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国贸专业英语 Unit 3 1. Nevertheless, many policy actions have repercussions … and investment policy. 尽管如此,许多国家的政策行为仍然会对其它国家以及国外的公司和个体商人产生影响,因此,它们也会成为一国制定贸易和投资政策时须权衡的因素。 2.Worldwide,most…principles. 全球大多数国家制定的贸易投资政策至少表面上与国际政策相符。 3.However,…and barriers. 但是,许多国家通...
Unit 3 1. Nevertheless, many policy actions have repercussions … and investment policy. 尽管如此,许多国家的政策行为仍然会对其它国家以及国外的公司和个体商人产生影响,因此,它们也会成为一国制定贸易和投资政策时须权衡的因素。 2.Worldwide,most…principles. 全球大多数国家制定的贸易投资政策至少表面上与国际政策相符。 3.However,…and barriers. 但是,许多国家通过进口控制与壁垒对自由贸易设立了大量的限制。 4.They are particularly…against trading partners. 它们尤其在一些遭遇主要贸易逆差和基础设施问题的国家比较常见,导致这些国家同贸易伙伴国达成自愿限制协定,或选择性地使用关税、配额或非关税壁垒等贸易限制措施来抵制贸易伙伴国。 5.Nontariff barriers…imports. 非关税壁垒包括如、认证或具有限制进口效应的简单官僚障碍等多种措施。 6.They therefore…such products. 因此,它们就构成了将资金从进口商品的买方(或卖方,如果利润被他们所得的话)转移至政府,并转移至国内同类产品生产商的行为——如果同时国内竞争产品的价格上升的话。 7.Voluntray…prominence. 自愿限制协议是用来帮助国内企业重组、重建并拿回生产利润。 8.Due to…trade accords. 由于他们的“自愿”特性,这些协议不受之前双方或多方议定的任何贸易协定的约束。 9.Antidumping laws…on them. 反倾销法是用来帮助那些由于产品倾销而遭遇国外非公平竞争伤害的企业。 10.Exports are also…capital. 出口产品也会由于外交政策而受控制——一国政府希望借此向另一供给短缺的国家传递政治信号或希望借此保持中心国地位 。 11.In addition,…assistance. 另外,美国已经建立国家级的出口协助网络中心,能够为寻找出口咨询与金融帮助的出口商提供一站式服务。 12.These credits ,… exporters. 这些信用贷款——由部分商业利息和部分高额补贴发展援助利息组成的贷款形式 ——使得贷款以很低的利息贷给出口商。 13.Recent tax … to bear. 最新的税法也通过减少派驻海外雇员的高额生活成本来鼓励出口。 14.A revision…tax free. 目前,修订后的税法允许从国外挣来的收入中的一大部分免于被征税。 15.Any export…activity. 出口促销引发了一些问题。第一个问题主要关注公共资金开支的正当理由,因为它们本质上还是盈利性行为。 Unit 5 1. Subsidies are applied …. Policy objectives. 补贴通常应用于基础设施建设,帮助那些艰苦奋斗的企(行)业或新兴行业的发展,促进新技术的研发,能重新分配收入,帮助贫困消费者以及满足一系列其他政策目标。 2. Theory also tell ……lack adequate information. 理论告诉我们,如果补贴给予出口商或进口竞争行业以人为的竞争优势,那么它将扭曲贸易流动。对什么进行补贴的决策通常包含技术上的复杂性。这是由于政府缺少充分的信息造成的。 3.Whether a subsidies … who is making the judgment. 无论人们认为补贴是修正市场失灵或者是寻求社会目标的合意的干预,还是无益的贸易扭曲有时取决于由谁来做这一判断。 4. But economic analysis … forms of intervention. 但是经济分析必须能够帮助理解为什么要实施补贴政策,从福利的角度确定合适的补贴(金额)并评估代替补贴的其他政策形式的价值。 5. When governments … ways of doing so. 当政府决定进行与效率决策无关的补贴时,在福利分析基础上进行的经济分析可能不太有用。在这种情况下,当能够保证政策制定者能认识到追求特定目标和替代政策的成本时,经济分析才可能最有帮助,这样做代价才较小。 6.From an international trade … internationally contested market. 从国际贸易的角度,受益人因为补贴而在国际市场竞争中占优势并构成竞争威胁,这种干预对该部门的贸易产生特定的影响,贸易伙伴对补贴措施的关注度随着干预程度的加深而提高。 7.Whether or not such … from granting subsidies. 从国家福利的角度,无论实施补贴是否正当,事实是在世界市场上,如果认为补贴政策对贸易的影响太强烈,则可能使实施补贴带来的任何利益为零。 8. The WTO subsidy … international trade. 既要确保各国行使补贴的权力,又要建立以避免补贴对国际贸易过大的破坏和扭曲,WTO补贴政策旨在平衡两者之间的潜在矛盾。 9.They might rely on …than the market price. Or they …that affects relative prices. 补贴政策是规则干预而非用财政手段直接作用于政府预算。它们以低于市场的价格提供货物或服务。否则,补贴政策只被认为是作为影响相关价格的政府干预。 10. Definitions used in the …at hand. 文献资料、国家和国际机构使用(哪种)补贴的定义取决于当时的目的(是什么)。 11. Most definitions of subsidy … in return. 但是大部分补贴的定义都包含有“政府向私人企业的无偿转移支付”的涵义——即私人企业不需要等值的贡献回报国家。 12.The most complete… are available worldwide. The national account …to resident enterprises. 可以在世界各国的国民账户统计表上查到关于补贴的最完善的信息。国民账户统计表对补贴的定义更为狭窄,仅包括付给居民企业的直接支付。 13.This is the case, for example… a benefit to the recipient. 例如,“生产者补贴等值”的计算就是通过国内对农产品生产者的支持确定其数值。《WTO补贴与反补贴协议》对补贴的定义是给予受益者利益的一项公共财政支出。 14.Under the simplifying … providing the subsidies. 在简化了的完全市场假设前提下(市场完全竞争,无市场失灵),很容易显示出补贴政策像其他干预措施一样产生净福利的成本,从国家提供补贴的角度是不可取的。 15.However, the report also …for political success. 但是,报告也认识到关于补贴政策的决策整体上或部分地反映了下届政府对各利益团体的反映,这些利益团体对政策成功实施的支持是至关重要的。 16.The magnitude and nature … but not price. Production subsidies … by domestic production. 补贴对于国际贸易质和量的影响效应部分地依赖于实施补贴的国家是否实力强大,足够影响世界市场价格。否则改变的是贸易量而非市场价格。对进口竞争行业的生产补贴会由于国内生产代替进口而导致世界贸易量的萎缩。 17.Although this is … .Subsidies large scale. 政府支持具有规模经济特点的行业时情况也并非完全如此。(如:研发密集型行业)。在这种情况下,补贴会导致(竞争者)过多进入该行业,由于生产规模不大而导致消费价格上升。 18.For example, a tariff…to increase output. 例如,使用关税通过提高国内价格和引导生产者在安全市场增加产出的方法可以达到具体的产出目标。 19. Subsidies aimed at …and coordination problems. 因为信息壁垒以及协调性问题导致市场功能不健全,(实施)旨在促进工业发展的补贴政策正确的。 20. This development objective … without state intervention. 发展的目标与所谓的“幼稚工业论”的争论有关,如:没有政府干预,不发达国家就不能发展新的行业部门,许多发达国家都持该观点。 21. While information barriers …of infant industries. 而市场进入的信息壁垒和生产者之间的“溢出效应”成为传统“幼稚工业论” 中最令人熟知的基本变量。消费者和资本市场中贷方面临的信息问题也是“政府干预市场,支持幼稚工业发展” 的争论点。 22. Coordination problem …and restriction to trade. 相互投资中存在的协调问题则与生产中的纵向联合、规模经济以及贸易限制有关。 Unit 15 Export prices are quoted in various ways. The major systems available for use in quoting prices are known as trade terms. The use of such terms as FAS, CFR, and CIF is important with regard to specifying not only where the exporter’s responsibility and liability end (and the buyer’s responsibility and liability begin), but they determine the costs which the exporter will bear Thus, it is customary in the calculation of a price quotation to add the appropriate costs to the basic price. 出口价格均以各种方式。为在报价价格可使用的主要系统称为贸易条件。这类词语使用FAS CFR和CIF是对于重要的指定不仅出口单位的责任和赔偿责任结束(和买方的责任负债的开始),但他们确定的费用由输出将承担因此,它是在计算习惯一报价添加适当的费用基本价格。 The system of definitions that is most widely used by exporters throughout the world is “ Incoterms” ( developed by the International Chamber of Commerce). The purpose of “Incoterms” is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in international trade. Thus, the uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms ir different countries can he avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree. 该系统的定义是最广泛使用的世界各地的出口商是“通则”(由国际商会制定)。对“通则”的目的是,为在国际贸易中最常用的贸易术语解释的国际规则。因此,对这些术语的不同解释不同国家的不确定性红外他能避免或至少减少到相当的程度。 Frequently parties to a contract are unaware of the different trading practices in their respective countries. This can give rise to misunderstandings, disputes and litigation with all the waste of time and money that this entails. In order to remedy these problems the International Chamber of Commerce first published in 1936 a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms. These rules wire known as “Incoterms 1936”. Amendments and additions were later made in 1953 1967. 1976. 1980. 1990 and presently 2000 in order to bring the rules in line with current international trade practices. 经常当事人不知道这些不同的销售行为在各自的国家。这能增加误解,纠纷和诉讼与所有的浪费时间和金钱,这就需要。为了弥补这些问题的国际商会首次发表于1936年一套国际规则贸易术语解释。这些规则电线被称为“国际贸易术语解释通则1936年”。后来为适应当前国际贸易实践的规则,条约在1953,1967,1976,1980,1990和最近的2000年进行了修改和补充。 Comparison of trade terms In 1990. for ease of understanding. the terms were grouped in four basically different categories: namely starting with the term whereby the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller’s own premises (the E”-term Ex works); followed by the second group whereby the seller is called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer (the “F”-terms FCA, FAS and FOB); continuing with the “C “-terms where the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch (CFR, CIF. CPT and CIP); and. finally, the “D” terms whereby the seller has to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the place of destination (DAF, DES, DEQ. DDU and DDP). The following chart sets Out this classification of the trade terms. 贸易条件的比较 于1990年。为便于理解。该条款分为4个基本 不同的类别:即开始与术语,指卖方仅将货物提供给在卖方自己的地点为买方(线上“长期出厂价”),由第二组,据此,卖方要求交付货物之后由买方(以下简称“F”类组术语FCA,FAS和离岸价格)指定的承运人;继续同的“C”条款,即卖方须订立运输合同,但不承担损失或损坏货物的风险或由于装船后发生的事件和额外费用调度(病死率,到岸价CPT和CIP。)和。最后,“D”的条款,据此,卖方必须承担全部费用,需要将货物运到目的地(DAF的中,DES,DEQ术语。DDU和DDP)的风险。以下图表列出了这一贸易条件的分类 Group E Departure EXW Ex Works .. . named place Group F Main Carriage Unpaid FCA Free Carrier ... named place FAS Free Alongside Ship .. . named port of shipment FOB Free on Board ... named port of shipment Group C Main Carriage Paid CFR Cost and Freight . .. named port of destination CIF Cost. insurance . and Freight . .. named port of destination CPT Carriage Paid to ...named port of destination CIP Carriage and lnsurrance Paid to …. named port of destination Group D Arrival DAF Delivered at Frontier .. . named place DES Delivered Ex Ship ...named port of destination DEQ Delivered Ex Quay ...named port of destination DDU Delivered duty Unpaid ...named port of destination DDP Delivered Duty Paid ...named port of destination E组 起运 EXW 工厂交货 …指定地点 F组 主运费未付 FCA 货交承运人 …指定地点 FAS 船边交货 …指定目的港 FOB 装运港船上交货 …指定目的港 C组 主运费已付 CFR 成本加运费 …指定目的港 CIF 成本加保险费、运费 …指定目的港 CPT 运费付至 …指定目的港 CIP 运费、保险费付至 …指定目的港 D组 到达 DAF 边境交货 …指定地点 DES 目的港船上交货 …指定目的港 DEQ 目的港码头交货 …指定目的港 DDU 未完税交货 …指定目的港 DDP 完税交货 …指定目的港 Let us give an explanation of the major general terms. 1) Ex works This term means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place (i. e. works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. The buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller’s premises. 让我们举一个主要的一般术语解释。 1)出厂价此术语是指卖方在交付时,他把在卖方的处所处置买方或其他指定的地点(即工程,工厂,仓库等)的出口货物不清除的,没有任何装收集车。买方必须承担全部费用,并采取从卖方的处所涉及的货物风险。 2) Free carrier (FCA) This term means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place. If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading 2)承运人(FCA)的这个词是指卖方将货物交付,为出口清关手续,由买方指定在指定的地点承运人。应该指出的是,交货地点的选择对于在装卸货物在该地点的义务会产生影响。如果卖方在任何其他地方发生时,卖方不负责卸货。 3) Free alongside ship (FAS) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment. This term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. 3)船边交货(FAS)的这个词是指卖方将货物交付时船边放置在指定的装运港。这意味着买方必须承担所有费用和损失或损坏的风险自那时起货物。该术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。 4) Free on board (FOB) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’ s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. This term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. 4)离岸价格(FOB)这个术语是指卖方交付货物时,通过在指定的装运港船舷。这意味着买方必须承担一切费用和灭失或损坏的风险必须从该点的货物。该术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。 5) Cost and freight (CFR) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’ s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination but the risk of losses of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer. This term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. 5)成本加运费(CFR)的这个词是指卖方交付的货物时,通过在装运港船舷。卖方必须支付的费用和所需的运费将货物运至指定的目的港,但对损失或损坏货物的风险,以及因任何事件后发生的额外费用,交货时间,并转拨自向买方卖方。该术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。 6) Cost, insurance and freight (CIF) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’ s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer. However, in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’ s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. 6)成本,保险和运费(CIF)这个术语是指卖方交付的货物时,通过在装运港船舷。卖方必须支付的费用和所需的运费将货物运至指定的目的港,但货物灭失或损坏货物的风险,以及因任何事件后发生的额外费用,交货时间,并转拨自向买方卖方。但是,在CIF条件下,卖方还必须办理运输过程中对买方的灭失或损坏风险的海运货物保险。因此,对于卖方订立保险合同并支付保险费。 The buyer should note that under this term the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. This term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. 买方应注意到,这个术语是卖方只要求最低投保。如果买方需要更高的保险险的保障,则需要明确地达成协议,与卖方或自行作出额外的保险安排。该术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。 7) Delivered at frontier (DAF) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport not unloaded, cleared for export, but not cleared for import at the named point and place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the adjoining country. The term ¡°frontier¡± may be used for any frontier including that of the country of export. Therefore, it is of vital importance that the frontier in question be defined precisely by always naming the point and place in the term. 7)在边境交货(DAF)这个术语是指卖方将货物交付时置于买方处置的运输工具上尚未卸下到达意味着,出口清关手续,但在指定地点和地点不办理进口手续在边境,但在毗邻国家海关的边境。这个词的¨ ¡ ±边境可用于任何的出口国,包括边境。因此,那就是在边境问题一直被定义为命名的点,在长期的地方正是至关重要。 8) Delivered ex ship (DES) This term means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship not cleared for import at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods to the named port of destination before discharging. 8)船上交货(DES)的这个词是指卖方将货物交付时,在船上买方办理进口手续的船舶不得在指定的目的港支配。卖方必须承担所有费用和卸货前将货物运至指定的目的港所涉及的风险。 Unit 16 1. From the very beginning to the end of the transaction, the ……, and settlement of disputes (if any). 从一项业务开始到结束,整个操作分为四个阶段:准备进出口、商务谈判、实施合同、解决争议(如果有的争议) 2. The exporter needs to know which …… products in their country. 出口商应该要了解哪些外国公司可能使用他的产品或对其产品在他们国家的营销感兴趣。 3. The exporter should investigate their political, financial …… and trade restrictions, etc.). 出口商应该调查进口国的政治、金融和经济状况;进口国的管理外贸的政策、法律和规章;进口国的外汇管制;关税壁垒、商业惯例;进口国的外贸条件(贸易结构、贸易量、进出口商品数量、贸易伙伴和贸易限制) 4. A research should also be conducted …… handle other business terms. 为了制定出口商品的合适的价格、正确制订其他商业术语,某一商品的主要进出口国对于生产、消费、价格及其趋势应进行研究。 5. The exporter can obtain this information from various ……customers can be identified. 出口方应该从各种来源获得这些信息,如买方提供的参考信息、银行和各种贸易协会、咨询机构获得信息,通过这一方法,可以确定潜在客户。 6.In addition to …..overseas market. The frenquently adopted ……public relations, ect. 另外从事市场研究要收集外部的信息和数据,出口商应在海外市场上营销和促销产品方面采取主动。通常采取的策略有销售说明、广告促销、包装策略、赞助活动展示、贸易展会、公共关系等。 7.Sometimes the customers may ……time of shipment. 有时,客户可能会要求出口商用形式发票的形式报价,在这种情况下,出口商通常发给客户一式三份的形式发票,标明货物名称、数量、单价、金额、付款条件、装运时间等。 8. Given at the bottom ……as circumstantces change. 在形式发票的最后注明有“以我方最后确认为准”以及“以未出售为准”,这一类形式发票不是实盘,因为该注明暗示发票上的内容不受出口商约束,可以随着情况改变而修改。 9. As a prerequisite for the consideration of any order, buyer and seller must negotiate the sales of terms and conditions, the obligations of both parties, and other terms of the export order or contract, such as product, price, packing, markings, method of delivery, insurance, point of delivery, arbitration ,and time frame. 作为考虑任何订单的前提,买卖双方必须就销售条件和情况、双方的义务、出口订单或合同的其他条件进行谈判。如:产品、价格、包装、唛头、交货方法、保险、交货地点、仲裁和时间期限。 10.The time frame ……point of delivery. 时间期限包括:货物订单日期、货物发至装运港的日期、经整理的单证以及交货港物权的转移日期。 11. Once the exporter and ……a binding contract. It is very……or by cable or telex. This avoids……by the buyer. 一但出口方和进口方同意销售条件和条款,该协议就成为有约束力的合同。卖方/出口方要求以书面的形式接受销售条件和条款是非常重要的。这可以避免误会并能清楚指示买方所接受的条件。 12.After a contract is made,……while in transit. 完成商务谈判以及确认销售合同后,出口商开始处理订单或安排货物以满足出口订单。出口商必须注意货物的生产、分配、或采购都必须与协议的规格一致。 13. Freight forwarders……the point of shipment,seeing to it that……in the particular shipment. 货运代理行在将货物从出口商的仓库运到发货地点的这方面非常专业,它能保证货物被装运到了运输工具上,并帮助出口商得到某次运输过程中所需的所有必要的单证。 14. Once goods have …… and take possession of the goods.The conditions ……are drawn. 一旦货物到达目的地,进口商为了使货物通过海关 、拥有货物所有权,必须持有所有合适的单证。付款条件和条款将指示怎样开出这些单证。 15. If shipping documents …… in the importing country. If ,on the other hand,…… ---- the documents must ……through custom. 如果装运单据被交付给第三方----银行或其他机构----那么在进口商将货物通关以前,必须对单证进行背书。 16. This procedure is used when the seller wants to protect ownership until the goods are paid for by the importer. 如果卖方想要拥有货物的所有权直到进口方付款为止,此程序就可以使用。 17. After the initial steps are ……in the importing country. 在第一步开始将货物移动以后,出口商需要确认和准备用以完成出口交易所需的单证,允许进口商在进口国将货物运输通关。 18. Preparation of these ……at their final destination. Generally ocean and ……to similar documentation requirements. 准备这些单证的同时也伴随着货物实物的流动,以便货物到达最后目的地前能将所有单证收齐和转移。通常海运和空运的货物所需单证相同。 19. However, the procedure of ……at the import customs point. 然而,空运货物出口清关的程序没有那么复杂,进口国要求提交到海关的单证少一些。 20. Payment of the goods as agreed upon during the negotiation of the export order must be initiate by the buyer. The exporter should delay further activity-on the export order until such time as the financing arrangements have been completed. 当双方就出口订单达成协议,买方就应开始付款。出口方应该一直到财务(资金)安排全部完成后才对出口订单做进一步处理。 21. In the case of where other financing terms have been agree upon, the exporter should wait until advised by the institutions involved of funds available according to the sales contract of the agreement.=…… wait until he or she is advised by the institutions involved of funds available 在其他财务条件已达成协议的情况下,出口方应该等待,直到有关机构通知他,根据协议的销售合同,他已经可以获得货款。 22.They are likely ……in shipment , ect. 这些抱怨和赔偿要求是由各种原因引起的,比如或多或少由于发货数量、错误发货、低劣的包装、较差的质量、收到的货物与样品有差异、装运延迟等。 Unit 17 1.Much time is unavoidably ... and delivery. 在货物往来、发送和交货中会有多次不可避免的损失。 2. In a case of non-payment, the … total loss. 如果(买方)不付款,卖方就会采取高成本的法律措施或遭受全部损失。 3. It may be …(a time draft). In the later…sign his name. 汇票可以提交时立即付款(即期或见票即付),或者提交后过若干天再付款(远期汇票)。在后一种情况下,付款人在票据上签署“承兑”字样并签上自己的名字。 4.The exporter can … of hypothecation. If a time …,to the drawee. 出口方通过贴现票据以及提供抵押书可以立即获得货款。如果到期后远期汇票不能承兑,将由公证人出具拒付证明,还给付款人。 5.Sight draft …, if the draft is dishonored. 即期汇票风险较小,因为委托的货物所有权只有付款后才转让。更确切地说,如果在运输途中,汇票被拒付,货物应寄放在运输人处。 6.A promissory note…or to beaer. 本票是出票人签字、由一方递交给另一方的书面形式的无条件承诺。本票见票即付,或在固定日期或未来某一确定的日期,支付一定金额的款项给收款人、某个具体的人或持票人。 7. The main difference between …is the drawer himself. 本票和汇票的主要区别是:汇票有三方,即开票人、受票人和收款人,但是本票只有两方:出票人和收款人。本票的付款人就是出票人本人。 8.A check is …or to the bearer. 支票是开票人签字、银行开出的书面形式的无条件命令,它要求银行支付一定数量的款项给收款人或持票人。 9.In freign trade,…of the discount. 在对外贸易中,外国银行签发的支票出口方不容易兑付。如果出口方的银行准备为出口方兑付支票,那么出口方将收到贴现后的货款. 10.If his bank…as well as relatively expensive. 如果出口方的银行不愿意兑付,出口方将不得不要求银行为他托收货款,这会既相对提高成本又花费时间。 11. Added protection is gained if the buyer is required to confirm the L/c through a U.S. bank. ,如果卖方要求买方通过一家美国银行承兑信用证,就可以得到额外的保护。 12. From the seller’s viewpoint, this eliminates …… with that of the confirming bank. 从卖方的观点看,这可以消除国外政治风险,用保兑银行来替换买方银行的商业风险。 13. 1)Insurance defects….. The bill of lading. 保险项目的错误如保险不充分、无背书或会签(附属签名),日期晚于提单的日期 14. 2)Bill-of-lading defects include the bill lacking an “on board”,……to specify prepaid freight. 提单的错误包括提单上没有“已装船”的背书或承运人的签名、遗漏了背书或未说明预付运费。 15.3) Letter-of-credit defects arise if it has expired or is exceeded ……or disproportionate charges. 如果信用证已到期,或信用证上的金额小于发票上的金额,或信用证上包含未经认可或不相称的费用,那么这份信用证就有问题。 16.They undertake no …of the documents. 银行没有义务和责任保证在单证真实的基础上付款 。 17.Banks that have…or on the other terms and conditions. 从客户那里接到指示,为了得到承兑或付款,或提交商业单证用以承兑或按其他条件和条款付款,银行会对商业单证进行处理。 18.It is deliver the payment … quantity of goods,commision,ect. 汇款(汇兑)是将货款通过银行转移给卖方的过程,它主要用于预付货款、随单付款,小批量交易的先发货后付款,付佣金等几种情况。 19. By M/T,the buyer…make the payment to him. 通过信汇,买方将货款通过信件汇给付款银行去支付,银行会授权给它的分行或受益人所在国的往来(代理)银行。 20. By T/T,the buyer…make the payment to him. 通过电汇,买方将货款通过电报方式汇给付款银行去支付,银行会授权给它的分行或受益人所在国的往来(代理)银行。 21.By D/D,the buyer will come to the local bank to …be used in this way. 通过票汇,买方将到当地银行买一张银行汇票并将其通过信件方式转移给卖方或受益人。当卖方或受益人收到银行汇票,将到银行汇票指定的银行兑付现金。 22.Cash places …to sell on credit terms. 现金交易会使客户产生负担,只有当买方信用被怀疑,或目的国有外汇限制导致货款在一定时间内被延迟支付,或 出口方由于其他任何原因不愿意接受信用方式时才使用现金支付方式。 23.Open accounts …to their disadvantage. 赊账明显使得卖方陷于一种境地:许多国际资金支付对其不利。 24. It is generally …requires additional caution. 除贸易实务中使用其他方法,订特殊的货物,运输有风险,当进口国实施不同外汇限制或发生了需要格外谨慎的政治事件时,一般不建议使用赊账的支付方式。 Unit 18 1.Truck trailers, for example, … Ships and barges also are equipped to carry trailers. 例如,拖车被装载于平板上通过轨道运输到目
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