旅客同时也感动自己,把旅客心抓住了,企业在市场中就突显自己的优势了。 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 结 论 本文用过回顾了公共航空运输业在我国发展的历史与现状,结合我国民航业发展的相关政府的宏观管理以及中国市场经济的特殊性,指出并分析了我国民航业发展壮大过程中存在的一些问题隐忧,并对我国的民航业继续向前发展阐述了自己的一些看法。 利用马须伦总裁的分析框架,定量分析了市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效,以证实手段论证观点,对我国民航业发展有利的结构调整予以肯定,对民航业长足良性的发展提出了自己的一些建议。尽管当前我国民航业的政策环境还有很多不足,行业问题多多,但本文还是肯定目前这一行业市场的合理性,也主张不断完善这一行业必要的政策环境,市场的管理注重服务两字。 限于篇幅和自身理论水平有限,本文显然是存在不足的,所研究范围受限,与现实仍有一定距离,但是,我始终认为做这个方面的相关分析是必要的。因为在我国经济多元化、中国特色市场经济情况下,发展民航业是很有必要的,这一研究也为我国现阶段民航发展提供参考,民航业的发展对于优化我国交通资源的配置具有一定的现实意义 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 致 谢 本论文是在我的导师X老师的指导下完成的,导师在百忙之中对论文给予了学术性的意见,又花费了大量时间审阅全文。在此谨向X老师致以衷心的感谢,没有她全程的指点与帮助,就不会有今天的结果,同时,我也想一并感谢我在职业技术学院求学期间所有赐教于我的老师,是他们教会了我如何做人与治学。由于我的学识有限,稳重难免有许多不妥之处,敬请各位专家和教师批评指正。在论文的写作完成过程中,我得到了许多人的帮助与支持。在此,我要向他们表达我最诚挚的谢意~ o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 参考文献 (饮用杂志) 1、马须伦“2004旅客话民航”用户评价结果发布会 2、《中国民用航空》2005年03期出版 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 附 注 改革开放以来~居民针对民航业发展过程中遇到的安全、价格以及服务的关注率: 100% 80% 60%安全关注率 价格关注率 40%服务关注率 20% 0% 2000年2005年2008年2011年 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart:
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