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电视剧白族金花选秀策划方案电视剧白族金花选秀策划方案 白族金花评选大赛策划方案 寻找完美金花 打造青春梦幻-完美金花"评选大赛 主办单位:天涯策划机构 协办单位:“昆明国际旅行社”(企业名称) 媒体支持: 腾讯、网易、新浪、优酷、百度、搜狐 活动目的: 重新诠释金花,推广云南民俗品牌。 通过以选美形式举办的选拔活动,重新界定"完美金花"的定义,评选出品貌出众、智慧与才艺兼具的"优质"金花;凝聚社会关注焦点,推选新世纪靓丽时尚新偶像,为昆明市民打造丰盛的视觉飨宴,丰富昆明人民业余文化生活,同时可以借本次活动提高企业知名度,扩大影响力,树立品牌形象及...
电视剧白族金花选秀方案 白族金花评选大赛策划方案 寻找完美金花 打造青春梦幻-完美金花"评选大赛 主办单位:天涯策划机构 协办单位:“昆明国际旅行社”(企业名称) 媒体支持: 腾讯、网易、新浪、优酷、百度、搜狐 活动目的: 重新诠释金花,推广云南民俗品牌。 通过以选美形式举办的选拔活动,重新界定"完美金花"的定义,评选出品貌出众、智慧与才艺兼具的"优质"金花;凝聚社会关注焦点,推选新世纪靓丽时尚新偶像,为昆明市民打造丰盛的视觉飨宴,丰富昆明人民业余文化生活,同时可以借本次活动提高企业知名度,扩大影响力,树立品牌形象及获得无限商机. 活动口号: 寻找你身边的"完美"金花 打造"梦幻新偶像" (只要你身边有你心目中的"完美"、"优质"的金花,都可以踊跃推荐) 明星方案 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 活动内容: 邀请在国内具有一定知名度的演艺明星担任大赛评委及参与演出,利用明星效应, 扩大宣传力度,引起社会反响及民众关注. 在媒体上发布搜索令,展开搜索活动,寻找有才艺及品貌兼备靓丽时尚的" 完美金花"(自荐或他人推荐),将经过初选后的个人照片、简历在报纸、互联网等媒体上发布;发布明星评委参与赛事的消息.. 对入选人员进行形象、礼仪、才艺等各方面培训包装后,举办 " 完美金花"评选大赛. 以"淘汰赛"形式进行复赛、决赛及最终评选出"冠亚季军"及各单项奖. 明星评委担任决赛评委、参与演环节及举办媒体见面会、欢迎酒会及一场观众见面会 (见面会可选在赞助企业场地举办) 评选的每一阶段都可将评选过程、幕后花絮及下一轮选手资料情况在报纸及网站上发布,与有关方面合作,创建短信平approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 台及网络评论专栏,让市民可以充分发表个人观点,及利用短信.网络投票支持自己喜爱的选手. 优胜者除获得丰厚的奖金、奖品外,还可以成为赞助企业"形象代言人",及得到加盟影视公司,成为签约艺人并参演民俗电视剧的宝贵机会. 活动及具体安排: 第一阶段:前期宣传筹备期 1、邀请明星评委 2、利用各种媒介在报纸电台电视台互联网及各种宣传载体上发布"完美金花"搜索令,展开征集活动,宣传推广本次赛事, 发布明星评委参与赛事的消息.制造社会关注焦点,产生轰动效应. 3 、创建短信平台,开辟网站专栏 欢迎市民及网友就本次大赛发表个人观点及意见。 4 、接受选手报名登记编组后进行初选面试 5 、将合格选手个人资料及照片发布在报纸互联网上,评选“最具人气选手” 第二阶段:初复赛主体活动 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 1、 报名工作截止后,对参赛选手进行包装培训,邀请专业评委参考短信网络投票结果进行初赛,评选二十名选手入围复赛。 2、 对入围选手进一步包装培训,排练比赛表演环节,进行才艺拓展训练等。 3 、组织入围选手参加社会活动(送爱心活动、福利院等公益活动),展开“ 完美金花抗旱行动”,提升大赛形象,扩大影响力。 4 、复赛(二十进十) 复赛结束后举办“金花舞会”慈善晚宴,邀请主办单位协办单位赞助企业及工商界人士参加。由入选的二十位完美女生完成慈善拍卖环节,募集的善款用于捐助公益事业。 第三阶段:明星评委到位及明星主体活动 1、媒体发布会 2、欢迎酒会 3、南屏街广场观众见面会 第四阶段:总决赛 1、 排练比赛表演环节 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 2 、进行决赛,最终产生"冠亚季军"及各单项奖. 3、 颁奖仪式及“闪亮金花 ”庆祝晚宴 第四阶段:后期推广宣传期 赛事环节设置: 初选内容: 1 、 2 、形体展示 3 、才艺表演 复赛内容: 第一环节 开场舞蹈 T台秀 第二环节 机智问答 泳装秀 第三环节 才艺表演 自选服装 20名入围选手分组进行才艺表演,选手根据个人特质自由选 择 1、 歌曲联唱组 2 、戏剧演出组 3 、舞蹈表演组 4 、器乐表演组 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 第四环节 晚装秀,评选十名入围选手 决赛内容: 第一环节 (十进七) 开场歌舞秀 颁发各单项奖 第二环节 (七进五) 机智问答 泳装秀 第三环节 (五进三) 才艺表演 自选服装 第四环节 "冠亚季军"决选 决赛中加入明星评委表演环节 金花选拔复赛活动 时间:2012年8月10日 早上9:00-11:30 下午15:00-17:00 地点:昆明五华区南屏街广场 舞台:大理风景为背景 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 音乐:昆明艺术剧院提供音乐支持 摄像:天涯策划机构 主持:云南电视台旅游频道 场地布置:天涯旗下广告公司 金花决赛在酒店举行 时间:2012年8月25-28日 地点:昆明世纪金源大饭店 舞蹈:模特T台 音乐:天涯策划机构 摄像:云南电视台 主持:邀请明星主持 场地布置:风行广告公司 类型 赛区 费用类别 金额 总额 备注 奖酒冠军 10万 18万 酒店与场地项店路费由旅行费 总亚军 5万 社负责 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 决季军 3万 赛 市冠军 区 3万 赛 亚军 2万 6万 季军 1万 网最人气 3000 络最美丽 1500 5500元 初 最个性 1000 选 租赁场地 8000 8000 人员薪酬3万 3万 费 通讯费 5000 5000 餐饮费 3万 3万 住宿费 2万 2万 其他 4000元 4000元 运 印刷费 1万 1万 行 租车费 5000元 5000元 费 媒 网站 报3万 3万 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 体纸电视 宣短信 传 合 387500元 计 策划签名:小生 2012年3月21日 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as
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