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天津导游证报考条件天津导游证报考条件 , 2014年07月04日 【导语】:报考导游证需要满足什么条件,什么条件下才能够报考导游证。 根据《导游人员管理条例》的规定:在中华人民共和国境内从事导游活动,必须取得导游证; 考导游证需要什么条件 遵守宪法,热爱祖国,坚持四项基本原则,具有高级中学、中等专业学校或者以上学历,身体健康,具有适应导游需要的知识和语言表达能力的中华人民共和国公民。 2014年天津国家导游资格证考试时间 (1)6月28、29、30报考 (2)8-10月分批次口试 (3)11月底统一笔试 (4)2015.03...
天津导游证报考条件 , 2014年07月04日 【导语】:报考导游证需要满足什么条件,什么条件下才能够报考导游证。 根据《导游人员管理条例》的规定:在中华人民共和国境内从事导游活动,必须取得导游证; 考导游证需要什么条件 遵守宪法,热爱祖国,坚持四项基本原则,具有高级中学、中等专业学校或者以上学历,身体健康,具有适应导游需要的知识和语言达能力的中华人民共和国公民。 2014年天津国家导游资格证考试时间 (1)6月28、29、30报考 (2)8-10月分批次口试 (3)11月底统一笔试 (4)2015.03颁发证书 2014年天津国家导游证培训时间 (1)7-8月口试培训 (2)9-11月笔试培训 天津导游证怎么考 , 2014年07月04日 在天津河西区友谊路41号大安大厦409室;天津市旅游培训中心报名 报名流程: geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 1 报名时请持本人身份证和学历证件的原件及复印件一套,一寸彩色照 片三张。 2费用:报名、考试、培训、教材费,共计780元。(其中:培训费380 元,教材费140元)。 考试内容: 笔试,导游法规常识、全国导游基础知识、天津导游基础知识、导游业务、时事政策及旅游职业道德等。 口试,模拟导游及导游服务能力测试等。 外语类考生考试与中文类相同,但须用所报语种的语言进行口试并当场加试口译(中译外和外译中)。 2014年天津导游资格考试报名时间 , 2014年07月04日 根据历年天津导游资格证书考试报名时间预测2014年天津导游资格考试报名时间在6月底,届时,请考生关注考试在线导游资格考试频道。考试在线小编会在第一时间为各位考生公布报名公告,请考生随时关注动态! 天津历年导游资格证考试报名时间 各年份 报名时间 2013年 2013年6月29日至7月1日 2012年 2012年6月30日 ——7月2日 2011年 2011年6月25,27日 2010年 6月26—28日 导游证管理办法 全文 , 2014年07月04日 导游证管理办法 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, (1999年8月27日 旅管理发[1999]136号) 一、为规范和加强导游证管理,依据国务院《导游人员管理条例》(以下简称"《条例》"),制定本办法。 二、导游证(含临时导游证)是证明持证人已经依法进行导游注册、能够从事导游活动的法定证件。导游人员进行导游活动时,应当佩戴导游证。无导游证从事导游活动,依据《条例》的有关规定给予处罚。 依照本办法有关规定领取的导游证在全国范围内有效。 导游证只限持证人本人使用,不得伪造、涂改、转借和买卖。 三、导游证由国家旅游局规定样式规格(附件一)并统一印制,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府旅游行政部门(以下简称“省级旅游行政部门”)颁发。 省级旅游行政部门可以根据需要委托地市级旅游行政部门代为颁发导游证。省级旅游行政部门委托地市级旅游行政部门代为颁发导游证的,应当在作出委托决定的同时书面报国家旅游局备案。 四、导游证正面设置中英文对照的导游证(CHINA TOURGUIDE)、导游证编号、导游等级等项目,并在中部贴持证人最新免冠2寸正面照片,背面设置持证人姓名、性别、身份证号码、导游资格(等级)证书号码、语种、服务旅行社、发证机关(钢印、发证日期和有效期限三年等项目)。 临时导游证正面用不易为公众看出的字体写有"临时"二字,无导游等级和导游资格(等级)证书号码,背面增设工作单位项目,有效期限为三个月,其余同导游证。 五、导游证与临时导游证分别编号。 导游证编号由大写英文字母“D”和8位阿拉伯数字组成。其中,D表示导游;8位阿拉伯数字中,第一、二位为导游所在省级行政区的标准代码,后6位由发证机关按先后顺序编号,发证机关也可以根据需要确定第三、四位为各地市的地区代码;字母和数字之间用"-"连接。 临时导游证编号由大写英文字母L和8位阿拉伯数字组成。其中,"L'表示临时导游,其余同导游证编号。 六、申请领取导游证,必须依照《条例》和国家旅游局的其他有关规定取得导游人员资格证书,并不具有《条例》第五条规定的任何一种情形。 旅行社(含导游公司,下同)可代申请人统一办理导游证申领手续。 领取导游证,须持以下材料向所在地的省级旅游行政部门或省级旅游行政部门委托的地市级旅游行政部门(以下简称发证机关)提出申请: geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, (一)申请人的《导游人员资格证书》或《导游员等级证书)(交验); (二)与旅行社订立的劳动或在导游公司登记的证明材料; (三)按规定填妥的《申请导游证》(一式两份,样式见附件二)。 发证机关经审核,对符合规定条件和材料符合要求的,向申请人员颁发导游证;对不符合颁证条件的,当面通知申办人或书面通知申办人;对材料不符合要求的,要求申办人进行补充、修改。 七、申请领取临时导游证,必须是具有实际需要的特定语言能力的人员,并不具有《条例》第五条规定的任何一种情形。 领取临时导游证,须持以下材料向发证机关提出申请: (一)由旅行社出具的临时导游证; (二)填妥的《申请导游证登记表》(一式两份,须注明"申请领取临时导游证"); (三)证明申请人员具备特定语言能力的材料。 发证机关经审核,对符合颁发临时导游证条件的,颁发临时导游证;不符合条件的,当面通知申办人。 八、导游证有效期3年,从发证之日起计算。持证人在有效期满后继续从事导游活动的,应当在有效期届满前3个月,持即将到期的导游证、导游资格(等级)证书和申请导游证登记表(一式两份,须注明"到期换发"),向发证机关申请换发。 临时导游证有效期最长不超过3个月,并不得延期。旅行社需再次聘用的,按照本办法第七条的规定重新申办临时导游证。 九、持证人在导游证有效期内变换服务旅行社继续从事导游活动的,应当持原旅行社同意调出或解除聘用关系的证明材料、由原旅行社剪角作废的原导游证、导游资格(等级)证书、与新聘用旅行社订立的劳动合同或聘用协议、申请导游证登记表(一式两份,需注明"变更换发"),向新聘用旅行社所在地的发证机关申请换发导游证。 在有效期内因晋升导游等级需换发导游证的,需持原导游证和新取得的导游等级证书和申请导游证登记表(一式两份,需注明变更换发),向所在地的发证机关申请换发导游证。 十、导游证遗失,持证人应当及时服务旅行社,由旅行社持遗失导游证的《申请导游证登记表》到发证机关办理挂失手续,由发证机关将遗失导游证的号码、持证人、发证机关和日期等在《中国旅游报》或所在地一家省级日报上刊geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 登遗失和作废声明,然后由持证人或其所服务的旅行社持导游资格(等级)证书、申请导游证登记表(一式两份,须注明"遗失补发"),向发证机关申请补发。 在申请补发导游证期间,申请人不得从事导游活动。 导游证损坏,持证人应当持原导游证、导游资格(等级)证书和申请导游证登记表(一式两份,须注明"损坏换发"),向发证机关申请换发。 十一、依据本办法第八条、第九条、第十条的规定换发和补发导游证,导游证有效期重新计算。 依据本办法第八条、第九条、第十条第三款的规定换发导游证,使用原导游证号码;依据本办法第十条第一款的规定补发导游证,原导游证编号作废,由发证机关重新编号。 十二、持证人应当接受旅游行政部门依法进行的检查,按检查机关和检查人员的要求出示导游证和提交有关材料。 旅游行政部门及其工作人员对导游持证情况进行现场检查时,应当出示检查证件,否则导游人员可以拒绝接受检查。 十三、持证人违反《条例》及本办法的有关规定使用导游证,旅游行政部门可以依据《条例》的有关规定,作出责令改正和暂扣、吊销导游证并予以公告等处罚,其他组织或个人不得擅自扣留、销毁、吊销导游证。 十四、景点景区导游人员的导游证管理,由各省级旅游行政部门依据该地区景点景区导游人员管理办法,参照本办法作出规定,但其导游证只能在本景点景区内使用,其样式规格必须与本办法规定的导游证样式规格有明显区别。 十五、本办法由国家旅游局负责解释。 十六、本办法从1999年10月1日起施行,国家旅游局1988年1月4日发布的《关于颁发中华人民共和国导游证书的暂行办法》和1989年12月11日发出的《关于颁发和管理导游员证书的通知》同时废止。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry,
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