

2018-10-06 15页 doc 43KB 304阅读




瞬间吸引女神的勾魂神聊术瞬间吸引女神的勾魂神聊术 一、 联想法 联想法原理:抓住美女话意,或者某个关键词,展开想像力,天马行空任意联想,不受 环境的局限。 关键词技巧就是抓住对方说话里的某一个关键词,然后根据这个关键词说一下你或者其 他人的事。这个对话就比第一个层次更进一步了,而且可以不断延续你和女人的谈话。 这里有4种联想方式。 平行联想法: 就是根据女人语意,或关键词,展开与之平行的话题。 比如: 女人说,“我今天逛街好累呀。” 男人说,“是吗,好好休息一下。” 如果这样机械性回答,后面就会没话题可聊了。 关键词:今天、逛街、...
瞬间吸引女神的勾魂神聊术 一、 联想法 联想法原理:抓住美女话意,或者某个关键词,展开想像力,天马行空任意联想,不受 环境的局限。 关键词技巧就是抓住对方说话里的某一个关键词,然后根据这个关键词说一下你或者其 他人的事。这个对话就比第一个层次更进一步了,而且可以不断延续你和女人的谈话。 这里有4种联想方式。 平行联想法: 就是根据女人语意,或关键词,展开与之平行的话。 比如: 女人说,“我今天逛街好累呀。” 男人说,“是吗,好好休息一下。” 如果这样机械性回答,后面就会没话题可聊了。 关键词:今天、逛街、好累,可以任意选一个,或者都选。 今天:我今天跟几位朋友去K歌了,发生了一件很有趣的故事。 逛街:逛街遇到帅哥没有, 好累:玩也好累吗,下次换我来代你玩好不, 向上联想法:向上联想就是根据对方的语意,向上归纳。 如: 美女:工作好累。 回答:你要感谢这份工作,说明你没失业呢,还有存在的价值。 这就是把工作好累向上联想到人生价值层面上了。 美女:不再相信爱情。 回答:人若是心态积极,那么很快就能从悲伤中走出来,生活依然阳光灿烂。 这就是把失恋向上联想到人生态度上。 向下联想法:向下联想就是根据对方的语意,向下细分。 比如: 美女:最近老失眠。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 回答:你这是想谈恋爱,还是想赚钱呢, 美女:我烧菜的手艺不错。 回答:你会做红烧鱼吗,要买什么样的鱼,怎么样个做法。越问越细,就是向下联想。 向后联想法:向后联想就是根据对方的语意,向后延伸。 比如: 美女:我们可能有缘无分 回答:没事,他日有缘自相逢„„ 美女:我也想放假休息一下 回答:要不,等你放假,我们一起去爬山„„ 二、幽默技巧 幽默的核心就是出其不意,让对方感觉你是一个有趣的人,跟你聊天很开心或很有意思。 曲解法:所谓曲解法,就是移花接木,偷换概念。抓取那些容易有歧义的词,容易用来 双关的,发音容易被误解的,同音异议的词。 比如: 美女:你哪里人, 回答:外星人。 回答:躺在被窝里。 美女:你给我买苹果6吧。 美女:你请我吃什么东西呀, 回答:我请你吃南北、喝西北风 美女:情人节你准备送什么礼物给我, 回答:理所当然送个情人给你呀~ 美女:我得考虑一下再答应你 答:嗯,哪别考虑三下才答应哦。 夸张法:就是故意把人或事物夸大或缩小到不合常理的地步。 比如: 美女:你多高, side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 舞步学院 - 专研追女生的技巧和方法的学院,教你让你喜欢的女生喜欢上你的秘密 回答:不算高,离天还有三尺。(好男人顶天立地) 回答: 特别高,10mm。(因为我在你心里,或者在你瞳孔里) 美女:你不是帅哥吗,怎么没女朋友, 回答:我有999个女朋友,只是她们叫我等到下辈子~ 美女:我长得漂亮吗, 回答:漂亮得空前绝后,把你拉到反恐前线,保证恐怖分子会吓得抱头鼠窜~(丑女禁 用) 反话法:就是说反话,让对方意想不到。 如: 美女:你真讨厌~ 回答:谢夸奖~” 美女:“臭不要脸~” 回答:“要这么多脸拿回家擦地啊,” 美女:你喜欢什么车, 回答:“火车~” 自嘲法 :自嘲,就是拿自己开涮。自嘲能体现一个人的自信和豁达。 比如: 美女:你是作家吗, 回答:我是坐家。 美女:你挺有才的呢, 回答:一般一般,全国倒数第三。 美女:你好搞笑哦。 回答:搞笑不是我的特长,我的特长是笑搞。 美女:你怎么哪么肥, 回答:哪有啊,比起北极熊来还差一大截呢。 自大风趣法:就是故意自大,甚至角色错位,抢女人的台词。自大之后一定要调侃自己, 否则容易变成装逼。 比如: side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 美女:你经常在网络上搭讪美女吗, 回答:错,本帅哥主业是收破烂,搭讪美女只是业余爱好。 美女:切,花心大萝卜吧, 回答:萝卜还是留着你自己用吧,女性朋友们都管我叫情圣。 浪漫技巧 形象法:核心技巧就是用形象词,营造出美好的感官享受场景。多用形象词,形声词等,充分调动人的视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉。 比如: 视觉:蓝蓝天空淡淡的云彩,我和你躺在如茵的草地,身旁开满了五彩缤纷的小花„„ 听觉:你熟睡在我温柔的臂弯里,我听着你均匀的呼吸声,微微的心跳声„„ 嗅觉:你沐浴后的身体,带着一股淡淡清香,似有似无,却让人回味无穷„„ 触觉:记得第一次碰到你手的时候,我身体中就象出现一股电流,全身微微颤抖却又说不出的美妙„„ 浪漫最大的原理就是不合逻辑,只追求唯美场景。 时空错位法:打乱时空顺序,不追求逻辑性,只追求唯美场景。 比如: 1、前世五百次的擦肩而过,才换来今生的偶然相逢„„ 2、我是一颗开花的树,已经在你必须的路上守候千年; 3、我要牵着你的手,一直走到岁月的尽头; 4、你是我曾经失散的恋人,我已经寻找你三生三世; 5、你记得吗,我就是一千年前带你出城打猎的王子; 6、让我们的爱永不褪色,直到皱纹爬上眼角,银丝满头; 7、你的影子已铭刻在我心上,哪怕再过一万年它也仍然如今日般美丽。 情景植入法:把对方植入到跟你在一起的共同场景中去,这种方式是把美女带入暧昧状态的杀手锏。 比如: 1、昨晚做了一个梦,梦见我们一起漫步在海滩。我们赤着脚,手牵着手,一直向着远方奔跑„„ 2、宝贝,累了吗,让我给你按摩一下全身,让你身体放松一下,就象漂浮在轻柔的波涛上„„ side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 舞步学院 - 专研追女生的技巧和方法的学院,教你让你喜欢的女生喜欢上你的秘密 比喻法:就是把说不清楚的东西(抽象)比喻可以感知的具体事物。 比如: 美女:可惜我们远隔千里呢, 回答:我想变成一只蝴蝶,飞过万水千山,一直飞进你心里„„ 美女:你是真的喜欢我吗, 回答:你是我心中最美的风景,你是我胸口的朱砂痣。 美女:什么是真正的爱情, 回答:与其在崖上展望千年,不如伏在爱人肩头痛哭一晚~ 推拉技巧 推拉技巧就是故意打压女人,然后又给她奖赏,这样让女人产生情绪波动,从而产生感 觉。 聪明糊涂法:就是一会儿很聪明不吃亏,一会儿装糊涂故意上当。 比如: 美女:你请客 回答:好吧,我请客,你买单 美女:小气鬼 回答:这次你请,下次我请 美女:不去了 回答:好吧,笑一个就请你去 冷热交替法:就是一个会儿对美女很冷漠,一会儿又对她热情。 比如: 美女:我很聪明 回答:好吧,我承认你比猪聪明一点 美女:不理你啦 回答:我就喜欢你笨笨的样子 美女:你才是笨蛋 回答:不乖,不给你吃饭 美女:不吃 回答:好吧,来张嘴哥喂给你吃 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 天堂地狱法:就是一会儿把美女捧上天堂,一会儿又把她踩到脚底下。 比如: 美女:你觉得我这个人怎么样, 回答:我觉是你这个人特别纯真~ 美女:我就是很单纯的一个人。 回答:不过,还有一种说法,所谓单纯就是长不大的小屁孩~ 美女:你觉得跟我在一起玩开心吗, 回答:你就象开心果一样,跟你在一起特别快乐~ 美女:当然啦,朋友们都说我是快乐天使呢~ 回答:我哥家6岁的小侄女,天天说自己是快乐小天使呢~ 如何真正掌握追女生的技巧,约会核心, 当你学会了这些核心技巧,你便可以让你从前搞砸的许多妹子起死回生,因为你比以前更懂得女人心~而这些方法之所以管用,因为这都是我们从无数的情感案例中总结出来的,而不是凭空想出来的。 而这些实用的技能,已经成功帮助10000名舞步学院的学员过上了情感自由的生活,更多的技能将会在我们每周的内部课进行全方位的详细解析。 同时,每天晚上9点在舞步学院直播间也会进行免费公开课,学习专业约会可以参加舞步学院《魔鬼训练营》课程,帮助你彻底从外到内的改变。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations
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