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垃圾焚烧厂的危害垃圾焚烧厂的危害 揭露垃圾焚烧发电厂的真相 -坚决反对焚烧垃圾 2009-11-01 10:54 真相之1: 高温产生了严重的二次污染. 无论使用国产还是进口设备,无论是老式焚化炉还是新型焚化设施,依然是排放二恶英的源头。虽然通过烟气排放的二恶英及重金属数量减低,然而在灰烬中的二恶英及重金属含量却相应提高, 灰烬仍然需要填埋并产生二恶英污染。 垃圾焚烧产生大量的有毒物质,其中最为危险的是人类一级致癌物中毒性最强的二恶英(DIOXINs ,DXNs)。二恶英主要是由垃圾中的塑料制品焚烧产生,它不仅具有强致癌性,而且具有...
垃圾焚烧厂的危害 揭露垃圾焚烧发电厂的真相 -坚决反对焚烧垃圾 2009-11-01 10:54 真相之1: 高温产生了严重的二次污染. 无论使用国产还是进口设备,无论是老式焚化炉还是新型焚化设施,依然是排放二恶英的源头。虽然通过烟气排放的二恶英及重金属数量减低,然而在灰烬中的二恶英及重金属含量却相应提高, 灰烬仍然需要填埋并产生二恶英污染。 垃圾焚烧产生大量的有毒物质,其中最为危险的是人类一级致癌物中毒性最强的二恶英(DIOXINs ,DXNs)。二恶英主要是由垃圾中的塑料制品焚烧产生,它不仅具有强致癌性,而且具有极强的生殖毒性、免疫毒性和内分泌毒性,这种比氰化钾毒性还要大1千多倍的化合物由于化学结构稳定,亲脂性高,又不能生物降解,因而具有很高的环境滞留性。 垃圾焚烧后,废气中的二恶英或者被人和动物直接吸入,或者通过空气飘落到了土壤和水中; 二恶英含量很高的固体废物和废水可能通过地下水渗透。借助于水生和陆生食物链, 最终被人们食用。 真相之2: 焚烧炉技术漏洞百出 一. 柴油燃油辅助燃烧系统条件苛刻, 难以满足: 以下条件根本没办法保证时刻都能达到: 柴油投放量的多少,烟气温度不低于850?,烟气在炉膛及二次燃烧室内的停留时间不少于2s,O2浓度不少于6%.. 二. 喷入式活性碳阻击不了二恶因: 1. 据称,对废气中致癌毒素去除率达98%, 还有2%怎么办?难道它就不是毒吗? 2. 通过烟气排放的二恶英及重金属数量减低,然而在灰烬中的二恶英及重金属 含量却相应提高 3. 活性碳本身也是重大疑点: 1) 活性碳本身很可能是伪劣产品. 2) 发电厂很可能为了节省成本,偷工减料. 3) 吸附二恶英的废活性炭可能被循环利用. 三. 人为操作错误以及设备故障: 要知道,故障迟早会发生的,将导致二恶英大量生成!!! 典型案例: 在深圳蛇口港湾小区血癌村案件中,南山垃圾焚烧电厂厂长说,电厂的烟气处理系统在那两天的确没有正常工作,垃圾焚烧产生的有毒废气未经处理就排放到空气中。 四. 产生二恶因的必然性: 烟气在处理和排放过程中处于300,500?区域是无法跳越的. 二恶英在高温过程中被破坏去除,在降温的过程中还会重新生成! 真相之3: 固体废物和废水的危险性---“海陆空”全方位的二恶英污染 按公示文件讲:焚烧留下的“焚烧灰尘属危险废物”将作特殊处理,谁来监督这些剧毒物不会扩散??? 如果填埋,也可能会通过地下水渗透, 产生二恶英污染。 文件又说:“废活性炭经过鉴别后如属于危废将同飞灰一并处置,如属于一般废物将同炉渣一并处理”; 活性炭“可以对焚烧后烟气中的二噁英类进行有Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 效脱除,去除效率可达到98%以上”。废活性炭居然可以作为一般废物,岂不是承认活性炭的吸附无效,或者垃圾焚烧不产生二恶英, 这份文件的科学精神,对人民负责的精神怎么体现~ 文件还说“炉渣属一般固体废物”、“本工程炉渣拟综合利用” 。 果真无害吗~还有,一切废水,包括“垃圾渗滤液、卸料平台、车间等冲洗水、全厂生活污水”,终将排入河流,这中间没有二恶英吗~ 垃圾焚烧对环境的二恶英污染是“海陆空”全方位的,它污染的范围也绝不是周围几公里。若干年后,将有多少人为此而改变生命的进程~ 真相之4: “达标”之说是个典型的文字游戏 一.我国低于一般国际标准10倍: 二恶英类排放标准: 中国 1.0 ng TEQ/m3 11 ;而台湾标准为 0.1 ng TEQ/m3 11 (也是国际通行的标准). 注意:两者是10倍关系. 二.垃圾厂的建设标准: 400米范围外无异味. 这个标准太低, 相距400米还有异味,可见污染有多么严重?!!! 三. 二恶英排放实际上几乎无法检测, 标准形同虚设, 无法对其监管. 目前中国的垃圾焚烧发电厂总是这样回答记者:”我们达标”,实际上从来就没有测过!二恶英检测难度较大,检测费用较高,一个样品的分析测试就需花费近万元人民币;我国仅有少数几个二恶英研究实验室能够检测。 北大二恶英研究实验中心博士这样形容二恶英样品前处理(提取、分离、浓缩、精制)的工作量,就如同把国际标准泳池(50米×25米×2米)装满大米,从中挑捡出一颗带色的大米。 真相之5: 假“发电”,真“污染” 中国的垃圾热值低,多为厨房垃圾,可燃物少,含水量高达60,。居民生活垃圾热值低、湿度大,与西方发达国家垃圾相比,不适合焚烧发电. 国外都是将垃圾分类之后,将其中能烧并且不产生毒素的垃圾类别用来焚烧发电. 国内很多垃圾发电厂是打着发电的旗号,干着制造二恶因污染的勾当。这些发电厂的目的是拿政府补贴和发电卖钱。 发电厂经常产生大量没有燃烧干净的生活垃圾,“好像跟刚刚从家里倒出来的垃圾一样”, 燃烧不完全, 将产生更严重的二恶因污染。 真相之6: 震惊-垃圾焚烧是不分类,直接烧 据07.4.11日现代快报报道,某垃圾焚烧厂经理说,生活垃圾成分单一,直接烧,不会产生污染,烟囱冒出的全是白烟,很干净. 实际情况是: 生活垃圾成分非常复杂,包含大量如塑料垃圾袋,电池等产生严重污染的成分. 如果不事先分类,而是直接焚烧,二恶因的污染将会成百倍增长。 真相之7: Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 垃圾焚烧“选址”是一个严重的决策错误 一. 垃圾焚烧发电厂绝不能选址在盘龙城开发区. 2008年12月31日武汉市各大报纸相继登出“武汉未来2年将建成5座垃圾焚烧发电厂”的消息,其选址囊括汉阳区、江夏区、青山区、黄陂区等城区,对武汉大有包围之势。盘龙城开发区,作为黄陂这片曾经的武汉之“根”的发展对于江北城区建设非常重要。五座电厂之一,选址黄陂区刘店村道贯泉,处于盘龙城经济开发区核心地带。根据武汉市城市经济发展规划,盘龙城经济开发区号称将被建设成集“现代制造业区、临空港物流产业区、都市旅游度假区、生态人居区”为一体的新兴城区。现今已有很多大大小小的开发商在此进行开发,有各大、中型楼盘几十个。 作为政府部门大力宣传的武汉之根——盘龙城,其对外形象便是历史悠久,文化底蕴浓厚,生态环境好。可是一旦垃圾焚烧厂建成了,岂不是极大的讽刺,通过“两型社会”政府的规划,“责任”媒体的报道,加上开发商的集体“忽悠”,成千上万的老百姓用辛辛苦苦积攒多年的血汗钱为盘龙城穿上了“50万人的宜居新区”的马甲。即便如今交通依然窘困,美景依然停留在图纸上,什么都是理想除了那里唯一值得人慰藉的空气清新。如今垃圾焚烧厂也将开建,居民之后的生活可想而之,一颗毒害生命的种子即将种下,盘龙城会失去它唯一可以值得炫耀的资本。如果建成了垃圾焚烧厂,试问谁会再留在“毒区”生活,有多少人会去那里置业,有多少企业愿意去为毒气买单,长此以往,盘龙城将成为一座彻底的死城,空城。值得关注的是,前期大幅在媒体上亮相的汉口北批发第一城,作为盘龙城的产业支柱,同样号称打造一个商贾云集,华中地区最大的商贸城。于此情景,只能祝愿它一路走好。大胆猜想一下,盘龙城也许是温州的购房团的“滑铁卢”,原因竟然是由于环境问题。 二. 垃圾焚烧发电选在盘龙城, 违反国家法规, 应追究决策人的责任! 国家环境保护总局、国家发改委联合发布了“关于加强生物质发电项目环境影响评价管理工作的”〔环发〔2006〕82号〕的规定。明确规定关于生活垃圾焚烧发电类项目厂址选择的具体要求,规定要求除国家及地方法规、标准、政策禁止污染类项目选址的区域外,以下区域一般不得新建生活垃圾焚烧发电类项目: (1)大中城市建成区和城市规划区; (2)城镇或大的集中居民区主导风向的上风向; (3)可能造成敏感区环境保护目标不能达到相应标准要求的区域。 汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂选址在盘龙城的中心地带,与道贯河、盘龙湖及盘龙城大大小小的湿地湖泊相邻。盘龙城被规划为50万人的大社区,但距离汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂最近的楼盘仅300米,将受到发电站污染的楼盘分别有: 1、盘龙城地区:汉北家园,瑞祥熙园,龙辰丽湾,俯河明珠 ,宜鑫苑,盘龙庭苑,日月山水,08经典,F阳光城,香滨半岛,源煌公寓,美景天城,名流•人和天地等。 2、后湖那边有:吉祥谷,同安花园等。3、百步亭地区。4、摄口地区 这些楼盘多位于汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂的西、西南、西北等方向,正好是汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂的下风口。 1、空气污染:汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂采用的落后工艺及设备必将产生大量的有毒废气,即使按其标榜的“二恶英排放为0.09纳克/立方米”,每天焚烧1500吨垃圾,其所排除的二恶英将是一个极其可怕的数字。而当人体内二恶英Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 达到109纳/kg时,便易引发癌症。武汉春夏季盛行刮南风,风力一般3—4级,即3.4—7.9米/秒,而按国家环保局公布的标准,二恶英混杂其中的气溶胶“ 降低速度很小”,微粒至少在空中停留数小时,因此,汉口北垃圾焚烧发电厂不断排放的有毒气体在风力作用下,只需10至20分钟必将连续覆盖周边5公里的地区。而在已经成为常见的雾霾天气里,毒气将聚集在周边地区形成浓厚的毒雾环境。而垃圾臭气污染同样严重,尽管建设方宣称:垃圾臭气通过密封负压系统抽至炉内作为补风,这只不过是理想化的描述,每天1500吨的垃圾如何能在一个密闭的环境中处理完成而没有臭气飘散, 2、水源污染:该厂选址盘龙城,宣称的一个有利条件是距离汉口近,而该厂建设并没有配套的污水处理设施,因此,我们有理由相信包括垃圾渗滤液、卸料平台、车间等冲洗水、冷却水、全厂生冷污水,终将排入道贯河、盘龙河。而建设方宣称“垃圾渗滤液回喷焚烧炉内燃烧”的说法让人产生疑问:它能燃烧吗,它会这样做吗,这只是糊弄人的空话。 3、固体废物污染:该厂每天将产生75吨富含二恶英、重金属颗粒等有毒物质的高危险废物:焚烧飞灰,如何将其妥善填埋,是就地填埋吗,那太可怕了。如果是转送建设中的蔡甸千子山卫生填埋场,沿途又如何保证其安全而不会产生泄露,而每天产生的350吨炉渣,建设方称:“经鉴定后拟作为建筑材料进行有效综合利用”。这是一个不科学的、模糊的说法。垃圾在炉内是连续不断 地燃烧,由于垃圾的成分及燃烧条件不同,炉渣所含有毒物质成分也会不断变化,那么又如何鉴定所有的炉渣是安全无害的呢,事实上,根据国内外资料显示,炉渣中同样含有大量有毒有害物质,包括二恶英。那么炉渣不可能综合利用,而将成为综合扩散,成为污染源。 真相之8: 国际禁建令: 请看欧美国家早已纷纷发布禁建令,并关闭焚化炉. 在1985年美国就有超过137座垃圾焚烧炉兴建被取消; 1992年,加拿大安大略省通过了焚烧炉使用的禁令; 1996年北美洲五大湖区52个焚化炉结束运作; 德国、荷兰、比利时等欧洲国家也相继颁布了"焚烧炉禁建令"; 我们的近邻日本1998年末永久或短暂关闭了2000多座工业废物焚化炉,到2000年7月,全日本已有4600座垃圾焚烧设施被停止使用; 1997年6月16日,韩国政府强制关闭3家国有大型垃圾焚烧处理厂; 即使是垃圾问题极为严重的贫穷的菲律宾,也颁布了垃圾焚烧设施建设的禁令。 2001年3月,由英国埃可塞特大学的国际绿色和平组织研究实验室发表的《焚化炉与人类健康》的长篇,通过对二恶英与焚化炉关系的专门研究,纠正了许多传统的误解:虽然经过改良的新型焚化设施通过烟气排放的二恶英及重金属降低,然后在灰烬中的二恶英及重金属含量却相应提高,仍然造成环境污染;焚化炉不能完全消除废物中的有毒物质,而只是改变了它们的形态,部分物质的毒性甚至比原来更高;所谓焚烧可减少废物的重量和体积,不过是针对灰烬而言,如果将焚化炉有毒气体输出量加起来,总输出量将超过废物原来的重量。报告还通过对芬兰、西班牙、德国等欧盟国家在垃圾焚化设施附近的居民的监测研究,指出垃圾焚化对人类健康的严重影响包括(儿童和成人)患上癌症、呼吸道疾病、Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 心脏病、免疫系统失调、过敏症及先天畸形等疾病。报告的结论是:足够的证据显示焚化炉对环境造成污染,对人类健康造成伤害,理应被全面取缔。 2001年5月,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩各国全权代表会议上,经投票有91个国家(包括我国)赞成,《POPS公约》(后更名为斯德哥尔摩公约)获得通过。公约确定了各国必须立即加以控制和治理以二恶英为代表的12项在环境中具有高残留性、高生物浓缩性和高生物毒性的物质,即POPS物质(残留性有机污染物质)。 真相之9: 坚决反对焚烧垃圾 一. 坚决反对焚烧垃圾 焚烧垃圾将产生剧毒二恶英,不仅空气,产生大量灰渣和污水都含有高浓度二恶英.这些灰渣埋到哪里,就污染到哪里; 这些污水将流入的河流,连长出的蔬菜都将含有二恶英.请问汉口的兄弟,你能不吃蔬菜吗?请问江城的百姓,咱们吃的菜难道一定不是从市郊运来的吗? 坚决反对不顾百姓死活,污染一大块土地,来节省一小块垃圾场地! 谁同意建垃圾场,谁就是人民的罪人! 二. 如果坚持焚烧垃圾,则有以下原则: 1. 事先必须进行垃圾分类. 对于不能焚烧的垃圾 ( 如旧轮胎、塑料和有害垃圾 ) 还要另找处理办法。绝不能直接焚烧综合生活垃圾!!! 否则二恶因将大量产生,后果更加严重. 2. 如果对分类后的垃圾进行焚烧, 如何环保监控? 根本就没有好的! 绝不能让不法分子偷工减料!(这恰恰是经常发生的.) 3. 坚决反对垃圾焚烧发电厂选址在居民稠密区, 长江上游. 案例: 陈家冲垃圾填埋场停摆3天 本报讯(见习记者王刚 熊琳晖 记者唐煜)因难以忍受垃圾填埋场的恶臭,阳逻街山河村的村民用水泥预制板封堵陈家冲生活垃圾卫生填埋场前的道路。至昨日,已影响三个区垃圾清运3天。 昨日下午,记者在现场看到,4块预制板横放在通往垃圾填埋场唯一的一条水泥路上(如右图)。 填埋场工作人员告诉记者:“23日,这条路就被附近的山河村村民用预制板封住,填埋场已停摆3天。” 据介绍,该填埋场去年10月投入使用,每天接纳处理江汉区、江岸区、硚口区以及阳逻街的日常生活垃圾2000多吨。 填埋场附近的山河村6组村民纷纷向记者诉说:自从填埋场运行以来,附近的村民总是闻到刺鼻的恶臭。村民说,村边有一个“半边山”,以前山清水秀,但现在空气中时常飘着恶臭,苍蝇、蚊子越来越多。今年以来,村民多次向有关部门反映,但最后都没给出明确答复。 17日,山河村30余名村民,在通往填埋场的道路上排成行拦堵运垃圾车辆。21日,近300名村民再次堵车。据该组村民朱先生说:“我们被恶臭熏得没办Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 法,才不得不堵路。” 昨日,记者在江汉、江岸、硚口3个区一些街道看到,许多垃圾筒装满了垃圾,腐臭气味逼人。居民们说,已有两三天没人清运。 市城管局有关人员介绍,陈家冲垃圾卫生填埋场流出的污水气味的确很大,原因是污水处理厂还未建成。村民堵路事件发生后,已安排将江汉区、硚口区的生活垃圾运到紫霞观垃圾处理场,江岸区的生活垃圾运到谌家矶临时投放。 深圳蛇口港湾小区惨成“血癌村” 政府岂能不作为 原本活泼可爱的孩子躺在病床上,父亲靠在墙边。(吊瓶用的药水不能见光,医护人员用黑色塑料带将输液管包住) 这个暑假,8岁的何超躺在医院与死神搏斗。今年7月15日,他在深圳市儿童医院被确诊患上“急性非淋巴细胞白血病”。这个刚在小学二年级期终考试中取得语文97分、数学英语双百分的聪明仔,这一次将很难破解他所遇到的难题。他的主治医生说,何超要战胜死神必须闯过两道难关:首先他要面临数个疗程的化疗在此过程中,他的肝、肾等内脏将受到巨大伤害;如果化疗能稳定病情,他将接受骨髓移植手术,而手术的成功率也只有50%。 一个被癌症改变的家庭 7月30日傍晚,何超做完第一次化疗。他的父亲何志强静静地坐在医院过道里。何志强刚哄完儿子睡觉。他的妻子还坐在他身后的玻璃病房内,正在病床边捡儿子掉下来的头发。掉发,只是化疗的不良反应之一。何超已经入睡,在他的床头放着一本《500个数学故事》。 何志强夫妇都是南山开发集团的职工。他们在蛇口赤湾相识相爱,在港湾生活小区安家,何超也在这里出生长大。按计划,何志强要给家里添置一台小汽车。但白血病改变了这个月收入6000余元的家庭,计划买车的数万元人民币只够何超的前期化疗费用。 早在今年6月,何超开始咳嗽发烧。蛇口联合医院检查发现,他的血常规白细胞偏高。何志强压根儿就没有把孩子的症状与白血病挂钩。就在检查期间,何超还参加了学校的期末考试。7月初,何超脖子开始肿大,深圳市儿童医院的医生开出了住院通知书。7月15日,何志强就被告知儿子被确诊为急性非淋巴细胞白血病。 五年三为血癌患儿捐款 何志强在儿子确诊的当天下午向自己所在的南山开发集团港务公司求助。3天后,数百名公司同事捐助的十余万元就打到了他的账户上。 组织这次捐款的是公司工会的刘大姐。五年来,她先后组织了三次同样的捐款。1999年,港务公司流动机械班孔师傅12岁的儿子牙龈不停出血,很快就确诊为白血病。工会把这消息公布后,员工们自发捐款。几天时间,他们就捐了4万多元。此前,1998年港务公司刘师傅12岁的女儿也被确诊为白血病,组织捐款的也是刘大姐。与何志强和孔师傅的儿子不同,刘师傅的女儿在老家读书,只是暑假才到小区生活。 何志强夫妇都是前两次的捐助者。何志强现在依稀记得,他为孔师傅的儿子捐了200元,妻子捐了100元。但为刘师傅的女儿捐了多少钱已记不清楚。 说起这三次捐款,刘大姐怎么也高兴不起来。“尽管前两次捐款都顺利地为小孩筹集了大量医疗费,但是大家的爱心却没能留住这两个小生命。”刘大姐说,1999Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 年底,两个12岁孩子相继死去。言谈间刘大姐颇有些伤感,“为什么我们公司这么多灾多难,短短几年时间,就有3人遭难。” 小区朝海靠山三千多人 刘大姐不知道,让她不安的白血病数字并非全部。 港务公司是南山开发集团的一个下属公司,集团的许多员工都生活在蛇口港湾生活小区。港湾生活小区不仅与都市喧嚣保持了适度距离,而且面朝大海背靠南山。自古以来这里就是风景名胜区,在赤湾村的绿荫下,还安睡着南宋最后一个皇帝。1985年前后,南山开发集团在这里建造港湾生活小区。来自港湾生活小区物业管理处和片区居委会提供的数据显示,目前港湾生活小区的常住居民有3000多人,与其相邻的赤湾村原住居民为163人,而在整个赤湾片区还居住着上万流动人口。 “小区的白血病患者肯定不止3个人~”管辖港湾生活小区的赤湾居委会一名工作人员说,尽管她不知道具体的患者姓名,但她肯定自己此前听说的白血病患者都是南山开发集团的员工。这名工作人员随后拿出小区居民的户口簿供记者查阅,但却没能找到她说的那些人。这名工作人员猜测,患病的员工可能已经过世,所以户口已注消。这名工作人员建议记者到南山开发集团工会(以下简称集团工会),那边可能会有记录。“你们来得正好,我们刚刚统计出一个数据,情况的确很严重~”集团工会副主席朱女士说。在港务公司给何超捐款时,公司工会曾把这个消息上报给集团工会。一听说是白血病,朱女士不由心头一紧:“最近几年,我已经不是两三次听说有员工得这个病。”朱女士立刻安排同事统计员工患癌症的数据。“说实话,统计数据吓了我一跳,集团有6个人得白血病,其中5人是在最近6年得病的。”据了解,除了3名近年患病的小孩外,另外3名患白血病的员工,有两人也是在最近5年发病的。 根据朱女士提供的线索,记者确认了一名姓晋员工的患病记录,这份记录显示:晋某1998年12月因白血病到深圳市第二人民医院住院,1999年在该院做骨髓移植手术后康复出院,但到2000年10月,晋某因白血病复发再次入院,出院后就再没有他的消息。而名单上另外两名患病员工,记者多方努力仍未能联系到患者家属。但一些小区居民说,曾经听说过两名男子患病的情况。 一份22人的癌症患者名单 6名白血病患者也并非港湾生活小区癌症患者的全部。 最先透露这个消息的是一位港务公司员工。他说,包括6名白血病患者,港湾生活小区有近20人患各种癌症,其中多数都是最近6年内发病或死亡。 集团工会有一份22人的癌症患者名单。“小区癌症患者多大家多少都有些了解,但当我和同事把这些患者都统计成册后,这个数据还是吓了我们一大跳。”集团工会副主席朱女士手里捏着名单说,这份名录也很可能是不完全的。 蛇口人民医院赤湾社康中心就在港湾生活小区旁边,8月1日,当记者在中心找到贺医生时,她刚刚给癌症患者名单中的一位开完药。“赤湾小区的癌症患者的确较多,有些患者还经常来我们这里取药。”贺医生说,由于这里居民都是凭社保卡看病取药,所以很多人都十分熟络。仔细翻阅记者取自集团工会的癌症名单后,贺医生和她的同事表示其中至少有10人是她认识的,病情也基本一致,一位热心的医生还特意打开医院的电脑系统再次予以核实。一位不愿透露姓名的医生说,她自己就住在港湾小区内,她个人也非常希望能搞清楚到底为什么小区居民多患癌症。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 除了掌握全局的集团高层外,小区绝大部分居民对小区癌症患者的整体情况可能并不知情。但当具体到个人时,他们都能说起一二:贺某,得的是肝癌,去年过世的;这个姓叶的妻子我认识,今年刚查出来得了癌症,正在治疗;这个姓何的已经搬走了,好像还健在„„ 根据集团工会提供的癌症患者名单,记者在小区进行了半个月的调查。但要找齐所有患者或其家属,了解他们在小区的居住情况却非易事。 通过寻找患者家属、查询居委会记录和社区医院档案等途径,记者可以证实这22人中的17人确实患有癌症,并且在小区居住过。而名单中的另外5人,由于病逝或已搬离小区失去联系等原因,记者始终无法找到其本人或亲属。 赤湾村近年也有多人患癌 “去隔壁赤湾村看看吧,我们前任村长也是得癌症去世的~”赤湾村一名热心村民坚持要求记者过去村里看看。从港湾生活小区顺着山路向下走大约50米,就是常住人口不到三千人的赤湾村。这是紧挨着港湾生活小区的一个村,可以说它和该小区无论从地理位置上还是常住人口组成上,都有天然的“血缘性”。 村民口中的“老村长”姓陈,赤湾村的老居民。在村民印象中,陈的身体一直很硬朗。“他住在这里有40多年了,做事情风风火火,好像从来不知道疲倦。”紧挨陈家的一家老居民说。陈两年前死于胰腺癌。在他死后,他的儿子搬出了赤湾村,只留下他的老伴住在自家盖的三层小楼房里。谈到陈的死,老太太不愿意多谈,她只说陈被检查出癌症,最后也没有治疗成功。老太太说,陈没有癌症家族遗传病史,他的父母及直系亲属都没有患过癌症。 在集团工会的癌症名单统计中有陈的名字。名单上的吴礼娥也长期居住在赤湾村。吴礼娥,女,46岁,南山开发集团的退休职工,住在赤湾村内。自20多年前从南山区南园村嫁到赤湾村,她一直住在这里。3年前,她患上了直肠癌,经过手术她活了下来,她也是记者找到的为数不多的幸存者之一。 提起母亲的“老毛病”,吴礼娥的儿子麦嘉威没有太多忌讳,“就是直肠癌,她都现在还要每天吃药呢。”在麦嘉威的记忆里,母亲自从南山开发集团公司食堂退休回家,身体就不是很好。3年前她感到腹部很疼,入院检查发现是直肠癌。经过长时间治疗,吴里娥终于出院了。 不过麦家人的担心并未就此解除,他们对于癌症的恐惧和感受比周围人都强烈,因为癌症已不是第一次光临。早在2002年,麦嘉威40出头的姑姑麦金兰因为患胃癌治疗无效去世。麦金兰也是南山开发集团员工,她长期生活在港湾生活小区。麦嘉威说,麦金兰和吴里娥都没有癌症的家族遗传病史,医院的病历也证明了这点。 除开已确认患癌的陈村长和吴礼娥外,赤湾居委会的工作人员还向记者提供了另外5名癌症患者的情况。他们中有三人姓陈,分别在1998年、去年和今年过世;一名孔姓男子因患肺癌于2000年过世;还有一个姓麦的男子,患肝癌于1998年去世。 癌症发病率正常吗, 综合赤湾小区和赤湾村已得到核实的22名癌症患者分析,其中16人是在1998年―2004年间发病或过世的,这个数字是1985年-1997年间的近3倍。 这,到底正常还是不正常, 记者拿着这个数据走访了多位深圳的肿瘤医学专家及相关部门。没有人能够作出判断这是否正常。有专家说,医学部门长期以来都偏重个案研究,甚少对一个片Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 区进行调查。 中华医学会深圳分会有关专家表示,癌症的发病原因有很多种,其中遗传因素和环境、生活习惯的影响最大。该专家对港湾生活小区及赤湾村这样的癌症发病率持谨慎观望的态度,“这种发病率值得医学研究者关注,至于是否正常不好下断言,必须要等到实地调查后才能得出。” 深圳市疾病预防控制中心有关负责人的态度相对明确一些,他首先表示,对癌症病人的调查必须有确诊的根据,“如果港湾小区及赤湾村近6年的癌症患病者数字,真的像你们(记者)提供的那样,那么这个情况是很严重的。”这位负责人说,癌症发病率虽然有增长的趋势,但一个片区在短期内集中出现这么多癌症病人是不正常的,一般癌症的发病率都远远达不到这个片区的患病比率。例如白血病在我国的平均发病率是十万分之三左右。 该负责人同时强调,癌症的发病原因很多,首先遗传的因素很重要。“如果可以明确排除该病人没有遗传病史,那么环境和生活习惯方面就是主要考虑的问题。”该负责人同时强调,致病因素很复杂,很可能不是单一因素导致的。同时如果病人在该地区居住时间在10年以下,那么环境方面的影响应不会是致病主因。而据记者调查,港湾小区一带癌症患者多是在该地生活了10年以上。 对于记者反映的情况,该负责人表示具体的结果必须要等到医学专家实地调查后才能得出。他表示,实地调查要多部门联动,“这将是一个浩大的工程,不是简单某个部门可以操作的。” 居民:片区环境逐年恶化 现在的港湾生活小区及赤湾村居民的生活像往常一样平静,部分了解到癌症患者数量的居民同样如此。但他们都想知道这种现象是否属于正常的生老病死。 许多居民认为,这个片区的环境质量正在逐年恶化。因为在小区周边有深圳能源集团妈湾发电总厂、月亮湾电厂、南山垃圾焚烧电厂、浮法玻璃厂、南海油脂厂等上十家企业(小区地形图附后)。港湾生活小区物业管理处卢主任说,自这些企业开始兴建时起,小区居民的反对声就一直持续不断。20世纪90年代初妈湾电厂竖起第一根烟囱时,小区居民就集体签名表示抗议;玻璃厂时常冒出浓烟的大烟囱,被这里的居民多次投诉到环保局;而2003年,当垃圾焚烧电厂动工建设时,这里的居民也集体表示反对。 居民的抗议声没有阻止工厂建设的步伐,相反,环境的变化却正在改变着居民的生活习惯。小区居民说,这些年来他们养成了与半山豪宅区不相称的三个怪习惯。第一怪是,窗外海风徐徐,居民们却习惯关着窗户;第二怪是,早上起床准备晨练时,小区居民先要在阳台看风向闻气味;第三怪是,放着无敌海景的漂亮房子不住,一些居民却开始往蛇口甚至更远的市区那边迁移。卢主任说,近年来迁走的居民不下一百人,他认为多数搬迁与环境有关。 在小区居住十多年的陈阿姨抱怨说:“现在空气脏得很,我老公的那些花木,每天早上都会积下黑黑的粉尘。”小区一些居民不无担忧地说,他们不知道周边企业的烟囱在排放些什么废气,他们担心包围小区的怪味空气,会不会损害自己的身体。 小区居民肖伟聪老先生还特地画了个示意图给记者解释,“我们小区地形特殊,建在山窝窝里,周边的这些工厂一排烟,那些难闻的废气就会随风吹到山窝里。”记者还用问卷调查的方式随机抽样访问了港湾生活小区50位居民,看他们对环境的看法到底如何。就整个随机抽样结果来看(结果仅对抽样结果负责,并不一Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 定能代表所有居民意见),认为近年来小区环境持续恶化的有52%,认为没有变化的占到22%。在询问环境变化体现在哪些方面时,有50%的居民认为是空气被污染,另有52%的居民选择灰尘增多(有数位受访者选择两项)。记者在调查中发现,在小区生活10年和10年以上的居民,都在“小区环境正在恶化”一栏上打勾。 168枚放射源未妥善处理 最近,一则关于妈湾电厂的消息更加重了部分小区居民的不安。这则消息说,广东省政府联合执法检查组新近在深圳妈湾电厂检查时发现,该厂共有168枚闲置、废弃的放射源未进行妥善处理。这些废弃放射源如果保管不善、处理不当或被盗,均可能产生放射性污染。这些放射源是电厂安装在落煤管里的“料位计”(一种通过射线来实现测量的仪器)。深圳妈湾电厂早前由于工艺更新,有一批“料位计”放射源被淘汰废弃,调查组今年进入电厂检查时,发现这些已废弃的料位计依然留在落煤管里。 妈湾电厂办公室一名工作人员在接受记者电话询问时表示,这些放射源放射性并不大,不会对环境或者附近居民构成伤害。“如果走到50米近时可能会对人体有影响,但是那些居民距离我们电厂很远,如果他们都被辐射,那我们工厂的员工不都受辐射了吗,”这位工作人员说,他们电厂没有人患白血病,而且电厂每年都要进行废气排放检测,他们测试的结果全部符合国家相关规定。有关专家也表示,该工作人员的分析是有道理的,如果料位计发生泄漏,首先被辐射的肯定是仪器的操作员,因为距离越远,射线的辐射强度就会越弱。 一位曾在大亚湾核电站工作多年的环保专家指出,一般电厂等工矿企业使用的料位计都是使用r射线来测量煤等原料的实际储存量。r射线射程较远,一般射线距离在几百米到几公里不等,如果人体长时间被照射,可能导致人体细胞发生基因突变,从而使人体细胞出现癌变。但这位专家强调:从理论上讲,一般“料位计”都有屏蔽隔离装置,这样r射线的射程会大大减小,港湾生活小区距离妈湾电厂有数百米远,正常情况下料位计的辐射性不可能有这么远,因此对人体是安全的,但前提是料位计没有被损坏,核材料没有发生泄漏。 垃圾焚烧电厂冒出黄烟 继妈湾电厂之后,位于小区西边的南山垃圾焚烧电厂也因一次意外引起关注。 8月2日一大早,正在晨练的黄老伯很快发现平时冒青烟的电厂烟囱,今天冒的是很浓的黄烟~居民说,黄烟很快飘进小区,还有居民立刻就致电本报,表示小区内有人感觉头脑发晕。而8月3日,垃圾焚烧电厂仍然冒着黄烟。 “我很内疚,我要向周围居民道歉。”南山垃圾焚烧电厂厂长白雄昂事后接受本报记者采访时说,电厂的烟气处理系统在那两天的确没有正常工作,垃圾焚烧产生的大量有毒废气未经处理就排放到空气中。 白厂长解释说,这次事故并不是电厂的机器出现故障,而是当时南山电网电压不稳定,使得进口的烟气处理系统无法正常运转。“如果我们当时强行使用处理系统,就很可能烧坏里面价值数百万元的进口配件。”在这种情况下,电厂当时把废气切换到其他管网实行直接排放。 白厂长说,自2003年工厂投入使用以来,这是第一次出现类似故障。“今后我们一定会改进工作,如果烟气处理系统无法工作,我们宁可全厂停产,也不会再将未处理的废气直接排放到空气中。”电厂有关技术人员坦承,那些未经处理的燃烧废气含有酸性的有毒物质,这其中包括氯化氢、二氧化硫和氟化氢,这些物质对人体都是有损害的。但他强调,如果只是短时间的排放,不会给人体健康Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 带来大的影响。 据了解,南山垃圾焚烧电厂每天要处理800吨垃圾,包括塑料、橡胶等各种垃圾都同时进行焚烧处理。该厂技术人员介绍,该厂垃圾发电系统是从日本引进的,其废气排放严格遵守欧洲排放标准,各项指标都远远超过国家相关排放规定,日常生产绝不会对周边居民造成伤害。 但对于垃圾发电,专家仍有担心。一位环保专家介绍,国外研究表明,一般垃圾电厂在焚烧垃圾发电时温度在200-300度之间,很可能会产生高度致癌的物质“二恶英”,二恶英被人体吸入后会附着在脂肪上,并导致细胞产生癌变,专家说:“至今国外学术界都还对垃圾焚烧发电持怀疑态度。” 据了解,早在电厂选址阶段,一些小区居民就曾以污染空气为由提出反对意见,为此电厂还专门邀请部分居民去日本垃圾发电厂参观,以证明垃圾焚烧不会损害人体。南山垃圾焚烧电厂技术人员解释说,他们电厂的焚烧温度在800度以上,这样做就是为了避免产生二恶英。但他同时表示,电厂目前无法对二恶英排放进行实时检测,因此无法给出具体检测数据。 记者不下十次进入港湾生活小区,与超过百名居民进行交谈。但就是这些常年居住在这里的居民,他们也无法弄清是哪家企业在污染环境。有人认为是电厂的大烟囱,有人说玻璃厂的排烟十分厉害,有居民说油脂厂排放的废气十分难闻,一些居民也认为这边的环境仍然是很好的。 一个难解的问号 事实上,政府部门的检测数据也为居民的担忧提供了佐证。一份来自深圳环保检测部门的统计数据显示,美丽的南头半岛(含蛇口)空气质量虽然符合国家环境空气质量二级标准,但空气中污染物浓度近年来呈总体上升趋势,环境空气质量在深圳行政区域中排名最后。 有环保专家介绍,深圳市环保局在深圳全市共设有10个监测点,其中在南头半岛有两个:一个在南油工业区,另一个在南山家乐福附近。这两个点的平均值可以比较科学地反映港湾生活小区及赤湾村的空气综合污染指数。这份数据显示,从1996年到2003年,仅南头半岛,工业废气、燃料废气、二氧化硫、烟尘的排放量一直占到全市排放量的50%以上。在1999年高峰期,南头半岛二氧化硫的排放量竟占到深圳全市的89.8%。更为严峻的是,该片区域空气中污染物浓度近年来总体呈上升趋势,环境空气质量整体下降,在秋冬季节部分地区污染则更为严重。 而这些污染又有相当部分是由南头四个大型电厂造成。在深圳市重点检测的35家重点工业废气污染源检测指标中,靠近港湾生活小区的妈湾发电总厂、南山热电股份有限公司和月亮湾燃机电厂位居前三位,其中妈湾发电总厂的污染负荷占到重点源的46.09%,三大发电厂的污染总和则占到35家重点工业废气污染源的73.26%。 提供南山片区综合环境数据的深圳市环保局工作人员同时也表示,和全国其他城市相比,深圳的环境条件应该排在前十名之内。南头半岛的综合污染指数为1.96,比深圳全市污染指数1.75平均高出12%。但与临近城市相比,广州市2002年、2003年的综合污染指数分别为2.62和2.87;佛山2002年、2003年的综合污染指数也高达2.25和2.51,这些城市的平均污染水都比南头半岛要高。这名工作人员还表示,即使把蛇口片区放到全国所有的重工业区里面去比较,这里的环境条件也是处于中上水平的。“通俗地讲,二级标准的空气应该是‘一般’或Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 者‘良好’,从数据来分析,南头半岛的环境质量应在正常范围内。”该负责人解释说。 记者还与深圳一家具有空气质量检测资质的环境检测部门取得联系,希望他们能到港湾生活小区及赤湾村进行实地检测,以取得该片区具体的环境空气质量数据。有关专家到现场调查后说,这不是一个单位能在短时间能做到事情。像空气中二恶英含量的检测,整个深圳市只有一家单位拥有这样的设备。他认为,如果不经长时间的科学检测,就把小区癌症患者数量与癌症强行挂钩是不科学的。 向记者提供数据的深圳市环保局有关专家也表示,目前在赤湾片区还没有设置环境检测设备,因此无法提供该片区的空气质量报告。而整个南头半岛的环境空气质量报告,是否会给赤湾片区居民的生活及身体健康产生影响,以及是否含有过高的致癌悬浮物,都是不能成为分析依据的,这需要设点进行长时间的监测以及分析,才可能得到科学的结果。 彻查有待政府介入 南山开发集团工会目前正在努力向有关部门寻求帮助。今年7月,在统计到有多名员工或员工家属患白血病后,南山开发集团开始向有关部门反映。开发集团工会的工作人员已经邀请一位南山区人大联络员到公司收集资料。工会一名负责人说,他们希望有关部门能够关注到赤湾片区的环境变化。与此同时,个别居民也开始行动,一些居民也已准备联系环保检测机构去测试空气质量,他们希望测试空气污染情况,测试放射源的辐射强度。 正如有关专家所说,调查某个区域居民的健康状况和片区的空气质量是否正常,都是一个长期、系统的工程,需要采用大量科学手段进行研究分析,而这些是某个单位或个人所无力完成的。居民们都希望政府相关部门能彻底调查小区环境,用权威数据去解释片区癌症患者数量是否正常。 山后的垃圾发电厂 来源:《南方都市报》 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation." East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered "three mountains" (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of women's team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers
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