

2018-07-21 19页 doc 55KB 9阅读




加快发展设施农业的思路与对策加快发展设施农业的思路与对策 一、我旗的基本情况 阿拉善左旗位于内蒙古自治区西部边陲,地理位置北纬38.8º,东经105.7º,海拔1100,1400米。全旗地域辽阔,总面积80412平方公里,现有耕地28万亩,大部分集中在八大灌区,种植作物以玉米、小麦、油葵、瓜类、牧草和蔬菜为主。全旗生态环境独特,光热资源丰富,昼夜温差大,年?10?平均气温3392?,年日照时数3300小时,年均气温8.4?,无霜期140,160天,太阳辐射在150,165千米?平方厘米,适宜多种农作物生长发育,各大农业灌区和农业园区,水、空气、土壤洁...
加快发展设施农业的思路与对策 一、我旗的基本情况 阿拉善左旗位于内蒙古自治区西部边陲,地理位置北纬38.8º,东经105.7º,海拔1100,1400米。全旗地域辽阔,总面积80412平方公里,现有耕地28万亩,大部分集中在八大灌区,种植作物以玉米、小麦、油葵、瓜类、牧草和蔬菜为主。全旗生态环境独特,光热资源丰富,昼夜温差大,年?10?平均气温3392?,年日照时数3300小时,年均气温8.4?,无霜期140,160天,太阳辐射在150,165千米?平方厘米,适宜多种农作物生长发育,各大农业灌区和农业园区,水、空气、土壤洁净无污染,具有发展无公害、绿色、有机农产品得天独厚的自然条件,是农作物生长的理想之地。 二、我旗设施农业的种植历史 我旗设施农业种植区主要分布在巴彦浩特镇,巴彥浩特镇所辖五个蔬菜行政村都是以生产蔬菜为主,70年代以露地生产冬储菜(马铃薯、胡萝卜、大葱、洋葱等)为主,春天露地生产一些叶菜(菠菜、水萝卜、韭菜、油菜等),夏天露地生产果类菜(番茄、黄瓜、茄子、辣椒、豆角等)。当时家家户户购买冬菜是一件大事,全家动员,手推车、自行车、麻袋都必须具备,冬藏大白菜、青萝卜全部从银川市调运。70年代后期,“半面棚”开始推广应用,因“半面棚”建造容易,取材方便,成本低廉,冬春既可以培育菜苗又可以进行蔬菜生产,适合联产承包责任制实施Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 后一家一户的经营,所以发展很快。80年代引进地膜覆盖栽培技术和温室开始采用加温技术后,“半面棚”成为80年代中后期保护地蔬菜生产的主要形式,大大缓解了鲜菜供应问题,使蔬菜生产上了一个新台阶,生产上劳动强度减少,上市时间提早,温室在加温条件下冬季能生产一些耐寒的叶菜类,如韭菜、芹菜、菠菜;早春能生产一些果类菜,如黄瓜、番茄、辣椒、茭瓜等,但是,半面棚的结构不合理,墙体薄(约30—40厘米),跨度大(8—12米),前屋面坡度小(5—9度),所以采光效果差,保温性能不好,生产效率低,成本高,而且在加温条件下冬季只能生产耐寒性的绿叶菜。为了解决这一问题,80年代宁夏农业部门引进和了“2/3型”节能日光温室,“89—1型”节能日光温室和“银川型”节能日光温室。我地区也随之引进建设。在以后的生产中,温室结构不断改进,“银川型”节能日光温室发展出第二代第三代高效节能日光温室。结构更科学合理,室内采光更好,温室温度不断提高。使温室蔬菜生产由加温生产绿叶菜到加温生产茄果类蔬菜,后又发展到利用日光在不加温条件下就可以生产各类反季节蔬菜。特别是改革开放以来,阿左旗设施农业发展步代加快。全旗温室大棚的面积逐年扩大,结构由土木结构发展为钢屋架高效节能日光温室,1981年有土木结构温室和大棚4座,0.69亩,86年引进钢屋架日光温室14座1.33亩后,每年都在新建温室,87-90年新建115座41.26亩,91-2000年新建502座168.06亩,2001-2005年新建660座521.01亩,截止2006年,全旗有温室大棚 2ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,-ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s 种植户246户,参与温室大棚种植人数达3248人,温室大棚1285座,总面积768亩,已形成巴彦浩特镇蔬菜生产基地,巴润别立镇蔬菜生产基地,春发号蔬菜生产基地,丰源农业园区,孪井滩生态农业示范区,锡林高勒镇生态农业示范区等。 三、我旗设施农业的现状 (一)自2007以来,我旗加快城镇化建设步伐,进行大规模城中村改造,使一部分温室和大田蔬菜用地被城市建设征用,致使设施农业种植面积和露地蔬菜种植面积逐年减少。2011年5月底调查显示,00000000 (二)目前我旗种植的反季节常规蔬菜品种共20多种,其中:种植樱桃番茄的品种有芒果番茄、圣桃1号、千禧碧娇,亩产量8000斤;种植的番茄品种有铁甲、金满园、红粉佳人、玛利亚,亩产量12000斤;种植的乳瓜品种有凯迪拉、京研迷你2号,亩产量10000斤;种植的黄瓜品种有寒月、鲁抗博耐13,亩产量10000斤;种植的茄子品种有牛心茄子、二苠、布利塔,亩产量10000斤;种植豆角的品种有双丰1号和双丰2号,亩产量3000斤;种植的叶菜类品种有西芹,亩产量13000斤;韭菜亩产量8000斤;生菜亩产量3000斤;油菜亩产量4000斤;茼蒿亩产量3500斤;白萝卜亩产量3500斤。 (三)随着设施农业蔬菜产业的发展,目前巴彦浩特地区成产了两家蔬菜协会,初步形成了种植、收购、加工、销售一体化 3metal pipe clamps,ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using -testing, water testing and well outside through will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water sizes,esign requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe s, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to dbricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizedry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefa-pipe installation mounting, hanginage tallation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drature main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy insstruc shings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in thep should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel buOtherwise the pum 的产业格局。 四、主要存在的问题 (一)日光温室利用率不高 全旗现有日光温室的70%在生产使用,30%闲置或半闲置。一是由于现有日光温室基础设施不完善,防冻灾、雪灾、风灾能力差,农户又缺乏资金,没有改造升级,冬季只能生产叶菜类,不能生产果菜类,闲半年用半年,这是温室利用率低的主要原因,严重影响设施农业的发展;二是政府只注重日光温室的建设,而忽视了建成后的经营管理,造成部分日光温室建成后闲置或投入使用短期后又长期闲置。 (二)蔬菜总量不足 盟、旗所在地巴彦浩特镇镇区常住人口8.8余万人,加流动人口约10万人,按人均食菜600克/日计,年需蔬菜2.5万吨,而巴彦浩特镇和巴润别立镇蔬菜基地年产鲜菜共1.3万吨,主要供给镇区,蔬菜自给率约50%,蔬菜供应明显不足。蔬菜缺口为1.2万吨,多数从邻近省市(银川)调入补充。 (三)生产水平单一 随着阿左旗人口的增长和人民群众消费水平的提高,人们对蔬菜的需求由过去的单纯追求数量变为追求质量、品种和口味,呈现多样化、多层次的特点,且消费者的安全意识、健康意识在不断提高。目前温室种植作物品种大多为黄瓜、乳瓜、番茄、樱桃番茄、辣椒、豆角、韭菜、芹菜、油菜等,很显然品种单一, -ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s4ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 精细菜、珍稀菜比重太低,野生蔬菜还有待开发。 (四)生产经营分散处于无序状态 这是造成温室闲置的又一因素,从全旗来看,过去已形成的巴彦浩特镇蔬菜生产基地,巴润别立镇蔬菜生产基地,春发号蔬菜生产基地,明源农业园区,孪井滩生态农业示范区等,曾经引进了几家龙头企业,在短期内组织带动当地农民由过去传统种植向现代种植转变,影响和转变了当地少数农民的种植观念。但近两年来龙头企业引进力度不够,造成目前设施农业蔬菜产业几乎无龙头企业的局面,导致生产经营分散,规模小,种植品种杂乱,匹量流通难。 (五)流通市场不健全 全旗没有较规范、有一定规模的蔬菜批发市场;巴彦浩特地区仅有的两家蔬菜协会组织也不够健全和完善,能够组织市场营销的经纪人队伍滞后,缺乏有序组织,形不成规模,制约着销售渠道的进一步拓宽和效益的进一步提高,生产旺季产品销售困难,造成滞销损失,影响农民种菜的积极性。 (六)市场竞争力较差 在蔬菜市场上,仅限于原菜、粗菜的批发和摆滩出售,而蔬菜的保鲜、净菜、配菜、包装、淹渍、脱水等加工业发展很少,同时蔬菜品牌注册方面欠缺,产品没有市场竞争力,因此市场的供需结构、品种结构还限于初级水平,尚未形成强有力的竞争力。 五、设施农业发展潜力 5metal pipe clamps,ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using -testing, water testing and well outside through will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water sizes,esign requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe s, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to dbricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizedry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefa-pipe installation mounting, hanginage tallation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drature main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy insstruc shings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in thep should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel buOtherwise the pum 阿左旗属典型的大陆荒漠型气候,干旱少雨,日照充足,昼夜温差大,空气、土壤、水源无污染,是理想的“三品”蔬菜生产基地。大气透明度好,日照时间长,强度高,光能资源丰富,日照充足,昼夜温差大,有机肥充足,无工业污染,大气质量优,水源纯净,形成了独特的优质农业小气候条件,非常有利于农业生产,尤其适合日光温室的种植,我旗生产的农产品色泽鲜亮、口感极佳、品质优良,无公害产品已经得到社会的充分认可。目前获得无公害农产品生产基地认定面积27.5万亩,已有29个品种的农作物获得无公害农产品认证,巴彦霍德示范区绿洲公司生产出的番茄、乳瓜、彩椒获得有机蔬菜的认证。 六、发展思路 立足特色资源优势,以市场需求为导向,以科技为依托,以发展节水农业为中心,以产业化企业为龙头,以农牧民为主体,以农牧民增收为目标,加强设施农业生产基地基础设施建设,增强市场技术信息服务,加强政府扶持力度,推进设施农业向基地化,专业化,产业化方向稳步健康发展,从根本上解决本地蔬菜供给不足的问题,同时充分利用优越自然条件创立品牌,远销国内、国外市场,实现农业增效、农民增收。 (一)加强组织领导 发展设施农业,涉及面广,要作为一项战略性重点工程来组织实施。建立“菜篮子”工程领导小组联席会议制度,认真落实“菜篮子”工程旗长负责制。“菜篮子”工程是民心工程,关系 6ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,-ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s 到市民吃菜和农民增收,必须引起各级党委和政府的高度重视。建议在有蔬菜生产任务的苏木(镇),把完成基地建设和生产任务,作为政绩考核的主要进行奖惩。建议成立由分管旗长、相关单位参加的旗级“菜篮子”工程领导小组,狠抓基地建设和市场开拓。 (二)加强协调、互相配合。 各级有关职能部门要按照国民经济和社会发展的要求,研究制订“菜篮子”生产发展规划,明确责任,加强配合。环保部门会同农业部门负责制订“菜篮子”产品种植生产环境监管办法,对影响产品质量的生产环境及污染源进行管理;水利部门要加强水源基础设施建设,重视“菜篮子”产品生产的供水水源的检测与监管,保证“菜篮子”产品生产的供水质量;计划部门要加强对“菜篮子”产品生产、流通、检验检测、产品信息等基础设施建设的扶持;旗财政部门要有计划地加大对“菜篮子”工程的生产、流通的资金投入;金融、财税部门要完善支持“菜篮子”产品生产、流通的政策。 (三)加大资金投入力度,下大力抓好我旗蔬菜基地建设。 加大资金投入,加强蔬菜基地基础设施建设,建设好菜园子,保证菜篮子,采取多渠道多形式引资、集资、合资等办法上项目搞建设。要鼓励和支持农业产业化龙头企业入驻“菜篮子”产品生产基地,发展订单农业,按标准化、规模化、专业化的要求进行“菜篮子”产品生产、加工、销售。 7metal pipe clamps,ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using -testing, water testing and well outside through will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water sizes,esign requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe s, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to dbricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizedry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefa-pipe installation mounting, hanginage tallation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drature main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy insstruc shings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in thep should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel buOtherwise the pum (四)完善市场体系,重点抓好蔬菜批发市场建设和菜农直销市场建设。职能部门加强对市场的管理,降低管理费用,减少中间环节,通过各种措施解决菜农进城卖菜难、市民买菜价高的问题。 (五)依据《农民专业合作社法》要求,大力发展专业合作经济组织,加强经纪人队伍建设,提高经纪人队伍素质,充分发挥其纽带和桥梁作用。把一家一户的小规模农民有效地组织起来,实行专业化、规模化、标准化生产、商品化加工,品牌化销售,提高我旗蔬菜产业的整体效益和市场竞争力。同时,加强蔬菜产业协会建设,充分发挥产业协会在规范生产经营行为,维护产业及其业主利益等方面的作用。 (六)建议对蔬菜基地实行直接补贴和良种补贴,以调动广大菜农的积极性。旗财政每年拿出100万元建立“菜篮子”生产发展调节基金,重点用于绿色、有机农产品生产基地。 (七)依靠科技,建设高起点、高标准基地。现今以蔬菜为支柱产业的地区很多,市场竞争相当激烈,只有依靠增加科技含量,建设高起点、高标准的基地,产品在市场上才有竞争力,才会有高效益。因此要大力发展洁净的绿色、有机蔬菜,争创名牌产品。 (八)发展高效节水设施农业 我旗日光温室首先要满足全旗居民日常生活需求,种植常规蔬菜品种如黄瓜、番茄、辣椒、茄子、豆角、茭瓜等;其次开发 8ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,-ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s 种植一些野生沙生植物,如沙葱、苦菜等,种植技术易于掌握,投入低,产出高,效益好,又节水;另外,随着人们生活水平的提高,居住环境的美化和城镇建设绿化对花卉的需求与日俱增,适度发展日光温室花卉产业,既节水又与城市绿化、居民需求相适应。 (九)提高设施农业的科技含量 综合配套栽培技术的应用将极大的提高温室种植的产量和效益。综合配套技术主要包括:选用优良品种、高垄覆膜栽培、膜下暗灌或滴灌、增施有机肥料、补施二氧化碳气肥和生物肥、张挂反光幕、无土育苗、嫁接栽培、立体种植、配方施肥、病虫害综合防治等技术。采用优良品种可亩增产5%;高垄覆膜栽培可亩增产10—15%;膜下暗灌、滴灌可节约用水30%,从而降低生产成本;合理增施有机肥料能够培肥地力,提高作物自身的抗逆性,减轻病虫害发生,从而减少了农药的使用量,减轻了农药残留对环境造成的负面影响;增施二氧化碳作物可亩增产10—15%;张挂反光幕作物可亩增产5%;无土育苗、嫁接栽培又能节约用肥用水1/4—1/3,亩增产15—20%;病虫害综合防治技术可减少用药次数,降低生产成本。 (十)提高设施农业的科技含量科技是第一生产力 科学技术是设施农业产业化的动力。要努力推进我旗科技进步,服务于我旗蔬菜产业,提高蔬菜产业化的集约化水平,加快产业化的进程。一是围绕增加蔬菜花色品种,提高品位,加大新 will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water sizes,esign requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe s, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to dbricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizedry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefa-pipe installation mounting, hanginage tallation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drature main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy insstruc shings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in thep should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel buOtherwise the pum9metal pipe clamps,ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using -testing, water testing and well outside through 技术、新成果的引进和推广力度,继续完善和实施科技特派员制度。二是加强农牧民科技培训工作,开展多种形式的专项技术培训,不断提高农牧民的生产技术水平和市场意识,培养一批懂技术、善经营、会管理的农民专业技术队伍。三是要充分调动我旗农业科技工作者的积极性,从政策上鼓励和引导科技人员进入生产、销售、加工等领域。四是引进科研院所高级技术人才,依托科研院所的技术力量,提高我盟设施农业的科技含量。 (十一)培育一批科技示范户 科技示范户率先采用新品种、新技术,使周围的农民朋友亲眼目睹科技带来的效益,起到以点带面的辐射作用。企业外连市场,内连基地和农户,建好龙头企业,是实施产业化的关键。要巩固和发展好现有的龙头企业,重点扶持他们,使他们向着技术推广、贮藏销售、精细加工、传递信息等多功能为一体的产业化集团方向发展。 (十二)实施品牌战略 品牌是农产品进入市场的通行证,拥有品牌就拥有市场。在我旗“诺明”、“绿洲”蔬菜的基础上,充分利用我旗发展无公害、绿色、有机蔬菜的优越自然条件,帮助和指导龙头企业、农牧民专业合作经济组织开展无公害、绿色、有机蔬菜认证和优质蔬菜产品商标注册,扩大品牌规模,打造属于自己的品牌。 (十三)建立健全社会化服务体系 搞好社会化服务体系是实现设施农业产业化的重要保障。建 10ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,-ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s 立信息服务体系,利用网络上联国内区内各类市场,下联嘎查村和企业,给农牧民提供产加销信息。要大力发展为蔬菜产业提供产前、产中、产后服务的经营性实体,如产前环节上生产资料的供应单位,产中环节上技术、机械、劳务等服务单位,产后环节上运输、加工、贮藏、销售单位。要鼓励和引导农牧民组建自己的服务组织,有效地实现农业商业化,最大限度的保护农民利益。例如目前销售市场升级了,不同规模的超市销售、连锁配送、礼品菜正在悄然兴起,这就要求加强采后商品化处理和精深加工以及使用冷链贮运设备和技术,降低损耗,提高产品附加值。引进蔬菜包装、保鲜、净菜、冷链贮运等先进加工技术,发展此类加工厂,大力发展蔬菜加工,既提高了市场的竞争力,又提高了蔬菜的生产效益。 (十四)调整种植结构,抓好现有温室的种植。 一方面在巴彦浩特镇现有温室的基础上,加大投资力度,做好旧温室的改造升级工作。另一方面立足本地实际,调整种植结构,增加种植作物的花色品种,大力发展无公害蔬菜和“绿色”蔬菜,形成有自己特色的“拳头”产品,提高产品的质量,提高产品的市场竞争力。 (十五)适当新建日光温室和种植露地蔬菜 近些年启动的生态移民工程,已搬迁农牧民2.2万人,为发展温室蔬菜产业提供了充足的劳动力资源。而且,劳动力和土地价格相对低廉,生产成本低,这些都是发展温室蔬菜产业的优势 11metal pipe clamps,ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using -testing, water testing and well outside through will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water sizes,esign requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe s, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to dbricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizedry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefa-pipe installation mounting, hanginage tallation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drature main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy insstruc shings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in thep should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel buOtherwise the pum 潜力。在我旗邻近的巴润别立、吉兰太等镇区新建日光温室和种植露地蔬菜,生产的蔬菜即可满足本镇的需求,又可以补充巴彦浩特镇区蔬菜总量的不足。同时从经济效益、社会效益来看,新建一亩日光温室,需投资10万元,按每亩年纯收入在2—2.5万元计算,4—5年即可将建设日光温室的投资全部收回,日光温室的使用年限通常在15—20年,而一亩大田粮经作物年纯收入在600—700元,一亩露地蔬菜作物年纯收入在7000—15000元,由此可见,大田粮经作物和露地蔬菜作物、设施农业相比,其利润之差高达几十倍。此外,大田粮经作物的需水量一般在600方,亩左右,而日光温室需水量为300方,亩左右。 (十六)要鼓励科技人员下到基地蹲点抓样板、抓示范。为了充分调动科技人员积极性,在生活上应给予关心,根据蹲点距离的远近,发给一定的生活补助。在工作上给予支持,技术干部下到基层,可采取带职、带薪、带项目抓基地建设。在职称评定上应给予优先。 -ghe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside throuhe pipBuried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed ton between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. nnectig Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The cofirst make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated pipindry pipe must -touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hangwdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used ing saed steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison ustructure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanizOtherwise the pump should be checked again to install. s12ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,
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