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国有企业的定义国有企业的定义 研究领域:新政治经济学 国有企业的定义 诸迟康 内容提要 在我国~国有企业是指政府企业。本文认为~这是错误的一种做法。 对于国有企业而言~其准确含义应当是主权者的企业。国家由于来源不同可以划分为契约国家与掠夺,或剥削,国家~主权者也有人民与统治者两种划分。由此国有企业也有人民的企业与统治者的企业的划分~相应的国有企业也有不同的界定:主权者是人民的国家国有企业包括政府企业和人民的私人民营企业,主权者是统治者的国家~国有企业是官营企业或权贵资本企业。我国是人民主权国家~国有企业应当包括政府企业和公民的私人...
国有企业的定义 研究领域:新政治经济学 国有企业的定义 诸迟康 提要 在我国~国有企业是指政府企业。本文认为~这是错误的一种做法。 对于国有企业而言~其准确含义应当是主权者的企业。国家由于来源不同可以划分为契约国家与掠夺,或剥削,国家~主权者也有人民与统治者两种划分。由此国有企业也有人民的企业与统治者的企业的划分~相应的国有企业也有不同的界定:主权者是人民的国家国有企业包括政府企业和人民的私人民营企业,主权者是统治者的国家~国有企业是官营企业或权贵资本企业。我国是人民主权国家~国有企业应当包括政府企业和公民的私人民营企业。文章最后则提出重新界定国有资产的主张~并且对当前的一些企业改制问题提出了看法。 关键词:国有企业 政府企业 私人企业 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz 在我国~国有企业在理论上是指国家拥有、经营或控制经营的生产经营单位,何帆2004,~但在实际中一直指的是政府企业~如国务院《企业国有资产监督管理暂行条例》第四条规定~企业国有资产属于国家所有~国务院和地方各级人民政府分别代国家履行出资人职责~履行有所有者权益~这条法规将国有企业明确界定为政府企业。它是与政府企业以外的公民的个人、合伙、股份企业相对的一个概念。本文认为这种将国有企业等同于政府企业~作为是与公民的企业相对的一个概念的认识是一种错误认识。这是一种将国家和政府单混淆在一起的做法。 国家和政府~是两种不同的社会主体。从其人格特征来看~国家是主权者~而政府则是受主权者委托行使行政权的执政者。作为主权者的国家具有独立性、自主性特点~而政府只是一种代理人~是主权者任命的执行人。并且客观上是以不同等级、代表不同利益集团的利益代理人身份出现。国有企业是国家层面的主权者的企业,政府企业是国家之下的各个政府即各个特定利益集团的企业。因而国有企业应当具有独特的与政府企业完全不同的定义及内涵。 对于国有企业而言~它首先必定是企业~必定具备企业的性质。同时~由于它的特点是国家是所有者~又被赋予了国家的性质。由此~要分析国有企业的定义及内涵~就应当 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou2 先弄清国家和企业的定义。以下本文将先分别明确国家和企业的定义~再将两者结合起来分析国有企业的内涵和定义。 一 国家和企业的定义 ,一, 国家的定义 对于什么是国家~不同的人从不同的角度~有不同的定义。总体来说~有如下几种:,1, 神权说: 这一学说认为国家起源于神~国家是根据神的意志建立的~国家的最高统治者的权力来源于神~即上帝或上天。相应的~操作政权的合法性来源于神的意志~国家的统治者是替上帝在人间行使权力~一个国家的公众服从统治者的意志就是服从神意。 共同体说:共同体说是一种比较古老的国家学说~其著名代表人物是古希腊的亚里士多德和古罗马的西塞罗。亚里士多德指出~国家是许多家族及村落的联合体~它是为了达到完美的和自治的生活而组织的,西塞罗认为~国家是由许多社会团体基于共同的权利意识即利益互享的观念而结合的组织体。 契约说:契约说是近代最具影响力的国家学说~代表人物有洛克、卢梭等。他们认为~国家是人们共同订立社会契约~交出自己的部分权利建立的共同体~是由全体个人结合所形成的公共人格。 -59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 43 统治说:这是因国家的统治性特点和压迫性特点而产生的一种学说。如法国学者博丹认为~国家是为一最高权力和理性所支配的一群家族和公有物的联合体,意大利思想家狄骥指出~国家是一切人类社会之有治者与受治者间政治分化者~换言之~即有政治的权力者。 要素说:它包括三要素说与四要素说。三要素说认为~具有土地、人民、主权三大要素构成者既国家。四要素指人民、土地、组织、主权是国家的要素。 工具说:它认为~国家是实行阶级统治和压迫的工具~是经济上和政治上占统治地位的阶级压迫、剥削被统治阶级的工具。恩格斯说:“国家是文明社会的概括~它在一切典型时期毫无例外的都是统治阶级的国家~并且在一切场合在本质上都是镇压被压迫被剥削阶级的机器”。 上述各种国家学说除神权说外都有一定合理性~都一定程度揭示了国家的某些性质与特征。对于本文来说~要探讨国家的定义是作为国有企业的所有者的国家的定义~即一种拟人化的、具有一定人格特征的国家定义。由此~上述契约说、统治说对国家的定义比较符合本文对国家的定义要求。 契约说认为~国家是全体个人结合形成的、能以结合者力量的总和保护结合者的人身和财富安全的公共人格。这一说法~与统治说的说法——国家是既有政治的权力者的说法的基本内涵一致。通过对两者归纳本文认为对于国有企业的 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou4 所有者——国家而言~可以这样定义:国家就是主权者。 国家就是主权者~换句话说~国家的另一种称谓就是政权的所有者~然而~以有的历史告诉人们~国家政权的所有者因国家的来源不同而往往不同~政权的占有形式也往往不同~具体而言有个人独自垄断、数人共享、全民所有等形式。换句话说~国家因来源不同~国家的主权者是有不同划分的。国家因主权者不同~国家往往就具有了不同的性质。相应的国有企业就有了不同的内涵和界定。 对于国家的来源~诺思将以有的国家理论归纳为契约论与掠夺或剥削论。,2,契约论认为~国家是人们自愿订立契约的产物~人们通过让渡自己部分权利而形成一种公共人格、产生公共权力~ 成立国家来保护个人的生命~自由、财产并获得某些公共服务。这样的国家主权者是人民~国家也称为人民主权国家。掠夺或剥削论认为国家是某个阶级或集团的代表。国家的作用是代表这个阶级或集团向其它阶级或集团诈取收入~国家的主权者就是某个阶级或集团。 诺思用暴力潜能将两种国家起源理论联系起来。诺斯倡导“暴力潜能”分配论~认为~若“暴力潜能”在公民向平均分配~使产生契约国家,若分配不平等~便产生掠夺性国家~由此出现统治者和被统治者~即掠夺者,或剥削者,和被掠夺者,或被剥削者,~这样的国家也称为专制国家。 由此~按照诺思对国家起源的分析~主权者又有两种划 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou5 分:人民与统治者。换句话说国家作为主权者~有两种称谓:一者~对于契约国家而言~国家就是人民,一者~对于掠夺,或剥削,国家而言~国家就是统治者。 ,二, 企业的定义 对于企业的定义~也有着多种解释。最通俗的解释是辞海的定义——企业是从事生产经营活动的独立核算的组织~现代国民经济的基本单位。 另外~小宫隆太郎和德鲁克的解释在我国也有较大影响:小宫教授认为~“所谓„企业?~在日语中的含义是„企划事业?的意思。即把有关生产活动的若干新尝试拟成计划并加以实施的主体叫做„企业?。„enterprise?一词,也有企划、雄心勃勃的计划、进取、兴办新事业的意思。策划某个新事业就是企业”。“企业应是积极的„新组织方式?、„革新?的担当者”。 企业的一般性特征~即在竞争性的市场机制下~对利润的追求。而这种追求是由于利润对资源的合理配臵具有重要的作用。德鲁克认为:任何一个通过经营商品,包括出售服务,来体现自己职能的组织都是企业~企业的惟一职能是创造客户,价值,以及创新。 而目前为止最有影响力最能揭示企业性质的企业定义当数科斯对企业的定义。在企业的性质一文中~科斯认为~企业是市场中企业家,交易者或企业主,为了节约交易费用以及有效进行资源配臵而通过一系列契约建立的组织~企业 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 6 的特征就是价格机制的替代物。从科斯的企业定义中~我们可以很容易的看出企业的特点:企业是市场交易者建立的一种组织~或者说是交易者牟利的工具~企业的所有者是市场的交易者。 对于市场交易来说~总体来讲是普通民众以谋取自己利益即私人利益的方式进行的~正如科斯在《企业的性质》中所说:“就人类活动和人类需要的整个领域而言~供给根据需求而调整~生产根据消费而调整~这个过程是自动的”。也就是说~市场活动的主要形式就是普通民众自发的私人活动。因此企业的所有者~总的来说是应当是公民,交易者,以个人、一定群体,合伙或股份,的私人形式充当~企业主要以私人企业的形式存在。当然~由于政府或其它组织有时也因某中需要会参与市场交易活动~成为市场的交易者~政府企业其它组织的企业也会存在于市场中。由于政府具有公共人格的特点~政府企业和私人企业有着本质的差别~因而~企业按本质不同可以分为政府企业和私人企业或其它组织的企业,如外资企业,。 二 国有企业的定义 通过以上对国家和企业定义的分析~本文认为~国有企业的定义~可以作这样的诠释:国有企业就是主权者在市场中为了节约交易费用、有效配臵资源而建立的一种组织或使用的一种工具。由于主权者有人民与统治者的划分~国有企 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou7 业又有契约国家的国有企业剥削或掠夺国家的国有企业的划分。 以下~本文将对两类国有企业作进一步的分析: ,一, 契约国家的国有企业——人民的企业 契约国家即人民主权国家是这样建立的:正如卢梭在《社会契约论》,3,中叙述的一样~由于人类发展到一定状况~自然中出现种种困难~使得人们单靠个人力量已无法生存~人们在这样的原则下结合起来~即既能以结合者的力量的总和维护和保障每一个结合者的人身和财富安全~又能使每一个结合起来的成员只服从自己~依然象以往一样自由。也就是说~全体人民按照一定公约建立一个共同体~或者说是形成一个获得生命和意志的公共之大我~即形成一个主权者。这里对于个人~他是主权者的一员,对于主权者~他是国家的一员。这样的共同体~有一个成员受到侵犯~便是整个共同体受到侵犯~整个共同体受到侵犯~就是每一个个人受到侵犯。 人民主权国家的主权是公意的运用~主权者是一个集体的生命~人民作为主权者只能自己代表自己~主权既不能转让~也不能分割。同时~主权者的权力是有界限的~也就是说~主权权力不会超出、也不允许超出公共约定这一界限。在这一约定之下~任何人都可以任意处臵约定留给他的财富和自由~作为主权者~它永远没有权力对某一公民的要求超 -59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 48 出另一公民~否则~主权者的权力就无效。 由此可以说~人民主权国家~每一个公民都是主权者。每一个公民都可以宣称:我~就是国家。这里~私人和国家是完全统一的。按卢梭的说法~这里的“我”~是一个从自然状态进入社会状态的“我”~即是一个行动被赋予道德内涵、义务的呼唤代替生理上的冲动、权利代替嗜欲、并用公意约束的自由代替生理冲动下的天然自由的“我”~这是一个能够完全遵守“公约”,法律,的“我”。 有必要说明的是在二十世纪初人民主权国家曾经被作为一种只是一种理想期待或是一种口号。如熊彼特就认为~民主是“某些人通过争取人民选票取的作决定的权力”~或者是“用来反对现政权的工具”。到了二十世纪50年代~针对利益集团的分析~美国著名政治学家达尔提出的多元民主理论~证实了人民主权实践上的可能。达尔认为~国家的政治权力和决策是由社会中包括国家统治集团在内的多种社会集团及其领袖控制~社会中各类政治集团形成多元政治主体~他们既合作又斗争~共同支配着国家的政治权力及政治决策。换句话说~人民主权是以人民通过自己的利益集团参与政治实现的。 人民主权国家的主权者是人民~并且是每一个真实的公民个人。由此人民主权国家的国有企业的定义就可以作这样的转换~国有企业就是人民的企业~它包括人民以任何方式 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou9 组建的企业~也就是说~不论是公民个人的单人业主制企业、数人合伙的合伙制企业、多人以股份形式组建的股份制企业、还是委托政府建立的政府企业~都属于国有企业。 这里~有必要重复一下政府企业属于人民的企业的理由:对于人民主权国家而言~人民拥有和控制国家权力的所有权。同时~又委托特定的社会成员按照约定,法律,行使国家权力的使用权~并且受委托的特定社会成员只能在约定,法律,范围内行使国家权力。政府就是一群受人民委托行使行政权力的社会成员~政府办企业~就是为了提供公共产品、填补私人活动留下的市场空白~也就是为了解决市场失灵问题~受人民委托并由人民提供资源而兴办的。因而政府企业~实际上也是主权者——人民的企业。 ,二, 专权国家的国有企业——统治者的企业 专权国家是个人或一定的集团拥有和控制国家权力的所有权的国家。专权国家的主权者是个人或一定的精英集团即统治者而非全体人民。专权国家的国有企业就是拥有和控制国家权力的个人和精英集团的企业~即统治者的企业。它是为了维护统治者的安全和方便统治者控制社会以及掠夺和剥削被统治者而设立的。它是与统治者以外的民众的企业——私人民营企业相对的一个概念。 君主制国家是个人专权国家的典型。这里~拥有和控制 59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-10 国家权力的是君主个人。君主们可以直接宣称:“联即国家”。国家的主权者是君主个人。君主的企业就是国有企业~也称官营企业。 精英国家往往也自称为民主国家~但实际上仍然是剥削掠夺型专权国家。这里~国家权力为一定的精英集团所有~国家法律是精英集团的意志。精英集团是国家的主权者~国有企业就是精英集团的企业。精英集团的企业包括两种:一是精英集团通过操纵政府投资的企业即政府企业~这样的政府企业往往享有垄断地位和特权~并且~法律也明确规定政府企业的特权地位,。二是精英集团以私人的名誉投资的但企业主享有政治经济特权的企业~即权贵资本企业。这种企业的名誉上也是私人民营企业~却享有一般私人民营企业所没有的特权。 三 我国的国有企业的界定 我国自建国到现在~国有企业一直被界定为政府企业~甚至在一度时期~国有企业被作为与私人企业的一个对立物看待。 我国的国有企业被界定政府企业~是受到斯大林计划经济理论影响造成的。 斯大林的计划经济理论则是极端集体主义的产物。说到极端集体主义~就有必要先谈论两种意识形态及两种价值观:个人主义和集体主义。 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou11 人类进入文明社会的一大特征就是每个社会成员的生产生活活动往往既是个人活动是依赖于一定群体既集体的活动~由此产生两种观念:社会活动中个人重要还是集体重要或者说个人价值高还是集体价值高。由此产生了两种主义:个人主义和集体主义。简单的说~个人主义就是强调个人利益优先于集体利益~集体利益是通过每个个人利益的实现进而整体实现的,集体主义强调的是集体利益优先于个人利益~个人利益是通过集体利益实现后进而分配和实现到个人的。两种主义~在现实生活中都容易找到佐证~犹如先有鸡还是先有蛋的古老问题一样~是很难简单判断谁对谁错的。只是两种主义基础上出现了两种极端思想:极端个人主义和极端集体主义~成为两种错误的思想~往往使得人们误入歧途 所谓极端个人主义~即指只认可个人价值否定集体价值的一种思想。如极端个人主义的典型无政府主义就认为~一切权力是屠杀人类智慧与心灵的罪恶~进而对有组织的活动和政府持一种完全的否定态度。极端集体主义就是完全强调集体的价值。忽视或否定个人价值的一种思想。极端集体主义忽视和否定个人价值~实际上是将集体神话后再将其演变为寡头统治的一种思想。因为在这里~失去了个人价值,集体中的普通成员利益,的集体只剩下集体领袖的价值~集体领袖的价值就成了集体的价值~集体领袖就往往自封为集体 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-12 成员的利益的代表。 斯大林的集体主义就是极端集体主义的典型。 极端个人主义由于个人力量的渺小而没有对社会造成多大实际影响。然而极端集体主义如斯大林的集体主义却凭借集体的力量极大的影响了社会。 斯大林的集体主义认为:集体利益是公共利益~它完全高于个人利益~个人利益应毫无条件的服从集体利益~当个人利益与集体利益冲突时~可以毫无条件的牺牲个人利益。国家作为集体的最高形式~国家利益是至高无上的。而个人或私人利益则常常被看作国家利益的对立面。 计划经济理论就是斯大林集体主义的产物。 计划经济理论认为:国有制企业的资产所有权属于国家~而不属于任何个人~也不属于个人所有权任何形式的集合。国家对生产的占有是一种符合社会发展~能够充分发挥生产力水平的所有制形式~而公民的私人占有生产资料是带来社会生产无序化~造成社会剥削的根源~因而国家对生产资料的占有和公民私人对生产资料的占有是对立的~前者称为公有制或国营经济是国家保障鼓励支持发展的经济~后者称为私有制或私营经济~是国家应当限制或消灭的经济。 计划经济强调国家对生产资料的占有~但在实践中~却直接体现为不同级的政府对生产资料的占有~国家所有制和 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou13 政府所有制成了可以混同使用的概念~当然这与计划经济本身的设想是不矛盾的~计划经济的本身含义是整个国家经济在中央政府的统一安排下~有计划按比例的发展~这里国家是一个大企业~各级政府的企业是国家这个大企业的一个车间~各政府企业不存在单独的利益~完全听命于国家总体安排~因而国有企业是等同于政府企业的。 应当说~斯大林的极端集体主义是产生于民主思想但陷入专政极权泥潭的一种主义~其计划经济中的国有企业内涵就是专制国家的国有企业内涵——是指统治者的企业~即官营,政府,企业。 我国在建国初~由于错误的搬用了斯大林的计划经济体制~也错误的将国有企业简单等同与政府企业~导致许多错误政策的产生~极大阻碍生产力发展。这是脱离了我国的实际情况的一种作法。按照我国宪法规定~国家权力属于人民。我国就是一个人民主权国家~我国的国有企业应当包含政府企业和公民的个人、合伙、股份制企业即公民的私人民营企业。也就是说~我国的国有企业应当界定为政府企业和私人民营企业。 四 政策建议 通过以上对国有企业的诠释以及对我国作为一个人民主权国家的国有企业的界定分析~对于我国当前的国企改制~本文提出如下建议: 59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-14 ,一,重新界定国有资产范围 当前~我国的国有资产指企业国有资产~实际指的是政府企业资产。这不符合我国的实际情况。我国的实际情况是:国家是人民主权国家~人民是国家的主权者~公民的私人民营企业也属于国有企业~私人民营企业的资产也同政府企业的资产一样属于国有资产。由此我国的国有资产应当包括政府企业资产和公民的私人民营企业的资产。 ,一, 国有企业改制应当更名为政府企业改制 当前我国县级以上各级政府的企业~理论界和特别是政府文件直接将其称为国有企业~却很少用其本来名称——政府企业。这种做法容易使人们只看到政府企业的公共职能~看不到政府企业作为一个企业所具有的排他性产权特征。并且这种作法本身来源于计划经济理论的国营经济定义~包含着将私人企业作为国家的对立物含义~继续使用容易使人陷入计划经济理论陷阱。由此~当前的国有企业应当恢复它的直接名称——政府企业~相应的国有企业改制也应当更名为政府企业改制~如此以来~对企业改制过程中的一些问题将变得明白起来。 1 国资流失是一个滥用的概念 政府企业改制过程中争论得多的问题之一就是所谓的“国资流失”问题。它包含这样的意思:企业资产由国家,政 -6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou15 府,直接控制改为公民私人直接控制就是国家的资产流失。这是一种错误论调~这是一种继续运用计划经济理论分析问题的做法。按照计划经济理论的说法~国家,政府,占有生产资料与民众私人占有生产资料是两种对立的生产资料占有形式~国有,政府,企业与私人民营企业是利益对立的企业~国有,政府,企业的增强意味私营企业的减弱~私营企业的增强则意味着国家利益被蚕食。照此思路~将政府控制的资产转由私人控制必然就是“国资流失”。我国是人民主权国家~政府控制的企业资产与私人控制的企业资产都是国有资产~企业资产由政府手中转移到私人手种~并不意味国有资产的减少或损失~只是国有资产控制形式的改变~国有资产流失的说法更无从谈起。当然~政府企业在改制过程中企业资产被隐瞒、转移、私分、贪污~甚至被挥霍浪费是一个客观存在的问题~但这个问题~从根本上说~是腐败问题~是违法犯罪问题。 当然~国有资产流失也是一个可以使用的概念~但它针对的对象应是外资购买中国政府企业和私人企业时的行为。 2 国退民进是一项十分正确的政策 2004年~香港学者郎咸平引发了一场国企改革的大讨论。其中引人注目的论题之一就是包括朗本人在内的不少学者对“国退民进”的政策提出了质疑甚至否定。应当说~朗 59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-16 咸平揭露的问题值得让人思考~然而~由此质疑和否定“国退民进”的政策却是十分错误的。 “国退民进”的本质是政府或政府企业退出市场竞争~让公民的私人民营企业充当市场竞争的主体。这是完全符合市场经济要求的。 我国现存的政府企业,包括近几年被改制的政府企业,绝大部分是计划经济时建立的~是计划经济时期全能政府的产物。 也就是说~计划经济时期的政府被要求提供包括公共产品和私人产品在内的绝大部分甚至全部社会产品而兴办了这些企业。这些主要是提供私人产品的企业的继续存在对于目前处于市场经济中的政府是一个很大的问题~成为政府转换职能的障碍。因为市场经济要求政府的主要职能是提供制度既社会秩序一类的公共产品~而非参与市场竞争~由此就需要将那些提供私人产品的企业交给私人经营。这个过程就是政府退出市场民营企业进入市场的“国退民进”过程~是十分必要的一个过程。 ,二, 规范私有化行为 所谓私有化~就是将政府投资经营的企业出售给公民~让公民以个人、合伙、股份的方式投资经营。我国近几年以产权明晰为目标的国企改制就是一个私有化行为~应当说这个行为是我国在通过二十多年的政府企业的改革探索后~在民间、理论界、政府取得较大共识后采取的。 然而~对于 59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-17 改制过程来看~却存在不少问题~其中较为突出的就是普通职工的利益被忽视。 应当说~政府在制订改制政策时~对如何保障职工利益、妥善安臵职工以及如何保证企业资产足值出售等问题做了一系列的规定。然而~从不少企业的改制过程来看~这些规定并没有得到很好落实~职工利益受损和企业资产被侵吞的现象却时有发生~并且~职工利益得不到保障往往与企业资产侵吞有着必然联系~因为企业资产被侵吞后往往导致企业缺乏资金安臵职工。而当中~腐败问题是造成上述问题的主要原因。由此~企业改制过程中应当加强对腐败的治理~通过对腐败的治理来规范企业改制即私有化行为。 ,三, 强化私人企业的社会责任 企业社会责任包括经济、道德、文化等诸多方面。具体而言~指依法纳税、善待职工、保护自然及人文环境等。 我国由计划经济向市场经济过渡的过程~必然是一个市场主体由政府企业转变为私人企业的过程~也就是说~市场经济中~私人民营企业必然成为市场主体~国家的主体经济也必然转换为私人民营经济。这就要求~国家必须不断强化私人企业的社会责任。这也是人民主权国家对私人企业的要求。 人民主权国家~主权者是人民~这里的人民是实实在在的每一位公民个人。而每一位公民都应当是具有充分社会责 59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 8 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 2cording to 860MHz, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. Accoaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling-4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-information center front elivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical flooradded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-ternet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and In-intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacententertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building and rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture er should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of thel powcenter for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signavoice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation oor 46or 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, fl234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor -Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-18 任感的公民。公民的私人企业~除了为公民创造利润外~还必须承担起一定的社会责任~努力促进社会的和谐发展。也惟有如此~公民的主权者地位才能真正体现。甚至可以这样说~我国的私有化改革成功与否的之一~就是看是否建立起一大批能够承担企业社会责任的私人民营企业。 参考文献 ,1,参见梁木生:《政治学》 武汉出版社 104—106页 ,2,扬龙:《西方新政治经济学的政治观》 天津人民出版社 83—84页 ,3,参见州长治主编:《西方四大政治名著》—社会契约论 48 Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20 loor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation fof the corridor. According to 860MHzpipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling coaxial cable, is wearing a metal -4P-5-75-ble, to user terminal branch line with SYWVend receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial ca-o the medical floor information center frontelivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source tadded services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information d-le TV signal and Internet valuechannel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cab-rt of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacentation, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral painformportant part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, ange and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an imrage rt in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system cover 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system mee, floon floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1thhabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitatioWest building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 re-19
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