

2012-09-30 7页 doc 89KB 56阅读




债券市场1 Translating the summary 按照发行主体不同债券可分为4类:国债、联邦机构债券、市政债券和公司债,这些债券可识别的信用风险水平是各不相同的。此外,债券还具有不同的流动性和不同的条款。因此,在给定时点的报价收益率是各不相同的。 许多机构投资者,如商业银行、保险公司、年金基金和债券共同基金是债券市场的主要投资者,这些机构投资者基于对未来利率的预期调整持有债券的头寸。 债券在不同的国家收益率各不相同,投资者为债券收益率高的国外债券所吸引,导致资金流向这些国家,债券市场也因此被国际化。 2 Calcul...
1 Translating the summary 按照发行主体不同债券可分为4类:国债、联邦机构债券、市政债券和公司债,这些债券可识别的信用风险水平是各不相同的。此外,债券还具有不同的流动性和不同的条款。因此,在给定时点的报价收益率是各不相同的。 许多机构投资者,如商业银行、保险公司、年金基金和债券共同基金是债券市场的主要投资者,这些机构投资者基于对未来利率的预期调整持有债券的头寸。 债券在不同的国家收益率各不相同,投资者为债券收益率高的国外债券所吸引,导致资金流向这些国家,债券市场也因此被国际化。 2 Calculation , , , When coupon paid semiannually, then , with trial and error: If , then That is, , then we should choose If , then That is, ; Use the principle of similar triangles, we know , or Then we can get 1 Translating the summary 债务型证券(如债券)的价值是证券未来产生的现金流的现值,对应的折现率反映了投资者的期望收益率。当市场利率上升的时候,投资者的期望收益率会随之上升。当折现率升高的时候,债券收入的折现价值会下降。因此,债券现值下降将迫使债券价格也随之下降。 影响利率变动的因素,如经济增长、货币供给、石油价格和美元走势等,均会对债券价格产生影响。债券价格也会受到利率风险变动的影响。 在其他条件不变的情况下,更长的债券到期日将导致债券价格对利率变动更为敏感,票面利率(息票率)越低的债券对利率变动也更为敏感。 外国债券可能会提供更高的收益率,但也会受到汇率风险的影响。投资者可通过在不同通货标价的证券中分散投资来减少汇率风险暴露。 2.Problem 4 Cardinal Company, a U.S.-based insurance company, considers purchasing bonds denominated in Canadian dollars, with a maturity of six years, a par value of C$50 million, and a coupon rate of 12 percent. The bonds can be purchased at par by Cardinal and would be sold four years from now. The current exchange rate of the Canadian dollar is $0.80. Cardinal expects that the required return by Canadian investors on these bonds four years from now will be 9 percent. If Cardinal purchases the bonds, it will sell them in the Canadian secondary market four years from now. The exchange rates are forecast as follows: Year Exchange Rate of C$ 1 $0.80 2 0.77 3 0.74 4 0.72 5 0.68 6 0.66 a. Refer to earlier examples in this chapter to determine the expected U.S. dollar cash flows to Cardinal over the next four years. Refer to Chapter 3 to determine the present value of a bond. ANSWER: PV of C$ C$6,000,000 C$56,000,000 Cash flows = (1 + .09)1 + (1 + .09)2 in 4 years = C$5,504,587 + C$47,134,080 = C$52,638,667 Year 1 2 3 4 C$ cash flows C$6,000,000 C$6,000,000 C$6,000,000 C$6,000,000 anticipated +C$52,638,667 Forecasted exchange rate of C$ $0.80 $0.77 $0.74 $0.72 U.S. $ cash flows anticipated $4,800,000 $4,620,000 $4,440,000 $42,219,840 PV (in C$)=6,000,000*PVIFA(9%,6)+ 50,000,000*PVIF(9%,6) =6,000,000*PVIFA(9%,4)+ 52,638,667*PVIF(9%,4) PV (in U.S. $)=4,800,000*PVIF(9%,1)+ 4,620,000*PVIF(9%,2) + 4,440,000*PVIF(9%,3)+ 42,219,840*PVIF(9%,4) b. Does Cardinal expect to be favorably or adversely affected by the interest rate risk? Explain. ANSWER: Cardinal Co. will be favorably affected if Canadian interest rates decline as expected because the bonds will sell for a higher price at the end of the fourth year as a result. c. Does Cardinal expect to be favorably or adversely affected by exchange rate risk? Explain. ANSWER: Cardinal Co. is adversely affected by the exchange rate movements, because a weaker Canadian dollar over time results in less U.S. dollar cash flows to be received. 1 Translating the summary 首次公开发行(IPO)是指特定公司第一次向公众发行股份,许多公司在具有可行商业、但已临近负债极限时进行IPO。进行IPO的公司为了成功发行,必须按照证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件要求准备招股说明书并进行路演。为此,会聘用承销商帮助制作招股说明书,进行路演并将股份发行给投资者。 股票的二次发行是指已有股票公开交易的公司再次发行股份,当公司需要以权益融资的形式来支持额外扩张时会参与增发。 股票市场为投资者之间的股份转手提供便利,市场上的股票交易决定了其均衡价格。 投资者一般被区分为个人投资者和机构投资者,如果公司股份被个人投资者持有比例很小,则限制了个人投资者影响公司管理的能力;机构投资者具有更大的股权份额(头寸),因此更有能力影响公司管理。股票共同基金、年金基金和保险公司是股市中主要的机构投资者。证券公司在市场中充当中介角色,负责将股票的卖家和买家匹配起来。 当公司认为自身或其他公司被低估时会充当投资者角色,如果认为自身被低估,公司会选择在二级市场以较低价格回购股份;如果认为另一家绩效差的公司被低估,会考虑并购其股份并进行重组(更换管理层)以增加其价值,这使得现不好的公司面临控制权市场的威胁。 许多美国公司同时在美国和外国发行股份,因此可以将其股份扩展到更多投资者手中;同样,许多非美国公司不仅在本国发行股份,也可以在美国市场融资,这一举措不仅可以扩张投资者基础,而且可以提升公司在全球的知名度。 全球性的股票交易所使得股票在全球交易更为便利,美国投资者投资于外国股票可以通过以下方式实现:在外国股票交易所直接购买。购买美国存托凭证(ADRs)、投资于共同基金,以及投资于国际股权基准股票(WEBS)。 1 Translating the summary 首次公开发行(IPO)是指特定公司第一次向公众发行股份,许多公司在具有可行商业计划、但已临近负债极限时进行IPO。进行IPO的公司为了成功发行,必须按照证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件要求准备招股说明书并进行路演。为此,会聘用承销商帮助制作招股说明书,进行路演并将股份发行给投资者。 股票的二次发行是指已有股票公开交易的公司再次发行股份,当公司需要以权益融资的形式来支持额外扩张时会参与增发。 股票市场为投资者之间的股份转手提供便利,市场上的股票交易决定了其均衡价格。 投资者一般被区分为个人投资者和机构投资者,如果公司股份被个人投资者持有比例很小,则限制了个人投资者影响公司管理的能力;机构投资者具有更大的股权份额(头寸),因此更有能力影响公司管理。股票共同基金、年金基金和保险公司是股市中主要的机构投资者。证券公司在市场中充当中介角色,负责将股票的卖家和买家匹配起来。 当公司认为自身或其他公司被低估时会充当投资者角色,如果认为自身被低估,公司会选择在二级市场以较低价格回购股份;如果认为另一家绩效差的公司被低估,会考虑并购其股份并进行重组(更换管理层)以增加其价值,这使得表现不好的公司面临控制权市场的威胁。 许多美国公司同时在美国和外国发行股份,因此可以将其股份扩展到更多投资者手中;同样,许多非美国公司不仅在本国发行股份,也可以在美国市场融资,这一举措不仅可以扩张投资者基础,而且可以提升公司在全球的知名度。 全球性的股票交易所使得股票在全球交易更为便利,美国投资者投资于外国股票可以通过以下方式实现:在外国股票交易所直接购买。购买美国存托凭证(ADRs)、投资于共同基金,以及投资于国际股权基准股票(WEBS)。 1 Translating the summary 股票一般可用市盈率方法或股利贴现模型估值,市盈率方法运用行业平均市盈率和公司盈余来估值,而股利贴现模型以未来预期的现金流的现值来估值。 那些影响未来现金流或投资者期望回报率的因素会影响股票价格,经济形势、市场状况和公司特殊的情况都能影响公司的现金流或期望回报率。 许多投资者依靠师推荐来进行投资决策,分析师通过影响投资者对股票的需求来对股票估价产生重要影响,近来,对分析师的监管力度加大,因为他们的推荐倾向于过度乐观。 股票的风险可由其波动、β,或通过估计其在险值(VaR)来度量,近年来,由于有些股票价格出现急剧下挫,投资者对风险度量愈加关注。 股票市场有效意味着股价反映了所有可得信息,弱有效意味着证券价格反映了所有交易相关的信息,如历史股价变动和证券交易量信息,半强有效意味着证券价格充分反映了所有公开信息,强有效意味着股价充分反映了所有信息,甚至包括私人或内幕信息。证据表明弱有效在一定程度上成立,但很少有证据支持半强或强有效成立。 1. Assume the following information over a five-year period. ( Average risk-free rate: ; Average return for Crane stock: ; Average return for Load stock: ; ( Standard deviation of Crane stock returns: ; Standard deviation of Load stock returns: Covariance between Crane stock and Load stock returns: ( Beta of Crane stock = 0.8 Beta of Load stock = 1.1 Determine which stock has higher risk-adjusted returns when using the Sharpe Index. Which stock has higher risk-adjusted returns when using the Treynor Index? Show your work. ANSWER: Sharpe Index of Crane stock = (11% – 6%)/2% = 2.5 Sharpe Index of Load stock = (14% – 6%)/4% = 2.0 Treynor Index of Crane stock = (11% – 6%)/.8 = .0625 Treynor Index of Load stock = (14% – 6%)/1.1 = .0727 Crane stock has a higher Sharpe Index while Load stock has a higher Treynor Index. 2. Assume Mess stock has a beta of 1.2. If the risk-free rate is 7 percent, and the market return is 10 percent, what is the expected return on Mess stock? ANSWER: Expected return = 7% + 1.2(10% – 7%) = 10.6% 3. Using multexinvestor.com, you found that IBM is expected to generate earnings of $4.38 per share this year, and that the mean P/E ratio for its industry is $27.195. Using the P/E valuation method, what should be the value of IBM shares? ANSWER: Value = (Expected earnings of IBM per share) x (Mean industry P/E ratio) Value = $4.38 ( 27.195 Value = $119.114 4. Suppose that you are interested in buying the stock of a company that has a policy of paying a $6 per share dividend every year. Assuming no changes in the firm’s policies, what is the value of a share of stock if the required rate of return is 11 percent? ANSWER: PVof stock = D/k = 6/0.11 = $54.5 per share. 5. Micro, Inc. will pay a dividend of $2.30 per share next year. If the company plans to increase its dividend by 9 percent per year indefinitely, and you require a 12 percent return on your investment, what should you pay for the company’s stock? ANSWER: PVof stock = D1/k-g PVof stock = 2.3/0.12 – 0.09 = $76.67 per share 13. Using the information from Problem 12, suppose that you instead decide to invest $20,000 in IBM, $30,000 in LUV and $50,000 in ODP. What is the beta of your portfolio now? ANSWER: Portfolio beta = [(20 ( 1.31) + (30 ( 0.85) + (50 ( 0.94)]/100 = (26.2 + 25.5 + 47)/100 = 0.987 14. IBM has a beta of 1.31. a. If you assume that the stock market has a maximum expected loss of –3.2 percent on a daily basis (based on a 95 percent confidence level), what is the maximum daily loss for the IBM stock? ANSWER: 1.31 (–3.2%) = –4.192% b. If you have $19,000 invested in IBM stock, what is your maximum daily dollar loss? ANSWER: (–4.192%) (19,000) = $–796.48 15. If your portfolio beta was calculated to be 0.89 and the stock market has a maximum expected loss of –2.5 percent on a daily basis, what is the maximum daily loss to your portfolio? ANSWER: 0.89 (–2.5%) = –2.225% _1368964540.unknown _1368968992.unknown _1368969559.unknown _1368969775.unknown _1368969847.unknown _1368970005.unknown _1368969667.unknown _1368969046.unknown _1368969319.unknown _1368969034.unknown _1368964832.unknown _1368964851.unknown _1368964744.unknown _1366711575.unknown _1368964506.unknown _1368964531.unknown _1366711799.unknown _1368964485.unknown _1366711778.unknown _1366702171.unknown _1366711228.unknown _1366702126.unknown
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