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休闲运动保健系休闲运动保健系 休閒運動保健系 Department of Recreational Sports and Health Promotion 課程代號 科 目 名 稱 (中 文) 學 分 科 目 名 稱 (英 文) 頁次 Course Course (Chinese) Credit Course (English) Page Number 專業必修科目 Required Courses 642001 人體解剖學與實驗 2 Human Anatomy 642002 休閒遊憩導論 2 Introduction to Le...
休闲运动保健系 休閒運動保健系 Department of Recreational Sports and Health Promotion 課程代號 科 目 名 稱 (中 文) 學 分 科 目 名 稱 (英 文) 頁次 Course Course (Chinese) Credit Course (English) Page Number 專業必修科目 Required Courses 642001 人體解剖學與實驗 2 Human Anatomy 642002 休閒遊憩導論 2 Introduction to Leisure and Recreation 642003 體適能活動與指導 2 Physical Fitness and Guidance 642004 休閒運動多媒體設計 2 Media Techniques for Recreational Sports Administration and Management of 642005 休閒運動經營與管理 2 Recreational Sports 642006 運動生理學與實驗 2 Sports Physiology 642007 水上活動與安全指導 2 Waterside Sports and Safety Guidance 642008 急救學與實習 2 First Aid and Practice 642009 運動保健學 2 Pyinciples of Athletic Training 642010 專業職場實習 2 Recreational Sports Field Works 642011 運動行銷學 2 Recreational Sports Marketing 642012 休閒運動心理學 2 Recreational Sports Psychology Recreational Sports and Laws 642013 休閒運動與法律 2 642014 運動醫學導論 2 Introduction of Sports Medicine 642015 體適能測驗與評量 2 Assessment in Physical Fitness 642016 休閒運動社會學 2 Sociology of Recreational Sports 642017 運動處方 2 Sports Prescription 642018 運動營養學 2 Sports Nutrition 642019 服務與解說技巧 2 Service and Explanation-skills 642020 休閒活動規劃與設計 2 Curriculum and Activities Design for Recreational Sports 642021 舞蹈運動與指導 4 Dance and Guidance 642022 休閒行為研究 2 Recreation Behavior Study 642023 休閒運動俱樂部經營與管理 2 Administration and Management on Recreational Sports Clubs 642024 人體生理學 2 Human Physiology 642025 運動傷害評估學 2 Recognition & Evaluation of Athletic Injury 專業選修科目 Elective Courses 642026 桌球運動與指導 2 Table Tennis and Guidance 642027 攀岩運動與指導 2 Sports Climbing and Guidance 642028 慢速壘球運勳與指導 2 Softball and Guidance 642029 空域運動與指導 2 Air-sports and Guidance 1 642030 技擊運動與指導 2 Kea Kwon / Judo and Guidance 642031 射箭運動與指導 2 Archery and Guidance 642032 水域運動與指導 2 Water-sports and Guidance 642033 滑輪運動與指導 2 Roll-Blade and Guidance Yoga and Guidance 642034 瑜珈運動與指導 2 課程代號 科 目 名 稱 (中 文) 學 分 科 目 名 稱 (英 文) 頁次 Course Course (Chinese) Credit Course (English) Page Number 專業選修科目 Elective Courses 642035 高爾夫球運動與指導 4 Golf and Guidance 642036 山域運動與指導 2 Mountains-sports and Guidance 642037 太極拳運動與指導 2 Tai-Chi and Guidance 642038 室內休閒運動與指導 2 Indoors-Recreational Sports 642039 門球運動與指導 2 Gate Ball and Guidance 642040 排球運動與指導 2 Volleyball and Guidance 642041 羽球運動與指導 2 Shuttlecock and Guidance 642042 沙灘排球運動與指導 2 Beach Volleyball and Guidance 642043 網球運動與指導 4 Tennis and Guidance 642044 運動消費行為 2 Consumer Behavior in Sports and Exercise 642045 運動保健之經營與管理 2 Administration of Athletic Training 642046 休閒運動市場調查 2 Marketing Research of Recreational Sports 642047 休閒運動經營診斷與 2 Analyses and Diagnoses of Recreational Sports Management 642048 社區休閒運動推廣與指導 2 Recreational Sports Popularize in Communities 642049 運動觀光 2 Sports Tourism 642050 休閒運動哲學 2 Philosophy of Recreational Sports 642051 休閒運動人力資源與管理 2 Patronage and Sponsor on Sports Issues 642052 公共運動設施經營 2 Management for Public Sports Facilities 642053 休閒運動服務設施與規劃 2 Design and Plan for Recreational Sports Facilities 642054 運動傷害防護學與實驗 2 Principle and Practice in Athletic Training 642055 幼兒體能遊戲 2 Children’s Physical Fitness and Play 642056 健康管理 2 Health Management 642057 運動生物力學 2 Basic Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system 642058 運動貼紮與實驗 2 Strap/Bandaging Technique in Athletic Training 642059 飲食控制與減肥 2 Meal and Weight Control 642060 運動推拿指壓學 2 Sports/Exercise Massage and Practice 642061 運動傷害防護儀器之運用 2 Athletic Training Principle for Therapeutic Modalities 642062 休閒與年老 2 Leisure and Aging 642063 特殊需求族群之休閒服務 2 Leisure Services for People with Special 2 Needs 642064 治療式遊憩槪論 2 Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation Leisure Education 642065 休閒教育 2 642066 治療式遊憩與設計 2 Modalities & Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation 3 休閒運動保健系 Department of Recreational Sports and Health Promotion 一、必修科目Required Courses 642001 人體解剖學與實驗 , 必 曹德弘,上 本課程之目的在教導學生了解人體之基本構造,包括肌肉、骨骼、關節、結締組 織及神經系統 等,並將其理論運用在運動指導與運動技能之發展。 642001 Human Anatomy , R T. H. Taso, F The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic structure of human body such as muscles, bones, joints, connective tissue and nervous system…etc., in addition, to apply this knowledge to develop the sports guidance and sports skills. 642002 休閒遊憩導論 , 必 巫昌陽,上 本課程之主要目的在探討休閒、遊憩及運動之基本概念,以奠定學習休閒、遊憩 及運動相關課程之基礎。授課內容包括,探討休閒(leisure)、遊憩(recreation)、運動 (sports)之概念、意義及範籌、基本理論、歷史發展與現況、產業之實務經驗、研究方 法等。 642002 Introduction of leisure and , R C.Y. Wu, S Recreation The aim of this course is to introduce the theoretical perception of leisure, recreation and sports. It includes the meaning, scope, theory, history, trend, practical experience and research of leisure and recreation. 642003體適能活動與指導 , 必 曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在透過實作教學,讓學生了解身體活動的感受,並學習體適能之五 大要素,肌力、肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺功能、身體組成。由實作之過程中,發展本身 之體適能及創造出各種模式之體適能活動,以增進其課程設計及運動指導之能力。 4 642003 Physical Fitness and , , T. H. Taso, S Guidance The purpose of this course is to offer the theoretical background of body movement, which included the five elements of physical fitness: muscle endurance, cardio respiratory function, and body composition. During the practical process, students will develop and create various models of physical fitness to increase the ability of curriculum design and sports guidance. 642004 休閒運動多媒體設計 , , 姜義村,上 本課程之目的在於介紹多媒體之理論與實務,並教導學生具備休閒運動多媒體設 計之實務能力。 642004 Media Techniques for , , I. T. Chiang, F Recreational Sports The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical and practical experience of multimedia. The possessing ability of practical design of recreational sports multimedia is also required. 642005 休閒運動經營與管理 , 必 劉照金,上 本課程之主要目的在培養休閒運動服務管理論與實務概念。授課內容包括,休閒 運動服務的需求內容、商品化、產業組合、產業概況、永續經營及社會影響,休閒運 動服務組織之評估分析理論與技術,包括策略、競爭力、服務作業、服務品質、承載 量、財務收支、促銷運用等,休閒運動服務產業之個案探討。 642005 Administration and , , C. C. Lin, F Management of Recreational Sports The main purpose of this course is to cultivate students to possess management theory and practical experience of recreational sports service. The course offers requirement, merchandising, industrial structure, industrial brief, permanent operating and effects to society. 642006 運動生理學與實驗 , 必 曹德弘,上, 人體解剖學與實驗、 5 人體生理學 本課程之目的在教導學生了解訓練的科學基礎,運動生理學,其內容包括能量 學、神經肌肉的概念、呼吸循環系統的概念、訓練處方及其效果,,,等,並培養學 生正確的運動指導概念與方法。 642006 Exeicise Physiology , , T. H. Taso, F Human Anatomy、 Human Physiology The main object of this course is to introduce the fundamental science of physiology during exeicise. The contents included: energetic, neuromuscular concept, circulatory system, training prescription and training effects…etc .in addition, This course will offer right training methods for students. 642007 水上活動與安全指導 , 必 倪高朗,下 本課程之目的在於培養學生游泳技能與安全知識,並應用於教導、規劃、執行水 域各類型休閒活動。 642007 Waterside Sports and Safety , , K. L. Ni, S Guidance The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic swimming skills and safety knowledge. The related topics will include instruction/design abilities of recreational activities of waterside. 642008 急救學與實習 , 必 彭武村,下 本課程之主要目的在教導學生了解急救學之理論與實際操作技巧,並能應用於運 動領域中。 642008 First Aid and Practice , , W.T. Perng, S The major purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical concept of first aid. In addition, 6 it is expected that students will learn and apply the first aid skills to practical circumstance 642009 運動保健學 2 必 彭武村,下 本課程之目的在藉由文獻之導讀,讓學生了解運動與身體保健間之相關性,進而 能夠培養運動與疾病預防及疾病治療領域之正確概念。 642009 Pyinciples of Athletic Training , , W. T. Perng, S The purpose of this course is to offer the comprehensive concept of sports and physical care; the relative topics include the relationship between sports and diseases prevention, and disease curing fields through literature review 642010 專業職場實習 , 必 上,下 本課程主要目的在培養學生有關休閒及運動產業機構之服務經驗與能力。課程內 容包括,休閒及運動產業機構之參觀、見習、服務及參與經營等實務經驗,每階段專 業機構實習後,每位學生應撰寫一份實習報告。 642010 Recreational Sports Field , , F,S Works The object of this course is to cultivate students to possess service experiences and competence of relevant sports institutes. The contents of this course include visiting, practical training, service and participation of business in recreational and sports fields. Every student will be demanded to submit a practical report after practical training of every stage. 642011 運動行銷學 , 必 巫昌陽,上, 管理學 本課程之目的在使學生正確瞭解休閒運動市場中消費者的需求,並透過行銷研究 以擬定行銷策略以符合當前之休閒運動消費。 642011 Recreational Sports Marketing , , C. Y. Wu,F, Management The purpose of this course is to introduce the system of sports markets, in addition, by 7 marketing research, students is expected to submit several proposals to improve the consumers’ satisfactions. 642012 休閒運動心理學 , 必 徐錦興,下, 心理學 本課程之目的在介紹運動心理學之各項領域,如動機參與、競賽焦慮等理論,並 教導學生應用心理輔助技巧於休閒運動領域。 642012 Recreational Sports Psychology , , C. H. Hsu,S, Psychology The purpose of this course is to introduce theory of sports psychology on recreational behavior application. Apply psychological guidance skill on recreational sports fields will be also discussed. 642013 休閒運動與法律 , 必 劉照金,下 本課程主要目的在探討對休閒運動與法律之關係,培養休閒及運動產業從業人員 之正確法律觀念。授課內容包括,我國司法介紹、我國六法與運動之相關內容, 從業人員可能涉及民事責任、刑事責任、行政責任、侵權行為、故意與過失、契約法 律、司法案例。 642013 Recreational Sports and Laws , , C. C. Lin, S The object of this course is to discuss the relationship of Recreational Sports and Laws. The contents of this course include the legal system, Six Law of our country, and that the responsibility for civic law, criminal law, administration, tort, deliberately indiscretion, contract and case of the practical in recreation sport field. 642014 運動醫學導論 , 必 彭武村,上 本課程之目的在教導學生建立正確的運動醫學概念。其內容包括健康管理、運動 員與疾病、急救措施、運動與藥物、運動障礙、運動與貼紮術,,等。 642014 ntroduction of Sports Medicine , , W. T. Perng, F 8 The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concept of sports medicine. The contents include health management, athletics and diseases, first aid, sports and medicine, sports obstacles, sports and wrapping and so on. 642015 體適能測驗與評量 , 必 曹德弘,上, 體適能活動與指導 本課程之目的在培養學生習得各項體適能測驗之標準方式,並在實作過程中,訓 練合宜之測驗態度及解說能力。對於測驗資料之蒐集與分析,也是本科目欲強調之目 標之一。期能透過此項教學課程,使學生在面對不同的受測對象時,能夠對測驗的內 容及結果,作詳盡的解說及提供正確的建議。 642015 Assessment in Physical Fitness , , T.H. Taso,F, Physical Fitness and Guidance The main purpose of this course is to introduce the standard method of diverse physical fitness test, positive attitude, explanatory ability of data collecting and analysis during practical process. 642016 休閒運動社會學 , 必 劉照金,上 本課程主要目的在培養休閒及運動產業從業人員基本社會學觀念,由社會學的角 度透視休閒運動現象。授課內容包括,休閒運動社會學之意義與理論,休閒運動與文 化、團體、教育、政治、經濟等社會力之相互關係,休閒及運動的社會結構與機能、 休閒及運動文化、休閒及運動團體、休閒及運動與教育、休閒及運動與經濟、休閒及 運動與政治等。 642016 Sociology of Recreational , , C.C. Lin, F Sports The object of this course provides workers who engage in recreational sports industries with basic concepts of sociology from the point of sociology to view recreational sports phenomenon. The contents of this course include the meaning and theory of recreational sports sociology; the mutual relationships among recreational sports, cultures, organizations, education, politics, economy, social structure and function of recreational sports; recreation and sports culture, sports 9 organizations, education, economy and politics…etc. 642017 運動處方 , 必 彭武村、曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在教導學生建立正確之運動處方開立之概念,其內容包括肌肉適 能、心肺適能、柔軟度、身體組成,,等之運動處方開立之原則。期透過課程之實際 經驗,協助學生增進其運動指導及處方開立之正確觀念。 642017 Sports Prescription , , W.T. Perng、T.H. Taso, S The object of this course is to teach students having correct concept of sports prescription, which include muscle fitness, cardio respiratory fitness, limpness, and body composition. Students will have the basic concept of sports guidance, and sports prescription through the actual practice. 642018 運動營養學 , 必 曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在教導學生了解運動與營養之間的關聯,其內容包括賽前飲食之調 配、競賽中飲科之補充、賽後之體能與營養之再補給、食物能量之計算、食物營養素 之分析及各種營養素對於運動成績之影響。 642018 Sports Nutrition , , T.H. Taso, S The object of this course is to teach students to learn the relationship between sports and nutrition. The contents include meal before race, supplementary beverages during race, energy-recovery and nutrition re-supplying after race, calorie-counting nutrition analyzing, and effects of every kind of nutrition on sports results. 642019 服務與解說技巧 , 必 上 本課程之主要目的在教導學生了解與增進有關休閒運動場所(如,休閒運動俱樂 部,國家風景區等)之服務禮節與解說技巧。 642019 Service and Explanation-skills , , F The purpose of this course is to introduce the service and explanation-skills in the recreational sports settings. 642020 休閒活動規劃與設計 , 必 徐錦興,下 10 本課程之目的在介紹各種不同生命週期休閒活動需求輔以活動規劃原則,並教導 學生具備針對不同族群休閒活動規劃與設計之實務能力。 642020 Curriculum and Activities , , C. H. Hsu, S Design for Recreational Sports The object of this course introduces the requirements of every kind of activity and program principles to offer students with ability of recreational program and design to different needs. 642021 舞蹈運動與指導 , 必 姜義村,上下 本課程之目的在透過舞蹈運動之教學,讓學生舞蹈運動之過程中,體驗身體律動 之感受,學習控制自我肢體肌肉之能力,並從而學習各項舞蹈之基本知識及指導方式。 其內容包括有氧舞蹈、韻律律動 、社交舞、現代舞等。 642021 Dance and Guidance , , I.T. Chiang, F, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of dance, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in dance is also emphasized in this course. 642022 休閒行為研究 , 必 姜義村,上, 休閒遊憩導論 本課程主要目的在探討休閒及運動行為與現象之分析能力。授課內容包括,休閒 及運動行為與現象之概念、理論,休閒與運動之現況分析,休閒及運動行為之不同文 化與社會意義,特殊族群探討休閒運動之問題與行為,包括探討兒童、青少年、婦女、 老人及殘胞之問題與行為。 642022 Recreation Behavior Study , , I. T. Chiang,F, Introduction of leisure and Recreation The purpose of this course is to introduce the behavior and phenomenon of recreation and sports. The content of this course includes the concept and theory of recreation and sports, analyze 11 the current situation of recreation and sports, the meaning of recreation and sports between different cultures, finally to discuss problem and behavior of special group, for examples the children, teenagers, women, elder people and disability. 642023 休閒運動俱樂部經營與管理 , 必 上 本課程之目的在介紹休閒運動俱樂部所應具備的場地、設施、專業人員、行銷管 理原則,讓學生更易掌握休閒運動俱樂部的經營管理。 642023 Administration and , , F Management on Recreational Sports Clubs This course is designed to explore the appropriate location for recreational sports, to use the facilities, to management those professional workers on recreation sports clubs. Students are expected to realize how to manage recreational sports clubs after taking this course. 642024 人體生理學 , 必 曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在增進學生對於人體基礎生理構造及機轉之認識並以其為根基進而 活用於運動專業領域。 642024 Human Physiology , , T. H. Taso, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the physical structure of the human body, and the relationship between the human physiology and daily life. Students will apply this knowledge to the related courses after learning. It includes physical structure an dorgans of human body. 642025 運動傷害評估學 , 必 彭武村,上 本課程之目的在教導運動傷害評估之基礎理論,並培養學生面臨運動傷害事件發 生時,對傷者患部傷害程度及急救處理原則之判斷能力。 642025 Recognition & Evaluation of , , W. T. Perng, F Athletic Injury The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic theory of sports injury and how to evaluate the sports injury in sports circumstance. 二、共同選修Elective Courses 12 642026桌球運動與指導 , 選 倪高朗,下 本課程的目的在使學生了解桌球運動的歷史、發展、規則技術與未來發展的趨勢。 642026 Table Tennis and Guidance , , K. L. Ni, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of table tennis, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in table tennis is also emphasized in this course. 642027 攀岩運動與指導 , 選 巫昌陽,上 本課程目的在培養學生運動攀岩基本技能。攀岩安全求則、設備操作使用、攀登 及確保的正確觀念,最後學習運動攀岩個別指導、教學、攀岩活動設計及規劃之能力。 642027 Sports Climbing and , , C. Y. Wu, F Guidance The key purpose of this course is to cultivate students’ basic sports climbing skills, safety concepts, equipment using, climbing and belay techniques to have competence of guidance, teaching, design and planning of sports climbing activities. 642028 慢速壘球運動與指導 , 選 林秀卿,上 本課程之目的在教導學生壘球運動之基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學生具 備慢速壘球指導能力。 642028 Softball and Guidance , , H. C. Lin, F The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of softball; in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in softball is also emphasized in this course. 642029 空域運動與指導 , 選 上 本課程之首要目的在教導學生認識空域運動項目,如滑翔翼、飛行傘等之基本知 識與相關技能。 642029 Air-Sports and Guidance , , F 13 The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of air-sports, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in air-sports is also emphasized in this course. 642030技擊運動與指導 , 選 徐明義,上 本課程之首要目的在教導學生認識技擊類各項運動項目,如跆拳道、柔道、劍道 等之基本知識與相關技能。 642030 Kea Kwon / Judo and , , M.Y. Hsu,F Guidance The purpose of the course is to offer the basic concept and relevant skills of fighting sports such as tae kwon do, judo, kendo. 642031 射箭運動與指導 , 選 巫昌陽,上 本課程之目的在教導學生反曲弓操作使用以及實際體驗射箭運動,並使其能具備 個別指導、教學、訓練及比賽之能力。 642031 Archery and Guidance , , C. Y. Wu, F The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of archery, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in archery is also emphasized in this course. 642032 水域運動與指導 , 選 巫昌陽,下 本課程之目的在教導學生學習水域運動之相關知識與技巧,如衝浪、浮潛、潛水 與動力船等。 642032 Water-Sports and Guidance , , C. Y. Wu, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of water-sports, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in water-sports is also emphasized in this course. 642033 滑輪運動與指導 , 選 倪高朗,下 14 滑輪運動源於冰天雪地時的打獵活動,演變於今,成為休閒的熱門運動。本課程 的目的在使學生了解滑輪運動的種類、技術、危險性、輪鞋的構造與保養和修護。 642033 Roll-Blade and Guidance , , K. L. Ni, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of roll-blade, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in roll-blade is also emphasized in this course. 642034 瑜珈運動與指導 , 選 下 本課程之目的在於教導學生習得正確的瑜珈運動的精華,並期望透過瑜珈運動, 訓綀學生沉思、自我控制、呼吸吐納及沉靜內省之能力,最主要之效能為學生柔軟度 及肌力之訓綀。 642034 Yoga and Guidance , , S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of Yoga, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in Yoga is also emphasized in this course. 642035 高爾夫球運動與指導 , 選 徐錦興,上下 本課程之目的在教導學生高爾夫球擊球基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學生 具備高爾夫球指導能力。 642035 Golf and Guidance , , C.H. Hsu, F, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of golf, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in golf is also emphasized in this course. 642036 山域運動與指導 , 選 上 本課程之目的在教導學生學習山域運動之相關知識與技巧,如健行、登山與攀岩 等。 642036 Mountains-sports and , , F Guidance The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of 15 mountains-sports, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in mountains-sports is also emphasized in this course. 642037 太極拳運動與指導 2 選 徐錦興,上 本課程之目的在於教導學生楊家太極拳老架之一:八式拳法,並使其能具備太極 拳之相關知識。 642037 Tai-Chi and Guidance , , C. H. Hsu, F The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of Tai-Chi, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in Tai-Chi is also emphasized in this course. 642038 室內休閒運動與指導 , 選 倪高朗,下 本課程之目的在教導學生各項室內休閒運動之技巧,了解和運用規則,並培養學 生之室內休閒運動之指導能力,其項目包含撞球,保齡球,壁球 等, 642038 Indoors-Recreational Sports , , K. L. Ni , S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of indoors-recreational sports, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in indoors-recreational sports is also emphasized in this course. 642039 門球運動與指導 , 選 徐明義,下 本課程之目的在教導學生門球擊球基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學生具備 門球指導能力。 642039 Gate Ball and Guidance , , M. Y. Hsu, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of gate ball; in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in gate ball is also emphasized in this course. 642040 排球運動與指導 , 選 徐明義,上 本課程之目的在教導學生排球運動之基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學生具 16 備排球指導能力。 642040 Volleyball and Guidance , , M. Y. Hsu, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of volleyball; in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in volleyball is also emphasized in this course. 642041 羽球運動與指導 , 選 劉照金,下 本課程主要目的在培養羽球基本動作、綜合應用技術、裁判規則及指導能力。授 課內容包括,基本動作學習、單、雙打簡易比賽方法、綜合應用技術、比賽技術結構、 戰術與戰略之應用、個別指導、教學、訓練及比賽之能力。 642041 Shuttlecock and Guidance , , C. C. Lin, S The object of this course is to cultivate students to possess the base skills, synthesize skills, judgment and instruction ability of badminton. The contents of this course include base skills, singles game, double game, synthesize skills, tactics, strategy, individual instruction, teaching, training and competition technology. 642042 沙灘排球運動與指導 , 選 曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在教導學生沙灘排球運動之基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學 生具備沙灘排球指導能力。 642042 Beach Volleyball and , , Te-Hung Taso, S Guidance The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of beach volleyball; in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in beach volleyball is also emphasized in this course. 642043 網球運動與指導 4 選 曹德弘,上、下 本課程之目的在教導學生網球運動之基本技巧、了解和運用規則,並培養學生具 備網球指導能力。 17 642043 Tennis and Guidance 4 , Te-Hung Taso, F, S The purpose of this course is to introduce the comprehensive concept and skill of tennis, in addition, to cultivate learners’ guide ability in tennis is also emphasized in this course. 三、休閒管理組專業選修 642044 運動消費行為 , 選 巫昌陽,上 本課程之目的在探索運動消費者行為,藉由各不同研究方法讓學生更能掌握運動 消費者的喜好與消費決策,進而更能掌握運動消費者。 642044 Consumer Behavior in , , C. Y. We , F Sports and Exercise The purpose of this course is to introduce the behavior of consumers in the sports/exercise circumstance. In addition, to apply the theory into the practical market to improve the quality of sports/exercise setting is also emphasized in this course. 642045 運動保健之經營與管理 , 選 彭武村,上 本課程之目的介紹運動保健機構中人員、場地、設施、財務合宜的管理經營機制, 讓學生能瞭解運動保健之經營管理。 642045 Administration of Athletic Training ,, W. T. Perng, F The purpose of this course is to introduce the management-system in the recreational sports and its relative institutes. The topics of this course include the basic concept of health management, health behavior and practical operation on sports care. 642046 休閒運動市場調查 , 選 巫昌陽,下 本課程之目的在教導學生了解市場調查之理論,並具備休閒運動及其相關領域之 市場調查的知識與方法。 642046 Marketing Research of , , C. Y. Wu, S 18 Recreational Sports The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical concepts of marketing research; application on the recreational sports with marketing research is also emphasized in this course. 642047 休閒運動經營診斷與分析 , 選 下 本課程之目的在介紹運動經營之相關理論與實務,並教導學生科學管理之技巧, 對現休閒運動組織的經營迷思是加以探究,以增進學生對經營管理實務的了解。 642047 Analyses and Diagnoses of , S , Recreational Sports Management The purpose of this course is to introduce the theory of the management on recreational sports and its practical experiences, in addition, to take advantage of scientific management and to explore current situation to increase students’ comprehension are also emphasized in this course. 642048 社區休閒運動推廣與指導 , 選 徐錦興,姜義村,下 本課程之目的在介紹運動推廣之理論,並教導學生運用該理論於社區休閒運動推 廣實務上。 642048 Recreational Sports , , C. H. Hsu, S Popularize in Communities I. T. Chiang The purpose of this course is to introduce the theory of popularization sports, in addition, application the theoretical concepts into the practical circumstance is also emphasized. 642049 運動觀光 , 選 劉照金,上 本課程主要目的在培養觀光旅遊地區之運動設施服務之經營管理觀念。授課內容 包括,探討運動觀光之意義、理論及範籌,運動觀光產業之特性及經營之關鍵成功因 素,運動觀光產業之發展現況及運動觀光行為分析,運動觀光設施服務之整體規劃、 管理、行銷規劃,運動觀光設施服務進行個案探討。 642049 Sports Tourism , , C. C. Liu, F 19 The object of this course is to cultivate students to posses the concept of manage regarding infrastructures of sport in relation to tourism destination. The contents of this course include the meaning, theory, scope, characteristic, critical factor, current situation, sport tourism behavior, plan, manage, marketing and case study of infrastructures of sport in relation to tourism destination. 642050 休閒運動哲學 , 選 徐錦興,下, 休閒運動心理學 本課程之目的是期望藉由哲學的思考與沉澱,進一步探討人類休閒運動參與與觀 賞的深層意義,並對未來休閒運動發展能有更正面的思考方式。 642050 Philosophy of Recreational , , C. H. Hsu, S, Sports Recreational Sports Psyohology The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical background of philosophy, students are expects to confer the deep meaning on recreational sports by philosophy thinking. 642051 休閒運動人力資源與管理 , 選 下 本課程之目的使學生瞭解休閒運動專業人員應如何加以對組織中的人力資源建立 合宜的管理機制,促進休閒運動組織的效益。 642051 Patronage and Sponsor on , S , Sports Issues The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical concepts of human resource and the rollover-system. In addition, apply these concepts into sports and exercise circumstance will be emphasized in this course. 642052 公共運動設施經營 , 選 劉照金,上 本課程主要目的在培養公共運動設施服務經營管理之基本觀念,以提昇未來從業 之經營管理能力。授課內容包括,公共運動設施服務經營之意義、理論及範圍籌,公 共運動設施服務之評估分析理論與技術,公共運動設施服務整體規劃、管理、行銷規 劃,公共運動設施服務之進行個案分析探討。 20 642052 Management for Public , S C. C. Liu, F Sports Facilities The object of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of management for public sports facilities. The content of this course includes the meaning, theory, scope, evaluation theory and technology, integral plan, manage, marketing and case study of management for public sports facilities. 642053 休閒運動服務設施與規劃 , 選 巫昌陽,下 本課程主要目的在探討休閒運動服務設施規劃之基本概念與實務。授課內容包 括,休閒運動服務設施規劃之基本概念、特性、需求分析、資源之調查評估、基地與 設施之規劃、休閒運動設施服務規劃之個案分析探討。 642053 Design and plan for , S C. Y. Wu, , Recreational Sports Facilities The object of this course is to introduce the concepts and practices for the design and plan for recreational sports facilities. The content of this course includes base concept, characteristic, demand analysis, resources survey, plan of station and facilities and case study of design and plan for Recreational Sports Facilities. 四、運動保健組專業選修, 642054 運動傷害防護學與實驗 , 選 彭武村,上 人體解剖學與實驗 本課程之目的在培養學生正確的運動傷害防護之概念,並訓練熟練正確之運動傷 害防護實作技術,包括按摩、貼紮、護具等技術。 642054 Principle and Practice , S W.T.Perng,F, in Athletic Training Anthroposophy The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical background of Sports Injury Prevention, in addition, application the comprehensive skills into the practical circumstance is also emphasised . The content includes the meaning of management for public sports /exercise facilities, the theory and the range, moreover to evaluate the theory and skills of management for public sports and exercise’s facilities, to plan, manage and market the whole part of the service of public 21 sports facilities. 642055 幼兒體能遊戲 , 選 徐錦興,上 本課程之目的在介紹幼兒體能基本動作能力之發展等相關理論,並配合遊戲理論 使學生具備幼兒體能遊戲課程設計之能力。 642055 Children’s Physical Fitness , S C. H. Hsu, F and Play The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical background of children’s physical fitness and basic movement, in addition, to offer the basic concept in designing children’s physical activities. 642056 健康管理 , 選 姜義村,下 本課程之目的在透過文獻導讀方式,讓學生了解健康促進以及疾病預防之關鍵影 響因素,且透過文獻之蒐集與分析,歸納出動態生活及靜態生活與健康促進及疾病預 防之間的相關性。透過本課程,期能培養學生對於健康生活形態之認同,並建立一套 正確且有效的指導模式。 642056 Health Management , , I. T. Chiang, S The purpose of this course is to guide students how to read the literature reviews, by doing so, students can get more awareness how to promote healthy and prevent diseases. Through collecting and analyzing the literature review, students can sum up the life style between development and static state, finally to discuss the relationship between promoting healthy and preventing diseases. 642057 運動生物力學 , 選 彭武村,下 本課程之目的在教導運動生物力學之基礎概念,並將其應用於運動技術指導上。 642057 Basic Biomechanics of the , , W. T. Perng, F Musculoskeletal System The purpose of this course is to promote the basic concept of sports biomechanics; in addition, application on the instruction system with the perceptions of sports biomechanics will be emphasized during the section. 22 642058 運動貼紮與實驗 , 選 彭武村,下, 運動傷害防護學與實驗 本課程之目的在介紹貼紮之基本理論,並教導學生具備運動傷害防護之貼紮技 巧。 642058 Strap/Bandaging Technique , S W.T. Perng, S, in Athletic Training Principle and Practice in Athletic Training The main purpose of this course is to introduce the theory of sports/exercise tapping and relative knowledge. The practical skills will be emphasized during this section. 642059 飲食控制與減肥 , 選 曹德弘,下 本課程之目的在教導學生正確的飲食控制與體重控制之觀念,內容包含食物熱量 計算,能量消耗評估,處方開立及生活型態的介入等等, 642059 Meal and weight Control , , T. H. Taso, S The purpose of this course is to offer students the appropriate concepts of diet control and weight control, including calculation of calories, assessment calories, sports prescription and intervention of different life styles. 642060 運動推拿指壓學 , 選 下 此課程目的在使學生瞭解推拿指導之基本理論,並使其具備應用於運動之相關能 力。 642060 Sports/Exercise Massage , , S and Practice The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and skills of massage to relax the muscle. In addition, students are expected to build the advantages on sports massage after taking this course. 642061 運動傷害防護儀器之運用 , 選 彭武村,上 23 運動傷害評估學、 運動傷害防護學與實習 本課程目的在於教導學生正確的運動治療的方法與概念,並透過實習課程之實作 演練,讓學生了解急性運動傷害之治療,慢性運動傷害之治療,傷後復健治療,治療 期運動處方之開立,,等等, 642061 Athletic Training Principle , , W.T.Perng, F , Therapeutic Modalities Recognition & Evaluation of Athletic Injury、Principle and Practice in Athletic Training The purpose of this course is to introduce the theoretical concepts on exercise therapy and practice. The topics of this course include sports massage, binding, and the secure appliance before exercise. 642062 休閒與年老 , 選 姜義村,上 本課程之主要目的是在讓學生了解老化對老人身心所產生影響,對於老人休閒活 動安排、指導與管理時應注意的事項,進而時老人能在充分的準備下獲得保健的運動 休閒技能。 642062 Leisure and Aging , , I-Tsun Chiang, F The purpose of this course to introduce the effects of ageing to the old, know the principles of recreational activities, guidance, management in order to help the old to obtain recreational sports skills under well prepared coaching. 642063 特殊需求族群之休閒服務 , 選 姜義村,下 本科目之目的在於培養學生具備針對不同族群開立運動處方之能力,包括肢體殘 障、疾病患者、孕婦、肥胖者,,等等。以不同族群分別討論方式,並由教具之配合, 讓學生親身體驗不同族群之身體活動模式,探討其從事運動時適合之運動形式及適合 24 之運動處方。 642063 Leisure Services for People , , I-Tsun Chiang, S with Special Needs The purpose of this course is to help students to develop the ability on giving the sports prescription for those who are with special needs; this includes disabilities, fattiness, expectant mother and patients. 642064治療式遊憩概論 , 選 姜義村,上 本科目之目的為培養學生了解治療式休閒遊憩的學理基礎。上課重點包括,治療 式遊憩的基本概念、歷史、計重方式、實務執行、服務模式,不同的殘障種類及特殊 需求族群及其治療式遊憩於臨床及非臨床場所之應用。 642064 Foundations of Therapeutic , , I. T. Chiang, F Recreation The purpose of this course is to help the student to understand the foundation of therapeutic recreation. A focus on therapeutic recreation concepts, programming, practices, service models and setting, and types of disabilities and special population groups with an emphasis on the therapeutic recreation specialist's role in clinical and non-clinical settings will be addressed. 642065 休閒教育 , 選 姜義村,上 本科目之目的為了解休閒教育的基礎及實行的方法。休閒教育的理論與實際操作 方式將在本課程中討論以促進學生體驗休閒教育功能。 642065 Leisure Education , , I. T. Chiang, F The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a basis understanding and the ability to conduct leisure education. Theories and practices of leisure education will be introduced in this course for students to be able to have the exploration of self and leisure. 642066 治療式遊憩方法與設計 , 選 姜義村,上, 治療式遊憩概論 本科目之目的為協助學生學習治療式遊息的介入方法與技術。不同的介入方法與 25 技巧,顧客評估,活動設計分析,遊憩活動之治療性,及個別治療計畫規定為本課程 之教學重點。 642066 Modalities & Techniques , , I. T. Chiang, F, in Therapeutic Recreation Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation practice. A focus on various modalities and facilitation techniques with methods of assessment of The purpose of this course is to help student to learn modalities in therapeutic recreation client needs, activity analysis, and therapeutic use of recreation activities and designing individualized treatment plans will be addressed in the course. 26
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