首页 > 8.3叹号的用法


2018-03-19 8页 doc 26KB 36阅读




8.3叹号的用法8.3叹号的用法 8.3 叹号的用法 一、用于一般感叹句的末尾 感叹句是带有强烈感情色彩的句子,用以抒发人的喜、怒、哀、乐、惊、忧、恐、爱、憎、怜等多种多样的情感。感叹句常以“啊”“呀”“哇”“了”等语气词结尾,或用“多”“多么”“那么”“何等”“太”“真”“好”等副词来强调程度或加强肯定语气。例如: (1)最后一次试验时,他聚精会神地盯着燃着的导火线。一声巨响,在旁的人惊叫:“诺贝尔完了~”诺贝尔却从浓烟中跳出来,面孔乌黑,身上还带着血,兴奋地狂呼:“成功了~”(陈群《理想的阶梯》) (2)天气那么暖和,那么晴朗~...
8.3叹号的用法 8.3 叹号的用法 一、用于一般感叹句的末尾 感叹句是带有强烈感情色彩的句子,用以抒发人的喜、怒、哀、乐、惊、忧、恐、爱、憎、怜等多种多样的情感。感叹句常以“啊”“呀”“哇”“了”等语气词结尾,或用“多”“多么”“那么”“何等”“太”“真”“好”等副词来强调程度或加强肯定语气。例如: (1)最后一次试验时,他聚精会神地盯着燃着的导火线。一声巨响,在旁的人惊叫:“诺贝尔完了~”诺贝尔却从浓烟中跳出来,面孔乌黑,身上还带着血,兴奋地狂呼:“成功了~”(陈群《理想的阶梯》) (2)天气那么暖和,那么晴朗~(都德《最后一课》) (3)白色梨花开满枝头,多么美丽的一片梨树林啊~(彭荆风《驿路梨花》) (4)多可惜呀~(莫里兹《七个铜板》) (5)这是何等详尽的配载图啊~(柯岩《汉堡港的变奏》) (6)哎呀,真是美极了~(安徒生《皇帝的新装》) (7)这太棒了~(老舍《龙须沟》) 二、用于语气强烈的祈使句的末尾 (1)刚刚,彬彬,小军,来~跟我封锁交通~(赵丽宏《雨中》) (2)巡警 走~滚~快走~(老舍《茶馆》) 三、用于语气强烈的反问句的末尾 反问句往往兼有疑问语气和感叹语气,用问号还是叹号取决于作者要达的意思。用问号侧重于问,用叹号可使语气更强烈,感叹语气更明显。例如: (1)打仗有什么出奇,只要你不着慌,谁还不会趴那里放枪呀~(孙犁《荷花淀》) (2)写“三万里河东入海,五千仞岳上摩天”一类事物,和写“小荷才露there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check 尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”一类事物,文字风格怎能一样呢~(秦牧《散文创作谈》) (3)这雄关外面的乱石纵横野草丛生的一片片土地上,哪一处没埋葬过入侵者的累累白骨~(峻青《雄关赋》) 四、用于语气强烈的陈述句的末尾 (1)吴吉昌受到了近百次批斗。在恐吓和辱骂声中,他始终不屈地回 答:“我研究棉花,一不图名,二不图利,我是在完成周总理给我的任 务~”(穆青等《为了周总理的嘱托„„??记农民科学家吴昌吉》) (2)六十一个同志的生命,危在旦夕~一千支注射剂,非得空运不可~(《中国青年报》记者《为了六十一个阶级弟兄》) (3)他又伸出那个戴金戒指的手指,说:“这个,金的,也给你~”(语文《小英雄雨来》) 五、用于标语口号的末尾 (1)在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽~(毛泽东《中国人民站起来了》) (2)伟大的工人阶级和劳动人民万岁~ 劳动万岁~(《人民日报》1999.05.01) 六、用于感叹句的末尾 常用来单独组句的叹词有“啊”“唉”“哎呀”“呀”“哟”“哎哟”“哈哈”“哦”“呵”“咳”“哼”“呸”等。例如: (1)啊~闰土的心里有无穷无尽的希奇的事,都是我往常的朋友所不知道的。(鲁迅《故乡》) (2)哟~你这是什么话呀,(老舍《茶馆》) (3)人家有心和你交朋友,可你„„哼~那么随你便好了。(小学语文《贝壳》) there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check 三例的“啊~”“哟~”“哼~”是叹词句。叹词如果不独立成句,同其后的句子成分联系较密切,后面用逗号,不用叹号。例如: (4)你看你,告诉你真话,叫你聪明一点,你倒生气了,唉,你呀~(曹禺《雷雨》) *(5)推开门一看,嗬~好大的雪啊~ 例(4)的叹词“唉”后面用逗号。例(5)的叹词“嗬”同下文的关系比同上文的关系更密切,其后的叹号改用逗号,使两句合成一句较好。 七、用于单独成句的称呼语之后 姓名、外号、亲属称谓、职务称呼或通称等构成的称呼语,作为句子的一个成分时,后面的停顿一般用逗号;如果单独成句,可用叹号。例如: (1)“外婆~”我欢叫着跑进院子。(小学语文《数鸡》) (2)老乡~人生一世,你也得去见识一下呀~(夏衍《包身工》) 演说词和信函开头的称呼语,常用冒号表示停顿,有时也可用叹号以加强语气。例如: (3)同志们,朋友们~ 在中国传统的新年来到之际,我们欢聚一堂,辞旧迎新,共贺佳节,感到格外的亲切和高兴。 八、用于单独成句的呼唤语、应对语之后 呼唤语(“喂”“嘿”等)、应对语(“嗯”“是”“行”“好”“可以”“对”“有”“不”“不是”“不行”“没有”等)一般用逗号、句号表示停顿,语气强烈、单独成句的也可用叹号。例如: (1)喂~该醒了吧。(黄春明《锣》) (2)嘿~我说的你听见没有,(《现代汉语词典》修订本) (3)“一块钱你有没有,一块钱~” there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check “有~”我抬起头,顿时恢复了勇气。(阿累《一面》) (4)“不找了。都是你给的。五把扇子,五块钱„„行了,就这样 了。” “不~”她又将钱塞给我,“我不要。”(韩起《荷花》) 九、用于问候语和祝福语之后 (1)祝安好~问候你的夫人和孩子们~ 为国珍摄~(《毛泽东书信选集》) (2)祝大家成功~(老舍《从记事练起 天天练认真练》) 十、用于斥责语之后 (1)懒虫~等太阳上山吗,(夏衍《包身工》) (2)你混账~(曹禺《雷雨》) 十一、用于突然出现的事物 狼~ 火车~ 枪声~ 十二、用于单独成句的象声词之后 (1)哧~火柴燃起来了,冒出火焰来了~(小学语文《卖火柴的小女孩》) (2)海又动荡,波浪跳起来,轰~轰~(茅盾《黄昏》) 十三、表示感叹语气,不表示句末停顿 带叹号的话不是独立使用,而是作为句子成分,这时叹号只表示感叹语气, 不表示句末停顿。例如: (1)他是在老婆??这么个老婆~??手里讨饭吃。(老舍《骆驼祥子》) (2)可是只要下雨(记得一年足足下了一个月~)家里和面的瓦盆、搪瓷脸 盆,甚至尿盆就全得请出来,先是滴滴嗒嗒地漏,下大了就哗哗地往下流。(萧 there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check 乾《北京城杂忆》) (3)“老总”红光满脸,在扩音器内接连传出“火箭落入预定海域~”“直升飞机发现仪器仓~”的兴奋的声音中,他“嘿嘿”地笑个不住。(钱钢《火箭总师速写像》) 十四、表示惊异,不表示语气和停顿 叹号外加括号放在某些词语或某种说法的后边,表示惊异,带有否定的意味,这时叹号不表示语气和停顿。例如: “把劳动资料提高为社会的公共财产”(~),应当说把它们“变为社会的公共财产”。这不过是顺便提一句罢了。(马克思《哥达纲领批判》) “把劳动资料提高为社会的公共财产”是哥达纲领的原文,马克思认为措辞不妥,用叹号表示对此有异议,并提出修改意见。 十五、叠用叹号以加强语气 叠用的叹号有双叹号和三叹号两种。例(1)用双叹号加强感叹语气,例(2)用三叹号加强祈使语气: (1)结果怎样呢,同样地什么也没有做,只是举行了几次工人和煤炭辛迪加强盗的代表各占“半数”的旧的反动官僚式的会议而已~~(列宁《大难临头,出路何在,》) (2)“牵动??” “点火~~~” “射手”的拇指指向那只绛红色按钮用力揿去。(钱钢《火箭总设计师速写像》) 有时叹号先单用再叠用,以表示语气逐步加强。例如: (3)米海洛夫斯基先生装做行家的样子,大谈其信奉抽象历史公式、必然性的内在规律等等荒诞无稽的鬼话~而且把这叫做“反对社会民主主义者的论战”~~(列宁《什么是“人民之友”以及他们如何攻击社会民主主义者,》) there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check (4)泉河水猛涨~ 史灌河水猛涨~~ 淮河水猛涨~~~ 于是,三河尖??这个位于三河交汇的乡村便于一夜之间被汹涌的洪水围 困了。(梁书华《敢与天公试比高??固始县三河乡人民抗灾纪实》) (选自林穗芳著《标点符号学习与应用》,人民出版社2000年版) there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check
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