

2017-11-22 15页 doc 45KB 19阅读




拒交物业服务费到底为啥拒交物业服务费到底为啥 {摘要} 物业服务费是物业管理企业生存的基础,及时全额的缴纳物业服务费是 物业法律法规和《物业管理服务协议》赋予业主的基本义务。因物业纠纷业主拒交或拖欠物业服务费,致使物业管理企业的生存举步维艰,物业服务和管理水平下降,失去了物业服务企业对物业保值、增值的意义,损害广大业主的利益。本文就物业管理活动中存业主、物业管理企业、开发建设单位之间的矛盾而导致业主拒交物业服务费的原因及建议进行了阐述。 {关键词} 物业管理企业 业主 物业服务费 纠纷 物业服务收费,是指物业管理企业按照物业服务合同的约定,对...
拒交物业服务费到底为啥 {摘要} 物业服务费是物业管理企业生存的基础,及时全额的缴纳物业服务费是 物业法律法规和《物业管理服务》赋予业主的基本义务。因物业纠纷业主拒交或拖欠物业服务费,致使物业管理企业的生存举步维艰,物业服务和管理水平下降,失去了物业服务企业对物业保值、增值的意义,损害广大业主的利益。本文就物业管理活动中存业主、物业管理企业、开发建设单位之间的矛盾而导致业主拒交物业服务费的原因及建议进行了阐述。 {关键词} 物业管理企业 业主 物业服务费 纠纷 物业服务收费,是指物业管理企业按照物业服务的约定,对房屋及配套的设施设备和相关场地进行维修、养护、管理,维护相关区域内的环境卫生和秩序,向业主所收取的费用。物业管理企业按照《物业管理服务协议》之规定提供服务,业主缴纳物业服务费是法律和《物业管理服务协议》所赋予物业管理企业和业主的基本义务。然而在现实的物业管理活动中业主拒交物业服务费的情况却十分复杂,主要体现在:房屋的质量及维修质量和效率低下的问题;物业服务水平低,商品交换过程中质价不符的问题;物业管理企业收费不合理,利用物业公共部位和共用设施设备所得收入不透明的问题;《前期物业管理服务协议》内容不合理,业主产生抵触情绪的问题等。具体如下: 一、从开发建设单位的角度来看 开发建设单位从项目立项,规划设计,项目建设,物业销售到竣工验收等阶段没有严格按照规定和程序办事,规划设计和施工安装存在问题,设备配置不当、停车位不足,人车不分流,房屋漏水,墙皮脱落等物业工程质量缺陷;建设单位不安规定提供物业管理的基础条件,不按规定配备物业管理用房,物业档案资料缺失;工程质量保修和工程遗留问题不及时解决;在物业销售阶段向业主作出不合理的物业承诺,致使物业承担不合理的责任或根本无法承担的责任;建设单位从自身利益考虑,将部分开发建设的责任和义务转嫁给物业管理企业承担,给物业服务企业埋下众多隐患,烙下业主众多的不满和口舌及拒交物业服务费的理由,严重影响物业公司正常工作的开展,损害了物业公司和广大业户的利益。 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 因此,从长远角度考虑,为维护社区和谐,广大业主和物业公司的利益,首先,国家应从立法的角度,确定开发建设单位在从某个项目的立项,规划设计,建设,销售,竣工验收,即早期介入阶段必须由物业管理企业或专业物业管理人员提供专业的技术支持,确保开发物业的人性化、科学化、质量化。其次,工程质量保修和工程遗留问题要及时处理。工程质量保及工程遗留问题的解决,要严格按照《房屋建设工程质量保修办法》及施工单位《房屋质量保证书》中之规定,对质保期内物业质量及遗留问题及时维修,公布施工单位该项目维保负责任的电话,由业主本人或业主委托物业公司联系施工单位予以维修。也可采取新加坡这方面的经验,在项目竣工验收后,由施工单位派驻维修小组驻留该项目半年,及时处理物业质量及遗留问题,方便业主的生活和工作,为物业前期管理打下良好的基础。第三,项目开发企业应和施工单位就项目遗留问题及质保期内物业的维修问题签订协议,约定维修和解决问题的时限,违约责任的经济处罚等条款,向施工单位施压令其及时维修或解决遗留问题。否则,开发企业有权找其他人员或物业公司人员予以维修,费用从施工单位质保金中扣除。 二、从物业管理企业的角度来看 首先,物业整体形象差。(1)员工仪容仪表、礼节礼貌、精神风貌差。(2)物业辖区环境卫生脏乱无序。(3)物业辖区的各类标示不全。(4)物业的办公住宿环境不整洁。(5)公共秩序安全不到位。其次,工作效率、质量低。(1)投诉、报修处理不及时。(2)业户的合理化和建议不采纳。(3)存在的问题和业户反应的问题整改及回馈不及时。(4)作出的承诺不能兑现。第三,不能提供质价相符的服务。(1)不能提供便民服务。(2)不能提供特约或有偿服务。(3)不能提供与业户工作生活息息相关的其他服务。第四,没有和业户畅通的沟通渠道。(1)无定期、不定期拜访。(2)无书面意见调查。(3)无促进物业公司和业户沟通交流的联系活动。(4)不能及时给业户提供与工作和生活有关的有价值的信息。鉴于以上情况,如物业服务企业不能落实到位,必将引起广大业户的不满和抵触情绪,给物业服务企业工作带来很大的压力。 因此,要解决以上问题,物业服务企业要从自身做起,苦练内功夯实物业管理服务的基础。首先,从源头上根本杜绝或基本杜绝隐患的存在。在开发建设早期物业管理企业介入,将长期积累的物业管理知识与经验用于规划设计,并且在建设施工及销售阶段同步跟进配合,协助开发建设单位及时发现和处理建设销售hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 过程中存在的问题,不仅能从源头上堵住漏洞,避免或减少上述阶段问题的发生,减少房地产开发建设的纠纷,使房地产开发建设得以顺利进行,而且可以在物业开发建设初期把不利于物业管理、损害业主利益的因素尽可能消除或减少,使物业投入使用后,物业管理顺利开展,业主利益得到保障。其次,通过早期介入,物业服务企业可以对物业建筑结构、管线布局走向,设备安装情况、图纸的改动,隐蔽工程的状况及时了解,为日后管理做到心中有数“对症下药”。同时,利用早期介入机会对物业情况的了解,逐步展开制定物业管理和各项规章,进行人员架构设计,招聘人员,实施上岗前的培训等前期物业管理的准备工作,方便物业移交后物业管理各项工作的顺利开展。理顺与环卫、水电、通信、治安、绿化等部门之间的关系,为日后管理建立畅通的沟通渠道。第三,在《前期物业管理服务协议》签订后,首要任务就是组织有关人员与开发建设单位物业的承接验收,做好详细记录并及时督促完成房屋的质量和遗留问题,为业主的顺利入住打下良好的基础。其次,进一步完善《前期物业管理服务协议》、《业主临时规约》、《装饰装修管理规定》、《消防安全管理规定》、《业户手册》、《车辆管理规定》、《人员及物品出入管理规定》等有关的规章和制度,加大培训力度,提高员工的形象和服务意识,熟悉各项规章制度和工作流程及有关设备的操作。全力做好业主入住前的准备工作,为日后管理和服务给业主留下良好的第一印象。如,烘托喜庆良好的入住氛围,统一得体的着装体现员工良好的精神风貌,礼貌、周到、耐心的待客彰显良好的服务水平,秩序井然的入住现场衬托物业服务企业良好的管理水平。第四,业主入住装修阶段是物业管理过程中工作最繁忙的阶段,也是物业和广大业主、建设施工单位,有关部门进行交流建立通畅沟通渠道的最好契机。因此,物业服务企业应在这个阶段想业主之所想,急业主之所急,全力以赴的协助业户工作。并且根据入住阶段工作开展的实际情况,进一步完善各项规章制度、流程和表格,加大对员工的培训和学习,切实落实各项规章制度,加大管理力度,以实现物业管理模式的最初定格,这也是日后管理顺利进行的基础和前提。如,物业服务企业一开始就严格执行《人员及物品出入管理规定》,凡是进入物业辖区的人员和车辆都必须登记,时间长了业户习惯成自然,日后管理中也不需要整日苦口婆心的劝诫了。 三、业从业住自身角度来看 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 首先,业户对物业管理的概念,物业服务费的组成及《前期物业服务协议》、《业主临时公约》、《房屋质量保证书》等有关的文件和法律法规不甚了解。从而进入了物业管理包罗万象,只要交了物业服务费,物业服务企业就得什么都的管,什么都得做,什么责任都得承担的误区。物业管理是指业主通过选聘物业管理企业,由业主和物业管理企业按照物业服务合同约定,对房屋及配套的设施设备和相关场地进行维修、养护、管理,维护相关区域内的环境卫生和秩序的活动。物业服务一般包括:(1)管理服务人员的工资、社会保险和按规定提取的福利费等;(2)物业共用部位、共用设施设备的日常运行、维护费用;(3)物业管理区域清洁卫生费用;(4)物业管理区域绿化养护费用;(5)物业管理区域秩序维护费用;(6)办公费用;(7)物业管理企业固定资产折旧;(8)物业共用部位、共用设施设备及公众责任保险费用;(9)经业主同意的其它费用。其次,业户把房屋遗留问题及质保期内的维修问题不能及时解决情况迁怒与物业服务企业。《房屋质量建筑工程质量保修办法》第九条明确规定:“房屋建筑工程在保修期限内出现质量缺陷,建设单位或者房屋建筑所有人应当向施工单位发出保修通知。施工单位接到保修通知后,应当到现场核查情况,在保修书约定的时间内予以保修。发生涉及结构安全或者严重影响使用功能的紧急抢修事故,施工单位接到保修通知后,应当立即到达现场抢修”。物业服务企业在工程质保期内,主要是向建设单位申报对物业公共区域及共用设施设备的质量保修,跟踪并督促完成。业主产权专有部分由业主自行建设单位提出处理要求,业主也可以向物业管理企业反映,由物业服务企业及时转告建设单位。第三,工程质保期外物业服务企业维修,及日常环境卫生维护,治安秩序的管理,形象建设,工作质量和工作效率等不及时不到位。物业服务企业服务项目,服务质量在《前期物业服务协议》中都有明确的说明,物业服务企业按照协议和有关规定正常开展工作,合情、合理、合法,只要能达到协议的目标是无可厚非的。第四,个别业户自身素养和意识问题。物业本身就是一个人口聚集地,大家来自五湖四海,各行各业,在遵守法律、法规的前提下,要相互理解相互包容,互惠互利和睦相处。在现今物业法律法规不甚健全和完善,业主与业主之间,业主与物业服务企业之间在没有重大利益冲突的情况下,不要求全责备,刀剑相向,两败俱伤于事无补,也不利于和谐家园的建设。如,2005年某小区,因一租房的公司无故拒交物业费,水电费,物业公司多次催缴未果,因争吵该公司人员对物业公司人员大打出手,为此双方不惜动用帮hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 派势力群殴,致使双方多人受伤,小区1月余无人管理乱成一团,后经有关部门出面调停此事罢休,给小区广大业户工作和生活带来很大的麻烦,严重损害了广大业户的利益。 因此,从长远利益和物业管理的现实情况出发。(1)建设单位和物业管理企业就应本着“严把工程质量关,便于今后物业的使用的原则”,按照有关的法规从项目立项开始着手建立健全和完善文件、制度和流程,确保其内容明确、详实,有据可查。如,《前期物业服务协议》、《业主临时公约》、《房屋质量保证书》、《房屋使用说明书》等文件和制度。(2)加大对物业管理法律法规及有关物业方面知识的宣传。如,在房屋的销售阶段销售人员和物业前期介入人员除了对房屋的设计和功能配置、设备选型和材料选用、公共设施配套等宣传外,还必须对今后前期物业管理的有关知识进行宣传和明示,并在《商品房预售合同》或《商品房买卖合同》中载明《前期物业管理服务协议》、《业主临时管理规约》等文件的内容。(3)在业主入住时,物业管理企业人员要对业主就所签订文件内容的垂询做详实的解答,并在入住现场显著位置张贴《前期物业管理服务协议》、《业主临时管理规约》、《房屋质量保证书》、《消防安全管理规定》、《装饰装修管理规定》、《物业管理条列》、《物业收费管理办法》、《房屋建筑工程质量保修办法》等有关的文件、法规,让业主对物业管理有一个深入的了解。(4)从业主自身来讲,购买了新的物业,就要对物业的管理企业和与物业有关的法律法规和知识有一个全面的了解,以便于入住后既能维护自身的利益,又不至于因不懂有关的法规和知识而弄巧成拙,得不偿失。 四、从有关的行政部门和司法机构角度来看。 物业服务收费,是指物业管理企业按照物业服务合同的约定,对房屋及配套的设施设备和相关场地进行维修、养护、管理,维护相关区域内的环境卫生和秩序,向业主所收取的费用。《物业收费管理办法》第十五条明确规定:“业主应当按照物业服务合同的约定按时足额交纳物业服务费用或者物业服务资金。业主违反物业服务合同约定逾期不交纳服务费用或者物业服务资金的,业主委员会应当督促其限期交纳;逾期仍不交纳的,物业管理企业可以依法追缴”。然而在物业管理的实际运作过程中,这些法规的可行性确显得笼统而苍白无力。首先,如果物业管理企业通过起诉依法追缴一两家的物业服务费还好说,如果需要批量的起诉,从立案到追偿完毕没个一年半载根本就不可能完成,这要耗费很大的物力、hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 财力和人力,物业公司简直无法承担。其次,在起诉过程中,业户以往拖欠费用还没有追偿,新的拖欠又产生了,从而造成恶性循环。 《物业管理条列》第四十六条规定:“对物业管理区域内违反有关治安、环保、物业装饰装修和使用等方面法律、法规规定的行为,物业管理企业应当制止,并及时向有关行政管理部门报告。 有关行政管理部门在接到物业管理企业的报告后,应当依法对违法行为予以制止或者依法处理”。可现实中这并非易事,就发生在身边的事情:某高档写字楼辖区内出现一烤羊肉串摊点,整日烟熏火燎,严重影响了物业公共区域卫生和治安,给物业管理企业和写字楼内业户工作带来很大麻烦。致使业主多次投诉,以此拒交物业服务费,有关的行政管理部门也多次来访来查,但至今烤串依旧。” 鉴于,我国目前物业立法中对业主无合法理由欠交服务费用的行为尚无有效的措施的情况。所以,必须加强物业管理的法制建设。物业管理是一项综合性的社会系统管理工程,涉及方方面面,存在多种法律关系。物业管理水平提高,有赖于法制建设健全和完善。正确处理物业管理活动中的各种纠纷,及时查处各种违反法规的行为,确保物业管理健康良好的发展。首先,要完善各类物业简便又切实可行的法规和制度,明确业主的法律责任。纵观各国物业管理的立法情况,对业主拒交或拖欠物业服务费的现象都作出严厉的规定。如我国的台湾立法规定,管物业服务费连续3个月不交或延迟4个月不交,管理委员会可以采取切断电、断气或水道等措施。德国住宅所有权法规定,管理团体可以剥夺欠交费用业主的居住权等。因此,国家立法部门在制定物业法规时,可以借鉴其他国家和地区的经验,制定出行之有效的物业法规,可以对无合法理由拒交或拖欠物业服务费的行为采取有效的措施。 其次,设立专门的物业法庭,简化物业管理企业依法追偿物业服务费的程序。目前我国对于物业服务费用的诉讼,采取的是普通的民事诉讼程序,时间太长。建议对于物业服务费方面的纠纷诉讼可以设立程序简单、并案处理的小额欠债物业管理法庭,采取更为简便的程序。有助于降低诉讼成本,更好地维护当事人的利益。 参考文献: [1]《物业管理实务》 中国建筑工业出版社,2006 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and [2]郭峰:《物业管理收费研究》.载于《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》,2000年第4期 [3]刘黎虹吕剑亮:《物业管理中的法律问题》.载于《当代法学》,2002年第11期 [4]黄建文:《物业管理中的几个法律问题探讨》.载于《经济与法》,2002年第4期 [5]王珊珊:《内地与香港物业管理制度比较研究》.中国社会科学院研究生院硕士学位论文 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and
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