

2018-01-08 11页 doc 35KB 9阅读




2013年曲靖事业单位招聘考试资料2013年曲靖事业单位招聘考试资料 1(包括一切事物、现象之间及其内部诸要素之间的相互影响、相互作用和相互制约的联系具有( )。 A(客观性 B(普遍性 C(多样性 D(条件性 2(社会发展的一般规律有( )。 A(社会存在决定社会意识 B(阶级斗争推动社会发展的规律 C(生产关系适合生命力状况的规律 D(上层建筑适应经济基础变革要求的规律 3(国家的实质是( )。 A(管理社会公共事务的机关 B(阶级的统治机关 C(以军队为主要成分的暴力机关 D(凌驾于社会各个阶级之上的机关 4(一位科学家说...
2013年曲靖事业单位招聘考试资料 1(包括一切事物、现象之间及其内部诸要素之间的相互影响、相互作用和相互制约的联系具有( )。 A(客观性 B(普遍性 C(多样性 D(条件性 2(社会发展的一般规律有( )。 A(社会存在决定社会意识 B(阶级斗争推动社会发展的规律 C(生产关系适合生命力状况的规律 D(上层建筑适应经济基础变革要求的规律 3(国家的实质是( )。 A(管理社会公共事务的机关 B(阶级的统治机关 C(以军队为主要成分的暴力机关 D(凌驾于社会各个阶级之上的机关 4(一位科学家说:“我们今天生活着的世界,与其说是自然世界,还不如说是人造或人为世界,在我们的周围几乎每样东西都刻有人的技能的痕迹。”这段话应理解为( )。 A(人造的或人为的世界是唯一存在的世界 B(现实世界是人类精神的创造物 C(人类世界是人的实践活动对象化的结果 D(科学技术越来越成为人类改造世界的伟大力量 5(对于“既要改善人民生活,又要艰苦奋斗”,有这几种看法,你认为何者正确( )。 A(这是一个既承认物质的决定作用,又注意到精神的反作用的提法 B(这是一种固守某种传统观念的形而上学的僵化观点 C(这是把两种事物调和起来的自相矛盾的提法 D(这是一种全面地、联系地看问题的观点 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 6(否定之否定规律的第三阶段同第一阶段相比,( )。 A(仿佛回到原来出发点 B(形式完全相同 C(高级阶段重复低级阶段某些特征 D(根本性质相同 7(要坚持两手抓,两手都要硬,只有两个文明都搞好,才是有中国特色社会主义,这是因为( )。 A(物质文明是精神文明的基础,精神文明对物质文明有反作用 B(物质文明和精神文明是互为条件的,相互促进的 C(物质文明搞好了,有了物质基础,再去抓精神文明建设就容易了 D(物质文明是精神文明发展的基础,精神文明又有自己的相对独 立性 8(我国现阶段经济发展战略的重点是( )。 A(工业 B(农业 C(能源和交通 D(教育和科学 9(当社会总需求大于总供给,经济增长过热时,中央银行应采取紧缩性货币政策,其主要有( )。 A(提高法定准备金 B(提高贴现率 C(在市场上公开购买政府债券 D(在市场上公开抛售政府债券 10(社会主义市场经济体制的基本特征包括( )。 A(以公有制为主体 B(多种分式并存 C(共产党的领导 D(宏观调控 11(坚持四项基本原则,就必须( )。 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 航帆 A(旗帜鲜明地反对资产阶级自由化 B(理直气壮地运用人民民主专政, 巩固人民民主专政 C(反对“左”的僵化思想 D(通过改革开放赋予四项基本原则新的 12(建设有中国特色社会主义文化,必须( )。 A(坚持用邓小平理论武装全党,教育人民 B(努力提高全民族的思想道德素质和教育科学文化水平 C(坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向 D(坚持百花齐放,百家争鸣的方针 13(在阶级对立社会中,法具有执行各种社会公共事务的作用,主要有( )。 A(维护人类社会基本生活条件 B(维护生产和交换的秩序 C(组织社会化大生产 D(推进教育、科学、文化的发展 14(下列哪些行为不是犯罪?( )。 A(某甲因疏忽驾车将人撞死 B(某乙驾车时,刹车突然失灵,致行人被撞死 C(某丙趁夜黑盗得他人50元钱 D(某丁狩猎时,击中了突然从树林中跑出的一个人 15(下列哪些人应对其行为承担刑事责任?( )。 A(已满14周岁不满16周岁的人故意杀人 B(已满14周岁不满16周岁的间歇性精神病人在精神不正常时的杀 人行为 C(已满16周岁的人在醉酒时的伤害行为 D(不满16周岁的间歇性精神病人在精神正常时的持有毒品很大量 的行为 16(公民、法人或其他组织对下列哪些事项不服的,可以向行政机关申请复议:( )。 考试信息上航帆网查看debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management A(认为行政机关侵犯法律、法规规定的经营自主权的 B(认为符合法定条件申请行政机关颁发许可证和执照,行政机关拒 绝颁发或不予答复的 C(对限制人身自由或对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施不 服的 D(对拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚不服的 17(物权具有( )特点。 A(独占性 B(排他性 C(追及力 D(统一性 18(下列各项中,对我国的特别行政区表述正确的是:( )。 A(在特别行政区内实行的按照具体情况由全国人大常委会以法 律规定 (特别行政区的自治权由全国人大通过制定法律确定 B C(特别行政区享有高度自治权,享有行政管理权,立法权,独立司法权、外交权和终审权等 D(在特别行政区,不实行社会主义制度和政策,保持原有的资本主 义制度和生活方式 19(按属性分,政府机构有以下类别( )。 A(领导机构 B(协调机构 C(派出机构 D(职能机构 20(我国行政系统的内部监督是( )。 A(一般监督 B(特殊监督 C(专门监督 debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management 航帆培训 D(司法监督 21(对于国家公务员的轮换,正确的说法有( )。 A(有利于促进廉政建设 B(有利于得到全面锻炼 C(它是根据公务员个人要求进行的 D(是转任的一种特殊方式 22(关于批复的说法,正确的有:( )。 A(批复具有被动性和明确的针对性 B(批复标题必要时可标明“同意”或批准的态度 C(批复撰写前必须进行充分的调查研究工作 D(批复是用于答复下级机关请示事项的下行文 23(下列说法,错误的是:( )。 A(盖印应端正、清晰、做到上压正文,下压成文日期 B(一件联合发文,可有数个发文号 C(联合行文的成文日期以最后签发 机关的签发日期为准 D(公文中的附注一般标注于主题词下方 24(决定的结构包括以下哪几部分( )。 A(标题 B(主送机关 C(正文 D(发文机关名称与成文日期 考试信息上航帆网查看debugging serial debugging of drainage system project contents 1 debugging a Visual inspection for sanitary appliances sanitary appliances; full water test, namely after the release, seen when water level exceeds the overflow hole, smooth overflow of water; when you pull up lifting the plug, drainage should be discharged quickly. Close the mouth immediately after shutting the water flow, water seeping in around the faucet without; check the Flushing apparatus sensitivity and reliability. 2 water debug each of the pump motor in the pumping station through the emergency stop button to stop running tests each drain pump starts and automatically selected alternate. 3 devices in the drainage system drainage systems, pipes and accessories for drainage open, smooth gravity flow, siphon rainwater drainage system, meet the design specification. test all drain water drain water test after installation according to the design requirements. Individual days or as piped irrigation Rainwater of the canopy height must each riser at the top of the rain pipe. Fee for concealed or buried drainage pipe irrigation experiment needs to be done before the hidden, the height shall be not less than the lower ground level of irrigation, water after 15 minutes, and then filled the last 5 minutes, if the liquid level does not drop that is qualified. health apparatus water test all the health apparatus installed must be 24 hour water test. Hold water: toilet high tank filled as required; each kind of wash basin, lavatory, laboratory basin should be filled to overflow water pan, MOP, sink at least deep two-thirds; bath of one-third cylinder deep. Test results to sanitary appliances not leakage is qualified. Project quality management
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