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简介修长瘦身喷鼻皂[新版]简介修长瘦身喷鼻皂[新版] 1、苗条瘦身香皂 苗条瘦身香皂是采用纯天然植物油、蜂蜜、配以从天然植物海藻、柑橘、红 花、常春藤中提取的瘦身因子精加工而成。能深层渗透皮下脂肪组织,全面激活 脂肪酶活性,促使脂肪细胞活动,燃烧多余脂肪,快速分解多余脂肪酸。通过体 内微循环,快速分解并排出体外,控制能量摄入,阻止瘦后反弹再生和赘肉囤积。 长期使用可达到塑身美体曲线。本品绿色安全,瘦身独特效率高,100%纯天然植 物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Made from active substances extracted f...
简介修长瘦身喷鼻皂[新版] 1、苗条瘦身香皂 苗条瘦身香皂是采用纯天然植物油、蜂蜜、配以从天然植物海藻、柑橘、红 花、常春藤中提取的瘦身因子精加工而成。能深层渗透皮下脂肪组织,全面激活 脂肪酶活性,促使脂肪细胞活动,燃烧多余脂肪,快速分解多余脂肪酸。通过体 内微循环,快速分解并排出体外,控制能量摄入,阻止瘦后反弹再生和赘肉囤积。 长期使用可达到塑身美体曲线。本品绿色安全,瘦身独特效率高,100%纯天然植 物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Made from active substances extracted from seaweed, citrus, safflower and ivy, this product permeates deep into subcutaneous fatty tissue to activate the bioactivity of lipase, stimulate the activity of fatty cells, break down surplus fatty acids quickly and discharge them out of the body through internal microcirculation, thus controlling energy intake and preventing reversal after weight loss and excess fat accumulation to the effect of giving you a slender figure. 、保湿润肤香皂 2 保湿润肤香皂采用纯天然植物油、蜂蜜、配以从天然植物绿茶中提取的保湿 润肤因子精加工而成。能营养皮肤皮细胞,增加角质层结合水含量,具有保湿、 护肤、润肤作用。长期使用可使皮肤清洁细腻、光泽饱满、焕发青春活力。本品 绿色安全,保湿润肤效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏 感部位) This product contains sodium lactate, silicon oil, glycerin and green tea extract and has the effect of caring, conditioning and moisturizing your skin. It nurtures epidermal cells and increases the hydration in the stratum corneum. Longtime use may result in clean, delicate, glossy, plump and lively skin. 3、美白防晒香皂 美白防晒香皂采用纯天然植物油、添加天然植物美白剂、无机防晒剂、有机 防晒剂、配以从天然植物花粉、芦荟、熊果苷提取液、金丝桃、甲壳素中提取的 美白防晒因子精制而成。能迅速渗入肌肤,减少皮肤色素沉积,营养肌肤,有效 吸收反射紫外线照射、散射光线,从而达到对皮肤美白防晒的功效。本品绿色安 全,美白防晒效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Made from plant oil, natural plant whitener, pollen, aloe, arbutin extract, hypericum, chitin, inorganic sunblock and organic sunblock, this product can play a role in preventing ultraviolet radiation and dispersing rays so as to cause the effect of stopping sunlight from burning your skin. 4、麦片女士按摩皂 麦片女士按摩皂由纯天然植物油、天然摩擦剂、蜂蜜、羊毛脂和燕麦、配以 从天然植物中提取的有效物质精加工而成。本品使用时涂擦按摩,能有效去除皮 肤多余角质,软化表皮,同时可以疏通毛孔、清洁皮肤、活血养颜、祛斑。本品 绿色安全,按摩效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂,是女性首选佳品。(可用于洗 手、洗脸等敏感部位) This product, with highland oatmeal from northwestern China added, generates more friction with the skin during a bath, creates a comfortable sense as sand grains do and thus performs the function of massage. Meanwhile it cleans, whitens and moisturizes your skin, unstops pores and massages softly. Stimulating blood circulation, improving complexion and removing freckles, it must become the first choice among women. 5、麦片男士按摩皂 麦片男士按摩皂由纯天然植物油、天然摩擦剂、蜂蜜、羊毛脂、燕麦片、配 以从天然植物中提取的有效物质精加工而成。本品使用时涂擦按摩,能有效去除 皮肤多余角质,软化表皮,同时可以舒筋活肤、去污,放松肌肉。使身体得到舒 解。本品绿色安全,按摩效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。是男性首选佳品。(可 用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Reinforced with natural rubbing agent and highland oatmeal, this product, when applied during a bath, stimulates the skin, relaxes muscles and tendons, and removes dirt. It must become the first choice among men. 6、止痒香皂 止痒香皂采用纯天然植物油、蜂蜜、蜂胶、配以从天然植物中提取的止痒因 子等有效物质精加工而成。能快速的清除体内的超氧阴离子自由基,对老年皮肤 瘙痒症有独特功效。不刺激皮肤、无异味,具有止痒、杀菌、润肤的作用。本品 绿色安全,止痒效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。本品已被我公司申请专利,是 老年人日常沐浴护肤的常备洗涤用品。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) The antipruritic soap of our company is a patented product made from antipruritic factors from Chinese herbs, propolis, honey etc. The soap effectively clears free radicals (superoxide anions) in human body, causing a special effect on skin pruritus among seniors without any skin irritation or bad smell. The product can be commonly used by senior people in daily bathing and skin care to stop itching, kill bacteria, and moisturize skin. 7、祛痘香皂 祛痘香皂由纯天然植物油、蜂胶、蜂蜜、花粉配以天然植物提取物精加工而 成。本品蕴含天然免疫增强剂---纯天然蜂胶、花粉精华素,并利用蜂胶、花粉 中特有的广谱抗生物质、β胡萝卜素、硒、SOD活性物质,消炎杀菌达到抗氧化 的作用。长期使用能达到祛痘,使皮肤光滑嫩白的效果。本品绿色安全,祛痘效 果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Containing natural immunity reinforcing agents — purely natural propolis, pollen essence, the product diminishes inflammation, kills bacteria and resist oxidation through the broad-spectrum antibiotics, beta-carotene, selenium and bioactive SOD which are peculiar to propolis and pollen. After use of this product remarkable anti-acne effect can be achieved with smooth, soft and white skin. 8、祛斑香皂 祛斑香皂采用天然植物油、鹿脂、蜂蜡、蜂蜜、羊毛脂、蜂胶、植物脂肪酸 配以从天然植物中提取的祛斑因子等有效物质精加工而成。能激活皮肤微循环, 有效分解色素、分撒悬浊,阻断黑色素形成和沉淀,达到肌肤白嫩、润滑。长期 使用,能滋补养颜,祛斑。本品绿色安全,祛斑效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。 可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) ( Made from deer fat which is distinctive in nurturing blood, improving complexion and dispelling freckles, a few Chinese herb extracts, propolis and pollen, this product activates skin microcirculation, effectively breaks down pigments and toxins, prevents the formation and pigmentation of melanin, thus achieving the effect of whitening and smoothing your skin. 9、除螨香皂 除螨香皂采用天然植物油,抗菌剂、富含保湿因子的蜂蜜、花粉和维他命E、 以及从天然植物净螨素中提取的除螨因子等精加工而成。能有效的清除皮肤中螨 虫,使皮肤达到清洁、柔嫩效果。本品绿色安全,除螨效果明显,100%纯天然植 物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) This product is made from natural plant oil with adequate metronidazole and germicide to effectively get rid of the acarids in skin. Multiple natural moisturizing agents including Vitamin E, honey and pollen are also added to achieve clean and soft skin. 10、驱蚊草香皂 驱蚊草香皂采用纯天然植物油、蜂蜜、羊毛脂、薄荷脑配以从天然植物驱蚊 草中提取的驱蚊因子等精加工而成。夏季使用,能防蚊叮咬,消肿止痒,并能起 到营养皮肤,柔和肌肤的作用,是夏季人们休闲避暑的好帮手。本品绿色安全, 驱蚊效果明显,100%纯天然植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) This product is made by combining mosquito-repellent grass extract, Chinese herbs and refreshing fragrance extracted from natural plants. It must be a good helper for people to spend summer at ease by preventing mosquito bites, reducing swelling and stopping itching. 11、海盐香皂 海盐香皂采用纯天然植物油、抗氧化剂、蜂蜜、深海矿物盐配以从天然植物 中提取的有效物质精加工而成。本品能帮助身体清除老化角质,在洗浴过程中刺 激皮肤,从而达到促进血液循环,使细胞再生,改善皮肤质感。经常使用,可保 持身体苗条,令皮肤亮丽。另外还可以起到舒缓神经,消除疲劳等作用,是新概 念矿物美容高档佳品,更是喜欢泡浴人士的好伴侣。本品绿色安全,100%纯天然 植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) This mineral salt soap makes full use of the organic combination of mineral salt with fragrant essential oil to exfoliate worn-out cells and stimulate the skin during a bath so as to promote blood circulation, reproduce cells, and improve skin texture. Longtime use assures you of a slender figure and brilliant skin. 12、竹炭香皂 竹炭香皂采用天然植物油、纯天然竹炭、蜂蜜、羊毛脂配以天然植物提取物 精加工而成。能柔和肌肤,去除毛孔污垢、去死皮、防真菌、除异味、消除炎症, 对皮肤病有一定的预防和治疗效果。长期使用可改善细胞营养并对肩背痛、风湿 关节痛、颈椎痛等有辅助疗效。此款香皂绿色安全,100%纯天然植物香皂。适用 可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部于各类人群,是追求高品质健康生活的首选佳品。( 位) This bamboo charcoal-enriched soap softens your skin, removes the dirt in pores and dead skin, guards you against fungi, expels bad smells, diminishes inflammation, and helps prevent and treat skin diseases to some degree. This bamboo charcoal soap applies to all populations and is definitely the first choice for people pursuing a high-quality and healthy life. 13、花粉香皂 花粉香皂采用天然植物油、蜂花粉、蜂蜜、以及从天然植物中提取的有效物 质精加工而成。本品能延缓皮肤细胞老化、增加皮肤的弹性、减少雀斑、消除黄 褐斑和皮肤小皱纹的消退等。经常使用能使面部容颜细嫩、亮丽。本品绿色安全, 100%纯天然植物香皂。是女士必备的美容佳品。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Bee pollen is a miniature natural nutritional treasury storing plentiful nutrients, considerable protein, multiple amino acids, and carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, the trace element selenium, SOD etc and delaying skin aging. This product to which Chinese herb extracts is added can effectively prevent the occurrence of lipofuscin deposits, heal chloasma, and whiten your skin. Pollen soap is a rare beauty product and longtime use makes your face gentle, soft and glossy. 14、蜂胶香皂 蜂胶香皂采用天然植物油、蜂胶、蜂蜜、配以从天然植物中提取的有效物质 精加工而成。本品增强了对皮肤的保护作用,使用时可以起到杀菌、止痒、除臭, 改善皮肤血液循环。长期使用本皂可祛斑、美容、润肤、阻止皮肤色素沉着、去 除青春痘、使皮肤焕发靓丽青春。本品绿色安全,100%纯天然植物香皂。老少皆 宜使用,是居家生活必备的洗涤用品。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Propolis is not only a miraculous natural broad-spectrum antibiotic but a strong antioxidant and can be used both internal and externally. The propolis and Chinese herbs added into the product strengthen skin protection. Taking a bath or washing hands with the product can kill bacteria, stop itching, remove bad smells, and improve skin microcirculation. Longtime use can reduce pimples and freckles, improve your looks, moisturize and whiten your skin, prevent pigmentation, and thus reinvigorate your skin. The product can be widely applied to both the young and old. 15、竹盐香皂 竹盐香皂采用纯天然植物油、精制竹盐、并加入从天然植物中提取的有效物 质精加工而成。本品具有良好的润肤、美肤、护肤的作用,在国内外备受推崇。 本品绿色安全,100%纯天然植物香皂。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) To keep healthy by heating salt is recorded in both Shennong’s Herbal Classic and Compendium of Materia Medica. The use from ancient times to now proves that the bamboo salt obtained by calcining sea salt and natural loess not only strengthens human metabolism and improves health, but moisturizes, whitens and protects your skin by killing bacteria. The bamboo salt soap, made from sodium aliphatate processed from palm seed oil as the primary material, refined bamboo salt as the auxiliary material, and natural fragrance, plays a good role in cleansing and beautifying skin and is widely recognized both domestically and abroad. 16、蜂蜜香皂 蜂蜜香皂采用纯天然植物油、植物皂粒、精制蜂蜜、蜂王浆精加工而成。本 产品洁净成分100%源自天然萃取,及温和的洁肤配方滋养保湿细滑,属美肤佳 品、独特香型,幽香持久怡人。(可用于洗手、洗脸等敏感部位) Enriched with honey and royal jelly and blended with natural nutrients, this best skin care product is made from 100% naturally extracted cleansing ingredients. Its mild skin-cleansing formula ensures that your skin is nurtured, moisturized, smoothed and softened with distinctive fragrance which is long-standing and relaxing. 17、固体洗面香皂 本品以天然植物油脂做为油性滋润剂,并含有高级洁面剂、中草药提取物、 天然护肤活性因子、保湿因子、精油、蜂蜜和蜂胶。通过高科技合成技术和先进 的生产工艺。使用后,能让您的肌肤享受自然植物护理的全新体验~ 其特点: 1、有效的去处脸部的尘污,使皮肤洁净清爽。 2、滋润脸部皮肤,使其柔软光滑富有弹性且护肤。 3、润滑而不腻,保持皮肤水分。 Made from natural plant oil moisturizer, high quality cleansing agent, herbal extracts, natural skin protecting bioactive factors, insulating factor, essential oil, honey and propolis through advanced techniques, this cleanser is unique in that it is in the solid state as opposed to the traditional liquid cleanser, allowing it to be taken onto the airplane and making it a must for frequent flyers. In addition, it 1. Deeply and effectively cleanses your skin, giving you a long-lasting refreshing feeling. 2. Increases your skin hydration by reducing evaporation, making your skin softer and more pliable. 3. Suppresses secretion of excess skin oil and growth of bacteria
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