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木乃伊null汉语111 崔鲁燕汉语111 崔鲁燕世界上十三具神秘木乃伊 世界上十三具神秘木乃伊 Thirteen mysterious mummynullSiberian ice girl has a delicate tattoo: This is a Siberian ice girls in the Altai Mountains, also known as the Princess of Acak. This than 2,500-year-old girl (she actually died in the 25-...
null汉语111 崔鲁燕汉语111 崔鲁燕世界上十三具神秘木乃伊 世界上十三具神秘木乃伊 Thirteen mysterious mummynullSiberian ice girl has a delicate tattoo: This is a Siberian ice girls in the Altai Mountains, also known as the Princess of Acak. This than 2,500-year-old girl (she actually died in the 25-year-old) tattoo especially known, it is said to the planet's most exquisite tattoo.西伯利亚冰少女拥有精致纹身:这具西伯利亚冰少女在阿尔泰山脉获得,又称阿卡克公主。这个已有2500年历史的少女(她实际上是在25岁左右去世的)身上的纹身特别出名,据说它是地球上最精致的纹身。 西伯利亚冰少女拥有精致纹身:这具西伯利亚冰少女在阿尔泰山脉获得,又称阿卡克公主。这个已有2500年历史的少女(她实际上是在25岁左右去世的)身上的纹身特别出名,据说它是地球上最精致的纹身。 nullnullItaly Rosalia - Lombardo: This mummies, and people save too well after watching horror. She looks like asleep at any time to wake up. Rosalia - Lombardo died of pneumonia in 1920, only two years old, the heartbroken father, hoping to find a way to let her never corrupt, so he asked a well-known human anti-corrosion expert Sarah Fiat bodies mummified, it is clear that Sarah Fiat's treatment is in place.意大利的罗萨莉娅-隆巴多:这具木乃伊因为保存的太过完好而令人看后毛骨悚然。她看起来就像睡着了一样随时都会醒来。小罗萨莉娅-隆巴多1920年因肺炎去世时只有两岁,伤心欲绝的父亲希望找到一种可以让她永不腐化的,于是他请著名人体防腐专家萨拉菲亚把尸体制成木乃伊,很显然萨拉菲亚的处理非常到位。 意大利的罗萨莉娅-隆巴多:这具木乃伊因为保存的太过完好而令人看后毛骨悚然。她看起来就像睡着了一样随时都会醒来。小罗萨莉娅-隆巴多1920年因肺炎去世时只有两岁,伤心欲绝的父亲希望找到一种可以让她永不腐化的方法,于是他请著名人体防腐专家萨拉菲亚把尸体制成木乃伊,很显然萨拉菲亚的处理非常到位。 nullnullPeru Nazca mummy: mummy looks like a cross-legged sitting died, upper body slightly some bend. Fact cemetery mummies in Peru towards Chilla (Chauchilla) is placed into a sitting after death, buried facing the direction of the rising sun. The reason why these body may be preserved, and some of them around the hot and dry desert environment and burial during practices are closely related. For example, the resin is applied to the surface of the skin秘鲁纳斯卡人木乃伊:这具木乃伊看起来像是盘腿坐着去世的,上身稍稍有一些弯。事实上秘鲁朝奇拉(Chauchilla)墓地的木乃伊是在死后摆放成坐姿,面朝太阳升起的方向埋葬的。这些人体之所以能够保存下来,与他们周围炎热干燥的沙漠环境和埋葬期间的一些做法息息相关。例如把树脂涂抹在皮肤上。 秘鲁纳斯卡人木乃伊:这具木乃伊看起来像是盘腿坐着去世的,上身稍稍有一些弯。事实上秘鲁朝奇拉(Chauchilla)墓地的木乃伊是在死后摆放成坐姿,面朝太阳升起的方向埋葬的。这些人体之所以能够保存下来,与他们周围炎热干燥的沙漠环境和埋葬期间的一些做法息息相关。例如把树脂涂抹在皮肤上。 nullnullEgypt of Seti I mummies: 14th century Seti I mummies, lying in Egypt sarcophagus. Egyptians are anti-corrosion experts, this is our 3,000 years later still full of praise for their amazing masterpiece reasons. Anti-corrosion work is time-consuming for 70 days by a full-time pastor, they are proficient in the knowledge of human anatomy, to know how to save it. In addition to heart, for all the internal organs removed from a corpse, stored in a tank buried in the ground together with the mummy.null埃及塞提一世木乃伊:14世纪的塞提一世木乃伊躺在埃及它的石棺里。埃及人是防腐专家,这也是我们在3000年后仍对他们的惊人杰作赞不绝口的原因。防腐工作需要耗时70天,并由专职牧师进行,他们精通人体解剖学知识,知道如何保存它。除了心脏以外,所有内脏都要从尸体里取出,储存在罐中随木乃伊一起埋入地下。 nullnullThe mummy of the German (Rendswühren men (Rendswühren Man): the same with the the Gallaher men (Gallagh Man), Germany man is also found in the swamp, was mummy found in Germany in 1871. Unfortunately, this person is not a natural death. Anatomy man is beaten to death on a triangular hole in the skull. The death of this man, about the age between 40-50 years old, living in the first century AD or second century.德国伦德斯伍伦男人(Rendswühren Man)木乃伊:与加拉赫男人(Gallagh Man)一样,德国伦德斯伍伦男人也是在沼泽里发现的,1871年有人在德国发现这具木乃伊。不幸的是,这个人并非自然死亡。解剖显示,伦德斯伍伦男人是被活活打死,颅骨上有个一三角形窟窿。这个人死亡时年龄大约在40到50岁之间,被认为生活在公元一世纪或者二世纪。 德国伦德斯伍伦男人(Rendswühren Man)木乃伊:与加拉赫男人(Gallagh Man)一样,德国伦德斯伍伦男人也是在沼泽里发现的,1871年有人在德国发现这具木乃伊。不幸的是,这个人并非自然死亡。解剖显示,伦德斯伍伦男人是被活活打死,颅骨上有个一三角形窟窿。这个人死亡时年龄大约在40到50岁之间,被认为生活在公元一世纪或者二世纪。 nullnullIreland Gallaher man: this looks strange mummy is well-known the Gallaher man, a swamp in Ireland in 1821 found it. Many mummies in the swamp mummy just discovered in the swamps of northern Europe, it can be traced back to the Iron Age 2,300 years ago. Langa Emomali man wearing a cloak, around the neck of a willow, some researchers believe, may be a piece of willow cause he died of asphyxiation.爱尔兰加拉赫男人:这个相貌奇特的木乃伊是众所周知的加拉赫男人,1821年人们在爱尔兰的一片沼泽里发现它。这个沼泽木乃伊只是在欧洲北部沼泽里发现的众多木乃伊中的一个,它可以上溯到2300年前的铁器时代。兰加拉赫男人身穿斗篷,脖子周围有一块柳木,一些研究人员认为,可能是这块柳木导致他窒息死亡的。 爱尔兰加拉赫男人:这个相貌奇特的木乃伊是众所周知的加拉赫男人,1821年人们在爱尔兰的一片沼泽里发现它。这个沼泽木乃伊只是在欧洲北部沼泽里发现的众多木乃伊中的一个,它可以上溯到2300年前的铁器时代。兰加拉赫男人身穿斗篷,脖子周围有一块柳木,一些研究人员认为,可能是这块柳木导致他窒息死亡的。 nullnullEgypt "ginger" The Mummy: Egyptian mummy nicknamed "Ginger" actually began in Egypt conscious after death before the mummified form. "Ginger" is a 5000 years ago, the death of adult men. It is said that the British Museum in the 19th century from the hands of a notorious antique dealer bought the "ginger mummy in the museum, the antique dealer with this mummy looks similar relatives suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.埃及“生姜”木乃伊:被昵称为“生姜”的埃及木乃伊其实是在埃及开始有意识地在人死后制成木乃伊前形成的。“生姜”是一名5000多年前死亡的成年男子。据说英国博物馆19世纪从一位声名狼藉的古董商手里买下“生姜”,在博物馆获得这个木乃伊时,古董商一个与这个木乃伊长相类似的亲戚突然神秘失踪了。 埃及“生姜”木乃伊:被昵称为“生姜”的埃及木乃伊其实是在埃及开始有意识地在人死后制成木乃伊前形成的。“生姜”是一名5000多年前死亡的成年男子。据说英国博物馆19世纪从一位声名狼藉的古董商手里买下“生姜”,在博物馆获得这个木乃伊时,古董商一个与这个木乃伊长相类似的亲戚突然神秘失踪了。 nullnullWoman Denmark Stirrup: Once upon a time, toothy terrible skull belongs to the young women of a slim, tall and lanky, with long eyelashes, sporting a gray-white hair, and keep similar 1960scellular hairstyle fine hair. Stirrup woman (or girl) about 1300 BC, were buried in the southern Jutland. The archaeologists believe that she is the upper crust, perhaps a family of powerful chiefs.null丹麦斯特拉普女人:从前,这个露齿的可怕头骨属于一个身材苗条、个头高挑的年轻女性,她长着长长的睫毛,留着灰白色长发,并留着类似20世纪60年代的蜂窝式发型的精致发型。斯特拉普女人(或者女孩)大约在公元前1300年被埋在日德兰半岛南部地区。考古学家认为她是上流人士,或许是位高权重的酋长的家人。 nullnullEgyptian Pharaoh Ramses II mummy: This is the remains of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. It is considered the world's best-preserved mummy. Wrapped in linen of Ramses II, who filled the hieroglyphs, Ramses II was first buried in the Valley of the Kings after forced to be moved due to the Tomb of behavior. The mummy has red hair, ancient Egypt red hair and Seth, Seth killed ancient Egyptian underworld god Osiris, god.null埃及法老王拉美西斯二世木乃伊:这是埃及法老王拉美西斯二世的遗体。它被认为是世界上保存最完好的一具木乃伊。裹在拉美西斯二世身上的亚麻布上写满象形文字,说明在拉美西斯二世第一次被埋葬在帝王谷后,由于盗墓行为被迫被移动了。这具木乃伊拥有红头发,古埃及红发人与塞斯有关,塞斯是杀死古埃及冥神奥西里斯的神。 nullnullGerman Christian - Frederick - Feng - Kaerpuci mummies: with grim mummy shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. It is the German knight Kaerpuci remains. In legend, Kaerpuci claimed the right to the exercise of the rights of the first night of local brides and Virgin. A shepherd's wife refused him, he killed a shepherd. Court trial, he vows, "If I kill the shepherd, that God let me in the afterlife not rotten corpse". This really happened.null德国克里斯蒂安-腓特烈-冯-卡尔普茨的木乃伊:这具面目狰狞的木乃伊笼罩在神秘氛围下。它是德国骑士卡尔普茨的遗体。据传说,卡尔普茨声称有权对当地新娘和处女行使初夜权。一位牧羊人的妻子拒绝他后,他杀死了牧羊人。法庭审判时,他的誓言是“如果是我杀死牧羊人,那上帝就让我在死后尸首不烂”。结果这样的情况果真发生了。 nullnullEgypt Baikal mummy: mummy strange painted face in the British Museum exhibition is particularly ominous. To say about "The Curse of the Pharaohs" exhibition in London in 1821 after a strange stage show. During the performance, real mummies in public in front of an audience apart. These the terror scene and insulting behavior in public, "apart Shroud", is considered to be the source of inspiration for Revenge of the Mummy story.null埃及花脸木乃伊:在英国博物馆展览的这具木乃伊奇怪的花脸显得特别不祥。有关“法老王的诅咒”的说法是在1821年伦敦上映的一部奇怪舞台秀后出现的。表演期间,真正的木乃伊在观众面前当众拆开。这些当众“拆开裹尸布”的恐怖场景和侮辱行为,被认为是木乃伊复仇故事的灵感来源。 nullnullGreenland Chilla Gist Thorpe infant mummy: This may be another buried alive instance, this relates to the is a Greenland 6-month-old baby. People found the baby remains above three female mummy and a little boy mummy, Greenland's cold climate they are well-preserved. People think that he was suffering from Down syndrome, were put into living dead mother's grave, which is the customs of the Eskimos.null格陵兰奇拉吉斯特索普婴儿木乃伊:这可能是另一个活埋的实例,这次涉及到的是一个格陵兰6个月大的婴儿。人们是在3具女性木乃伊和另外一个小男孩木乃伊的上面发现这个婴孩遗体的,格陵兰冰冷的气候把它们完好保存下来。人们认为他患有唐氏综合症,是活生生被放进死去的母亲的墓穴里,这是当时爱斯基摩人的风俗。 nullnullIn guarda Guanajuato, Mexico, mummies: guarda, Mexico Guanajuato mummy could be the world's strangest and most terrible mummy. Some of mummy face distorted expression in fact shown that there are at least a few people were buried alive. One of the women in the grave revived her biting his arm, his mouth filled with blood. These mummies consequences of the 1833 cholera struck Mexico City. Dry naturally in a dry environment made​​.墨西哥瓜达华托木乃伊:墨西哥瓜达华托木乃伊可能是世界上最奇怪,且最可怕的木乃伊。其中一些木乃伊面部扭曲的表情事实上表明,至少有少数人是被活埋的。其中一名妇女在坟墓里苏醒过来,她撕咬自己的胳膊,嘴里充满血液。这些木乃伊是1833年霍乱袭击墨西哥城的后果。是在干燥环境下自然风干而成。 墨西哥瓜达华托木乃伊:墨西哥瓜达华托木乃伊可能是世界上最奇怪,且最可怕的木乃伊。其中一些木乃伊面部扭曲的表情事实上表明,至少有少数人是被活埋的。其中一名妇女在坟墓里苏醒过来,她撕咬自己的胳膊,嘴里充满血液。这些木乃伊是1833年霍乱袭击墨西哥城的后果。是在干燥环境下自然风干而成。 nullnullThank you nullnullnullnullnullnull
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