

2018-06-02 18页 doc 58KB 31阅读




湖南省2011年高考对口考试语文试卷湖南省2011年高考对口考试语文试卷 一、基础知识及运用,26分~1-10小题~每 小题2分~11-12小题~每小题3分, 1、下列加点字注音正确的一组是 ( D ) A、睥,pì,睨 梦魇(yǎn) 鞭笞(chī) 濒(bīng)临绝境 (((( B、潺(chán)湲 入殓,liǎn, 星宿(sǔ) 羽扇纶(guān)巾 ((((C、佝(jū)偻 采撷(xié) 粗犷(guǎng) 日臻(zhēn) 完善 ((((D、拓(tà)片 机杼(zhù) 羞赧,nǎn) 乳臭(xiù)未干 ((((分析: A、濒(bīn)临...
湖南省2011年高考对口考试语文试卷 一、基础知识及运用,26分~1-10小~每 小题2分~11-12小题~每小题3分, 1、下列加点字注音正确的一组是 ( D ) A、睥,pì,睨 梦魇(yǎn) 鞭笞(chī) 濒(bīng)临绝境 (((( B、潺(chán)湲 入殓,liǎn, 星宿(sǔ) 羽扇纶(guān)巾 ((((C、佝(jū)偻 采撷(xié) 粗犷(guǎng) 日臻(zhēn) 完善 ((((D、拓(tà)片 机杼(zhù) 羞赧,nǎn) 乳臭(xiù)未干 ((((分析: A、濒(bīn)临绝境 B、入殓,liàn, 星(( 宿(xiù) ( C、佝(gōu)偻 粗犷(guǎng) (( 2、下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是 ( B ) A、声名狼藉 危言悚听 殚精竭虑 草菅人命 B、一筹莫展 集腋成裘 潸然泪下 锱铢必较 C、相提并论 徇私枉法 鞠躬尽瘁 前据后躬 D、病入膏肓 蚍蜉撼树 振聋发聩 声名雀起 分析: A危言耸听 C 前倨后躬D、声名鹊起 3、将下列选项中的词语依次填入各句横线处~恰当的一组是 ( C ) accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 登上气势恢宏的三峡大坝~触摸它伟岸的躯体~聆听它沉雷般的心跳~问苍茫大地~有哪一条江河 了如此深厚的文化,有哪一道大坝能 如此众多的智慧,有哪一座建筑能 如此壮美的崇高,有哪一项工程能 如此伟大的传奇, A、凝聚 积淀 写满 见证 B、 写满 见证 凝聚 积淀 C、积淀 凝聚 见证 写满 D、 见证 写满 积淀 凝聚 分析: 固定搭配:积淀、沉淀文化 凝聚、集中智慧 见证历史或事实 写满传奇 4、下列各句中加点成语使用恰当的一项是 ( D ) A、大家认为他提出的加强药品和食品安全监督的方法很有价值~都随声附和表示赞同。 (((( B、动物的眼睛各有特色。例如青蛙的眼睛对运动的物体简直的明察秋毫~而对静止的物体却置若罔闻。 (((( C、他善于读~常常能从书中断章取义~并恰如其分地运用到自己(((( 的文章中。 D、学习是一个长期积累的过程~不仅要讲究切实有效的方法~更要有持之以恒的毅力~那种一曝十寒的做法是不可取的。 (((( 分析: A、 随声附和 感情色彩不当 (((( B、置若罔闻 意思理解错误~应改为:视而不(((( 见 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le C、断章取义 词的感情色彩使用不当~应改为(((( 寻章摘句 5、下列各句中没有语病的一句是 ( A ) A、由于纺织工人努力提高产品的质量~我厂出口的棉布深受广大顾客的欢迎。 B、就现阶段的经济条件而言~不仅仅是高档商品对我们不需要~更重要的是购置这些东西不符合节约的原则。 C、他马上召集理事会进行研究~统一安排了现场会的内容、时间和出席人员~以及会议中应注意的问题。 D、高速磁悬列车运行时~与轨道完全不接触。它没有轮子和传动装置~列车的悬浮、导向、驱动和制动都靠的是利用电磁力来实现的。 分析: B、关联词语使用不当。高档商品对我们不仅仅不需要~更重要的是购置这些东西不符合节约的原则。 C、内容与会议中应注意的问题 语义重复。 D、 句式杂糅。 ?它没有轮子和传动装置~列车的悬浮、导向、驱动和制动都靠电磁力来实现的。 ?它没有轮子和传动装置~列车的悬浮、导向、驱动和制动是利用电磁力。 6、将下列带序号的句子排序~语意连贯的一项是 ( B ) accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le ?修建一所房屋或者布置一个花园~要让住在别地的朋友知道房屋花园是怎么个光景~就得画关于这所房屋这个花园的图。 ?编撰关于动物、植物的书籍~要让读者明白动物、植物外观形态~就得画动物、植物的图。 ?读者看了~明白了~住在外地的朋友看了~知道了~就完成了它的功能。 ?这类的图~绘画的动机都是实用。?咱们画图~有的时候为的是实用。 A/????? B、????? C、????? D、????? 7、下列文中所运用修辞手法~正确的一组是 ( A ) 古诗人形容泰山~说“泰山岩岩”~注解人告诉你:岩岩~积石貌。的确这样~山顶越发给你这种感觉。有的石头像莲花瓣~有的像大象头~有的像老人~有的像卧虎~有的错落成桥~有的兀立如柱~有的侧身探海~有的怒目相向。 A、引用 比喻 拟人 排比 B、引用 排比 拟人 借代 C、拟人 比喻 对偶 设问 D、拟人 比喻 对偶 设问 8、下列句子没有歧义的一句是 ( A ) A、这座房子建于20世纪70年代~已经破败不堪。 B、三个朋友送给我的花瓶很漂亮。 C、他走进寝室时~看见小王正在和他的同学说话。 D、他已经走了一个小时了。 分析: accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 三个学校的校长。 鸡不吃了。 他背着老师和同学把公共区卫生打扫得干干净净。 9、在下列句子中~与破折号作用相同的一项是 ( B ) 我看你的性情好像没大变——鲁贵像是一个很不老实的人。 A、我们对着高山喊,周总理—— B、我忍着疼痛~一步一步地爬向左厢房~我清楚地记得房子的桌子上有一盏油灯——外面电闪雷鸣。整个村子都在暴风雨中颤抖。 C、一个矮小而结实的日本中年人——内山老板走了过来。 D、当我突然出现在他面前时~他一下慌了神——~说道:“我——我——” 分析: 题干破折号的作用是语意转换。 A、声音的延长 B、 语意转换C、 解释说明D、语意的延续。 10、下列文学常识表述错误的一项是 ( C ) A、《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集~收入了自西周初年至春秋中叶的诗作305篇。 B、司马迁的《史记》在史学与文学方面都有着杰出的成就~被鲁迅赞为“史家之绝唱~无韵之离骚”。 C、陶渊明是东晋著名诗人~其诗恬淡平和~自然朴素~《桃花源记》accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 是其诗作的典范。 D、欧〃亨利是美国著名的短篇小说家~其代表作品有《警察与赞美诗》、《麦琪的礼物》、《最后一片叶子》等。 分析: 《桃花源记》不是诗。 世界三大短篇小说之王: 美国的欧〃亨利~代表作是《警察与赞美诗》 法国的莫泊桑~代表作是《项链》 俄国的契诃夫~代表作是《变色龙》 1、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是 A(迸(发bâng 不屈不挠( ráo B(跻(身jī 岿(然不动kuī C(创造(cào 风调(雨顺tiáo D(教诲(huì 千篇(一律biàn 2、下列词语中,没有(( 错别字的一组是 A(抱欠 山清水秀 B(迟缓 通肖达旦 C(扫描 历精图治 D(洋溢 一如既往 3、下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当((( 的一项是 A.目前,虽然交通事故的发生率已经每况愈下,但我们仍不能有丝毫疏忽大意。 B.瀑布从悬崖上奔腾而下,冲击着大小石头,飞溅着水花,发出震耳欲聋的响声。 C.短短十多分钟的谈话,使我茅塞顿开,一下子明白了许多做人做事的道理。 D.这位曾经一文不名的年轻人,经过多年的艰苦奋斗,成为了卓有成就的企业家。 4、下列各句中,有语病的一项是 A(在不同的发展阶段,社会管理的目标和任务虽然有所不同,但其内涵和本质是基本稳定 不变的。 B(我们要认真贯彻落实上级部署,对人民群众高度负责的精神,做好“问题奶粉”事件的 处理工作。 C(调查研究的结果显示,藏书多的家庭里,孩子往往阅读兴趣较浓,阅读习惯较好,阅读 量较大。 D(优秀科普作品不但能传播科学知识和弘扬科学精神,而且还能激发青少年探索未知世界 的兴趣。 5、下面对联中,适合作春联的一项是 A.又是一年芳草绿 依然十里杏花红 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le B.白马素车愁入梦 青天碧海怅招魂 C.坐看溪云忘岁月 笑扶鸠杖话桑麻 D.皓月描来双影雁 寒霜映出并头梅 6、下列作家作品的对应,不正确((( 的一项是 A(李 白——《将进酒》 B(孙梨——《雷雨》 C(关汉卿——《窦娥冤》 D(荀况——《劝学》 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le
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