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神探夏洛克第一季S01E03台词 新福尔摩斯 人人影视福尔摩斯迷翻译组 诚意制作 白俄罗斯 明斯克 和我从头说下事情经过吧 Just tell me what happened from the beginning. 我们去了一间酒吧 We had been to a bar, 很棒 我和那边的 nice place, and, er, I got chatting 一个女招待聊得火热 with one of the waitresses, 凯伦就不高兴鸟[语法错] 所以... and Karen were...
新福尔摩斯 人人影视福尔摩斯迷翻译组 诚意制作 白俄罗斯 明斯克 和我从头说下事情经过吧 Just tell me what happened from the beginning. 我们去了一间酒吧 We had been to a bar, 很棒 我和那边的 nice place, and, er, I got chatting 一个女招待聊得火热 with one of the waitresses, 凯伦就不高兴鸟[语法错] 所以... and Karen weren't happy with that, so... 我们回了旅店之后 when we get back to the hotel, 便吵了起来 we end up having a bit of a ding-dong, 就是这样 don't we? 她总是数落我 说我不系真男人 She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man. 不"是"真男人 Wasn'ta real man. -啥 -语法错了 是"是" 不是"系" - What? - It's not "Weren't", it's "Wasn't". 继续 Go on. 后来我就不知道怎么回事了 Well...then I don't know how it happened, 只是突然间发现我手里拿着把刀 but suddenly there's a knife in my hands... 我爹是个屠夫 ...and you know me old man was a butcher, 所以我对使刀还蛮在行 so I know how to handle knives. -他交我们怎么把一头野兽大卸大块 -是"教" - He learned us how to cut up a beast. - Taught. -又是啥 -教你们怎么大卸八块 - What? - Taught you how to cut up a beast. 好吧 所以我就作了 Yeah, well, then I done it. -是"做" -好吧 我做了 我捅了她 - Did it. - Did it! Stabbed her! 捅了一刀又一刀 然后我看到她以... Over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't... "已"经 ...wasn't... 不动了 ...moving no more. 一动也不动 Any more. 上帝保佑 我也不知是怎么回事 God help me, I dunno how it happened, 但我发誓这是一场意外 but it was an accident, I swear. 你必须帮我 福尔摩斯先生 Eh, you've gotta help me, Mr Holmes! 大家都说你是最好的 Everyone says you're the best. 要是你不肯帮我 Without you... 我就得被脚死了 ...I'll get hung for this. 放心吧 别克先生 才不会呢 No, not at all, Mr Bewick. 你是会被"绞"死 Hanged, yes. 你到底在抽什么风 What the hellare you doing?! -本少爷无聊 -啥 -无聊死了 -别 - Bored! - No... 无聊无聊 Bored! 犯罪阶层都蔫了吗 Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. -还好我没去那边混 -那你就拿墙壁撒气吗 - Good job I'm not one of them. - So you take it out on the wall? 不撒白不撒 The wall had it coming. 那起俄罗斯的案子呢 What about that Russian case? 白俄罗斯吗 明摆着小两口情杀 没啥好查的 Belarus? Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time. 可惜了呀 Oh, shame 有吃的没 我饿死了 Anything in? I'm starving. 我去... Oh, f... 里面有颗人头 There's a head. -一颗割下来的人头 -给我茶就好 多谢 - A severed head! - Just tea for me, thanks. -不 冰箱里有颗人头 -那又怎样 - No, there's a head in the fridge. - Yes? 那可是人头 A bloody head! 不然你让我放哪儿 Well, where else was I supposed to put it? 你不介意的吧 You don't mind, do you? -真无语 -从巴茨医院的停尸间拿来的 - Well... - Got it from Bart's morgue. 我在测量人死后唾液的凝固时间 I'm measuring the coagulation of saliva after death. 你把血腥的哥那起案子写进了博客 I see you've written up the taxi driver case. 是呐 Er...yes. 粉色研究 A Study In Pink. 真想得出来 Nice. 是嘛 粉衣女郎 粉色箱子 Well, you know. Pink lady, pink case, 粉色手机 从头到尾都是粉色 你喜欢吗 pink phone. There was a lot of pink. Did you like it? -不 -为什么 我可是一个劲地夸你 - Um...no. - Why not? I thought you'd be flattered. 夸我 夏洛克能在瞬间 Flattered?! "Sherlock sees 看穿万事万物 through everything and everyone in seconds. 但令人难以置信的是 他对某些领域 "What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is -现出的极端无知 -等下 我不是那意思... - "About some things." - Hang on a minute, I didn't mean that... 那你的"极端无知"也是在夸我咯 Oh, you meant "Spectacularly ignorant" In a nice way 听着 我不关心 Look, it doesn't matter to me -首相是谁 -好吧 - who's Prime Minister or... - Yeah, I know. 或是谁和谁有一腿 ...who's sleeping with who... -或是地球绕着太阳转 - Whether the earth goes round the sun. 又来了 这无关紧要 Not that again! It's not important! 啥 Not impor...?! 连小学生都知道 你怎么会不知道 It's primary school stuff. How can you not know that? 就算我以前知道 那也早被我删除了 Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it. 删除是啥意思 Deleted it? 听着 我的大脑就像一个硬盘 Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense 只会存放有用的东西 真正有用的东西 to put things in there that are useful. Reallyuseful. 普通人一般都是满脑子垃圾 Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. 关键时刻大脑就不起作用了 明白吗 That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see? 但这是太阳系啊 But it's the solar system! 见鬼 这到底有什么关系啊 Oh, hell! What does that matter?! 地球是绕着太阳转 就算是绕着月亮转 So we go round the sun. If we went round the moon, 甚至是绕着公园转啊转 像只泰迪熊似的 or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, 也和我们没有半毛钱关系 it wouldn't make any difference! 我只在乎工作 不然大脑就要生锈了 All that matters to me is the work! Without that, my brain rots! 都写进你的博客去吧 Put that in your blog! -你要去哪儿 -出去透透气 - Where are you going? - Out! I need some air. 抱歉 亲爱的 Oh, sorry, love! 哎呀 你小两口闹别扭了吗 Woo-hoo! Have you two had a little domestic? 外面有点冷 Ooh, it's a bit nippy out there. 他应该多穿一点 He should have wrapped himself up a bit more. 看啊 赫德森太太 Look at that, Mrs Hudson. 安静无比 Quiet. 一片祥和 Calm. 太平无事 Peaceful. 讨厌死了 Isn't it hateful? 放心吧 会有乐子的 夏洛克 Oh, I'm sure something will turn up, Sherlock. 一起错综复杂的谋杀案 让你兴奋起来 A nice murder. That'll cheer you up. 快点来吧 等死人了 Can't come too soon. 你怎么把墙弄成这幅德行 Hey, what have you done to my bloody wall?! 回头加在你的房租里 坏小子 I'm putting this on your rent, young man! -早安 -早安 - Morning. - Oh...m-morning. 看吧 都说让你睡气垫了 See, told you you should have gone with the Lilo. 不不 没事 我睡得很好 No, no, no, it's fine, I slept fine. 多谢你让我留下 It's very kind of you. 也许下次 Well, maybe next time I'll 我会让你睡我床脚 let you kip at the end of my bed, you know. 于18个月前发现的失落作品专家将其誉为艺术界的一大世纪性发现其价值将逾两百万英镑甚至更高 which was discovered quietly mouldering 18 months ago. Experts are hailing it as the artistic find of the century and no-one It fetched over £20 million This one is anticipated to do even better. 那下下次呢 What about the time after that? -来点早餐吗 -好啊 - So, do you want some breakfast? - Love some. 那就自己做吧 Yeah, well, you'd better make 我得去洗个澡 it yourself because I'm going to have a shower. 现在回到主要新闻伦敦市中心发生一起重大爆炸 目前仍未有任何伤亡报告 而警方也未能排除该爆炸涉及恐怖袭击的可能警方已公布紧急号码 以便相关亲朋取得联系 Back now to our main story.There has been a massive explosion in central London.As yet, there are no reports of any casualties,and the police are unable to say if there's any suspicion of terrorist involvement. Police have issued an emergency number for friends and relatives.' 莎拉 Sarah! -莎拉 - Sarah! 抱歉 我得走了 Sorry! I've got to run! 不好意思 能借过一下吗 Excuse me, can I get through? Excuse me. Can I get through? 我住在这儿 I live over there. 夏洛克 Sherlock! 夏洛克 Sherlock! 约翰 John. 我在电视上看到新闻 你没事吧 I saw it on the telly. Are you OK? 我吗 没事啦 Me? What? Oh, yeah, fine. 很显然是煤气泄漏 Gas leak, apparently. -不行 -怎么不行 - I can't. - Can't? 手头这案子太棘手 抽不开身 Stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time. 别管你的小案子了 这可是国家要案 Never mind your usual trivia. This is of national importance. 减肥得怎么样了 How's the diet? 不用你操心 Fine. 约翰 你来劝劝吧 他或许听你的 Perhaps you can get through to him, John? -啥 -恐怕我弟弟 - What? - I'm afraid my brother 就是不肯让步 can be very intransigent. 要是你这么急切 何不自己去查 If you're so keen, why don't you investigate it? 不不不 我可不能 No, no, no, no, no. I can't possibly be away 离开办公室一步 from the office for any length of time. 而且现在还是韩国大选... Not with the Korean elections so... 反正你也不感兴趣吧 Well, you don't need to know about that, do you? 更何况 像这种案子 得外出跑腿[自己是办公室侦探] Besides, a case like this, it requires...legwork. 莎拉还好吗 约翰 气垫怎么样 How's Sarah, John? How was the Lilo? 沙发 夏洛克 他睡得沙发 Sofa, Sherlock. It was the sofa. -可不是嘛 -你们怎么 好吧算了 - Oh, yes, of course. - How...? Oh, never mind. 自从你俩在一起以来 Sherlock's business seems 似乎夏洛克的工作...就蒸蒸日上了呀 to be booming since you and he became...pals. 和他同居有啥感觉 What's he like to live with? -我猜是生不如死吧 -从不无聊就是了 - Hellish, I imagine. - I'm never bored. 不错 真不错 是吧 Good. That's good, isn't it? 安德鲁·威斯特 朋友叫他小威 公务员 Andrew West, known as Westie to his friends. Civil servant. 今早被发现死于巴特希火车站的铁轨上 Found dead on the tracks at Battersea station this morning 死因是头部遭到重击 with his head smashed in. 他是跳轨自杀吗 Jumped in front of a train? 这个推论似乎是符合逻辑 Seems the logical assumption. -但是呢 -什么但是 - But? - But? 如果只是场意外 你也不会过来 Well, you wouldn't be here if it was just an accident. 切 Huh! 国防部正在研制一种新导弹防御系统 The MoD is working on a new missile defence system, 称为布鲁斯-帕廷顿 the Bruce-Partington Program, it's called. 计划内容存在一根记忆棒上 The plans for it were on a memory stick. 这招可不怎么高明 That wasn't very clever. 有很多个备份 It's not the only copy. 但却是机密 But it is secret. 现在却失踪了 And missing. 是高度机密吗 Top secret? 当然 我们认为威斯特肯定拿走了记忆棒 Very. We think West must have taken the memory stick. 绝不能让其落入非法之徒手中 We can't possibly risk it falling into the wrong hands. 你得把它找出来 夏洛克 You've got to find those plans, Sherlock. -别逼我命令你 -那就试试看呀 - Don't make me order you. - I'd like to see you try. 好好想想吧 Think it over. 再见 约翰 Goodbye, John. 回头见 See you very soon. 你这是何必 Why did you lie? 你根本无事可做 You've got nothing on. 一宗案子也没有 所以墙才遭罪 Not a single case. That's why the wall took a pounding. 为什么骗你哥说你忙得不可开交 Why did you tell your brother you were busy? 我偏喜欢 Why shouldn't I? 好吧 Oh. 懂了 Nice. 兄弟阋墙 原来这么回事 Sibling rivalry. Now we're getting somewhere. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 当然去 我怎能拒绝 Of course. How can I refuse? 是雷斯垂德 在召唤我 Lestrade - I've been summoned. 你来吗 Coming? -你想让我去的话 -当然 - If you want me to. - Of course. 我的博客作家不在 我会无所适从的 I'd be lost without my blogger. 你一向都爱有趣的案子吧 You like the funny cases, don't you? -让人惊奇的案子 -很明显 - The surprising ones. - Obviously. -这件你肯定喜欢 是起爆炸案 -煤气泄漏吗 - You'll love this. That explosion. - Gas leak, yes? -不是 -不是吗 - No. - No? -不 只是凶手故意制造的假象 -什么 - No. Made to look like one. - What? 那地方几乎全被炸毁 除了这保险箱 Hardly anything left of the place, except a strongbox. 这保险箱可真够保险 里面是这个 A very strong box, and inside it was this. -你没打开吗 -写的是你收 不是吗 - You haven't opened it? - It's addressed to you, isn't it? 照过X光了 没动过手脚 We've X-rayed it. It's not booby-trapped. 我可真安心了 How reassuring. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 信纸不错 Nice stationery. 波西米亚纸 Bohemian. 什么 What? 捷克共和国产的 没有指纹吗 From the Czech Republic. No fingerprints? 没有 No. 她用的是钢笔 派克平顶多福系列铱金笔 She used a fountain pen. Parker Duofold, Meridian nib. -是个女的吗 -很明显 - She? - Obviously. 好吧 Obviously. 但那...是那个手机 粉色的手机 That... That's the phone. The pink phone. "粉色研究"里的那个吗 What, from The Study In Pink? 很明显不是同一个 Well, obviously, it's not the same phone, 只是看起来像而已 but it's supposed to look like... "粉色研究" 你也看他博客吗 StudyIn Pink, you read his blog? 当然 我们都看 Of course I read his blog. We all do. 你当真不知道地球绕着太阳转吗 Do you really not know that the Earth goes round the sun? 不是同一个 这个是全新的 It isn't the same phone. This one's brand new. 有人费尽心思 Someone's gone to a lot of 让它们看起来一样 trouble to make it look like the same phone. 说明你博客的读者群还挺广泛 Which means your blog has a far wider readership. 您有一条新短信 You have one new message. -就这个 -不 不止 - Was that it? - No, that's not it. 这到底让我们怎么理解 What in the hell are we supposed to make of that? 一张房产中介登的照片 加上格林威治的报时声 An estate agent's photo and the bloody Greenwich pips. -是个警告 -警告 - It's a warning. - A warning? 以前就有秘密社团用晒干的瓜籽作警告 Some secret societies used to send dried melon seeds, 如五个桔核 五下计时也一样[出自三K党案] orange pips, things like that - five pips. 是在警告我们 这事还会发生 They're warning us it's going to happen again. -这地方我见过 -等等 - I've seen this place before. - Hang on. -什么事还会发生 -爆炸 - What's going to happen again? - Boom! 赫德森太太 Mrs Hudson? 你见过的吧 夏洛克 第一次来 You had a look, didn't you, Sherlock, when you first came -看房时就看过 -这门开过 - to see about your flat? - The door's been opened. -就在最近 -不可能 就这一把钥匙 - Recently. - No, can't be. That's the only key. 没人有兴趣租这间房 I can't get anyone interested in this flat. 估计是太潮湿了吧 地下室就这点不好 It's the damp, I expect - that's the curse of basements. 我刚结婚的时候就住过 I'd a place once when I was first married. 整片墙壁都发霉了 Black mould all up the wall... 我的天 Oh. Dear me. 鞋子 Shoes. 别忘了他是炸弹客 He's a bomber, remember. 来电号码 屏蔽 你好 Hello. 你好 帅哥 H-Hello...sexy. 您哪位 Who's this? 我给你送了个小迷题 I've...sent you...A little puzzle. 算是跟你打声招呼吧 Just to say hi. 你是哪位 为什么哭 Who's talking? Why are you crying? 我没在哭 I... I'm not crying. 我在打字 I'm typing. 而这个蠢婊子 And this...stupid bitch 不过是念出来 is reading it out. 游戏开场了 The curtain rises. -什么 -没什么 - What? - Nothing. 那话什么意思 No, what did you mean? 我一直就在等待这一天 I've been expecting this for some time. 给你12小时 12 hours to solve... 解出我设的迷题 夏洛克 my puzzle, Sherlock... 不然 我可是会 or I'm going to be... 捣蛋的哦 ...so...naughty. 圣巴塞洛缪医院 你猜那是谁 So, who do you suppose it was? 电话里那女人 在哭的那个 Woman on the phone - the crying woman. 她无所谓 就一人质而已 查她没用 Oh, she doesn't matter, she's just a hostage. No lead there. 我不是在想线索的事 For God's sake, I wasn't thinking about leads. 再想你也帮不了她 You're not going to be much use to her. 他们在试着追踪吗 追踪那电话 Are they trying to trace it - trace the call? 不相符 不相符 不相符 不相符 炸弹客狡猾得很 追查不到 The bomber's too smart for that. -帮我拿下手机 -在哪儿 - Pass me my phone. - Where is it? 上衣口袋里 Jacket. 轻点 Careful! 你哥的短信 Text from your brother. -直接删掉 -删掉 - Delete it. - Delete it? 该计划已流出国外 我们无能为力 Missile plans are out of the country now. 我们无能为力 Nothing we can do about it. 麦考夫认为有意义 他都短你八回了 Well, Mycroft thinks there is. He's texted you eight times. 回复: 布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划 安德鲁·威斯特之死的 肯定很重要 Must be important. 那他还有时间去看牙医 Then why didn't he cancel his dental appointment? 他看什么 His what? 麦考夫只要能用讲的 就不会发短信 Mycroft never texts if he can talk. 安德鲁·威斯特偷了导弹防御计划 Look, Andrew West stole the missile plans, tried to sell them, 想要卖掉 结果却丢了小命 got his head smashed in for his pains, end of story. 仅此而已 The only mystery is this - 唯一的疑点是 好容易有个这么好玩的案子 why's my brother so determined to bore me 我哥干嘛非要来烦我 when somebody else is being so delightfully interesting? 你要知道还有个女人命悬一线 Try and remember there's a woman who might die. 干嘛 医院里到处都是濒死的人 医生 What for? There's hospitals full of people dying, Doctor. 你何不跑他们身边哭去 Why don't you go and cry by 看能不能挽救他们 their bedside and see what good it does them? 搜索完成 -有发现吗 -当然 - Any luck? - Oh, yes! -抱歉 我不知道... -金 是你 进来 - Oh, sorry. I didn't... - Jim, hi! Come in! Come in! 金 这位就是夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Jim, this is Sherlock Holmes. -这位是...不好意思 -约翰·华生 - And, er... Sorry. - John Watson. Hi. 你就是夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Hi. So, you're Sherlock Holmes. 茉莉一直谈起你 你在查案吗 Molly's told me all about you. You on one of your cases? 金在楼上信息部门工作 Jim works in IT, upstairs. 我们就这样认识的 办公室恋情 That's how we met. Office romance. 基佬 Gay. -你说什么 -没什么 你好 - Sorry, what? - Nothing. Um, hey. 你好 Hi. 抱歉 不好意思 Sorry. Sorry! 我还是先走吧 Well, I'd better be off. 福克斯剧场见 I'll see you at the Fox. -六点左右见 -好 - About sixish? - Yeah. -再见 -再见 - Bye. - Bye. 很高兴见到你 It was nice to meet you. 同感 You too. 你说谁基佬呢 我们在交往呢 What do you mean, gay? We're together. 恋爱幸福很滋润啊 茉莉 And domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. 比我上次见到你时重了三磅了 You've put on three pounds since I last saw you. -两磅半 -不 三磅 - Two-and-a-half. - No, three. -夏洛克 -他才不是基佬 - Sherlock. - He's not gay! 你干嘛要毁掉...他不是 Why do you have to spoil...? He's not! 那么注意打扮自己 With that level of personal grooming? 因为他往头发上抹东西吗 Because he puts a bit of product in his hair? 我也抹啊 I put product in my hair. 你洗头发时抹 不一样的 You wash your hair, there's a difference. 不 不 他描了眉 No, no - tinted eyelashes, 前额明显涂过牛磺酸精华乳 clear signs of taurine cream around the frown lines. 眼中带着常年泡夜店的血丝 Those tired, clubber's eyes. -还有他的内裤 -他的内裤 - Then there's his underwear. - His underwear? 腰上露出一截 非常明显 牌子很特别 Visible above the waistline. Very visible. Very particular brand. 还有最明显的 Plus the extremely suggestive 他给我留了电话在这盘子底下 fact that he just left his number under this dish. 你最好现在就去跟他分手 长痛不如短痛 I'd say you'd better break it off now and save yourself the pain. 真是太好了 干得漂亮 Charming, well done 节省她时间而已 不是很好心吗 Just saving her time. Isn't that kinder? 好心 不 夏洛克 那不叫好心 Kinder? No, no. Sherlock, thatwasn't kind. 你来说说 Go on, then. 你知道我的做法 你来试试 You know what I do. Off you go. -不要 -说吧 - Oh... No. - Go on. 我可不想站这分析这鞋 I'm not going to stand here so you can humiliate me 任你羞辱... while I try and disseminate... 旁观者的视角 不同的观点 An outside eye, a second opinion. -对我非常有用 -好吧 - It's very useful to me. - Yeah, right 真的 Really! 好吧 Fine. 这就是双运动鞋 Oh, they're just a pair of shoes. Trainers! 很好 Good. 保养得很好 这鞋子看着还很新 They're in good nick. I'd say they were pretty new, 只是鞋底磨损得厉害 except the sole has been well worn, 所以应该穿了有些日子了 so the owner must have had them for a while. 80年代风格 可能是复古款 Er, very '80s. Probably one of those retro designs. 很有见解 还有呢 You're on sparkling form. What else? 码子很大 所以是男人的 They're quite big. A man's. 但是 But... 但鞋帮内有名字的痕迹 But there's traces of a name inside in felt-tip. 成人不会在鞋子里写名字 Adults don't write their names 应该是个孩子的 inside their shoes, so these belong to a kid. 很好 还有呢 Excellent. What else? -就这些 -就这些 - That's it. - That's it. -我干得如何 -很好 约翰 - How did I do? - Well, John. 真的很好 Really well. 虽然你几乎漏掉了 I mean, you missed almost 所有要点 但... everything of importance, but, you know... 鞋主人很喜欢这鞋 擦得很干净 The owner loved these. Scrubbed them clean. 还漂白过 Whitened them where they got discoloured. 鞋带也换了三... Changed the laces three... 不 四次 no, four times. Even so, there are traces of his flaky skin 手指经常接触的地方 where his fingers have come 还留有皮屑 说明他有湿疹 into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema. 鞋底内侧磨损更严重 The shoes are well worn, more so on the inner side, 说明他足弓无力 which means the owner had weak arches. 英国制造 20年前生产的 British-made, 20 years old. -20年 -不是复古款 就是当时的鞋 - 20 years? - They're not retro, they're original. 限量版 带两条蓝道 产自1989年 Limited edition - two blue stripes, 1989. 上面还带着泥呢 看上去很新 There's still mud on them. They look new. 被人保存得很好 Someone's kept them that way. 鞋底沾着好几层泥 Quite a bit of mud caked on the soles. 分析显示伦敦的泥覆盖在苏塞克斯郡的上面 Analysis shows it's from Sussex with London mud overlaying it. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 不相符 花粉 如地图般清晰 出自英格兰南部 Pollen. Clear as a map reference to me. South of the river, too. 这孩子20年前 So, the kid who owned these 从苏塞克斯郡来到伦敦 trainers came to London from Sussex 20 years ago -留下这双运动鞋 -他后来怎么样了 - and left them behind. - So, what happened to him? 祸事降临 Something bad. 他喜欢这双鞋 记得吗 绝不会弄脏它 He loved those shoes, remember. He'd never leave them filthy. 除非万不得已 不会丢弃它 Wouldn't let them go unless he had to. 所以是个脚很大的孩子... So, a child with big feet gets... 怎么了 What? 卡尔·鲍尔斯 Carl Powers. -抱歉 那是谁 -卡尔·鲍尔斯 约翰 - Sorry, who? - Carl Powers, John. 啥意思 What is it? 那是我的第一件案子 It's where I began. 1989年 一个孩子 1989, young kid, champion swimmer, 从布莱顿过来参加锦标赛 came up from Brighton for a 他是游泳冠军 却淹死在了泳池里 school sports tournament, drowned in the pool. 不幸的意外 你肯定不记得了吧 Tragic accident. You wouldn't remember it. -何必去记得 -可你记得 - Why should you? - But you remember. -对 -有什么疑点吗 - Yes. - Something fishy about it? 没人这么想 Nobody thought so. 除了我 Nobody except me. 当时我自己也还是个孩子 在报纸上看到了这事 I was only a kid myself. I read about it in the papers. -你还真是英雄出少年啊 -那孩子 卡尔·鲍尔斯 - You started young, didn't you? - The boy, Carl Powers, 他水性很好 had some kind of fit in the water, 可他们救他上来时 已经太晚了 but by the time they got him out, it was too late. 有些不对劲 There was something wrong 总在我脑子里挥之不去 somewhere and I couldn't get it out of my head. -是什么 -他的鞋 - What? - His shoes. -鞋怎么了 -现场没发现鞋 我嚷了起来 - What about them? - They weren't there. I made a fuss. 希望引起警方的注意 I tried to get the police interested 但大家都觉得这无足轻重 but nobody seemed to think it was important. 他把所有衣服都留在了储物柜里 He'd left all the rest of his clothes in his locker. 可唯独没有鞋 But there was no sign of his shoes. 现在找到了 Until now. 我能帮上忙吗 Can I help? 我想帮忙 I want to help. 只剩五个小时了 There's only five hours left. 是你哥哥 It's your brother. 他开始给我发短信了 He's texting me now. 有进展吗 麦考夫·福尔摩斯 -他咋知道我的号码 -他肯定在做根管治疗 - How does he know my number? - Must be a root canal. 听着 他说过...那是国家要案 Look, he did say...national importance. -真有意思 -什么有意思 - How quaint! - What is? 你呗
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