

2017-09-16 11页 doc 36KB 14阅读




房山小学青少年法制教育基地建设房山小学青少年法制教育基地建设 房山小学青少年法制教育基地工作制度 1坚持邓小平和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,按照科教兴国、依法治国的要求,认真贯彻科学发展观,全面落实《中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》。 2定期召开青少年法制教育工作例会。 3制定切实可行的青少年法制教育工作实施意见及年度工作计划。 4不断整合法制教育资源,丰富法制教育内容,创新法制教育形式,探索法制教育规律,切实发挥青少年法制基地警示教育作用。 5积极开展形式多样的青少年法制教育实践活动,努力提高青少年的法律意识和...
房山青少年法制教育基地建设 房山小学青少年法制教育基地工作制度 1坚持邓小平和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,按照科教兴国、依法治国的要求,认真贯彻科学发展观,全面落实《中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》。 2定期召开青少年法制教育工作例会。 3制定切实可行的青少年法制教育工作实施及年度工作。 4不断整合法制教育资源,丰富法制教育内容,创新法制教育形式,探索法制教育规律,切实发挥青少年法制基地警示教育作用。 5积极开展形式多样的青少年法制教育实践活动,努力提高青少年的法律意识和法律素质。 6帮助、教育和引导青少年学法、懂法、守法和用法,不断增强青少年的意识和自我保护意识,预防和减少青少年违法犯罪,促进青少年全面健康成长。 7积极推动各相关单位、学校、有关职能部门联手开展校园周边环境综合治理,为青少年健康成长营造良好法治环境。 房山小学青少年法制教育基地工作内容 1定期组织所在辖区学校青少年到“青少年法制教育基地”接受教育。 2定期组织开展辖区范围全体青少年法制报告会。 3结合“交通安全”“全国中小学安全教育日”“12.4全国法制宣传日”等活动为契机,定期组织举办主题教育法制活动。 4普及《宪法》《未成年人保护法》《预防未成年人犯罪法》《治安管理处罚法《道路交通安全法》《禁毒法》等法律知识。 5组织各种普法培训活动,指导青少年开展法制学习和进行普法宣传活动,积极为权益受到侵害的青少年提供法律援助。 6为青少年学生的成长和发展提供有效的法律服务、心理咨询服dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 务和其它切实帮助。 7化解学生矛盾纠纷,解除广大学生困惑,纠正学生不良思想行 为,培养学生树立良好的道德观念,提高学生的法制意识和自律意识, 有效地预防青少年学生违法犯罪。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 房山小学青少年法制教育基地工作管理职责 1青少年法制教育基地领导小组是青少年法制教育基地的管理部门,履行组织、协调、职责。 2接受辖区内有关学校参观基地的申请,指派宣讲员讲解基地宣传展版普法常识。 3接受辖区内有关学校参加法制培训和普法主题教育活动。 4所在辖区司法所为法制教育基地提供必备的法制宣传资料和法制培训。协调有关单位为基地提供法制报告会或法制培训师资,为基地组织各种主题法制宣传教育活动提供便利的工作条件。 5所在辖区司法所定期组织辖区内学校青少年到青少年法制教育基地接受法制教育。 6及时了解并收集法制教育基地开展青少年法制教育工作的意见和建议,做好青少年法制教育年度工作专题汇报,努力营造青少年健康成长的良好法治环境。 8注重社会效益,鉴督管理法制教育基地工作者及法律服务志愿者做好普法、培训、维权等服务工作,提高宣讲、培训、维权工作水平。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 房山小学青少年法制教育基地工作人员职责 1、青少年法制教育基地设办公室主任一名,普法宣讲员若干名,法律服务志愿者若干名(以下统称普法人员)。按照有关规定和承担授课、普法、培训、维权任务。 2、普法人员对我国社会主义法制建设事业怀有强烈的事业心和责任感谢;对涉及青少年权益的各现行公共法律法规或部门法律法规比较熟悉,并能结合青少年法制教育需要进行研究,且有一定造诣的人才;具备较好的演讲表达能力或协调组织能力或活动执行力或维权工作能力。 3、普法人员由部门单位组织推荐,登记表格,并颁布发聘任书。普法人员所在部门和单位要为其完成授课、普法、培训、维权等任务,提供相应的工作时间和条件。 4、普法人员要自觉服务青少年法制教育基地领导小组工作任务的指派。要根据青少年法制教育基地的要求和对象,准备资料,认真服务,以高度负责任的姿态做好工作。 5、普法人员以兼职为主,实行聘任制。区依法治区办根据其为青少年提供法制教育服务质量的优劣,对成绩突出的予以以表彰和奖励,不称职的予以解聘。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 房山小学青少年法制教育基地管理制度 1统一协调运作。青少年法制教育基地由房山小学司法所和房山小学、交警中队联合共建,由所在辖区司法所统一领导、合理分工、明确职责,统一协调,由所在学校具体工作人员负责日常活动的组织执行,要避免出现互相推诿的现象。 2统一普法常规活动模式。为巩固普法成果,帮助广大青少年法制教育工作者提升法制教育能力,明确青少年法制教育常态工模式;即明确班会课、课外活动、国旗下讲话作为普法阵地,设立青少年维权岗,每学期一次法制报告会,每学期组织一次主题法制教育活动。 3统一培训法律服务志愿者骨干。区依法治区办培训法律服务志愿者骨干,法制教育基地所在辖区司法所负责协调被指派的法律服务志愿者骨干规范开展法制教育基地青少年法律教育工作,学校负责配合法律服务志愿者骨干开展工作。 4统一协调各部门,齐抓共管。由青少年法制教育基地所在辖区司法所负责协调青少年法制教育相关职能单位,齐抓共管,联手开展校园周边环境综合治理,有效维护青少年合法权益。 5统一保障教师学法时间。青少年法制教育基地要保证落实每学期组织一次教师学法日,组织教师深入学习《教师职业道德规范》和《公民道德规范》,加强师德建设,提高教师职业道德水平。 6统一指导、监督。区依法治区办每年至少联合教育局等相关职能部门组织检查一次,,督促青少年法制教育基地切实发挥作用,带动推进辖区内各学校青少年深入开展法律进学校工作,全面提高青少年法律素质教育。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 房山小学青少年法制教育基地领导小组名单 组 长: 司法所所长 周成龙 副组长:房山小学副校长 尹树碧 房山小学副校长 汤井波 房山小学法制副校长 袁清龙 房山小学辅导员 苗汉娟 房山小学心理咨询师 田玉平 办公室主任:房山小学辅导员 苗汉娟 办公室副主任:房山小学心理咨询师 田玉平 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis
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