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《中华护理杂志》投稿须知指南《中华护理杂志》投稿须知指南 《中华护理杂志》 编辑部投稿须知指南 期刊简介,《中华护理杂志》为中华护理学会主办、国内外公开发行的综合性护理学学术期刊,主要报道护理学领域领先的科研成果和临床经验,以及对护理临床有指导作用的护理理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是,贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻理论与实践普及与提高相结合的方针,反映我国护理临床科研工作的重大进展,促进国内外护理学术交流。 刊名, 《中华护理杂志》,英文,《Chinese Journal of Nursing》。主办单位,中华护理学会。编辑单位,《中华护理杂志...
《中华护理杂志》投稿须知指南 《中华护理杂志》 编辑部投稿须知指南 期刊简介,《中华护理杂志》为中华护理学会主办、国内外公开发行的综合性护理学学术期刊,主要报道护理学领域领先的科研成果和临床经验,以及对护理临床有指导作用的护理理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是,贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻理论与实践普及与提高相结合的方针,反映我国护理临床科研工作的重大进展,促进国内外护理学术交流。 刊名, 《中华护理杂志》,英文,《Chinese Journal of Nursing》。主办单位,中华护理学会。编辑单位,《中华护理杂志》编辑委员会,《中华护理杂志》编辑部。地址,北京市朝阳区十里堡甘露西园1号楼314室。邮政编码,100025。电子邮件,zhhlzz@163.com 。国际刊号,0254-1769。国内刊号,11-2234/R。期刊种类,月刊。 栏目设置,本刊辟有论著、临床护理研究、护理管理、护理教育、专业化教育与培训、综述、中医护理、基础护理、医院感染控制、手术室护理、探索与争鸣、研究生园地,社区护理、论坛、国外护理评介、经验与革新、编读往来、中外护理动态、护理史话、人文织锦等栏目。 《中华护理杂志》是中国科技统计源期刊、中国生物医学核心期刊中国临床医学类核心期刊。至2007年底已连续六届荣获“百种中国杰出学术期刊”称号。《中华护理杂志》系中华临床医学会主办的临床护理专业期刊,中文版每月work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 30日出版一期。热忱欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿和订阅。 一、投稿要求和注意事项 1、文字要求。来稿应具先进性、科学性和逻辑性,要求资料真实、数据可靠、论点明确、结构严谨、文字通顺。论著、综述类一般不超过5000字,经验交流不超过3000字,简报、病例报告不超过2000字。邮寄稿件请作者以A4纸张打印并核对清楚,尤其标点符号,标点符号占一格,英文应隔行打印。为提高审稿效率,条件允许的作者请优先选择电子邮件的方式投稿。不准一稿多投,文责自负,自留底稿,一律不退。 2、稿件处理。编辑部对来稿及时进行处理,一般在接稿后一周内将“稿件受理通知”通过电子邮件发送给第一作者或通讯作者。若作者投稿15日后仍未接到“稿件受理通知”请即来E-mail咨询。编辑部对来稿有删修权,不同意删修者必须来E-mail声明。实验研究、新技术研究类优越稿件酌致稿酬。本刊大16开,月刊,稿件容量大,发表周期短,一般不超过30个工作日。凡在接到本刊受理回执后1个月内未接到稿件终审通知者,系文章仍在排队审理中。凡投寄本刊的稿件,2个月内,以稿件受理回执日期计算,给予回复审稿意见。未经录用稿件,允许作者提出不同意见。本刊不退原稿,请作者自留底稿。作者如欲投他刊,请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投,耗费专家评审精力。 3、投稿方式。电子邮件投稿,即网络投稿,请用Word格式的附件来邮,邮寄来稿请尽量用小四号字打印在A4纸上,凡字迹潦草、涂改不清的稿件,恕work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 不受理。来稿须附单位推荐信,电子邮件投稿请拍照后以JPG格式的附件来邮,,作者单位对文稿的真实性和保密性负责,并声明未一稿两投、不涉及保密、署名无争议等项,并注明第一作者姓名、性别、学历、职称、职务、单位、地址及邮码务必写清楚。多作者稿署名时须征得其他作者同意,排好先后次序,接《稿件录用通知书》后不再进行改动。为加快稿件处理速度、提高工作效率,条件允许的作者请尽量优先选择电子邮件的方式投稿,本刊全国统一投稿电子邮箱,zhhlzz@163.com 。请作者尽量勿选择邮寄稿件,以免遗失或延误时间。热忱欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿和订阅。 4 、文稿书写格式及要求。 4.1 文 应简明确切反映本文的特定内容,一般不用副标题,尽可能不用代号。文题以不超过20个字为宜。实验研究、临床研究、新技术研究稿件须附中英文题目、摘要、关键词和作者名拼音,中英文必须一致。 4.2 作者单位 按次序写在文题下一行,单位后用圆括号写邮政编码,后空一格写作者姓名,送排后作者排序不再改动。 4.3 摘要 采用结构式文摘,按目的、、结果、结论四要素撰写,以300字左右为宜。 4.4 关键词 3~8个关键词,请采用MesH,《医学主题词注释字顺表》,中的主题词,MesH 词表中无该词的可使用自由词。 4.5 图表 占用版面较多,需要据量收取一定的版面费用,表有表题,图有图题及各自的序号。采用三线表或王字表,表中数据务必核实,纵横之和一致,小数点后最少保留一位。表中需要说明的问题采用*,2个以上依次用*,**,***work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 表示,置于表的下方,加“注,……”。图的坐标要设计准确,刻度均匀,坐标轴上有数值,不用箭头。须用绘图笔,硫酸纸绘制,曲线应均匀圆滑,图面清洁,图中数字和符号应打印后植入,纵横坐标应同时有量及单位,例如t/min。统计学处理结果用P>0.05,P<0.05,P<0.01三档表示。 4.6 医学名词与药物名称 使用医学名词、药物名称应注意全稿前后统一。必须使用全国自然科学名词委员会公布的各科名词,医学名词不得随意缩写,如所用名词过长,而文件中又需多次使用则在第一次引用时在全名后加圆括号注意缩写,如流行性脑脊髓膜炎,流脑,。药物名称以《中国药典》和《中国通用药名》为淮。 4.7 计量单位 按我国的法定计量单位。标点符号、数字用法等均按国家执行。 4.8 标题序号 全部左顶格写,按1,1.1 ,1.1.1 ,序号,后空一格再写标题,限分4级,标题后空一格,接排。正文内序号用?……?……等。 4.9 讨论 重点阐述本文新的发现及得出的结果与观点,勿作文献综述,不要重复在结果中已叙述过的内容.论述应联系本文目的与研究结果,并可与其所报告的结果相联系,理由充足时,可恰如其分地提出设想和建议.“本文结果与文献,4,结果相符”应写成“本文结果与文献[4]结果相符”。 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 4.10 参考文献 极易出错,务必引起注意.只限作者亲自阅读过的近期公开出版的主要文献,外文限近5年内,中文限近3年内,按文中首次出现的次序编号,在右上角用圆括号注明,如“王书中,李国坚,等,1。2~6,报道”。内部刊物或未公开发表的资料均不列入。“参考文献”四人字另起段,所列文献按次号另起段,序号不加括号。其格式如下, 4.10.1 期刊 作者(三个以内的作者全部列出,三个以上作者只写前三位,后加“,等.”或“,et cd”,作者间用逗号隔开).文题,刊名,年,卷(期),起页~迄页。 4.10.2 书籍 作者 书名 版本,第一版可不写,.出版地,出版者,年.起页~迄页。 5、收费事项。来稿首页请标明以下内容,题名,每位作者的姓名、工作单位,负责与编辑部联系、修改稿件、通读校样的通讯作者的姓名及其详细通讯地址、电话号、传真号和Email地址。本刊自2014年12月12日起,按国家新闻出版总署规定的相关收费标准,对未通过评审专家审核,确定不能在本刊发表的稿件,一律不向作者收取任何费用,对确认刊载后的稿件,须收取一定的稿件评审费用和刊发版面费用,因图表占用版面较多,需要据量收费。,,在发放《来稿录用通知书》时采取一次性统一收费的原则,收取稿件发表所需的相关费用,电子邮件投稿作者,接到本刊电子版《来稿录用通知书》后,须严格按照《来稿录用通知书》的要求,从银行汇款发表所需相关费用至我部指定专员专管专项收费work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 帐户,未按时办理汇款者,稿件将暂不进行刊发版面的编辑排版流程,因此而错过《来稿录用通知书》所预计发表时间的稿件,作者自负,按要求办理完汇款手续的稿件,待本刊财务专员核对确认款项到位后,必定按预期安排版面给予刊发,所收费用已含电子期刊、光盘版、网络版工本费。我刊收到版面费后,将出具正式收据或发票邮递给作者。优越稿件刊登后酌奖稿酬,以作鼓励,并颁发本刊获奖荣誉证书和赠当期杂志2册。一般在收到稿件发表版面费用后3个月内按序刊登。 6、审稿事项。根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》,并结合本刊实际情况,凡接到本刊收稿回执后1个月内未接到稿件处理通知者,系仍在审阅中。作者如欲投他刊,请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投。一旦发现一稿两投,将立即退稿,而一旦发现一稿两用,本刊将进行如下处理,?刊登撤销该论文及该文系重复发表的声明,并在中华医学会系列杂志上通报,?向作者所在单位和该领域内的其他科技期刊进行通报,? 2年内拒绝发表以该文第一作者为作者的任何来稿。已在非公开发行的刊物上发表,或在学术会议交流过,或已用其他文种发表过,需征得首次刊登期刊的同意,的文稿,不属于一稿两投,但作者在投稿时必须注明。已在一种杂志以摘要形式发表的论文可将全文投给其他杂志。 本刊实行以同行审稿为基础的三审制[总编初审、两位专家同时外审,以编委委员为主,、定稿会,在京编委,终审]。 7、稿件沟通。来稿一经接受刊登,有关稿件沟通事宜,编辑部均与第一作work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 者或通讯作者通过电子邮件方式进行联系,作者接收本刊《来稿录用通知书》后,由第一作者或通讯作者通过回复电子邮件方式,进行同意稿件在本刊发表的授权意愿。未经《中华护理杂志》编辑部同意,该论文的任何部分不得转载他处。刊发票据、赠阅杂志、光盘和获奖荣誉证书及奖金亦寄给第一作者或通讯作者。本刊录用的所有稿件,均以纸载体、光盘和网络版形式同时出版,作者所付刊发相关费用中已包含上述各项。 8、快速通道。 8,1,定义,对符合“快速通道”要求的论文采用特定审稿流程,在收稿后10个工作日内就论文审稿结果给予答复,对符合要求的论文在收稿后2个月内予以发表。 8,2,论文要求,必须具备创新性、重要性和科学性,该论文的早日公布将对临床和科研工作产生重大影响。 8,3,论文投稿要求,?作者在投稿前应与编辑部电子邮件联系,说明研究的基本情况。?稿件应符合本刊稿约的要求,并附单位介绍信,请将原件拍照后以JPG格式的附件来邮,。?作者应提供说明论文需要通过“快速通道”发表理由。?同时有两位高级职称的同行专家Word文档格式的推荐意见书及专家个人详细资料,由专家自行发送电子邮件。?作者应提供通信地址、单位电话、手机、传真、Email等详细的联系方式。以上材料和单位介绍信一并通过电子邮件投至本刊编辑部。 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 8,4快速通道处理费,凡要求进入“快速通道”稿件,除交纳正常发表所需相关费用外,另须根据稿件性质适当收取一定的快速审稿处理费用,一般不超300元,,作者按本刊《快速通道稿件录用通知书》要求汇款至本刊投稿业务指定专人专管收费帐户。汇款后请将汇款单据拍照以JPG格式通过电子邮件及时来邮,请务必注明“稿件快速处理费”,,以便本部确认查收,提高刊发效率。 9、资料保留。为加强文章的科学性和真实性,作者应在文章刊出后至少一年内保留相关原始资料,如软件、试剂及菌株等,以备查询与复核。 10、退修稿件。依照《著作权法》有关规定,本刊对决定刊用的文稿可做文字修改、删节,凡有涉及原意的修改,则提请作者考虑。对退请作者修改的文稿,要求作者将修改稿以Word格式的附件,通过本刊全国统一投稿电子邮箱, zhhlzz@163.com或将原文A4打印件,用挂号信寄回本刊编辑部。修改稿逾一个 月内不返回本编辑部者,视作自动撤稿。 《中华护理杂志》宣传委 公告 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by
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